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我覺得自己不會珍惜機會 年紀輕輕 啥事不敢幹 怕失敗怕被排擠 各種負面思想通通浮

出來 讓自己想開始的念頭慢慢消失 信心也沒有了 自己不能自信起來 自己的相信的東

西也不在 想幹起勁起不來 年紀輕輕 啥東西都沒有很正常的啦 傻佬 再來啊 想東西的確
不夠人家快啦 不夠快就去加料 或者 加大社交圈 很容易 講講就可以 看書 補充營養 講
廢話 also can 從 low 、學起來 自己話是很少啦 可是不是一兩天學回來好嗎? 凡是都是
從試試回來 實驗之類的 才會經驗 想法這些自己比較少嘛 因為從小自己一直都是媽媽
照顧周到 不用自己來 弄到自己真的沒主見 沒有自己獨特一面 沒有獨立思想 是不是自
己真的需要 現在 21 歲快 22 了老實現在出來大學 脫離老母 突然會有大大間隔 自己真
的適應不來啦 大學只是半個社會吧了 自己覺得都不好過了 出社會還得了 有牌受苦 認
真過每一天去 一天比一天好 那才是成長 例如今天 pumping10 次明天 11 次那樣嘛 在大
學 朋友很少真心的 維持關係都要錢 出社會更多應酬吧 想辦法讓自己有額外收入 或者
學習多點防身知識 多去思考 不要給大腦卡住 很浪費的 大學朋友真的不好融入 不像中
小學 因為各有各的東西吧 哪像在學校的時候時常在一起之類的 這裡就像在外面的人路
過吧了 見到面就打個招呼 提起手 漲大眼睛 露牙微笑哈哈 看起來開朗咯 我覺得應該勇
敢的去勇敢作吧了大不了再來 lo fuck 尷尬才幾個小時 做任何東西著急不來的 沉下心冷
靜思考 事情的根本 從而得到想法去改變真正致命點 ,像 AFIZ 那樣把 第 4 學期就知道
他怎樣的人了 好期待他的成績,期待之前請做好自己的東西用盡全力去幹一把 我想說

自己想做的東西總是提不起勁 這原因包括身體方面和心態那裡。 身體的話盡量多去運

動例如拉筋 跑步 pumping 之類 讓自己氣血通順 每天認真過完一天它 晚上就會容易睡
覺 不容易發夢 咬牙 那病情逐漸好起來 心態那邊呢就要時時刻刻保持良好心情 不保證
自己能做到 可是在 normal 水準已經很不錯了 hmmm 不要縮頭烏龜啦 放膽量去做!
North–South Airline In January 2008, Northern Airlines merged with Southeast Airlines to
create the fourth largest U.S. carrier. The new North–South Airline inherited both an aging
fleet of Boeing 727-300 aircraft and Stephen Ruth. Stephen was a tough former Secretary of
the Navy who stepped in as new president and chairman of the board. Stephen’s first
concern in creating a financially solid company was maintenance costs. It was commonly
surmised in the airline industry that maintenance costs rise with the age of the aircraft. He
quickly noticed that historically there had been a significant difference in the reported B727-
300 maintenance costs (from ATA Form 41s) both in the airframe and engine areas between
Northern Airlines and Southeast Airlines, with Southeast having the newer fleet. On
February 12, 2008, Peg Jones, vice president for operations and maintenance, was called
into Stephen’s office and asked to study the issue. Specifically, Stephen wanted to know
whether the average fleet age was correlated to direct airframe maintenance costs, and
whether there was a relationship between average fleet age and direct engine maintenance
costs. Peg was to report back by February 26 with the answer, along with quantitative and
graphical descriptions of the relationship.

Peg’s first step was to have her staff construct the average age of Northern and
Southeast B727-300 fleets, by quarter, since the introduction of that aircraft to service by
each airline in late 1993 and early 1994. The average age of each fleet was calculated by first
multiplying the total number of calendar days each aircraft had been in service at the
pertinent point in time by the average daily utilization of the respective fleet to total fleet
hours flown. The total fleet hours flown was then divided by the number of aircraft in
service at that time, giving the age of the “average” aircraft in the fleet.

The average utilization was found by taking the actual total fleet hours flown on
September 30, 2007, from Northern and Southeast data, and dividing by the total days in
service for all aircraft at that time. The average utilization for Southeast was 8.3 hours per
day, and the average utilization for Northern was 8.7 hours per day. Because the available
cost data were calculated for each yearly period ending at the end of the first quarter,
average fleet age was calculated at the same points in time. The fleet data are shown in the
following table. Airframe cost data and engine cost data are both shown paired with fleet
average age in that table

Discussion Question 1. Prepare Peg Jones’s response to Stephen Ruth. Note: Dates and
names of airlines and individuals have been changed in this case to maintain confidentiality.
The data and issues described here are real.

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