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Determination of Residual Strength Parameters of Jointed Rock Masses Using

the GSI System

Article  in  International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences · February 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2006.07.005


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4 authors, including:

M. Cai P. K. Kaiser
Laurentian University Laurentian University


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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

Determination of residual strength parameters of jointed

rock masses using the GSI system
M. Caia,, P.K. Kaisera, Y. Tasakab, M. Minamic
Geomechanics Research Centre, MIRARCO, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ont., Canada
Department of Advanced Engineering, Tokyo Electric Power Services Company Limited, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Construction, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Tokyo, Japan
Accepted 13 July 2006
Available online 26 September 2006


The Geological Strength Index (GSI) system, proposed in 1995, is now widely used for the estimation of the rock mass strength and the
rock mass deformation parameters. The GSI system concentrates on the description of two factors, rock structure and block surface
conditions. The guidelines given by the GSI system are for the estimation of the peak strength parameters of jointed rock masses. There
are no guidelines given by the GSI, or by any other system, for the estimation of the rock mass’ residual strength that yield consistent
results. In this paper, a method is proposed to extend the GSI system for the estimation of a rock mass’s residual strength. It is proposed
to adjust the peak GSI to the residual GSIr value based on the two major controlling factors in the GSI system—the residual block
volume V rb and the residual joint condition factor J rc . Methods to estimate the residual block volume and joint condition factor are
presented. The proposed method for the estimation of rock mass’s residual strength is validated using in-situ block shear test data from
three large-scale cavern construction sites and data from a back-analysis of rock slopes. The estimated residual strengths, calculated
using the reduced residual GSIr value, are found to be in good agreement with field test or back-analyzed data.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rock mass; Rock mass classification; Geological strength index; Rock failure

1. Introduction universal model that can be used to a priori predict the

strength of the rock mass. Traditional methods to
Knowledge of the rock mass strength and deformation determine these parameters include plate-loading tests for
behaviors is required for the design of many engineering deformation modulus and in-situ block shear tests for
structures in or on rock, such as foundations, slopes, strength parameters. These tests can only be performed
tunnels, underground caverns, drifts, and mining stopes. when the exploration adits are excavated and the cost of
A better understanding of the rock mass strength behavior, conducting in-situ tests is high. Although back-analyses
including the peak and residual strengths, will facilitate the based on field measurement are helpful in determining the
cost-effective design of such structures. strength and deformation parameters as a project proceeds,
The determination of the global mechanical properties of they do not provide design parameters at the pre-feasibility
a jointed rock mass remains one of the most difficult tasks or feasibility study stages.
in rock mechanics. Many researchers have developed Few attempts have been made to develop methods to
constitutive models to describe the strength and deforma- characterize the jointed rock mass to estimate the deform-
tion behaviors of jointed rock masses e.g., [3–5]. Because ability and strength indirectly. The Geological Strength
there are so many parameters that affect the deformability Index (GSI), developed by Hoek et al. [1], is one of them. It
and strength, it is generally impossible to develop a uses properties of intact rock and conditions of jointing to
determine/estimate the rock mass deformability and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 705 675 1151; fax: +1 705 675 4838. strength. GSI values can be estimated based on the
E-mail address: (M. Cai). geological description of the rock mass and this is well

1365-1609/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
248 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

suited for rock mass characterization without direct access test data from three large-scale cavern construction sites
to the rock mass from tunnels. The GSI system concen- and data from a back-analysis of a rock slope stability
trates on the description of two factors, rock structure and study.
block surface conditions. It is a system that provides a The following definitions for the peak and residual
complete set of mechanical properties (Hoek–Brown strength are illustrated in Fig. 1. The residual strength is
strength parameters mb and s, or the equivalent Mohr– defined by the plateau after the peak, in a strain range of
Coulomb strength parameters c and f, as well as the elastic about 5–10 times the strain corresponding to the peak
modulus E) for design purposes. Recently, a means to strength. This level of load bearing capacity is commonly
quantify this approach by use of field data, which employs referred as the ‘‘residual strength’’ in most civil and mining
the block volume (Vb) and a joint condition factor (Jc) as engineering applications. If straining is allowed to con-
quantitative characterization factors, was presented in [2]. tinue, then, the strength can further decreases and
Guidelines given by the GSI system are for the eventually reaches a lower strength.
estimation of the peak strength of jointed rock masses. In
general, rock masses, except when highly disturbed, exhibit 2. Influence of the rock’s residual strength on support design
strain-softening post-peak behavior, so that the residual for underground excavations
strength parameters are lower than the peak parameters.
Both are required for design. Strain-softening behavior The post-peak behavior of rocks is important in the
describes the gradual loss of load-bearing capacity of a design of underground excavations because it has a
material. For hard rocks, the term ‘‘strength weakening’’ significant influence upon the stability of the excavations.
seems more appropriate than the term ‘‘strain-softening’’ Rock mechanics test data are available on the strength of
because softening refers to reduction of rock stiffness. rock masses, especially for intact rocks. A brief review is
At lower confinement levels such as near excavation walls, presented in the following sub-sections, with focus on the
most rock masses exhibit some post-peak strength loss, and post-peak behavior of rocks.
when strained sufficiently reach the residual strength. The
peak and residual strengths are respectively the maximum 2.1. Laboratory tests
and minimum stresses of a rock mass that can be sustained
under a given confinement condition. The residual strength Pioneers in experimental study of the complete stress–
is generally only reached after considerable plastic defor- strain relations of rocks include Paulding [8], Cook [9],
mation. There are some guidelines for the estimation of the Hoek [10], Bieniawski [11], Wawersik [12], Wawersik and
rock mass’ residual strength, given by some researchers Fairhurst [13], and many others. The post-peak behavior of
[6,7], but upon application of these guidelines, it is often rocks was studied only after the development of stiff servo-
observed that there are significant inconsistencies in the controlled test machines in the middle of 1960s. In uniaxial
residual strengths derived from them. Hence, a new method compression, two failure modes are observed [13]. One is
has been developed and tested to extend the GSI system for the local tensile or spalling fracture sub-parallel to the
rock mass’s residual strength estimation. For this purpose, applied load direction and the other is a local and
we propose to adjust the peak GSI value based on the two macroscopic shear fracture. In heterogeneous rocks and
major controlling factors in the GSI system, the block under low confinements, spalling-type failure dominates.
volume Vb and the joint condition factor Jc to arrive at a The post-failure behavior of the rocks can be divided into
residual GSI–value (GSIr) based on a residual block two classes [13]. Class I behavior is characterized by a
volume V rb and residual J rc . The residual GSIr value is stable fracture propagation. The rocks retain some strength
calculated from a relationship involving residual V rb and even when their maximum load-carrying capacity has been
J rc . The proposed method for the estimation of rock mass’s exceeded. Unstable fracture propagation behavior is
residual strength is then validated using in-situ block shear characteristic of the Class II behavior.

Peak Peak

5 to 10 εPeak



(a) Strain (b) Strain

Fig. 1. (a) Strain-softening of rocks; (b) perfectly brittle failure of rocks.

