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1 What are Arrays?
2 When do I need an Array?
3 Creating Array Variables
4 Mult-Dimensional Arrays
5 Working with the Array Elements
6 Array Indexing
7 Sorting Array Data
8 Saving Array Data
9 Image Arrays
10 SHARED Arrays
11 Preserving Data
12 See Also

What are Arrays?

Arrays are simply variables with a number of elements that can each hold data in memory. To designate a certain
element, integers denote the value's position in memory. Don't let talk about memory scare you! Basic does all of the
work for you just by using the simple commands in this tutorial. Besides that, you have already been using memory
since you created your first variable!

Arrays can store element bytes of information like any other variable depending on the type of the variable. The
total memory bytes used by an array type can be determined using the table below multiplied by the number of
array elements:

STRING = 1 byte per character

INTEGER = 2 bytes (signed Integer values from -32768 to 32767)
LONG = 4 bytes (signed Integer values from -2147483648 to 2147483647)
SINGLE = 4 bytes (up to 7 digit floating decimal point values)
DOUBLE = 8 bytes (up to 15 digit floating point values)

_BIT * 8 = 1 byte(signed Integer values of -1 or 0)

_BYTE = 1 byte (signed Integer values from -128 to 127)
_INTEGER64 = 8 bytes (signed values from -9223372036854775808 to
_FLOAT = 10 bytes (better than Double accuracy)

While Qbasic uses signed values QB64 can use signed or _UNSIGNED values for _BIT, _BYTE, INTEGER, LONG or
_INTEGER64 variable type values.

The array's variable type must be determined when the array is created. If no type is used, the default type is

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When do I need an Array?

When you find yourself creating several variables with numbers in their names. This may seem simplistic, but
normally programmers tend to use similar names to denote similar value types. This makes arrays perfect in many
cases. You can get several values of the same type simply by referring to the element positions in an array. Plus you
can have thousands of possibilities when needed.

Arrays can be created to hold values until they are needed. They can hold image or file data too! There are many
possible uses!

The only drawback is that the data is lost when the program ends, but array data can be permanently stored in files
when you want to save the data. All that you need is a simple loop to transfer the data sequencially or save the
entire array to a BINARY file using QB64 with a simple PUT statement. You also can retrieve the array data using
one GET.

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Creating Array Variables

First we need to create a place in memory for the array. To do that we have to tell Basic the array's name, type of
values it will hold and how many values we need to access. This is called dimensioning an array.

How good are you at counting from zero? This might seem like a simple question, but think about this. How many
elements would we have if they were numbered 0 through 10? If you said 11, then you were correct. Some people
have problems counting when 0 is involved so Basic has an option to allow all arrays to start at 1.

OPTION BASE 1 will cause all array dimensions to begin at 1, OPTION BASE 0 will cause all dimensions to begin at 0.
The default when just using the maximum array size is 0. Use whatever option you are comfortable with.

Arrays in QuickBASIC 4.5 and QBASIC are limited to 32767 elements, while arrays in QB64 are limited to
2147483647 elements (over 2 billion). When the 64-bit version of QB64 is implemented 9223372036854775807
elements will be the limit (but only on 64-bit systems).

DIM reserves the array's name, variable type and number of elements in memory before the array is used. DIM
reserves a STATIC (unchangeable) array unless the $DYNAMIC (changeable) metacommand is used at the
program's start or REDIM was used to dimension the array originally.

Example 1: Dimensions an array named 'Array' that is capable of holding 101 integer values including element 0.


An array starts at element 0 unless changed by OPTION BASE 1 (which can set the start at 1), you can also define
the start and end area by DIMensioning within a range.

DIMensioning with a range is possible also by using TO between the minimum and highest elements. Arrays can
start and end at any element(index) value up to 32767. QB64 allows larger array sizes!

Example 2: dimensions an Integer array that can hold 100 values in indices 1 to 100.
DIM Array%(1 TO 100)

Note: The array type can also be designated by variable suffixes as % designates Integers above.

REDIM can be used to redimension a dynamic array. Any information contained in the array before the REDIM will
be lost...however. In order to use REDIM, the variable must have originally been dimensioned using REDIM, or a
$DYNAMIC metacommand must be placed at the top of the program.

Example 3:

OPTION BASE 1 ' placed before any arrays are dimensioned

REDIM Array$(1000) ' REDIM creates a dynamic array

QB64 has a REDIM _PRESERVE action which can be used in a REDIM statement in order to preserve the data
information in the array.

