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D OlliS VON 0 {(,\ F/IEN

Invisible scu l pture

molded sound

TIll: ullhl.:a ru -ur and tht: llllUtlCr<.lblc arc Olle \\'c have IQS L Ihe l'X'I!II · d <1111111'. 11

-;allle . \\' IH.: th l"r "a.b!'iululC so und" \\llhoUI ht:gin. sc; II Se in Ihl' Cn. : t·k , )1' ,lltlpll ; dH:-
lIil1g' or (.-utl e1l1 bra ce!. lht: cll tin.: cO">JIl OS. Vedic su n:llLi lli ...I...C IIL oj tl lt' 1',11'
Scil:" I1l' C huld s; 0 1' lh e pr in ci p le o r {be "!o):;os" is lite wh ich Il owadays \\Ie IIl<l I'\'d a l j'IlI ll lt: ll'tllit.lnd ' JlI!'l
Juulldal lOl 1 vI" th e tlllivc.;J"Sc, as dccl.l rcd; acollstics-v l' ill lhe an oj ntedit:v:tI churchc'i , whi<... lt
o r Yall\,-ch 's "\'\'OIU" (T C;Uc.:S lig lll , as ill tbe O ld Tntu- wc rc buill (as if su c h a pro cedu re \\Iere on I)' lIa tur.t!)
lilt.: I It-;d I acc ug-n:cd thal ill the beginning there in obedience to man)' l.ind s or ru les, includ ill l4
co mes slJ und . Sound p osse sses prim al c rea.livt: e ne r- ol'idca l n:s()na n ce . Qllr se n se of'hea r illg 1111 . . dcgt:llcr-
gy. Fo r huma n kind, it relTI<lins at once unh eard and a led LO such a n exte nt Lhat .m artis t s li c h as
li l t U lla us, who has dcvo lt!d his efforts Lu so und and its
The modality of beha\'ior which cha r ac t erizes spa ti a l value s, speaks of tcrrai n " "'new
modern civilization seems di ametrically opposed lO lerritory" when de scribing h is cxp lomlio ns beyo nd
ancient writi ngs concc:;rni ng the mystery of creation. music and la nguage, Max Nt:uhaus began perform -
I I is as If the visu al emphasis of ci lies, ho using, and ing in public as a drummer in 1954 at til e age of four·
gardens h aa ,disphlced the ear (0 th e of leen. By th e tim e his Glreer as ,l sulo pen:uss iollis t
was at its peak, following his work wiLh Bo ulez. Sw<:k·
OOI<J S VON DR AT HEN i Jotn Olncrilicworldngfor KuruJ- h ausen, and Cage in the '60s and all Lhe concen hall
lUI U U I , She is curren ,lly CUIII piling a 5cdes of monographs on lhe experiments with everyday ,Sounds, he was itching to
o f .!I iicnce. · put his own id ea.s inLO prac ti ct:. RHlher titan have

P AK KE l'T 35 199 :1 24
('vcr}'rl ay ('xpericllccd in In asquClrc TC\"l'1
( 0 11 the co nl ra r ), h e wanted 10 g uide th e Zlud icncc was low, the so und would drown out c\'c rYlhing
throug h th e aural spa ces of their imm e diate in Times Square it is barely p erce ptiblt' . On the one
L As if determined to brin g hom c to hi s hand it u ses automobile aircraft Iloises, and nil
"Iis tcn ers·' th e ir OWIl raculty as " re so n ance clUllll- ·the other illllixcs in peace fu l !"olll1cis such as 101Ii nR
hers. he accompanied them-for an c\'cn t entitled bells and orgil n mu sic. Th c aural impressio n impact"
I.ISTEN ( 19tiG)-th roligh ;"t rea" of Ma nh:luan which m os t p o wel1 111ly 0 11 th e m e m o r y when rot! Icave the
\\"t'l"c pani c ul rt rl ,. r ich in so und and had dis tin c tivc aco ll sti c space <lnd it i s suddenly ;1 b"ell l.
,lll ra l Of co,lIrsc, Neuhal1s is a fo rmid <lb le virtuoso: for
N (';1 ri y tell years lalcr,.\1 Tim es S("llIa.rc, h e ere,lt e d cx tlmplc, in II sound in slallalion in a n open stairwe ll
the ric"t pe rm;1lwnl acoustic s pace. A virtuoso work. such as that in the Chicago rvtu sc uill ( 197Sl). 11t <.:
o r a kind . 111 the middk of the nobiest sl"Jl1arc in Ncw so und altci·cd in open sp ace <10.; yo u c hangc·(\ · ),o llr
York, put up al1 invisih le space Illarked off p osi ti o n , acquir in g: diffcI"<.:nl acoustic qu alities-II
In - ;KOII ... ti c walls. illitiall Y;1 is imperceptihle bCG1II SC technique that would barn e sound techn ic illll s and
the "ou nd (,11 1t' IS it .. ;Icou"lic environmenl stealthil}l. which cannot be measured . BUlth c "rtisti c quality 1)1
an inl l·tlder in ;lnd is in an)' c as e cognate Ihis work re sides in the phenomenon ofa
with Iilal cllvironmenl. thal onl y gr;:ldu:l ll y docs it Lime spa ce defining itse lr as something di stinCl and
r("\'cal it " ow n alien ch ;u ac tc r. Bllt t h ose lo cate a li e n within a given intcl'ior or exterior space. Th e
11-1:1[ "f"l und e:-.. p erit·ncc it as an acoustic thre shold USC o f sound co mposi tions anel a coll sti c rcnc c tiOlls.
... il1 g: into a CI<:ady defined spacc wh ich co uli· verging 011 Ihe III """iGll, is i."I m eans to Ih e COld

