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4.1 Data Analysis

Data analysis is the instrument using the analysis the data collection to the company. It
is used to identified problem in the using the statistical tool analysis. It is used empower
the report solution and make to understand the problem in the company.

4.2 Percentage Analysis

Percentage analysis is the one type of analysis is calculate the identify the total number
of participants and the response of the questionnaire.

percentage = ∗ 100

1. Gender

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Male 118 95.9 95.9 95.9
Valid Female 5 4.1 4.1 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis of the gender question to respondent in this company.
Most of the 95.9% of the male worker working in the company. And the some of the
4.1% of the female worker working in the company.

2. Age

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
18 to 25 80 65.0 65.0 65.0
25 to 35 27 22.0 22.0 87.0
Valid 35 to 45 11 8.9 8.9 95.9
45 above 5 4.1 4.1 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis of the age respondent in the question. Most of the 65% of
the 18 to 25 age employees working in the company. Some of the 22% of the 25 to 35
age employees working in the company. Some of the 8.9% to the 35 to 45 employees
working in the company. Some of the 4.1% to the 45 above the employee working in
the company.

3. The company gets repeat orders for same component

The company gets repeat orders for same component

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly disagree 19 15.4 15.4 15.4
Disagree 14 11.4 11.4 26.8
Valid Agree 68 55.3 55.3 82.1
Strongly Agree 22 17.9 17.9 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis of the company gets repeat orders for same component
respondent of the question. Some of the 15.4% said the strongly disagree in the
question. Some of the 11.4% said this disagree in the question. Most of the 55.3% said
this agree the question. Some of the 17.9% said this strongly agree in the question.

4. There is always raw material shortage in the warehouse

There is always raw material shortage in the warehouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 19 15.4 15.4 15.4

Disagree 17 13.8 13.8 29.3

Agree 78 63.4 63.4 92.7
Strongly Agree 9 7.3 7.3 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis of There is always raw material shortage in the warehouse
respondent of the question. Some of the 15.4% said the strongly disagree in the
question. Some of the 13.8% said this disagree in the question. Most of the 63.4 % said
this agree the question. Some of the 7.3% said this strongly agree in the question.

5. The delivery schedules are well planned

The delivery schedules are well planned

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly disagree 6 4.9 4.9 4.9
Disagree 16 13.0 13.0 17.9
Valid Agree 89 72.4 72.4 90.2
Strongly Agree 12 9.8 9.8 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis the delivery schedules are well planned respondent of the
question. Some of the 4% said the strongly disagree in the question. Some of the 13%
said this disagree in the question. Most of the 72.4 % said this agree the question. Some
of the 9.8% said this strongly agree in the question

6. The products are delivered frequently in small lots

The products are delivered frequently in small lots

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 20 16.3 16.3 16.3

Disagree 49 39.8 39.8 56.1

Valid Agree 48 39.0 39.0 95.1
Strongly Agree 6 4.9 4.9 100.0

Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis the products are delivered frequently in small lots
respondent of the question. Some of the 16.3% said the strongly disagree in the
question. Most of the 39.8% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 39 % said
this agree the question. Some of the 4.9% said this strongly agree in the question

7. We predict the customer demand and accordingly the production
planning is done

We predict the customer demand and accordingly the production planning is done

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Strongly disagree 10 8.1 8.1 8.1

Disagree 25 20.3 20.3 28.5

Agree 69 56.1 56.1 84.6
Strongly Agree 19 15.4 15.4 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis we predict the customer demand and accordingly the
production planning is done respondent of the question. Some of the 8.1% said the
strongly disagree in the question. Some of the 20.3% said this disagree in the question.
most of the 56.1 % said this agree the question. Some of the 15.4% said this strongly
agree in the question

8. We use the Pull production system and no waiting for material at every
work station

We use the Pull production system and no waiting for material at every work station

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Strongly disagree 46 37.4 37.4 37.4

Disagree 54 43.9 43.9 81.3

Agree 20 16.3 16.3 97.6
Strongly Agree 3 2.4 2.4 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis we use the Pull production system and no waiting for
material at every work station respondent of the question. Some of the 37.4% said the
strongly disagree in the question. Some of the 43.9% said this disagree in the question.
Some of the 16.3% said this agree the question. Some of the 2.4% said this strongly
agree in the question

9. Product quantity routing has to be improved in many areas

Product quantity routing has to be improved in many areas

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 6 4.9 4.9 4.9

Disagree 16 13.0 13.0 17.9

Agree 79 64.2 64.2 82.1
Strongly Agree 22 17.9 17.9 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis Product quantity routing has to be improved in many areas
respondent of the question. Some of the 4.9% said the strongly disagree in the question.
Some of the 13% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 64.2% said this agree
the question. Some of the 17.9% said this strongly agree in the question

