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Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

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Residual service life of carbonated structures based on site non-destructive T


R. Nevesa, , R. Torrentb, K. Imamotoc
ESTBarreiro, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Barreiro, Portugal
Materials Advanced Services Ltd., Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan


Keywords: Assessing the residual service life of carbonated reinforced concrete structures is typically conducted by mea-
Carbonation (C) suring cover depths and carbonation of drilled cores, assuming the “square root law” for the progress of the
Concrete (E) carbonation front. Given the large spatial variability of carbonation depths, the required number of cores be-
Permeability (C) comes prohibitive.
Service life
A model is presented, based on numerous experimental data, by which the carbonation rate can be estimated
by means of non-destructive site measurements of the air-permeability kT. A Weibull distribution of the car-
bonation rate Kc is fitted to the results, which is a function of kT.
Hence, for each kT value measured on site coupled with the cover depth xd, expected, optimistic and pes-
simistic values of the corrosion initiation time can be obtained without the need of drilling cores. The method is
validated on 111 paired results of kT and xd, obtained on the emblematic Tokyo's Museum of Western Art.

1. Introduction concrete structures. Indeed, measurements of the carbonation depth xc

obtained destructively on drilled cores or fragments removed from the
Although less conspicuous than chloride-induced corrosion, corro- surface, at time t0 allow, by a simple application of Eq. (1) to know Kc
sion damage due to carbonation constitutes a matter of concern. Its and, therefore, to predict the time t at which the carbonation front will
incidence may be aggravated in the future by the gradual rise in CO2 reach the steel and depassivate it (when carbonation depth xc equals
concentration in the air, especially in industrial, motorcar and urban cover depth xd). xc is typically measured by spraying a pH indicator
environments, and by the reduction in clinker content in concrete that (usually phenolphthalein) on freshly broken concrete surfaces [1].
is taking place in the cement and concrete industry. This simple approach faces two drawbacks: the destructive or da-
The carbonation progress is generally assumed as: maging nature of the measurements and the high variability of xc en-
xc = K c × t n (1) countered in old structures. For instance, a range of up to 65 mm in
carbonation depths was measured on structures almost 100 years old
xc is the carbonation depth (mm); Kc is the carbonation coefficient investigated in Chile [2], which reached a value of 140 mm in a
(mm/yearn), t is exposure time/age (year) and n is an exponent, usually 25 years old bridge investigated in China [3]. The high scatter of xc
taken as 1/2 (the so-called “square-root law”). results is confirmed by other results presented later (Fig. 1). Hence, to
Hence, applying the “square-root law” (see discussion in Section have a representative picture of the xc values in a structure, a prohi-
2.2), Eq. (1) becomes: bitive number of cores or broken concrete samples is required.
xc = K c × t (2) As discussed above, the “penetrability” of the cover concrete is one
of the main factors governing the carbonation rate Kc. Air-permeability
Kc in Eq. (2) depends on several factors such as the “penetrability” is one of the most accepted properties to evaluate the “penetrability” of
of the concrete cover, the amount of carbonatable material in the ma- the cover concrete and is one of the easier tests to perform on site.
trix, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the exposure condi- Already in the 90's, a method to estimate the progress of carbonation in
tions (temperature, RH, rain, solar exposure), etc. concrete, based on intrusive site measurements of air-permeability, was
Eqs. (1) or (2) are often used to estimate the service life of existing proposed [4]. Non-destructive air-permeability measurements were

Corresponding author at: ESTBarreiro, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, R. Américo da Silva Marinho, 2839-001 Barreiro, Portugal.
E-mail address: (R. Neves).
Received 23 October 2017; Received in revised form 31 March 2018; Accepted 3 April 2018
0008-8846/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Neves et al. Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

6 Osaka
Kc (mm/year1/2) 5 Chiba
Sendai E
Sendai W
3 Overpass

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
kT (×10-16 m2)
Fig. 1. Relation between Kc and kT for all cases studied.

