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Anne-Elisabeth Moutet Ambassador Piotr Wilczek



Issue #3 | March 2019

A fortnightly Newspaper by the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe (ACRE) |

Daniel Dalton MEP

A “gaping loophole” which allows
third country nationals to hide
their criminal records in the Euro-
pean Union was closed by MEPs. p.3

The similarities between the
Brexit negotiations and the ongo-
ing negotiations between the

n the European Parliament elec- European Union and Switzerland
tion in May, the Sweden Dem- are obvious and striking. p.5
ocrats are set to double their
number of MEPs, from two to four. Jan Zahradil
Based on the most recent polls the
party’s result is at an all-time high CAMPAIGN
of 18 per cent and the party could
plausibly even elect five MEPs. It is
therefore probable that the Swe-


Paris, London, Prague, Belcoo and
den Democrats will be the second Blacklion p.16
largest Swedish party in the EP,
after the Social Democrats, follow-
ing the election. DOUBLED IN EVERY Conservative Icons


In the last decade, the Sweden
Democrats have grown to a major by Roger Kimball
political force. On average the
party has doubled in every elec- More and more, so-called liberal
tion since it was founded in 1988. The party entered the European Parlia- that has enabled the party to grow so fast arts institutions are vocational
The Sweden Democrats entered ment in 2014 with 9,7 per cent of the vote is that the voters are tired of being lec- schools at best; at worst they are
the national parliament with 5.7 per electing two MEPs. tured about multiculturalism and toler- circuses of narcissism. p.18
cent of the vote in 2010. Four years The Conservative takes a closer look ance. The voters want a normal European
later they had 12.9 per cent, and last at Sweden Democrats and finds a party discussion on the benefits and drawbacks
September the party increased its that would be seen as a moderate centrist of migration. The Conservative profiles Conservative Wine
share of the vote to 17.8 per cent, party in any country, other than in Jimmie Åkesson, the national chairman MACRON’S
taking 62 seats in the 349-
seat parliament.
Sweden. The main factor of the party, and interviews Peter Lund-
gren the party’s delegation leader for the VIEWS ON
EP election. Peter Lundgren, an ECR BREXIT ARE
MEP, is a former truck driver who was
nominated for the Parliament Magazine LEAVING A
award as the best EU parliamentarian in SOUR TASTE
the transport section six month after win- by Iain Martin
ning his first election. CONTINUED ON p.10
Presidents of countries that want
the British to continue buying their

POPULISM should try being pleasant for a
change. p.21

An Interview with Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister of Australia

Conservative Books
ony Abbott, having ended the humani- Jane Austen’s
tarian catastrophe of people smugglers
reaching Australia by water, points to a PRIDE AND
successful resolution of a migration crisis, and
urges Europe and its leadership to take a hard
by James Delingpole
stance on illegal migration. He further empha-
sizes on how certain misconceptions about the The genius of Jane Austen is that
nature of refugee and migrant status can lead to she also works quite brilliantly as
a false moral responsibility narrative, and subse- she is often seen today: as a creator
quently exacerbate illegal migration challenges. of feisty, sparky heroines, a sublime
How Europe now deals with the Völkerwan- comedian and spinner of gloriously
derung is arguably the most important question romantic yarns. p.22
of our age. CONTINUED ON p.15

ACRE WELCOMES Kristina Winberg MEP

MEPs vote to establish new
Daniel Dalton MEP
Report closes a “gaping
SEVERAL NEW MEMBERS Internal Security Fund loophole” in cross-border

crime fight
new fund that will support Mem-
ber States’ efforts to boost secu-
rity within and between their
countries has been endorsed during
a vote in the European Parliament in

don’t NO
As currently proposed, the Internal
Security Fund will have a budget of just
under 5 billion euros to support objec-

tives such as increasing the exchange of
information between law enforcement

authorities, tackling radicalization, and
strengthening crime prevention. “gaping loophole” which allows leaves people in the EU less safe.”
Speaking after the vote, Kristina Win- third country nationals to hide The new European Criminal Records
berg, who followed the proposals for the their criminal records in the Information System Third Country
ECR Group, said: European Union was closed by MEPs. National (ECRIS-TCN) database will
“We are all unfortunately aware of the The new legislation will also sup- borders. While this new fund won’t solve They backed legislation, led through reveal if a third country national has a
struggles Member States are facing in port improving emergency response as all our problems, it is another small step the European Parliament by ECR MEP criminal record in the EU and which
the fight against terror. It’s a cross bor- well as strengthening the focus on the that provides targeted and flexible sup- Daniel Dalton, establishing a central member state holds the details. Judicial
der issue and we need to do what we can external dimension of the EU’s security port to help member states improve the database that will alert Member States authorities will then be able to quickly
by Richard Milsom to support Member States’ to help them challenges. security of their citizens.” if individuals have previous convictions obtain that information and take it into
cooperate more effectively, exchange Winberg continued: The report will now enter institutional in the EU. account when sentencing the person for
information and share best practices on “A number of the challenges we are negotiations with the Council of Minis- Mr Dalton told MEPs that the change a new offence.
tackling terror groups that pose a threat facing are a direct consequence of the ters in order to find an agreement on the was essential to fight crime and ter- Mr Dalton added: “The inclusion of
to Europe.” failure to secure the EU’s the external final legislation.” ■ rorism, in a world where people were dual nationals in this system will pre-
increasingly mobile and cross-border vent them from hiding past criminal
crime was on the rise. convictions in the EU simply by disclos-
Our voice and vision for He said: “There is currently an effi-
cient way to identify previous convic-
ing only one of their passports.
“This is a good agreement. It will
a reformed EU must be tions for EU nationals but not for people make our citizens safer, ensure seri-
heard. We need to counter from outside the bloc or those with dual ous criminal convictions are disclosed

nationality”. to judicial authorities and ensure that
he first two issues of ‘The Conservative’ programme, Rwanda launching a satellite to pro- he Alliance of Conservatives and the generic arguments “Officials who suspect a non-EU EU and non-EU nationals are treated
have been a resounding success. The
response from readers has been over-
vide broadband internet to schools in remote
areas, upcoming elections in Lithuania and Spain,
Reformists in Europe (ACRE) is
Europe’s fastest growing political
of the other parties, who national may have a criminal past can
only find those convictions by asking
equally. At the same time we have pro-
tected the rights of individuals by plac-
whelming and letters and comments and the recent elections in Estonia and Nige- movement. At the Annual General regardless of the frontman, all 27 other member states. This means ing safeguards on how this information
from across Europe and the rest of the world
clearly show that there has been a genuine deep-
ria. We look at what impact a large influx of ille-
gal immigration has had on polls in Spain. Finally,
Assembly, ACRE welcomed four parties: The Bul-
garian and Northern Macedonian National Move-
all want the same thing - previous criminal convictions are rarely
found. It is a gaping legal loophole which
can be shared - this is not a database that
can be simply browsed through.” ■
felt demand for a newspaper from a conservative also have a short article on how thousands of ments (VMRO); the Democratic Party of Kosovo more Europe.
perspective. We intend to build on this and aim to Dutch high school students have been skipping and the Enough is Enough Conservative Party in
continue to deliverer and improve. class to protest about climate change. Serbia. The four new members officially joined Dosta je bilo (Enough is Enough) is a politi- Anna Fotyga MEP
This issue contains a special feature on popu- The article about Dutch high school students the conservative alliance during ‘La Convenzi- cal party in Serbia founded by former Minister
lism. The word is rarely defined, but it is certain
that populism isn’t popular in Brussels. The label
skipping school to attend climate protests is
illustrative because similar strikes are occur-
one Blu’ Council Meeting & Summit in Rome.
Since our foundation in 2010, we have become the
of Economy Saša Radulović in 2014. Radulović is
a harsh critic of corruption not only in Serbian,
Disinformation poisons
of populism is applied to anything the establish-
ment dislike such as referenda, tax cuts, sover-
ring across the continent. It struck a core with us
at The Conservative. While we like to see dedica-
third largest of the European political groups with
an active family of representations in the Euro-
but also in the media across other former Yugo-
slav states. During his ministerial tenure Radu-
minds and consciences
eignty; and, on anyone the establishment despise tion in young people, and also can see why they pean Parliament, the Council of Europe, the Com- lović tried to bring transparency based on a vision
from the utmost left to the furthers right. In our worry about environmental problems, we don’t mittee of Regions and the NATO Parliamentary of open government. In the most recent 2016 Fotyga has welcomed the report and
special feature on populism we seek to define and necessarily think skipping school is the right way Assembly. elections, Dosta je bilo tripled its support and the work carried out to date by the East
discuss populism without the normal disdain but to go. Students creating more work for already At the General Assembly meeting attended by succeeded in securing 16 out of 250 seats in the StratCom Task Force, and has reit-
as a potentially legitimate response to policies overworked teachers by skipping class, learning all of ACRE’s 42 existing member parties, ACRE National Assembly, as well as 7 out of 120 seats erated her call to turn it into a fully –
that commanded support only in a narrow section less, wreaking havoc with lesson planning and President Jan Zahradil said, “We are proud to at the Assembly of the Autonomous province of fledged unit within thee EEAS.
of society; a reaction to the politics of the metro- test schedules isn’t the most efficient means to accept new conservative parties into our family; Vojvodina. Speaking after the vote, Fotyga who
politan bureaucratic class, with mainstream mid- deal with climate change. If anything, the waste our party is the fastest growing political move- All ACRE parties are dedicated to the cen- chairs the Parliament’s Security and
dleclass outlooks on the problems of society. of school meals, poster sprayed with environ- ment in Europe and continues to receive regular tre-right values expressed in the Reykjavik Dec- Defence sub-committee said:
We also have a profile of the Swedish Demo- mentally hazardous paint and later disregarded, applications for membership.” laration. The values that underpin our politics “We can no longer deny the fact that
crats and its leader Jimmie Åkesson. We look at and kind mothers who drive their children to the The VMRO Party, or Bulgarian National are individual liberty, national sovereignty, par- our institutions and societies are tar-
how a party can grow when the established par- demonstrations by car will, on the margin, cause Movement, was founded in 1991 (the successor liamentary democracy, private property, limited geted by the Kremlin’s hostile propa-
ties aren’t responsive to the popular will and let further environmental damage. Would it not to the historic Internal Macedonian Revolution- government, free trade, family values and the ganda, which is part of a broader strategy.
a small section of society dominate policy in an have been better if the students, instead of skip- ary Organization), along with the North Mace- devolution of power. Fortunately, we are more experienced,
important area such as immigration. By contrast ping school, had demanded their schools open on donia VMRO-DPMNE Party (the sister party of Jan Zahradil, ACRE President and candidate determined and united to counter such
our interview with Tony Abbott, former prime Saturday to enable them to take extra classes on the Bulgarian VMRO). The leader of the Bulgar- for Commission Presidency, welcomed the new activities. Our answer depends on resil-
minister of Australia, who adopted stricter bor- the natural sciences to learn more about climate ian National Movement is Krasimir Karakacha- allies and stressed, “Our voice and vision for a ient societies, transparent media and
der control to ensure immigration was lawful and change. nov, who is currently Minister of Defence. Since reformed EU must be heard. We need to counter encouraging pluralism, while taking
controllable, to save lives. The environmental challenges we face will December 2017 VMRO-DPMNE has been led by the generic arguments of the other parties, who steps to ensure that we avoid censorship.”

In the culture section we have a travel guide never be solved by strikes; it will be solved by Hristijan Mickoski. regardless of the frontman, all want the same There is also a focus in the report
to Madrid, a book review of Jane Austen’s book hard-won knowledge we get though science. The The Democratic Party of Kosovo was founded thing - more Europe.” EPs have backed ECR MEP on social media and its potential role
Pride and Prejudice, a discussion of the trade and basis for this science starts in school with tough in 1999 and is currently the third-largest politi- ACRE also heard applications to join from Anna Fotyga’s report into both in spreading and countering false
politics of wine, and what we can learn about the long hours of lonely work learning math, phys- cal party in Kosovo. The leader of the Democratic The Swedish Democrats, VOX Party from Spain, EU efforts to tackle strate- information, and on the best ways to
Soviet system through music. ics, chemistry and biology. As always, the solution Party of Kosovo is Kardi Veseli, who is currently Debout La France Party and The Forum for gic propaganda against the EU and its safeguard users against these mali-
In news we cover the EU’s efforts to tackle stra- to our problems is down to the dedication, hard Chairman of the Assembly of the Republic of Democracy in the Netherlands. These applica- Member States by third parties, such as cious stories. Support should also be
tegic propaganda by Russia, the Chinese govern- work, and knowledge of individuals not the emo- Kosovo. The former leader of the DPK is Hashim tions will proceed to full membership at the next Russia. provided for civil society, private insti-
ment implementation of its social credit score tional, short term demands of groups. ■ Thaci who was elected President of Kosovo in 2016. regular Assembly in June 2019. ■ The report reviews the response of tutions, academia and media organi-
the EU and its Member States to the sation in further enhancing measures
first Strategic Communications (Strat- aimed at fact checking and exposing
com) report adopted by the European propaganda. Beyond this, the report
Parliament in 2016 and provides fur- recognises that efforts should also not
DISCLAIMER EDITORIAL BOARD HOW TO CONTACT US ther recommendations on how best to be solely concentrated on EU coun-
Alliance of Conservatives & tackle strategic propaganda from third tries. A number of accession countries
Reformists in Europe (ACRE) is a EDITOR Alliance of Conservatives &
Richard Milsom
countries. and partners in the EU neighbourhood
Belgian EUPP No: 0820.208.739, Reformists in Europe (ACRE)
A number of Member States still hav- are also vulnerable to such hostilities
recognised and partially funded by MANAGING EDITOR Rue du Trone 4, B-1000,
The Conservative is a fortnightly newspaper available in print en’t recognised the impact and mag- and it is essential that the EU and its
and online, owned by the Alliance of the Conservatives and the European Parliament. Themistoklis Asthenidis Brussels, Belgium
nitude of disinformation campaigns Member States cooperate.
Reformists in Europe (ACRE). ADVISORY BOARD and the report therefore calls on these Fotyga concluded:
The views and opinions expressed WEB
in the publication are solely those
Jan Zahradil MEP
EMAIL countries to take proactive measures to “In 2019 there will be of over 29 elec-
The Conservative can be read online at
of individual authors and should not
Anna Fotyga MEP counter the threat and to establish per- tions in EU Member States, including
Raffaele Fitto MEP manent structures to this effect. The the European elections in May. Expe-
REPRODUCTION RIGHTS be regarded as reflecting any official INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS
Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP report also underlines the crucial role of rience tells us there will be further
All content and materials of The Conservative are copyrighted, opinion or position of the Alliance
Prof Ryszard Legutko MEP an independent media and quality jour- interference by the Russian Federation
unless otherwise stated. For permission to republish articles of Conservatives and Reformists Please address submissions and
Daniel Hannan MEP across the EU and in our partner coun-
appearing in The Conservative, please contact the Managing in Europe (ACRE), its leadership, letters to the editor to: nalism as the best safeguards against
Editor at members or staff, or of the DESIGN Managing Editor / The Conservative disinformation campaigns, as well as tries. Therefore we have to be aware of
European Parliament. VIDEOR o.d. ( EMAIL stressing that a legal framework allow- and continue to strengthen our resil-
ZahradilJan jzahradil jan.zahradil ing for a robust EU response to these ience against this kind of activity and
hybrid threats should be put in place. interference.” ■

FRONTEX European Commission Lithuanian election in May Brexit

Sharp drop in migration Member States disappointed Valdemar Tomaševski Swiss-EU talks stuck
to Europe via Central with Commission’s work on running for president amid parallels with Brexit
Mediterranean opening up services
aldemar Tomaševski launched the country accord- he similarities between the Brexit

his bid for the Presidency of ing to polling, is guided negotiations and the ongoing
he European Commission’s Minister Juha Sipilä, and the signato- Lithuania during a press con- by Christian values. negotiations between the Euro-
inability to open up the ser- ries are the Baltics, Benelux, Croatia, ference on 19 February. Representing “When Christian val- pean Union and Switzerland are obvi-
vice sector has been the focus Cyprus, Ireland, Malta, the Nordics, the Electoral Action of Poles in Lith- ues are the founda- ous and striking. In both cases a sizeable
of much disapproval. This criticism Slovenia, Visegrad (without Hungary) uania – Christian Families Alliance tion, the outcome is to European economy wants to trade with
now seems to be boiling over into the and Portugal. Notably absent – apart (EAPL-CFA) Valdemar Tomaševski strengthen honest reli- the EU without being a member of its
public. In a letter dated 26 February from France, Germany and Italy – are will run on a programme for a renewal able politics and the policy of support- having relatively small budgets. In the single market or customs union. But
to EU Council President Donald Tusk, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and South- of Lithuania based on a proven track ing the traditional family,” Tomaševski last decade, that local government has while the Brexit stalemate is getting lots
the Prime Ministers of 17 EU Mem- ern European countries Greece and record. explained. made very substantial investments in of media, the impasse in the negotia-
ber States urge the Commission to Spain. Explaining his decision to partici- The EAPL-CFA has often been in roads, water and sewage infrastructure. tions between Switzerland and the EU
remove the “remaining barriers from This happens against the backdrop pate in the presidential elections, which government coalitions at the national, It has also constructed 7 new kinder- is attracting no attention. It is becoming

