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Escuela Militar de Ingeniería

“Mcal. Antonio José de Sucre”

Unidad Académica cochabamba


Código : C5781-9

Estudiante : Israel Flores Mamani

Docente : Ing. Rene zurita

Carrera : Ingenieria petrolera

Semestre : Noveno

Materia : Modelos de simulación

Cbba, 04 de Noviembre de 2019

Practica 1
diseño de pozos y ánálisis de desempeño de la
producción. Diagnostique el desempeño de la producción
a través del modelado integral de los sistemas de pozos y levantamiento artificial.
PIPESIM constituye una forma minuciosa, rápida y eficiente de ayudarlo a
incrementar la producción y conocer el potencial de su yacimiento. PIPESIM no
sólo modela el flujo multifásico desde el yacimiento hasta el cabezal del pozo, sino
que además tiene en cuenta el desempeño de la línea de flujo y de las
instalaciones de superficie para proveer un análisis integral del sistema de

 Determine cuál sería el espesor óptimo, considerando todos los espesores

del catalogo de tuberías de producción

 Se desea evaluar el comportamiento del pozo con diferentes contenidos,

considerando los siguientes contenidos de agua

 determine el caudal de producción considerando una presión de salida de

1800 Psig y haciendo variar la presión estática del yacimiento

 Si se incrementa la temperatura del yacimiento, existiría variación en el

caudal de producción, tome en cuenta los mismos datos del punto (3), pero
la variable sensible deberá variar considerando lo siguiente


según el informe redactado por el ingeniero rene zurita se procedera a realizar los
siguientes pasos para cumplir con las sugerencias del ingeniero
Paso #1: Datos de la Terminación Vertical.
Modelo IPR: Ecuación de Vogel.
Presión Estática del Yacimiento: 3800 Psia.
Temperatura del Yacimiento: 180 °F.
Presión de Fondo Fluyente (Pwf): 2900 Psia.
Caudal Actual de Producción: 648 STB/D.
Tubería de Producción.
Temperatura Ambiente: 65 °F.
Profundidad de la Tubería de Producción: 6200 ft.
MD: 6850 ft.
TVD: 6850 ft.
Diámetro de la Tubería de Producción: 2 (7/8) in.

Datos del Fluido.

Contenido de Agua 30%
GOR: 420 scf/STB
SG. Gas 0.61
API: 45
para el primer paso habilitaremos el incono Ver Well para poner los respectivos
Los colores verdes son otorgados por el anunciado

El color anaranjado es para calcular el potencial absoluto

Una vez terminado colocamos acepto

Paso dos seleccionamos el incono tubing_1 y seleccionar modelo simple

Una vez concluido con los datos ponemos acepto

Los datos son otorgados por el ingeniero

Con la incognita ayuda podremos podemos determinar los diámetro

interior, espesor, peso, clase.

Paso tres se entra a configuraciones donde entramos a black oil

Datos otorgados por el ingeniero

Una vez terminado poner acepto

En el primer punto determine cuál sería el espesor óptimo, considerando todos los
espesores del catálogo de tuberías de producción

Paso 3 entro a operaciones para observar si hay errores ( Revisar modelo)

después entramos a perfil presiones/temperatura
Una vez terminado se generara una grafica en el cual se procedera a analizar el
conportamiento de presion a una distancia con diferentes condiciones propuestos
por el anunciado
1.- Como se muestra en la gráfica, la conclusión es que los diámetros que son
evaluados no influyen tanto en la gráfica del de presión vs distancia, así que no
tiene una variación abismal como se muestra en la grafica

2.- Cuando el cote del agua tine un 90 % no afecta tanto la presion hasta los 2800
psia luego tiene un comportamiento de de declinacion abismal llegando una
declinacion a 0 es decir que cuanto mayor sea el corte de agua mayor sera la
declinacion de presion
3.- Si la presion del yacimiento es meyor no tendra una declinacion considerable de presion
a una cierta distancion pero en el cual se muestran las dos graficas muestra una declinacion
mayor en especial la recta azul donde comienza declinarse a la distancia 7000 pies a mayor
presion mayor caudal.