Example 4: REDIM without the _PRESERVE action erases the array contents

DIM array(20)
array(10) = 24
PRINT array(10)
PRINT array(10)
REDIM array(10)
PRINT array(10)


_PRESERVE also allows the lowest index to be changed. The old starting index data value will always be in the
lowest new index when the index range limits are changed.

Example 5: Changing the starting index number using the _PRESERVE action moves the data.

REDIM Array$(1 TO 50)

Array$(1) = "I'm number one!"
Array$(50) = "I'm 50..."
REDIM _PRESERVE Array$(51 TO 100)
PRINT Array$(51) ' display new start index data
PRINT Array$(100) ' display new end data
I'm number one!
I'm 50...

Example 6: The memory segment address of the array is defined in DEF SEG.

DEF SEG = VARSEG(array(0))

offset = VARPTR(array(0)) 'program designated offset element

NOTE: If OPTION BASE 1 is used change the 0 to 1. The array start index can be changed when some other data is
indexed in the array.

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Mult-Dimensional Arrays

Multiple dimensions are possible to create tables of values. QuickBASIC can use up to 60 dimensions. In QB64 the
number of dimensions possible depends on your system memory (a lot more than 60 dimensions). Array data can
be saved and restored using file data.

Otherwise the data is lost when a program closes.


Setting up a car sales Database: The sales for each month as represented in an array.
DIM Vehicle%(12, 4) ' Vehicle%(month%, type%)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ← Month index
Type index ↓ -----------------------------------------------
Cars 1: 5 10 15 20 30 19 17 12 24 20 33 30
Trucks 2: 3 8 7 10 15 9 11 8 15 10 16 11
Vans 3: 4 6 8 9 7 10 9 7 9 8 10 7
SUV 4: 10 8 8 5 10 8 6 8 10 11 9 8
To find monthly and yearly totals you could do something like this:

FOR month% = 1 TO 12
FOR type% = 1 TO 4
MonthlySales% = MonthlySales% + Vehicle%(month%, type%)
YearlySales% = YearlySales% + MonthlySales%
PRINT "Monthly =", MonthlySales%; " Yearly ="; YearlySales%; " "
INPUT$(1) 'stop to view each month
MonthlySales% = 0 'zero month sales for next months total

Example 7: Creating a two-dimensional array. A comma separates each dimension size.

DIM Array(12, 10) ' 2 dimensions can hold 143 data values

One dimension could hold the month number and the other the number of items sold in 10 categories.

Example 8: Dimensioning using index ranges.

DIM Array(1 TO 12, 1 TO 10) ' 2 dimensions can hold 120 data values

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Working with the Array Elements

Once an array is created, you have to put something in it. As you may have noticed, each element or index has an
integer value associated with it. Array(number%) refers to just one element of the array no matter what type it is.
Arrays CAN have negative numbered elements!

You can place data into an array using several methods. The slowest method is directly placing data from the user.
You can even use the array as the INPUT variable. It is recommended that ANY program user entries be limited to
text as INPUT will give Redo from start errors if a user enters a string value when a numerical input was desired.
Numerical string data can be converted from strings simply by using VAL. This creates less user errors! NOTE: QB64
does not return a "Redo from start" error as INPUT monitors entries.

INPUT "Enter your age: ", howold$
age% = VAL(howold$)
LOOP UNTIL age% > 0

Playerage%(user%) = age% 'saves the players age to an indexed player number

PRINT Playerage%(user%) 'print array element to screen to verify entry

user% = user% + 1 'increment user number when all data has been entered

You could use several arrays to hold the player's name, high scores, etc. Once the data is in the array, it can be used
until the program ends. Then the data is lost, but you can store the data to a file before closing the program simply
by using a loop. See next section.

To pass array data to a SUB or FUNCTION parameter, an empty element bracket passes all elements while a
number only passes one specified element of the array.

Array Indexing

Arrays can be set up to hold more than one kind of data, by indexing the two or more kinds of data. To do this, the
programmer reserves one set of element or index values for each kind of data. The type of values MUST be the
same except when using a TYPE definition value.

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Sorting Array Data

Arrays can be sorted numerically or alphabetically using various sorting routines. Commonly SWAP is used to trade
element values in descending or ascending order.

