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SCORH Places
Social Work
Students in Rural

The South Carolina Office of Rural Above: Sarah Fling (Graduate Assistant, UofSC
College of Social Work) and Rieta Drinkwine
Health (SCORH) recently launched (Director, Union County Carnegie Library).
a pilot program to place social
work students in rural libraries to Union County Carnegie Library
connect residents to local resources The first partner in this pilot project was the
such as health care, housing and Union County Carnegie Library. Renovated
employment services. and reopened in 2018, the library acts as
an innovative partnership facility where
The premise is simple: Social workers more than 55 organizations at the local, The recently renovated Carnegie
connect people to the community resources Library in Union, SC
state, and national level are represented.
they need, and libraries are committed to The latest partnership with SCORH and
being welcoming and safe places where the UofSC College of Social Work aims to
people can access that information. improve quality of life for Union’s residents
and continue the library’s efforts of leading
This project is funded by a $25,000 Catalyst positive change throughout its community.
Grant from the BlueCross BlueShield of
® ®

The Union County Carnegie Library has

South Carolina Foundation and will place earned state and national recognition,
students from the University of South including being named a finalist for the
Carolina College of Social Work at rural 2019 IMLS National Medal for Museum and
libraries across South Carolina as the Sarah Fling is the first graduate
Library Service.
assistant to be placed in this new pilot
program expands. The project will utilize
existing community needs assessments UofSC College of Social Work
along with contextual information gathered (COSW)
from library staff members to inform how Field education is the signature pedagogy of
to best implement social worker services in the University of South Carolina’s College of
each location. Social Work education. Students integrate
the knowledge, skills and values learned in
This project will allow SCORH to better the classroom and apply them to real-world
understand how access to social services social work situations. Examples of field
may be expanded by providing information practicum placements include health and
and resources in non-traditional locations. mental health, community development,
The goal is to close the information gaps that criminal justice and legal advocacy.
prevent rural residents from accessing the
services they need, and to encourage better
health outcomes for individuals and the
overall community.

For more information about the South Carolina Office of Rural Health, visit

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