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1/31/2020 Defination of Graha from the Suryasiddhant – psychologically astrology

psychologically astrology

Experience and thus Transcend

Defination of Graha from the Suryasiddhant

April 23, 2019September 7, 2019 astrologerbydefault

Vedic philosophy is not theoretical, it is completely practical. Prime importance is given to the one
who Experiences. Obviously things have to be in motion to be observed and experienced. This
motion is either in time or in space or in both.

First we intend. The intention (h ps://

thought/) is first created in the mind (h ps://
and-the-moon/), then powered with various mantra
(h ps://, other energy rituals and their practice.
Often these will result in events/creation (h ps://
the-chakras-and-creation/) which are perceived in real life, e.g. financial benefits, ge ing a child, a job,
or spiritual progress. Then we have the inner Universe where we can never get physical proofs,
subjects like the soul, birth, death and rebirth, karma, etc, so we use the science of Illumination,
Jyotish to learn about these hidden truths.

Most modern astrologers have this opinion that the Vedic system was unaware of the trans-Saturn
planets thus did not use them. This is faulty thinking, as ‘graha’, the forces in astrology are
erroneously translated to mean ‘planets’. The trans-Saturnian planets were quite well known to the 1/3
1/31/2020 Defination of Graha from the Suryasiddhant – psychologically astrology

ancient astronomers as Shwet/ Uranus, Shyam/ Neptune and Teevra/ Pluto but were never used in
Jyotish because they are not ‘graha’.

The basis of all Jyotish mathematics is the Suryasiddhant wri en by Mayadanav in Sanskrit
(h ps:// This is the oldest book on
astronomy and everything related to the movement of the earth and heavenly bodies. We still use this
as the basis of all our calculations. There is no estimation on when it was wri en. This book is not
correctly and completely understood even today. If you are interested it is available as a pdf on Just an example, it mentions the avg length of the tropical year to be 365.2421756 days
and the modern value is accepted at 365.2421904 days!

So Suryasiddhant gives the Jyotish definition of ‘graha’. A small maths,

As per the Suryasiddhant the motion of the Sun

(h ps:// in time is called the
kaksh/zone of the Sun. This is generally understood to be one Solar year long, and the Sun moves
within this Kaksh/zone.
The zone of Saturn (h ps:// is 29.47 times the
Sun’s zone. This can be simply understood as 29.47 solar years, which is also the time he takes to
complete one revolution around the Sun.
After that the next planet is Uranus, he occupies a zone 84 times that of the Sun’s zone. For simple
understanding this is the 84 solar years that it takes to make one complete revolution around the
Now the Lunar mansions/Nakshatra (h ps://
lunar-mansions-nakshatra/) also have a similar zone in time (Bhakaksh). This zone is 60 times of
the zone of the Sun. i.e. 60 solar years. The belt of the Nakshatra/the zodiac has a ‘orbital’ motion
around the Sun which is 60 solar years long. A point to understand here, we are talking in terms
of ‘time‘ not ‘outer space‘.

Now ‘graha’ is not a planet, it is defined by its astrological influences perceptible on Earth. As per
Suryasiddhant, the outermost limit of astrological influence is the Bhakaksh, the zone of the
Nakshatra/Lunar mansions who make up the Zodiac belt. No heavenly body beyond this zone has
astrological impact on us on the Earth. Thus Saturn is the farthermost graha which is within the
Bhakaksh boundary.

One point to be noted, we are talking in ‘time’. The Nakshatras are linked to the stars which are much
beyond the solar system, but we are not talking about the physical stars/constellations here. We are
analysing the effects of the energies of the belt of the Zodiac/the Nakshatra belt. There is no physical
object between the zone of Saturn and the zone of Uranus. We are discussing the time it takes for
these heavenly bodies to move and their movement in relation to the movement of the Sun.

This movement of the Bhakaksh is very important and mundane astrologers find events repeating
themselves with each cycle of the Bhakaksh. The cycle is of 60 solar years (one solar year is 365 days 6
hours 12 minutes and 36 seconds ) These 60 solar years, which constitute the zone/Bhakaksh of the
Nakshatra belt, have names (From ‘Prabhava’ to Akshara’ there are 60 names) and are used in
predictions. There is a separate section in astrology called Medini Jyotish which deals with the land
and the people both in time and space on a much larger scale. What we are using at present is Hora
Jyotish or Phalit-Jyotish which gives predictions of individuals.

If you are interested do search on a phenomenon called ‘Teleconnections’ in global events. There is a
cycle of 60 solar years in weather etc phenomena of the earth which are a part of Medini Jyotish.
However we do not have experts on Medini Jyotish anymore, as after the Hindu empires collapsed 2/3
1/31/2020 Defination of Graha from the Suryasiddhant – psychologically astrology

about a thousand years ago there was no one left who knew how to use these concepts. No one was
really interested in long term astrological calculations of nations and thus we stopped using the
yamala tantras and the chakras and other tools of Medini astrology.

So to answer the question, in Vedic astrology we do not use the trans-Saturnine planets as they are
not ‘graha’.

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(This was a reply to a question on trans-Saturnine planets not being used in Vedic astrology, I hope it was of
some help.)

astrology bhakaksh, graha, suryasiddhanta, time, trans Saturn

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