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Group members

Kerriena McDonald and Latanya Smallwood

Research question

Mental health

Main problem: How does depression affect an individual everyday life?

Sub topics:

1. How can you help an individual who is suffering from depression?

2. What kind of treatment is offered for people suffering from depression?
3. How depression does affect an individual social life?
4. Types of recommendations or solution to depression.
Ethical review

“How does depression affect an individual everyday life?”

65 Blackwood garden

Old Harbour Bay P.O.


November 7, 2019

33 South Street

Old Harbour P.O.


Dear sir/ madam

You are being asked to participate in a study investigating the main theme “How
does depression affects an individual everyday life”.

We are interested in determining how does depression affects individual social life.
It is hoped that the results of this can be useful in helping teachers and students
understand how does depression affects an individual everyday life.

As a future teacher, you will likely have to use your knowledge of depression in a
variety of situations. However, relatively little is known about how does depression
affects persons involved in this will how you treat people suffering from
depression. Your participation may help to clarify how depression affects
individual so that we can get a better understanding of depression. Although you
may not directly benefit from this research, results from the study may be useful
for our future students, both those you teach and also those who plan to teach.

If you agree to participate, you will answer a questionnaire. This questionnaire

consist of 15 questions that you will be asked to answer truthfully and correctly
also instructions will be provided on what to do and what not to do.
Your participation is voluntary .If at any time during the study you wish to
withdraw your participation; you are free to do so without any prejudice.

If you have any questions prior to your participation or any time during the study,
Please do not hesitate to contact us. [ ]

AUTHORIZATION: I have read the above and understand what is to be done for
this study. I understand that by agreeing to participate in this study. I may contact
the researchers at their institution [Kerriena McDonald (876)418-8725, Latanya
Smallwood (876)414-3967] at any time. I agree to participate in this study. I may
refuse to participate or I may want to withdraw myself from this study at anytime
without prejudice. If you are interested in this study please sign below.

Participant’s signature Date:

Researcher’s signature Date:

Literature review

According to world book encyclopedia (2006)

volume 5, defines depression are referring to both a serious mental disorder and to

a normal mood involving sadness that all people occasionally experience. Also

according to Melgosa (2014) defines depression as a serious medical and

psychiatric problem that reveals itself in many ways before reaching full-blown

manifestation in a person. Depression is defined by (family health encyclopedia

(1990)) as feelings of sadness, hopelessness, pessimism, and a general loss of

interest in life, combine with a sense of reduced emotional well-being.

Usually, a true depressive illness has no single

obvious cause. It may be trigged by certain physical illnesses(such as a viral

infection), by hormonal disorders (such as hypothyroidism), or by hormonal

changes after child birth(postnatal depression).Some drugs, including oral

contraceptives and sleeping drugs, are contributing factors (family health


Similarly to other illnesses, several causes linked

to the illness of depression are that of feeling of sadness due to the lack of

socialization. This leads to people who are depressed to commit suicide, because

they have no one to express their feelings to emotionally (Dr.Tony Smith 1990).
Another cause of depression is lack of a

satisfactory mother-child relationship leads to depression in later life, especially

when it is combined with difficult social circumstances. For example, a woman

whose mother died early in her life may be particularly vulnerable if she has to

cope with bringing up a child on her own (Dr.Tony Smith 1990).

The symptoms of depression vary with the

severity of the illness. In a person with mild depression, the main symptoms are

anxiety and a variable mood. A person with serious depression may suffer from

loss of appetite, difficult sleep, loss of interest and enjoyment in social activities,

feelings of tiredness and loss of concentration. Movement and thinking may

become slowed; in some cases, however, the opposite occurs, and the person

becomes extremely anxious and agitated. Severely depressed people may have

thoughts of death and or suicide, and feelings of guilt or worthlessness (Ranna

Parekh 2017).

Depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults

(6.7%) in any given year. And one in six people (16.6%) will experience

depression at some time in their life. Depression can strike at any time, but on

average, first appears during the late teens to mid-20s. Women are more likely than

men to experience depression. Some studies show that one-third of women will

experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime about one out of seeks for
help for depression at the same time in their lives. For men who don’t seek help

from a doctor turn to alcohol, violence, or other expressions of discontent.

According to American Psychiatric Association (2017) the treatment of

depression is depending on the type of illness. Psychotherapy, whether individuals

or in a group, is most useful for those whose personality and life experiences are

the main causes of their illness. Drug treatment is used for people with

predominantly physical symptoms. Antidepressant drugs are usually effective in

more than two third of these patients, given to. ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) is

a medical treatment most commonly used for patients with severe major depression

who have not responded to other treatments. It involves a brief electrical

stimulation of the brain while the patient is under anesthesia. A patient typically

receives ECT two to three times a week for a total of six to 12 treatments. ECT has

been used since the 1940s, and many years of research have led to major

improvements. Despite the effectiveness of drug treatment, suicide remains a

serious risk for sufferers from depression. The risk can be lowered substantially by

maintenance treatment with antipressant.

In conducting this research, we drew information

from multiple sources including books, prints and online media. We were very

selective while choosing these various sources as we wanted to include accurate,

unbiased and relevant data. One such source is the article world book encyclopedia
(2006) volume 5written by timothy J.Bruce and published by World Book, Inc. a

credible and accredited publishing company in 2006.The chapter entitled

“depression” included the definitions of depression. The information presented had

full coverage on the intended purpose of defining the main terms of this review.

The information that was presented is a reliable source, because if the meaning of

the terms were researched in other sources would in turn give the same meaning.

Dr. Timothy J. Bruce is a certified doctor who as written different articles found in

different encyclopedia, based on this it can be said to be a reliable and credible


Another source used was a book entitled discover

your worth written by Dr.Julian Melgosa. They have been in existence since 2014,

which adds to their credibility in terms of prolonged existence. This book includes

treatment of depression and also causes of depression. They are reliable sources

such as they are cited mentioned by Dr.Melgosa and many other books.

In gathering information on the symptoms of depression, I came across an online

source “American Psychiatric Association” with an article entitled depression

symptoms. This article written by Ranna Parekh, is reliable because the author has

a M.D., M.P.H. which means she a medicine and public health this a dual degree

which is Combining medical and public health education in preparation for a

career of caring for the health of individuals and their communities. Miss. Parekh
article was well organized and features very simple terms which makes the article

more understandable.

Lastly the most used source is the Complete

Family Health Encyclopedia written by Dr.Tony Smith and was published by

Dorling Kindersley in 1990. The chapter is entitled depression: symptoms of

depression, treatment of depression, causes of depression, and incidences of

depression. The information has a full coverage on my intended purpose of

defining and finding relevant information on my sub topics .This information is

reliable as the meaning of terms and information found if researched in other

sources would gives the same meanings. Dr.Smith is a qualified doctor who is

professional. This specific book is largely acknowledge in medical colleges and is

used to study medicine, hence based on his credentials he can be analyzed as a

credible and reliable source base.

In concluding, depression is a serious medical and psychiatric

problem that reveals itself in many ways before reaching the full-blown

manifestation. Depression affects ones everyday life because of the lack of

socialization, hence they don’t express their feelings well so they keep and think

suicidal thoughts. Several factors influence people to become depressed. This

sickness is a results in a lot of challenges and influences as it posses effects on

alcohol, violence, drugs and also suicide.

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