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Three-Dimensional Wortex

Structure in a Leading-Edge
Kyuro Sasaki
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mining Engineering,
Separation Bubble at Moderate
Mining College,
Akita University,
Akita, 010 Japan
Reynolds Numbers
This paper describes the results of a flow visualization study which concerns three-
Masaru Kiya dimensional vortex structures in a leading-edge separation bubble formed along the
sides of a blunt flat plate. Dye and hydrogen bubbles were used as tracers. Reynolds
Department of Mechanical Engineering, number (Re), based on the plate thickness, was varied from 80 to 800. For 80 <
Hokkaido University, Re < 320, the separated shear layer remains laminar up to the reattachment line
Sapporo, 060 Japan without significant spanwise distortion of vortex filaments. For 320 < Re < 380,
a A-shaped deformation of vortex filaments appears shortly downstream of the
reattachment and is arranged in-phase in the downstream direction. For Re > 380,
hairpin-like structures are formed and arranged in a staggered manner. The lon-
gitudinal and spanwise distances of the vortex arrangement are presented as functions
of the Reynolds number.

1 Introduction
Flows with separation and reattachment have long been sub- reported by Lane and Loehrke (1980) and Ota et al. (1981) at
jects of fluids engineering research. Previous studies on the low and moderate Reynolds numbers.
separation-reattachment flows (hereinafter referred to as a Three-dimensional vortex structures in turbulent shear flows
"separation bubble") have demonstrated that the flows are have been reported by many authors. Head and Bandyopa-
highly unsteady and are dominated by large-scale vortices in dhyay (1981) showed by flow visualizations that turbulent
the separated shear layer (Kiya and Sasaki, 1983 and 1985; boundary layers at high Reynolds numbers appear to consist
Kiya, 1989; Cherry et al., 1984). Bradshaw and Wong (1972) of closely packed hairpin vortices or vortex pairs which incline
and Sigurdson (1986) give excellent reviews of the flow in this with an angle in the downstream direction. Perry et al. (1981)
category. observed A-shape vortices in a flow behind a vibrating trip
Observations of vortices in the separation bubble formed wire.
by boundary-layer separation at the leading edge of a blunt The purpose of this work is to describe the results of a flow
flat plate are reported by Lane and Loehrke (1980), Ota et al. visualization study on the development and arrangement of
(1981), Kiya (1989), and Sigurdson and Roshko (1984) at low three-dimensional vortex deformation and on arrangement of
and moderate Reynolds numbers. Cherry et al. (1984) present large scale vortices in the leading edge separation bubble at
instantaneous smoke flow visualizations synchronized with moderate Reynolds numbers.
pressure fluctuation wave forms at high Reynolds numbers. Symbols are defined in Fig. 1. The Cartesian coordinates x,
Kiya and Sasaki (1985) suggest a three-dimensional U-shape y, z are defined in such a way that the *-axis is in the longi-
vortex structure in the reattachment region on the basis of tudinal direction, the/-axis is vertically outward from the side,
conditionally-averaged velocity fluctuations. Kiya (1989) shows and the z-axis is normal to the x- and .y-axes to form a right-
an aspect of the three-dimensional flow patterns at moderate handed system. The origin is located at the separation edge of
Reynolds numbers. Sigurdson (1986), Sigurdson and Roshko the plate, whose thickness is denoted by 2H. The longitudinal
(1984), and Kiya et al. (1983) reported that the vortex loops and spanwise distances between the large-scale vortices are
are sometimes arranged in a staggered pattern. However, the ' denoted by lx and lz, respectively. The velocity at infinity up-
deformation process of three-dimensional vortices and their stream is denoted by Ux. The time-mean bubble length is
arrangements in the separation bubble are not well understood. written as xR.
The relation between bubble length and Reynolds number is
2 Experimental Apparatus and Methods
2.1 Water Channel. Visualizations were performed in a
recirculating open water channel as shown in Fig. 2. The rec-
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL
OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division tangular shaped test section of the channel had dimensions of
July 24, 1990. 200 mm in width, 250 mm in depth, and 800 mm in length.