labour and learning mobility while of Polish officials arguing that the sin- will take place in May, Tomaševski regional and local level. The party has gartens, 3 schools, 2 hospitals, 6 social increasingly clear that the Brexit negoti- of road freight is physically inspected.
he European Border and Coast the Central Mediterranean route have stressing that “mutual recognition of gle market has been damaged by mea- requirements, are not expected to make stressed the need for socially responsi- achieved much in the field of family care facilities, 16 sports fields and 50 ations may affect the Swiss negotiations, The Head of Swiss Customs, Chris-
Guard Agency, FRONTEX, has been diverted to the Eastern and West- professional qualifications should be sures making it harder to post workers a big change. The main reason why ble, economically efficient and respon- policy and social responsibility. It pro- playgrounds. All of these investments just as the Swiss agreements previously tian Bock, told UK MPs at a hearing in
reported the statistics for the ern routes. guaranteed”. temporarily to other EU countries. EU many posted workers from, for exam- sible policies that aim to create a more posed the child support system that has have been made without the local gov- affected the Brexit negotiations. 2017 that he thinks a soft border on the
number of illegal border crossings by The number of migrants detected The letter, which expresses frus- Commissioner Marianne Thyssen is ple, Poland are more competitive than educated and free society, as well as the been realised and the Family Card pro- ernment incurring any debts, proving The story goes back a few decades. In island of Ireland could be “possible”, sug-
migrants detected during the month of on the Eastern Mediterranean route tration at the weak performance of responsible for this legislation, which workers in France and Belgium is that need to listen to the citizens and real- gramme intended to support large fam- that the EAPL-CFA has managed the the 1980s the European Commission gesting “common patrols between the
January. The report shows a reduction via Morocco to Spain was 2,540, which the Juncker Commission in opening has reduced labour mobility within in the latter countries, employers need ise their wishes. “Our programme is to ilies, which will start on 1 July this year. budget effectively and worked honestly under President Jacques Delors pro- United Kingdom and Republic of Ire-
in the number of detected illegal border was 44 per cent lower than the previous up Europe’s services market at a time the EU. France and Germany also sup- to pay much higher social security implement what we have done region- Tomaševski pointed to the fact that for the residents. posed that the EU’s relationship with land” as a way to avoid a hard border, as
crossings on the main migratory routes month but 10 per cent higher than the when a lot of potential growth could port this, despite both countries being contributions. Instead of tackling this ally and locally in the whole of Lithua- only 13 per cent of EU funds go through This will be the third time that the various European countries that well as checks away from the border and
to a total of 6,760. This is one third less same month a year earlier. The FRON- be unlocked in this way, was delivered the second and third biggest source of issue, the affected Member States pre- nia. Our achievements at the local and the Lithuanian local government, Valdemar Tomaševski runs as candi- were not members should be governed “trusted traders” arrangements.
compared to December and a fifth less TEX statistics show that more than ahead of the March EU Summit, where posted workers in the EU, after Poland. fer to limit the single market. regional level speak for themselves,” which is the lowest rate in the EU, but date for the post of President of Lithua- through what was then called the “Euro- Currently, the EU and Switzerland are
than in January 2018. half of the detected illegal migrants – EU leaders are due to set single market The new rules, which limit the post- The coalition of 17 EU countries back- said Tomaševski. said that the EAPL-CFA-governed Vil- nia. In 2009 he achieved 4.7 per cent of pean Economic Community”. The prin- updating their relationship, and there is
The really interesting numbers are, 3,780 individuals – came via the West- priorities for the next five years. The ing of workers to a maximum of 18 ing a more liberal EU indicates one divid- The EAPL-CFA, considered to be nius district is proof that local gov- the vote and in 2014 he almost doubled ciple was quite simple: non-Member still no deal. In March 2018 the Swiss Gov-
however, found in the fundamental ern Mediterranean route via Turkey to initiative came from Finland’s Prime months and interfere with their salary ing line within the EU after Brexit. ■ the most honest political group in ernment can work effectively despite that to 8.4 per cent. ■ States could get full access to the sin- ernment said that it would agree to accept
shift taking place between the differ- Greece. While the number of detections gle market under the condition that a special arbitration court to settle judi-
ent routes. In January the Central Med- on this route fell by 18 per cent from the they accept all of the EU’s rules. Sweden, cial disputes arising from Swiss-EU bilat-
iterranean route, basically between previous month, the number is more Austria, Finland, Norway, Iceland and eral relations, but there is still no final
Libya and Italy, saw the largest drop than double the figure detected in Jan- Liechtenstein accepted the proposal and deal. To give the European Court of Jus-
ever in the number of detected ille- uary 2018. the Swiss – after a referendum in 1992 – tice a role – even an indirect role – would
gal migrants. Only 150 migrants were Crossing the Mediterranean Sea has rejected it. be hard to swallow for many Swiss. It is
detected on this route, which is a fall always been perilous. Since 2014 nearly A solution had to be found, and for notable that Theresa May accepted a very
of 73 per cent compared to the month 17,000 people have drowned attempt- seven years the EU and Switzerland similar arrangement for the EU-UK rela-
before and of 96 per cent compared to ing a crossing. And, whilst 2,275 people negotiated to what extent the country tionship. Another EU demand is for the
January 2018. Bangladeshis and Tuni- died attempting to cross in 2018, which would enjoy access to the single mar- Swiss to automatically adapt its migration
sians were the most common nationali- is much fewer than in previous years, ket and to what extent it would accept and social security rules to EU legislative
ties among the migrants reaching Italy. the proportion of migrants dying at sea to implement the EU’s rules. The nego- changes, something that is not foreseen in
It is clear that the strict measures taken increased substantially. It would appear tiated package of seven sectoral agree- the agreements from the 1990s.
by Italy have had the intended outcome by this measurement that 2018 was the ments signed in 1999 were all about “pay To increase the pressure, the European
and resulted in a sharp drop in the num- worst ever, with 1 in every 49 migrants to play”, or rather “pick and choose”. Commission issued an ultimatum to Swit-
ber of illegal immigrants, but it appears was losing their life in the Mediterra- The UK Government’s “Chequers zerland in December, threatening to cut
that the migrants who used to come via nean. ■ Plan” was to a large extent modelled on off the access of the Swiss stock exchange
the Swiss arrangement. The EU was very to the EU, which would cause it to suffer
hostile to the Chequers Plan, which basi- a drop in liquidity. Switzerland had antic-
Estonian election cally proposed that the UK stay in the ipated this and could point to a loophole in
single market for goods, but not for ser- EU rules, making it impossible to imple-
Opposition party wins vices, in return for selectively taking over
EU rules. It is hard to think of alterna-
ment. Just before New Year a truce was
agreed, whereby the EU offered the Swiss
and EKRE doubles tives. If the UK only got the access that
any random third country gets to the EU,
stock exchange access to its markets for
another six months, allowing Switzerland
supply chains of industrial companies as to hold a consultation process on the pro-
well as general trade would be severely posed “framework agreement” treaty that
disrupted. If the UK became a full rule- would govern future ties.
taker, very much like Norway, the same In January Swiss President Ueli
democratic issues that made the Swiss Maurer warned the EU that it would
reject the proposal would quickly come need to have more patience, referring to
to the fore. upcoming Swiss and EP elections, and
Not only with regard to market access, urged it to renegotiate parts of a deal to
but also in terms of external trade pol- create framework conditions governing
icy, there are strong similarities to Brexit. future ties between the two sides. Maurer
The UK has the world’s fifth largest econ- does not believe that Swiss voters would
omy and, just like Switzerland, wants to agree to the proposed version if it came to
be able to conduct its own trade policy a referendum.
and therefore set its own tariffs. Meanwhile, both sides are following
Customs checks would cause a degree the final throes of the Brexit negotia-
of disruption, but only about 2 per cent tions. ■

Dutch climate march

OUR SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Truth or truancy?

housands of Dutch high school been as encour-
he liberal Reform Party won the promising to lower income and excise WE WILL DISCUSS CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS TO: children have been skipping class aging if their stu-


general election with 28.8 per taxes, reduce immigration and end to protest about climate change. dents had been
cent of the vote, with the govern- Russian-language teaching in the edu- Following the example of 16-year-old skipping school
ing Centre Party reduced to 23 per cent. cation system. The party strongly sup- ‘’climate poster girl’’ Greta Thunberg to protest about


The real surprise of the election was the ports NATO membership but has called Jan Zahradil MEP Kristina Arriaga de Bucholz Jan Figel Laurentiu Rebega MEP from Sweden and mobilised by teachers, issues such as
ACRE president and lead President of the Oxford EU Special Envoy for the promotion Member of the Committee on
Conservative People’s Party (EKRE), for an “Estxit” referendum on Estonia’s candidate for European Society of Law and of freedom of religion or belief Agriculture and Rural Affairs, schoolboards and politicians, more than immigration. A
which more than doubled its previous EU membership. Commission president. Religion outside the European Union European Parliament 15,000 students between the ages of 12 to recent investiga-
vote share to 17.8 per cent. The leader of the Reform Party, Kaja 18 gathered near the National Parliament tion into the vot-
The Conservative People’s Party,
which won only seven seats in the 2015
election, now has 19 of the 101 seats
Kallas, is on track to become the first
female prime minister of Estonia. Kallas
is very strongly in favour of the Euro- 2 April 2019 • 09:30-13:00
nd 3rd April 2019 • 09:30-13:00 to encourage the Dutch Government to
reduce greenhouse gases. The Dutch Min-
ister of Education, Arie Slob (Christian
ing behaviour
of high school
teachers con-
in parliament. The appeal of the Con-
servative People’s Party was primar-
ily rooted in the misgivings of rural
pean Union. She has been a Member
of the European Parliament and is the
daughter of the former Estonian Prime
European Parliament (Room A1H1) Solvay Library • Brussels Union), expressed that even though he
had sympathy for the cause, school atten-
dance was compulsory and should be
firmed that the
vast majority of
Dutch teachers
Estonians, but also among Estonians Minister Siim Kallas, who also led the enforced. voted for left-
abroad, of whom 43.7 per cent voted Reform Party before serving as a Euro- Many schoolboards have openly wing parties. Numerous left-leaning party
for the party while the Reform Party pean Commissioner. It is therefore encouraged their students to skip school leaders came to the protests to take self-
received just 17 per cent of the over- likely that EKRE will be a leading oppo- to participate in the climate protest, invit- ies with the students and often seemed to
seas votes. EKRE won many voters by sition party. ■ ing a debate as to whether they would have encourage the truancy. ■

Nigerian presidential election Internet access for rural schools New Zealand Woke government forms of ultra-progressive social jus-

National Party fights

tice, portrays himself as being at the
Centre-left victory Rwanda launches satellite Canadian Conservatives forefront of #MeToo with statements

Labour’s capital gains

like “when women speak up, it is our
challenged in court take poll lead over liberals duty to listen to them and to believe

tax proposal
them”, and pontificates about the sins

Canadians have committed against
resident Muhammadu Buhari Clock in 2018. Not n the latest federal track poll most Canadians do not think that indigenous peoples, while at the same
officially won the Nigerian pres- surprisingly, Presi- released on 5 March, the Canadian Trudeau is less ethical than most of time sending a close associate to dis-
idential election on 23 February. dent Buhari became Conservatives have a slight lead his predecessors. The bullying of Wil- credit Wilson-Raybould’s narrative
The outcome of the election has become deeply unpopular over the Liberals, according to Nanos son-Raybould — which is the way many with the words “I believe she spoke…
controversial, however, with opposition with those in favour Research. The weekly tracking data Canadians have come to regard her her truth”.
candidate Atiku Abubakar challenging of free markets and shows the Conservatives at 34.7 per treatment — makes a mockery of ear- Maybe now the Trudeau government
the result in court. less regulation of cent, followed by the Liberals at 34.2 lier statements by the Prime Minister. will cut down on the lectures on how
President Buhari won the election in business. The coun- per cent. The New Democratic Party is Justin Trudeau looks like a hypocrite Canadians should practice feminism,
2015, running for the then newly formed try’s stock market at 15.5 per cent and the Green Party at when he embraces the most faddish raise children and use pronouns. ■
All Progressives Congress (APC). APC, was expecting the 9.1 per cent. The Bloc Quebecois have
an ideologically centre-left party, prom- pro-market economy 3.6 per cent of the vote, while the Peo-
ised to fix the economy, create jobs for opposition candidate ple’s Party of Canada have 0.7 per cent.
the youth and end economic insecu- Atiku Abubakar to The shift is due to the scandal that

rity. Instead, Nigeria’s economy weak- win, and lost $234 bil- has engulfed Justin Trudeau’s govern-
ened, foreign investors left the country lion when the result was announced. election. He has rejected the official wanda has launched a satellite investment in space technologies is ment in recent weeks. The affair centres
because of the instability of the gov- When former Vice President Atiku result and aims to challenge the out- that will provide broadband part of a broader mission to bridge the on the question of whether the Prime
ernment, and the promise of jobs for Abubakar announced two years ago come in court. internet to schools in remote digital divide by providing equal digi- Minister improperly pressured Jody
the young was replaced by social ben- that he would attempt a fourth bid for The PDP is a centre-right party, which areas. It was launched into orbit from tal opportunities to rural and remote Wilson-Raybould, former Minister of
efits. Finally, the terrorist group Boko the presidency as the PDP candidate, he has attended ACRE and IDU events, a spaceport on the Atlantic coast of communities. Justice and a member of the We Wai
Haram wreaked havoc on a large part of was then widely expected to lose. Atiku promotes best practice taken from French Guiana. The satellite, which The Rwandan satellite is one of six Kai Nation, to reverse her decision to
the north, and many believe the govern- Abubakar’s campaign was focused on other global centre-right parties, and it was designed by a UK-based company, satellites that will be launched with prosecute a well-connected engineer-
ment’s response was lacklustre at best. issues and based on a manifesto that therefore promotes free markets, eco- will enable other schools across differ- the backing of major players in the ing firm charged with fraud and corrup-
President Buhari’s policies caused the would instil free market dynamism nomic liberalism and limited govern- ent regions to connect to it and provide space industry and finance, including tion. When Wilson-Raybould refused
government revenue to fall and the defi- in the country. His political campaign ment intervention. Parallel to the court internet access to remote areas. Virgin, Qualcomm, Airbus and Soft- to reconsider her decision the PM
cit spending to increase. The national gained ground as the country’s economy case, Atiku Abubakar wants to restruc- The location of some remote Bank of Japan. The Minister of ICT removed her, and the new Justice Min-

debt accumulated from 1999 to 2015 and security fell apart and his message ture and grow the PDP in order to com- schools makes it extremely costly to and Innovation, Paula Ingabire, said ister David Lametti seems quite open
under a People’s Democratic Party (PDP) reached the voters. bat socialist populism and demonstrate be connected to standard fibre cables, that the investment was proof of the ew Zealand’s Labour govern- head in the sand to avoid hearing their to revisit the original decision. Polling
government doubled in three years under Based on an analysis of actual votes that democracy and free market princi- and a satellite connection is an alter- government’s commitment to con- ment has proposed a capi- concerns. They could be taxed if they suggests that this has done severe dam-
Buhari. Nigeria was declared the poorest cast Atiku Abubakar is seen by many ples will also work in this largest popu- native solution to provide schools tinue connecting underserved com- tal gains tax (CGT) that would run their business at home, then pay age to the Liberal brand in the run-up
country in the world by the World Poverty as the real winner of the presidential lous country in Africa. ■ with internet connectivity. The munities. ■ apply to properties greater than 4,500 taxes all their working life, only to lose to this year’s national election.
square metres. Figures from the author- a third of their gains when they sell up Most Canadian voters have unfash-
ities show that there are 403,883 free- to retire.” ionable concerns about jobs and the
China’s social credit score India hold properties around New Zealand To implement the recommended economy, and indications are that

Totalitarianism 2.0
that are greater than 4,500 square CGT regime would necessitate billions
General election metres. About 50,000 of these are farms.
Labour has claimed that family
of dollars of compliance costs Every
small business owner, farmer and prop- New Direction report
starts on April 11th homes would be exempt, except for
properties of over 4,500 square metres –
erty owner would want to maximise the
valuation on “valuation day” to limit the
a little over half a rugby field – but those future capital gains tax they have to pay
he next general election in the who run a business from home, or who and the CGT would therefor necessitate

world’s biggest democracy start have flatmates, would also be subject to an evaluation of every single business, he five Nordic countries, Swe- In this report, it will be argued that
on April 11 with the nationwide a CGT. farm, rental property or family home den, Denmark, Finland, Nor- this is a misunderstanding, not only of
result set to be announced on May 23. Leader of the Opposition, Simon without benefiting anyone. According way, and Iceland, are rightly Hayek but also, more importantly, of
Five years ago, Bharatiya Janata Party Bridges, has vowed to fight the govern- to one estimate, the cost to the wider regarded as successful societies. They the Nordic success story. The system
(BJP) led by Narendra Modi stormed ment’s capital gains tax proposal and economy would be about $5 billion if are affluent, but without a wide gap of high taxes, extensive redistribution,
to power but the party has since suf- that the National Party will repeal the every small and medium-sized business between rich and poor. They provide and general and generous welfare
fered losses in several state elections. CGT if it is introduced. owner in New Zealand had to pay for a social security, but without a signifi- benefits without any means-testing
The opposition Congress Party have Many New Zealanders view the tax as new valuation robust enough to stand cant erosion, it seems, of their free- that Scandinavian social democrats
grown stronger since the last elections unfair since it would exempt multimil- up in court. Remarkably, this is roughly doms. They are small, but they all introduced in the 1950s to the 1970s
but still looks feeble. Instead, polls lion-dollar homes on small plots, while it how much a CGT is projected to raise in enjoy a good reputation around the turned out to be untenable. Moreover,
suggest that several dozens of small would include relatively modest houses its first four years. world as peaceful, civilised democra- there is in fact no one Nordic model,
regional parties will hold the balance of across ideological lines. The regional on larger plots. Using proxies for assessing the valua- cies. The Nordic nations are healthy even if there are some resemblances
power after the elections. parties have grown stronger but are The tax would also inefficient. A CGT tion of properties – such as local author- and well-educated and the crime rate between the three Scandinavian soci-
Voters increasingly feel like Nar- still not big enough to take on the BJP would discourage people from start- ity rating valuations – would typically is low. eties, Sweden, Denmark, and Nor-
endra Modi’s promise to transform or Congress nationwide. These parties ing and growing their own business, understate the true market value and But what is it that other nations way, with Finland and Iceland being
India has not been realized. The Con- are however increasingly likely to gar- creating jobs and contributing to eco- therefore increase any future CGT. And can learn from the Nordic success different in various respects. Indeed, strong rule of law, the protection of
gress Party have focused on attacking ner enough support to hold the balance nomic growth. That the Labour Min- using mass automatic valuations as a story? Harvard economist and UN because the ‘Swedish model’ is fre- private property rights, the freedom
the Modi government but have failed of power in the next Parliament. This ister for Small Business claims not to way to avoid the compliance cost of val- development expert Jeffrey D. Sachs quently invoked, a distinction can be of contract, social cohesion, civic par-

