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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (DepEd)

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte


Subject: READING AND WRITING Date: Oct.29, 2019

I. Objective/s:  Describes a written text as connected discourse

II. Subject Matter:

a.Topic  Written Text as Connected Discourse
b.Reference  CG; En11/12RWS-IIIa-1
 Reading and Writing Book p.3-4

c.Materials  Power Point Presentation, TV, Laptop, Chart

III. Procedure:
 Routinary Activities  Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Collecting of Assignment
 Preparatory
a. Review  (First –day discussion)
b. Motivation  The teacher will write several words like TEXT and DISCOURSE to the
board. The students will write on the board what is their understanding on
the written words.
C. Lesson Proper
a. Activity  The class will be divided into four. The teacher will show them 2 passages o
paragraphs and each group will analyse the passages and will look for the
weak and strong points of the paragraph.
b. Analysis  What do you notice in the first paragraph?
 Can you differentiate the two paragraph?
 How will you reconstruct the first paragraph?
c. Abstraction  What is stage presence and how does it affect your performance in delivering
a speech?
 What are the facial expressions and when do you have to apply it when
delivering a speech?
 How will you gain rapport to the audience?
d. Application  Given the principles of speech delivery on the topic about facial expression
stage presence and gestures,

IV. Evaluation  Direction: Use your knowledge in the principles of delivery focusing on
modulation and articulation. Answer the questions briefly.
 1-5.What is articulation and how does it help you in delivering your speech?
 6-10.What is modulation and how does it help you in delivering your
V. Assignment  Principles of Speech Delivery focusing on Stage Presence, facial expression
and rapport to the Audience.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Gr. 11 Adviser School Principal

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