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Code Alpha, Prometeo 2020

Q 1-10 Rise and Fall

Level 1 (+3,-0)
Level 2 (+4,-1)
Level 3 (+5,-2)
Level 4 (+6,-3)
Level 5 (+7,-4)
and so on…
You start at level 1. On each consecutive correct answer, you shift to level 2. If you give a wrong
answer, you directly fall to level 1. If you choose to not attempt the question, you still move to
level 1, but you don’t get negative marks.

1) Find the second number of this sequence 3, _, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5……. Hint ( ^_^ ).

2) Give the count of Fibonacci numbers of 4 digit. F(0) =1, F(1) =1 and F(n) =

3) Find x+17=3^x. Print abs(x) with accuracy up to 3 decimals.

4) Find the last digit of the product of all prime numbers less than 1234567.

5) Consider NH65 as a number line. Every position on the highway can be represented by
some number ‘x’ on the number line. John wants to visit IIT Jodhpur for Prometeo 2020.
Currently, he is located at point zero of the number line. IIT Jodhpur is at point number
x=20202020. He decides to book a cab, but cabs today are working differently. Cab
travels 1 unit on the number line in the first second and then travels 1 unit more than the
previous one every second. He has to reach point ‘x’ exactly. Cabs can travel in any of
the two directions and cannot stop in between. Find the minimum time required in
seconds if cabs work efficiently.

6) Find ( a^12345+b^54321 )%p = ( c^12345 )%101. Find the positive value of a,b, and c
which satisfy the above condition.

7) Find 9^9^9^9 % (10^9+7).

8) Let define Tribonacci series where each succeeding term is the sum of the three
preceding terms (T(n) = T(n‐1) + T(n‐2) + T(n‐3)) with T(1) = 1, T(2) = 1 and T(3) = 1.
Find T(10^9+7)%100.

9) Find the possible value of x and y such that x^2-y^2 =

(32946240)*(2^10)*(3^7)*(7^8)*(29^5). x and y are positive integers.
10) A lion in a jungle can walk only in east and north direction on a (n*n) rectangular grid.
Find the number of ways to reach the top right corner from the bottom left corner such
that it never crosses the diagonal line. Print output modulo (10^9 + 7). n=26.

Q 11-14 Betting
Each question has marks +10 for the right answer and 0 for the wrong answer/not answering.
However, you have an option to bet your answer. If you choose to bet, you get more 5 marks on
the correct bet. But if you lose the bet, you get -10.

11) Find the number of integers between 1 and 2020202020 which are completely divisible
by exactly 4 integers. (eg: 12 is divisible by 6 integers : 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. So 12 is not
counted. 10 is divisible by 4 integers: 1, 2, 5, 10. So 10 will be counted.)

12) Eat, Eat, Eat! Surprisingly, Prometeo has 100000 food stalls. You spend a maximum of
100000 rupees on each food stall. But you love patterns, so you decide to keep a rule to
control your spendings. At every stall ‘Y’ (except stall 1), you decide not to spend the
amount of money more than what you spent on stall ‘Y-1’. You are worried and want to
calculate the number of ways you distribute your expenses. Find answer modulo

13) Prometeo 2020 has 1 game to play as informal events. There are 1000 levels in the
game numbered serially from 1 to 1000. You love the game, and so you decide to unlock
all levels. But there are some rules to follow. Initially, only those levels are unlocked
which are numbered by a prime number (eg: levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and so on are
unlocked). At your turn, you are allowed to unlock any other level ‘X’ such that any
neighboring level (i.e. level ‘X+1’ or ‘X-1’) is unlocked. In how many possible ways you
can unlock all levels? (You are supposed to calculate the total number of all possible
distinct sequences of levels which were initially locked) Find answer modulo 10^9+7.

14) The population of India is growing rapidly. After 400 years from now, suppose Prometeo
has 202020202020 subscribers on social media, each subscriber numbered serially
starting from integer 1 to 202020202020. All subscribers visit the fest. Each subscriber
‘p’ has 202020202020%p (modulo operator) friends not visiting Prometeo. No two
subscribers have any common friend who is not visiting Prometeo. Find the total number
of people who are not visiting Prometeo but are friends with any one of the subscribers.

Q 15 Probabilistic
On correct answer, you will get 5 marks.
Else you get 1/(|your answer – correct answer|) marks on any answer.

15) Guess your score in the above 14 questions (integer only).

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