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Magnaye, Cristian A.

BSIT 2109

Malaysian Literature

1. Pantun

His feathers he let fall at Patani

A score of youth pigeons.

No youth can compare with my present choice

Skilled as he is to touch the heart.

- Finding love from someone that you know that perfectly fit for
that can make your heart flutter is what everyone needs. We will
meet a lot of peeple and admire some of them but ther will always
be the one as the poem says "No youth can compare".

3. Gurindang

Seek you a companion

Who can be for you a medicine.

Seek you a guru

Who can teach every enemy to you.

Seek you a wife

Who can devote to her life.

Seek you a friend

Choose one loyal to the end.

Seek you a servant

Whose manners are decent.

- It's becoming hard to find friends who will be there for you
when the rain starts to pour and you know that you will always be
willing to be there for them too.

2. Syiar
I am Malay,

I have a Malaysian child,

born on rich land, so lucky to feel the soul,

of happy life and not miserable.

This country is independent already,

over five decades unoccupied,

free people do not hesitate,

to go to where it feels good.

Multiple races are united,

Buddhist or Hindu religion,

black, white, or brown,

can agree to be united.

4. Seloka

We are looking for a great fight

between the Giants and the Talks

interested in the great debate

entertained by the speaker's speech

untill we forgot to ask

if it is true will the Point die

if it is true will the Giants disappear

who will help us later

when the lands are dry

and our sons are starving.

- Our society today is more focused on the chaos that is and man
induced problems that is happening such as the wars, political
disagreements, and social issues that we often forgot to look and
analyze what has happened and what we have done to our society.
Thailand Literature

1. Title: Ramakien (Glory of Rama)

2. Author: King Rama I and edited by King Rama II

3. Year of Publication: 1797

4. Characters:

 Prince Phra Ram or Rama - Main character of the story.

 Naang Sida or Sita - Rama's wife

 Lakshman - younger brother of Rama who helped him save Sita

 Tosakan or Demon King Ravana - charismatic, ten faced demon

who abducted Sita

 Hanuman - Faithful ally of Rama who is also the leader of the

army of monkeys

 Piphek - younger brother of Ravana who is honest and loyal and

will become the next king of Lanka after the fall of Ravana

5. Conflict: The Demon King Ravana abducted Rama's wife, Sita

which made Rama starts a war against Ravana

6. Ending: Ravana was defeated by Rama and his companions and

Piphek became the fair ruler of the kingdom of Lanka.

7. Relation to Philippine Literature: The Ramakien or Glory of

Rama is somewhat alike to a Mindanao epic called "Darangan" which
relates to the story of abducted princesses. Bantugan was also a
prince same as Rama and also has a brother ned Bumbaran. While
Rama was banished by his mother the queen, Bantugan left their
land because of his older brother who was the current king. It
also tackled the same points such as jealousy and power.

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