to outline its own vision for the coun- makes the election unpredictable. have heard from a single small business uations should be ruled out, because in is in no doubt about the answer. He made between at least three Swedish ticipation, respect for hard work and
he Chinese Government has and universities. The authorities have list of “Dishonest Persons”. He told the try. The BJP’s election message is sim- In 2014, the BJP garnered just 31 about its concerns regarding a CGT, is some cases they would inevitably create recalls Friedrich A. Hayek’s warn- models, the liberal one of 1850–1970, self-reliance (unfortunately some-
decided to accelerate the imple- already partially implemented the pro- Globe and Mail: “There was no file, no ply that they need more time to deliver per cent of the vote but could secured not credible. significant errors and inequities. ing against socialism, ‘Road to Serf- the social democratic one of 1970– what eroded by the welfare state),
mentation of its social credit gramme with regard to travel by refus- police warrant, no official advance noti- on their promises. power largely because of the fragmen- National Small Business spokesper- The National party argue that the dom’, and argues that he was wrong 1990, and the present model of a lib- and the lack of social exclusion (until
score programme. By 2020 China will ing the sale of 17.5 million flight tickets fication. They just cut me off from the In the last three decades Indian elec- tation of the opposition. If BJP lose son Jacqui Dean is quoted as saying compliance costs, the lack of fairness and that the Nordic countries prove eral, restrained welfare state. recently and then produced by the
have implemented a social credit score to would-be travellers, with 6.5 million things I was once entitled to” and once tions have always been a two-horse only a few percentage points in the “A Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is front of and the arbitrary nature of the tax ulti- it. ‘In strong and vibrant democra- It is also not true that social welfare state). The Nordic coun-
(SCS) so that “sincerity and trustworthi- Chinese having already been banned aware he was left with no one to speak race, but since the last elections doz- next elections the they could be rele- mind for every small business owner mately will undermine the credibility cies, a generous welfare state is not democracy captures any essence of tries are successful despite, but not
ness become conscious norms of action from flying to destinations outside of to. “What’s really scary is there’s noth- ens of regional parties have united gated to the opposition benches. ■ I talk to. You would have to bury your and it will therefore be dismantled. ■ a road to serfdom but rather to fair- the Nordic nations. The main reasons because of, social democracy, which
among all the people”. Technological China. ing you can do about it. You can report ness, economic equality and interna- for the overall success of the Nordic had anyway lost much credibility in
developments like big data, AI, facial It will be possible to earn back SCS to no one. You are stuck in the middle of tional competitiveness.’ countries are their open economies, a the Nordic countries. ■
recognition and affordable DNA analy- points by demonstrating “trustworthi- nowhere,” Liu Hu said in a comment. Making America Great Again The Opioid Crisis
sis are now giving rise to a new form of ness”, which includes paying back loans Polling indicates that 80 per cent of the
US economy grows at This time it is personal
You can download report at
totalitarian control. or paying taxes. Interestingly, in one pro- population either somewhat approves or
Local governments are currently gramme buying nappies for a child will completely approves of the programme.
record speed
testing 40 different parallel pilot pro- also increase credits, as it is considered But, given the existence of the pro-
grammes assessing different SCS sys- “trustworthy and responsible” behaviour. grammes, this data could be questioned n the past 18 years more than

tems. The common principles of the The system is by nature skewed towards as citizens may be hesitant of giving their 300,000 Americans have died from
different programmes are quite simple. the upper classes, as keeping points or views on controversial topics if they n 2018 the US economy grew at opioids. Opioids are a medical sub-
All citizens start with a score of 1,000. gaining them back is much easier with believe it might impact their SCS. its fastest pace since 2005 with an stance primarily used for pain relief
Those citizens who maintain a score sufficient financial means. It is probable that the Chinese Gov- annual growth rate of 3.1 per cent. that produce morphine-like effect in the
close to 1,000 will be granted advan- Individuals with high scores will ernment has started to include DNA This second consecutive year of eco- body. As a result, the Trump Adminis-
tages, while those whose score drops enjoy preferential treatment from busi- data in its database. Since 2016, 36 mil- nomic growth outperformed the Blue tration has declared a nationwide Pub-
below a certain limit will face negative nesses and governmental institutions. lion Uighurs, a predominantly Mus- Chip consensus forecast of 2.3 per cent. lic Health Emergency to address this
consequences. In one survey, 80 per cent Those with a sufficiently high SCS will lim ethnic group, have been given “free This marked an acceleration in com- abuse. Responding to the Public Health
of Chinese nationals are already regis- be given discounts, will no longer have health checks”. In this health check parison to the economic trend. The 1.1 Emergency, the US Food and Drug
tered in one of the SCS programmes. to pay deposits for hotel rooms, will be no test is taken of heart rates or kid- percentage point performance above Administration has now fast-tracked
Crime will of course lower social given better visibility on dating sites and ney function, but DNA samples are col- trend is in line with peer-reviewed esti- facilitates for the development of a new of the loss: fatalities resulting from
credit, but also behaviours as varied as will received preferential treatment in lected, and facial features, fingerprints mates of an exogenous tax shock of the opioid antidote. overdoses.
frivolous spending, smoking in smoke- hospitals and in applications for certain and voices are recorded. There are no same magnitude as the Tax Cuts and The Administrations Council of It is becoming increasingly clear that
free zones, occupying reserved seating jobs and universities. possibilities to access the results of the Jobs Act, and is consistent with the the preceding Administration. Over Economic Advisers (CEA) recently for President Trump, addiction is more
on trains, playing too many video games One example of how these systems health check and those who ask to view Administration’s own estimates of the the seven full quarters of the Trump released a report on the economic costs than a policy issue. As a young man he
and having unpaid loans. Those who impact individuals is Liu Hu, a journal- the results are told to go to the police. effects of the law. Administration, real output has grown of the opioid crisis. CEA found that witnessed the pain of addiction in his own
lose too many points will not be able ist in China who had published articles Adding facial recognition would per- The growth was in line with the at a compound annual rate of 2.9 per previous estimates of the economic family with a bother struggling with alco-
to buy property, find employment or on censorship and government corrup- mit round-the-clock surveillance and Administration’s official forecast of cent, compared to a compound annual cost of the opioid crisis were greatly hol addiction. This is likely to be an area
use dating websites, and their children tion. He was blacklisted from travel- recording of citizens’ behaviour with 3.1 per cent, in contrast to the con- growth rate of 2.3 per cent under the underestimated because it underval- in which the Trump Administration will
will be blocked from preferred schools ling after a Chinese court put him on a already available technology. ■ sistent overestimation of growth by Obama Presidency. ■ ued the most important component continue to invest significant efforts. ■


ike the Bible, the work of sophical, existential-apoc-
Edmund Burke is a source of alyptic questions of our
authority for many divergent time – our turbulent pol-
opinions; like the Bible, there itics and the world-shak-
is a deep and singular truth running ing effects of technology
through it all. Conor Cruise O’Brien, – is quite a simple ques-
following Yeats, called it Burke’s “great tion: what to do with the
melody”, which he defined as the fight twisted hero of modernity,
against the abuse of power.  the autonomous self-de-
Danny Kruger This explains Burke’s battle against termining individual? 
is a senior fellow at the Legatum corruption in Parliament, his great As Jesse Norman shows,
Institute. He has a D.Phil from Oxford
campaigns on behalf of the natives of one of Burke’s great contri-
in Modern History and was formerly a
leader-writer at The Daily Telegraph India, the Catholics of Ireland and the butions was to identify, and
newspaper and a speechwriter for rebellious colonists of America, and his rebuke, the emergence of
David Cameron. episodic – and for the time, quixotic – this figure in his own day,
@danny__kruger defences of Jews, homosexuals, debtors and to challenge “the idea
and slaves. that human wellbeing is
It also explains his defence of prop- just a matter of satisfying
erty rights, the established church, the individual wants”. More
crown and the Whig aristocracy, “the than anyone before or
great oaks which shade a kingdom”. since, Burke framed indi-
This is the Burke we now know best, the vidual fulfilment in terms
author of thundering philippics against of social membership – not
equality, republicanism, and other polit- the coercive membership
ical abstractions that threaten to uproot of the totalitarian state
the settled order. but the membership, both
Burke’s defence of establishment was given and chosen, of an
not, or not only, aesthetic and self-serv- organic community.
ing. The son of a small-time Irish attor- But it is difficult to see
ney who grew up on the precarious edge Burke supporting the
of economic and political security, Burke EU itself; everything he
was always conscious of how the little objected to in revolution-
people suffered when big people turned ary France – its cant about
the world upside down. Does this make equality and human rights,
him a Whig (which he was, formally) or its geometrical tyranny, its
a Tory (the tribe which has claimed him bogus internationalism –
ever since)? Of course he was both, play- is reflected in the modern
ing a greater melody than either. European pseudo-state.
This wasn’t always apparent at the More immediately
The son of a small- time. Few people understood how he Burke has much to say to

time Irish attorney could support the American Revolution
and oppose the French one; many – like
our present discontents.
There is in each genera- he world was simpler before the fall of the or over half a century now, Europe has
who grew up on the Marx in the next century – thought him tion a battle for the soul Iron Curtain. The bipolar structure of the experienced an unprecedented period
precarious edge a hypocrite, motivated only by the inter-
ests of his Whig patrons. But his friends
of conservatism, which
reflects the two sides of
Cold War was simple: we were the good
guys fighting for democracy locked in a
of peace. But it would be naïve to think
that today’s world is without serious
of economic and today can hear the melody. Liberals like Burke’s own thinking: what struggle against the bad guys supporting dictator- challenges. Aggressive imperialist Russian policy,
political security, Yeats and O’Brien – and his most recent
(Conservative) biographer Jesse Nor-
O’Brien calls the “harpist”
Burke, advocating grand
ship and communism. We had identified the enemy,
and the wars we fought were well-defined. Then we
political instability in the Middle East and inter-
national terrorism are just a few examples. These
Burke was always man – call it opposition to oppression. reforms for noble reasons, had the events of 1989 and the breakup of the Soviet global threats must be answered with unity of
conscious of how This conservative would say the singular
theme of Burke’s writings is defence of
and the “common sense,
down-to-earth Burke, con-
Union which fundamentally changed the geopolitical
relations of the world.
Eli Hazan
Foreign Affairs Director of The Likud Party in Israel
purpose that drives decisive action – we need soli-
darity more than ever before.
Piotr Wilczek
Ambassador of Poland to the United States
the little people settlement, and of the particular settle- cerned with practical inter- Unfortunately, wars between countries did not and a Lecturer in Politics Solidarity, properly understood as the resolution to @AmbWilczek
suffered when big ment emerging through the “long 18th
century” between the Glorious Revolu-
ests and assessment of forces”. Now, I
suggest, is a time for harpists.
servants to adapt their work to the new
Union and reset our relations with the
world. It is possible that Burke, in his
end. However, it became more difficult, but not
impossible, to find examples of conflicts between
@realEliHazan promote the common good while maintaining mutual
respect for individual members, threatens no one. A people of Poland know, and the people of the United
people turned the tion and the ascent of Queen Victoria. Britain faces two great immediate The harpist Burke, by contrast, would down-to-earth incarnation, might have the two sides of the Cold War. We all remember, for made man dependent on the machine. The remark- lasting solidarity not undermined by particular inter- States know, that the free world needs the members
world upside down. This was the period in which Brit-
ain became the country we now know:
challenges with which Burke’s succes-
sors in Parliament are wrestling. The
see austerity in a historical perspective –
the final bankruptcy of a model built on
been a Remainer, much as many con-
servatives were – for reasons of practi-
example, the Russian invasion of Crimea, the terrible
civil war in Syria, the conflict between Armenia and
able progress we have seen over the last three
decades has resulted - perhaps unwittingly - in new
ests can only be built on a foundation of sovereign
nations united around shared values. Recognizing
of NATO to be strong and united.” There’s much
to be said for NATO’s approach of “one for all and
Does this make him a parliamentary, law-governed, indus- first is how to reduce public spend- the illusion that government can supply cal common sense and concern for the Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. But the con- rules of war and defence. While the military con- this truth, Poland has been and will continue to be a all for one” as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of
a Whig (which he trial, tolerant, globally-engaged and ing to balance the national finances
and thereby start, at last, shrinking the
all the wants of all the people – and seize
the moment for reform. We need better
disruption big changes can cause to lit-
tle people. 
flicts now are fewer and less severe. It is doubtful frontations have been dramatically reduced, they champion of international solidarity. NATO’s establishment and the 20th anniversary of
united kingdom. In each of these devel-
was, formally) or opments Burke helped make the case for Burke objected to big changes in
whether wars will even end, since conflicts of inter-
ests are ever-present in international relations, but
have been replaced by confrontations that do not
require firearms.
This past February Poland and the United States,
in the name of the global community, took on the task
Poland’s membership in the Alliance.
In this spirit Poland is consistently demonstrating
a Tory (the tribe the modern order we have inherited. He long-established, naturally-evolved they do seem to be changing direction. Where once the Battle of Britain required four of organizing the Ministerial to Promote a Future of its commitment to fair burden sharing as one of the
institutions which may appear irratio-
which has claimed did so in the face of forces of reaction,
and he defeated these forces by framing nal but are in fact habituated to real life.
months of Luftwaffe attacks to bring the country
to a standstill, in 2017 the attackers only needed
few Alliance members who meet NATO guidelines
for defense spending of 2% GDP and beyond. Given
him ever since)? Of his argument in ancient idiom, explain-
It is difficult to see Burke The EU is none such: recently-evolved, some hackers and their computers. On May 13th, the importance of our trans-Atlantic cooperation, we
course he was both, ing the emergence and continuation of supremely rational, it, not Brexit, rep- The nations of the free 2017, ninety-nine countries were struck by a deadly
Our experience proves also want to see an increased American military pres-

playing a greater
an order which he saw to be latent in
British history. What Marxist historians supporting the EU itself; resents the incursion into the settled
life of Britain which must be resisted. world must understand cyber-attack and the country most affected by this
was the United Kingdom. In the UK it led to almost that solidarity is strength.
ence in our country.
America is a natural partner for Europe. For
melody than either. (describing this period) call the inven-
everything he objected to in Surely here the harpist should predomi- that the world has changed, total paralysis of the country’s entire healthcare
We can’t forget this as we decades the US has been integral to European secu-
tion of tradition, Burke called reforming nate – albeit with a set of practical politi-
and that investment in system.
take on the challenges of
rity, and the two are bound by deep political, eco-
in order to conserve.
How, then, should modern Burkeans revolutionary France – its cant cians and negotiators in the lead. I hope
Burke would endorse the Prime Min- other forms of defence are
Another example is the nuclear threat against
Israel. In the late 1970s Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was
today and those that still
nomic and cultural ties. It’s in the best interests of
both sides to uphold this unity, and any weakening of
follow his lead? What would Edmund
do? Something impractical, is the
about equality and human ister’s sense that Brexit must be done
properly, if at all – we need full extrica-
necessary in order to face threatening Israel with a nuclear holocaust. On the
evening of June 7th, 1981, Israeli planes destroyed lie ahead.
our partnership undermines the peace and prosperity
of all European nations. Poland is for a united EU,
answer. Burke’s own political career
was not successful, partly held back by
rights, its geometrical tyranny, tion from the institutions of the EU if we
are to benefit from the opportunities of
the forces of evil. the Osirak atomic reactor in response. In early 2018,
it was the Israeli Mossad that revealed how Iran was Peace and Security in the Middle East. Sixty-five
strong NATO and an everlasting transatlantic bond.
This is why the absence of unity Europe has some-
his low birth, partly by his exuberant
and vehement loquacity. His one direct
its bogus internationalism – global trade.
A subtext to much Brexiteer rhet-
We must give credit to Francis Fukuyama for acquiring nuclear weapons, obtaining documents and international delegations gathered in Warsaw for times demonstrated in response to external threats

is reflected in the modern

this thesis of “the end of history”. When dealing secret Iranian archives which proved Iran had not open dialogue on pressing issues. We’re hopeful should be treated with all seriousness. Nord Stream
responsibility during his party’s brief oric is “the war”, and Churchill’s (the with great and medium powers, his thesis is largely actually stopped their nuclear program as they had that the discussions will continue within the work- II is the best example of how lack of unanimous con-

European pseudo-state.
period in government in the early 1780s supreme harpist) achievement of lib- accurate. Notwithstanding the very real differences agreed. ing group format in order to provide meaningful demnation of Russia’s dangerous and damaging proj-
was a vast diffuse reform of the vast dif- eration from continental oppression. A between the United States and Chinese today, where The need for self-defence has not so much dimin- recommendations. ect has put some European countries in a hazardous
fuse corrupt patronage system of the better reference is to the American Rev- neither side is thinking of attacking the other. The ished as it has changed. The nations of the free world That Poland and the US, allies from across the position.
Crown in Parliament; he failed, as he olution – the formation of a new country, clashes we see are rhetorical attacks in the interna- must understand that the world has changed, and that Atlantic, hosted this historic event reflects how the Threats from outside the EU remind us that Europe
did in his attempt to bring Warren Hast- national debt. The down-to-earth Burke practical politicians than Burke himself to be sure, but one that sought its inspi- tional media, threats of a trade war, and diplomatic investment in other forms of defence are necessary in community of values isn’t limited to one continent. doesn’t exist in a bubble and that in today’s world
ings to justice for his abuses as Gover- would manage the task of adjusting to to do this work, but it is the work that’s ration from its inheritance of political notes. Globalization brought countries very close order to face the forces of evil. We need cyber war- America plays an essential role in Europe’s secu- challenges as well as opportunities are global. Situ-
nor-General of Bengal. austerity in the same way that, in most needed: only by reforming the pub- liberty, the common law and property together and changed their characters. fare and intelligence to stop those that threaten evil. rity, and while Poland supports initiatives such as ated at a geopolitical juncture, Poland has a unique
Rather than following Burke the cases, the Coalition government did: lic sector can we reduce demand on the rights. Burke saw the American Revo- Humanity has been completely changed by an Increased cooperation is an absolute must between PESCO, our focus will continue to be on the North role in building the international community. Our
politician, let us consider how we salami-slicing budgets without reform- state to a point the taxpayer can afford. lution to be continuing the traditions of unprecedented rate of technological development nation-states with shared values of freedom. We must Atlantic Alliance. As US Vice President Mike Pence experience proves that solidarity is strength. We can’t
should apply his thinking. Beneath all ing the services they support, and trust- The second challenge is how to extri- British settlement even as it created new and dramatic economic development stemming accept and understand that the world still is divided reminded on the eve of the Ministerial in War- forget this as we take on the challenges of today and
the psycho-social, theological-philo- ing to the good sense of local public cate ourselves from the European ones; so, I think, he would see Brexit. ■ from openness and global interaction. But it has also into black and white even if it is harder to see. ■ saw, “To confront the threats that we face today, the those that still lie ahead. ■

Sweden Democrats
Who is Jimmie Åkesson?
Jimmie Åkesson was born in 1979 in the small southern town of Sölvesborg, where his fiancée
is now mayor. Mr Åkesson’s mother was a care provider and his father a businessman. He stud-
POPULISM In the shadow
of Bonaparte
ied political science, law and philosophy at Lund University, before entering local politics. His
political activism began in his teens when he joined the youth wing of the conservative Mod-
erates, but he was rapidly disillusioned with their economic liberalism and support for Swedish

