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English Meaning

Word Meaning


1. horrible -

2. acquisition ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ – profit, Adhigrahan , Agreement

3. indispensable ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

4. resonance – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ -

5. accused - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐ

6. dubbed – ऐऐ – ऐऐऐ

7. eviction – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

8. seeking – ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ,ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ,ऐऐऐऐऐऐ,ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ,ऐऐऐऐऐ

ऐऐऐऐ,ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

9. campaign - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ / ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐ ,ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

10. omit - ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

11. flown - ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

12. League - ऐऐऐ – ऐऐऐ, ऐऐऐ

13. empire – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

14. resume – continuous the work.

15. Oral hygiene

16. campaigner- ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐ, ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

17. intoxicate – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ, ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

18. gorgeous – ऐऐऐऐऐऐ – ऐऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

19. skid – ऐऐऐऐऐ

20. buzz - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐ

21. liberty - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐ

22. amused - ऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

23. humble – ऐऐऐऐ

24. numerous – ऐऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

25. Vermilion – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ ऐऐ

26. pranks - ऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

27. epoch - ऐऐऐ / ऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐ

28. revenue – ऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐऐ, ऐऐऐऐऐ

29. acquisitions - ऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

30. deprecated - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ / ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

31. predict – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

32. ascetic ,eremite, hermit - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

33. elated – happy

34. Rushing -

35. humiliate – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ,ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

36. gulping - ऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

37. borrowed – ऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ

38. approaching -

39. concert – ऐऐऐऐऐ-ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

40. unless – ऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐ ऐऐ ऐ

41. intervention - ऐऐ

42. gazed - ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

43. accomplish - ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

44. clunky – ऐऐऐऐ-ऐऐऐऐ

45. occasion - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ / ऐऐऐऐऐऐ – ऐऐऐ

46. suck : ऐऐऐऐऐ

47. sucking - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

48. criticizing – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

49. robustly – ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐ

50. resists - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ / ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

51. Derivatives ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

52. mooted -ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

53. even - ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐ ऐऐ

54. relevant - ऐऐऐऐ

55. optimistic - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

56. dissecting - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

57. collapsed - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

58. wreak - ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

59. havoc - ऐऐऐऐऐ

60. reciprocal - expressing mutual understanding

61. legend - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

62. evaluates ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

63. lulls - ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

64. concurrently - ऐऐऐ-ऐऐऐ

65. Affirmative ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

66. Disability: ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

67. criticized - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

68. reinvent : ऐऐऐ ऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

69. repetitive : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ

70. Prone : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

71. comprehensive : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

72. grin : ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

73. shrunk : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

74. gossip : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

75. plea : ऐऐऐ

76. commissioned - ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

77. ambitious ऐऐऐऐऐ

78. realistic ऐऐऐऐ

79. willingness ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

80. drastically ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ ऐऐ

81. reimbursed ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

82. adverse ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

83. compensated ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

84. credibility ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

85. occasions ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

86. adhere ऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

87. slippers ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

88. hinder ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

89. desirous ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

90. compliance- ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ- ऐऐऐऐऐऐ, ऐऐऐऐ

91. ambitious ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ- ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

92. perception : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

93. controversy : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

94. stoaway : ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

95. abide : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

96. Delegate : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ:

97. cardiac arrest : ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

98. compliance : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

99. Vaccination : ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ

100.hypothetical : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

101.rival : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

102.obligations : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

103.manipulate : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

104.emphasis - ऐऐऐऐऐऐ (m)

105.isolation : ऐऐऐऐऐ (m)

106.ephemeral ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

107.subsequent ऐऐऐऐऐ

108. identical ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

109.intervention ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ (m)

110.Consequently, ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

111.Accomplished : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

112.Delegation : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ (m)

113.apprised : ऐऐऐऐ

114.rituals : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ (m)

115.elegance : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ (f)

116.Fend : ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

117.optometrist : ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

118.Shelter : providing ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ (f)

119.Posh : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐ ऐऐऐ

120.negligence : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ (m)

121.provisioning : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ (m)

122.grief : ऐऐऐऐऐ

123.condolences : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐ ऐऐऐ ऐऐ ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

124.compensation : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

125.gathered ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

126.Delegate : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

127.rheumatism : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐ (m)

128.gingivitis ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

129.detoxify ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

130.Fleece : ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

131.threaten : ऐऐऐऐऐ-ऐऐऐऐऐऐ

132.bad hombres : ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

133.tarnish : ऐऐऐऐ (m)

134.Rapidly - ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐ

135.amended ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

136.intermittent ऐऐऐ-ऐऐऐ ऐऐ

137.propagate - ऐऐऐऐऐ

138.expedite : ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ - ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

139.humble request : ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

140.suddenly or abrupt : ऐऐऐऐऐ

141.unless : ऐऐ ऐऐ ऐ

142.collaborate : ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

143.pillion - ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐ

144.shattered ऐऐऐ-ऐऐऐ

145.victim : ऐऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐऐ (m)

146.intercepted : ऐऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐऐ

147.explicitly ऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐऐ

148.isolated ऐऐऐ , ऐऐऐऐऐ

149.legitimate ऐऐऐ ऐऐऐऐ

150. Substitute : ऐऐऐऐऐ

ice of cake for you

in fact no matter how fast you are grasping

Please bear in mind

just a year or two ago

unexpected network congestion.