A menor temperatura mayor caudal y la caida de presion no hay ninguna con los demas
temperatura no hay una variacion considerable con respecto a la distacion osea que todos
tiene una declinacion a una distancia a los 7000 pies
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
************ PIPESIM ************ Date : 04/11/19
* (Release 4.40 02/06/09) * Time : 21:28:56
* 2009.1.153 * INPUT DATA ECHO PC-32/Intel
* Schlumberger * INPUT DATA ECHO
* *

Data File : C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.pst

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Schlumberger\Pipesim\Programs\psimstub.exe" C:\Users\HP\DOCUME~1\PRACTI~1.PST -h C_3907 -v1

1 $# PIPESIM build: 2009-06-02 on Mon Nov 04 20:59:03 2019

2 $ C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.pst
4 header proj = 'PIPESIM Project' user = 'User'
5 job 'PIPESIM Job'
7 units input=eng output=eng
8 options eofs = 1
10 options ufactor = 1
12 HEAT spifcmethod = BJA mpifcmethod = BJA
13 options thmethod = 1 ppmethod = 1
14 print primary auxiliary profile fluid echo
15 noprint summary inflow glin glout segment hin hout slug iter wax
16 print cases = 1
17 plot FORMAT = BJA
18 print REPORTS = ON
20 $*********************************************
21 $ User Units
22 $*********************************************
24 plotfiledata "*modelunit ENERGY PER MASS (HEAD) , ft-lbf/lbm"
25 plotfiledata "*modelunit HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT , Btu/hr/ft2/F"
26 plotfiledata "*modelunit SPECIFIC VOLUME MOLE , ft3/mol"
27 plotfiledata "*modelunit ENERGY PER MASS (ENTHALPY) , Btu/lb"
28 plotfiledata "*modelunit (JONES A GAS) , (psi/mmscf/d)^2"
29 plotfiledata "*modelunit FREQUENCY , hz"
30 plotfiledata "*modelunit (SAND SIZE) , in/1e3"
31 plotfiledata "*modelunit PER LENGTH , shots/ft"
32 plotfiledata "*modelunit (JONES B GAS) , psi2/mmscf/d"
33 plotfiledata "*modelunit VELOCITY , ft/s"
34 plotfiledata "*modelunit FLOW RATE VOLUME BASIS (LIQ) , bbl/d"
35 plotfiledata "*modelunit FLOW RATE VOLUME BASIS (GAS) , mmcf/d"
36 plotfiledata "*modelunit VOLUME (GAS) , ft3"
37 plotfiledata "*modelunit VOLUME PER VOLUME (LGR) , STB/mmscf"
38 plotfiledata "*modelunit STD VOLUME PER VOLUME (GLR) , scf/bbl"
39 plotfiledata "*modelunit VOLUME PER VOLUME (GLR) , scf/STB"
40 plotfiledata "*modelunit TEMPERATURE , F"
41 plotfiledata "*modelunit MASS , lb"
42 plotfiledata "*modelunit STD VOLUME GAS RATE (RECIPROCAL) , 1/mmscfd"
43 plotfiledata "*modelunit STD VOLUME GAS RATE , mmscf/d"
44 plotfiledata "*modelunit DENSITY LIQUID , lb/ft3"