EU membership in 1995. He was elected to the helm of the Sweden Democrats youth branch
when he was still at school. f populism is about the reality, or the illusion, Both movements, which each could for a couple of

but in Sweden
When Mr Åkesson was elected party leader in 2005, few observers anticipated that he would of loss, its latest manifestation in France, the years bring out hundreds of partisans in the streets,
be able to transform the small party’s fortunes, but during his tenure Mr Åkesson has strength- election of Emmanuel Macron, a consummate came to early, tame ends. Boulanger himself, on the
ened the party organisation. A former web designer, Mr Åkesson has made the party a force to insider whose polished youthfulness, education, day of January 1889 when he was elected Député of
be reckoned with on social media, at the same time substantially broadening the electoral appeal career and connections guaranteed him a position Paris, refused to bow to the pressure of some 50,000
CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT PAGE and support for the party. Mr Åkesson insists that “those who are not democrats cannot be Swe- in the country’s most rarefied elites anyway, makes voters gathered on Place de la Madeleine, outside the
households. “We are the only party that den Democrats” and politically he has taken the party much closer to the Danish People’s Party. brasserie where he celebrated his victory, and would
In Sweden, the mainstream parties more sense. 
Jimmie Åkesson is a charismatic speaker who, despite his relative youth at 39, is in his fourth
for decades have espoused the bless- prioritises the interests and welfare of The French are not harking back to their lost not lead them to take the Elysée Palace nearby. (He
legislative elections in 12 years. But the endless days of campaigning took their toll on Mr Åkes-
ings of multiculturalism and the virtue Swedish citizens ahead of mass-immi- Empire, or to the days of the monarchy, or to a died two years later in obscurity in Brussels, shoot-
son, who suffered a burnout after the 2015 elections and went on sick leave for six months. It is
of unlimited and unqualified tolerance gration,” leader of the Sweden Dem- wealth of jobs created by market forces. What they ing himself on the grave of his beloved mistress.) 
telling of his position in the party that there was never any discussion of replacing him during
towards other cultures. So much so, ocrats, Jimmie Åkesson, said in his his long absence, and he is soon to become the longest-serving and most experienced of all really want to see again are  Les Trente Glorieuses, Poujade’s party, the Union de Défense des Com-
that normal discussions on the benefits summer speech. the party leaders in the Swedish Parliament. the three decades from 1946 to 1974. These saw the merçants et Artisans, simply vanished when Gen-
and drawbacks of migration were long The Sweden Democrats want to country rebuild itself at an annual growth of 5 per eral de Gaulle came back to power in 1958. Again,
avoided in polite company. But, while freeze immigration, including family cent, with Marshall Plan subsidies, a Five-Year Plan, between the countryside upstart and the war hero,
shunning those who wanted to discuss reunification, and enable more immi- committed by foreigners. In theory the coalition government, with additional to find solutions to the problems that and a slew of nationalisations: coal, steel, electric- who while seemingly away from the political fray
migration might have pushed the issue grants to return to their native coun- party supports a “Swexit” referendum, support from the former Communists. Sweden is facing. ity, gas, transport, the largest banks and insurance had cannily built a trans-party movement called
out of the public discourse, it did not tries. Most Swedes agree. In a poll but has recently announced that it will It splits a 15-year alliance between the Given the political environment of companies, and the odd business owned by notori- the  Rassemblement Pour La France, the French
push it out of the minds of the voters. conducted by Pew Research in 2018, 52 not be pushing this policy in the upcom- centre-right parties, and in the view of the other political parties in Sweden, the ous collaborators, such as the carmaker Renault. Les chose  en masse. (Georges Pompidou, the General’s
The reverberations of the 2015 migra- per cent of those asked wanted fewer ing European elections. many voters, ignoring a fifth of the elec- Sweden Democrats are likely to continue Trente Glorieuses  were overseen by a dedicated, longest-serving PM before becoming President him-
tion crisis, when Sweden took a record immigrants to be allowed into the A further reason for the success of torate is neither fair nor a rational way to grow for the foreseeable future. ■ competent and largely selfless cadre of civil ser- self, cannily detailed Poujade to help draft a couple
163,000 asylum seekers, have ensured country, 33 per cent wanted to retain the Sweden Democrats is the practice vants, many of whom came from the Résistance, and of bills aimed at keeping small tradesmen onside.)
that, even in Sweden, the politics of the existing level of migration and – by the media and the establish- all familiar with the historical blueprint provided by Further back, even before the word was coined,

An interview with Peter Lundgren

immigration are growing more heated only 14 per cent wanted to ment – to brand those who Philippe-Auguste, Colbert and Napoleon. French populism always had a distinct flavour. It’s
and complex. increase immigration. The express even the mildest Anyone looking for a lesson on successful recon- hard properly to call the French Revolution “pop-
The main reason for the success of the policy of the Sweden Dem- concern about the num- struction could do worse than study that rare ulist”, although figures like Marat and Hébert cer-
Sweden Democrats is of course wide- ocrats is to increase the ber of immigrants, or You made a name for yourself in What issues do you think will be big moment in the 1950s and 1960s when France man- tainly qualify. Bonapartism, on the other hand,
spread anxiety about immigration. And aid to real refugees – often regarding the impact on the European Parliament when the upcoming term? aged the charmed balance of private enterprise and exhibits most of the key characteristics, from the
no wonder. Sweden is in the midst of a women and children in social cohesion of the you worked on the mobility pack- PL: The migration issue. The EU has public stewardship of the economy. French conser- coup-installed Providential Leader to the creation of
very substantial demographic shift. In dire circumstance closer to demographic changes age. Can you describe briefly what no answer to this problem and been vatives were known to joke an entire new ruling class.
2017 the proportion of individuals either the conflict zones – instead triggered by migration, this was for us that didn’t follow it forced to accept Turkish extortion. We about the perils of French The after-effects of Bona-
born abroad, or as xenophobic or so closely? have seen this in particular in Poland planning, “because, unlike partism, long after Napo-
whose parents were racist. The estab- PL: It was a set of regulations for the and Hungary refuse the EUs unreason- in the Soviet Union, it Emmanuel Macron leon’s death, fuelled every
both born abroad, lishment parties commercial transportation sector, for able demands to take more refugees. worked”. The first oil seems to believe that he single uprising of the 19th
had risen to 24.1 per The Sweden Democrats want to freeze in Sweden, in stark example foreign trucks are allowed to I don’t believe the agreement these embargo sealed its fate: its
can now transmogrify
Century:  the short years
cent. The lack of inte-
gration and assimila- immigration, including family reunification, contrast with the
sentiment across
transport, maximum driving time and
minimum rest periods. The abuse of
counties signed when they joined con-
tained a requirement to accept unreg-
time had probably passed
anyway.  the populist expectations
of the First Empire, with
its mammoth legislative
tion in a segment of and enable more immigrants to return to Europe, are still these rules creates unjust competi- ulated mass immigration. This is a Ever since, the coun-
his campaign gave rise
achievements, administra-
society raises con-
cerns in a substantial their native countries. Most Swedes agree. dominated by a lib-
eral consensus in
tion, especially for Swedish firms, and
I was working to create a level playing
question that must be reserved for
each countries parliament.
try has lived in the illusion
that its unique combina- to by a judicious balance
tive restructuring of France
and glorification of science,
favour of increased becoming a hallowed Vingt
portion of the popu-
lation. Until very recently, the Sweden of settling the small fraction of rela- migration. In other European coun-
What is the worst decision taken by
tion of efficient social wel-
fare, rising salaries, public of authoritarianism and Glorieuses in French minds
Democrats were the only party to have tively well-off immigrants that can pay tries, the parties might vie to win back Do foreign drivers not adapt to the the European Union since the elec- infrastructure invest- journalism-free spin. from Balzac to La Fayette,
addressed these concerns. smugglers to get to Sweden, in segre- voters from parties like the Sweden Swedish rules? tions in 2014? ment, national and for- Victor Hugo and Berlioz.
The Sweden Democrats recognise gated suburbs. Democrats by toughening their stance PL: Often they do not. Furthermore, PL: The decision to pay tribute to eign private investment, and comparatively tame Napoleon himself was in many ways replicating,
that many immigrants in segregated The Sweden Democrats are also on refugees and immigration. But not the rules are filled with loopholes that Turkey. It is an undemocratic country unions (you could then, and can still now, prompt in the neoclassical vernacular, an age-old tradition
suburbs around the big cities live in strong on other issues that especially vex in Sweden; here the governing coali- I have been trying to fix with clear and the payment amounts to nothing the fiercest Communist Party card-carrying CGT in which French kings, claiming a mystical direct
parallel societies and do not have a less well-off portions of society, such as tion is going in the opposite direction, and easy rules and effective control less than giving in to extortion. union official to outrage by describing the sabotage connection to their peoples, set themselves up as

chance to become part of Swedish soci- healthcare, pensions, and law and order. having agreed in principle to roll back mechanisms. routinely perpetrated on British plants’ assembly autocratic popular defenders against a hidebound
ety. Already there are three Swedish In Sweden, as in much of Europe, the many of the tougher laws introduced A QUESTION FOR f “nationalist” is the harshest word in anti-systemic parties our adversaries or our lines by the unions in the 1970s) can be replicated.  aristocracy. From Philip II to Louis XIV, this meant
municipalities where inhabitants with established parties often neglect these during the migration crisis. You also insisted on the need for a Karl Robbjens Brussels, “populist” runs it a close sec- allies? Marine Le Pen promised nothing else as she strengthening a centralised, technocratic domination
a foreign background outnumber eth- issues. Another polling company, Novus, The refusal to even discuss a limit on special permit to drive during the ond. A Euro-crat will spit out the epithet Is populism a necessary and legitimate raised the National Front’s share of the vote to 34 over the country, and the appropriation of the fief-
nic Swedes. The party does not believe also found that the Sweden Democrats’ the numbers of refugees, and harsh crit- winter. Why? Your political commitment is often like a teenager who has mistakenly taken a reaction against Left-liberal oligarchy? Or per cent in May 2017: her platform included a gen- doms and provinces of anyone trying to rebel. (Every
that this situation is healthy for either immigration policies had much more icism of anyone who would want to ban PL: I have 30-years of experience of questioned in a rather hostile and swig from a beer can that was being used is it a menace to conservatives who (one erous dollop of state intervention, social protec- noble revolt was lost in France over the centuries,
the migrant or society. The party points support among voters than those of any the very visible street begging by Roma- driving in northern Sweden and Nor- nasty manner by left-wing activists. as an ashtray. hopes) believe in restraint, civility, tradition, tion, even some nationalisations. The French, in possibly resulting in a largely irrelevant upper-mid-
to the fact that the country’s public ser- other party; they also ranked joint sec- nian and Bulgarian Roma (another issue way. You need special training to drive Why? The word is rarely defined, but that doesn’t decency and the defence of high culture? the grip of  dégagisme  (kicking any incumbents dle class often deserving of Karl Marx’s strictures.) 
vices are overwhelmed and that ref- ond on healthcare and a close third on that is untouchable), have triggered a in extreme weather conditions. If you KR: My mother comes from Libya. stop it being bandied about a great deal. Call- The answer depends on circumstance. The out), might have voted for her if the choice had Similarly, Emmanuel Macron seems to believe
ugees are placing strains on welfare, law and order. The Sweden Democrats deep anger among the voters – as has do not you are a danger to everyone When I meet left-wing activists, espe- ing a referendum is populist. Upholding the essence of populism is a belief that those been between her and the tired old men of yester- that he can now transmogrify the populist expecta-
schools and housing. Employment rates point out that the traditional centrist the pact between the main political par- else on the roads. cially during the parliamentary elec- result of a referendum is populist. Defending in power are governing in their own fac- day: Hollande, Fillon, Juppé or Sarkozy.  tions his campaign gave rise to by a judicious balance
among those born abroad are far lower parties have been hollowing out social ties on both the left and right to treat the tions last autumn, they very often your national interest is populist. Demanding tional interest rather than in the interests of But Macron, with his brand new party, brand of authoritarianism and journalism-free spin. In less
than those of native-born Swedes, with welfare by encouraging the immigra- Sweden Democrats as political pariahs Your work in that area was nomi- make comments about my origin. They tax cuts is populist. Exposing malfeasance the people as a whole. To make what might new look, and insolent youth, seemingly disdain- than three months after taking office, the self-de-
only the Netherlands experiencing tion of people who do not have the edu- and refuse cooperation in parliament. nated for a prize? question how I could campaign for SD within the governing class is populist. Sov- seem a rather obvious point, the validity of ful of old hierarchies and old practices, appeared scribed “President Jupiter” has managed to push out
more inequality in this regard, accord- cation, skills or compatibility of values The mainstream parties’ agreement to PL: Yes. After six months I was nom- and habitually told me ‘you are not ereignty is populist. The one thing it seems the populist reaction depends on the truth to offer a an alternative both safer and somehow four political allies and the Chief of Defence Staff,
ing to the OECD. The same is true of the that will enable them to assimilate and freeze out the Sweden Democrats from inated for an MEP award. Finally, I Swedish’. I have never heard as much unequivocally to mean is, “something that of that analysis. When power is diffused, dis- more exciting. Marine lost her chance in the fatal largely segregated himself from the Élysée press pack,
proportion of Swedes living in relative become productive members of soci- any influence has forced traditionally came in second place which was racism from any other group as I have other people like, but I don’t”. persed and democratised, populism has a pre-runoff debate, in which she came underpre- and has announced he would not keep those civil ser-
poverty. More than one in four Swedes ety. The party also points to the fact that non-socialist centrist and liberal parties the best result ever for a Euro- from the left. They expect me – almost The populist label can thus be slapped on forced and ersatz quality. But when power pared, blowsy and blustery.“Elle n’est pas prés- vice mandarins who disagree with him. In the mean-
living in immigrant households are cur- much of the country’s crime (for exam- to go back on their promises to the vot- sceptic Member of the European demand of me – to have a specific set politicians with widely divergent opinions is concentrated, closed and conceited, popu- identielle,” was the verdict even among her own time, he has indulged in a series of shticks, including
rently in poverty, while the figure is 15.4 ple, most convicted rapists and most of ers and enter into an agreement to sup- Parliament. of opinions because of my origins. who happen to challenge the status quo. It lism is a proper antibody. supporters on Twitter: faced with their own Trump, answering the Élysée switchboard himself (filmed
per cent for those living in native-born those involved in organised crime) is port the Social Democratic and Green was applied simultaneously to Bernie Sand- The conservative ideal, surely, is a pol- in the end, they trusted Macron better, not in spite only by his own cameraman), dressing up in the uni-
ers and to Donald Trump, to Syriza and to ity where populism doesn’t have to arise, of his past as an elite civil servant, but because of it. form of each of the three armed services, showing off
the AfD. because the people who pass the laws are Which is a rational choice if you want  Les Trente all the extra features inside the Presidential limo to a
Yet, as John O’Sullivan points out in this properly accountable to those who obey Glorieuses back. hand-picked kid, and making his wife godmother to
TOP CANDIDATES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTIONS special feature on populism, if we define them. To put it another way, conservatives
populism by its traditional characteristics should want a society based on liberty under
Like Tolstoy’s unhappy families, each European
nation does populism in its own way. French pop-
the first baby panda born in a French zoo. 
All that remains to be seen if whether this serves
– elevation of the leader, disdain for parlia- the law, and on a sense of affinity one with ulism has rarely been about rough-hewn “Men Of him well enough, or whether French populist vot-

1 2 3 4 5 6
mentary procedure, vagueness about policy another that makes people willing to abide The People” vowing to upend the social order. Gen- ers decide that after all, the two extreme opposition
other than opposing the “corrupt old par- by majority decisions. eral Georges Boulanger, a hero of the French-Prus- parties appear more believable populists. ■
ties”, pretensions of being beyond Left and We can all think of policies that com- sian war and the conquest of Indochina, ran  as a
Right – the most successful example today manded the support of the Establishment, militaristic, anti-German candidate simultane-
is Emmanuel Macron, whom Anne-Elisabeth but were utterly wrong: nationalisation, price ously in half a dozen constituencies in 1888, and
Moutet describes in these pages as heir to controls, the ERM, the euro, the bank bail- was elected in four. He led his own party, whose
the long tradition of autocratic French move- outs. By and large, voters turned out to be MPs mostly came from the Left and far-Left, while
ments – Bonapartism, Boulangism, Poujad- wiser than their leaders. being financed by the Duchesse d’Uzès, a descen-
ism and, indeed, Gaullism. The challenge of our time is to narrow dant of La Veuve Clicquot of Champagne fame, and
Peter Lundgren Jessica Stegrud Charlie Weimers Kristina Winberg Johan Nissinen Karl Robbjens Despite his almost comical sense of the rift between the people and their elites, supported by both Royalists and Bonapartist. 
in 2014, stepped out of the truck and was raised on the island of Gotland has been one of Sweden’s most dis- originally is from Blekinge in South- is the district chairman of SD in the is self-employed in the security
into the European Parliament. His pri- and is an economist with a focus on tinct conservative voices. He was ern Sweden and started her career county of Jönköping and member of industry and a member of Gothen- Führerprinzip, however, the French President between the paese reale and the paese Pierre Poujade, the Auvergnat shopkeeper who
mary influence has been on EU trans- the energy industry. In recent years the national leader of the Christian as a traveling salesperson. She was a the City Council in Värnamo. He is a burg City Council. is not called “populist” because he happens legale, between what David Goodhart in this led an anti-Parliamentarian, anti-elite, anti-Rome
port policy, where he has argued that she has made a name for herself in Democratic Youth Association, a member of the Swedish Parliament former Member of the Swedish Par- to dislike national sovereignty and favour issue calls Somewheres and Anywheres. That Treaty revolt in the mid-1950s and won 52 MPs Anne-Elisabeth Moutet
Swedish hauliers have been nega- social media as a passionate advo- municipal councilor and the politi- before she in 2015 was elected to liament and was a representative on European integration. task cannot be accomplished by the Left: we in 1956, was the son of a solidly bourgeois archi- is a Paris-based journalist and political commentator. She
tively affected by unjust EU rules cate of freedom of speech and critics cal assistant to the minister of social European Parliament. Council of Europe. tect. His slogan “Sortez les sortants” (“get rid of the is a columnist for the Telegraph and also writes on French
Which raises a dilemma for pro-­have seen that demonstrated amply. Often, it
undermining competition the roads. of feminism and immigration. affairs. Currently, he is working as a affairs for CapX and for the Weekly Standard in the US. She
He built relationships with con- political expert at ECR in Brussels. sovereignty conservatives. is flunked by the Right, too. Closing that gap incumbents”) was re-used by the National Front, is a regular commenter on the 28 Minutes news talk show
structive conservative forces, which Should we treat the populist surge as is arguably the single most important chal- Mélenchon’s La France Insoumise, and many Mac- on ARTE-TV, and also comments on the news for the BBC,
enabled the SD’s move to the ECR a threat or an opportunity? Are angry and lenge for conservatives today. ■ roniens, sans attribution, in the 2017 campaign. BFM-TV, Deutsche Welle and France 24.
group last summer. @moutet

