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Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office

Order Number: Title: Order Type: Version:
202 Detainee Transport A 3
Release Code: Owner: Effective Date: Page:
R Director of Patrol & Enforcement 12/02/2019 1 of 9

Table of Contents
I. Purpose of the Policy
II. Procedures
A. General Transportation Procedures
B. Transportation from the Point of Arrest
C. Detainee Transportation by Aircraft
D. Medical Treatment for Detainees
E. Transportation for Special Reasons
F. Escape of a Detainee Prior to Booking
G. Detainee Transport Vans

I. Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this order is to provide procedures for Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO)
personnel when transporting detainees.

II. Procedures

A. General Transportation Procedures

1. All JSO vehicles that may be used to transport detainees shall be searched by the
transporting officer at the beginning of each shift and prior to and after transporting
detainees to ensure that no weapons, potential weapons, contraband, and/or evidence are
present. [CALEA 70.1.2]

2. All detainees shall be searched by the transporting officer prior to being placed in the
vehicle. [CALEA 70.1.1]

3. All detainees shall be handcuffed or otherwise restrained during transport. Under no

circumstances shall a detainee be handcuffed or manacled to the inside of a vehicle. [CALEA

4. Transporting officers shall deliver all applicable documentation pertaining to the detainee to
the destination facility’s Receiving Officer. The documentation may include commitment
papers, medical records, personal property, and/or identification (e.g., driver’s licenses,
State ID, or United States [U.S.] Armed Forces ID). [CALEA 70.1.6, 70.5.1]

5. Detainees who are being transported from a detention facility must be identified or verified
by an available photograph (e.g., State or U.S. Armed Forces ID). If the detainee is unable to
be positively identified with an available State or U.S. Armed Forces ID, the officer shall
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ensure the detainee is positively identified via the JSO Identification Unit prior to transfer.
[CALEA 70.5.1]

6. If detainees are sick, injured, or physically disabled and handcuffs are impractical due to the
condition of the detainees, alternate restraining devices should be utilized unless the
condition of the detainees renders them harmless. [CALEA 70.2.1, 70.3.1, CFA 21.01]

a. Extreme care must be taken to ensure the use of the restraining devices will not worsen
the condition or injury of the detainees. Pregnant detainees shall be restrained in
accordance with Order 553 (Physical Restraints). [CALEA 70.2.1]

b. Anytime detainees become sick or injured, their condition must be checked by medical
personnel (i.e., doctor, emergency medical technician [EMT], a Contracted Health
Services Provider [CHSP] nurse, etc.) as soon as it is safe and practical. [CALEA 70.1.6]

7. All vehicles used primarily for transporting detainees shall be equipped with a safety barrier
separating the driver from the detainees. [CALEA 70.1.3, 70.4.1]

8. Vehicles used for transporting detainees shall have window cranks and door handles
removed from the rear compartment. Door release locks shall be operated from the front
compartment or from the outside of the vehicle. [CALEA 70.4.2]

9. The safe delivery of the detainee is the primary duty of transporting officers. If called on for
assistance, officers shall render it only when the risk to the third parties is both clear and
grave and the risk to the detainee is minimal. [CALEA 70.1.4]

10. Detainees are not permitted visitors.

11. Detainees shall not be permitted to use any electronic communication device (e.g., cell
phones, tablets, smart watches, etc.) while being transported. These devices shall be
secured by the transporting officer and submitted with the detainee’s general property.
[CALEA 70.1.5]

12. Transporting officers shall make any receiving facility aware of any potential hazards that
exist, such as suicidal tendencies, escape risks, or unusual illnesses. [CALEA 70.1.8, 70.5.1]

13. When transporting officers reach their destination with a detainee, prior to entering any
detention facility, they shall secure all weapons either in their vehicle or in the facility’s
firearms lock boxes. Any restraining devices will be removed from the detainee after
securing the detainee in the detention facility. [CALEA 70.1.6]

14. All citizens (non-suspects) shall be patted down for weapons. Officers shall not transport any
citizen who refuses to be patted down for weapons. No citizen being transported shall have
access to a weapon. Those citizens with a valid concealed weapons permit shall have their
weapon secured in the transporting vehicle away from their person.