Journal of Fluids Engineering SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 113 / 405

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Uca Z

Fig. 1 Configuration of flow and definition of symbols 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

600 Fig. 3 Longitudinal turbulence intensity in main flow

except the boundary layers along the bottom and side walls in
a range £/„ = 10-100 mm/s. The uncertainty in Re was ±5

2.3 Measurements of Turbulence Intensity of Main
reservoir reservoir Flow. The longitudinal turbulence intensity of the main flow
Flow straightener was measured by a linearized constant-temperature hot-wire
anemometer using a hot-film sensor 51 ^m in diameter (pro-
duced by Thermo-System Inc.). The calibration curves were
linear within ±5 percent. A low-path filter (40 dec./oct., cut-
off frequency = 40 Hz) to cut electronic noises of the constant
temperature hot-film velocimeter. The equivalent turbulence
level relating to the electronic noises was approximately 0.2-
0.3 percent of the main flow velocity.
Figure 3 shows the turbulence intensity (w'2)1/2/[/oo where
u' is the longitudinal velocity fluctuation as a function of U„.
Fig. 2 Recirculating open channel (dimensions in mm) The higher the main-flow velocity, the lower is the turbulence
intensity; for example, the turbulence intensity was approxi-
mately 0.6 percent at U„ = 80 mm/s.
2.4 Blunt Flat Plates. The blunt flat plates tested were
No appreciable waves were observed on the free surface during made from smooth acrylic-resin. Three test plates of thick-
the experiments. Most parts of the channel consisted of 10 mm nesses 2H = 20, 10, and 5 mm were employed. The radius of
thick transparent acrylic-resin plates for the purpose of flow the corner is less than 0.1 mm. The spanwise width of all the
visualization. The vortex structures were observed through the plates were 250 mm. Since the spanwise length of the plates
free surface and from the sides of the test section. immersed in water was 200 mm, their aspect ratio ranged from
The water was circulated by a small centrifugal pump. The 10 to 40. The channel-wall blockage ratio ranged from 2.5 to
velocity in the test section was controlled by a throttle valve 10 percent. No end plates were used. The plates were mounted
in a return pipe. The water was passed through two screens, vertically along the centerline of the test section. The length
a series of honeycombs (4 mm in cell size) and a bell entrance of the plates was 480 mm long enough to realize the leading-
before flowing into the test section. The depth of water in the edge separation bubble of a semi-infinite blunt plate, because
test section, controlled by an inclined plate at the entrance of the maximum bubble length is not longer than 150 mm (Lane
the downstream reservoir, was 200 mm. and Loehrke, 1980). The exact alignment of the plate was
determined such that a bifurcation of the stagnation streamline
2.2 Measurements of Mean Velocity of the Uniform visualized by the dye was symmetric.
Flow. The time-mean velocity of the main flow in the test
section ([/„) was obtained by measuring distances between two
timelines of hydrogen bubbles. The timelines were produced 2.5 Flow Visualization. The flow was visualized by two
by a pulsed voltage from a straight wire of 50 /jm in diameter methods. The first was a dye tracer method using fluorescent
and 210 mm in length. The timelines were not completely natrium solution (specific gravity = 1.006); this was used to
straight because the hydrogen bubbles did not leave the wire visualize the flow in *y-plane (Fig. 1). The dye was injected
simultaneously. The distances between two consecutive time- into the boundary layer along the front face through a 0.8 mm
lines were fairly constant in the spanwise and downstream diameter hole located at the stagnation point in the midspan
directions; the uncertainty of the velocity measurement was plane. The injection velocity of the dye as sufficiently low so
estimated to be ±2 percent. The longitudinal velocity profile as not to disturb the boundary layer along the front face. The
was uniform within about ±3 percent over the test section dye was taken into the shear layer starting from the separation


H = half thickness of plate

Ix = longitudinal distance between U„, = uniform velocity at infinity up-
large-scale vortices stream xR bubble length
lz = spanwise distance between u' = fluctuating velocity of uniform y coordinate normal to plate sur-
large-scale vortices flow face
Re = Reynolds number based on x = longitudinal coordinate along z coordinate in spanwise direction
plate thickness, IHU^/v plate surface v kinetic viscosity

