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Eur J Nutr

DOI 10.1007/s00394-017-1483-2


Gluten‑ and casein‑free diet and autism spectrum disorders

in children: a systematic review
Anna Piwowarczyk1 · Andrea Horvath2 · Jan Łukasik2 · Ewa Pisula3 ·
Hania Szajewska2 

Received: 17 January 2017 / Accepted: 4 June 2017

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract  in the post-intervention scores for the ‘autistic traits’, ‘com-

Purpose  Effective treatments for core symptoms of autism munication’, and ‘social contact’ subdomains of a standard-
spectrum disorders (ASD) are lacking. We systematically ized Danish scheme. The remaining differences, if present,
updated evidence on the effectiveness of a gluten-free and referred to parent-based assessment tools or other develop-
casein-free (GFCF) diet as a treatment for ASD in children. mental/ASD-related features. No adverse events associated
Methods  The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, and with a GFCF diet were reported.
EMBASE databases were searched up until August 2016, Conclusions  Overall, there is little evidence that a GFCF
for randomized controlled trials (RCTs); additional refer- diet is beneficial for the symptoms of ASD in children.
ences were obtained from reviewed articles.
Results  Six RCTs (214 participants) were included. With Keywords  Randomized controlled trial · Autism spectrum
few exceptions, there were no statistically significant differ- disorders · Children · Gluten · Casein
ences in autism spectrum disorder core symptoms between
groups, as measured by standardized scales. One trial
found that compared with the control group, in the GFCF Introduction
diet group there were significant improvements in the
scores for the ‘communication’ subdomain of the Autism The American Psychiatric Association defines autism
Diagnostic Observation Schedule and for the ‘social inter- spectrum disorders (ASD) as biologically based neurode-
action’ subdomain of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale. velopmental disorders characterized by (1) persistent defi-
Another trial found significant differences between groups cits in social communication and social interaction, and
(2) restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or
Anna Piwowarczyk and Andrea Horvath have contributed activities, with severity based on impairments and symp-
equally. toms present when social demands exceed limited capaci-
ties [1]. The World Health Organization estimates that 1
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this in 160 children have an autism spectrum disorder [2]. The
article (doi:10.1007/s00394-017-1483-2) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
etiology of ASD remains unknown. However, genetics as
well as environmental factors may be relevant [3]. The
* Andrea Horvath most common approaches to the treatment of ASD include behavioral, educational, and pharmacological interven-
1 tions. While these approaches allow children with ASD
Department of Paediatrics with Clinical Decisions Unit,
The Medical University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 63a, to function better, a major step forward is still lacking. A
02‑091 Warsaw, Poland substantial number of parents of children with ASD express
Department of Paediatrics, The Medical University interest in complementary or alternative methods of treat-
of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 63a, 02‑091 Warsaw, Poland ment [4]. Recently, we systematically updated evidence
Department of Rehabilitation Psychology, University on the use of omega-3 fatty acids to manage ASD in chil-
of Warsaw, Stawki 5/7, 00‑183 Warsaw, Poland dren [5]. Due to the limited number of included studies and

Eur J Nutr

the small sample sizes, no firm conclusions were drawn. brief, the following search terms were used: (diet OR elimi-
However, these limited data suggest that omega-3 fatty nation diet OR gluten free diet OR gluten-free casein-free
acid supplementation does not benefit the performance of diet OR dairy free diet) AND (autism OR autism spectrum
children with ASD. Other alternative treatments include disorder OR ASD OR Asperger syndrome OR pervasive
melatonin, vitamins, probiotics, and the use of a gluten- developmental disorder OR PDD). The search was carried
free and/or casein-free diet [4]. An interest in the role of out independently by three reviewers (AH, JŁ, AP). Addi-
gluten and casein in children with ASD was prompted by tionally, reference lists of identified studies, key review
the hypothesis that abnormal metabolism of those two pro- articles, and previous systematic reviews were searched.
teins may result in excessive opioid activity in the central An attempt was made to obtain additional data from the
nervous system, altering its function [6]. Another potential authors of one of the included studies; however, with no
mechanism is an increased intestinal permeability or ‘leaky success. Three registers for clinical trials (www.clinicaltri-
gut’. According to that model, abnormal function of the;;
gut barrier (and possibly, blood–brain barrier) leads to the were screened.
increased passage of gluten, casein, and their metabolites Three reviewers (AP, JŁ, AH) initially screened the title,
into the bloodstream and the central nervous system. That, abstract, and keywords of every record identified with the
combined with a metabolic defect, may contribute towards search strategy, and they retrieved the full text of poten-
development of autistic symptoms [7]. Consequently, a glu- tially relevant trials and of records for which the relevance
ten-free and casein-free (GFCF) diet was proposed as being was unclear. The same reviewers independently applied the
potentially beneficial for patients with ASD. inclusion criteria to each potentially relevant trial to deter-
A 2008 Cochrane review (search date: April 2007) mine its eligibility. If differences in opinion existed, they
found only two small, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were resolved by discussion until a consensus was reached.
involving overall 35 children that evaluated the efficacy of Data extraction was performed using standard data-extrac-
following a GFCF diet for management of ASD. One trial tion forms. Information about sample size calculation and
indicated that a combined GFCF diet reduced autistic traits; the funding of each study was also collected. The Cochrane
however, the second trial found no difference in outcome Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias was used to
measures between groups [8]. As new studies have been establish the risk of bias [12]. No meta-analysis was under-
published, our aim was to systematically update evidence taken, as the included trials differed in their methods.
on the effects of use of a GFCF diet for the management of
ASD in children.