B. Transportation from the Point of Arrest

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1. Arresting officers shall transport detainees or cause them to be transported directly to the
booking point without delay. Generally, detainees will not be accompanied, transported, or
allowed access to their residences, rooms, or elsewhere except with the consent of a
supervisor. Exceptions to this general rule include:

a. Situations where there is a need to interview the detainee at the Police Memorial
Building (PMB) before booking;

b. Situations where the detainee is transported to a facility for medical or mental health
treatment before being admitted into the Pretrial Detention Facility (PDF);

c. A misdemeanant eligible to be issued a Notice to Appear (NTA) Citation; and

d. Juvenile detainees when a disposition other than physical arrest and booking at Intake is
to be used.

2. Detainees shall not be transported by an officer who is alone in any police vehicle, unless
such vehicle is equipped with a safety barrier to transport detainees. Non-uniformed
personnel (e.g., detectives, warrant officers, etc.) may have to deviate from this procedure
on some occasions. When this occurs, extreme caution should be used during these
transports by using proper procedure, such as handcuffing the detainees’ hands behind
them and having a second officer sit behind the driver with the detainee in the passenger
side backseat. Detainees are to be secured with seat belts in vehicles without a safety
barrier. [CALEA 41.3.3]

3. Officers shall not lose sight of nor leave a detainee unattended after the detainee is placed
in a police vehicle for transportation. A detainee shall not be removed after being placed in
the vehicle except at the point of destination unless an extreme emergency exists.

a. If a detainee becomes extremely violent and is in danger of escaping, hurting

himself/herself, or damaging the vehicle, the officer shall request emergency traffic (10-
33) and assistance (Signal 35), give his location, and proceed to take action. [CFA 21.01]

b. If a detainee is not in danger of escaping, hurting himself/herself, or damaging the

vehicle, but the detainee needs to be removed, the officer shall obtain a supervisor's
approval before removing the detainee.

c. If a detainee is moved from one vehicle to a transporting vehicle, a supervisor's approval

is not needed.

4. A juvenile detainee shall not be transported in a vehicle with an adult detainee unless they
were arrested together for the same offense or incident. All juvenile detainees under the
age of 18 must be restrained by a safety belt or child restraint device. [CALEA 41.3.3, CFA
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5. A female detainee shall not be transported in a vehicle with a male detainee unless they
were arrested together for the same offense or incident (exception: Fugitive Unit). When
Fugitive Unit detectives must transport a female detainee with a male detainee, a transport
van or other vehicle with separated compartments shall be used whenever possible to
prevent contact between the female and male detainee(s). [CFA 21.01]

6. When transporting detainees of the opposite sex or other individuals of the opposite sex
(except authorized observers) officers shall use the Mobile Data Computer (MDC) Status
Change screen to transmit beginning mileage to headquarters. The Status Change screen
will also be used to report ending mileage upon arrival at the point of destination. Officers
shall use the following procedures when transporting individuals of the opposite sex and
recording mileage: [CFA 21.01]

a. Just prior to departure from your starting point, check-out on a Status Change screen
using the appropriate signal corresponding with the type of call currently logged-out on
(i.e., 10-15, 10-12, etc.);

b. Enter the destination in the location field by either numerical address, nearest
intersecting streets, or, if en route to the PDF;

c. Use the "Comments" section of the Status Change screen to indicate the following:

(1) The race and sex of the individual being transported; and

(2) The current odometer reading of your vehicle as the beginning mileage.

d. An example of this procedure would be as follows: “COMMENT: 10-51 with W/F to PDF,
beg. 30243.”

e. Upon arrival at the given destination, enter the ending mileage on a Status Change
screen and send the screen. The ending mileage will be recorded, time stamped, and
stored in the computer if needed for future reference;

f. Upon total completion of the original call, check back using the proper codes and the
screen; and

g. If the MDC system is inoperable at the time, mileage will be given via voice radio.