M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265 249

(b) failure through asperities at elevated normal stresses;

48.3 MPa and (c) combinations of asperity override and failure at
34.5 MPa intermediate normal stresses.
Axial stress, σa (MPa)

Barton and Choubey [22] proposed the concept of joint

200 roughness coefficient (JRC) to describe the peak strength
27.6 MPa
of a joint. This concept was further developed incorporat-
20.7 MPa ing the mobilized JRC to account the joint surface
100 6.9 MPa
13.8 MPa evolution at different deformation stages [23]. The joint
3.45 MPa shear strength is known to be dependent on three
components, i.e., the residual or basic frictional compo-
0 nent, the geometrical component, and the asperity compo-
nent. The asperity and the geometrical components
0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70
∋ constitute the roughness strength that has to be mobilized
Axial stress, a (%)
during shearing of the joint.
Fig. 2. Stress–strain curves for Tennessee Marble at different confining One important observation from Barton’s joint model is
stresses [13]. that within limited displacements, only an ultimate
mobilized joint roughness coefficient (JRCmob) can be
reached. JRCmob is roughly half of JRCpeak when the
Triaxial test data on marbles by Wawersik and Fairhurst displacement is about 10 times of the joint peak strength
[13] (Fig. 2) and Rummel and Fairhurst [14] revealed that displacement (Fig. 3). According to this figure, the residual
peak and residual strengths of rocks increase with strength is only reached when the shearing displacement is
increasing confining pressures. At low confinements, the extremely large. In most engineering applications, such
loss of the cohesive strength component around peak load large straining cannot be tolerated. Therefore, the joint
leads to strain localization with significant stress-drop strength at dE10dpeak can be considered as corresponding
which is traditionally called strain-softening behavior. to the rock’s residual strength defined in Fig. 1.
Seeber [15] noticed that if the confining pressure was
greater than one-fifth of the axial stress at failure, strain- 2.2. In-situ tests
softening was unlikely to occur. For reference, the brittle-
ductile transition limit given by Mogi [16] is s3/s1 ¼ 1/3.4. Strength and deformation properties determined from
Clearly, strain-softening behavior must be expected to the laboratory tests are seldom applicable to field condi-
dominate near underground excavations where confine- tions. To overcome this problem, large-scale in-situ tests
ment is reduced. have been conducted in some engineering projects. The
The post-peak behavior of rocks tested in the laboratory tests include in-situ uniaxial compressive tests, triaxial
is dependent on the specimen geometry. This is because tests, block shear tests, etc. Uniaxial compressive tests have
that the post-failure curve is altered depending on the been conducted mostly in coalmines to study the stability
relative stiffness of the machine and the specimen, as well of pillars [25]. In-situ block shear tests are often executed in
as the internal confinement profile. With the development large civil projects to obtain the shear strength of rock
of fractures in the post-peak region, the effective area at the masses and strengths of bedding or other weakness planes.
center of the specimen slowly decreases. The relative The block shear test is often conducted in an underground
decrease in cross-sectional area is greater for the specimens gallery or adit. The roof and sidewalls are used to carry the
of greater height (h) to diameter (d) ratio (h/d). Conse- reaction of the applied normal and shear loads. The rock
quently, the post-peak stress strain curves of specimens blocks are of square base of suitable dimensions in width
with higher h/d ratios are steeper [17]. and height. The shear stress vs. shear displacement relation
Besides the uniaxial and triaxial tests, double shear is recorded to identify the peak and residual strengths. It is
testing method are utilized by some researchers to study the observed that the block shear test has a major deficiency
complete shear stress–shear displacement relations of rocks that it provides residual strength of a single shear plane
[18,19]. The residual shear strength typically depends on where in the rock mass, some degree of interlocking is
the applied axial pressure (frictional materials). retained even at its residual state. Thus, in-situ block
The behavior of joints affects the strength and deforma- shear tests tend to underestimate the residual values. In
tion properties of jointed rock masses significantly. The addition, the loading system can generally be viewed as a
shear strength of joints is a major factor in controlling the soft system so that the post-peak stress–displacement
strength of jointed rock masses. Early experimental studies curves may not characterize the strain-softening process
on rock joints were carried out by Patton [20], followed by properly for confined states. Most large-scale cavern
Goodman [21] Barton and Choubey [22], Bandis et al. [23], designs in Japan, however, employ the residual strength
Barton et al. [24], and others. Conceptually, there are parameters obtained from these in-situ block shear tests
three modes of failure confirmed from these tests, i.e., and utilize post-peak brittle failure models for precautious
(a) asperity (roughness) override at low normal stresses; design (Fig. 1(b)).
250 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

Example : JRCm= 15

1.0 45°



JRCmob / JRCpeak

0 30°
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
(δ/δ PEAK)
JRCM = 0
δ JRCm i = φ p − φr

i = JRC log ( σ )

0 −φr/i START
-1.0 0.3 0 15°
0.6 0.75
1.0 1.0 φpeak EXAMPLE:

2.0 0.85
φr = 30°, i = 15°
4.0 0.70
φultimate JRC = 15, σn = 10.0 MPa.
-1.5 10.0 0.50
100.0 0 φresidual JCS = 100 MPa

-2.0 − φr/i( ) 0°

Fig. 3. Normalized joint roughness–shear displacement relationship [24].

2.3. Need for accurate determination of the residual strength the plastic zones and the associated rock mass deforma-
of rock masses tion, affecting the final rock support system design. For
example, the current version of Phase2D [29], an FEM
It is observed that following the strain-softening program developed by Rocscience, allows the user to define
behavior of rocks under loading, the residual strength both peak and residual strength parameters of rock masses.
represents more or less the shear strength along a surface or When the stress of an element has exceeded its peak
shear zone of the fractured rock. In most cases, the residual strength, it fails in a perfectly brittle manner, switching
strength can be described by the Mohr–Coulomb criterion directly from peak to post-peak residual parameter values,
with near zero cohesive strength. The post-peak strength with no strain-dependent softening mechanism (Fig. 1(b)).
depends on the resistance developed on the failure plane Although extremely important for these numerical models,
against further straining. Initially, the fracture orientation, only limited suggestions are given in the user’s manual on
degree of interlocking, surface irregularity or roughness how to determine the residual strength parameters.
will affect the level of resistance. However, as strain If the residual strengths are not determined appropri-
increases, the residual strength will be less. In the field, the ately, an optimal rock support design can never be
post-peak strength level will be influenced by the boundary achieved. The influence of the residual strength on the
conditions as well. If further straining is constrained, then, yielding zone around a 6 m wide tunnel is illustrated in
the residual strength level cannot be reached and the rock Fig. 4. The tunnel is located at a depth of about 500 m and
mass can thus support a higher load than the residual the maximum and minimum in-situ stresses are 12.5 and
strength would suggest. 4.8 MPa, respectively. The angle between the maximum
It is a very challenging and difficult task to correctly principal stress direction and the vertical is 261. Rock mass
represent the strain-softening behavior of rock masses, due peak cohesion, friction angle, dilation angle, and tensile
to a lack of large-scale test data. Most numerical tools strength are 3 MPa, 551, 51, and 0.6 MPa, respectively. It is
designed for rock engineering application, however, assumed that after peak strength, the rock mass reaches the
provide strain-softening constitutive models of varying residual strength in a brittle manner. The residual tensile
sophistication to describe the behavior of jointed rock strength is assumed to be zero and the dilation angle
masses [26–28]. In these models, the residual strength of the unchanged from the peak dilation. It should be noted that
rock mass and the rate of post-peak strength degradation constant dilation is an approximation that is clearly not
play an important role in the determination of the size of physically correct. This assumption is made largely because
M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265 251