Methods Figure  1 documents the identification process for eligible

trials. In addition to the two randomized controlled trials
Only RCTs were eligible for inclusion. Participants had to (RCTs) identified in the Cochrane review [13, 14], four
be children diagnosed with ASD according to established new trials were included [16–18]. Table 1 summarizes
criteria such as those described in the Diagnostic and Sta- characteristics of all of the included RCTs, and Online
tistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) [9], the Resource 1 summarizes characteristics of the excluded tri-
DSM-IV—Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) [10], or Manual als, including the reasons for exclusion. Moreover, three
of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases registered trials were identified. Among them, two RCTs
and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) [11]. Studies that were completed but no publication was found (ClinicalTri-
compared a GFCF diet with a regular diet were eligible for NCT01116388; NCT00090428), and one RCT had
inclusion. All behavioral and ASD-related outcome meas- an unclear status (, NCT01625299).
ures reported by the investigators were considered, if rel- The six selected trials recruited a total of 214 partici-
evant to the current review. pants (107 in the experimental groups and 107 in the con-
Searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled trol groups), aged 2–16 years. With one exception, the
Trials (CENTRAL, the Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, and diagnosis of ASD was made according to the DSM-IV or
EMBASE electronic databases from April 2007 (end date DSM-IV-TR criteria and confirmed using the Autism Diag-
of last search in the Cochrane review) to August 2016 were nostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) [19] and/or the Autism
performed. There were no language restrictions. The search Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) [20]. In the
strategy, which was part of a broader project to assess remaining study, no details regarding the diagnostic criteria
some complementary and alternative medicines for ASD, were described; it was only stated that the diagnosis was
included use of a validated filter for identifying controlled made by ‘professionals working with child psychiatry or
trials, which was combined with a topic-specific strategy. In child neurology’ [14].

Eur J Nutr

Fig. 1  Gluten- and casein-free

diet in children with autism
spectrum disorders—identifica-
tion process for eligible trials

Included trials were performed in high-income indus- non-fat dried milk (0.5 g/kg) (gluten-dairy-containing diet),
trialized countries (three in the USA, one in Denmark, while the other group followed a GFCF diet and received
and one in Norway), except for one performed in a low- 1 g/kg/day of brown rice flour (gluten-dairy-free diet). In
income country (Indonesia). The evaluated diets varied the three remaining trials [14, 15, 18], study nutritionists
with respect to the way they were administered. In one or dieticians provided parents with guidelines on following
study [13], the research center’s metabolic kitchen pro- a GFCF diet or a regular, healthy diet. Interventions lasted
vided each participant with the type of food adequate for from 7 days to 24 months; in four included trials, the dura-
his or her group affiliation (either a GFCF diet or a regu- tion was 3 months or less [13, 15–17]. There was variabil-
lar diet) in accordance with Recommended Dietary Allow- ity in how a change in autism spectrum disorder symptoms
ances for age. In one study [17], participants received daily was assessed (see Online Resource 2). Each of the scales,
either 11 g of gluten and 12 g of casein or a placebo (rice measuring different aspects of autistic symptoms, cogni-
meal) in addition to following a GFCF diet. In another tive functioning, adaptive behavior, and coexisting behav-
RCT [16], after a 2-week washout period of following ior or emotional problems, was used only once, with the
a gluten-free diet, one group followed a GFCF diet but exception of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), which
received a daily supplementation of gluten (0.5 g/kg) and was used in two studies [15, 16]. In three studies [15–17],


Table 1  Gluten- and casein-free diet in children with autism spectrum disorders—characteristics of the included studies
Reference (country) Population (diag- Intervention Control (group size) Duration of Outcomes Sample size Funding
nosis of ASD) (group size) intervention calculation

