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Level - II

Chapter 9



Objective Type Questions
1. Answer (4)
Hydrogen can be produced by all the methods i.e. electrolysis of acidified water, Bosch's process and Lane's
2. Answer (2)

1270 K
C + H 2O(g) 
 CO + H 2

1270 K
C nH 2n+2 + nH 2O(g) 
 nCO(g) + (2n+1)H 2 (g)

Water gas  CO + H2.

3. Answer (1)
Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + 2[H]
Nascent hydrogen
Na/CH3OH is another form of producing nascent hydrogen.
4. Answer (3)

H 2S 2O 8 + H 2O  H 2SO 4 + H 2SO 5

sulphuric acid

H2SO5 + H2O  H2SO4 + H2O2.

5. Answer (1)
By Lane's process hydrogen is formed when super-heated steam is passed over iron and heated to about
1023 – 1073 K

3Fe + 4H 2O  Steam 

1023–1073 K
 Fe 3O 4 + 4H 2 .
6. Answer (3)

CO(g) + H 2O  g 
673 K
FeCrO 4
 CO 2 (g) + H 2 (g)

Water-gas shift reaction, water gas C + H2O  CO + H2.

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20 Hydrogen Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

7. Answer (1)
Ortho and para forms have one and zero nuclear spin respectively

Ortho-hydrogen Para-hydrogen
(parallel nuclear spin) (Anti-parallel nuclear spin)
8. Answer (1)
Hydrolith is the trade name for impure (90%) CaH2
CaH2 + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + 2H2
9. Answer (4)
On addition of CuSO4 (white in colour) into a beaker containing a colourless liquid, water will turn into a blue
solution. This is because CuSO4 will combine with H2O to form a blue compound CuSO45H2O.
10. Answer (2)
O–H bond is weaker than O–D bond because dipole-dipole forces.
11. Answer (4)

Small size of Li+ ion which is capable for polarizing H ion make LiH most stable. Density of H2 is about
th that of air. Atomic hydrogen is more reactive than ordinary hydrogen.
12. Answer (1)
Zn + H2SO4  ZnSO4 + H2
Zn + 2NaOH  Na2ZnO2 + H2
The ratio of volumes of H2 evolved in both the cases is 1 : 1.
13. Answer (1)
CH 3D + Cl 2 
1 mole
CH 2DCl + HCl

D is a heavier atom, hydrogen will be more replacable with energy just of 1 mole h the above product is
only possible.
14. Answer (4)
The reactivity order of hydrogen is, H2 < Nascent hydrogen < Atomic hydrogen.
15. Answer (2)
2H2SO4  2H+ + 2HSO4–
2H+ + 2e–  H2
2HSO4–  H2S2O8 + 2e
Peroxy disulphuric acid

16. Answer (3)
Metallic or interstitial hydrides are formed when hydrogen reacts with transition metals.
17. Answer (3)
The metals of 7, 8 and 9 groups do not form hydrides and hence this region of periodic table is known as
hydride gap.
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Hydrogen 21
18. Answer (2)
Interstitial hydrides are formed by transition elements.
19. Answer (1)
Metallic or interstitial hydrides have hydrogen atoms occupied interstitial positions in the metal lattices. This
is due to the small size of hydrogen atoms compared to the metal ions. In these hydrides, hydrogen exists
in atomic rather than ionic form.
20. Answer (1)
Water that contains deuterium atoms in place of hydrogen atoms; used as a moderator for reactor cores.
21. Answer (2)
Heavy water has maximum density at 11.6°C.
22. Answer (2)
Heavy water is chemically deuterium oxide (D2O).
23. Answer (3)
Heavy water is chemically deuterium oxide (D2O). Hence, it is called heavy water.
24. Answer (2)
Synthetic resins method is superior to zeolite method because they remove all types of unwanted cations
as well as anions present in water.