the strength reduction mechanism and hence provide a

method for residual strength estimation [6].
Russo et al. [7] proposed to set the residual GSIr value at
36% of the peak GSI value. This empirical relation may
underestimate the residual GSI values for poor-quality
rock masses. On the other hand, for very good-quality rock
masses, it may overestimate the residual GSIr values. Based
on laboratory triaxial test on limestone, Ribacchi [31]
suggested to use the following relations to estimate the
residual strength of jointed rock masses:
(a) (b) mr ¼ 0:65mb ; sr ¼ 0:04s or ðsc Þr ¼ 0:2sc , (1)
where mb and s are the Hoek–Brown peak strength
parameters, the subscript ‘‘r’’ indicates residual values,
and sc is the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact
rock. Taking into account the structure of the tested rock,
these relations may be valid only for rock masses in which
joints are characterized by a thin infilling or slightly
weathered to unweathered joint walls. The corresponding
GSI reduction that would fit such parameters is approxi-
mately GSIr ¼ 0.7GSI.
The opinions of several rock mechanics experts on the
post-peak strength parameters were summarized in [32]. It
(c) (d) is generally agreed that the reduction of sc would be
physically and conceptually incorrect because this is a
Fig. 4. Influence of residual strength on the yielding zone around a tunnel.
‘‘fixed’’ index parameter that is determined from intact
rock specimens.
little is known about how the dilation of a rock mass In summary, several attempts have been made to
changes past peak. Even if the peak strength is the same for estimate the residual strength of jointed rock masses. The
all cases, for different residual friction angles and cohesions reduction of GSI to its residual value is a logical choice,
shown in Fig. 4, the yielding zones are drastically different. because the failure of rock masses is associated with the
The underlying implication is that the residual strength of crushing of intact rock and the wearing of the joint surface
rock masses has to be properly determined in order to roughness. Current reduction methods, however, lack
design appropriate rock support systems. generality and lead to inconsistent results for different
rock masses. Here, a new method is proposed based on the
2.4. Review of existing methods to determine the residual observation of actual rock mass failure process from
strength of rock masses laboratory and in-situ tests, as well as on the understanding
of the rock fracturing process from numerical simulation.
To design underground structures properly, both the
peak and residual strengths of the rock mass are needed. 3. Determination of the strength parameters using the GSI
Much research has been focused on the determination of system
peak strengths, and limited attempts have been made to
estimate the residual strength of jointed rock masses. 3.1. Estimation of peak strength of rock masses using the
The existing GSI system only provides guidance for rock GSI system
mass peak strength estimation. To address the issue of rock
mass residual strength, Hoek [6,30] suggested elastic- Two types of strength criteria, i.e., the Mohr–Coulomb
brittle, strain-softening, and elastic-perfect plastic post- and Hoek–Brown failure criteria, are widely used in rock
peak rock mass behavior for very good, average, and very engineering. The equivalent Mohr–Coulomb parameters
poor quality rock masses, respectively. Hoek also suggested can be obtained based on the Hoek–Brown envelope and a
that in the case of an average quality rock mass, it is chosen range of confinement (s3). In terms of major and
reasonable to assume that the post failure characteristics minor principal stresses, s1 and s3, the Mohr–Coulomb
can be estimated by reducing the GSI value from the in-situ failure criterion can be expressed as
value to a lower value which characterizes the broken rock
2ccosf 1 þ sinf
mass. The reduction of the rock mass strength from an s1 ¼ þ s3 , (2)
undisturbed to a broken state corresponds to the strain- 1  sinf 1  sinf
softening behavior. However, the validity of this assump- where c and f are the cohesive strength and angle of
tion is unknown, and new study is needed to understand friction of the rock mass, respectively.
252 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

The generalized Hoek–Brown criterion for jointed rock jointing. To facilitate the use of the system, Cai et al. [2]
masses [33] is presented a quantitative approach that employed the block
 a volume Vb and a joint surface condition factor Jc as
s1 ¼ s3 þ sc mb þ s , (3) quantitative characterization factors. The quantitative
sc approach was validated using field test data and applied
where mb, s, a are constants for the rock mass, and sc is the to the estimation of the rock mass properties at two cavern
uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock. The GSI sites in Japan. The quantified GSI chart is presented in
system was developed to determine the Hoek–Brown Fig. 5. It provides a means for consistent rock mass
strength parameters, using the rock structure and joint characterization and thus improves the utility of the GSI
surface condition description to describe the rock mass system.

Joint or Block Wall Condition

compact coating or fillings of angular fragments

Slickensided, highly weathered surfaces with

Slickensided, highly weathered surfaces with
Very rough, fresh unweathered surfaces

Smooth, moderately weathered or

soft clay coatings or fillings

Rough, slightly weathered,
iron stained surfaces

altered surfaces
Very good

Very poor
Block Size


Massive - very well interlocked

undisturbed rock mass blocks formed 10E+6

by three or less discontinuity sets




with very wide joint spacing



Joint spacing > 100 cm



100 cm 90



Blocky - very well interlocked (1 m3)


80 75

undisturbed rock mass consisting 70


of cubical blocks formed by three 60 80


orthogonal discontinuity sets 50

Joint spacing 30 - 100 cm 100E+3

40 70
30 cm 55
Very Blocky - interlocked, partially
disturbed rock mass with multifaceted
Block Volume Vb (cm3)

20 45 10E+3
angular blocks formed by four or more 60
discoutinuity sets
Joint spacing 10 - 30 cm 50 35
10 cm
40 1000
(1 dm3)
Blocky/disturbed - folded and/or 25
faulted with angular blocks formed by
many intersecting discontinuity sets
5 30
Joint spacing 3 - 10 cm 100
Disintegrated - poorly interlocked,
heavily broken rock mass with a
2 10
mixture or angular and rounded
rock pieces
Joint spacing < 3 cm
1 cm
Foliated/laminated/sheared - thinly
laminated or foliated, tectonically sheared
weak rock; closely spaced schistosity N/A N/A 5
prevails over any other discontinuity set,
resulting in complete lack of blockiness 0.1
Joint spacing < 1 cm 12 4.5 1.7 0.67 0.25 0.09
Joint Condition Factor Jc

Fig. 5. Quantification of GSI chart [2].