1111:111\· "'O li llCi'i lhe yc:tr!'i. dar an d ni g ht. w ith - [ or cSl abli li hin g .1 new sp .lce crc<ltcd by lh e ani "tic.
r, lItllllc·n nplioll. II i ... n OI lilal h ap p ens. I\. inlUitivc ima g ination .
i ... 'iollH.: Ii'in g l \l ;J l i .... It t'xiq!, . An ilwis ih1c Scu lplllrc.
so und , prcc i"t'lv ro rm cd wit hin defined / ,;rhl .•:
limit .... II was th e finl time 111:11 techno logy hllc\ Ill <ldc M , I ,'i 1"HW-}. TO OSf. 1Ill,\\V/N(; 4 ,

"Ilch an option pn .. sihle, an d lh e fir"l lime ,fi/'".,-!tl/. ANI) /Hll\\\"I,\'(; ';. ..:1("

h.1(1 Ihe I(\C ':I o r millg these media to <1nisl ic I NTI-; lIf.()CK, 1992 . .. I,nl,,1 nil ",.f"'I'.
I JJ" N, .. h / FfI .·/tll'fr ,,"f f' .. /1' -14 :c "" ""

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,."AX TlIUI·:1'; Tn
IlI/AWINr; I , !i1'ACI;'S, 1 9'12, "'''nll'''I"·,,ril n Il ., ..1".",

/(, IJ. / rn,h,c lift "uf X li4 r ... .

, . ( P/IOTOS: FRAN COIS 1'01\1111-. n

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1111 , 1.\1 11. \\'''\' ( 0 :>: :''1( :..-' 1.A It(a, t::1:-.I WI N IH I !J UkL " lilt, Mil It-
1.I . \ " \ \.\ 1.U. 1I ICU' 1/>1:'> . t-:ACI I ItUUM liAS A VON ORE! RAU M I::N MIT GLAS ....' ANOEN _ llKEI IWIII(:t RA u r-n..
Ui- Irs OW:>::-TlIKEt:: QUIt::T «.;OLO k ED BV SOUND. DIF. M IT KI.ANG CHAkfiT SI Nn .

" IIt:: r:OLOKS M I X UII-'Ft::RENTL\' WITH DIE OIlEI KLAN(:fAllllt: N MISCHI:.N SI (; H uNn: R,\Clllt: ULlCII
,\NII ' l'lI t; :-; kU: XI'USI!'<lG f.AUI I N I TS OWN WAS, UNO EN'TH ULLENJEOt:: WIEDER AU.' nlll.E ART,

Ult' n . kt-:I'\t.:E'i lIl;.nn: EN i-·1.00 KS AltE SUBTLE nurDISTINC"T. SI N D OlE UNTERSCt-lltDE I N I)EN STOCKWE IlKt:N SUHTIL ,
K'.1l1R"I:\!,; IIOWS nit" . .... U IlAL MEMOIlIES KtelN TO ;ABEll WAHIlNEHMIlAII. , MAN OU: Tltt: I' I' .: WH:UEIt
H ,' it rlLt: ISTU {)NI:. D iffER ENT IATED .WIlOLE, IIINUNTEK . Vt:lL'i(:UMt: I.•1.t:N II I I:. UN'I t-: k .