Argentina’s peronist nightmare is over The myth of ‘the people’ against the ‘elites’
he beginning of the 21st century creditors of private dollarised contracts the Venezuelan model to local condi- the hypothetical situation of Germany pauperised suburban belt of the prov- ollowing the result of the Brexit culture of their respective nations. They political discourse with the language of and the ability to be a true leader of
found Argentina in the midst of like mortgages, and many more. All of tions. The government of Venezuela today having had an extremely popu- ince of Buenos Aires. It may be that referendum and the election of are not easily transposable to other populism:  Trump’s inaugural speech, men, wins.  When everything seemed
a storm.  them saw their income and savings liq- exercises ownership and control of the lar National Socialist party, and all the the excesses of former president Cris- Donald Trump in 2016, some lands.  and UKIP’s “People’s Army”, are text- lost on June 18 1940, Churchill held
In 2001 the country was submerged uefied by an imposed exchange rate and national oil company, PDVSA, while the other German parties copying and imi- tina Kirchner marked the pinnacle of irresponsible commentators predicted It is well known, for instance, that the book cases of anti-elitism.  out the prospect of “sunlit uplands”; he
in a deep recession which spiralled into the eroding power of inflation.  Argentinian government, starting with tating the Nazi agenda.  the Peronist power and     the start of its that an Anglo-American wave of pop- EU has been a major bone of conten- On the other hand, the same is prob- did not, like Marshal Pétain, plunge his
a political crisis after the mid-term elec- The second was the implementation the unelected transition administra- The economic programme of the decline.  ulism would sweep across Europe tion in British politics, off and on, for 40 ably true of every single candidate country into the miasma of guilt and
tions of October. By the end of that year, of export taxes, retenciones in Span- tion of 2002-3, heavily taxed commod- Peronists, and the populists of all par- After so many years of populist mis- too.  They foresaw Marine Le Pen in years: membership of that body never in a democratic election: what else is recrimination.
the administration led by Fernando de la ish, to the agricultural sector. Not many ity exports.  ties, aptly described by a term coined management, the economic deca- the Elysée Palace and Geert Wilders as commanded the cross-party consensus, Emmanuel Macron’s “On the move!”, These are important lessons for con- John Laughland
Rúa fell and more than a decade of popu- countries in history have taxed their own The rise of Argentinian (and Venezu- by Ludwig von Mises: Destructionism. dence – and frustration – is palpable. prime minister of the Netherlands. They still less the emotional appeal, which a political party created out of nothing servatives.  Political power is wielded is Director of Studies at the Institute of
list policies followed.  exporters. The ones who have tend to be elan) populism must take into consid- It has produced nothing. It has created The defeated presidential candidate even evoked the possibility of Angela it enjoys across the continent.  (This is in order to destroy and replace France’s through the institutions of the state, Democracy and Cooperation in Paris
The ’90s looked nothing like the early highly extractive economies with cor- eration the Federal Reserve’s monetary Merkel’s CDU bleeding to death by hae- itself due in no small measure to Brit- existing political parties?  Moreover, the which conservatives seek to preserve ( and the author
2000s. After the fall of the Berlin wall, rupt and inefficient political elites. Mr policy and its impact on commodity morrhaging votes to Alternative für ain’s role in the Second World War, idea that the Brexit campaign was based and uphold because they are part of the of several books, most recently A
History of Political Trials from Charles I
the whole of Latin America, from Mexico Duhalde seemed to be eager to join this prices. Contrary to the claims of their Deutschland.  After the Dutch elections which was unique in Europe.)   on a rebellion against elites, when six fabric of civilisation.  Political power
to Charles Taylor.
to Argentina, experienced the so-called
“neoliberal wave”. In Argentina, neo-
pathetic club of Third World leaders. 
In 2003 the Kirchner couple got into
propaganda apparatus – which spanned
public education, media, and the intel-
Destructionism. It has produced nothing. and the French presidential election
when Marine Le Pen confounded all
Trump, for his part, benefited largely incumbent Cabinet ministers and sev-
eral former heavyweight ministers –
consists in elevating the population
towards higher things, and in consoli- desolate and déclassé proletarian con-
liberalism meant a series of economic power. They remained for three consec- lectuals – the driving force of the socio- It has created nothing. It has only the opinion polls losing the election, it including two Tory Chancellors of the dating the sense of nationhood which stituency whose inchoate anger she cer-
reforms. For instance, the privatisation
of highly inefficient state monopolies –
utive terms for a total of twelve years
(Néstor Kirchner 2003-07 and Cristina
political process in both countries is not
the so-called “accumulation model with
parasitically lived off resources created became clear that this was all nonsense.
Why? The prediction
Exchequer, now members of the House
of Lords, as well as one of the best-spoken
constitutes one of the greatest construc-
tions of human civilisation: nations
tainly articulates; but the simple rules of
sociology tell us that the ethic of such a
such as the one in telecommunications. Kirchner 2007-15). The policy of export social inclusion” or the “Bolivarian rev- by previous generations and favourable First, the prediction of popular revo-
of popular and talented orators of his generation are to politics what cathedrals are to place can never be a springboard to the
It also meant the reduction of public
employees, and a relative opening of the
taxes was the cornerstone of their eco-
nomic plan. 
olution” but chiefly the dollar cycle and
its commodity price repercussions. 
international contexts. lution sweeping out old elites was itself a
product of ideology, not of analysis. The revolution
(Daniel Hannan) – campaigned for it, is
a little quaint: you could hardly move in
Power is never wielded by the will
leadership of a proud and ancient nation
whose middle classes and political and
economy. But the key issue was a mon-
etary regime named “convertibility.”
wish is father to the thought. The myth
of “the people” rising up against hated
sweeping out old the Brexit camp for Oxbridge graduates
and Old Etonians. As for Trump, he won
of the people, a debased and vacuous
slogan, but instead only by its lead-
business elites, however weakened they
may be by decades of socialism, still do
The currency board implemented by and corrupt elites, which is at least as old elites was itself because he was the leader of the opposi- ers.  Marine Le Pen was consoled for and should play a decisive role. Conser-
the then minister of finance, Domingo
Cavallo, almost immediately stopped a
as the French Revolution, is a seductive
one, whose power over people’s minds
a product of tion and he was brought to power as the
official candidate of one of the oldest
her loss at the presidential election
by winning a parliamentary seat in a
vatives are not revolutionaries and revo-
lutionaries are not conservatives. ■
chronic and decades long  inflationary seems only to have grown since the end ideology, not of political parties in the world. He did not
problem which had evolved by 1989 into
of the Cold War. 
The ostensibly revolutionary regimes
analysis. win the popular vote.
Far from being proof of the power of
By the end of the ’90s the inconsis- in Eastern Europe – which were in real- from the fact that the White House had populism, the Brexit referendum and
tencies of the economic program were ity socially and politically conserva- been Democrat for eight years: his vic- the Trump victory show instead the
causing imbalances, huge deficits, and tive – having themselves collapsed, the tory is less an aberration than the nat- decisive role of the political establish-
unemployment. In 1998 the economy revolutionary mythology has migrated ural result of the normal electoral cycle ment, in these cases the Conservative
entered a prolonged period of recession. West instead.  Fairy tales about “colour of US politics, which, for the past two and Republican parties. These two out-
President de la Rúa came to power run- revolutions” from Belgrade to Baghdad decades, has systematically seen the comes are impossible to imagine with-
ning a conservative campaign – promis- have now excited the Western mind for incumbent party lose the presidency out the support they received from that
ing to maintain convertibility and price two decades; the events in Kiev in 2014 after its second term.   establishment. Marine Le Pen and Geert
stability but also to boost the economy were only the latest re-run of a script As far as human agency is concerned, Wilders, by contrast, not only flogged
and fight rampant corruption.  which has been played out identically in Marine Le Pen fought a bad campaign in the anti-elitist horse until it was dead;
At the same time, Hugo Chávez was Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and else- which she showed herself to be ignorant by positioning themselves exclusively as
elected in Venezuela. The message of where.  People believe in the fairy tale and totally unprepared for high office. angry anti-system candidates, and not as
Chávez was diametrically opposed. It because it corresponds to Oscar Wilde’s She has none of the human qualities potential heads of state or government
would be soon clear that the exhausted definition of fiction: the good end hap- of Nigel Farage, whose unique selling with the charisma necessary to draw
neoliberalism was going to be replaced pily and the bad unhappily. point was that he transmitted the lan- people towards them in the name of a
– across the region – by a new wave of Second, the Hegelian determinism guage of the pub into the public sphere, national project, they precisely demon-
populism.  underlying such predictions crassly and that he did so with a smile and a strated the insurmountable weakness of
The seeds of neopopulism in Argen- fails to take account of two key factors laugh. Marine Le Pen’s grim face, as grey exclusively negative electioneering.  
tina were planted by President Eduardo in history: human agency and cultural as the sky in her fiefdom of Hénin-Beau- People in elections do not vote to
Duhalde. An obscure figure from the difference.  All countries are not the mont, cheers nobody up. clean out the Augean stables of a cor-
province of Buenos Aires, he arrived to same and historical events depend on Third, neither the Brexit vote nor the rupt elite; they vote instead for a polit-
the presidency thanks to a parliamen- choices. Both the Brexit referendum and Trump victory can properly be called ical leader in whom they can believe
tary procedure just two years after los- the election of Trump were particular examples of populism.  To be sure, the and whom they can respect.  Populism
ing the elections to Mr. de la Rúa. Many events rooted in the political history and Brexiteers and Trump drenched their fails where an air of natural authority,
claim that both Mr. Duhalde and the

Welcome to mass
Peronist party were conspiring against
the government and eventually pro- So what does explain the rise of the higher. It is this that has helped fuel the
voked its collapse.  new radicals? The sort of angry voices sense that politics is a cartel – and in a

digital democracy
The Duhalde administration will be that rage against “the elite” are being sense it is. 
remembered for two decisions. The heard for one simple reason: they can In Britain, most parliamentary con-
first was the abolition of the convert- be. Digital technology makes them audi- stituencies are “safe seats”, almost guar-
ibility regime. Leaving the convertibil- ble.  A generation ago, only approved anteed never to change hands between
ity regime was one of the most traumatic insiders got airtime. Digital creates political parties at a General Election –

events in the country’s history. Par- an array of competing platforms for insulating the incumbent MP from his or
ity with the dollar had created a de here is something wrong with India and the former Soviet block have news.  It has democratised communica- her own electorate.  In America, instead Douglas Carswell
facto dollar economy, since Argentines the way we are run – and if we joined the global economy. Yes, this might tion and the process of opinion forming.  of voters choosing their representatives, co-founded Vote Leave, and is the
tended to distrust the peso. Politicians don’t fix it, some profoundly mean that labour is cheaper in relation That might explain why populist advo- gerrymandering allows representatives author of Rebel: how to overthrow the
knew this. They also knew that it would un-conservative politicians will try to. to capital than it would otherwise have cates and ideas get airtime.  But why do to choose their electorates.  In many emerging oligarchy (Head of Zeus, 2017)
be too hard to honour people’s contracts Something extraordinary is happening been.  Unskilled blue-collar wages in they find an audience? What explains the European countries, the party list system @DouglasCarswell
and savings in dollars. So they must have in politics. New radicals are on the rise. America today are roughly were they were rage? Was populist anger always there? ensures small elites, rather than the vot-
cried “Eureka” when somebody came The twenty-first century has been so Daniel Scioli ran a campaign in 2015 In Britain, the United States and much of when Ronald Reagan first entered the “Populism,” many political observers ers, get to decide who gets elected. swimming pools in their basements, mil-
with the concept of asymmetrical deval- far a century of a weak dollar and an easy promising to build sewers for the pop- Europe, angry, insurgent voices – which White House.  But globalisation has dra- claim, “is all about those who are ill at ease At the same time, there’s a grow- lions living in the South-East of England
uation – which in practice meant the monetary policy by the Federal Reserve. The currency board implemented by ulation. Yet Mr. Scioli himself was gov-
ernor of Buenos Aires for eight years
would not even have found an audience a matically cut the cost of consumer goods with modernity.” But what if this populism ing sense that the economy, notionally under the age of 40 cannot afford to buy
destruction of all existing contracts.  This easing is characterised by excess for those workers too, lowering the cost of was actually made possible by modernity? free-market, is rigged. While the returns their own home. 
This procedure represented a of liquidity and extremely low interest the then minister of finance, Domingo and his party was in office in that prov-
generation ago – can be heard. 
Whether victorious in elections, like living and raising living standards. We now live in a world where consum- on capital invested in large FTSE firms There is something cronyish at the
major transfer of wealth. The losers rates. International exchange rates have Cavallo, almost immediately stopped a ince between 1987 and 2015. Twen- Donald Trump in America, or Syriza in If economically distressed blue-col- ers have control. From Netflix to Amazon over the past 15 years has been modest, heart of our capitalist system, with its
ty-eight years, apparently, were not
were savers, people living on salaries, reacted accordingly, with a sinking dol-
lar against the euro. Gold also experi- chronic and decades long inflationary enough for Peronism to solve the sew-
Greece, or simply successful enough to
form the opposition, like Jeremy Corbyn
lar workers explained the rise of Donald
Trump, why is it that his most fervent
easy money subsidies for big banks. A
radical overhaul of banking is needed to
enced a rally unseen for many decades. problem which had evolved by 1989 into age situation.  in Britain or Marine Le Pen in France, supporters in the primary elections ensure that those who own them are lia-
This weakening process was accompa-
hyperinflation. The current president, Mauricio these new radicals all have one thing in earned on average $72,000 a year, way If economically distressed blue-collar ble for their losses, so that they can no
nied by a boom in commodity prices. 
Historically, there is a correlation
Macri, went to elections offering a clear
anti-populist alternative. He won in
common; whichever side of the politi-
cal spectrum they are supposed to come
above the US national average?
When pundits explain the rise of the
workers explained the rise of Donald longer conjure up credit – and make a
series of one-way bets underwritten by
between commodity prices and the US Democratic order returned to Argen- nothing. It has only parasitically lived an election that was as surprising and from, they are all offering the electorate new radicals in terms of rising income Trump, why is it that his most fervent the rest of us. Corporate law needs to be
dollar cycle. What is more, as substan-
tial mainstream and Austrian parts of
tina in 1983. Between than and  2015,
Peronists were in power for 24 out of 32
off resources created by previous gen-
erations and favourable international
shocking as Brexit and Trump. He did
very well in all sectors of society, includ-
ideas from beyond the range of what was
once considered the political mainstream.
inequality, they are simply trying to
commandeer this new phenomenon to
supporters in the primary elections changed to ensure that those who own
firms control those who run them. Those
the literature claim, a strong case can years. The only exceptions to their hege- contexts.  ing the worse-off.  Why?  What explains this new support their pre-existing world view.  earned on average $72,000 a year, way on whom we confer the privilege of lim-
be made in favour of the causal relation-
ship between US monetary policy and the
mony were the Alfonsin (1983-1989) and
de la Rúa administrations (1999-2001).
Thus, the rise of Argentinian (and
Venezuelan) populism must take into
The surprise that Macri’s election
provoked among pundits, pollsters,
“It’s the economy,” insists a certain
If anything, income inequality has
fallen.  The big increase in income
above the US national average? ited liability when they conduct busi-
ness cannot be allowed to run corporate
Federico N. Fernándes
behaviour of commodity prices. In the Both of these finished before they were consideration the Federal Reserve’s and even the business community sort of political pundit.  Having woken inequality in America happened in the boards as self-enriching cliques. 
is President of Fundación Internacional
Bases (Rosario, Argentina) and a Senior words of Steve Hanke, “the evidence sug- supposed to.  monetary policy and its impact on com- could (and should) be attributed to up to emergence of political outsiders, 1980s – before this latest process of glo- Prime, people now expect to get what they the executive pay packets of those run- If capitalism is to flourish, we need to
Fellow with the Austrian Economics gests that the Federal Reserve is a major The pervasive populist influence of modity prices.  underlying tendencies within Argen- many insiders reach for their default balisation began.  The Gini coefficient, want, when they want it.  Self-selection ning them has almost doubled.   redefine capital itself, so that states can-
Center (Vienna, Austria). He is also the culprit in the commodity inflation story.”  Peronism can be traced back to the late But after seven decades of politi- tine society. These tendencies are not explanation for voter behaviour. “Those which measures income inequality, and choice are cultural norms. Income inequality might not have not control the currency in the interests
president of the Organizing Committee It was this windfall which facilitated 1940s. Since then, Peronism has had a cal dominance, hegemonic populism yet fully appreciated. It could be the who vote for these new radicals are los- shows that income inequality in Brit- Whether or not our political elites are increased, but asset prices have soared of officialdom. Those of us whot believe
of the International Conference “The the implementation of the populist hegemonic influence over the politi- seems to be showing signs of exhaus- case that Macri’s victory is a symptom ers, who have lost out to globalisation.”   ain is at a 30-year low. In fact, since the more or less accountable to the elector- – making the “haves” rich for sim- in free-market capitalism need to advo-
Austrian School of Economics in the
21st Century” which has taken place
agenda of the Argentinian government. cal life of the country. Gabriel Zanotti tion. The once mighty Peronist party of something much deeper. Namely, Really?  2007 financial crisis, the incomes of the ate than they were in generation of so ply having assets, be it a house or a cate far-reaching reforms – if we don’t,
every two years since 2006 in Rosario It is the key ingredient of its destructive believes this is precisely the “cultural is today reduced to a feeble league of that Argentinians have had enough of Over the past 30 years, hundreds of mil- bottom 10 percent have increased faster ago is debatable. But public expectations hedge fund.  While a rich elite in Lon- there will be plenty of charlatans and
(Argentina). recipe. The Kirchners simply adapted drama” of Argentina and compares it to northern feudal lords and the most populism.■ lions of additional workers from China, than those of the top 10 percent.  about accountability have never been don concern themselves with building snake oil salesmen out there who will. ■

