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Word Definition

preclude prevent from happening

pertinent relevant, applicable

estoppel precludes someone from asserting what is

contrary to what is implied by a previous
action/statement of the same person OR by a
previous pertinent judicial determination

locus standi right to bring an action or to appear in court

charter the name for articles of incorporation in some

states, as in a corporate charter

power of taxation ability of the gov’t to impose and collect taxes

police power ability of the gov’t to govern, make, adopt,

and enforce laws for the protection and
preservation of public health, justice, morals,
order, safety, security, and welfare

eminent domain police power of the gov’t to take private

property and convert it into public use

bilateral affecting and agreed upon by both parties

multilateral affecting and agreed upon by there or more


plurilateral multi-national legal or trade agreement

between countries; agreement between 2+
countries, but not many

interim a temporary order of the court pending a

hearing, trial, a final order or while awaiting
an act by one of the parties

Subpoena duces tecum a writ ordering a person to attend a court and

bring relevant documents.
motion to quash a request to a court to render a previous
decision of that court or a lower judicial
body null or invalid.

excise a tax levied on certain goods and

commodities produced or sold within a
country and on licenses granted for certain

mandamus a judicial writ issued as a command to an

inferior court or ordering a person to perform
a public or statutory duty; literal translation is
“we command”

per curiam by decision of a judge, or of a court in

unanimous agreement; literal translation is
“by a court”

candor the quality of being open and honest in

expression; frankness

libel a published false statement that is damaging

to a person's reputation; a written defamation


privilege of immunity from suit

prima facie sufficient to establish a fact or raise a

presumption unless disproved or


certiorari seek judicial review of a decision of a lower

court or administrative agency.

fallo reason for a court’s judgment

stare decisis et non quieta movere to stand by and adhere to decisions and not
disturb what is settled

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