used to predict the service life of the emblematic Museum of Western which involves a condition that is necessary but not sufficient to have
Art in Tokyo [5] and of precast concrete segments of the Port of Miami corrosion damage. The propagation period may be very short for sur-
Tunnel [6]. In these two investigations the coefficient of air-perme- faces exposed to wetting and drying conditions or very long for surfaces
ability kT was measured applying the non-destructive Swiss Standard exposed to permanently dry conditions. Therefore, the Service Life
Method SIA 262/1-E, 2013 [7], described in Section 3. predicted by the proposed model is reasonably consistent with the ap-
The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology for assessing pearance of corrosion symptoms for external surfaces exposed to
the residual service life of reinforced concrete structures at risk of normal outdoor conditions (e.g. XC4 according to EN 206 [10]). If the
carbonation-induced corrosion, based exclusively on the non-destruc- elements are located indoors or to extremely dry outdoor conditions,
tive determination of the air-permeability and of the cover depth, both the predicted service life will be too conservative and the corrosion
measured on site. propagation period must be taken into consideration. An approach for
The authors followed a very original and promising approach pro- empirical estimation of the propagation time for carbonation-induced
posed by Teruzzi [8], who based his investigation on test results of corrosion, proposed by Torrent and Luco, can be found in [11].
carbonation depth and air-permeability obtained on a single building in
the South of Switzerland (Canton Ticino, known for its sunny and mild
2.2. Rate of carbonation progress
Mediterranean climate). Teruzzi based his analysis on assessing the
carbonation rate Kc on the basis of kT measurements. Data from just one
The penetration of CO2 into concrete can be considered as a purely
building is not enough to develop a model for general use.
diffusive process, obeying Fick's 2nd Law, which predicts a carbonation
The contribution of this paper is to add robustness to Teruzzi's ap-
depth proportional to the square root of time (Eq. (2)). The matter is
proach by trying it on a large number of different types of structures,
further complicated by the “carbonation” chemical reactions and by the
located in Japan, Portugal and Switzerland (North and South), thus
partial and variable blocking effect of moisture in the concrete pores.
covering a wide range of climates and construction and exposure con-
Most models developed to predict carbonation are based on the “square
ditions. In addition, the model is extended to the prediction of the
root” law [12–14], including a coefficient that reduces the predicted
corrosion initiation time Ti, in the case where the cover thickness xd is
carbonation depth for structures exposed to wetting, a fact observed
measured in parallel with kT, with its predictions validated on a real
experimentally by Wierig [15].
In the proposed model, the “square-root law” is adopted to convert
carbonation depths xc, measured in old structures, into carbonation
rates Kc, applying Eq. (2) (see Fig. 1, later discussed). Consistently, the
2. Assumptions adopted for the proposed model
“square-root law” is also applied to predict carbonation depths, based
on the Kc computed with the same “law”.
2.1. Definition of service life

The corrosion process of steel embedded in concrete is characterized 2.3. Age of the structures
by two well defined stages [9], namely the initiation period (time
needed for the carbonation front to reach the position of the affected The carbonation depths and air-permeability values used to support
steel bar, depassivating it) and the propagation period (time needed for the model were measured on structures with ages predominantly in the
the corrosion in the bar to develop sufficiently so as to generate some range 10–60 years. Therefore, the proposed model is applicable to
visible damage). This investigation deals just with the initiation period, structures with ages within the above-mentioned range.

R. Neves et al. Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

Table 1
Identification and description of the initial data set.
Case study Number of pairs Age (y) Location Country Tmin (C) Tmax (C) Precip. (mm) Source

Building 55 35 Lugano Switzerland 2.5 20.3 1733 [8]

Underpass 28 30 Oensingen −1.2 16.7 1053 [19]
Bridge 7 60 Basel 0.2 18.1 791
Overpass 12 30 Brugg 0.5 18.5 997 [20]
Tokyo 3 50 Tokyo Japan 5.1 27.3 1435 [21]
Osaka 7 49 Osaka 4.9 28.2 1444
Tochigi 13 12–31 Tochigi 2.9 26.5 1325
Chiba 12 42 Chiba 5.1 26.6 1435
Sendai (E) 4 49 Sendai 0.3 24.5 1286
Sendai (W) 3 49
XC3 44 11–31 Setubal Portugal 11.7 23.3 641 [22]
XC4 25 4–32 Lisbon 11.7 22.7 691

Tmin and Tmax are minimum and maximum average monthly temperature.