Page: 1
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
45 plotfiledata "*modelunit VOLUME PER STD VOLUME , bbl/mmscf"
46 plotfiledata "*modelunit (JONES A LIQ) , psi/(STB/d)^2"
47 plotfiledata "*modelunit COMPRESSIBILITY , 1/psi"
48 plotfiledata "*modelunit UNITLESS , "
49 plotfiledata "*modelunit (JONES B LIQ) , psi/STB/d"
50 plotfiledata "*modelunit SPECIFIC PRODUCTIVITY INDEX (LIQ) , STB/d/psi"
51 plotfiledata "*modelunit LENGTH SHORTRANGE , inches"
52 plotfiledata "*modelunit RATIO (%) , %"
53 plotfiledata "*modelunit STD VOLUME LIQUID RATE (RECIPROCAL) , 1/stbd"
54 plotfiledata "*modelunit PRESSURE (DELTA) , psi"
55 plotfiledata "*modelunit (TEMPERATURE PER PRESSURE) , F/psi"
56 plotfiledata "*modelunit VOLUME (LIQUID) , ft3"
57 plotfiledata "*modelunit AREA EARTH SURFACE , ft2"
58 plotfiledata "*modelunit SPECIFIC PRODUCTIVITY INDEX (LIQ PER LENGTH) , STB/d/psi/ft"
59 plotfiledata "*modelunit VISCOSITY DYNAMIC , cP"
60 plotfiledata "*modelunit FLOW RATE VOLUME BASIS (GAS) , ACFM"
61 plotfiledata "*modelunit THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY , Btu/hr/ft/F"
62 plotfiledata "*modelunit SPECIFIC PRODUCTIVITY INDEX (GAS) , mmscf/d/psi2"
63 plotfiledata "*modelunit AREA , in2"
64 plotfiledata "*modelunit PERMEABILITY , md"
65 plotfiledata "*modelunit TEMPERATURE (DELTA) , F"
66 plotfiledata "*modelunit VELOCITY (EROSION RATE) , in/1e3/year"
67 plotfiledata "*modelunit SPECIFIC ENTROPY , Btu/lb/F"
68 plotfiledata "*modelunit POWER , hp"
69 plotfiledata "*modelunit PRESSURE GRADIENT , psi/ft"
70 plotfiledata "*modelunit SURFACE TENSION , dyne/cm"
71 plotfiledata "*modelunit TIME , hr"
72 plotfiledata "*modelunit SPECIFIC PRODUCTIVITY INDEX (GAS PER LENGTH) , mmscf/d/psi2/ft"
73 plotfiledata "*modelunit STD VOLUME LIQUID RATE , STB/d"
74 plotfiledata "*modelunit PRESSURE , psia"
75 plotfiledata "*modelunit FLOW RATE MASS BASIS , lb/s"
76 plotfiledata "*modelunit LENGTH MIDRANGE , ft"
77 $*********************************************
79 $*********************************************
81 $*********************************************
83 vcorr type = HBR angle = 45 ffactor = 1 hfactor = 1
84 hcorr type = BBR ffactor = 1 hfactor = 1
85 sphase corr = Moody
87 $*********************************************
88 $ FLUID DATA - fluido
89 $ Description :
90 $*********************************************
92 begin fluid name = 'fluido'
93 blackoil corr = LASATER
94 prop api = 65 gassg = 0.64 watersg = 1.02
95 lvis dovcorr = begrob lovcorr = chewcon uovcorr = vazbeg
96 lvis emulsion = SWAP boundary = 60
97 rate wcut = 30 GOR = 420
98 CONTAMINANTS CO2 = 0 H2S = 0 N2 = 0 H2 = 0 CO = 0
100 cpfluid oil = 0.45 gas = 0.55 water = 1
101 kfluid oil = 0.08 gas = 0.02 water = 0.35

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File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
102 end fluid
105 $*********************************************
106 $ Inlet
107 $*********************************************
109 inlet temp = 180
111 $*********************************************
113 $*********************************************
114 include "practica" 1 $# on Mon Nov 04 21:28:56 2019 2 3 $************************************************************** 4 $ Pressure/Temperature Profiles 5 $************************************************************** 6 plot casedata jobdata xycase = bd 7 itern type = LFLOW pout = 1814.695949 psia 8 multicase ?beta = (180,250,280) $ F 9 INLET temp = ?beta F
119 $*********************************************
121 $*********************************************
122 $ *** Profile Description from node : VertWell_1
124 VOGEL pwstatic = 3800 aofp = 1698.8235 picoef = 0.8 label = 'VertWell_1'
125 TUBING label = 'Tubing_1'
126 pipe id = 2.065 wt = 0.5 flowtype = tubing roughness = 0.001 label = 'Tubing_1_Tub#1'
127 heat ifc = input u = input
128 node tvd = 6850 md = 6850 temp = 180 u = 2 label = 'Mid Perfs'
129 node tvd = 6000 md = 6000
130 node tvd = 5000 md = 5000
131 node tvd = 4000 md = 4000
132 node tvd = 3000 md = 3000
133 node tvd = 2000 md = 2000
134 node tvd = 1000 md = 1000
135 node tvd = 0 md = 0 temp = 65 u = 2 label = 'Well Head'


Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Page: 3
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out

*** WARNING *** No solution possible (guess too small) after 21 iterations.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Page: 4
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
************ PIPESIM ************ Date : 04/11/19
* (Release 4.40 02/06/09) * Time : 21:28:56
* MULTIPHASE FLOW SIMULATOR * Case no. 1 Fluid Property Data
* 2009.1.153 * Case no. 1 Fluid Property Data PC-32/Intel
* Schlumberger * Case no. 1 Fluid Property Data
* *