M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265 253

by the joint set spacing and persistence. Joint condition is

controlled by joint roughness, weathering, and infilling
material. These are important factors that need to be
characterized for rock mass’s residual strength estimation.
Sjöberg [36] reported that when using the GSI system to
estimate the rock mass strength at the Aznalcollar open pit
mine in Spain, it was found that by assuming the disturbed
rock mass category, good agreement was found between
estimated strength values and back-calculated strengths
from observed slope failures in the footwall. The same
author reckoned that these strength values were probably
conservative and representative of the residual strength of
the rock mass. Although this hypothesis needs to be further
verified by additional data from other slope failures, it
suggests that the reduction of GSI for residual strength
estimation is logical.
To extend the GSI system for rock mass residual
Fig. 6. Visualization of the GSI system [34]. strength estimation, we propose to adjust the original
GSI value based on the two major controlling factors in the
In numerical model implementation, it is sometimes GSI system, i.e., block volume Vb and joint condition
troublesome to refer to a chart for the determination of the factor Jc, to reach their residual values.
GSI values. Recently, based on the proposed quantitative
chart, and using surface fitting techniques, the following 3.2.1. Residual block volume
equation for the calculation of GSI from Jc and Vb was Block size, which is determined from the joint spacing,
developed [34]: joint orientation, number of joint sets and joint persistence,
26:5 þ 8:79 ln J c þ 0:9 ln V b is an extremely important indicator of rock mass quality.
GSI ðV b ; J c Þ ¼ , (4) Block size is a volumetric expression of joint density. The
1 þ 0:0151 ln J c  0:0253 ln V b
block volume spectrum from ‘‘massive’’ to ‘‘very blocky’’
where Jc is a dimensionless factor, and Vb is in cm3. A rock masses ranges from 103 to 107 cm3, and for
graphic representation of Eq. (4) is presented in Fig. 6. In ‘‘disturbed’’ to ‘‘sheared’’ rock from 0.1 to 103 cm3.
other words, the Hoek–Brown strength parameters and Joints are often of limited length, even in a larger scale
deformation modulus can be directly expressed as a [37]. If the joints are not persistent, i.e., with rock bridges,
function of Vb and Jc: the rock mass strength is higher and the global rock
  stability is enhanced. This effect can be considered using
GSI  100
mb ¼ mi exp , (5) the concept of equivalent block volume as suggested in [2].
28  14D
The difference between the peak and residual strength of
  a rock mass with non-persistent joints is larger than that
GSI  100
s ¼ exp , (6) of a rock mass with persistent joints. The implication is
9  3D
that a drop of GSI from peak to residual values is larger for
1  GSI=15  rock masses with non-persistent joints. Besides rock
a ¼ 0:5 þ e  e20=3 , (7) bridges, rock asperity interlocking also contributes to the
difference between peak and residual strengths.
where D is a factor that depends on the degree of If a rock experiences post-peak deformation, the rock in
disturbance to which the rock mass has been subjected by the broken zone is fractured and consequently turned into
blast damage and stress relaxation. The D factor was a poor and eventually ‘‘very poor’’ rock. Hence, the rock
introduced in the latest update [35] of the Hoek–Brown mass properties of a rock mass after extensive straining
failure criterion. should be derived from the rock class of ‘‘very poor rock
mass’’ in the RMR system [38] or ‘‘disintegrated’’ in the
3.2. Estimation of residual strength of rock masses using the GSI system.
GSI system For the residual block volume, it is observed that the
post-peak block volumes are small because the rock mass
As is demonstrated by the identification and visualiza- has experienced tensile and shear fracturing. After the peak
tion of influencing parameters in major rock mass load, the rock mass becomes less interlocked, and is heavily
classification systems, the block volume and the joint broken with a mixture of angular and partly rounded rock
surface condition are the two most important factors that pieces. Numerical simulation using ELFEN [39] and DIGS
control the quality and hence the strength and deform- [40] revealed that the rock masses in the fracture zone
ability of jointed rock masses [34]. Block volume is affected around underground openings are broken to small blocks.
254 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265


Fig. 7. Example of sheared Flysches in Greece (photo courtesy of Evert

ELFEN was also used to simulate the rock failure process

in uniaxial and biaxial loading conditions [41]. The results
indicate that the rock will gradually disintegrate into small
blocks, mostly along the localized shear or kink band zone,
before the residual strength in reached. Highly
Detailed examination of the rock mass damage state jointed
before and after the in-situ block shear tests at some
underground cavern sites in Japan revealed that in areas
that were not covered by concrete, the failed rock mass
blocks are 1–5 cm in size. The rock mass is disintegrated
along a shear zone in these tests. Initial state Residual state
It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the block volume sizes of Fig. 8. Illustration of the residual block volume.
the disintegrated rock masses are in the range of 1–27 cm3,
with an average of about 10 cm3. This is supported by fault
outcrop observations. The strength of a fault can be defined as
regarded as the lower-bound strength of the rock mass.
Shearing disintegrates and damages the rock mass and Jc ¼ , (8)
weathering further weaken the fault strength. Another
example of residual block size is presented in Fig. 7, in where JW, JS, and JA are the joint large-scale waviness
which a sheared Flysches in the middle of the picture are factor, small-scale smoothness factor, and alteration factor,
totally disintegrated with a block volume of about 10 cm3. respectively. The tables for peak JW, JS, and JA are given
In summary, the residual block volumes can be in [2].
considered independent of the original (peak) block The failure process affects the joint surface condition,
volumes for most strain-softening rock masses. This is especially the joint roughness. According to [24], the
illustrated in Fig. 8, showing the fractured residual rock difference between peak and residual JRC is large if the
mass will have more or less the same residual block volume peak JRC value is high. The underlying implication is that
in the shear band for intact rocks, moderately jointed and the drop of GSI from peak to residual values should be
highly jointed rock masses. As an estimate, if the peak larger for rock masses with fresh and rough joints.
block volume Vb is greater than 10 cm3, then, the residual The major factor that alters the joint surface condition in
block volume V rb in the disintegrated category can be taken the post-peak region is the reduction of joint surface
to be 10 cm3. If Vb is smaller than 10 cm3, then, no roughness, as shown in Fig. 3 for the gradual degradation
reduction to the residual block volume is recommended, of JRC. Peak mobilized roughness angle is given as JRC
i.e., V rb ¼ V b . log(JCS/sn), where JCS is the joint wall compressive
strength, and sn is the normal stress acting on the joint.
3.2.2. Residual joint condition factor The mobilized joint residual roughness is zero according to
In the GSI system, the joint surface condition is defined the same figure, which can only be achieved when the joint
by the roughness, weathering and infilling condition [1,2]. experiences a very large shearing displacement. On the
The combination of these factors defines the strength other hand, the concept of ultimate mobilized joint
of a joint or block surface. The joint condition factor is roughness was suggested by Barton et al. [24]. According
M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265 255

to Fig. 3, the joint surface roughness is gradually destroyed where mr , sr, ar are the residual Hoek–Brown constants for
during the shearing process and the ultimate mobilized the rock mass. It is postulated that these constants can be
roughness is about half of the peak roughness (JRCmob/ determined from a residual GSIr value using the same
JRCpeak ¼ 0.5). As stated before, the strain levels in most equations for peak strength parameters (Eqs. (5–7)). This
civil and mining underground excavation structures are not simply means that the equations for peak strength
large so that the shearing of joints at the displacement level parameter calculation hold true to the residual strength
around 10dp would correspond to the straining of jointed parameter calculation. This statement is supported by the
rock masses at the residual strength level defined in Fig. 1. fact that the rock mass in its residual state represents one
It is therefore proposed here that the large-scale waviness particular kind of rock mass in the spectrum in the GSI
and the small-scale smoothness of joints be calculated by chart (Fig. 5). The rock mass spectrum is defined by the
reducing its peak value by half to calculate the residual GSI combination of the block volume spectrum and the joint
value. In a short time period, joint alteration is unlikely to surface condition factor spectrum. In fact, the GSI chart
occur so that the joint alteration factor JA will be had been expanded from its original spectrum [1] to
unchanged in most circumstances. However, when water account for weak or fractured rocks [42,43].
and clay infill material is involved, the fractured rock Once the reduced GSIr is obtained, the residual
surface can have a lower residual JA. Hoek–Brown strength parameters or the equivalent re-
The residual joint surface condition factor J rc is sidual Mohr–Coulomb strength parameters can be calcu-
calculated from lated, assuming that other parameters such as sc and mi are
J rW J rS unchanged, i.e.,
J rc ¼ , (9)  
J rA GSI r  100
mr ¼ mi exp , (15)
where J rW , J rS , and J rA are residual values for large-scale 28
waviness, small-scale smoothness, and joint alteration  
GSI r  100
factor, respectively. The residual values are obtained based sr ¼ exp , (16)
on the corresponding peak values. The reduction of J rW and 9
J rS are based on the concept of mobilized joint roughness,
1  GSIr =15 
and the equations are given as ar ¼ 0:5 þ e  e20=3 . (17)
If o1; J rW ¼ 1; Else J rW ¼ , (10) Because the rock masses are in a damaged, residual state,
2 2
D ¼ 0 is used for the residual strength parameter calcula-
JS JS tion.
If o0:75; J rS ¼ 0:75; Else J rS ¼ , (11)
2 2
There is no reduction for JA in the present study. 3.3.1. Discussion
When GSI is reduced in the post-peak yielding, the
3.3. Residual GSI value and strength parameters frictional and cohesive strength components will reduce at
different rates. This can be clearly seen in Figs. 9 and 10.
According to the logic of the original GSI system, the The frictional strength component, mb, decreases gradually
strength of a rock mass is controlled by its block size and
joint surface condition. The same concept is valid for failed
rock masses at the residual strength state. In other words, 25
the residual GSIr is a function of residual J rc and V rb , i.e., mi=25
GSI r ¼ f ðJ rc ; V rb Þ, (12) 20 mi=15
mi=10 25
or, applying the explicitly Eq. (4) to rewrite Eq. (12) as
26:5 þ 8:79 ln J rc þ 0:9 ln V rb 15 20
GSI r ðV rb ; J rc Þ ¼ . (13)
1 þ 0:0151 ln J rc  0:0253 ln V rb