3. Assessing carbonation rate through air-permeability tests 3.2. Data trial

3.1. Conditional density function of carbonation rate for given air- Unlike in Teruzzi's investigation [8], where data from a single
permeability source – facades of a 35 years old building – was used, data from dif-
ferent sources will be merged. The initial data set comprises 12 case
To express the time dependency of carbonation depth a mathema- studies, collated from 5 publications [8,19–22], as summarized in
tical model is required. As discussed in Section 2.2, the simple and fairly Table 1.
accurate model described by Eq. (2) is adopted. Fig. 1 shows the results of kT measured at the spot where the car-
An integration by substitution of a new variable, allows getting the bonation depth xc was to be measured and of Kc (calculated as xc/age1/
probability density function of xc from the density function of the time ), for all cases in Table 1.
independent variable Kc The scatter of the results shown in Fig. 1 can be attributed to many
factors affecting both carbonation (during the many years of exposure)
1 and air-permeability (at the moment of the measurement) and, hence,
fXC (x c ; t ) = f (K c )
t KC (3) the correlation linking them. For instance, it is known that the re-
lationship between carbonation rate and air-permeability is affected by
Furthermore, as the aim of this research is to propose a metho- the binder type [4,23] (as far as the authors could ascertain, the cement
dology for service life design of reinforced concrete structures that has used for the structures investigated in [19–22]was OPC). The en-
as input parameters the reinforcement cover and the air-permeability of vironment humidity regime (pore blocking effect of moisture) is known
concrete, the density function of Kc shall be obtained from a conditional to affect carbonation, and possibly cracking, during the whole life of the
density function of Kc for a given air-permeability kT structure [24]; in the case of air-permeability what matters is the
+∞ moisture condition at the particular moment of the test and provisions
fKC (K c ) = ∫kT fKC kT (kc ; kT ) fkT (kT ) d (kT ) (4) are taken to keep it under control [7]. Microcracking may affect dif-
ferently the measured carbonation and the air-permeability [18].
There is the need to know the conditional density function of car- Although there are several tests to compare bivariate samples
bonation rate Kc, for a given air-permeability kT, not trivial, that will be [25,26], their purpose is to test sample location, not if the relationship
addressed next. A probability distribution function of carbonation rate between the two variables of one sample is similar to that of the other
depending upon air-permeability is derived, applying likelihood in- sample. To assess if the relationships between kT and Kc are comparable
ference to data collected on several old structures. These data consist of in different sets, the following procedure is adopted.
parallel measurements of air-permeability and carbonation depth.
Knowing the age of the structures and the carbonation depth, 1. A relationship between kT and Kc is established for a reference set.
measured after [1], a carbonation rate (Kc) is computed, applying Eq. 2. The previous relationship is applied to estimate the Kc values of
(2). The coefficient of air-permeability kT is determined applying a non- another sample.
destructive method, developed by one of the authors [16], which is 3. The Student test for paired samples [27] is applied to test the hy-
considered by the DuraCrete project consortium [17] and which is pothesis that there is a difference between the estimated and the
currently adopted by Swiss Standard SIA 262/1 [7]. In brief, this observed Kc values of the sample.
method features a double-chamber testing cell, where vacuum is cre-
ated. The vacuum and a pair of concentric soft rings, provide sealing To select the reference sample, each of the 12 case studies was
onto the concrete surface and create two separate chambers inside the subjected to a regression analysis, and F-statistic test was applied to test
cell. The air in the concrete pores flows through into the inner chamber, the significance of each model/relationship between kT and Kc, through
raising its pressure. The rate of pressure rise is directly linked to the testing the (null) hypothesis that there is no relationship between Kc
coefficient of air-permeability of the cover concrete. A regulator and kT. The case study with the lowest proof-value for the F-statistic
maintains the pressure of the external chamber permanently balanced test, i.e. the one where the confidence on rejecting the null hypothesis is
with that of the inner chamber, ensuring a unidirectional flow into the higher, is selected as the reference sample.
inner chamber and thus allowing calculating the coefficient of perme- The regression analysis was developed upon a logarithmic re-
ability (kT) on the basis of a theoretical model. More details about the lationship between Kc and kT, also considered in other studies [19,21].
method can be found elsewhere [16,18]. A log-transformation of kT was performed and a linear regression was
In the following, kT is considered as the independent variable, carried out. It shall be mentioned that a theoretical relationship be-
whereas Kc is the dependent variable. tween Kc and kT can be derived, leading to a power model, as presented
in [23,28]. Although such relationship was also considered through a

