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Declaration of Interdependence for a Rainbow Nation

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to reconsider the political bonds which have connected them with
another and to assume from the powers of the Earth, the equal station to which the hope of well-being entitles them, dignity implores that
they should explain the causes which impel them to the reconsider a governing institution, and declare their freedom.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equally precious, for they are endowed by being sentient, and therefore
have certain inalienable rights, that amongst these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. To secure these rights, governments are
instituted amongst humans, deriving their just powers through a social contract from the consent of the governed. Whenever any form of
government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter it, or abolish it, to tolerate it, or ignore it. They may
aspire to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form that would seem most
likely to affect their safety, opportunity and well-being. Or, they may make allegiance to no government, and simply live responsibly self-
determined and other-concerned, interdependent, and free; this is the Rainbow Way. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long
established should not be changed for light and transient causes; But when a long train of abuses and usurpations that subdue the people
with absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to reconsider such a government, and to provide alternative ways for their future
security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the peoples of the Rainbow Way; and now comes the necessity which impels them to
rethink their former systems of government. Most governments of the world, past and present, are histories of repeated injuries and
usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of a control over the masses of people, and a greater profit and power for a few.
To prove an example of this, let the facts be candidly submitted to the world concerning the injustices by the government of the united
states of america.

The government of the united states of america has proven to be abusive and despotic, negligent to the social welfare of the individual. This
includes the presidents and executive administrations, the federal senate and house of representatives, the federal, state and local courts,
the military and homeland security, law enforcement, and the federal, state and local agencies with their governmental bureaucracies and
institutions, for all have consistently failed to act diligently with a humane Justice, and have consistently acted contrary to the freedoms and
rights of the people they serve, acting irresponsibly and contrary to the Rainbow Way of a caring concern, as well as acting contrary to the
social contract defined in their own constitution, by consistently:

• Making laws prohibiting self-determination, including the freedom of self-identification, religion, speech, and assembly. Punishing, denying
rights, and encouraging bias against people for their lifestyle choices, sexual orientation, gender identification, skin color, economic class,
religion or tribe.

• Depriving persons of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; and denying to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws. Making the due process of law overly complicated, unaffordable, untrustworthy and tedious, while treating its citizens
like they are guilty before proof of such. The courts rarely have succeeded in Justice, skewing righteous judgement towards benefiting the
privileged. The courts inflict cruel and unusual punishment to discipline domestic and foreign people. The prison system remains non-
rehabilitative, inhumane, and for-profit.

• Supporting wars and invasions with independent sovereign nations based on false evidence and ulterior motives, and then oppressing,
and eventually abandoning the allied local peoples. Ignoring past treatises. Killing children and innocent people as part of war.

• Acting unethically without transparency, and strategically deceiving its citizens about its intentions and tactics both home and abroad.
Overtly and covertly using subversive propaganda, brainwashing and deceptive practices to influence the citizens.

• Abusing prisoners of war in horrible ways that violated the geneva convention and the principles of a just humanity.

• Spying on its own citizens and violating the rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, computers, communications
and associations.

• Denying adequate resources to its own citizens in times of domestic peace, unrest, war, terrorism and natural disaster. The government
has not succeeded in adequately providing for the security and social needs of the people, in terms of disaster relief and mitigation, housing,
healthcare, road and bridge infrastructure, defense, food, environmental protection, distributive and retributive justice, honoring the
constitution, and encouraging a level playing field for all.

• Prioritizing the interests of personal, corporate and religious lobbying above the rights of the people and the protection of the Earth.
Denying global warming, and encouraging profiting from the depletion of natural resources through toxic methods.

• Overspending the taxpayers’ money for political and military gain in ways that burdens future generations with substantial debt.

• Ignoring the political consensus of consistent allies, and the world community, including the united nations and the world court.

• Using the military industrial complex for personal, economic and religious agendas, all the while bullying the planet and its citizen by
encouraging inappropriate trade, and the sale of weapons as a market for corporate interests and political gain.
The institutions of modern governance are corrupt, bureaucratically inept, untrustworthy, unjust, unkind and unconcerned.