At the end of the day. we are disappointed as team.

which is fabulous.

that Pietersen was being rested rather than dropped. "

I am sending you updated profile.Please do the needful.

Ans Do You know what to do ? Review it ? File it? Approve it?

This is command.
I am sending you file.Review it and update me by next week Firday

Why should I hire you?

Thanku sir you asking this question
You should hire me because I am best person for this job My qualification is matches your requirement
and I have good technical knowledge in java that may helpful for the organisation growth.
If you hire me you would be able to know my sincere effort towards your company.

Thanks once again.

To Get a feedback from Hr

Dear Rashmita,Good Evening!

I hope all is good at your end.I given my interview on Tuesday at 6:30 pm, But still i am in queue for
feedback.Your Cooperation in this regards will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know." and "I look forward to hearing from
you." - See more at:

To accept the offer Letters

Dear Rashmita,
Good Evening!
I am very pleased to accept the position of Sr.Technical support Engineer.

Best regards,

Rajesh kumar

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know." and "I look forward to hearing from
you." - See more at:

We apologies for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience"

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Please let me know if you have further any query. I look forward to hearing from you.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know." and "I look forward to hearing from
you." - See more at:
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know." and "I look forward to hearing from
you." - See more at:
Office English Sentence :
Service Request :
Server Monitoring like ( CPU, Load Average, and Memory Utilization )

Hi Team,

During proactive monitoring we have found that below mentioned Web server is not reachable . So, It's
require to reboot it.
Please provide the approval for the same.

During proactive monitoring we have found that below mentioned Web server memory and CPU
utilization is high. So, It's require to reboot it.
Please provide the approval for the same. For the production server we need to just
inform to client and take a reboot of the server and mean while you can raise the
internal ticket web portal and once it's get resolved the ticket then you can update in
portal and close it.

During proactive monitoring we have found that on below server there is high disk
space utilization found. Please check and do the needful. Please login in to the server
and make disk free space and update us once it's get done.

The SR (Service Request) is in "Awaiting Approval " stage. Please get it approved in SNOW. If
you still want to take

Full patching
We have schedule for VMC patching on below given server. Please bring down the
application/services and confirm.

We have schedule for VMC patching on below given server. So, We are going to start
the perform the patching activity at schedule window time and will update you once it's
Please login in to the server and make a disk free space on the server.

We are analyzing the query the revert you after some time.

Can u share the time stamp when this issue occurred?

What is the status here? When do we expect a response from a requester?

As per approved CMR #4552220444, Please reclaim all the resources from below mentioned servers as these servers
has been di-commissioned

What it the timeline to shutdown the servers.

Please monitor and share the analysis reports.

Please check the same and provide the final sign-off to close the CMR .

We have placed shared files on the given path of both the servers.

Please shared the approved HPA ticket for all the mentioned SSO Id's .

We have temporary shared your root credential on call or over the call.

Root credential has been revoked which was shared during re linking activity.

Cancel of the Patching servers :

Hi All,
Patching of the server is canceled due to not get any response from the respective team.
Since we have not received the the mail response from your end. So we are going to cancel the patching activity.
@Pankaj : Please re-reschedule the patching.

Rajesh Kumar

Hi Vineet,
Totally inline with Rahul and Sumit , We are following same process since long.

Hi Team,

During proactive monitoring we have checked and found that server is in hang status. We need to take a reboot the
server. Meanwhile we are coordinating with OS and hardware team to find out the cause of this abrupt reboot of the
server. and hang issue of the server.

Rajesh Kumar

Hi Team,
We can't proceed unless we receive go ahead from all the application team.

Rajesh Kumar

Hi Team,

We have already provided our analysis (PFA) in this trail mail. Can you please help us to understand what exact
assistance you are looking here from DC unix team.

Hi Team,
Please recheck your credential. if you still facing the login issue, Please contact to Branch infra team.

Hi Team,

We have already update multiple times, AGMS movement is under process and tentative timeline is around 4th JUly

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