Navarro (2015) (USA) 4–7  years, ­ASDa GFCFe diet + daily GFCFe diet + daily 4 weeks ABCf, ­CBCLg, Not reported Not reported
[16] (DSM-IV- supplementation of supplementation CPRS-Rh, ­SCQi, ­GIj
TRb, (ADI-Rc, gluten powder (0.5 g/ of brown rice flour symptoms, Intestinal
­ADOSd) kg) and non-fat (1 g/kg) (n = 6) permeability (the
dried milk (0.5 g/kg) urine lactose/man-
(n = 6) nitol ratio)
Pusponegoro (2015) 4–7 years, GFCFe diet + daily GFCFe diet + daily 7 days AWPC-scorel subtest Not reported Authors declare no funding
(Indonesia) [17] ­ASDa, severe supplementation of supplementation of of ­PDDBIm, ­GIj
maladaptive Gluten (11 g) and 30 g of rice meal symptoms, Urinary
behavior, Casein (12 g) in the in the form of six I-FABFk
abnormal uri- form of six biscuits biscuits (n = 36)
nary I-FABPk (n = 38)
level (DSM-
Johnson (2011) (USA) 3–5  years, ­ASDa GFCFe diet (n = 8) Regular diet 3 months Mullen Scales of early Not reported Supported by the John and
[15] (DSM-IVn and (n = 14) learning (measures Nancy Emmerling fund/
­ADOSd) intellectual develop- The Pittsburgh foundation
ment, not ASD
symptoms), ­CBCLg,
Direct Behavior
Observation Meas-
ure, ­GIj symptoms,
nutritional status,
side effects
Whiteley (2010) (Den- 4–10 years, GFCFe diet (n = 38) Regular diet 8 months ADOSd, ­GARSo, Not reported Part of I­ MGSACs; grants
mark) [18] ­ASDa (n = 34) (1st stage) ­VABSp, ADHD- from the Center for
­(ADOSd, ADI- 12 months IVq, adverse effects, Autisme, the Nils O. seim
R c) (2nd stage) urinary compounds Family Fond, the Norwe-
24 months (3rd co-eluting with gian Protein Intolerance
stage) exogenous opioid Association, the Robert
peptide standards Luff Foundation
and/or ­IAGr
Elder (2006) (USA) 2–16 years, GFCFe diet (n = 7) Regular diet (n = 7) 12 weeks CARSt, ­ECOSu, ADI- Not reported Supported by the University
[13] ­ASDa (DSM- (6 weeks- Rc, in-home observa- of Florida’s College of
IVn, ADI-Rc) crosso- tion, urinary peptide Nursing Biobehavioral
ver-6 weeks) levels NINR-funded research
grant P20 NR 07791-
03 and GCRC grant
M01RR00082 from the
National Institute of
Research Resources,
National Institutes of
Eur J Nutr
Table 1  continued
Reference (country) Population (diag- Intervention Control (group size) Duration of Outcomes Sample size Funding
nosis of ASD) (group size) intervention calculation
Eur J Nutr

Knivsberg (2002) 5–10 years, GFCFe diet (n = 10) Regular diet 12 months DIPABv, ­LIPSw, Not reported Funding from The country
(Norway) [14] ­ASDa, abnor- (n = 10) ­ITPAx, Reynells council of Rogaland, Sig-
mal urinary spraktest, ­MABCy, val Bergesen d.y. og hustru
peptide levels ­TOMIz Nanki’s almennyttige
(ASD diagnos- stiftelse, and Seim Family
tic criteria not Foundation

  Autism spectrum disorders
  Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders-IV—text revision
  Autism diagnostic interview-revised
  Autism diagnostic observation schedule
  Gluten- casein-free diet
  Aberrant behavior checklist
  Child behavior checklist
  Conners parent rating scale-revised
  Social communication questionnaire
  Intestinal fatty acids binding protein
  The approach withdrawal problems composite
  Pervasive developmental disorder-behavior inventory
  Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders-IV
  Gilliam autism rating scale
  Vineland adaptive behavior scale
  Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
  The international molecular genetic study of autism consortium
  Childhood autism rating scale
  Ecological communication orientation scale
  Standardized Danish scheme
  Leiter international performance scale
  Illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities
  Movement assessment battery for children
  Test of motor impairment