Neuhaus docs not in faeL calculate his spaccs, He hodied, vibrant note that to feel, to "sound
Irllsts his enrs, He tric'i it Ollt on the spot' till the out," the first noor landing with real prcci'lion : As we
..;nUlld is and Lilt: space is right. AI timcs, draw- climb higher, some hear tlte !-iollnd at :1 'lnwt:r pit<'il-
ings Inil}' help define and pl;tce il. panicular ...Irca bu t in terms it hecomcs more opel1 while"
l1lore pl-ccisely (II' so und Ollt aCOlistic reflections. But remaining ,ls On the ... cconcl landing. the
:1 so und ;;0I1 is n C\'c."r rill;!lIy eS lilblishcd on note fill:; the space up to th e brim, lllilkin g il "l'('ln
the basi!' or 1'1Ich dr;twings , Setti n g: 11p the (lcoll''lic grcatcr than the space h(!low, On the sl:lins If) the
is :ll1l:lllrr orpurcly inlltilivc experimentation. third level. our is now so pnlCliscd lh;\t wt: C;11l
Orawings ,mel texts posses" great sign ifi ccm cc as a ind eed distingui s h an acouslic thre" hold, Thl' top-
rclkcti\'(, 111cdil11l1 and arc il constitllent of Ncu- most space seems LO expand as lhe two 11:,tcs (on-
work in their own rig-hI. The drawings arc verge. to become a whole opcn
dOTH: in pencil .1I1e1 crayon. The pencil indicates the of a space .
. .wel the crayon the sOll nd. The \\lay variolls It is prejudice. th en. to thi .. work
,lcflllSlir q.ll:1litics arc juxlaposed like ne\\l walls i nvisible , Acollslic in s tallati ol1!" c rea te ;-. new exreri.
\ide exining walls or c riss-cross the space like e n e rgy ence of space. one which is \'i"\I,,1 in nalUre tOI), The
ClIrren lS is simplicity itself. The drawing,.. have nonc . . . . impression o f an alien and lime is rcgi .. 't:rec!
flf Ill(' function or mllsinll 1101:1Iiol1. in ract. hut I"ath- ill a visllal :lltcnttion of th e space or cven, ill fa cl.
('I' rcc;111 the It'llr;!livc definition or clcClrical. n erve in thc recognition or altogether new SP:1CC, TIl<'
HI" hrain impulsc\, Neuhaus di.!.lingui:'i hcs bctwccn given available \pacc. bc it mall-made or Il;ltur;d ,
rhe "wnrl..irlg·!t-arning and the "how-I-rlid- which is cllsLOmaril), in perspt,ctiv(.". i..;
II drawing:..;"-the propo .. al'i and lite ciiplychs cO llsist- not a norm; ralher. it is a pht'nomcllon in a "!<Ite nf
j'lg (d' text :llId drawing. For NClIli;IlIS, the diplychs nux, ;VI"x Raphtl e l gave an unrivaled <lCnwnl nr this
I 1111"'\ i 1111 e ;1 vi 1: 11 C\l;lI)Ii!o.IIIT1(: n t elr distance.: , afford i ng when he wrote: "S pace is i1 ),{cncral Gllcgory_ En: rr-
,Ill tI'I ' n 'it,\\, of lhe work, For rho'c who experience thin g that woulrl be ll1anifc<;t <IS phenol1lenon f:lll
Ill(' , \'nrk, 1IH'), arc a complex nH,' n llS of approaching only be sllc h if il wkcs 011 spalial Thll .. il i,\
;r : wltat Ille tl'XI G\1I110t cxprcs ... the dr;rwillgs fill in. not enough 10 say that i" 111(' externa l Ill anift"s-
,lIul ,'ic(' ,'c.:I",:1- of the form, ,since spac(: morc than Il1 Cf'("
Tht' diJlI\chs of' lex t <tnd drawin g .. omctimcs form. or at least not simply an tlhslran form el1tirely
"I)('r;lIc.: ;" " kil1d or ffln 'wonl: in advancc. they indc,penc\el1l or its content; since rC<luin'
prc,'clllcic ll1i,\ underS lancling and, in re stra in ed manifestation thtll have no real p,resence in lhe e1lvi-
(h'''cr ipl i\'(: terms, prepare Wi for the experience-as ronment and thus cannot be represented byenviron-
;11 dflfllmm/n IX. for instance, where the text accom- mental space either; and sin ce space and lime ,
TO ONE drew attention to three th_ough different. are inseparahle, .. Examining lhe
Ili<'lin ( 1 acoustic tonalities that could be heard in the entire history of art, Max R:lphael distinguishes (h e
q,drwdl of Kassel',s A01\. health insurance bui ldin g, space of the dl'carnworld, ' tlfe space of the-- ullco,,":
I\m or (our .. e the texts arC merely to the scious, in Hals or Velazquez; the of transition
(·"cnli;tl. inexplicable'. immea:mrable core of th,e from this world to the beyond in TintorCltO v. Hugo
",-nrl: the mySlC"ry of a re lati ....e !ipace. van der Goes; lhc space of abso lute being in lhc
Sound!' from ouuide penetrate into the entrance stained glass of Gothic cathedrals: the space of infi-
h:tll and commingle with the recollection of that out- nite emptiness. in the Egyptians; the space of infinite
'itlr- which \,'f' hrin g with us, in the inner ear, The amplitude or fulfillment, of th e sours inner allunc-
,dic"" \ouml i" fllrcildy th e re, but for most people it is ment, the space of contemplation in the Indians; the
""1 H·t PCITt"ptihlc , irin disguise, it makes its pre- space of charged energy between this world and the
\f"lH' C' }!r'lClually fell as we approach the stairs run- beyond in EI Greco; the space of this world's dissolu-
the of the building, It becomes clearer tion in Bosch; and. indeed, Raphael continues th e
;lml dl·;tl"cf, i'lnd a ce rtainty: a ca lm. full- list to include spaces of lifc . of death. of form",1 con-