10. Waiting time for materials at work stations are very high

Waiting time for materials at work stations are very high

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 16 13.0 13.0 13.0

Disagree 26 21.1 21.1 34.1

Agree 54 43.9 43.9 78.0
Strongly Agree 27 22.0 22.0 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis Product quantity routing has to be improved in man
waiting time for materials at work stations are very high respondent of the question.
Some of the 13% said the strongly disagree in the question. Some of the 21.1% said
this disagree in the question. Some of the 43.9% said this agree the question. Some of
the 22% said this strongly agree in the question

11. Rejections are eliminated using fail-proofing method at critical points

Rejections are eliminated using fail-proofing method at critical points

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 20 16.3 16.3 16.3

Disagree 69 56.1 56.1 72.4

Agree 25 20.3 20.3 92.7
Strongly Agree 9 7.3 7.3 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis rejections are eliminated using fail-proofing method at
critical points respondent of the question. Some of the 16.3% said the strongly disagree
in the question. Some of the 56.1% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 20.3%
said this agree the question. Some of the 7.3% said this strongly agree in the question

12. Communication (Top-down and Bottom-top) both ways need to be

Communication (Top-down and Bottom-top) both ways need to be improved

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Strongly disagree 11 8.9 8.9 8.9

Disagree 14 11.4 11.4 20.3

Agree 69 56.1 56.1 76.4
Strongly Agree 29 23.6 23.6 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis Communication (Top-down and Bottom-top) both ways
need to be improved respondent of the question. Some of the 8.9% said the strongly
disagree in the question. Some of the 11.4% said this disagree in the question. Some of
the 56.1% said this agree the question. Some of the 23.6% said this strongly agree in
the question

13. Every place in the organization is neat and well arranged

Every place in the organization is neat and well arranged

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 6 4.9 4.9 4.9

Disagree 18 14.6 14.6 19.5

Agree 75 61.0 61.0 80.5
Strongly Agree 24 19.5 19.5 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis every place in the organization is neat and well-arranged
respondent of the question. Some of the 4.9% said the strongly disagree in the question.
Some of the 14.6% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 61% said this agree
the question. Some of the 19.5% said this strongly agree in the question

14. Most of the products received from suppliers are delivered at point of us

Most of the products received from suppliers are delivered at point of us

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Strongly disagree 6 4.9 4.9 4.9

Disagree 14 11.4 11.4 16.3

Agree 75 61.0 61.0 77.2
Strongly Agree 28 22.8 22.8 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis most of the products received from suppliers are delivered
at point of us respondent of the question. Some of the 4.9% said the strongly disagree
in the question. Some of the 11.4% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 61%
said this agree the question. Some of the 22.8% said this strongly agree in the question

15. Department level meeting are held regularly to solve problems

Department level meeting are held regularly to solve problems

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 4 3.3 3.3 3.3

Disagree 19 15.4 15.4 18.7

Agree 73 59.3 59.3 78.0

Strongly Agree 27 22.0 22.0 100.0

Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis department level meeting are held regularly to solve
problems respondent of the question. Some of the 3.3% said the strongly disagree in
the question. Some of the 15.4% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 59.3%
said this agree the question. Some of the 22% said this strongly agree in the question

16. Whenever a problem occurs, the root cause is identified and solved

Whenever a problem occurs, the root cause is identified and solved

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 11 8.9 8.9 8.9

Disagree 29 23.6 23.6 32.5

Agree 70 56.9 56.9 89.4
Strongly Agree 13 10.6 10.6 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis whenever a problem occurs, the root cause is identified
and solved respondent of the question. Some of the 8.9% said the strongly disagree in
the question. Some of the 23.6% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 56.9%
said this agree the question. Some of the 10.6% said this strongly agree in the question

17. Most of employees are aware about the company’s goal and targets

Most of employees are aware about the company’s goal and targets
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 37 30.1 30.1 30.1

Disagree 48 39.0 39.0 69.1

Agree 24 19.5 19.5 88.6

Strongly Agree 14 11.4 11.4 100.0

Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis most of employees are aware about the company’s goal
and targets respondent of the question. Some of the 30.1% said the strongly disagree in
the question. Some of the 39% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 19.5%
said this agree the question. Some of the 11.4% said this strongly agree in the question

18. The products are sold of lowers price when compared to competitors

The products are sold of lowers price when compared to competitors

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 30 24.4 24.4 24.4

Disagree 50 40.7 40.7 65.0

Agree 32 26.0 26.0 91.1

Strongly Agree 11 8.9 8.9 100.0

Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis the products are sold of lowers price when compared to
competitor’s respondent of the question. Some of the 24.4% said the strongly disagree
in the question. Some of the 40.7% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 26%
said this agree the question. Some of the 8.9% said this strongly agree in the question

19. Safety is a major problem in the departments

Safety is a major problem in the departments

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 35 28.5 28.5 28.5

Disagree 61 49.6 49.6 78.0

Agree 19 15.4 15.4 93.5
Strongly Agree 8 6.5 6.5 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis safety is a major problem in the departments respondent
of the question. Some of the 28.5% said the strongly disagree in the question. Some of
the 49.6% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 15.4% said this agree the
question. Some of the 6.5% said this strongly agree in the question

20. Customers buy our products only because of high quality

Customers buy our products only because of high quality

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 10 8.1 8.1 8.1

Disagree 22 17.9 17.9 26.0

Agree 70 56.9 56.9 82.9
Strongly Agree 21 17.1 17.1 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis customers buy our products only because of high quality
respondent of the question. Some of the 8.1% said the strongly disagree in the question.
Some of the 17.9% said this disagree in the question. Some of the 56.9% said this agree
the question. Some of the 17.1% said this strongly agree in the question.

