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Histo Lab:

Organs Fundamental type Subtype Specific Subtype Complete

of tissues epithelium lining
Ileum Epithelial Simple Simple columnar Simple columnar
w/ goblet cells
Epidermis (Skin) Epithelial Stratified Stratified Stratified
squamous squamous
Compact bone Connective Bone tissue - -
Skeletal muscle Muscular Skeletal - -
Spinal cord Nervous - - -
Kidney Epithelial Simple Simple squamous Simple squamous
Proximal Epithelial Simple Cuboidal Simple cuboidal
convoluted epithelium w/
tubules (dirty brush border
Distal convoluted Epithelial Simple Cuboidal Simple cuboidal
tubules (clear epithelium w/ few
lumen) brush border
Trachea Epithelial Pseudostratified Pseudostratified Pseudostratified
columnar columnar ciliated
epithelium w/
goblet cells
Liver Epithelial Glandular - -
Urinary bladder Epithelial Transitional - Transitional
Lecture part:

A. According to the number of cells- Unicellular gland- Ileum and Trachea

B. According to manner of secretion- Endocrine gland- Adrenal gland= Kidney

C. According to mechanism of release of excretory products- Merocrine gland- Sweat glands= Skin

Holocrine gland- Sebaceous gland= Skin

D. According to nature/characteristic/type of secretion- Serous gland- Sweat glands= Skin

Mucous gland- Sebaceous gland= Skin

Mixed gland- Tracheal gland= Trachea

E. According to morphology/structure- Simple tubular- Intestinal glands= Ileum

Simple coiled tubular- Sweat gland= Skin

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