A legitimate reaction against liberal oligarchy CONSERVATIVE APPROACHES TO

he  spectre de jour  is the rise in existing parties as corrupt and incom- recent past – the days of FDR and Chur- not discussing these issues – in the com-
“populism” or what the media petent (not without some evidence); he chill, JFK and Harold Macmillan, Reagan mon phrase, by keeping them out of pol-
and the political classes call pop- founded a new party based around him- and Thatcher – liberal democracy meant itics – and leaving the courts or others
ulism – namely, the emergence of new self – EM standing for both En Marche free competitive elections in an atmo- to carry them out. Immigration is one
parties, some Left, some Right, some and Emmanuel Macron; he carefully sphere of free speech, free assembly, a example of such excluded policies in
a blend of the two, that challenge the selected both parliamentary candi- free press, etc. An election could hardly many countries. Majoritarian democ-
mainstream parties, campaign on issues dates and Cabinet members on the basis be free without free speech to allow full racy in these conditions mutates into a
that the existing parties have neglected, of being loyal to him and “untainted” discussion of the issues at issue? We system that the Hudson Institute’s John
and become a serious and perhaps per- by the past; he advanced a set of poli- fought the Cold War under this sign. To Fonte calls post-democracy, in which John O’Sullivan
manent part of the political system.  A cies that blended “pro-business” eco- be sure, there were some additional lib- elites and the institutions they control is a journalist, author, lecturer and
recent issue of the  Journal of Democ- nomic reforms with extreme social eral restraints on majority-rule, but they exercise more power than the voters and broadcaster. He is editor at large of
racy,  published by America’s National liberalism on identity politics, which were few and modest in number. their elected representatives. National Review magazine, President
of the Danube Institute in Budapest,
An Interview with Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister of Australia
Endowment for Democracy, provided in France counts as Left and Right; and In recent years, however, liberal- But every action stimulates a reaction.
a handy compendium of all the parties finally, since his election, he has sought ism has come to mean the prolifera- So the more power has shifted to liberal
Associate Editor of the Hungarian
Review, International Editor of Quadrant by Themistoklis Asthenidis
defined as populist. Takis S Pappas, a to present himself as a national leader tion of liberal institutions – the courts, institutions in recent years, the more Magazine in Sydney, Australia, a Fellow
Greek political theorist living in Hun- above politics, at one point summoning supra-national bodies, charters of populism has emerged to demand that of the National Review Institute, and
gary, listed 22 different parties in this all the legislators to Versailles where he rights, independent agencies, UN treaty the will of the voters should be respected co-founder and director of 21st Century
broad category. Seven have held power addressed them for about ninety min-
utes. (He got bad reviews.) Altogether
monitoring bodies, etc – that increas-
ingly restrain and correct parliaments,
and restraints on it removed. That is what
the recent surges of populism represent.
Initiatives in Washington DC. THEMISTOKLIS ASTHENIDIS Europe has made two
fundamental mistakes: first,
in coalition and another four alone. @JohnOSullivanNR You are known to have taken a hard
stance against illegal migration. Under

it has confused the duty to

your premiership, Australia adopted a
stricter border control system, effec-
tively intercepting vessels carrying
migrants and refugees before reaching help people in trouble with
the country’s coasts. Is the solution as
simple as stricter border control, or an obligation to give people
are there any other key elements of the
Australian migration policy reform? permanent residency; and
second, it keeps describing as
Australia had a relatively modest influx
of boat people under the Howard Gov-
“asylum seekers” people who
ernment but it had been largely stopped
by 2002 through offshore processing
are actually illegal migrants.
(so that people arriving by boat didn’t
initially come to Australia), temporary deny permanent residency to anyone Where do you attribute this failure to
protection visas for people found to be coming illegally by boat. In other words, implement such policies? What are the
refugees (so that people arriving by boat they wouldn’t leave, they wouldn’t land critical steps European nations and
could not expect permanent residency and they certainly wouldn’t stay. the EU as a whole must take in order to
in Australia) and – on four occasions – On coming to office in Septem- safeguard EU and national borders? 
turning boats back to Indonesia from ber 2013, my government added some
whence they’d come.  refinements to the Howard-era policies: TONY ABBOTT
These policies were denounced by the first, under Operation Sovereign Bor- Europe has made two fundamental mis-
human rights lobby as cruel and even ille- ders, there was an integrated chain of takes: first, it has confused the duty to
gal and were promptly abolished by the command under a senior military offi- help people in trouble with an obligation
new Labor Government in 2008. Within a cer; second, there was a news black-out to give people permanent residency; and
couple of months, the illegal boats started on operational matters because media second, it keeps describing as “asylum
again. And why wouldn’t they, if making it attention tended to become propaganda seekers” people who are actually illegal
to Australia meant a new life in a country for people smugglers; and third, and migrants. An asylum seeker is someone
that was generous to newcomers?   most important, we provided unsink- seeking sanctuary from imminent dan-
From 2008 till 2013, there were able life rafts when people smugglers ger. Anyone who has moved beyond a
nearly 1,000 illegal boats, more than scuttled their boats so that their cus- place of refuge seeking a better life is a
50,000 illegal arrivals by boat, and more tomers could return to Indonesia rather would-be economic migrant. 
than 1,000 known drownings. Under than be taken aboard Australian ships. 
these circumstances, stopping the boats Under Operation Sovereign Borders, THEMISTOKLIS ASTHENIDIS
became an absolute moral imperative the Royal Australian Navy and Aus- During the Second Annual Margaret
because the only way to stop the deaths tralian Border Force have intercepted Thatcher Lecture in October 2015, you
was to stop the boats.  and turned around almost 30 people spoke of  “a misguided altruism” that
In the peak month alone, July 2013, smuggling boats. By Easter 2014, peo- Europe shows towards migrants and The Hon. Tony Abbott MP
there were almost 5,000 illegal arrivals ple smuggling had virtually stopped and refugees. On the other hand, Germa- was elected Prime Minister
by boat. In response, the former Labor there have now been no illegal arrivals ny’s Chancellor had previously spo- by the Australian people on 7
September 2013 and served for
Government belatedly re-opened How- by boat for over two years. There has ken of the responsibility of Western two years. In his time as Prime
ard-era offshore processing centres on been some media hostility from Indo- nations, and has followed a more wel- Minister, the carbon and mining
Nauru and at Manus Island – and the nesia which resents the presence of coming approach to migration.   Are taxes were repealed; free trade
agreements were finalised with
numbers dropped to 1,500 arrivals the would-be illegal travellers to Australia nations with stricter immigration China, Japan and Korea; the
They are serious challengers to the Macron’s perfor- But the opposite a political party or jeering at its argu- following month – but it refused to coun- but the number of people entering Indo- laws less ethical or altruistic, and how people smuggling trade from
mainstream Left and Right.  mance has been, if is also true. If major- ments without meeting them hon- tenance boat turn backs or temporary nesia hoping subsequently to get to Aus- far does our duty to help extend?  Indonesia to Australia was halted;
and Australia became the second
That is not, of course, the way that anything, an exag- ity rule remains estly and seriously.  Professor Mudde visas for people arriving illegally by boat. tralia has also dropped dramatically.
political establishments, existing par- geration of what Liberal democracy too is also a protean the driving force of has given us one such definition above: My position was that Australia would: TONY ABBOTT
largest military contributor to
the US-led campaign against ISIL
ties, or the media, or Professor Pappas populism tradition-
ally means. 
concept that today needs a considerable democracy, then pop-
ulism will be absorbed
populism is an illiberal democratic
response to undemocratic liberalism.
first, work with the Indonesian govern- THEMISTOKLIS ASTHENIDIS Any response that makes a problem in Iraq. As Opposition Leader,
he reduced a first term Labor
want us to think about populism. As the ment to stop illegal boats leaving in the Massive and uncontrolled flow of worse is not a moral one. Europe’s
professor sees it, these parties are chal- Yet Macron is amount of clarifying. within traditional Another was given unintentionally by first place; second, prevent boats from migrants and refugees from Syria, “responsibility” is to support countries
government to minority status
before comprehensively winning
lengers to democracy. He  is echoed by never described democratic debate Professor Pappas when he said, I quote: landing in Australia wherever possible; North Africa and the Middle East has and people where they are first seeking the 2013 election. He has been
Member for Warringah in the
many other political commentators who as populist. Quite the contrary: the EU congresses, and elected officials. This and made subject to its conventions. “Populist parties embrace democracy third, process offshore anyone coming revealed Europe’s inability to enforce safety – not to admit ever growing num- Australian Parliament since 1994.
instruct us as follows: the main choice Commission President, Jean-Claude shift of power was questionable when The UK referendum on Brexit achieved but not liberalism. Liberalism without to Australia illegally by boat; and fourth, an effective migration policy response. bers of outsiders seeking a better life. He has degrees in economics and
law from Sydney University and
before us today is that between populism Juncker, even hailed his election as the these bodies merely nullified or delayed exactly that. Once the voters had made democracy is not a combination found an MA in politics and philosophy
and liberal democracy – which hardly beginning of the end of populism. That laws and regulations.  their decision, and once the government in real-life polities today.’’ It is his sec- THEMISTOKLIS ASTHENIDIS from Oxford which he attended
seems like a choice at all. It sounds more is because Brussels and establishment But more recently they have taken to had accepted and promised to imple- ond sentence that discloses the defini- Going back to that same speech at the as a Rhodes Scholar. He is the
author of three books.
like a slogan to conscript the voters into opinion generally approve of his ideolog- instructing democratically accountable ment it, Brexit became an orthodox part tion we need. For liberalism without Second Annual Margaret Thatcher
continuing to vote for what are called
the “legacy parties” without thinking
ical bent which embraces such familiar
policies as multiculturalism, open bor-
bodies to make particular reforms and
even to impose them on the entire pol-
of the political debate, with the govern-
ment proposing measures to implement
democracy is an apt description of the
system of government towards which I’m a supporter of migration Lecture, you mentioned that the
“love your neighbor” imperative is
too much about it. 
And as we shall see, populism and lib-
ders, a banking union to underpin the
Euro, and a kind of militant born-again
ity through creative constitutional and
treaty interpretation. Their decisions
it, the opposition suggesting amend-
ments to those measures, the courts
the West has been moving since 1989
and populism is the resistance to it.  but migration has to be in a “leading much of Europe into cata-
strophic error”.  Is Europe weaken-
How did mass-migration and respec-
solution more foreign or humanitarian
aid? Can there be a more effective solu-
eral democracy, though common terms
in the higher journalism, are indeed
Europeanism. They regard populism as a
threat to these policies and so they ignore
have concerned a wide range of official
powers from welfare rules through gay
hearing cases to ensure that Brexit is
pursued within the rules of the political
However we juggle things, our main
political choice seems to be evolving country’s national interest or it ing itself by not tackling uncontrolled
tive social unrest play a role in shifting
European political landscape?
tion than patrolling borders?

slippery ones. Consider the textbook

accounts of populism. Among other
the populist aspects of the Macron vic-
tory. As generally used, therefore, pop-
marriage to regulations on migration and
deportation (of, among others, convicted
game, and so on. 
UKIP then saw its support drain away
into one between some sort of demo-
cratic populism and some form of liberal will never have popular support. TONY ABBOTT
There has to be an effective response
That’s why governments –
things, it supposedly describes a move- ulism is not a neutral dispassionate terrorists.) Liberal democracy under this since one mainstream party – the gov- or, in less deceptive language, some form I’m a supporter of migration but migra- If people think that their government to what could easily become the peace-
ment that is personalist, rooted in a description but a “boo” word employed definition becomes the undemocratic ernment, too –- adopted its signature of progressive elitism. Conservatives in tion has to be in a country’s national has lost control of the country or is fail- ful invasion of Europe. People need to
leader-principle, hostile to the “regime
of the parties,” and based on blending
to discredit those called populist or to
indicate disapproval of them. This defi-
imposition of liberal policies.
This transfer of power has happened
issue and are carried it into practical
effect as the small and relatively power-
Europe have little choice but to choose
the populist democratic side because
and not people smugglers – interest or it will never have popular
support. That’s why governments – and
ing to govern in their nation’s best inter-
ests they will seek a better government.
understand that there is no right to leave
one country to enter another except
Left and Right in a vague new synthesis. nition of populism seeks to end debate in part because progressive elites at
the top of mainstream political parties
less UKIP simply cannot do. 
Once we take these (fairly major)
that is where our voters live. If necessary
we must civilise their populism within
have to control who comes not people smugglers – have to control Why wouldn’t they?  to avoid imminent danger. People also

under any rational migration

If that is the case, then the most rather than to advance or clarify it.   who comes under any rational migration need to understand that our duty to peo-
successful populist leader in Europe Liberal democracy too is also a protean have gone along with it. It helped them developments into account, it becomes restraints not of progressive liberalism arrangements. As well, there has to be a THEMISTOKLIS ASTHENIDIS ple in danger is to keep them safe as far

today is Emmanuel Macron, Pres- concept that today needs a considerable to ignore those opinions they opposed. possible to craft a definition of popu- but of that very different thing: ordered clear expectation of migrants that they Can there be any permanent solution to as we can; not to give them permanent
ident of France. He denounced the amount of clarifying. In the relatively They did so by the simple expedient of lism that is not simply a way of abusing liberty. ■ will “join the team”. uncontrolled migration influxes? Is the residence. ■

IN THE NEWS Grassroots activism? It’s the

Jan Zahradil new “Big Thing” in campaigning…

t is a fact that regrettably, far too absolute prerequisite to electoral suc- actually make things happen. And it is
often, classically traditional grass- cess. It has become the new “Big Thing” there to make things happen based upon
roots campaigning gets relegated to in campaigning. Proof of this can be the formal, pre-defined, strategy of the
a mere postscript within election cam- found in numerous recent election cam- campaign. So, that being said, what are
paign planning. Building, and then main- paigns around the world. The question the sorts of areas that the Campaign

taining, large teams of volunteer activists is, how do you create such a network of Team should focus upon?
often seems far too much like hard work to motivated volunteers? And the answer In reality, there are any number of
many campaigns. Equally, in many quar- is that it is not straightforward. It takes key aspects of campaigning that require
ters, it is viewed with misgivings as an out- time. It takes huge patience. And it takes organisational capacity building - and
dated concept that went out with the ark. massive levels of hard work. then subsequent proactive delivery of
Why spend hours traipsing streets, and Even once you have achieved your the relevant tasks in hand. What some
only ever reaching small handfuls of the goal, you still need to proactively man- of these will be, will depend upon the
electorate, when you can sit at home col- age and maintain that network and you type of campaign you have decided to

Part II.
lecting Facebook “Likes” and Tweeting to also need to actually utilise it. All of this run, how strong funding of the campaign
your large list of faithful followers? requires significant organisational skills is and what that all-important strat-
And it is indisputably true that social and resilience in itself. It is no task for egy document dictates. However, some
media has added a genuinely astonishing the fainthearted. It is not easy. However, characteristics of a grassroots ground
new set of communication tools for can- who ever said that getting elected within campaign should always be ever-pres-
didates and their campaigns. The almost a democratic system was easy? ent. These should most certainly include

Paris, London, Prague, Belcoo and Blacklion unbelievable capabilities, and reach, of
digital campaigning is pretty much every
We sometimes forget that it is the
duty of politicians to seek out, listen, and
a strong canvassing organisation; the
production and distribution of cam-
campaigner’s ultimate dream! respond to the views of their electorate. paign literature; outdoor publicity; vol-
The negative side of the new digital This cannot be done if one does not go unteer capacity building; postal voter
age though is that it seems sometimes out and talk to people. How can someone recruitment (where applicable); ‘Get out
as if virtually the entire focus of all cam- honestly represent peoples’ views if they the Vote (GOTV) and polling day organ-

EVENTS paign strategy, and budgeted campaign

spend, in “modern” electioneering is
dedicated to digital ads, online videos
do not even know what they are? And, in
any case, in the first instance a candidate
has the intimidating task of persuading
isation (again, where applicable) and,
most critically, fund raising.
Each of these key lieutenants, as dis-
and the like. And why is that a negative? people that they are actually worth vot- cussed previously, should agree (with
Firstly, “everybody” in campaign- ing for, or that their party is worth being the input of the candidate/s) which
Jan Zahradil welcomed Jan Zahradil met with the It’s possible without quotas! Jan Zahradil visited the border ing now seems to be a ‘specialist’ digital supported. key areas of the campaign need to be
new allies at the ECR Group British Defence Secretary and between Northern Ireland and geek! You cannot help but trip over these addressed as a priority. Perhaps this
‘experts’ who want to become involved will mean one or two additional areas
Bureau meeting in Paris the Minister of State for Brexit the Republic of Ireland at, what they perceive to be, the cutting to those set out above. Either way, once
edge. Everyone wants to be the one run- a conclusion has been determined, each
ning, what is considered to be, the “sexy” member of this senior volunteer team
aspects of the campaign. “Bread and but- should be allocated a specific Cam-
ter” campaigning is certainly seen as paign Team role. Each member of the
much less alluring than keeping up with team must have the various aspects of
finding new angles within the latest digi- their role clearly defined, alongside a
tal engagement tools. Richard Murphy formally agreed set of key performance
Secondly, although digital campaign- Managing Director of Communication indicator targets. They should then set
ing provides unquestionably magnifi- Strategy and Management (CSM), about ensuring that an efficient volun-
cent and hitherto previously impossible ACRE’s Campaigns’ Consultant teer grassroots organisation is created in
methods for reaching all sorts of voter their particular sphere of responsibility.
types, it is also starting to trigger suspi- So, what are examples of the types of
cion and wariness amongst sections of So, how does a candidate start? Or, if activities in question? The list is exten-
the voting public. The feverish media- they already have a network, however sive but would definitely include ensur-
led hype about so-called “fake news”, robust or even inadequate, how do they ing that enough volunteer literature
allegations of political interference from continue the work of capacity building deliverers are recruited; that canvass-
overseas, and the potential for misuse of and voter communication? ing and surveying is conducted system-
personal data, has seen almost contin- Crucially, they need some leaders to atically; that individual poster sites are
ACRE’s President and member of the European At the beginning of March, ACRE’s lead candidate In the Czech Republic, International Women’s On 9 March, the ACRE’s lead candidate Jan Zah- uous regulatory investigations into the kick things off properly. They require found; that various methods of volun-
Conservatives and Reformists Group in the Euro- Jan Zahradil travelled to London to meet British Day, celebrated on 8 March, enjoys a poor rep- radil visited Northern Ireland. He gave a key note alleged non-transparent use of digital people who have the time, and the com- teer capacity building are explored and
pean Parliament, Jan Zahradil, met new allies from Secretary of State for Defence, Gavin Williamson, utation in the country as it is associated with speech at the Annual Conference of the Ulster campaigning techniques. mitment, to give to the campaign. Once exploited and so on.
France and the Netherlands in Paris at the end of and British Minister of State for Exiting the EU, the communist regime. To mark the occasion Unionist Party in Belfast where he stressed the Assuredly some of these concerns they have these individuals, they must The Campaign Team should meet
February. Lord Callanan. and stress the importance of concrete actions in importance of preserving the territorial integrity may well be genuine, undoubtedly many treat them like gold dust. They are spe- monthly, all year round, until the elec-
Together with ECR Group Co-chair, Professor The letter sent by the British government to the this field, ACRE President Jan Zahradil, mem- of the United Kingdom after Brexit and the impor- are not. However, perception is real- cial. They are going to help the candi- tion campaign itself draws closer. After
Ryszard Legutko, the leader of the French party European Commission proposing an agreement ber of the Czech ODS Party, decided to organise tance of having a strong UK operating in partner- ity and increasingly electors appear to date get elected. These volunteers need this, they should meet far more reg-
Debout la France, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, and on citizens’ rights in the event of a no-deal Brexit an event in Prague bringing together successful ship with the EU. be becoming concerned and sceptical time given to them occasionally; they ularly. The organisational challenge
Thierry Baudet, who leads Dutch party Forum for was on the agenda of the meeting with Lord Calla- businesswomen, female politicians, lawyers and In the afternoon he had the opportunity to visit about the use of their personal private need to be encouraged and motivated ahead of the team should not be under-
Democracy, they announced that they are joining nan. ACRE’s President assured Lord Callanan that doctors to discuss successful career-building. the villages of Belcoo and Blacklion where the hard data and so on. by the cause; they need to be led from estimated but, then, nor should the

forces for the 2019 European elections. he would urge the Commission to accept the draft. The event entitled, “It’s possible without quotas” border between Northern Ireland and the Repub- The irony is that having invented such the front; and, most importantly of all, eventual electoral benefit!
This alliance with the new French and Dutch par- With Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson, the promoted the message that positive discrimina- lic of Ireland used to be. “Nobody wants a hard bor- amazing technological tools, the deploy- they need to be thanked. And once the In the next edition we will explore
ties aims to bring together constructive Euro-real- role of NATO was discussed and the two politicians tion in the form of quotas is not a prerequisite der here after Brexit so we must make sure it won’t WHAT I AM LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW ment of them is slowly breeding a degree candidate has thanked them for their these activities in more detail but, until
ist political forces that agree on the essential need agreed that NATO needs to remain the cornerstone to success for women and the Czech Republic is happen. We must not return to the borders of the of distrust. So, despite everything, it is work – they need to thank them again. then, be in no doubt. There is a direct
to defend the interests of Member States while of European security after Brexit. proof of this. past,” commented Zahradil after the visit. age old personal human interaction with One of the key golden rules as a candi- correlation between a strong grassroots
working together in areas where the EU can bring voters that is starting to win the day once date, or as an elected representative, campaigning organisation and the sub-
added value. more. is never to take your volunteers for sequent winning of elections. It’s not
With their new allies, the ECR Group aims to Societies, the world over, are los- granted. They are just that. They are rocket science. If you connect with peo-
form a new Euro-realist majority in the next Euro- ing trust in politicians and faith in our volunteers. They don’t have to be doing ple, keep them engaged, ask their opin-
pean Parliament. politics. People are angry and there is this work for you. They are not being ions and help them with their issues and
“The grand coalition between the EPP and the We do not want a Europe that is paralysed demonstrably a significant disconnect paid. They can walk away at any time concerns – you will build electoral loy-

by a dysfunctional EU and we do not want a

Socialists in the European Parliament, which has between them and their politicians. they like. They do what they do out of alty. And you will have earned it. And
ruled Brussels for years, must end. And I am cer- They do not feel listened to and are fed conviction and belief. They also do it so that almost infamous slogan, in UK
tain that we will be the ones to end it. We will bring
about the change needed in Brussels after the next
dysfunctional EU paralysed by its efforts to be up feeling ignored by political parties
and the establishment. Which is why,
for you. Candidates should never for-
get this – and so a “thank you” now and
political local government campaigning,
should be taken to heart by us all. And
European Elections,” said Jan Zahradil to the jour- something that it cannot be. We need the EU to be regular, local community campaign- again goes a long, long way! that is that we should “campaign all year
round ~ not just at election time”. Hav-
a flexible, useful, ready-for-action instrument that
nalists during the press conference. ing increasingly has a disproportionate This key senior team needs to estab-
influential effect on people. lish a formal central Campaign Team. ing said that, it is almost never too late
fits the Europe of the 21st century. Gary Moore Thin Lizzy Be in no doubt. A strong volunteer led This must not be, or ever become, a to start and so if you haven’t yet begun -

