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Erzulie Dantor -Love spell

I’ve got a powerful general love spell to share with y’all. If you practice Vodou and you want some lovin, this is the spell for
you. I performed this spell roughly three weeks ago and now I’m dating three different women and my interactions with
women as a whole have increased in warmth and flirtatiousness. Alright, so a quick warning: This spell will be performed with
the help of Ezili Danto. You MUST give her weekly offerings and you must treat her with respect. She’s a petwo lwa. They are
fiery. You have been warned. Alright, so you’ll need rose petals both red and pink, wild mint or peppermint, lilac petals, sugar,
semen or female sexual fluid, a pinch of chili pepper, wild flowers, cloves, cinnamon chips, ylang ylang oil, rose oil, honey,
peppermint oil, and the heart of a dove sacrificed to Ezili Danto. So here’s how the ritual is performed. You will repeat the
ritual for five nights. For the first night, you will focus on lust and attraction and add the cinnamon, cloves, and red rose petals
to the bottle. Ask Ezili Danto to bless it and visualize new lovers coming to you as you gaze at the bottle sitting on her veve.
Add water that has been offered to your ancestors but don’t fill it all the way up. The next night, focus on the romance and
sweetness of love and add the pink rose petals, ylang ylang oil, lilac, sugar, and honey. Also add some pink colored stones. Ask
Ezili Danto to bless it and visualize you and a potential lover holding hands, kissing, going on dates, etc. Add more ancestral
water. Repeat the lust aspect on the third night and add more herbs, red stones, and ancestral water and repeat the blessing
ritual. On the fourth night, repeat the romance aspect and add more of the herbs, pink stones, and ancestral water. On the
final night, add the dove heart and fill the bottle to the top with herbs, stones, and oils of both lust and romance. Seal the
bottle with wax or a cork, and bless it, asking Ezili Danto to give her power to the heart, making it beat again, and with every
beat, bringing love, romance, lust, sex, and intimacy into your life. After the ritual, take the bottle outside and blow cigar
smoke, stating it’s purpose and stating aloud that you’re giving it power. Do this once a week after creating the bottle and
don’t let anyone else see or touch it. Also, keep it out of direct sunlight. So that’s that, sorry for the wall of text.

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