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Saving Array Data

Since variables and arrays exist in memory, data is lost when a program closes. To preserve program data you must
either create a permanent DATA field or save the data to files.

The next time a program is used, it can OPEN that file and quickly restore all of the array data using a loop or QB64
can GET the entire file's data in one GET. Use LINE INPUT # to set the array sizes by counting the number of data
rows in a file if you used a WRITE CSV(comma separated values) or a PRINT # sequencial file. The number of
records in a TYPE or FIELD defined RANDOM access file can be found by dividing the record size into the LOF. You
may want to make the array slightly larger for new entries.

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Image Arrays

INTEGER arrays are used to hold image information when using the following graphic procedures: GET, PUT,

The INTEGER array size can be estimated by multiplying the height by the width of the image area. To find the
actual size needed you can use the following routine to count backwards until something is found in the array. The
example below returns the array size required to create a 20 by 20 image:

wide& = 20: deep& = 20 'change the sizes for any image area
DIM array(wide& * deep&) AS INTEGER
LINE (0, 0)-(wide& - 1, deep& - 1), 12, B 'the box border is all that you need to color.
GET (0, 0)-(wide& - 1, deep& - 1), array(0)
FOR s& = wide& * deep& TO 0 STEP -1
IF array(s&) THEN arraysize& = s&: EXIT FOR
PRINT arraysize&

Note: QB64 can GET the entire SCREEN 12 area into one array!

See also: Creating Sprite Masks

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When array data is used with SUB or FUNCTION procedures they can be passed as parameters. When passed as
parameters, a specific index or the entire array can be used. To specify an index, the array is passed with the
element number. If the entire array is passed, the element brackets should be empty. Example: SUB SubName
(ArrayName() AS INTEGER)
Arrays can also be SHARED by all procedures by using DIM SHARED when the array is created. This allows the
array data to be used in the main procedure and all sub-procedures.

COMMON allows Array data to be shared between program modules when used with CHAIN. The two modules can
share any variable values in a list of variables. The lists can use different variable names, but the types of values
MUST be listed in the SAME order in both modules.

COMMON SHARED allows data to be shared between both modules and SUB or FUNCTION procedures.

Arrays can be created inside of SUB or FUNCTION procedures by using DIM or REDIM. Also SHARED(without DIM)
can be used inside of a sub-procedure to share variable data with the Main program module ONLY. Other sub-
procedures cannot reference the data. To share array data with other sub-procedures, array FUNCTIONS can be
created that use the internal array elements as a parameter. QB64 may allow sub-procedures to share values
with other procedures soon!

Arrays can be set as STATIC to retain the values when a sub-procedure is exited. The values will be retained until
changed inside of the procedure. If the procedure creates it's own array, you can use a STATIC True or False
variable to determine when to DIM or REDIM a STATIC array so that values are not lost every call. The Ready%
variable below DIMs the array when the function is first used:

FUNCTION ScanKey% (scancode%)

STATIC Ready%, keyflags%()
IF NOT Ready% THEN REDIM keyflags%(0 TO 127): Ready% = -1
i% = INP(&H60) 'read keyboard states
IF (i% AND 128) THEN keyflags%(i% XOR 128) = 0
IF (i% AND 128) = 0 THEN keyflags%(i%) = -1
ScanKey% = keyflags%(scancode%)
IF scancode% = 0 THEN Ready% = 0 'allows program to reset all values to 0 with a REDIM

Explanation: The STATIC Ready% value is always 0 when a procedure is first run. NOT zero makes the IF
statement True so the array is created. The Ready% value is then changed to anything but zero to make NOT
Ready% False when the procedure is called again. The FUNCTION is referenced just like an array would be.
The value it returns is either 0 or -1 to verify that a certain key was released or pressed respectively. The
keyboard status is also updated in the array each call. If the scancode% sent is 0(a key scan code that does not
exist), the array is reset(re-dimensioned) on the next call as Ready% is reset to zero.

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Preserving Data

_PRESERVE can preserve data when REDIM or $DYNAMIC is used to create dynamic arrays. The current array data
can be preserved while changing the array element size. Increasing the size will preserve data inside of existing
indices in the resized array. If the size is decreased, only the existing indices values will be preserved. The array
TYPE and number of array dimensions cannot be changed!

REDIM _PRESERVE ArrayName(1 TO 100)

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See Also


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This page was last modified on 3 July 2015, at 17:50.

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