Project : PIPESIM Project

User : User
Data File : C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.pst

Job : 'PIPESIM Job'

Case 1 : UNCONVERGED TEMPERATURE=180 F Flowrate=.192625-5 sbbl/day

* Blackoil Case * 935D0C97
* Properties and Flow Rates at the System Inlet(s) *

Definition of Blackoil fluid "fluido", Handle = 935D0C97 :

Correlations and Options Selected :


Solution Gas in Oil (RsO) ...... Lasater

Solution Gas in Water (RsW) .... Not modelled
Gas Z-factor ................... Standing fit to Standing-Katz chart
Oil Formation Volume Factor .... Standing
Dead Oil Viscosity ............. Beggs & Robinson
Live Oil Viscosity ............. Chew & Connaly
Undersaturated Oil Viscosity ... Vasquez & Beggs
Liquid Viscosity Option ........ Set to oil viscosity below 60% watercut, set to water viscosity above
Watercut cutoff (%) ............ 60

Black Oil Calibration Data : Temperature Pressure Calibration without
-------------------------- (F) (psia) Factor calibration

Bubble Point Saturation Gas ... uncalibrated

Live oil FVF & Density ........ uncalibrated
Reservoir Density ............. uncalibrated
Reservoir FVF ................. uncalibrated
Gas Z-factor .................. uncalibrated
Gas Viscosity ................. uncalibrated
Live Oil Viscosity ............ uncalibrated
Undersaturated Oil Viscosity .. uncalibrated
Dead Oil Viscosity ............ .42034 (cP) 200.0 14.70
Dead Oil Viscosity ............ 2.2860 (cP) 70.0 14.70

Contaminants Data : (measured as a mole fraction of the gas phase at stock-tank conditions)

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File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out

Mole fraction CO2 ............. .00000

Mole fraction H2S ............. .00000
Mole fraction N2 .............. .00000
Mole fraction H2 .............. .00000
Mole fraction CO .............. .00000

Stock-Tank Fluid Property and Rate Data :


Volume % Liquid ............... 1.8739 (%) Mass % liquid ................. 95.181 (%)
Gas / Oil Ratio ............... 420.00 (scf/stb) Liquid / Gas Ratio ............ 3401.4 (bbl/mmscf)
Water Cut ..................... 30.000 (%) Oil / Gas Ratio ............... 2381.0 (bbl/mmscf)
Gas S.G. (air = 1) ............ .64000 Gas / Liquid Ratio ............ 294.00 (scf/stb)
Water S.G. .................... 1.0200 Gas / Water Ratio ............. 980.00 (scf/stb)
Oil API Gravity ............... 65.000 Water / Gas Ratio ............. 1020.4 (bbl/mmscf)
Dead Oil Density .............. 44.955 (lb/ft3)

Fluid Heat Capacity Data :

Oil CP ........................ .45000 (Btu/lb/F)
Gas CP ........................ .55000 (Btu/lb/F)
Water CP ...................... 1.0000 (Btu/lb/F)

Fluid Thermal Conductivity Data :

Oil Conductivity .............. .80000E-01 (btu/hr/ft/F)
Gas Conductivity .............. .20000E-01 (btu/hr/ft/F)
Water Conductivity ............ .35000 (btu/hr/ft/F)

Run Data :
Gross Liquid Flow Rate ........ .20000E-05 (stb/d) Gas Flow Rate ................. .58800E-09 (mmft3d)
Inlet Pressure ................ 3800.0 (psia) Total Mass Flow Rate .......... .69054E-08 (lb/s)
Inlet Enthalpy ................ 125.42 (Btu/lb) Inlet Temperature ............. 180.00 (F)

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

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File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Page: 7
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
************ PIPESIM ************ Date : 04/11/19
* (Release 4.40 02/06/09) * Time : 21:28:56
* MULTIPHASE FLOW SIMULATOR * Case no. 1 Profile & Flow Correlations
* 2009.1.153 * Case no. 1 Profile & Flow Correlations PC-32/Intel
* Schlumberger * Case no. 1 Profile & Flow Correlations
* *

Project : PIPESIM Project

User : User
Data File : C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.pst

Job : 'PIPESIM Job'