Eur J Nutr

gastrointestinal symptoms were assessed. Five of the cognitive level (no data provided; P  = 0.004) in favor of
included studies measured certain laboratory parameters the GFCF group.
[13, 14, 16–18]; however, these measurements were not In the Cochrane review [8], further analysis of data
included in our review. The risk of bias assessment is pre- from the same study revealed no significant difference
sented in Online resource 3. Sample size calculations were between groups in motor problems at the end of the inter-
not available in any of the included trials. vention (MD −1.5, 95% CI −11.89 to 8.89; P = 0.78), as
assessed with the Movement Assessment Battery for Chil-
Effects of interventions dren (MABC). However, the authors reported a statistically
significant difference in change in motor problems (no data
Behavior provided; P = 0.04) in favor of the GFCF group.
Finally, the authors of one trial [15] (n  = 22) reported
The authors of two trials [13, 18] reported statistically sig- that, compared with the GFCF group, in the control group
nificant differences in autism spectrum disorder core symp- there were statistically significant improvements in both the
toms between groups, as measured by standardized scales. ‘visual reception’ subscale of the Mullen Scales of Early
The clinical importance of the findings was reported for a Learning (no data provided; P  = 0.005) and the ‘with-
few individuals in only one trial [18]. drawn’ subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist (no data
Based on the findings from one RCT [18] (n  = 72), provided; P  = 0.04) between baseline and the 3-month
compared with the control group, in the GFCF group there follow-up. Authors of the same study reported that com-
was improvement in both the score for the ‘communica- pared with the control group, in the GFCF group there
tion’ subdomain of the ADOS at 8 months (no data pro- were reductions in both the ‘aggression’ (no data provided;
vided; P = 0.002) and the score for the ‘social interaction’ P  = 0.046) and ‘ADHD’ (no data provided; P  = 0.043)
subdomain of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS) at subscale scores on the Child Behavior Checklist between
12 months (no data provided; P = 0.0001). baseline and the 3-month follow-up. However, compari-
In the parent-based reports, there was a statistically son of post-intervention mean scores revealed no signifi-
significant improvement in the score for the ‘daily living cant differences between groups for any subdomains of the
skills’ subdomain of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale scales.
(VABS) at 12 months (no data provided; P  = 0.0208) in
favor of the GFCF group. Finally, there were statistically Gastrointestinal symptoms
significant improvements in the scores for the ‘inattention’
(no data provided; P = 0.0007) and ‘hyperactivity’ (no data In three included studies [15–17], data concerning gastroin-
provided; P  = 0.0188) subscales of the Attention-Deficit testinal disturbances, such as abdominal pain, nausea/vom-
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-IV scale at 12 months in iting, bowel movements, bloating, and borborygmi, were
favor of the GFCF group. assessed. No significant differences between groups were
Based on the findings from one RCT [14] (n  = 20), found.
there was a statistically significant difference between
groups in the post-intervention scores for the ‘autis- Adverse events
tic traits’ subdomain of the standardized Danish scheme
(DIPAB) (mean difference, MD, −5.6, 95% CI −9.02 to No differences between groups in adverse events were
−2.18; P = 0.001). Additionally, as reported in the previ- found in the two trials that reported data on adverse events
ous Cochrane review [8] (based on additional information [15, 18].
obtained from the authors), there were also significant dif-
ferences between groups in the post-intervention scores for
the ‘communication’ (MD 1.7, 95% CI 0.5–2.9; P = 0.006) Discussion
and ‘social contact’ (MD −3.2, 95% CI −5.2 to −1.2;
P = 0.002) subdomains of the DIPAB. All of these differ- Summary of evidence
ences were in favor of the GFCF group.
In the Cochrane review [8], further analysis of data Although not routinely recommended, a GFCF diet is com-
from the same study [14] revealed no significant differ- monly used as a treatment for ASD in children. The current
ence between the groups in the non-verbal cognitive level systematic review documents that overall, there is little evi-
at the end of the intervention (MD 12.4, 95% CI −20.06 to dence that following a GFCF diet is beneficial for manag-
44.86; P = 0.45), as assessed with the Leiter International ing the symptoms of ASD in children and adolescents. With
Performance Scale (LIPS). However, the authors reported a few exceptions in some subdomains, there were no statis-
statically significant difference in change in the non-verbal tically significant differences in autism spectrum disorder