(Hydrogen peroxide)
25. Answer (4)
H2O2  H2O + [O]
Due to nascent oxygen, it can act as a permanent bleaching agent

H 2O 2 + H 2O 2 
 2H 2O + O 2
+1 –1 +1 –1 +1 –2 0

Oxidation state of hydrogen remains the same. Oxygen in one molecule of H2O2 is oxidised to O2 (–1  0)
whereas in another molecule is reduced to H2O (–1  –2). Thus, H2O2 acts both as an oxidizing and reducing
26. Answer (4)

H O O H H O– O
Cu O S


The structure shows presence of coordinate bond, covalent bond and hydrogen bond.
27. Answer (3)
The oxidising nature of H2O2 is due to the possession of labile oxygen atom
H2O2  H2O + (O)
It acts as a reducing agent in both acidic and alkaline medium towards powerful oxidising agents
H2O2  2H+ + O2 + 2e– (in acidic medium)
H2O2 + 2OH–  2H2O + O2 + 2e– (in alkaline medium)

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22 Hydrogen Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

28. Answer (3)

2H2SO4  2H+ + 2HSO4–
Cathode : 2H+ + 2e–  H2

Anode : 2HSO4–  H2S2O8 + 2e

29. Answer (2)
PbS(s) + 4H2O2(aq)  PbSO4(s) + 4H2O(l)
30. Answer (1)
H2O2 reduces potassium ferricyanide to potassium ferrocyanide
2K3[Fe(CN)6] + 2KOH + H2O2  2K4[Fe(CN)6] + 2H2O + O2.
31. Answer (2)
In a reaction inhibitor is a substance that decreases the rate of a chemical reaction. Thus, phosphoric acid
is an inhibitor.
32. Answer (3)
–1 x 2 +1 x 2
–2 0
H2O2 H2O + O2
33. Answer (4)
This tells how much oxygen is released from 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution. 1 ml of 10 volume gives
10 ml oxygen. 1 ml of 20 volume gives 20 ml oxygen.
34. Answer (1)
1 ml of 10 volume H2O2 gives 10 ml oxygen at NTP
35. Answer (3)
∵ Volume strength = Normality × 5.6
Normality of 10 volume H2O2 solution   1.78 N
36. Answer (2)
1.5 N means 1.5 gram equivalent in 1 L solution

Normality 
eq. wt of H 2O 2  Volume of solution (in litre)

 1.5 
wt = 1.5  17
= 25.5 g
37. Answer (1)
Hybridisation of oxygen in H2O and H2O2 is sp3.
38. Answer (3)
+ – + –
It turns out that O D O "H-Bonding" is slightly stronger than O H O bond. The slightly greater
H-bonding strength increases the intermolecular forces in D2O compared to H2O and D2O has a higher boiling
point (by 1.5ºC) than H2O.

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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Hydrogen 23

Previous Years Questions
1. Answer (2)
Clark's method is used to remove temporary hardness of water, in which bicarbonates of calcium and
magnesium are reacted with slaked lime Ca(OH)2
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 ® 2CaCO3 ¯ + 2H2O
Mg(HCO3)2 + 2Ca(OH)2 ® 2CaCO3 ¯ + Mg(OH)2 ¯ + 2H2O
2. Answer (1 & 2)
3. Answer (3)
4. Answer (3)
Smaller the ion more is the extent of hydration. The hydration enthalpies of alkali metal ions decrease with
increase in ionic size. Hydration enthalpy is proportional to nuclear charge.
Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+
More the hydrated ion larger will be its size. In contrast, when the aqueous ions are adsorbed on an ion-
exchange resin, the order of the strength of adsorption is Li < Na < K < Rb . As Li ion is most highly
hydrated, the size of the hydrated Li ions is maximum.
5. Answer (1)
Heavy water is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors. Heavy water is more associated than ordinary water.
6. Answer (1)
Ca + 2H2O  H2 + Ca(OH)2
7. Answer (3)
NaH + H2O  NaOH + H2
8. Answer (1)
Interstitial compounds are generally not chemically reactive.
9. Answer (2)

2  Volume strength
Molarity 
1.5 N = 0.75 M H2O2

2  Volume strength
 0.75   Volume strength = 0.75  11.2 = 8.4

10. Answer (1)

Copper being weakly electropositive, is not very reactive. It resists the action of most of the common chemical
reagents like air, H2O, acids and alkalies. Non-oxidising acids like HCl and dilute H2SO4 have no effect on
copper in absence of air/O2.