Over The Hills Whisky In The

grassroots organisation is now almost an bureaucratic structure. It is there to tomorrow would be good… ■

TWEETS And Far Away Jar Richard Murphy is ACRE’s official Campaigns’ Consultant. Richard is Managing Director of Communication Strategy & Management Ltd (CSM), a
political campaign consulting firm based in the UK. CSM works alongside Members of Parliament, Members of the European Parliament and can-
didates delivering professional advice on the construction and management of their communication strategies. With almost thirty years’ experi-
8:02 PM - 9 Mar 2019 10:22 AM - 5 Mar 2019 5:41 PM - 28 Feb 2019 6:41 PM - 27 Feb 2019 ence of working with the UK Conservative Party, Richard has campaigned directly with seven party leaders including the incomparable Margaret
This afternoon I had the opportunity to visit @EmmanuelMacron wrote letter to the citizens ‘We don’t want a Europe that is paralysed Tomorrow we are in Paris presenting our Thatcher. He has a wealth of experience and expertise in structuring and managing election campaigns at European, Parliamentary and Local
the Belcoo / Blacklion bridge to see where the
hard border between Northern Ireland and The
Republic of Ireland used to be. We must not
of Europe. At least we know what his idea
of #EU is about: it’s only another version of
outdated federalist tune called “more Europe”.
by a dysfunctional #EU & we don’t want a
dysfunctional EU paralysed by its efforts to be
something that it cannot be.’ I am speaking
partnership between @ecrgroup and @DLF_
Officiel. The grand coalition of EPP+Socialists
will be over after #europeanelections2019.
ZAHRABEER Government levels. Richard specialises in grassroots capacity building and GOTV. He also trains party activists nationally, and internationally, in
“on the ground” field campaigning techniques. Richard has trained party political activists in countries such as Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Trin-
idad & Tobago, Slovenia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Serbia and Montenegro. A member of the Institute of Leadership & Man-
agement, Richard is also a former Board Member of both the International Association of Political Consultants and the European Association of
return to the borders of the past. No wonder @federalists applauded. But EU at our @ecrgroup Bureau in Paris & I am It is time for a new eurorealist majority. Onboard the flight from London to Dublin. Political Consultants. In each edition of “The Conservative”, Richard writes a short piece on a particular aspect of campaigning. He has penned
#Brexit #backstop needs new, different tune. glad we agree on this with @thierrybaudet With our allies we will #RetunetheEU. his second article below. If you wish to contact Richard, please email
#RetuneTheEU with @ACREurope. and @dupontaignan.

In each issue Roger

Kimball features a past
conservative hero about
whom we should all
know more.

Josef Not that we can necessarily

trust everything that
goes under the name of

ne can learn a lot about a book by the German neo-Thomist phi- Quartet Op. 135. Pieper had no use for jar- As is often the case with things that for every educated person who thinks, had a bad press. For the puritan it is the than ever we live in a world ruled by of nature”. Three centuries of scien- imperviousness, “the hard quality of
culture from the words and losopher Josef Pieper called in English gon or technicalities. His favoured form are indispensable, the importance of instead of confining it to esoteric activ- source of vice; for the egalitarian a sign the demands of productivity. Every tific and technological progress have not-being-able-to-receive; a stoniness of
ideas it pushes into early Leisure, the Basis of Culture. It consists is the long essay made up of short sen- these principles goes unnoticed until ities which can affect the public only of privilege.” There is also the related human enterprise is subject to the scru- done a lot to prove Descartes right. heart that will not brook any resistance”.
retirement. Our own age of two essays, “Leisure and Worship” tences. His books, almost all shorter than they collapse. Then their centrality indirectly, insidiously, and often in a dis- problem of simple pragmatism. If “max- tiny of the balance sheet. Rest, vaca- Pieper’s question is what happens when Pieper’s brief on behalf of leisure is
is rich in such conceptual emeriti, as and “The Philosophical Act”, both of 150 pages, carry quotations from Aristo- snaps into focus. In No One Could Have torted form.” imising profits” is a kind of categorical tions and breaks are acknowledged that technological model of knowl- not an attack on work as such. “What is
anyone who has pondered the recent which Pieper wrote in 1947. They were tle, Plato, Aquinas, Descartes and Kant. Known (1979), an autobiography that Well, Pieper did provide the example. imperative, how can genuine leisure, not necessities, but only as unfortunate edge is taken to be definitive of human normal,” he acknowledges, is work, and
careers of “disinterested,” “manly,” published together in English in 1952 And yet they somehow escape seeming takes Pieper from his birth in a village But it cannot be said that he provided simply periodic vacations from labour, requirements for continued produc- knowing. Presented with a rose, we can the normal day is a working day. But the
“respectable” or “virtuous” knows well. in a volume introduced by T.S. Eliot. academic. outside Münster to the end of the Sec- the restoration that Eliot hoped for. be justified? What is the use of some- tivity. Consequently, free time is not so observe and study it, or we can merely question is this: can the world of man be
Roger Kimball With some notable exceptions, philoso- thing that is self-confessedly useless?
And consider the word “leisure,” an idea Pieper, who died in 1997 at the age of 93, This is in part because of the Pieper’s ond World War, he recounts a chilling much a leisured alternative to work as look and admire its beauty. For the intel- exhausted in being the “working world”?
subjects. Although he wrote import- story from 1942 when he worked as a is editor and publisher of The New phy – or the activity that goes under that Defending leisure is always an auda- Can a human being be satisfied with
that for the Greeks and for the doctors is pretty much a forgotten figure today. its continuation. The world is increas- lectual worker, only the former is really
Criterion and President and Publisher
of the Church was bound up with the But in the Fifties and Sixties he com- ant books about Plato, he was first of all psychologist in the German army. Hit- of Encounter Books. He is a frequent
alias in the university today – is every bit cious undertaking. It was particularly ingly rationalised, as Max Weber put legitimate. Wonder is a waste of time. being a functionary, a “worker”? Can
highest aspirations of humanity. For manded wide respect and exerted con- a specialist in the philosophy of Aqui- ler’s surprise attack on the Soviet Union contributor to many publications in as impoverished and lost in bootless spe- audacious in 1947 when Germany was it. Now we face the prospect of a lei- It produces nothing, nor does it fur- human existence be fulfilled in being
Plato, for Aristotle, for Aquinas, we live siderable intellectual influence. nas. His Guide to Thomas Aquinas is a had put German troops deep into Rus- the US, Europe, and Australia and cialisation as it was 60 years ago. More desperately trying to mend its rav- sure-less culture of “total work”, a world ther understanding. Descartes hoped exclusively a work-a-day existence? Or,
most fully when we are most fully at lei- The introduction by Eliot is one sign splendid introduction to the intellec- sia. Pieper encountered a young man of writes the Roger’s Rules column for PJ so, perhaps, if for no other reason than aged physical and moral fabric. Espe- that excludes the traditional idea of lei- to explain extravagant natural phe- to put it another way, from the other
sure. Leisure – the Greek word is schole, of the seriousness with which he was tual and social world inhabited by the 18 “who still had the look of a child about Media. He is author of several books, that there are so many more people call- cially at such times, leisure is likely sure in principle. Pieper found the per- nomena such as meteors and lightning direction, as it were: Are there such
including, most recently, The Fortunes
whence our word “school” –meant the regarded. Another sign was the book’s philosopher. It is true that Aquinas does him”. He wore the uniform of a volun- ing themselves philosophers today. Log- to seem a luxury, a dispensable indul- fect motto for this attitude in a passage in such a way that “one will no longer things as liberal arts?
of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in
opposite of “downtime”.  reception by reviewers. The Times Lit- not always elicit clarity from his com- teer driver and worked for the Nazis an Age of Amnesia. ical positivism was sterile. But at least it gence that distracts from the necessary quoted by Weber in The Protestant have occasion to admire anything about In The Idea of a University, Pieper
“Leisure,” Aristotle wrote, is “better erary Supplement devoted a long and mentators. But Pieper wrote about him behind the front. Pieper asked the boy made sense. work at hand. Pieper acknowledges the Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: “One what is seen”. Far from being a prelude points out, Newman translates artes
than” action and is its end. Leisure in this admiring piece to the book, as did The not as an academic subject but as some- what he did. If Pieper is right, the current disar- force of this objection. “We are engaged does not only work in order to live, but to insight, wonder was an impediment liberales as “knowledge possessed of a
sense is not idleness, but activity under- New Statesman. The Spectator was one who had irreplaceable things to say “Lately we did practically nothing but work aims to provide an antidote to ray of philosophy should come as no in the re-build- to the technology of gentleman,” that is to say, knowledge
taken for its own sake: for example, philos- briefer but no less admiring: “These about the moral and intellectual reali- transport Jews.” such moral insensibility. Philosophy, of surprise. For philosophy in that ampler ing of a house, and knowledge. born of leisure. An index of the spiritual
ophy, aesthetic delectation, and religious two short essays... go I pretended to course, is a futile weapon against tyr- sense depends on leisure. It is not pri- our hands are full. Of course, we plight that Pieper describes is the col-
worship. It is significant that in both Greek a long way towards be puzzled, not to anny, a point underscored by Stalin marily a mode of analysis but an attitude Shouldn’t all our should not wish to do lapse of liberal arts in our society. More
and Latin, the words for leisure – schole a lucid explanation understand. “Were
the Jews being evac-
when he contemptuously asked how
many divisions the Pope commanded.
of openness: it is a contemplative atti-
tude of beholding. It is one of the ironies
efforts be directed to
nothing other than
We are not now in the exigent state without the blessings and more, so-called liberal arts institu-
tions are vocational schools at best; at
of Europe in the late 1940s. But more
and otium – are positive, while the corre- of the present crisis of that technology.
sponding terms for “busyness” – ascholia in civilization.” The More and more, so-called liberal arts uated? Or where did But philosophy is not at all futile in help- of contemporary academic life that what the completion of We live in a world worst they are circuses of narcissism.
and negotium (whence our “negotiate”) –
are privative: not at leisure, i.e., busy, occu-
book was also widely
noticed in the United institutions are vocational schools
you drive them?”
“No, they were
ing to create a moral climate intolerant
of tyranny, which helps to explain why in
is called “theory” in the world of Lit Crit
means more or less the opposite of what
that house?” 
The answer is that than ever we live in a world ruled by shaped by the Carte-
sian imperative, and
The schole, the leisure, has effectively
been drained out of school, as “job train-
pied, engaged. And for us? Of course we
still have the word “leisure.” But it lives on
States: reviews from
The Nation, the at best; at worst they are circuses of driven into the for-
est. And there they
the end the Pope prevailed over the tyr-
anny of Communism.
the word theoria meant for the Greeks.
Today’s “theory” involves the willful
the task of build-
ing or rebuilding is
the demands of productivity. Every the first response
of any sane per-
ing” becomes the sole justification for
in a pale, desiccated form. Think for exam- Chicago Tribune, narcissism. were shot.” Not that we can necessarily trust imposition of one’s ideas upon reality. In never merely a prob- human enterprise is subject to the son must be “Thank Again, Pieper does not dispute the
ple of the phrase “leisure suit”: this odious
object epitomises the unhappy fate of lei-
The San Francisco
and “And where did
you collect them?”
everything that goes under the name
of philosophy. In his introduction to
its original sense, however, theory beto-
kened a patient receptiveness to reality.
lem of engineering.
If it were, human life scrutiny of the balance sheet. God for that”. But
our first response
importance of training. We cannot do
without “the useful arts” – medicine,
sure in our society. Chronicle commended it to readers, ties of life – our life. He manages to make “The Jews used to wait in the market Leisure, the Basis of Culture, Eliot Philosophy, the theoretical activity par could be reduced to needn’t be our only law, economics, biology, physics: all
At first blush, it might seem odd that and the review by Allen Tate in The New Aquinas’s vocabulary seem the most square. They thought they were being remarked that philosophy had somehow excellence, not only depends upon lei- a problem of animal husbandry. Some- one lives for the sake of one’s work, and response. Pieper’s point is that the dis- those disciplines that relate to “pur-
leisure should survive in such degraded York Times Book Review probably did natural language possible for discuss- resettled. They had suitcases and par- lost its way –  philosophy, that is, in an sure but is also the fulfilment or the end thing more is needed: a vision of soci- if there is no more work to do one suffers cursive knowledge – whose end is the poses that exist apart from themselves”.
form. After all, the United States and as much as Eliot’s introduction to stim- ing the subject at hand. (He manages cels with them. But they had to throw older meaning of the word, as a source of of leisure. Consequently, the oblitera- ety, of the vocation of humanity. And the or goes to sleep.” It is Pieper’s task to analysis, manipulation, and reconstruc- The question is whether they exhaust
Western Europe have never been richer ulate interest in Pieper. the same trick with Plato and Aristotle.) them onto a big pile. And straight away insight and wisdom. Philosophy in this tion of leisure naturally leads to the per- preservation of that vision is intimately show us how this credo “turns the order tion of reality – is not the only model of the meaning of education. Is education
or more concerned with “quality of life”. Pieper not only wrote about leisure. This is a testimony to Pieper’s rhetorical the Ukrainian militia went after the “ampler sense” had been overtaken by version of philosophy. bound up with the preservation of lei- of things upside-down”. human knowing. synonymous with training? Or is there
By every objective measure, we can cer- He was also a writer whose work requires skill, the highest rhetorical achievement things.” technical specialities, of which logical It also leads to a perversion of cul- sure. Even at a time of emergency such It is a measure of how far the imper- It is one of the ironies of Pieper’s a dimension of learning that is under-
tainly afford leisure. An army of experts leisure (I do not mean simply “spare being to make itself invisible. “And then you drove them to the for- positivism was a conspicuous example. ture, at least in so far as culture is the aftermath of World War II – perhaps ative of total work has taken hold that world of total work that, although it taken not to negotiate advantage in the
and a library of self-help books urge us time”) if it is to be properly read. Not It also says something about the nat- est. But the shooting – you were told (In retrospect, Eliot suggested, logi- understood not as an anthropological especially at such times – the task of the opposing classical and medieval underwrites our objective control of world but purely for its own sake? “To
to salvage “quality time”. What time that he is “difficult” or overly technical. uralness of the categories that Aquinas about it later; it’s only hearsay.” cal positivism will appear as “the coun- datum but as the repository of spiritual rebuilding requires a hiatus in which we ideal –  that, in Aristotle’s phrase, we the world, it also insinuates a corrosive translate the question into contempo-
could be of higher quality than leisure, On the contrary, Pieper wrote with a glit- used to discuss moral questions. Pieper Then the boy got very angry in the terpart of surrealism: for as surrealism self-understanding: “the best,” in Mat- can reaffirm our humanity. The name work in order to be at leisure – seems subjectivism and relativism into our rary language,” Pieper writes, “it would
as Aristotle understood it? But all such tering simplicity, but the tintinnabula- first made his name with a series of face of so much distrust and stupidity. seemed to provide a method of produc- thew Arnold’s phrase, “that has been of that hiatus is leisure. “To build our unintelligible or faintly immoral. Even attitude toward the world. “The other, sound something like this: Is there still
remedial gestures underscore the extent tion of unleisured life deafens us to such essays on the so-called Cardinal Virtues: “No! I saw it myself.  I saw them being ing works of art without imagination thought and said in the world.” Leisure house,” Pieper writes, “implies not only purely intellectual activity is rebaptised hidden, side of the same dictum... is the an area of human action, or human exis-
to which our society has devoted itself quiet dignity. We must stop to listen if we prudence, justice, fortitude and tem- shot!” so logical positivism seems to provide guarantees the integrity of high culture, securing survival, but also putting in as “work” in order to rescue it from the claim made by man: if knowing is work, tence as such, that does not have its jus-
to defeating genuine leisure, replacing are to hear these arguments, and stop- perance. These terms can seem dated to “And what did you say about that?” a method of philosophising without its freedom from the endless round of order again our entire moral and intel- charge of idleness. The image of intel- exclusively work, then the one who tification by being part of the machinery
it where possible with mere entertain- ping and listening are difficult things to modern ears. Yet in his book The Four “Oh well, of course you feel a bit funny insight and wisdom”.) Pieper’s chief means and ends. It was Pieper’s great lectual heritage. And before any detailed lectual work and the intellectual worker knows, knows only the fruit of his own, of a ‘five year plan’? Is there or is there
ment, and disparaging efforts to pre- accomplish in a world that rejects leisure. Cardinal Virtues (1965) Pieper shows at first. . . .” importance was to provide a compel- accomplishment to understand the deep plan along these lines can succeed, our presents us with a vision of the world subjective activity, and nothing else. not something of that kind?” To answer
serve oases of leisure as the pernicious Pieper’s is the hard-won simplicity that with beguiling straightforwardness that, And then? ling counterexample. “In a more general connection between leisure and spiri- new beginning, our re-foundation, calls whose ideal is busyness.  There is nothing in his knowing that yes is to affirm the province of leisure. It
indulgence of an outmoded elite. comes at the end of an intellectual jour- by whatever names we choose to call And then, presumably, moral anaes- way,” Eliot wrote, Pieper’s “influence tual freedom. out for a defence of leisure.” René Descartes promised that, by is not the fruit of his own efforts; there is to affirm the value of uselessness, the
Probably the most profound medita- ney. It is the fruit of confident mastery, them, they are indispensable to the com- thesia takes over and you stop think- should be in the direction of restor- Of course there are many obstacles. We are not now in the exigent state using his scientific method, man could is nothing ‘received’ in it.” The moral preciousness of a dimension free from
tion on the meaning of leisure is a little like The Tempest or Beethoven’s String mon realities of life. ing about it. In one sense, Pieper’s ing philosophy to a place of importance As Roger Scruton has noted, “leisure has of Europe in the late 1940s. But more make himself the “master and possessor aspect of this refusal is a kind of spiritual the realm of work. ■