Eur J Nutr

core symptoms between groups, as measured by standard- criteria; thus, participants may have differed in the level of
ized scales. Furthermore, the clinical importance of the core autism features and cognitive level. Participants in the
results cannot be reliably established, as no individuals’ included studies varied widely in age. The large age ranges,
data were provided. Based on the findings from one trial, at least in some of the studies, as well as the small sample
compared with the control group, in the GFCF group there sizes in all of the included studies, may not allow one to
were significant improvements in the scores for the ‘com- reliably detect a clinically important difference in the per-
munication’ subdomain of the Autism Diagnostic Obser- formance of children with ASD, even if one actually exists.
vation Schedule and for the ‘social interaction’ subdomain The age of children when the GFCF diet was introduced
of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale. Based on the findings may also be a critical factor, because of brain plasticity in
from one trial, there were statistically significant differ- younger children [21]. Additionally, we can suspect that the
ences between groups in the post-intervention scores for the ability to comply with the diet may differ with age. In the
‘autistic traits’, ‘communication’, and ‘social contact’ sub- included studies, the only trial that assessed dietary compli-
domains of the standardized Danish scale (DIPAB). With ance found lower adherence in the GFCF diet group com-
regard to parent-based assessments, there were significant pared with the regular diet group. A dietary evaluation by
improvements in scores for the ‘daily living skills’ subdo- a trained dietician is considered the best method to assess
main of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale, as well as dietary compliance [22]. However, this was not systemati-
for the ‘inattention’ and ‘hyperactivity’ subscales of the cally done in any of the included trials. On the other hand,
ADHD-IV scale, in favor of the GFCF group. Some trials Elder et al. [13] noted that some parents continue GFCF-
reported significant differences between groups in scores diet despite lack of clinical effect. One can hypothesize
reflecting change in other developmental features from that dietary adherence, especially in younger children, may
baseline to end of the trial. Compared with the regular diet depend on parents/care-givers approach.
group, in the GFCF diet group there were significant dif- Additionally, the changes in behavior may be associ-
ferences in the Leiter International Performance Scale and ated with puberty onset, pharmacotherapy (more com-
Movement Assessment Battery for Children scores (non- monly used in older children with ASD), and the presence
verbal cognitive level and motor problems, respectively) of ASD-comorbidities such as anxiety or depression [23].
and in two subdomains of the Child Behavior Checklist While all of these factors may confound the findings, they
(‘aggression’ and ‘ADHD’). In one study, there were sig- were not well described in the included studies.
nificant improvements in the ‘withdrawn’ subscale of the The studies might have been too short to demonstrate a
Child Behavior Checklist and in the ‘visual reception’ sub- benefit. In four trials, the interventions lasted for 3 months
scale of the Mullen Scales of Early Learning in favor of the or less, while some data suggests that a GFCF diet should
control group. No adverse events associated with following be implemented for at least 6 months to assess the response
a GFCF diet were reported. All of these results should be to that diet [24]. Moreover, for validated psychometric
interpreted with caution due to limited evidence available. tests, to detect relevant changes in performance of chil-
dren with ASD, the observation period should last at least
Strengths and limitations 4 months [25].
Finally, we can speculate that a parental placebo effect
An important strength of this systematic review is the use may have had an impact on the assessment of the effec-
of rigorous methodology developed by the Cochrane Col- tiveness of the GFCF diet. This placebo effect should be
laboration. We employed several methods to reduce bias taken into account when interpreting the results of parent-
(i.e., comprehensive literature search, pre-specified criteria reported scales such as the Child Behavior Checklist or the
for methodological assessment and analysis, and no restric- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale [26]. Taken together,
tions by language or year of publication). However, we while some findings are promising, they must be inter-
cannot exclude the risk of bias. There were some methodo- preted with caution and the generalizability of the results
logical limitations in the trials, including unclear allocation is limited. Given the lack of clear evidence, the GFCF diet
concealment, unclear blinding, and no intention-to-treat should be considered only on a case-by-case basis.
analysis; this may result in selection, performance, and/or
attrition biases and, eventually, invalidate the results. Addi-
tional limitations include small sample sizes and the lack Conclusions
of sample size calculations in all of the trials. The included
studies were likely to be underpowered for addressing The current systematic review was designed to resolve
some outcomes (also adverse events). uncertainty regarding the role of a GFCF diet in children
A further limitation was that the included studies dif- with ASD. Even if new data have become available, the
fered in the diagnostic criteria for ASD and other inclusion overall conclusions made previously did not change. The

Eur J Nutr

limited available evidence suggests that there is no consist- 10. American Psychiatric Association (2000) Diagnostic and statisti-
ent evidence to support the use of a GFCF diet in children cal manual of mental disorders. Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), 4th
edn. American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC
with ASD. However, caution is needed when interpreting 11. World Health Organization (2016) Manual of the International
current evidence, as the evidence is limited. Large, high- Statistical Classification of the Diseases and Related Health
quality RCTs, involving multidisciplinary teams, are still Problems. 10th edn.
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Conflict of interests AH and AP are the recipients of a grant from 16. Navarro F, Pearson DA, Fatheree N, Mansour R, Hashmi SS,
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