R. Neves et al. Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

6 XC4

Kc (mm/year1/2)
3 Sendai (W)
Prediction model
Conf Low
1 Conf High
Pred Low
Pred High
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3
Pred Teruzzi[8]
Fig. 2. Carbonation rate versus air-permeability for the selected data.

log-log transformation of Kc and kT, the resulting model failed to prove 3.3. Statistical distribution and its parameters
its validity according to the criteria applied in 3.4 and thus is not
presented. It is accepted that carbonation related variables, such as carbona-
The lowest proof-value obtained was 1 × 10−6, substantially lower tion rate, follow a normal distribution [22,29,30]. However, facing the
than the usual significance level (0.05), for the case study XC3, which is strong dispersion of Kc in the present data set (Fig. 1), it is anticipated
adopted as the reference sample. that a normal distribution would return negative carbonation rates,
Afterwards, the regression model obtained from XC3 was applied to which has no physical meaning. Two statistical distributions with
estimate Kc values for the 11 remaining case studies. These estimated skewness and non-zero values were tried to fit the data: Log-Normal
values were compared with the observed ones for each case study, by and Weibull. Weibull was preferred because of a better fit to the results,
means of the Student test for paired samples with the null hypothesis a more elegant way of dealing with the data and a useful explicit so-
that the mean of the estimated Kc is equal to the mean of the observed lution of the cumulative probability function. Therefore, by adopting
Kc. This hypothesis is rejected in 6 of the 11 tested pairs of samples and the Weibull distribution, found to fit the distribution of carbonation
the corresponding case studies are discarded from the data set. Thus, depths [31], the issue of negative Kc is overcome. Anyhow, the shape
the after-trial data set comprises the following case studies: Bridge; parameter of the Weibull distribution allows it, if appropriate, to ap-
Overpass; Tokyo; Sendai (W); XC3 and XC4. By merging all these case proach a Normal or a Log-Normal distribution.
studies, a sample with 94 pairs (kT, Kc) is formed. If Kc follows a Weibull distribution, the probability density function
To evaluate the propriety of the trial process, a regression analysis is will be:
applied to the resulting sample. The relationship between Kc and kT, its
confidence and prediction intervals as well as the position of data, d K c d − 1 −(K c / c )d
f (K c ) = ⎛ ⎞ e
identified by case study are shown in Fig. 2. c⎝ c ⎠ (6)
A generally uniform distribution of points around the model line is where Kc is any value of the carbonation coefficient population (≥0); c
observed, without any particular indication of skewness for any case is the distribution's scale parameter (> 0); and d is the distribution's
study, suggesting a fairness of the trial process. The corresponding shape parameter (> 0).
analytical model to estimate carbonation rate through air-permeability Introducing the assumed relationship between Kc and kT, i.e. the
results is: effect of kT on Kc, as Kc = a · log10(kT) + b and the expected value of Kc
given by E(Kc) = c · Γ(1/d + 1), where Γ(.) is the gamma function, Eq.
K c = 0.805 × log10 (kT ) + 2.66 (5)
(6) becomes
where Kc is the carbonation coefficient (mm/year1/2) and kT is the air- d
d (
⎛ Kc ∙Γ 1 +1 ⎞ )
permeability coefficient (10−16 m2). ( )
1 d
⎛ Γ +1 ⎞ −⎜ ⎟
d d − 1 ⎜ a ∙ log10 (kT ) + b ⎟
This regression analysis returns a coefficient of determination f (K c ) = d∙ ⎜ ⎟ ∙ (K c ) ∙e ⎝ ⎠
⎜ a∙log10 (kT ) + b⎟
r2 = 0.341 and an F statistic F = 47.67, for which corresponds a proof- ⎝ ⎠ (7)
value of 6 × 10−10, lending support to the existence of a relationship
between Kc and kT in the analysed sample. The low coefficient of de- There are three parameters in Eq. (7): a, b and d, that shall be such
termination is due to the large scatter of results presented in Fig. 1 and that Eq. (7) provides the best estimation of the (kT, Kc) pairs of the data
discussed earlier. The scatter is an essential part of the model proposed, set. Then, the maximum likelihood method [32] is applied to estimate
as the shape of the adopted Weibull distribution depends on the kT the mentioned parameters. The likelihood function will be
value measured, showing a wider distribution for higher kT values. n