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24 Hydrogen Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

11. Answer (4)

4Zn + 10HNO3  4Zn(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + 3H2O
12. Answer (3)
Ca + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2
CaH2 + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + 2H2
13. Answer (1)
If the spins of the nuclei of two H-atoms of H2 molecule are in the same direction, the dihydrogen is called
ortho hydrogen. But if the spins of the nuclei of two hydrogen atoms are in opposite directions, it is called
para hydrogen.
14. Answer (3)
2Na + HCl(dil.)  NaCl + H2
15. Answer (3)
Deuterium resembles hydrogen in chemical properties and gives all characteristic reactions of hydrogen, forming
analogous compounds. It, however reacts more slowly and less completely than hydrogen.
16. Answer (2)
Spin isomerism is shown by hydrogen i.e. ortho and para hydrogen.
17. Answer (1)
High temperature and high pressure favour the fuse of hydrogen to form helium. For example, on the sun's
atmosphere nuclear fusion reactions keep occurring as hydrogen gets fused to form helium.
18. Answer (1)
CaC2 + D2O  Ca(OD)2 + D–CC–D
19. Answer (4)
The two hydrogens of the water molecule can form hydrogen bonds with other oxygen-like in ice, and the
two lone pair of electrons. An oxygen of the water molecule can attract other hydrogens in ice. Hence four
possible hydrogen bonds.
20. Answer (2)
Cl2 + H2O2  2HCl + O2 (alkaline medium)
Here H2O2 is a reducing agent.
21. Answer (4)
10 volume H2O2 implies the 1 L of H2O2 gives 10 L of O2 at S.T.P.

2H 2O 2 (l) 
 H 2O(l) + O 2 (g)
2  34 g 22.4 L at STP

22.4 L of O2 at STP is given by H2O2 = 68 g

10 L of O2 at STP is given by H2O2

68  10
  30.36 g
 Strength of H2O2 = 30.36 gL–1
 1000 ml = 30.36 g
 100 ml =  100
= 3.036 g
i.e., 3.036 %
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Hydrogen 25
22. Answer (1)
BaO28H2O + H2SO4  BaSO4 + H2O2 + 8H2O
23. Answer (4)
Acidic medium : PbS + 4H2O2  PbSO4 + 4H2O
Alkaline medium : MnSO4 + H2O2 + 2NaOH  MnO2 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O
24. Answer (4)
PbS + 4H2O2  PbSO4 + 4H2O
25. Answer (2)
20 volume of H2O2 gives 20 ml of oxygen at STP
 15 ml of 20 volume H2O2 will yield
15  20 = 300 ml of oxygen
26. Answer (2)

2H 2O 2 
 2H 2O + O2
2 34 g 22400 ml

Now 2 × 34 = 68 g of H2O2 liberates 22400 ml O2 at STP.

0.68  22400
 0.68 g of H2O2 liberate   224 mL of O 2 at STP
27. Answer (2)
20 volume solution of H2O2 means that 1 L of this H2O2.
solution will give 20 L of oxygen at STP

2H 2O 2 
 2H 2O + O 2
2  34 22.7 L at STP
= 68 g
22.7 L of O2 at STP is obtained from H2O2 = 68 g

 20 L of O2 at STP is obtained from H2O2  +20  59.91 g/L = 6% H2O2
28. Answer (4)
According to the structure. It is 94.8°.

Assertion-Reason Type Questions
1. Answer (4)
ScH2 is an example of metallic hydride metals form covalent hydride also.
2. Answer (2)
Temporary hardness is due to the presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. Permanent hardness
is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphides of calcium and magnesium dissolves in water.
3. Answer (4)
The normality of 20 volume H2O2 is 3.58 N
Volume strength = 5.6  N

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26 Hydrogen Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

4. Answer (3)
Temporary hardness can be removed by boiling.
5. Answer (1)
The reactivity order of hydrogens is,
H2 < Nascent hydrogen < Atomic hydrogen.
6. Answer (4)
Due to high electronegativity of Fluorine and smaller size, the O–O bond length in H2O2 is larger than that
of O2F2.
7. Answer (2)
K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + 4H2O2  2CrO5 + K2SO4 + 5H2O
H2O2 can act as reducing agent.
8. Answer (1)
Water is a polar solvent. Covalent compounds interact weakly that even van der Waal's forces cannot be
9. Answer (3)
Zn(OH)2 is amphoteric in nature.
10. Answer (3)
Peroxydisulphuric acid has peroxy linkages.
11. Answer (1)
2MnO4– + 6H+ + 5H2O2  2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 5O2
12. Answer (2)

2Al + 2NaOH 
 2NaAlO 2 + H 2
 Sodium meta
aluminate 
13. Answer (2)
pH of water is dependant on temperature. Boiling of water has pH less than 7.
14. Answer (2)
H2O2 decomposes on exposure to light which is why it is stored in dark wax lined plastic vessel.
15. Answer (3)
Dihedral angle in gas phase = 111.5°
solid phase = 90.2°
Hydrogen peroxide is non-linear, non-planar molecule.


Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 011-47623456

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