l ... I I I I t.h { III( .\(.( I

l il t . 1(00,\1 11 \ ... , '1 ''1 ' \1 !'IHII'UJ(II " N,> \1 \HI ... , 'QL,\lO
.\:..n H)Ut{ ION-I t !'> !lie;!! . t I A,,'(J DJ I " 1( .... \ \ltAN ...
OF LXI'LOKA l'Iu:o-.: I.' llJlWt IlI.\nN .. O"'Tii\C.
!'>". . ,N.\\.n tHO!\! 101' '10 UOIII)\1

'1 li t: "uR" TilE T\\O t'XTIU Mt .. 0 1 li n .

!'>I'ECTRl.'I>' TI n I.UWS AIU. Of kl ... Ol'ANt.t,...
O t' T i n . !-iI'ACt' ANI.). IIIlH}(.li I.(H I I.). ,\Kt' Il lLl tH N 1:'-: '1 11 1-1)1.
-"'- IU :SL\IIILA .\ ;Cf" TO I Ill- .. Ot,::-..: U!> IH fLO\\, I-':l, .\11/.

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A r \'Ak I OL'S l..L\·u.s
\\ HIC II l't: ..... ETK.\n. T i l l. !'> I'ACF.

., O(;f.TlI I:. R T il EY .01t .\ 1 A .. ONH. STItUt:TU It t. BO'II I

UU. ICATE AMi t: . IIUT \\"IIH II us...
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DE It RALIM HAT l ! NL l WOIfl\' I.l t. II E I'K()/'OKJ t'AST

QUAOH,..\ll !'1(; 1I u:-..u V II", )I. J/O t: 1I 1. )( IHI",·nT
,\ U CJI DIE .\IO(:UC Ilf.. E IT tH.R n)(l ll)l.\I I. :-:'" 0:\ \1
FRH1 K!'>C llt NG - \ ON 0111.:-; l':\ n ..... 1.1" :...(.11\\ t IH_""Ut....
1 KtI'l'U,1 I ,J,C!I .

Ult.: ARH!:;IT IH:!llTl.·1 OIl", .U 10[:-: LX Ikl.\11 ut!'l

·rON!'>I't:t.:lI1.CMS U IE T II. n:S 1 U:,\l IUI.O.:-" \LS RAL:"'·
l ll'\O. O II\\'O Il L LAu'r !:Io1:,\U. HU'.I HE!\
S It: vt.<";";T. OA Il lN C;J:. k.\l. ... (. IIt:>.: t: 1!'a.!'I
.\ltt.\' If.VTI"I'l.HJ, GLf. IClU·. N IlIF \101Il:!'I r O ... l UII .IH.=", Wllt.llt I IN I L'>:. 0 11'

.\I U\I-':U;\f OF tUn: U JJ C:i GO, 1 1)1)'1.

illS KAUIII At f \ ' 1 K!lo( Ill t. llt: NEN tllt:"Olflo,; Ill' RC: IIIlKI"•• LN .

