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Overview Of Java

Rajanikanth B

• Java is a computer programming language.

• Java was created based on the C & C++. Java uses C syntax and many of
the object oriented features are taken from C++.
• Before Java was invented there were other languages like COBOL, FORTRAN, C, C+
+, Small Talk etc., These languages had few disadvantages which were corrected in
•  Java also innovated many new features to solve the fundamental
problems which the previous languages could not solve.
Creation of Java

• Java was invented by a team of 13 employees of

Sun Microsystems, Inc. which is lead by  James
Gosling, in 1991.

• Team includes persons like Patrick Naughton,

Chris Warth, Ed Frank and Mike Sheridan, etc.,

• Java was developed as a part of the Green


• Initially it was called Oak, later it was changed

to Java in 1995.
History of Java

• The C language developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie had taken a decade to

become the most popular language
• one named Object-Oriented Programming. With OOP, a person may write a certain
code which may be reused later without rewriting the code over and over again
• In 1979, Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++, an enhancement to the C language
with included OOP fundamentals and features
• A project named “Green” was initiated in December of 1990, whose aim was to
create a programming tool that could render obsolete the C and C++
programming languages.
History of Java
• Finally in the year of 1991 the Green Team was created a new Programming language
named “OAK”.

• After some time they found that there is already a programming language with the name

• So, the green team had a meeting to choose a new name. After so many discussions they
want to have a coffee. They went to a Coffee Shop which is just outside of the Gosling’s
office and there they have decided name as “JAVA”.
Evolution of Java (Versions of Java)
JDK 1.1 J2SE 5.0 (1.5)
Inner Classes J2SE 1.3 Generics
JavaBeans Hotspot JVM Metadata
First JDBC Java Sound API Enumerations
Release RMI Debugging Architecture Variable Arguments
1995 1997 2000 2004

1996 1998 2002

JDK 1.0 J2SE 1.2 J2SE 1.4
Swing Graphical API Regular Expressions
JIT Compiler IPV6 Network Communications
Java PlugIn XML and XSLT, etc.,
Collections Network
Evolution of Java (Versions of Java)

J2SE 8
ORACLE buys SUN Everything was differed from J2SE 7
Lambda Expressions
2010 2013???

2006 2011
J2SE 6 J2SE 7
Performance JDBC 4.0 Strings in Switch
GUI Improvements Try Catch Improvements
Simplified Variable Arguments
Underscores in Numeric Literals
Features of Java
- Java and Internet (Applets)
Applets are usually small programs and these helped in moving some user
interactive programs from server to client, hence improving the usability of the
web application.
- Servlets
• With Servlets, Java spanned on the both sides of client server system.
• Servlets can be used to dynamically generate web content.

- Byte Code
• Java in order to support security and portability, does not compile the source code to
executable code. It is translated into bytecode, which is highly optimized set of instructions
designed to be executed by the Java run-time system, which is called Java Virtual Machine
• Converting the java program to bytecode instead of compiled code, offers a great ability to
run those programs on multiple platforms.
Other Features of Java (Java Buzzwords)
- Simple
- Object Oriented
- Robust
- Multi Threading
- Architecture Neutral
- Interpreted and High Performance
- Distributed 
- Dynamic 
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