7. If the nature of a detainee’s handicap prevents the use of a patrol vehicle for transportation,
the transporting officer shall request a supervisor's assistance in determining an appropriate
source of alternate transportation. Transportation should be provided by a vehicle that is
capable of transporting a non-ambulatory or handicapped individual, such as an ambulance,
van, bus, etc. [CFA 21.01]

8. Anytime an arrest is made of a wheelchair dependent person, the arresting officer shall
ensure the wheelchair is transported to the PDF for use by the detainee. Officers unable to
transport both the wheelchair and the detainee shall notify the PDF watch lieutenant
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immediately. The PDF watch lieutenant shall dispatch an approved van to the scene and
transport the detainee in the wheelchair. If the PDF watch lieutenant is unable to guarantee
a 30 minute response time to the scene, the officer shall transport the detainee without the
chair. The arresting officer shall secure the wheelchair before he leaves the scene. The
officer will provide the PDF watch lieutenant with a location of the wheelchair and the name
of a contact person. The PDF van driver shall pick up the wheelchair as soon as possible and
return it to the detainee for his/her use. [CFA 21.01]

C. Detainee Transportation by Aircraft

1. Transporting officers shall deliver all applicable documentation pertaining to the detainee to
the destination facility’s receiving officer. The documentation may include commitment
papers, medical records, personal property, and/or identification (e.g., driver’s license, State
ID, or U.S. Armed Forces ID). [CALEA 70.5.1, 70.1.6]

2. Detainees being transported must be identified by photograph, arm band information, a

State ID, or a U.S. Armed Forces ID, if available, and by personnel at the facility as the
detainee who is to be transported. [CALEA 70.5.1]

3. During the lengthy transport of a detainee where a meal is required, a place will be picked
for such meals at random. The detainee will be given reasonable opportunities to use toilet

4. Transporting officers will obtain confirmation of the receiving officer taking custody of the
detainee. [CALEA 70.1.6]

5. On commercial flights the officer will ensure that:

a. Detainees wear a leg restraint device at all times while aboard the aircraft or in the
terminal building;

b. They carry handcuffs for emergency use;

c. Alcohol will not be consumed by the detainee or the escort officer;

d. An airline representative is notified at least one hour in advance of departure time or as

soon as practical, that a detainee is being escorted. In all cases, this will result in being

e. Detainees and officers occupy the rear most available seats that are not near an exit or a
lounge area;

f. The detainee will not occupy an aisle seat;

g. An airline representative at the respective airline ticket counter is notified before

boarding if a weapon is to be worn by officers. The airline representative will have the
officers fill out the necessary forms for flying armed. The officers will take their plane
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tickets and the forms to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officer at the
security checkpoint. The TSA officer will make notifications to the appropriate personnel
before allowing the officers to board the plane;

h. Leg restraint devices, handcuffs, and paperwork will not be checked, but will be hand
carried aboard the airplane;

i. Officers and detainees will deplane after all other passengers have left the plane; and

j. Prior to flying armed on a commercial aircraft, officer(s) shall attend a “Law

Enforcement Officers Flying Armed” class for certification pursuant to the
Transportation Security Administration requirements (49 CFR, Part 1544, section 219).
Additionally, any police officer flying armed on a commercial aircraft must be on official
business and must carry a letter on Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) official letterhead
authorizing the armed travel. The letter must be signed by a supervisor.

D. Medical Treatment for Detainees

1. Upon effecting an arrest of an individual who is in need of medical treatment, the officer

a. Request rescue at the scene if injuries are serious enough to warrant immediate
attention (e.g., severe bleeding, unconsciousness, or other severe trauma);

b. Transport the detainee expeditiously (prior to completing reports or other duties) to UF

Health Jacksonville; or

c. Transport the detainee to the nearest medical facility if the detainee appears to be in
acute distress.

2. Normally, detainees will be transported to UF Health Jacksonville for medical treatment.

However, if the medical condition warrants transporting the detainee to a closer medical
facility, the officer shall seek the closest facility. Transporting officers shall notify their
supervisor of the action taken.

3. Any time a detainee arrives at the PDF who is bleeding or complains of injury or illness, CHSP
personnel shall check the detainee prior to admission. CHSP personnel shall decide whether
further examination by a physician is required prior to admission.