Fig. 2 presents also the model fitted by Teruzzi to the results of the L (a, b, d; K c , kT ) = ∏ f (K ci , kTi | a, b, d )
building he investigated [8], which is shifted down by about 1 mm/y1/2
n∙d n d−1
with respect to that of Eq. (5), falling outside of its confidence interval. 1 (∏i = 1 K ci )
= dn∙ ⎛Γ ⎛ + 1⎞ ⎞ ∙ n d
The difference has to be attributed to the larger number of cases con- ⎝ ⎝d ⎠⎠ (∏i = 1 a∙log10 (kTi ) + b)
sidered in the present investigation (six structures instead of just one) d
and the resulting variety of exposure and testing conditions. From the
n ⎛ Kc ∙Γ 1 +1 ⎞
− ∑⎜
i (
d )⎟
⎜ a ∙ log10 (kTi) + b ⎟
viewpoint of the practical application of the model, Eq. (5) will predict ∙e i = 1 ⎝ ⎠ (8)
higher carbonation rates Kc for the same air-permeability kT and,
therefore, more pessimistic service life estimations. where n is number of (kTi, Kci) pairs in the data set.
Now, the values of a, b and d are determined by maximizing the

R. Neves et al. Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

likelihood function. However, finding the maximum likelihood esti-

mators demands the solution of a non-linear system of equations (null
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
partial derivatives of L) which is not easy [33]. Therefore, an optimi- 0
zation algorithm [34] is applied. Furthermore, the logarithm of L, i.e.
the log-likelihood function (Eq. (9)) is maximized instead, as it is
equivalent and avoids yielding an underflow due to a run out of com- -0.5
puter floating point precision.
n -1
ln L (a, b, d; K c , kT ) = ∑ ln f (K ci , kTi | a, b, d ) = n∙ln d

1 ⎛ ⎞
n -1.5
+ n∙d∙ln ⎛Γ ⎛ + 1⎞ ⎞ + (d − 1) ∙ ⎜∑ ln K ci⎟

l (d)
⎝ ⎝d ⎠⎠ ⎝ i = 1 ⎠
n -2
− d∙ ∑ ln(a∙log10 (kTi ) + b)
d -2.5
− ∑
⎛ K ci ∙Γ d + 1
) ⎞
⎜ ⎟
i=1 ⎜ a∙log10 (kTi ) + b⎟
⎝ ⎠ (9)

For the considered data set, a maximum of ln L = −137.16 is at-

tained and the corresponding maximum likelihood estimators are -3.5
a ̂ = 0.848, b ̂ = 2.636 and d = 2.444.
Confidence intervals for the model parameters are defined based on -4
the likelihood ratio test [35]. A log-likelihood ratio is computed as

ℓ = ln(L (θ∗)) − ln(L (θ )) (10) Fig. 4. Log-likelihood ratio for model parameter d about its maximum like-
lihood estimator.
where θ stands for the set of maximum likelihood estimators and θ⁎
represents any other set of the model parameters.
Assuming that −2 ℓ follows a chi-squared distribution with degrees by Teruzzi in a similar investigation [8], it was found that the 95%
of freedom equal to the number of restrictions imposed (varying confidence interval for a overlaps with the corresponding computed by
parameters) [35], the confidence interval may be Teruzzi. For parameter b, the values are not directly comparable, re-
quiring a previous variable transformation, after which appears that the
θ∗: −2ℓ ≤ χGL ,α (11) 95% confidence intervals are disjoint, providing further support to the
plausibility of the trial process (Section 3.2), where the data considered
where GL is the number of degrees of freedom and (1-α) is the ampli-
by Teruzzi were discarded. Concerning parameter d, the 95% con-
tude of the confidence interval.
fidence intervals are again overlapping, meaning that the Weibull dis-
Keeping all parameters fixed at their optimum values except the one
tributions will have similar shapes, where the difference is believed to
for which the confidence interval will be estimated, GL = 1. For a
lie on different scatter of the corresponding data sets.
confidence interval of 95%, α = 0.05. Then, recalling Eqs. (2) and (3),
the 95% confidence interval will be the range of θ⁎ values satisfying
3.4. Goodness of fit
ln(L (θ∗)) ≤ ln(L (θ )) − 1.92 (12)

