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Edy Jamal Tuheteru, ST, MT

Five Components of the enviroment
 Society, meaning human beings and their activities.
 Ecology, comprising of various species flora and
fauna and their interdepedence
 Land, which provides support to the society and the
ecosystem in various ways.
 Water, which sustains life and is an important
resource to both the society and the ecology.
 Atmosphere, which also sustains life and is an
important resource to both the society and ecology
Activities in mining complexes
 Surface and underground mining
 Coal/mineral handling and preparation
 Coal/mineral transportation
 Coal and mineral based industries
 Thermal power plants
 Domestic activities
 Road transportation, railways, etc
Open Pit
Tambang Nikel
Tambang Timah
Tambang Batubara
Sifat Dampak
 Bermanfaat atau merusak
 Dapat diperbaiki atau tidak dapat diperbaiki
 Reversible or irreversible
 Sementara atau permanen
Impacts on Society
 Change on population
 Dilution of ethnic culture and change in social complexion
 Displacements of people
 Loss of livelihood
 Decrease in sex ratio (number of females per 1,000 males)
 Increase in the cost of living
 Development of civic facilities
 Changes in income pattern
 Urbanization
 Education and medical facilities
 Infrastructure facilities
 Aspirations of the society
 Safety of the people and property
 Societal costs of enviromental pollution
Impacts on Ecology
 Clearing of all vegetation
 Deforestation in the forest areas for the mining
 Disturbances to the wild life and other fauna
 Retardation in the growth of vegetation
 Degradation of aquatic flora and fauna
Impacts on Land
 Changes on topography
 Changes in land use pattern
 Changes in surface drainage pattern
 Alteration in the characteristics of top soil
Impacts on Water
 Removal of all water bodies in the areas
designated for surface mining, dumping, etc.
 Damages to the underground water sources
 Management of surface drainage pattern
 Management of acid mine drainage (AMD)
 Pollution of water in the surface and underground
water bodies
Impacts on Atmosphere
 Suspended particulated matter (SPM)
 Respirable particulated matter (RPM)
 NOx and SO2  Acid rain
Kegiatan Pertambangan vs Dampak Lingkungan Penting

 Penambangan
 Debu (peledakan, penggalian, pengangkutan, dumping
baik untuk OB maupun bijih atau batubara)
 Getaran (peledakan, gerakan truck/alat berat)
 Kebisingan (penggunaan alat berat, peralatan statis)
 Kualitas air akibat erosi dan pelindian/leaching (air asam
tambang) air limpasan.
 Kuantitas air (permukaan maupun bawah tanah.
 Pengolahan atau Pencucian
 Debu (crushing, stockpiling)
 Getaran (operasi peralatan di pabrik pengolahan)
 Kualitas air limbah dari proses pengolahan
 Penanganan Konsentrat
 Debu (drying, stocpiling)
 Getaran (operasi peralatan di pabrik pengeringan)
 Kebisingan (operasi peralatan di pabrik pengeringan)
 Kualitas air limbah dari proses dewatering dan pengeringan
 Penanganan batubara tercuci
 Debu (penumpahan dari belt conveyer
 Getaran dan kebisingan (operasi peralatan di timbunan)
 Kualitas air (air lindian bersifat asam)
 Penanganan tailing
 Di laut – kualitas air laut
 Di darat – timbunan tailing
 Transportasi penimbunan BBM
 Ceceran BBM, terutama jika terjadi kebocoran
 Workshop
 Ceceran oli dan BBM
 kebisingan
 Kualitas udara
 Kebisingan dan getaran
 Limbah B3 (fly and bottom ash, used oil)
 Transportasi orang
 Getaran dan debu
 Pemukiman
 Domestic waste – berakibat pada kualitas air
Pengelolaan Lingkungan
 Hilangnya vegetasi  membatasi luas lahan yang dibuka.
 Bentuk dan kondisi lahan  pembentukan bentang alam
 Kondisi dan kualitas lahan  pengaturan material timbunan
dan penebaran tanah pucuk.
 Kualitas dan aliran air  meminimalkan erosi, kolam
pengendapan, pengaturan aliran permukaan, pengendalian
air asam tambang.
 Kebisingan, debu dan getaran  pengaturan pola
peledakan, penyiraman jalan
 Limbah  penimbunan tailing, pengelolaan hidrokarbon
Top Soil

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