4. If, in the opinion of CHSP personnel, the detainee cannot be accepted by the PDF, the police
officer shall be responsible for transporting the detainee to a hospital for further

5. Detainees needing hospital treatment after being admitted to the PDF shall be transported
by Department of Corrections (DOC) personnel.
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6. Detainees who are known to be contagious (e.g., tuberculosis [TB], Code Alpha, etc.) shall
not be transported by patrol officers. Officers shall contact their immediate supervisor and
arrangements shall be made with the PDF watch lieutenant.

E. Transportation for Special Reasons [CALEA 70.3.3]

The following procedures will be used to transport and control an inmate in special
situations, such as visiting a critically ill person, attending a funeral, the reading of a will, or
any other special occasion:

a. Two officers employed through Secondary Employment shall conduct an assessment to

determine the number of officers required to transport the inmate;

b. The inmate shall wear appropriate restraints; and

c. The inmate shall not be allowed to have any unauthorized personal contact with others.

d. The following rules shall apply for inmate court-ordered attendance at a funeral:

(1) The inmate shall wear the issued prison uniform;

(2) The inmate shall wear waist chains and leg irons, or jail chains;

(3) The officers shall carry a portable radio and log out via MDC or radio at each

(4) The officers shall park as close to the entrance of the funeral service location as

(5) The officers should arrive early enough to allow the inmate time to speak with the
family and/or pay their respects to the deceased;

(6) The officers shall remain in close proximity to the inmate at all times to prevent the
inmate's physical contact with anyone other than immediate family. Conversation
related to pending charges, posing for photographs, possession of any items except
for the order of service, the use of any electronic device, and the consumption of
food or drink are all prohibited.

(7) During the service, the inmate shall sit between officers on the last row of seats at
the funeral service location. No one else will be allowed to sit on that row unless
there is limited seating;

(8) At the graveside service, the inmate shall stay with the officers, and the inmate will
be allowed to visit with the family, if time permits; and
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(9) If the safety of the officers or the inmate is compromised, or if the inmate becomes
unruly, the inmate shall immediately be returned to the correctional facility. [CFA

F. Escape of Detainee Prior to Booking [CALEA 70.1.7]

1. If a detainee escapes custody while being transported or detained, the transporting or

arresting officer shall:

a. Immediately notify the Communications Center of the escapee’s location and physical

b. Attempt to capture the escapee unless doing so would leave other detainees unsecured
or unattended;

c. Notify his supervisor as soon as it is feasible to do so;

d. Complete an Incident Report and other applicable reports to document the escape.

2. Upon being notified of an escape, the supervisor shall:

a. Ensure that all efforts to capture the escapee have been exhausted, including:

(1) Establishing and maintaining an appropriate perimeter;

(2) Coordinating a detailed search;

(3) Requesting assistance from specialized units; and

(4) Notifying the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) so that a Be on the Lookout
(BOLO) can be dispatched.

b. Notify his commanding officer of the incident; and

c. Notify the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction, if the escape occurred outside
Duval County.

G. Detainee Transport Vans

1. Detainee transport vans are available for use at the discretion of the patrol supervisor.

a. When van drivers are sworn officers, all applicable policies and procedures which
pertain to the transportation of detainees by sworn personnel will be followed.

b. Transport vans will be checked out in the same manner as pool cars.
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2. The primary use of the vans will be for the transportation of detainees to the PDF from the
field. If not engaged in transportation and close by, the van may be assigned as a back up to
any call when driven by a sworn officer.

3. Vans may be utilized as part of directed patrol activities whenever the patrol supervisor
determines that such utilization is the most effective deployment of available resources.

4. When the van is deployed as a transport, the patrol supervisor may direct the driver to
patrol certain areas to increase manpower or visibility in that area.

5. Vans may be loaned to other units, sections, etc., at the discretion of the watch commander
or higher authority.

6. When officers call for a transport van, they shall attempt to time their requests so that when
the van arrives, all necessary paperwork is completed and approved by a supervisor. Before
detainees are transported, the supervisor or van driver will notarize the arresting officer’s
signature on the Arrest & Booking Report.

Order 202 Prisoner Transport – v2 became Order 202 Detainee Transport - v3

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