The resulting 95% confidence intervals are: [0.595, 0.959] for a ,̂ To ascertain the goodness of fit of the derived model, P-P and Q-Q
[2.480, 2.848] for b ̂ and [2.140, 2.864] for d . The limits of the con- plots are constructed. Assuming that the derived model is accurate, the
∼ 
fidence intervals correspond to the values of the varying model para- standardized variables of the Weibull distributions K ci = (K ci/ ci ̂)d , with
meter for which ℓ = − 1.92, as illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. ̂
ci ̂ = (a ∙̂ log10 (kTi ) + b )/Γ(1/ d + 1) , will follow an exponential distribu-
Comparing the obtained confidence intervals with those presented tion, Exp(λ) with distribution parameter λ = 1 [36]. Therefore, the

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-1.5 -1.5
l (a)

l (b)

-2 -2
-2.5 -2.5
-3 -3
-3.5 -3.5
-4 -4
a b
Fig. 3. Log-likelihood ratio for model parameters a and b about their maximum likelihood estimators.

R. Neves et al. Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

1 1
0.9 kT=0.01 (10-16 m2)
Model probability

0.8 0.8
0.7 kT=0.1 (10-16 m2)
0.6 0.6

0.5 kT=1 (10-16 m2)
0.4 0.4
0.3 kT=10 (10-16 m2)

0.2 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Empirical probability Kc (mm/year1/2)

Fig. 5. P-P plot of the derived model for the carbonation rate. Fig. 7. Density functions of Kc for particular values of kT.

∼ Some plots of Eq. (15) are presented in Fig. 7 for particular values of
values of K ci can be computed and compared with Exp(1) through
∼ kT.
probability and quantile plots. Ranking the computed K ci values in in-
creasing order, the i-th pair of n (sample size) pairs of the probability
plot (Fig. 5) will be 4. Computation of service life

⎛ i , 1 − e−1 ∙ K ci⎞

A simple approach will be described here, assuming that the exact
⎝n + 1 ⎠ (13)
value of the cover thickness xd is known, be it by direct exposure of the
For the quantile plot (Fig. 6), the i-th pair of n pairs will be steel or by means of covermeters (electromagnetic or Ground
Penetrating Radar). A more elaborated approach is being developed,
⎛−ln ⎛ i ⎞ , ∼
⎜ K ci⎞ ⎟ considering xd as a random variable.
⎝ ⎝n + 1⎠ ⎠ (14) We assume that the service life corresponds to the corrosion in-
Both plots lend support to the fairness of the derived model, whilst itiation time Ti; i.e. the time when the carbonation front xc has reached
the two points away from the equality line on the Q-Q plot are pre- the outer surface of the steel xd, where xd is the cover depth. As dis-
sumably outliers. cussed in Section 2.1, this is a rather conservative approach, especially
for elements exposed to relatively dry environments, due to their very
3.5. Conditional density function of the carbonation rate low corrosion propagation rate.
Let us assume that, at a given location within a structure, values of
The former analysis suggests that carbonation rate Kc is a random kT = 1.0 × 10−16 m2 and xd = 16 mm have been measured. Fig. 8 re-
variable that follows a Weibull distribution. Since, for the derived produces in green colour the corresponding density function, already
model, the distribution's scale parameter c depends upon air-perme- shown in Fig. 7.
ability coefficient kT, Eq. (7) may be written as a conditional prob- Three scenarios can be assumed: optimistic, expected and pessi-
ability density function of Kc given kT. Recapping the maximum like- mistic, by taking the Kc fractiles corresponding to P = 25%, 50% and
lihood estimators of the model parameters, the conditional density 75% probability, respectively.
function f (Kc|kT) is given by From Eq. (15), parameters c and d of Weibull distribution (Eq. (6))
can be computed:
1.823 ⎛ Kc ⎞⎟ (16)
f (K c | kT ) = ∙⎜ d = 2.444
K c ⎝ 0.848∙log10 (kT ) + 2.636 ⎠
2.444 0.848. log10 (kT ) + 2.636
−0.746 ∙ ⎛
⎜ ⎟