As for the intact rock properties, fracturing and shearing 10

do not weaken the intact rocks (even if they are broken into
smaller pieces) so that the mechanical parameters (sc and mi=10
mi) should be unchanged. What has changed are the block 5
size and joint surface condition (especially the roughness).
Therefore, the generalized Hoek–Brown criterion for the
residual strength of jointed rock masses can be written as 0 20 40 60 80 100
s3 GSI
s1 ¼ s 3 þ s c m r þ s r , (14)
sc Fig. 9. Relationship between mb and GSI.
256 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

with decreasing GSI value. The relationships between GSI rocks. The methodology described here provides consistent
and a and s are shown in Fig. 10. For GSIo40, s, the results for different rock types considered.
cohesive strength component, becomes very small and can The average residual block size of 10 cm3 is suggested for
be ignored in defining the residual rock mass strength. For the determination of the residual GSI value. To evaluate
GSI440, a is approximately 0.5, whereas a is slightly larger the influence of the residual block size on the residual
than 0.5 for 20oGSIo40. strength, maximum (V rb ¼ 27 cm3) and minimum (V rb ¼
Table 1 presents several GSI estimations on the residual 1 cm3) residual block volumes in the disintegrated category
strength parameters of some typical rock masses. For are used to calculate the equivalent residual Mohr–Cou-
example, for a strong rock mass whose Vb is 12 500 cm3, lomb strength parameters. It is seen from the results
JW ¼ 2, JS ¼ 2, JA ¼ 1, the peak Hoek–Brown strength presented in Table 2 that the maximum difference in the
parameters are mb ¼ 4.845 and s ¼ 0.012. According to the friction angle is about 21 and the difference of the residual
proposed method, V rb ¼ 10 cm3 and J rc ¼ 1 for the residual cohesion is small if the maximum and the minimum block
rock mass. The residual GSIr is 30.3, and the corresponding
residual Hoek–Brown strength parameters are: mr ¼ 1.659,
sr ¼ 0. For other rock types, similar strength parameters
can be obtained following our proposed approach. A plot 140
Massive brittle rocks (Peak)
of the peak and residual Hoek–Brown strength envelops Residual
given by our approach is presented in Fig. 11 for massive Jointed strong rock (Peak)
120 Residual
brittle rocks, jointed strong rocks and jointed intermediate Jointed intermediate rocks (Peak)


1 1
a s 80
σ1 (MPa)

0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7 60

0.6 0.6
a 0.5 0.5 S 40
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 20
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0
0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 20 40 60 80 100 σ3 (MPa)
Fig. 11. Peak and residual Hoek–Brown strength envelops for three
Fig. 10. Relationship between GSI and a and s. typical rock masses.

Table 1
Examples of rock mass residual strength parameters of typical rock masses

Massive brittle rocks Jointed strong rock Jointed intermediate rocks Very weak rock (GSIo30)
(70oGSIo90) (50oGSIo65) (40oGSIo50)

Peak Residual Peak Residual Peak Residual Peak Residual

JW 3 1.5 2 1 1.5 1 1 1
JS 3 1.5 2 1 1.5 0.75 1 0.75
JA 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4
Jc 9 2.25 4 1 1.125 0.375 0.25 0.1875
Vb (cm3) 500,000 10 12,500 10 6000 10 100 10
GSI 82.2 37.4 60.3 30.3 45.2 21.5 21.4 15.1
m 10.591 2.138 4.845 1.659 2.805 1.212 1.208 0.964
s 0.138 0.001 0.012 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000

Note: Peak and residual strength parameters are calculated based on sc ¼ 100 MPa and mi ¼ 20. We only recommend use of these residual values for
GSIo75. The brittle Hoek–Brown criterion [44,45] is recommended for GSI475.
M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265 257

volumes in the disintegrated category are used. Therefore, 4. Verification of GSI reduction approach
in most applications, it is reasonable to use V rb ¼ 10 cm3 to
calculate the residual GSI value and hence the correspond- 4.1. Verification from in-situ block shear tests at three
ing strength parameters. cavern sites in Japan
For very weak and sheared rock masses such as the
Athens Schist Formation [42] and flysch [43], the peak and 4.1.1. Kannagawa site
residual block volumes are roughly the same, with an The Kannagawa pumped hydropower project [46] in
average block volume of about 1 cm3 and very poor joint Gumma Prefecture in Japan is now under construction
surface condition. The estimated GSI values are in the with a maximum output of 2820 MW. The powerhouse
range of 5–15 for this type of rock masses. The volume and cavern at 500 m depth has a width of 33 m, a height of
joint surface condition degradation methodology presented 52 m, and a length of 216 m. The cavern excavation was
above is able to consistently consider the residual strength started in 1998 and the last bench was completed in 2000.
even for the weak rock masses. The validation of the The rock mass at the site consists of conglomerate,
proposed method using in-situ test data and back analysis sandstone, and mudstone. The rock masses are classified
data is presented in the next section. into five major groups or domains. Sixty-four uniaxial
compressive tests were conducted to determine the average
strength and standard deviation of each rock type. The
Table 2 parameter mi for each rock types was obtained from a
Comparison of residual strength parameters for different residual block limited number of tri-axial tests. A total of 21 block shear
tests were conducted at six test locations. The peak and
Residual Jc Residual block GSIr Residual strength residual strength parameters estimated from the GSI
volume Vb(cm3) parameters system are given in Table 3, along with the data obtained
from the in-situ block shear tests, for domains CG1, CG2,
fr cr (MPa)
FS1 and M1. A residual block volume of 10 cm3 is used in
2.25 Max. 27 39.4 51.4 1.10 the calculation. The residual joint surface condition factor
Average 10 37.4 50.9 1.04 is obtained by degradation of the joint roughness. For
Min. 1 33.2 49.8 0.92 example, J rW ¼ JW =2 ¼ 1:25, J rS ¼ JS=2 ¼ 1 are obtained
1 Max. 27 32.1 49.4 0.90 for rock CG1. For rock FS1, J rW ¼ 1 instead of JW/2 ¼
Average 10 30.3 48.9 0.85 0.75 is used because of the minimum constraint on JW is
Min. 1 26.5 47.6 0.77 that it cannot be smaller than 1 according to the rating [2].
0.375 Max. 27 23.1 47.1 0.57 GSIr is calculated using Eq. (13), and cr and fr ( ¼ fb+i)
Average 10 21.5 46.3 0.55 are equivalent residual Mohr–Coulomb strength para-
Min. 1 18.1 44.7 0.51 meters calculated from the Hoek–Brown strength para-
0.1875 Max. 27 16.6 43.9 0.48 meters for a s3 range of 0–5 MPa. The predicted residual
Average 10 15.1 43.1 0.46 strength in terms of cohesion and friction angle for CG1,
Min. 1 12.1 41.3 0.41 CG2 and FS1 are comparable to the results obtained from
Note: The calculation of the residual strength parameters is based on the in-situ block shear tests. For M1 rock mass, the GSI
sc ¼ 100 MPa and mi ¼ 20. estimation underestimates the field residual friction angle.