406 / Vol. 113, SEPTEMBER 1991 Transactions of the ASME

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point. The second method used fine hydrogen bubbles to vis-
ualize the three-dimensional deformation of vortex filaments I "' Hydrogen BUbble

flO: I ~ \-~-~ :-;~-?:-~-c-)-:~,'.~ -: "':~:I- ~-·j;-·:.·:-·---~

and the formation of large vortices. The hydrogen bubbles
were continuously generated from a platinum wire 200 mm z P late
long and 50 Itm in diameter placed on the side face 0.3 mm
downstream of the separation line. The fine hydrogen bubbles
concentrate into the vortex center. This is because the density '::.- : --' ...
of the hydrogen bubbles is much less than that of water so l"'-· 'J,:
.::: .~..:"
that the centrifugal force acting on the bubbles in a vortex is
overcome by the pressure gradient. The voltage supplied to Wire
the bubble generator was controlled to produce hydrogen bub- Fig. 4 Method to obtain reattachment point
bles less than 0.1 mm in diameter.
The dye and the hydrogen bubbles were, respectively, made
visible by a sheet of light inserted through the side wall of the
channel and by a sheet of light reflected by a mirror located
under the bottom of the channel. The light was produced by
a 500 W slide projector. Photographs were taken with ASA-
400 films and the exposure time of 1/60 s. 10
2.6 Measurement of Bubble Length. The time-mean bub-
ble length XR is defined as the distance between the leading
--- --- ---------
edge and the time-mean reattachment line. The reattachment Present Exp.
line was determined as follows: The hydrogen bubbles were 0 2H ~5.0 mm
generated from the platinum wire which was placed on the '" 1 0 mm
plate surface near the reattachment line and inclined at an [c 20 mm
angle of 30 deg with respect to the spanwise direction. Figure - Lon. 80 Loehrk.(1980)
4 shows a sketch of the observed motion of the hydrogen --- Oto et at. (1981)
bubbles. Although the hydrogen bubbles have a tendency to
rise up toward the free surface, their motion in the longitudinal
direction clearly demonstrated an instantaneous reattachment
position. The time-mean reattachment position was determined Fig. 5 Bubble length versus Reynolds number. (Uncertainty in bound·
aries of regime I-III = ±5 percent of Re)
by observing the motion of the instantaneous reattachment
with the aid of a range finder. The uncertainty of measured
XR was estimated to be ±0.2H. The measurements of reat-
tachment point were made in a spanwise region ± 3H from I
the midspan. A difference in the bubble length in this region
was less than ±0.2H. ....--
3 Experimental Results and Discussion (a) Re=l99
3.1 Time-Mean Bubble Length. Figure 5 shows the time-
mean bubble length XR plotted against the Reynolds number
Re = 2HU",/v where v is kinetic viscosity together with the
results of Lane and Loehrke (1980) and Ota et al. (1981).
Differences between the present and other authors' results are
probably associated with different methods to determine XR,
plate lengths, methods of visualization, blockage ratios, aspect
ratios, and main flow turbulence intensity.
In the present experiment the separation bubble appeared
where Re > 80, while Lane and Loehrke (1980) observed it
in a range Re > 100. The bubble length is seen to attain a
maximum of about 13H at Re = 320, agreeing with the results
of the previous authors. If the bubble length in a range 80 <
Re < 320 is shown in the log-log plot, the bubble length is
approximately proportional to Re2 in the same range of Re. 5H .1 (e) Re=315
Ota et al. 's (1981) results for blunt flat plates with various
nose shapes do not have the same relation. Goldstein et al. Fig.6 Side view of separated shear layer In regime I (dye tracer, I; xtJ
(1970) and Back and Roschke (1972) showed that for a down-
ward-facing step and for an abrupt circular pipe expansion,
XR increases linearly with Re up to Re "" 500 and 250 respec-
into three regimes: regime I (80 <: Re < 320), regime II (320
tively. < Re < 380), and regime III (Re > 380).
The sudden decrease of XR in a range 320 < Re < 380 is
associated with the onset of rolling-up of the separated shear 3.2 Vortex Structure in Regime 1(80 < Re < 320). The
layer. For larger Reynolds numbers Re > 380, XR takes a flow patterns in the midspan xy-plane, which were visualized
constant value of approximately 9H. Results by Lane and by the dye, are shown in Fig. 6(a)-(c) for three Reynolds
Loehrke (1980) seem to follow the same trend up to Re "" numbers in regime 1. At low Reynolds numbers Re = 80
500, while Ota et al. 's (1981) results show a gradual decrease - 300 (Fig. 6(a) and (b», the shear layer remains laminar up
up to Re "" 1600. to the reattachment line experiencing no rolling up; the span-
The above feature of XR suggests an intimate connection wise distortion of the shear layer was also insignificant. An
between the bubble length and the vortex structure in the shear instability wave in the shear layer such as the one shown in
layer. Moreover, Fig. 5 suggests that the flow can be classified Fig. 6(c) was observed near Re = 320. The instability wave