Case 1 : UNCONVERGED TEMPERATURE=180 F Flowrate=.192625-5 sbbl/day

Profile Data
Node Node Node Section Total Ambient Input Node Node
no. distance elevation length length temp. U TVD MD
(feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (F) (Btu/hr/ft2/F) (feet) (feet) Fluid

Mid Perfs 1 0.0 -6850.0 0.0 0.0 180.0 2.000 6850.0 6850.0 Name = fluido
2 0.0 -6000.0 850.0 850.0 165.7 2.000 6000.0 6000.0 Name = fluido

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

3 0.0 -5000.0 1000.0 1850.0 148.9 2.000 5000.0 5000.0 Name = fluido
4 0.0 -4000.0 1000.0 2850.0 132.2 2.000 4000.0 4000.0 Name = fluido
5 0.0 -3000.0 1000.0 3850.0 115.4 2.000 3000.0 3000.0 Name = fluido
6 0.0 -2000.0 1000.0 4850.0 98.6 2.000 2000.0 2000.0 Name = fluido
7 0.0 -1000.0 1000.0 5850.0 81.8 2.000 1000.0 1000.0 Name = fluido
Well Head 8 0.0 0.0 1000.0 6850.0 65.0 2.000 Name = fluido

Flow Correlations and options


Vertical Flow pattern ................................ Not used.

Vertical Flow holdup ................................. Not used.
Vertical Flow pressure loss .......................... Not used.
Vertical Friction multiplier ......................... 1.0000
Vertical Holdup multiplier ........................... 1.0000
Horizontal Flow pattern .............................. Not used.
Horizontal Flow holdup ............................... Not used.
Horizontal Flow pressure loss ........................ Not used.
Horizontal Friction multiplier ....................... 1.0000
Horizontal Holdup multiplier ......................... 1.0000
Horizontal / vertical swap angle .................... 45.00000 degrees from horizontal

Page: 8
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
Single Phase Correlation ............................. Moody Diagram (Colebrook-White Eqn.)
Liquid volume fraction lower limit ................... 1.000e-5 (Single-phase correlation will be used outside the limits,
Liquid volume fraction upper limit ................... .9900000 multi-phase correlations will be used inside the limits)
Pipe Wall Roughness .................................. .0010000 (ins.)

Erosion and Corrosion data


Erosion method ....................................... API

Erosion Velocity 'K' value ........................... 100.00
Corrosion method ..................................... None

Page: 9
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
************ PIPESIM ************ Date : 04/11/19
* (Release 4.40 02/06/09) * Time : 21:28:56
* MULTIPHASE FLOW SIMULATOR * Case no. 1 Primary Output
* 2009.1.153 * Case no. 1 Primary Output PC-32/Intel
* Schlumberger * Case no. 1 Primary Output
* *

Project : PIPESIM Project

User : User
Data File : C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.pst

Job : 'PIPESIM Job'

Case 1 : UNCONVERGED TEMPERATURE=180 F Flowrate=.192625-5 sbbl/day

Dist. Elev. Horiz. Vert. Pres. Temp. Mean Pressure Drop Liquid Free Total Densities Slug Flow
Angle Devn. Vel. (psi) Flow Gas Mass (lb/ft3) Number Pattern
(feet) (feet) (deg) (deg) (psia) (F) (ft/s) Elev. Frictn. (bbl/d) (mmscfd) (lb/s) Liquid Gas (PI-SS)

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

*** VertWell_1 Production: pws= 3800 psia pwf= 3800 psia Q= 2e-6 sbbl/day twf= 180 F

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Warning14853 from BOLIB, :

The Oil API Gravity (65) is out of limits (16 to 58) for the Beggs & Robinson dead oil viscosity correlation.