Table 3
Characterization of the rock mass peak and residual strengths at the Kannagawa site using the GSI system

Rock zone CG1 CG2 FS1 M1

Peak Residual Peak Residual Peak Residual Peak Residual

GSI system JW 2.5 1.25 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1

JS 2 1 1.5 0.75 1.5 0.75 1.5 0.75
JA 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
Jc 5 1.25 2.25 0.75 2.25 0.75 1.125 0.38
Vb (cm3) 309,000 10 303,000 10 295,000 10 110,000 10
GSI 73.8 32.3 64.9 27.8 64.8 27.8 53.6 21.5
sc (MPa) 111 111 162 162 126 126 48 48
mi 22 22 19 19 19 19 9 9
c (MPa) 4.1 1.1 3.7 0.96 3 0.96 1.1 0.35
f ¼ fb+i (degree) 58 51.8 57.8 51.0 56.6 49.3 42 33.2
Block shear test c (Mpa) 5.2 1.3 3.4 1.3 3.4 0.5 1.9 0.5
f ¼ fb+i (degree) 57 52.8 57 52.8 57 49 40 40
258 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

25 Table 4
GSI (peak) Characterization of the rock mass peak and residual strengths at the
Test data (peak) Kazunogawa site using the GSI system
GSI (residual)
CH rock mass
Test data (residual)
20 Peak Residual

GSI system
JW 2 1
JS 2 1
JA 1 1
Jc 4 1
Shear stress (MPa)

Vb (cm3) 12,500 10
GSI 60.3 30.3
sc (MPa) 108 108
mi 19 19
c (MPa) 2.29 0.87
10 f ¼ fb+i (degree) 54.7 49
Block shear test
c (MPa) 1.5 0.47
f ¼ fb+i (degree) 58 50.3

set (JEW-h) is in the range of 1–20 cm. The average joint
spacings of the other two joint sets are 25 and 50 cm,
respectively. Joints are fresh, have small undulation and
are rough. Rough joint surface assessment can also be
0 indirectly obtained from joint profiles in previous labora-
0 2 4 6 8 10 tory joint test. The block sizes are basically controlled by
Normal stress (MPa) the joint frequency of the major joint set. From the joint
Fig. 12. Comparison of peak and residual strength calculated from the density distribution graph, it is seen that the average joint
GSI system and field test data (FS1). spacing is about 10 cm for CH rock mass.
Seventy-five uniaxial compressive tests were conducted
to determine the strength parameters of the intact rocks.
The residual strength estimated from the GSI system The peak and residual shear strengths of the rock mass
roughly represents the lower bound of the field test data for were obtained from 12 in-situ block shear tests. The peak
M1 rock mass. Note that the peak and residual strength and residual strength parameters of CH rock mass
parameters determined from the in-situ block shear test estimated from the GSI system are given in Table 4,
have been used in the cavern design. The displacement and along with the data obtained from the in-situ block shear
yielding zone predicted by the FEM analysis agree well tests. A method similar to the Kannagawa case is
with the field monitoring data [46]. employed to determine the residual block volume and
A comparison of the GSI estimate and the field test data joint surface condition factor. The residual GSIr is about
for FS1 rock mass is presented in Fig. 12. The average half of the peak GSI value. The predicted residual
residual strength estimated from the GSI system is slightly strength in terms of cohesion and friction angle is
lower than the field data average, but is well within the data comparable to the results obtained from the in-situ
variability shown in the field test data [41]. block shear tests. A comparison the GSI estimate to the
field test data is presented in Fig. 13. The GSI system
4.1.2. Kazunogawa site approach slightly overestimates the cohesion of both
Kazunogawa power station [47], located in Yamanashi peak and residual strengths.
Prefecture, Japan, at about 500 m depth, has a generating
capacity of 1600 MW. The cavern dimensions are: width
34 m, height 54 m, and length 210 m. The cavern excavation 4.1.3. Okawachi site
was started in 1994 and the last bench was excavated in Okawachi powerhouse, which is about 280 m deep
1996. underground, has a generating capacity of 4 
The rock mass consists of sandstone and composite 320,000 KW. The cavern dimensions are: width 24 m,
rocks of sandstone and mudstone, described as two groups height 46.6 m, and length 134.5 m. The cavern excavation
(CH and CM) of rock mass types based on the Denken rock was started in 1988 and the last bench excavation was
mass classification system [48]. Three joint sets are completed in 1991. Detailed information about the cavern
observed at this site. The joint spacing of the major joint construction can be found in Harada et al. [49].
M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265 259

20 Table 5
GSI (peak) Characterization of the rock mass peak and residual strengths at the
Test data (peak) Okawachi site using the GSI system
18 GSI (residual)
CH rock mass
Test data(residual)
16 Peak Residual

GSI system
14 JW 2.5 1.25
JS 2 1
JA 1 1
Shear stress (MPa)

12 Jc 5 1.25
Vb (cm3) 13,352.9 10
GSI 62.8 32.3
10 sc (MPa) 236.7 236.7
mi 19 19
c (MPa) 4.45 1.32
8 f ¼ fb+i (degree) 59.2 54.8
Block shear test
6 c (MPa) 4.53 1.23
f ¼ fb+i (degree) 60.9 55.1

2 GSI (peak)
Test data (peak)
18 GSI (residual)
0 Test data (residual)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Normal stress (MPa) 16

Fig. 13. Comparison of peak and residual strength calculated from the
GSI system and field test data at the Kazunogawa site (CH). 14
Shear stress (MPa)