/I""n l 1111 1"luII/. J5Y! x 22' u"d x J,t, ' / ZL'AI'oIMI.N 81 1.0 1.'1 !'I l l £ I !\[ f..1.""'( , " ltuKTll k . 11L1
!lUWO I II. "/.,\11.'1' Al'UI U II I II 1:...1, O il'. AM II.
/·•• .1,,1 ./1 ul' j j'f'rgrllllfli i/l filnu. YO x j6 (III I/O/(/ 1)(1 \ -I{) ("It • •
_ t_ I NI'N SOlJN ll ll.\R!'o rr I.IT
- .. _--- ,\1\:0. "l:.lII\l..

of Ch.I Olic o f sta ti c d isplace menls Nc uh au:. has was in th e K.;,r!'o·

ht.: in g-. o f and of tn tll spare n cy. Ma x lc n Creve Gall e r y in Colo gn e. In a lin y kitc hcllCllt:
Rap hael co ncludt.:s th a l "an ything th a t be per· th a t o pene d off a larger room, he locatc::d barel y per-
ct:i H:d by th e eXlern al senses mu st take on that spa· ceptible ac o ustic signals that would, stricti}' speaking,
. ti a l (a nd form lhat accor.ds with its own have been characteristic of vastly s paciolls halls and
CO nle nl." :iJ vaulLs. The eye saw a cramped cabiJlel space- but lhe
In .series of ' works, Neuhaus has presented . ear registered th e largc sounds and echoes we hear
spaces identical in their contours, light values. and in a big space. The eye e lljoy(.'d a clear gain . But not
'moods by using differelll sound installations: for for long. When you moved into the exhibition 1'00111 ,
"x"'''ple, the TWO lOENTlCAL ROOMS ( 1989) for with its normal sound character un changed. it sud·
Harald Szet:l!1ann's exhibition in the Deichtorhallen denly seemed to have shrunk-the ear had estab-
in Hamburg. th e startJing virtuosi ty of which cons ist· lished 'new relations, and the eye suffered a loss.
ed nut o nl y in the differe nt experience of spaces To present something by the absence of the in-
but a lso in the fact that th e sound did not 'issue trusion. to whet attention by removing an alien
the wide e ntrance . One of the most striking spatial sound; is the motif of the MOMENT I' IEC ES, whi c h an:

juxt ap osed asain'il the PLACES. \Vc a rc all fa mi l·iar But Neuhaus himself, asked ir h e i.'I; wlwk·
with th e phe n omeno n . An electric coffee grin der is ing wilh a philosophy th::H en fai ls rli spcnsillg wi lh
IClud l), rat tling away in a ca fe, say, the sou nd unn o- images (in the hroader sense) . rep li es lOlCOllic:l ll y.
ticed in th e gene r al noise of the cafe, a nd th e n sud- ''I'm just working with something a nd
(It-n l)' the machine i:<i switched o ff- and the cessation Observatif'lns Adorno made-sit c h ;'IS "Nol1-\)t'ing in
or the sOllnd is n:pcricnccd as an advent of !'i il ence. wo rks 0 1' art' is a constellation or Ill'ing-"; '-or hair-
The cafe l:irgcr. "Vc find o ur tetc-a.-tete more s plittin g slic h as C<lgc's Iho u g ht s on the "Ilo/hing in
plcas<llll. hetween" lhat "is n eit h e r being nor IllHhi n g-llc",,"'i)
Th e KUl1slh<1llc in Berne is situated on o n c of lil e a re foreign to Neu hau s.
hu<;inL squ ar es in th e town. Th e noise of tra m s and Beside Cagc's o ri e nwll y-i nnucll ccd vkw or ;1
('ar." provided a d ;tily h ackd rop a nd sellin g for the 1I1Ied si le n cc inno cc nl of purpose. Ihe- pt·;t("(·llI lllc!->\
alien \ound Neu hau s insta ll ed thcrc. Th e titl e of the and c() ntc mpl ative n css of Neuhaus's works
work TIME PIECE. KllI1Mhallc Bcrn ( 19S9). A few almost praKlliatic H t.:· is mo"t ccnainlv 1101 il1110("('1\1
1111I11I1{'\ bdfJrc l'very hour alld half hOllr. th e n ote of purpose wh('n he sends ,gallcrv-go('r.. or p:l",,('r ..-\)v
f;,dcs ill. to hn 'a k off abnlp ll y on the d o t or the into hi s sO llnd ann lim e span'<;. Tht work Ill' c!O t.'\ Oil
ho u r or half ho ur. Th<1t is to say: th e work opcrates thcse is ofa aimed:1I
like a dock, marking limc hy of silcnce. \Vh at making the work -as powerful a di"t"m'(" 'Y
j\ 11101'(' rel1lilrk<1hlc is Ihe lise or thai is as possible for every individu a l. H e ('o unt s Oil Ih e car
Illl"l'cly there in ord e r LO poin.l up its O·Nn absence: being closer to immedialc pcrccp lio n TrUll·, t!l(' <'}'I·.
\\h al (·Ollll!." i .. the a rlennat h or th e ,,,o llnd. Most pass- The tranquillity and Ihe spirilll<ll <'ncr!;), manifest in
I"r:<'-by and 1l1l1."clll11-goers exper ience thi s simil arly: hi s works are fr ee o r emotio nal ism and mystiri:-m
till' note ex ists in memory. ""hell th e note alike: rather, thcy are pure. T h C}' ;wc .. in till'
1Ill' aurlilory regi.' ners thilt it prev ailin g barbarizalion and banaliz;"tlion. Ncuila l1 '1;
h;!c; hl'('11 perceiving so mclhing that is suddenly n o him sel r ca ll s his works ··c;"t{.dysts"; and it i .. ll"ll('
\llng-t'r Ihere. and it hankers after the m issing tone. they ca n open our ears lo other reg isters (lr con -
III wilh o th er aura l in stallations whi ch sc iousness for t h e perception or s l11:111 of"
do nl"!'Onle kind or material-sou n d material. minute diffe ren ccs, of immcasl1 r ablv slight
"/lund tcxllIrC-l hc MOMENT PIECES are ge nuin e ly ments. This is the register or cO nlcmplatioll in a
ill1 n1.H crial. The a f"t crmat h of th e sound whi ch the state of the highest And it is in lhis scnse
work!- pn: parc i . ... n exper ience located in th e hear- that th e so und s paces initia te a cata lytic ill
own inner ca r. In the afterma th, tho·ugh . the the SCI1'5C ora ca tharsis th a t is lio lo n ge r nccessary in
pla ce sudden ly a lte red. The eye begins to order to refine human kind, as in th c classical under-
what the car now misses . and discovers the place standing of the term, but rather has long since be-
anrw in the process. The PLACES strangely exchange ' come a question of survival.
role. " 'ilh Ihe MOMENT PIECES. While the PLACES (Trnnslalion : Mich{f("1 I-IlI l.fI"
(rnd 10 throw U!i upon our sense of time and almost
mala;, 1\0:. forget the place , the 'MOMENT or TIME
I) Michel Serres. us r.inq SI'nS, Paris, 1985, p. 146: M{ ... ! mnn
!'harpcll the atte nti o n we pay to the place 'and corps entier. boitc i musique ou a langagc . de rc"on ;HICI.'.
prnmpl 11<; to a real experie n ce of our own presence [ .. ·1M
in;l ,i\"('n piller . 2) Max Raphael. Fra nkrul't. !flr,9. p. f12 .
3} (bid . pp. 62 and 63 .
- Thio:. cl i!- p ens ing with a defina?ie something; this 4) in :m inl cni('w ,,'i lh 111(' Iu·('.!'(·nl
___ !If a _prcparati!=,n for th_e __ w6lt:r.JlIlr l!UJ2...-_ __ _
\\ lit·" it '·cmo .... cd. perhaps re c"lIs the phe- !l) Thenclor W. I\dorno, ASlhf'li"lu "flrm";f'. FI':lnkfuri . Ifl7:\.

nurncnnn 01 llrg-:Hi\'c sculptures-as iF the relativity p.204. . 0 I \ . } h C 7. ' ,'"

6) John C:tf.:e. tn rc lcr, 11"'f"S n 11 J/J:f':,Y/1 Ih
or 1 1'rl) lI :ld 1lt'('n di spla ced . as \V"lter de Mflria did in J.,."IIIIJI nf'r!rr jnhrf'-"fllI ,..1r",':I/I.EI'f'tll.f :'1/ illfrUlNtiT" '1I MI/ft, .
hi, \ iTlloll "'tlnm l'/I'r of the 1977 dOC1lmrntn. M"rtitnr· lnst"lIn/;(Inm (com !o):!:lI c), MUl1irh . 1991. p . (11.


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