Page: 10
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
Mid Perfs
1 0.0000 -6850. 90.00 0.000 3800.0 180.00 .65e-8 0.0000 0.0000 .23e-5 0.00000 .69e-8 45.640 LIQUID
2 0.0000 -6000. 90.00 0.000 3530.1 165.74 .65e-8 269.90 4.e-10 .23e-5 0.00000 .69e-8 45.850 LIQUID
3 0.0000 -5000. 90.00 0.000 3210.9 148.95 .64e-8 319.19 .49e-9 .23e-5 0.00000 .69e-8 46.110 LIQUID
4 0.0000 -4000. 90.00 0.000 2889.9 132.16 .64e-8 321.00 .53e-9 .23e-5 0.00000 .69e-8 46.367 LIQUID
5 0.0000 -3000. 90.00 0.000 2567.1 115.37 .64e-8 322.76 .58e-9 .23e-5 0.00000 .69e-8 46.618 LIQUID
6 0.0000 -2000. 90.00 0.000 2242.7 98.585 .63e-8 324.48 .65e-9 .23e-5 0.00000 .69e-8 46.861 LIQUID
7 0.0000 -1000. 90.00 0.000 1916.5 81.797 .63e-8 326.14 .77e-9 .23e-5 0.00000 .69e-8 47.096 LIQUID
8 0.0000 0.0000 90.00 0.000 1588.8 65.008 .63e-8 327.74 .96e-9 .22e-5 0.00000 .69e-8 47.321 LIQUID
Well Head

WARNING: The iteration routine could not achieve the required outlet pressure for this case:
Guess was too small: the system behaves asymptotically.
Results are for the minimum allowable flowrate or inlet pressure.

Page: 11
File: C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.out
************ PIPESIM ************ Date : 04/11/19
* (Release 4.40 02/06/09) * Time : 21:28:56
* MULTIPHASE FLOW SIMULATOR * Case no. 1 Auxiliary Output
* 2009.1.153 * Case no. 1 Auxiliary Output PC-32/Intel
* Schlumberger * Case no. 1 Auxiliary Output
* *

Project : PIPESIM Project

User : User
Data File : C:\Users\HP\Documents\practica 1.1.pst

Job : 'PIPESIM Job'

Case 1 : UNCONVERGED TEMPERATURE=180 F Flowrate=.192625-5 sbbl/day

No-Slip Slip Liquid

Dist. Elev. Superficial Mass Flow Rates Viscosities Reynolds Liquid Liquid Liquid Enthalpy Erosion Corrosion Hydrate Loading
Vel. (ft/s) (lb/s) (Centipoise) Number Holdup Holdup Watercut Velocity Rate Rate Sub-cool Velocity
(feet) (feet) Liq. Gas Liq. Gas Liq. Gas Frn. Frn. (%) (Btu/lb) Ratio (in/1e3/year) (F) Ratio
Mid Perfs
Flowtype is Tubing ID= 2.065 ins Roughness= .001 ins
1 0.0000 -6850. .65e-8 0.0000 .69e-8 0.0000 .454940 .023076 .000167 1.0000 1.0000 26.186 125.415 .44e-9 n/a n/a
2 0.0000 -6000. .65e-8 0.0000 .69e-8 0.0000 .475015 .022269 .000160 1.0000 1.0000 26.210 115.424 .44e-9 n/a n/a
3 0.0000 -5000. .64e-8 0.0000 .69e-8 0.0000 .508415 .021250 .000150 1.0000 1.0000 26.249 103.687 .44e-9 n/a n/a
4 0.0000 -4000. .64e-8 0.0000 .69e-8 0.0000 .554020 .020134 .000137 1.0000 1.0000 26.298 91.9752 .44e-9 n/a n/a
5 0.0000 -3000. .64e-8 0.0000 .69e-8 0.0000 .617985 .018911 .000123 1.0000 1.0000 26.359 80.2877 .43e-9 n/a n/a
6 0.0000 -2000. .63e-8 0.0000 .69e-8 0.0000 .712940 .017579 .000107 1.0000 1.0000 26.429 68.6232 .43e-9 n/a n/a
7 0.0000 -1000. .63e-8 0.0000 .69e-8 0.0000 .865988 .016148 .878e-4 1.0000 1.0000 26.509 56.9807 .43e-9 n/a n/a
8 0.0000 0.0000 .63e-8 0.0000 .69e-8 0.0000 1.05331 .014653 .722e-4 1.0000 1.0000 26.598 45.3592 .43e-9 n/a n/a
Well Head

WARNING: The iteration routine could not achieve the required outlet pressure for this case:
Guess was too small: the system behaves asymptotically.
Results are for the minimum allowable flowrate or inlet pressure.

Case 1 failed to converge

System Plot file for this job is : practica 1.1.plt

*** WARNING *** No solution possible after 11 iterations.

Simplex too far from required outlet pressure.

Case 2 failed to converge

*** WARNING *** No solution possible after 11 iterations.

Simplex too far from required outlet pressure.

Case 3 failed to converge

Page: 12

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