Journal of Fluids Engineering SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 113/407

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(a) Re=464 t
Flg.7 Side view of vortices in regime II (dye tracer, I; XR)

(b) Re=515 ,

Fig.8 Top view 01 vortices in regime II (hydrogen bubbles, I; x,,)

Fig. 9 Side view of vortices in regime III (dye tracer, I; x,,)

propagates downstream with no spanwise deformation; the

shear layer does not roll up to form large vortices because the Figure 10 shows the top views in regime III at different
viscous force is yet dominant in the range Re < 320. The values of Re. Hairpin-like structures are observed in Figs. lO(a)
instability wave in the shear layer is also reported by previous and (b). Their legs are enormously stretched in the longitudinal
authors (Lane and Loehrke, 1980; Goldstein et al., 1970; Back direction, so that the vortices looks like a vortex ring. The
and Roschke, 1972; Cherdronetal.,1978). vortices are generally arranged in a staggered manner. The
deformation of vortex filaments near separation line appears
3.3 Vortex Structure in Regime II (320 51{~5380).\. The to be affected by a spanwise nonuniformity of the velocity
flow pattern in regime II in the midspan xy-plane is shown in field induced by the three-dimensional vortices located down-
Fig. 7. The roIling-up of the shear layer and the.f()r ation of
large vortices due to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability were ob-
stream. This induced velocity field might give rise to the stag-
gered arrangement of the large vortices, illustrated in Fig. 11.
served in the range Re > 320. Lane and Loehrke (1980) also The same arrangement is reported by previous authors (Sig-
observed that the separated shear layer is always unsteady for urdson, 1986; Sigurdson and Roshko, 1984; Kiya et al., 1983).
Re > 325. The staggered arrangement of the hairpin-like structures will
Figure 8 shows the top view of the flow Visualized by the be referred to as "pattern B."
hydrogen bubble method. The pseudo-periodic spanwise de- As the Reynolds number increases, the shape and the ar-
formation of the vortex filaments is clearly observed because rangement of vortices become less regular shown in Fig. lO(c).
the hydrogen bubbles accumulate in the central part of the This is because the amalgamation does not occur uniformly
rolled-up vortices. The deformed vortex filaments have a A- in the spanwise direction and disorders are thus superimposed
shaped downstream of reattachment line. The vortices are ar- at every amalgamation. These disorders may produce high-
ranged in phase in the downstrea ll1 qirection. Similar vortex frequency random velocity fluctuations at high Reynolds num-
structures are reported by Perry et al. (1981) for a flow behind bers.
a vibrating trip wire. The straight vortex filaments downstream
of the separation line are probably unstable to certain spanwise 3.5 Longitudinal and Spanwise Distances Between Vor-
disturbances. If such a disturbance slightly deforms the Vortex tices. The longitudinal and spanwise distances between large
filaments, the combination of the self-induced velocity and the vortices Ix and Iz were obtained in the region 0.6 < X/XR
velocity gradient in the shear layer further deforms the vortex < 2.0. Values of Ix and Iz were obtained from the top view
filaments. The inherent wave length is probably dependent on photographs and are shown in Figs. 12 and 13; the experimental
the radius of core of the vortex filaments, and thus on the uncertainty was less than ± O.75H. The distances Ix and Iz are
Reynolds number. The in-phase arrangement of the A-shape almost the same and have values of approximately Ix = Iz
vortices will be referred to as "pattern A." = (4 - 5)H for pattern A and (6 - 8)H for pattern B. A
wind tunnel experiment at a high Reynolds number Re = 2.6
3.4 Vortex Structure in Regime III (Re > 380). Flow x 104 (Kiya and Sasaki, 1985) suggests Ix = (7 - 8)H and Iz
patterns in regime III in the xy-plane are shown in Fig. 9. The = (5 - 7)H, which are close to the above results for pattern
separated shear layer becomes thinner and thus the point where B.
it begins to roll up is further upstream than that in regime II.
The amalgamation of two or three rolled-up vortices is ob-
served in the middle of the bubble (0.3 < X/XR < 0.8); the 4 Conclusions
amalgamation produces large-scale vortices with three dimen- Three-dimensional vortex structures in a leading-edge sep-
sional structures. The number of the amalgamation increases aration bubble formed along the sides of a blunt flat plate
with Re, thus the three-dimensional structure appears at a were studied by flow visualization techniques in a Reynolds
position further upstream. In Fig. 9(c), the dye indicates a number range 80 < Re < 800. Results can be summarized as
three-dimensional twisting motion. follows:

408 I Vol. 113, SEPTEMBER 1991 Transactions of the ASME

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(a) Re=397 o'::-:-_--'__-'-__--'--__"':-:-_--'___='
100 300 R~ 500 700
Fig. 12 Longitudinal distance /x versus Reynolds number (- . -, un·
certainty limit; uncertainty in boundaries of regime I-III = ±5 percent
of Re)

10 6.
I 6.
Pattern A : 6.-..6.-i:-'6._--
"": :6.flg 6.6.
:t ~ :A~ .. ~ ~ t. ~ 6 6
16 !- ~ ~
!.l ~~g
6 6

6 -i~. Q.g_-A_
2,6 6
(b) Re=467
=-._2, 6
, li 6
I I 6
2 I I
No rolled-up:: Pattern B
vort ices I :
100 300 R~ 500 700
Fig. 13 Spanwise distance /, versus Reynolds number (- . -, uncer·
tainty limit; uncertainty in boundaries of regime I-III = ± 5 percent of

ble length increases with Re 2 • The maximum bub-

ble length XR is approximately 13H.
10H t~ (c) Re=583 (b) In regime II (320 < Re < 380), the shear layer
rolls up to form A-shape vortices shortly down-
Fig.10 Top view of vortices in regime III (hydrogen bUbbles, I; x,J stream of the reattachment line; these vortices are
arranged in phase in the longitudinal direction.
The bubble length decreases sharply with increas-
ing Re.
(c) In regime III (Re > 380), hairpin-like structures
are formed and arranged in a staggered manner.
The bubble length is approximately constant.

-N (3) The longitudinal and spanwise distances Ix and Iz of the
arrangement of the large vortices are almost the same
in the region 0.6 < X/XR < 2. The values of Ix and Iz
in regimes II and III are approximately (4 - 5)H and
(6 - 8)H.
4 __
This work was supported by a grant-in-aid from the Taro
Yamashita Memorial Scholarship Society (Akita, Japan). This
paper was written while K. Sasaki waS a visitor in the De-
Fig. 11 Illustration of mechanism to generate staggered manner of partment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta,
vortices Canada. The authors would like to express their thanks to Mr.
M. Yasukawa for his assistance in the flow visualization, and
to Dr. S. Tamura (Hokkaido University), Dr. L. W. Sigurdson
(1) The time-mean bubble length is given as a function of (University of Alberta), and Dr. K. C. Cheng (University of
Reynolds number. Alberta) for their helpful discussions.
(2) The vortex structure can be classified into three regimes.
(a) In regime I (80 < Re < 320), the shear layer References
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Journal of Fluids Engineering SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 113/409

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