21. We are the only company to offer more number of variety products

We are the only company to offer more number of variety products

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 10 8.1 8.1 8.1

Disagree 24 19.5 19.5 27.6

Agree 64 52.0 52.0 79.7

Strongly Agree 25 20.3 20.3 100.0

Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis we are the only company to offer more number of variety
products respondent of the question. Some of the 8.1% said the strongly disagree in the
question. Some of the 19.5 % said this disagree in the question. Some of the 52% said
this agree the question. Some of the 20.3% said this strongly agree in the question

22. Customers come to us because we can supply any volume of requiremen

Customers come to us because we can supply any volume of requirement

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Strongly disagree 11 8.9 8.9 8.9

Disagree 26 21.1 21.1 30.1

Agree 49 39.8 39.8 69.9
Strongly Agree 37 30.1 30.1 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0


Form the percentage analysis customers come to us because we can supply any volume
of requirement respondent of the question. Some of the 8.9% said the strongly disagree
in the question. Some of the 21.1 % said this disagree in the question. Some of the
39.8% said this agree the question. Some of the 30.1% said this strongly agree in the

4.3 Chi – Square

Σ(O − E)2
x2 =


O = Observed Frequency

E = expected frequency

∑ = summation

X2 = chi square value

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 14.576a 9 .103
Likelihood Ratio 13.195 9 .154
Linear-by-Linear Association 4.262 1 .039
N of Valid Cases 123
a. 10 cells (62.5%) have expected count less than 5.
b. The minimum expected count is .57.


There is a significance of the relationship between age of respondent and the Company
gets repeat orders for same component. There is a H0 is rejected

Formation of Hypothesis

H0: There is no significance relationship between the age respondent and the Company
gets repeat orders for same component

H1: There is significance relationship between the age respondent and the company gets
repeat orders for same component.

4.4 Correlation

n(Σxy) − (𝛴𝑥)(𝛴𝑦)
√[𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 − (∑ 𝑦)2 ]

n = Quality of Information

Σx = total of the first variable value

𝛴𝑦 = Total of the second variable value

Age There is always
raw material
shortage in the

Pearson Correlation 1 .023

Sig. (2-tailed) .800
N 123 123

Pearson Correlation .023 1

There is always raw material
shortage in the warehouse Sig. (2-tailed) .800
N 123 123

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)


There is a significance of the relationship between age of respondent and there is always
raw material shortage in the warehouse. There is a H0 is rejected.

Formation of Hypothesis

H0: There is no significance relationship between the age respondent and there is always
raw material shortage in the warehouse

H1: There is significance relationship between the age respondent and there is always
raw material shortage in the warehouse.




F = ANOVA coefficient

MST = mean sum of squares due to treatment

MSE = mean sum of squares due to error

Formula for MST


𝑆𝑆𝑇 = 𝛴𝑛(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2


SST = Sum of Square Due to Error

P = total number of populations

N = the total number of sample in a population

Formula for MSE


𝑆𝑆𝐸 = 𝛴(𝑁 − 1)𝑆 2


SSE = Sum of Squares Due to Error

S = Standard Deviation of the Sample

N = Total Number of Objection

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups .961 3 .320 .466 .706

Within Groups 81.738 119 .687

Total 82.699 122


There is a significance of the relationship between we predict the customer demand and
accordingly the production planning is done. There is a H0 is rejected

Formation of Hypothesis

H0: There is no significance relationship between the age respondent and we predict the
customer demand and accordingly the production planning is done

H1: There is significance relationship between the age respondent and we predict the
customer demand and accordingly the production planning is done.

4.6 F – Test


S1 = larger sample variance
S2 = smaller sample variance

Group Statistics

Age N Mean Std. Std. Error

Deviation Mean

18 to 25 80 2.8500 .67693 .07568

Product quantity
routing has to be
improved in many areas 25 to 35 27 3.1852 .68146 .13115


There is a significance of the relationship between we predict the customer demand and
Product quantity routing has to be improved in many areas. There is a H0 is rejected

Formation of Hypothesis

H0: There is no significance relationship between the age respondent and Product
quantity routing has to be improved in many areas

H1: There is significance relationship between the age respondent and Product quantity
routing has to be improved in many areas


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