∙e ⎝ 0.848 ∙ log10 (kT ) + 2.636 ⎠ (15) 1
0.746 d
1/2 −16 2
with Kc in mm/year and kT in 10 m .
O25% E50% P75%
Model quantile


4 0.2

2 0.1

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 2 4 6 Kc (mm/y½)
Empirical quantile
Fig. 8. Probability density function corresponding to kT = 1.0 10−16 m2 and
Fig. 6. Q-Q plot of the derived model for the carbonation rate. fractiles.

R. Neves et al. Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

100000 1000000
O25% O25%

Initiation Time Ti (years)

Initiation Time Ti (years)

10000 xd = 10 mm E50% 100000 xd = 40 mm E50%

P75% P75%

1 1
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
kT (10-16 m²) kT (10-16 m²)
Fig. 9. Initiation time as function of kT for three scenarios and cover Fig. 11. Initiation time as function of kT for three scenarios and cover
depth = 10 mm. depth = 40 mm.

for kT = 1 Eq. (17) yields c = 2.9718. 5. Application to a real case: Tokyo's Museum of Western Art
The fractile of Weibull distribution corresponding to a P (%) prob-
ability is: Being the only building in Japan designed by Le Corbusier, Tokyo's
Museum of Western Art is a “World Heritage” Building. Due to some
P ⎤d symptoms of steel corrosion, a condition survey was conducted when
K c (P ) = c. ⎡−ln ⎛1 − ⎞
the building reached 50 years of age [5]. The Japanese recommenda-
⎣ ⎝ 100 ⎠⎦ (18)
tions for durability design and construction practice of reinforced
In our case, is Kc (25) = 1.78 mm/y1/2, Kc (50) = 2.56 mm/y1/2 and concrete [37] indicate that interventions are to be undertaken when the
Kc (75) = 3.40 mm/y1/2. These values are marked with blue, black and probability of the carbonation depth being equal or greater than the
red vertical lines in Fig. 10, respectively. cover depth reaches 20%.
Now, from Eq. (2), the calculated service life Ti is: Due to the historical value of the building, the drilling of just three
small cores (Ø20 mm) was allowed, on which the carbonation depth xc
2 was measured. An extensive investigation of the building was con-
Ti = ⎛ d ⎞ ⎜ ⎟
ducted applying non-destructive techniques: air-permeability kT
⎝ c⎠ (19)
(PermeaTORR instrument) and cover thickness xd (GPR instrument).
Three possible values of Ti for the investigated point can be calcu- The combined measurement of xc and kT (where the cores were later
lated: expected, optimistic and pessimistic. Expected value, Ti (50), drilled) allowed a correlation to be established. Imamoto et al. [5] as-
2 sumed a linear relation between Kc = xc/√50 of the three cores and log
corresponding to Kc (50) is Ti (50) = 2.56 = 39 years. ( )
(kT), passing through the point kT = 0.1 10−16 m2; Kc = 0 [5], as de-
Similarly, Ti for the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios can be
picted in Fig. 12. It assumed that no carbonation occurs for kT < 0.1
computed, introducing Kc (25) = 1.78 mm/y1/2 and Kc
10−16 m2. This type of relation was established on the basis of research
(75) = 3.40 mm/y1/2, respectively, in Eq. (19). The resulting service
conducted in Japan [21].
lives are Ti (25) = 81 years and Ti (75) = 22 years for the optimistic and
There are 111 pairs of values (kT; xd) measured on the north-side
pessimistic scenarios, respectively.
exterior wall of the building, framed in red in Fig. 13.
Figs. 9 to 11 show the service life Ti for concretes of different air-
To test the approach proposed in Section 4, for each pair of values
permeabilities kT, for cover depths of 10, 25 and 40 mm, respectively.
(kT, xd), the following was done:
The three scenarios: optimistic, expected and pessimistic are plotted for
each case.
1. With each kT, parameter c of the Weibull distribution was com-
puted, applying Eq. (17), with d = 2.444
2. Carbonation coefficient Kc, for P = 25, 50 and 75% was computed,
1000000 applying Eq. (18).
Initiation Time Ti (years)

