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By :
Sri Lestari
NIM 22020115120040


Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is an non-conventional

treatments to improve community health include promoting, preventing, curating,
and rehabilitating that education with quality, safety, and high effectiveness of
biomedical science. One of CAM therapies is acupuncture which has been widely
known by the community. 1 Acupuncture is a treatment traditional from China
which means needling.2 Acupuncture is therapy which need stimulation of
acupuncture points by needle insertion, electric current (electroacupuncture), heat
(moxibustion), laser (laser acupuncture), or pressure (acupressure).1
Acupunture has known as therapy which can be effective to healing
patients as complement therapy. Acupuncture mostly used to solve
muscelesceletal problems, the other pain conditions, dysmenorrhoea, irritative
bladder syndrome etc.2 The basic theory of acupuncture treatment is pattern of
energy flow (Qi) through the meridians body. Acupuncture can be a treatment
diseases caused by interference with flow of energy by restoring it pattern of
energy flow.2
There were many studies learn about the effective of acupuncture as
complementary therapy. The study by Oktaria and Fazriesa states that
acupuncture was effective for stroke rehabilitation. The result was said that there
are significant healing of neurologic deficit, function of lower limb, motoric
function and cognitive improvement in group of patient that receive acupuncture
treatment than conventional treatment. Acupuncture is a therapy that used a
method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve the
function.2 This is done by inserting needles and applying heat or electrical
stimulation at very precise acupuncture points. In some study, stroke patients who
received acupuncture therapy shows better recovery than patients who only
receive conventional therapy.
Acupuncture therapy can be combined with other therapies, one of them is
hipnotherapy and then called hipnopuncture therapy. It was based on study by
Christiyawati et al which said that Hipnopuncture methods had significant
difference between the methods hipnopuncture with improved quality of life of
uterine cancer patients after chemotherapy.3 Uterine cancer is a gynecologic
malignancy is most common in women. Chemotherapy is a treatment for uterine
cancer drugs of the use of drugs to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells that can
cause side effects. The side effects that can be felt by people with cancer of the
uterus such as feeling sick, vomiting, feeling tired, weight loss, hair loss, loss of
appetite and difficulty sleeping. Approximately 70-100% of chemotherapy
patients experience fatigue. Acupuncture in cancer patients can be done to
overcome the side effects of chemotherapy either by research or classical theory.3
Acupuncture is widely used to induce analgesia. Acupuncture can be used
in the treatment of pain, allergy inflammation, methabolic disorders, and post
stroke. The study by Kurniawan and Ibrahim proved that acupuncture was
successfully overcome the adverse reactions of local anesthetic drugs in spinal
injections.4 The case report used A-59-year woman was presented weith a
complaint of lower abdominal pain due to twisted ovarian cyst. She had a history
of allergy to almost all drugs. Patient underwent cystectomy under spinal
anesthetic of 10 mg bupivacaine. Thirty minutes post-surgery, she started to
complain about the pain in the area of the surgery and the signs-symptoms of
allergic reactions occurred. Patient was suspected of having adverse drug
reactions that was most likely the side effects of bupivacaine. She then received
electroacupunture to address the postoperative pain and allergic reaction to
bupivacaine. Acupuncture needles were placed at the point of incision for 30
minutes.4 The pain and allergy was choosen to treat postoperative pain and
adverse drug reactions in patient with allergy to analgesic.
Acupuncture can be effective therapy for hipertension. A study by Hasnah
and Ekawati gave the result that acupuncture can made lower blood pressure. 5
Acupuncture therapy is given to hypertensive patients and then to check their
blood pressure. Acupuncture therapy can harmonize the flow of Qi and blood so
that it relaxes spasm and lowers blood pressure. Besides stabbing acupuncture at
a certain point is a stimulus to afferent nerves that will be passed on to the
posterior horn of the spinal cord then to the intermediolateral corn and then
autonomic nerve preparations which give rise to stimulation barriers sympathetic
so vasodilation occurs.5 Based on the study prove that acupuncture therapy can be
an alternative for someone who has hypertension.
There are many studies which proved that acupuncture was effective as
CAM therapy but acupuncture can cause side effects that may occur. Side effects
that may arise during acupuncture include discomfort or pain in the place of
stabbing, hematoma, acushock, infection. 6 Side effects can minimized by proper
and trained stabbing techniques, the use of needles once use and give special
attention to individuals who are first time undergoing acupuncture or weak
condition (severe illness, lack of rest, food intake lacking) and provide adequate
explanation to the patient regarding actions to be taken and pain / discomfort that
may arise so that the patient does not feel afraid of being excessive.
Accupuncture have some contradictions. The contradictions such like
acupuncture may not be used to replace surgical intervention needed because
acupuncture is contraindicated in an emergency. Acupuncture should not be used
for the treatment of malignant tumors. In particular, needle puncture at the
location of the tumor is not allowed.7 However, acupuncture can used as a
complementary or complementary treatment, in the form of a combination with
other treatments, to relieve pain. Needle puncture should be avoided in patients
with bleeding disorders and blood clotting, or who are undergoing anticoagulant
therapy or taking drugs with anticoagulant effects.Acupuncture can induce labor,
therefore, should not be done in pregnancy, unless needed for other therapeutic
purposes and carried out very carefully. Just stabbing with certain manipulations
at the point certain acupuncture can cause strong and cause abortion. However,
acupuncture can be used in pregnancy for the purpose of inducing labor or
shortening its duration, reducing pain labor and nausea during pregnancy.7
Acupuncture as complementary therapy given by health practicioner, one
of them was a nurse. To give the acupuncture, a nurse must be fully understand
everything about it. Become a nurse very important to enforce correct diagnosis,
determine the location of an accurate acupuncture point and choose a technique
suitable matchmaking. However, there are things that are not less important that
physical above, namely the aspect of spirit which includes love, caree and purity
of a nurse’s heart acupuncture. Because acupuncture does not only touch the
patient from the physical side, however more that that, acupuncture also affect the
mind and soul/spirit.6,7
1. Satria D. Complementary and alternative medicine: a fact or promise. J Idea
2013; 4(3); 82-89.
2. Oktaria D, Fazriesa S. Efektivitas akupuntur untuk rehabilitasi stroke. J Major.
6(2); 64-70.
3. Christiyawati MD, Yatmihatun S, Sumanto. Metode terapi hipnopunktur
dan terapi akupunktur) untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien kanker
rahim pasca kemoterapi di kota Surakarta. J Keter Fis. 2016; 1(1);01-74
4. Kurniawan A, Ibrahim AS. Akupunktur pada pasien dengan efek samping obat
pascatindakan anestesi spinal. J Anes Perio. 2017; 5(3); 198-202.
5. Hasnah, Ekawati D. Pengaruh terapi akupunktur pada pasien hipertensi di balai
kesehatan tradisional masyarakat Makassar. J Islam Nours. 2016; 1(1);
6. Xiaorong C. Needling Techniques for Acupuncturists, Basic Principles and
Techniques. London. Singing Dragon. 2011
7. Staff Unhas. Materi persiapan pasien akupuntur. Hasanudin University. 2018.
Accessed 26 June 2019 from

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