Rock mass around the cavern is porphrite with an 12

average uniaxial compressive strength of 237 MPa. Three
sets of joints exist at the site with an RQD value that varies
in the range of 60–70. Joints are fresh and rough. In-situ
block shear tests were conducted to obtain the peak and
residual shear strength of the jointed rock masses. Plate 8
loading tests were also conducted to determine the in-situ
deformation modulus of the rock masses. The average
deformation modulus obtained from the field test is
24.1 GPa, which roughly corresponds to a peak GSI value
of 63. 4
The peak block volume shown in Table 5 was calculated
using the relationship between the Vb and RQD [50], i.e.,
Vb ¼ b ((115-RQD)/3.3)3, where RQD ¼ 70 and b ¼ 35.
The large-scale roughness (JW ¼ 2.5) is determined based
on the data fitting by matching the peak strength 0
parameters of the GSI estimate to the peak strength 0 2 4 6 8 10
parameters from the in-situ tests. This matching excise is Normal stress (MPa)
also supported by the good agreement between the Fig. 14. Comparison of peak and residual strength calculated from the
deformation moduli obtained from the GSI system GSI system and field test data at the Okawachi site (CH). Note that the
(21.1 GPa) and the field test (24.1 GPa). The peak and measured and predicted residual strength envelopes are overlapping.
residual GSI values are about 63 and 32, respectively. As
can be seen from Table 5 and Fig. 14, the predicted residual 4.2. Verification from a slope stability back-analysis
strength in terms of cohesion and friction angle is
comparable to the result obtained from the in-situ block Back-analysis of the strength and deformation para-
shear tests. meters of the rock mass has been applied to many
260 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

engineering projects [51]. It is especially useful when failure Fig. 15 presents the relationship between the friction
has occurred and reached to the residual state as is in the angles and cohesive strengths mobilized at failure for some
case of slope instability. It is tempting to consider the slopes [52]. Cohesion is generally small (o 0.2 MPa) and
possibility of back analyzing existing slope failures in order the friction angle varies between 201 and 451 for most
to determine the shear strengths that must have been cases. It is interesting to note that for ‘‘undisturbed hard
mobilized in the full-scale rock mass at the time of the rock masses,’’ (f ¼ 40–451 in Fig. 15) the cohesion is in the
failure. In fact, back-analysis of slope failures can be a very range of 0.3–0.5 MPa. Based on our experience, we
important source of shear strength data [52]. consider the back-analyzed c and f values representative
In back-analysis of slope stability, the shear strength of the residual strength parameters.
parameters, c and f are adjusted till the factor of safety is Sjöberg [36] used the Hoek–Brown strength criterion to
unity (1.0) as a prerequisite for failure in a limit equilibrium estimate the strength of the rock mass at the Aznalcollar
analytical model. This pair of parameters can be considered open pit mine located in southern Spain. The dominant
as the residual strength parameters. This is so because it is footwall rock types are slates and schist with well-
generally required that the rock mass must experience a large developed cleavage. At the end of mining, the pit was
deformation in excess of that required to mobilize the peak approximately 1300  700 m in area and 270 m deep with
strength. Thus, the resistance mobilized by reactivated an overall slope angles varied from 301 to 381. Despite the
landslides is equal to the residual strength of the material relative moderate slope, the mine has suffered several large-
within the slip zone. This is, however, only valid for rotational scale failures of the footwall slope. Failure was not
or sliding failure involving the entire failure volume, not for structurally controlled but rather stress controlled. The
progressive failures. Thus, a back-analysis using limit failure surfaces were identified from the slope monitoring
equilibrium method or FEM/DEM employing strength using techniques such as surfaces displacement stations and
reduction method can obtain residual strength parameters. inclinometers.
rounded weakly cemented
particles and appreciable
mineral content materials

Disturbed material with

Rockmasses or dumps
containing hard clean
slickensided surfaces

Undisturbed soil and

coated with high clay

clay mineral content

jointed rock masses
clay mineral content
Residual strength of

particles and blocks

angular interlocking
with relatively low


Undisturbed hard rock

masses with no major
structrural patterns
0.4 dipping towards slope

Undisturbed hard rock

masses with no through-
going structures dipping
towards slope
Cohesion - MPa


Undisturbed rock masses

with a few structures
dipping towards slope
Soft rock masses or
jointed hard rock
disturbed by blasting
or excess loading
Weatherd soft rock or
discontinuities in hard rock
0.0 Sand
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Friction angle - degrees

Fig. 15. Relationship between the friction angles and cohesive strengths mobilized at failure for the some slopes [52].
M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265 261

Table 6 8
Characterization of the rock mass peak and residual strengths at the GSI (peak)
Aznalcollar open pit mine footwall using the GSI system GSI (residual)
7 Back analysis (lower bound residual)
Slate Schist-foliation Back analysis (higher bound residual)

Peak Residual Peak Residual 6 GSI (peak)

GSI system

Shear stress (MPa)

JW 1.5 1 2 1 5
JS 1.5 0.75 1.5 0.75
JA 1 1 2 2 GSI (residual)
Jc 2.25 0.75 1.5 0.375
Vb (cm3) 100,000 10 150,000 10 Back analysis (average)
GSI 61.0 27.8 57.9 21.5 3
sc (MPa) 25 25
mi 9 8
c (MPa) 0.97 0.39 0.87 0.27 2
f ¼ fb+i (degree) 38.8 30.1 37 27.2
Back-analysis using limit equilibrium method [36] 1
c (MPa) 0–0.3 0–0.12
f ¼ fb+i (degree) 25–35 22–30
0 2 4 6 8
Normal stress (MPa)

Because failures were not structurally controlled, the Fig. 16. Comparison of the residual strength calculated from the GSI
system and back calculated data at the Aznalcollar open pit mine footwall
continuum numerical tool FLAC was used to simulate the
slope failure by using a perfectly plastic material model
[36]. It was found that by assuming disturbed rock mass
parameters, good agreement could be achieved between
estimated strength values and back-calculated strengths 4.3. Discussion of results
from observed slope failures in the footwall. The presence
of the stiff and strong pyrite prevented the failure to initiate Traditionally, the determination of mechanical proper-
at the toe. The failure was developed rather inside the ties of jointed rock masses in Japan and other countries is
slope. At the stage when the toe buttress zone reached achieved through well planned and executed in-situ block
critical state, the post failure state was probably reached shear test and plate-loading test. Such tests are expensive
and hence the calibrated strength values were representa- and time consuming. Most importantly, results only
tive of the residual rock mass strength. become available once underground access has been
No direct joint spacing and surface condition were established. An alternative to the test approach is the use
available in the report by Sjöberg [36]. However, peak GSI of a rock mass classification system such as the GSI system
values, inferred from the RMR values, were given. The to provide design parameters early in the design phase and
representative GSI values for slate and schist-foliation are reduce the need for extensive in-situ testing. Nevertheless,
61 and 58, respectively. As listed from Table 6, the GSI in-situ tests can be used to verify the GSI prediction or the
values can be estimated by using the good and fair joint observational (back-analysis) method [53] will be required
surface condition for slate and schist and their correspond- to confirm the GSI predictions.
ing block volume (back-fitted from known GSI value), The quantitative approach uses the block volume and
respectively. Using the method developed in this study, we joint surface condition factor to determine both the peak
can estimate the peak and residual strength of the rock and residual GSI values. These input parameters in the
masses. From the back-analysis, the residual cohesion for validation examples were obtained from field mapping and
the slate is found in the range of 0–0.3 MPa and the from borehole logging data. The strength and deformation
residual friction angle in the range of 25–351. The estimated parameters estimated from the GSI system are very close to
cohesion and friction angle for the same rock mass, using those obtained from in-situ tests or back analysis,
the GSI reduction approach, are 0.39 MPa and 301, indicating that the GSI system can be effectively applied
respectively. As can be seen from Fig. 16, the estimated to the design of underground caverns and rock slopes.
residual strength of the slate is well within the lower and The degradation of the block volume and the joint
upper bounds indicated from the back-analysis. surface condition for CG2 rock mass at the Kannagawa
Back-analysis data from slope stability provides excel- site is graphically presented in Fig. 17. GSI is reduced from
lent in-situ data for method validation. As more data a peak value of 64.9 to a residual value of 27.8. The gradual
becomes available, the proposed method for rock mass decrease of the GSI value can be linked to the post-peak
residual strength estimation can be further validated. strain softening of the rock mass (see Fig. 1(a)). Future
262 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