100000 xd = 25 mm E50% 6
10000 5 Test data Kc=0.63ln(kTx1016)+1.40
Prediction model
Kc (mm/year1/2)

1000 4

100 3
Mortar finishing
10 2

1 1
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
kT (10-16 m²) 0
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Fig. 10. Initiation time as function of kT for three scenarios and cover kT (×10-16 m2)
depth = 25 mm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. 12. Correlation between Kc and kT established by Imamoto et al. [5].

R. Neves et al. Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

Fig. 13. kT testing on N-side external wall of Tokyo's Museum of Western Art.

The assessment for the “pessimistic” scenario (P75%) looks rea-

sonable, whilst that for the “optimistic” scenario seems too optimistic
and requires a revision.

6. Conclusions

Imamoto et al.[5] A method to assess the residual service life of structures exposed, for
relatively long periods, to environments that facilitate the penetration
of CO2, is presented.
The method is based on the determination, on site, of the air-per-
meability and cover depth, in an entirely non-destructive manner. In
this way, the damaging and costly drilling of cores to assess the car-
bonation depth is entirely avoided or strongly reduced.
The method is based on a large data base of paired measurements of
Fig. 14. Probability of Ti for different scenarios, compared to that presented in carbonation depth and air-permeability conducted on several concrete
structures (predominantly 10–60 years old) located in Japan, Portugal
and Switzerland.
3. With xd and each Kc, the initiation time Ti is computed for the op- The uncertainty of the assessment grows with the permeability of
timistic, expected and pessimistic scenarios, applying Eq. (19). the concrete measured. A statistical analysis was made, to obtain a
4. The 111 values of Ti, for each scenario, are sorted and the prob- Weibull distribution for the carbonation coefficient Kc (mm/y1/2),
ability of occurrence is calculated for each of them. having a constant shape parameter and a scale parameter that is
function of the measured air-permeability kT.
Fig. 16 shows the probability curves of Ti obtained for each sce- The probability distribution of Kc allows the estimation of the cor-
nario: pessimistic (P75%), expected (E50%) and optimistic (O25%). rosion initiation time Ti for different scenarios, e.g. optimistic, expected
Fig. 14 also shows (white dots on green curve) the probability curve and pessimistic.
computed by Imamoto et al. [5]. The agreement with the values com- The approach was applied to the test results obtained on the em-
puted with the method proposed in this paper, for the “expected” sce- blematic Tokyo's Museum of Western Art, with the “expected” scenario
nario (E50%), is remarkable, considering that the calculations were assessment in very close agreement to that made by an entirely different
made following completely different assumptions and procedures. It is method. The prediction for the “optimistic” scenario looks too opti-
worth noticing that both curves in Fig. 14 predict a small probability of mistic and should be revised.
occurrence of corrosion initiation at the time of the investigation The proposed approach is expected to provide reasonable assess-
(50 years), which is compatible with the localized corrosion damage ments of the corrosion initiation time of concrete surfaces exposed to
detected during the survey of the building. outdoors climate (as were the ones on which the experimental work
Indeed, Imamoto et al. [5] based their calculation on a simple re- was conducted). Assessing the residual service life involves assessing
lation, based on the results of just 3 cores taken from the Museum also the corrosion propagation time, the modelling of which is still not
(Fig. 12), whilst the model proposed in this paper is based on a statis- fully developed. Assimilating the corrosion initiation time with service
tical treatment of a large number of measurements obtained on many life is reasonable for outdoors' exposed surfaces (e.g. Exposure Class
different structures (Fig. 1). XC4 of EN 206), where available moisture and oxygen leads to

R. Neves et al. Cement and Concrete Research 109 (2018) 10–18

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