Next weekend in by Barnaby Whiteman
Presidents of countries that want the

he final straw was British to continue buying their wine, and
another speech
by President
much else, after Brexit should try being
Macron. Jupi- pleasant for a change.
ter was explaining how the
nations of Europe should
order their affairs to align
with his brilliance, and in The winemaker Michael and the British seafaring tradition that
passing he had another swipe Brajkovich, New Zea- made foreign names familiar, and then
at the naughty Brits for daring land’s first Master of the Commonwealth connection. It can-
to Brexit. Wine, took over the not simply be that, though. Mass con-
“Right, that’s it,” my friend family property in sumption of wine in Britain only took off
announced, pointing at Macron 1982 and set about in the 1970s after we joined the EEC.
When to go? Where to go? Where to stay? on the television screen. “Enough
is enough,” he said. “As long as that
steady improve-
ment, until he
The reality is that there is not much
indigenous English wine to buy, so we
homme is President of France, I will not was producing must look about and be international.
Spain’s capital has so much to offer, including fine food, drink, purchase French wine.” But not wines that are On the shelves of their supermarkets
art, history and entertainment. My friend is someone who loves all is well. starting to be and in wine merchants the British seem
It seems a mistake not to take the time to visit the Museo France so much that he has holidayed Sales to China ranked among to like seeing a range of wines from a
Reina Sofía while in the city. This museum houses one of the there almost every year for four decades. fell because the the best in the wide geographical spread.
most important artworks ever produced, so important a tap- He has criss-crossed the country in his Chinese econ- world. Prices The British will never stop consuming
estry of the painting hangs at the headquarters of the United car countless times, spending a decent omy is slowing. are rising as French produce – it is too good, and the
Nations in New York. Guernica, painted by Pablo Picasso in portion of his annual income on staying Reuters reported words spreads friendship between peoples transcends
1937, exposed the horror of war after the bombing of the Basque in French hotels and consuming French that French wine and demand transient politics. But my friend’s val-
town at the behest of General Franco. The sheer scale and size cuisine on the way to visiting French and spirits exports increases, but you iant boycott is a reminder that senti-
Madrid is the perfect city to visit any time of the year. Its climate will not of the painting is remark- vineyards, each of which he leaves hav- to China fell 14.4 per can still find one of ment can shift in a market economy;
let you down and the city’s vibrant atmosphere continues all year round. able, as is the content which Whether you are looking for luxury or after a last-minute budget hol- ing purchased several cases of wine. cent last year, to 1 bil- the cheaper Kumeau consumers do have power. That means
However, if you do find the summer heat unbearable – and Madrid shows children and civilians iday, Madrid can accommodate you in comfort. Yet he is so angry with the conduct of lion euros, after increasing River bottlings for presidents of countries that want the
reaches extremely high temperatures in the summer – I would encour- dying, but its legacy makes If you want a sophisticated stay and are willing to pay for it, Only Macron and the tone of the President’s almost 25 per cent in 2017. under 20 euros. British to continue buying their wine,
age you to visit off peak, when not only can you still almost be assured this painting truly unique. YOU Boutique Hotel Madrid may be the hotel for you. Set in a magnif- remarks during the Brexit process that That’s an unreliable and frothy and much else, after Brexit should try
of comfortable weather, but if you book long enough in advance, you The museum also contains icent 19th century building, the location is ideal and, should you wish he has against all expectation switched market. being pleasant for a change. ■
should be able to find a significantly reduced rate for accommodation a range of works by other to venture further out, there is a metro stop less a minute away. The to buying New Zealand, Chilean and In contrast, the Brit-
and cheap flights. I would not hesitate to book a trip to Madrid in late influential artists such as hotel has won several awards, American wine instead of the French ish have been a
February, but I would suggest the best months to go are during the Juan Gris and Paul Klee. including Best Boutique Hotel in wine that he adores, and I adore. steadier market
spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November). As you walk around the city, be sure to take in the sights. In the World in the Design category. Relax, please. I do not propose here to of unflashy con-
Of course, if you love the sun and are looking for a hot summer city the open square of Puerta del Sol, you can spot the Statue of the For a cheaper hotel, you may get into the question of tariffs levelled sumers and
break, this may be the best place for you, and I cannot think of a more Bear and the Strawberry Tree. This famous statue depicts the want to consider Hotel Gran on wine from outside the European concerned cit-
beautiful place to get an authentic Spanish city experience combined famous design on coat of arms of Madrid. Also used in Atlético Versalles Madrid. This four-star Union and the impact they might have izens worth
with some Spanish sunshine. Madrid’s logo, it makes for an excellent photo to take home as hotel often has rooms for afford- on price. In Britain a vast industry of being consis-
There is one other factor you may want to consider for a trip to Spain a souvenir of your time in able prices. Again, it is in a great lawyers and trade experts dealing with tently nice to.
– its festivals. The famous Madrid Carnival sees the city come to life the city. location so do not feel that you such questions has proliferated since The UK is the sec-
with colour and music. The carnival takes place every year on the last Finally, described by have to pay excessive amounts to voters decided – almost three years ago ond largest importer
new moon of winter, and events Madrid’s tourist board as be central. – to leave the EU. Mention tariffs and of French wine. Some
continue for a week. Another the “green lungs of the city”, For those who are not fussed wine in the UK or anywhere near it and 1.3 billion euros of
festival that would give you a El Retiro Park lives up to about staying in a hotel, Airbnb someone will appear waving a spread- alcoholic produce made
first-hand insight into Madrid’s its reputation. With 15,000 is probably a good place to start. sheet showing that dropping the tariff of its way from France to
culture is the festival of San trees across 125 hectares, If travelling off season, the prices 6.5p to 8p on a bottle of Australian Char- Britain in 2018, accord-
Isidro. This festival, which usu- the park has various sights are low for lovely homes or apart- donnay will result in the imposition of ing to the Federation of
ally takes place in mid-May, is in and activities to offer. One feature worth visiting is the Pala- ments. Madrid’s metro is easy to costly extra checks at the border and the Wine and Spirit Export-
honour of Madrid’s patron saint, cio de Cristal. Although originally designed to house tropical use and very reliable so do not end of the British economy and possibly ers of France.
San Isidro Labrador. The city’s plants, this glass structure is now used for contemporary art worry if you are further out of the the termination of the entire universe. Amid Brexit fears
squares, including the famous exhibitions. Modelled on London’s Crystal Palace, the architec- city than you would have wanted The question of tariffs or prices in about potential disrup-
Plaza Mayor, are filled with enter- ture and design of the glasshouse is incredible. Please be sure to – if you are near a metro stop general is immaterial to my friend, just tion to supply chains,
tainment and activities. check opening times in advance. then you are near the centre. as the risk of some economic disruption trade bodies told Reuters
post-Brexit was thought immaterial, that as many as 200 lorries a
or deemed acceptable, by many Leave day are crossing from France
What to do? voters in the UK who concluded that a
higher principle, self-government, was
to the UK, carr­ ying booze for
stockpiling in warehouses in case
at stake in the 2016 referendum. My there is a no-deal Brexit. The stock-

1 2 3 4 5 6
friend is running a one-man boycott piling assumes the British will buy as
regardless of whether or not it costs him much French stuff, even if the Brexit
a little more, or he stands in the end to talks result in a bitter stand-off with the non-punitive
save a pound or two. French government. deal with the UK.
This is not primarily about money. I should add that my friend boycot- Macron’s sneering, and
Instead it is a question of culture, man- ting France is not an extreme Brexi- the conduct of the talks by Brussels,
ners, loyalty, and the souring of friend- teer. His brand of Brexiteering is of a came as a disappointment. Hence my Why bother buying a wine from New
Admire the art at the Visit El Rastro Market Go rowing on Check out the National Walk along Gran Vía Explore the food ship across borders. Presidential moderate shade. Here is someone who friend’s boycott. Zealand, will be the response from
Museo del Prado Do not miss the historic flea Retiro Park Pond Archaeological This famous street offers a and drink in rudeness can have an impact. likes Europe, and its wine, a lot but who Politics has poisoned the palate, critics those in the Europe where the instinct
Recognised as having one of market which is held every Sun- Surrounded by performers, Museum fine insight into the cultural San Miguel Market In one sense the French can afford to voted to leave the European Union on will say. Not at all, is my response, hav- is to always buy local on the basis that
the world’s most eclectic col- day. This market dates back to including musicians, magicians This museum contains a treasure hub of Madrid. Lined with Enjoy the local produce from be insouciant. Figures published ear- the basis that a relatively new politi- ing tasted several of my friend’s excellent Europe is the best.
The British are highly unusual in
Iain Martin
lections of European art, the the Middle Ages and offers a and fortune tellers, Retiro Pond trove of Roman artefacts, all shops and entertainment ven- Madrid in a covered market. lier this year show that French wine cal construct, the European Union, is New World purchases. When we had din-
not the same thing as the cultural and ner recently we drank New Zealand Sau- Europe in that sense, in buying wine is a commentator on politics and
Prado Museum has some phe- huge variety of curiosities. It is the ideal location to relax and kept in remarkable condition. It ues, it boasts a mix of luxury Offering fresh fish, meat, fruit, and spirits exports exceeded sales of
finance. His latest book Crash Bang
nomenal works. Perhaps most is also very well connected by take in the surroundings of the also has a sizeable collection of and high-street shops. vegetables, cheeses and so 13bn euros last year for the first time. geographical entity that is Europe. Like vignon rather than Sancerre, the classic from France, Italy and Spain, although Wallop: the inside story of London’s
notorious is The Garden of public transport. park. Boats are available to rent Egyptian and Medieval objects on, the market also has bars Sales are booming in President Trump’s many Britons he hoped and expected French product of the Loire. surprisingly little from under-rated Big Bang and a financial revolution
Earthly Delights by Hierony- at a very reasonable price, and and statues. so you can enjoy the extraor- America thanks to strong economic that after a brief interlude the EU and When it comes to Chardonnay, I have Germany, alongside wines from all over that changed the world is published by
mus Bosch (pictured). if you do not feel up to rowing, dinary smells and flavours growth. A quarter of French wine and its largest powers – France and Ger- written before on the joys of the wines the world. In part it is surely a buying Sceptre. He is based in London.
motor boats may also be rented. with a drink in hand. spirits exports go to the US. many – would strike a friendly and of Kumeau River as a rival to Burgundy. habit rooted in sentiment and history, @iainmartin1

Jane Austen
This is the main attraction of her hero
Mr Darcy. Sure, he is reasonably hand-
some and tolerably mannered, but his

On the 10th of March, ACRE held a conference in Sofia, Bulgaria on The Future of Europe Traditionalism,
real appeal – as Austen keeps reminding
us – is that he has an annual income of
Christian Values, and Patriotism. The event was organised by the vice chair of ACRE member party VMRO, Angel
£10,000. In today’s money, this is getting Dzhambazki MEP. The round-table discussions brought together respected Bulgarian conservative intellectuals,
on for £1 million a year. scholars and members of government as well as numerous Members of the European Parliament from across the

Also, of course, he has a really big continent. The participants shared their thoughts on the pressing issue of the upcoming European Parliament
one. A house, that is, called Pember- elections as well as insights into what we can expect from the next European Parliament. It was clear from the
ley, over which Austen drools at some discussion that conservatism, Christianity and traditional values, and patriotism will be represented much
length. Everything about Pemberley is
stronger in the next five years.
perfect: the amiable, devoted house-

keeper; the tasteful furnishings; the
ane Austen’s Pride and Prej- excellent trout-fishing for gentleman
udice is one of the best-loved visitors; the special windows that open
romances in English literature. up right from the floor; the various
But this probably has more to wooded prospects in the park. What
do with the sundry glossy film and TV makes these descriptions all the more
adaptations than it does with anything wistful from our heroine Elizabeth’s
Austen wrote. point of view is that they will never
Reading the book now it’s quite hard now be hers: thanks to her prejudiced
to put out of your mind scenes like the misunderstanding of proud Mr Darcy,
James Delingpole one in Andrew Davies’s adaptation for she has flatly rejected his earlier mar-
is a conservative columnist and novelist the BBC, where Colin Firth as the hero riage offer and done herself out of a
who has written for publications Mr Darcy bursts out of a lake, a wet shirt fortune.
including the Daily Mail, Daily Express, clinging to his manly torso; or to think To modern readers these mercenary
The Times, The Daily Telegraph, and of heroine Elizabeth Bennet without considerations might seem distaste-
The Spectator. He is also the executive remembering the poutingly pretty but ful. But that’s because we live in a less
editor of Breitbart London. His latest
book is Watermelons. woefully miscast Keira Knightley in the constrained age where women aren’t
slushy 2005 movie version. so dependent on men for a comfortable
Yes, of course there is romance and life and where men, with a bit of hard
even a degree of passion in Austen. But work, luck or dishonesty, can start from
because these books were written in the scratch and end up with houses as big as
early 1800s by a genteel spinster, any Darcy’s.
sexual undercurrents are quite properly To modern readers these mercenary
suppressed; when they do burst forth, it considerations might seem distaste-
is most definitely not with the author’s ful. But that’s because we live in a less
approval. When, for example, Eliza- constrained age where women aren’t
beth’s flighty little sister Lydia runs off so dependent on men for a comfortable
with the dashing army officer Wickham, life and where men, with a bit of hard
it is a major disaster which brings shame work, luck or dishonesty, can start from
on all involved. scratch and end up with houses as big as
What most concerns Austen, as she Darcy’s.
makes clear in her famous opening sen- In England in the 1800s such oppor-
tence – “It is a truth universally acknowl- tunities weren’t really available.
edged, that a single man in a possession Today we love Jane for her empire line
of a good fortune,
must be in want of a Poor Charlotte her wit and her weapons-grade irony.
wife” – are the work- Lucas. In the book, The snobbish, bullying Lady Cather-
ings of a strict social Elizabeth thinks ine de Bourgh is a monster but we can
order governed by The genius of Jane Austen is that the less of her best
friend for mar-
bear, just about, the wholly unearned
social power that her money and sta-
she also works quite brilliantly as
class and money.
You can laugh at rying the ridicu- tion have granted her by having a
its absurdities – as
Austen frequently she is often seen today: as a creator lous Mr Collins,
the social-climbing
jolly good titter with Elizabeth about
how utterly frightful she is. In truth,
does, with her cruel,
brilliant and hilari-
of feisty, sparky heroines, a sublime vicar she herself has
rejected. But this is
though, it doesn’t make her ability to
tyrannise her social inferiors any less
ous wit. But you can’t comedian and spinner of gloriously unfair and typical of real.
escape its remorse-
less regimentation. If romantic yarns the pride and preju-
dice with which Aus-
The genius of Jane Austen is that
she also works quite brilliantly as she is
– like Elizabeth Ben- ten has apportioned often seen today: as a creator of feisty,
net and her four sisters – you are born into dresses, gentlemen in tight britches her complex, not wholly likeable hero- sparky heroines, a sublime comedian
In each issue, James an upper-middle-class family with no for- vaulting on to horses, stone-built recto- ine. Charlotte is plain, 27 years old and and spinner of gloriously romantic
Delingpole reviews a tune to inherit, then your only hope of a ries with cottage gardens, genteel spar- her father a mere knight with an insuffi- yarns. But read her again – and re-read
book that may not be halfway-decent future is to marry some- ring in the drawing room over cards, cient fortune: if she doesn’t marry some- her, endlessly, as she deserves – and
recent in its publication, one rich. (As Austen didn’t, by the way. dashing officers at balls. But had we not one, anyone, soon, she is likely to end up you’ll be reminded that she is much clev-
but that conservatives It’s what makes her books so poignant. been born rich we would have felt like an impoverished old maid. erer, more ambiguous, and a lot tougher
should read. They’re a clever, talented, disappointed prisoners, as most of Austen’s charac- Austen’s way of dealing with all this than a merely amusing writer of high-
woman’s wish-fulfilment fantasy). ters effectively are. social horror is to make light of it with end chick-lit. ■

crossword & sudoku

1. Enid’s st. 1. ___ cat (playground game)

5. Eng. lesson 2. Seaweed type
10. Film ratings org. 3. Stead
14. Moonwalker Armstrong 4. Handouts
15. Italy’s Via ___ 5. Wind direction indicators
16. Sinuous swimmers 6. Type of illusion
17. Simple 7. Numbers cruncher
19. Sketched 8. Show on TV
20. Group in “The Da Vinci Code” 9. Part of BART
21. Protrude 10. Her looks were petrifying
22. Targets of a manhunt, perhaps 11. Computer language
26. Multiple-choice answer 12. Get ____ up
30. Not attached 13. “It’s the End of the World ____ Know
34. Word before blue or purple It” (R.E.M. tune)
35. Front yard 18. Swimmer who channeled her energy?
36. Brief endearment 21. Fr. neighbor
37. Devonshire county seat 23. She was married to Frank, Mickey
39. Drink a toast to and Howard
42. OH city, for short 24. Pussy foot
43. Took ____ loan 25. Fifth of fünf 56. Trent or Ronnie
47. Harder to locate 26. Hoover competitor 58. Casa division
48. Hikers’ carryalls 27. Venom 59. “___ better to keep your
51. Lichen-covered 28. Carrion consumer mouth closed...”
52. Teen hangout, once 29. Corrode, with “away” 60. Eur. nation
54. Hydra or coral 31. Becomes fuzzy 61. Down Under greeting
57. Lifting 32. Mandolin relatives 63. 601, to Caesar
62. Hook’s fear, for short 33. All possible 64. Big game animal
63. Laid waste to 38. Street 65. “QB ___” (Uris novel)
66. “Folktronica” singer Orton 40. Deodorant spot
67. Meteorological conditions 41. Thai’s neighbor
68. ____ fire under 44. With “L,” a Corleone hatchet man
69. Explorer Hernando de ___ 45. Appreciative abbr. (var.)
70. What “beso” may mean 46. Hindu retreats
71. Pasty-faced 49. Hitchcock classic
50. Soak
53. Desert rest stops
54. Pollutants banned in the ‘70s, briefly
55. Popular Nabisco cookie

Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Brussels @ACREurope

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