Joint or Block Wall Condition

compact coating or fillings of angular fragments

Slickensided, highly weathered surfaces with

Slickensided, highly weathered surfaces with

Very rough, fresh unweathered surfaces

Smooth, moderately weathered or

soft clay coatings or fillings

Rough, slightly weathered,
iron stained surfaces

altered surfaces
Very good

Very poor
Block Size


Massive - very well interlocked
undisturbed rock mass blocks formed 10E+6
by three or less discontinuity sets
with very wide joint spacing 150
Joint spacing > 100 cm
100 cm 90 85
Blocky - very well interlocked 90 (1m3)
80 75
undisturbed rock mass consisting 70 Degradation of joint surface condition
of cubical blocks formed by three Peak
60 80
orthogonal discontinuity sets 65
Joint spacing 30 - 100 cm σ 100E+3
40 70 Peak
Degradation of block volume

30 cm 55
Very Blocky - interlocked, partially
disturbed rock mass with multifaceted

Block Volume Vb (cm3)

20 45 10E+3
angular blocks formed by four or more 60
discoutinuity sets

Joint spacing 10 - 30 cm 35 Residual

10 cm
40 1000

(1 dm3)
Blocky/disturbed - folded and/or 25
faulted with angular blocks formed by
of GS

many intersecting discontinuity sets

Joint spacing 3 - 10 cm 5 30

Disintegrated - poorly interlocked,
heavily broken rock mass with a
2 10
mixture or angular and rounded
rock pieces Residual
Joint spacing < 3 cm
1 cm
Foliated/laminated/sheared - thinly
laminated or foliated, tectonically sheared N/A 5
weak rock; closely spaced schistosity
prevails over any other discontinuity set,
resulting in complete lack of blockiness
Joint spacing < 1 cm 12 4.5 1.7 0.67 0.25 0.09
Joint Condition Factor Jc

Fig. 17. Degradation of the block volume and joint surface condition of CG2 rock mass from peak to residual state.

research will address the issue of the rate of GSI value the point (0,1). A trend line by forcing it to pass through
decrease associated with the plastic strain. point (0,1) is hence obtained (as shown in Fig. 18). The
The ratios of residual GSIr to peak GSI depend on the residual GSIr value can then be empirically expressed as a
peak GSI values, as shown in Fig. 18. The investigated case function of the peak GSI value as
histories have peak GSI values between 40 and 80 and the
GSI r ¼ GSI e0:134GSI . (18)
GSIr/GSI ratios vary from 0.37 to 0.51. The point with
a low GSI value of 21 is adopted from Table 1 with the Russo et al. [7] suggested that the residual GSIr value is
GSIr/GSI ratio obtained by our proposed method. For 36% of the peak GSI value. This is represented as a
very weak rock masses, the residual GSIr is equal to the horizontal line in Fig. 18. It is observed that their
peak GSI. If a trend line is drawn, it should pass through suggestion may underestimate the residual GSIr values
M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265 263

1 [44] should be used and proper test program be planned for

0.9 the determination of the residual strengths. Furthermore, if
0.8 the rock mass fails by block rotation and local crushing,
0.7 probably a different analysis approach such as UDEC or
3DEC should be considered instead of a continuum

0.5 analysis. The users must be aware of the limitations when
0.4 GSIr = 0.36GSI
applying the GSI system and the methodology for
determining the peak and residual strength parameters
using this quantitative approach.
GSIr / GSI = e
5. Conclusions
0 20 40 60 80 100
It is observed from laboratory and field test data that
following the strain-softening behavior of rocks under
Fig. 18. Relationship between GSIr/GSI ratio and GSI. loading, the residual strength represents more or less the
mobilized shear strength along a surface or shear zone of
the fractured rock. The post-peak strength depends on the
resistance developed on the failure plane (zone) against
for poor quality rock masses (e.g., GSIo40). For very further straining. Initially, the fracture orientation, degree
good quality rock masses (GSI480), their suggestion may of interlocking, surface irregularity or roughness will affect
overestimate the residual GSIr values. the post-peak load level. However, as the straining
To obtain reliable results of the residual GSIr value, the continues, the residual strength is less dependent on these
method proposed in Section 3.2 should be followed, i.e., by factors.
obtaining the residual block volume and joint surface The Geological Strength Index (GSI) system is a
condition factor and using the GSI chart or Eq. (13) to universal rock mass classification system. It is a rock mass
calculate the residual GSIr. For quick estimates, Eq. (18) classification system that is directly linked to engineering
can also be utilized if the peak GSI value is known. parameters such as Mohr–Coulomb or Hoek–Brown
Because very large straining is needed to reach the true strength parameters or rock mass modulus. The current
residual state, the residual GSIr value discussed here refers GSI system guidelines, however, are for the estimation of
to the post-peak strength in a limited straining range. In the peak strength and do not include guidelines for the
the design of underground structures, most residual estimation of the rock mass’ residual strength that yield
strength parameters utilized are in fact the residual post- consistent results. A new method is proposed here to
peak strength parameters representing limited post-peak extend the GSI system for the estimation of rock mass’s
deformation. residual strength. The peak GSI value is reduced based on
The residual strength of intact rocks, as interpreted from the reduction of the two major controlling factors in the
the triaxial test, is at the same level as the residual strength GSI system, i.e., residual block volume V rb and residual
of the jointed rock mass. In the low confinement range, the joint condition factor J rc , to obtain the residual GSIr value.
residual cohesion and friction angle of the Tennessee The residual block volume is found to be in the category of
Marble are 2.4 MPa and 51.61, respectively. As can be seen the ‘‘disintegrated’’ rocks in the GSI chart, characterized
from Table 3 and Table 5, the residual strengths of some of by the facts that the failed rock masses at the residual
the hard jointed rock masses (CG1 conglomerate and CH strength level are poorly interlocked, heavily broken with a
porphrite) are roughly at the same level of the residual mixture of angular and rounded rock pieces. The average
strength of intact rocks (Tennessee Marble), suggesting block size of 10 cm3 is suggested for the residual GSIr value
that our assumption of the independence of the residual estimation. For joint surface condition, the major factor
block volume on the original jointing state is valid. that alters the condition in post-peak region is the
As stated previously, if the peak block volume is small reduction of joint surface roughness. The actual degrada-
(o10 cm3), the residual block volume is equal to the peak tion of the joint surface is based on the concept of
block volume and the same approach outlined above can mobilized residual joint roughness suggested by Barton
be applied to the estimation of the strength parameters. In et al. [24]. The large-scale waviness and the small-scale
this fashion, consistent estimation of the both peak and smoothness of joints can be calculated by reducing their
residual strength parameters can be obtained. peak values by half with conditions to meet the minimum
The proposed method is applicable to most rock types values. The joint alteration factor JA is assumed un-
when failure is dominated by shear failure. Care must be changed. The residual GSIr value is calculated from the
given for brittle failure of massive rocks involving spalling relationship between GSIr and V rb and J rc .
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consolidated’’ or ‘‘re-bonded.’’ In such a case, special such as sc and mi remain unchanged as the rock mass
failure criteria such as brittle Hoek–Brown failure criterion changes from its peak to residual state. Hence, the residual
264 M. Cai et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 44 (2007) 247–265

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