The congress has condoned a president who has abused his power and repeatedly conspired with other nations to influence his own
elections; who treated allies like enemies and enemies like allies; who used the executive office to further personal and family fortune; who
lied consistently with deceptive intent; who obstructed justice many times at many levels; who used the justice department and other
government institutions at his pleasure unconstitutionally; who slandered and harmed those who spoke out against him; who failed to be a
proper moral and ethical example fit for a president. The president stacked the courts with judges in his favor and put agents in command
in places that have acted inhumanely, unethically, illegally and unconstitutionally. He governed with narcissism, nepotism, fear, deception
and bias like an authoritarian demagogue, without the due restraint from the judiciary and congress.

The state legislatures have gerrymandered the voter map to tilt the elections far into their partisan favor based on demographic data.

The supreme court has been philosophically rigged to allow private, religious, and corporate interests to be more influential in an election.
The courts have failed to protect the rights of the people.

Law enforcement routinely has used lethal force with prejudice, ill-will and violence, rather than peacekeeping and cooperative conflict

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; Our repeated petitions have been answered
only by repeated injury. A government whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the leader of a
free interdependent people.

We, therefore, the free, self-determined, other-concerned peoples of a Rainbow Way, appealing to our most profound wisdom, by authority
of the good people of all tribes and nations, solemnly publish and declare, that all people are inherently free, and thus, may choose to be
considered part of an interdependent Rainbow Nation; People may choose to be absolved from an allegiance to the government of the
united states of america, or any other nation. All political connection between a free person and the united states, or any government, is
and ought to be totally a matter of necessity, preference, convenience or toleration. As free and interdependent peoples, the Rainbow
Nation has full power to levy peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which free peoples may do.
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of what is right, we mutually pledge to each other our intention
to live freely self-determined, yet other-concerned through the Rainbow Way of good-will and loving-kindness, mutual-respect, cooperation,
tolerance, and patience with all good peoples, all the while honoring the Earth, our fellow creatures, and future generations.

The people of the Rainbow Nation, may not or might out of necessity or choice, keep another nation’s passport, pay taxes to an occupying
government, and use the facility and protection of the area where they reside, so as not to be imprisoned or unduly harmed, and so they
can more conveniently move freely about. Voting in another nation’s elections may be necessary to safeguard the Rainbow Way.

The people of the Rainbow Nation may sometimes bear the burden of being bullied, and treated inhumanely, prejudicially and unjustly by
the local, state, federal and international governments, law enforcement, and their supporters; but, like an occupied people in a nation with
no borders, the allegiance to a Rainbow Nation is to the wisest principles of Bliss, Compassion, Justice, Insight, Love, and Freedom, not to
those despots that demand an allegiance. We bear the burden from the modern tyranny with confidence from our true allegiance to a
Rainbow Way and sing our songs of freedom with honor.

Recognizing mutual interdependence, let the Rainbow Nation, be forever, a refuge for all sentient ones to be responsibly free to their own
self-determination; Caring for all our relations, the Rainbow Nation is committed to treating everyone with due respect, fairness, good
intention and social welfare. The Rainbow Nation is the home for all those who are committed to responsibly caring for all those who seek
refuge, regardless of their politics, nationality, religion, ethnicity, peers, creed, family, skin color, tribe, race, self-identity, or choice of a well-
intended lifestyle.

Thus, We the Free Peoples of a Rainbow Nation, without borders, take the responsibility of a self-determined, other-concerned
liberty into our own hands, and declare our interdependence with all sentient and insentient creatures, and the Earth; The Rainbow Nation
welcomes all kind hearts home and endears the cooperative welfare for all with sincerity and skillful concern, beyond any allegiance to any
specific occupying government. People of the Rainbow Nation are stewards of the Earth, with the right to live and die, gather, dwell, trade,
share in the resources, make love, and celebrate on the Mother in Peace.

Welcome Home Brothers and Sisters, We Love You!


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