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PAPER | Nanoscale

Extracellular biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using

Aspergillus flavus NJP08: A mechanism perspective
Navin Jain,a Arpit Bhargava,a Sonali Majumdar,a J. C. Tarafdarb and Jitendra Panwar*a
Received 7th September 2010, Accepted 9th October 2010
DOI: 10.1039/c0nr00656d

The present study demonstrates an eco-friendly and low cost protocol for synthesis of silver
nanoparticles using the cell-free filtrate of Aspergillus flavus NJP08 when supplied with aqueous silver
(Ag+) ions. Identification of the fungal isolate was based on nuclear ribosomal DNA internal
Published on 18 November 2010 on | doi:10.1039/C0NR00656D

transcribed spacer (ITS) identities. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive
spectroscopy (EDS) revealed the formation of spherical metallic silver nanoparticles. The average
particle size calculated using Dynamic Light Scattering measurements (DLS) was found to be 17 
5.9 nm. UV-Visible and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirmed the presence of
extracellular proteins. SDS-PAGE profiles of the extracellular proteins showed the presence of two
intense bands of 32 and 35 kDa, responsible for the synthesis and stability of silver nanoparticles,
respectively. A probable mechanism behind the biosynthesis is discussed, which leads to the possibility
of using the present protocol in future ‘‘nano-factories’’.
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Introduction as well as in growing list of cosmetics, clothing and numerous

consumer products.4,5
Nanotechnology has now started leaving the confines of labo- Conventional synthesis of silver nanoparticles involves
ratories; and conquering new applications to change our lives. a number of chemical and physical methods including chemical
Nanoparticles possess increased structural integrity as well as reduction in aqueous or non-aqueous solution,6 microemulsion,7
unique chemical, optical, mechanical, electronic and magnetic template,8 sonochemical,9 and microwave-assisted10 methods.
properties compared to large particles of bulk materials.1 These However, all these methods are energy and capital intensive,
unique properties are derived due to variations in specific char- employ toxic chemicals, and often yield particles in non-polar
acteristics such as size, distribution and structure of particles. organic solutions, thus precluding their biomedical applications.
Due to these incredible properties, nanoparticles have become Thus the need for the development of clean, reliable, bio-
significant in recent years and nano-products are coming to the compatible and benign processes to synthesize nanoparticles
market rapidly. The fast growing field of nanotechnology leads to turning of more and more researchers to exploit bio-
presents great potential to influence various sectors in the areas logical systems as possible eco-friendly ‘‘nano-factories’’.
of energy, environment, agriculture, healthcare and consumer It is well known that the biological systems can provide
goods. Therefore, it has built great expectations not only in the a number of metal or metal-containing particles in the nanometre
academic community but also among the investors, govern- range. Thus, they can be seen as a nanophase system in their own
ments, and industries. According to estimates, the worldwide right and as the starting point for producing other novel nano-
nano product market is estimated to reach $1 trillion by the year phase systems. Biological methods for nanoparticle synthesis
2015.2 To compete with this tremendous demand, the synthesis of would help circumvent many of the detrimental features by
nanomaterials of specific composition, shape and size is enabling synthesis at mild pH, pressure and temperature and at
a burgeoning area of research in the field of nanotechnology. a substantially lower cost. A number of micro-organisms have
Among various metals, silver has been known since ancient been found to be capable of synthesizing inorganic nano-
times as effective antimicrobial agent for the treatment of composites either intra- or extracellularly. These include
diseases, for food preservation and to keep water safe.3 With the magnetotactic bacteria,11,12 silica deposits by diatoms,13 and
recent advancements in the field of nanotechnology, silver gypsum and calcium layers by S-layer bacteria.14 The secrets
nanoparticles have been widely used as a novel therapeutic agent gleaned from nature combined with academic and scientific
extending their use as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti- curiosity have led to the development of biomimetic approaches
inflammatory and anti-cancerous agents. The broad-spectrum for the synthesis of nanoparticles.
antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles encourage its use Whilst various studies have been commenced on identification
in a large number of biomedical and environmental applications of microorganisms as possible nanofactories,15 very little work
has been conducted on the actual mechanisms of nanoparticle
formation in microorganisms. The defensive mechanism of cells
Centre for Biotechnology, Department of Biological Sciences, Birla for silver detoxification has been suggested as a biological
Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, 333031, India.
E-mail:; Fax: +911596244183; Tel:
pathway for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles.16 Ahmad et al.
+919414411654 had shown that NADH-dependent enzymes are responsible for
Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 342003, India the biosynthesis of nanoparticles.17 The reduction mechanism

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seems to be initiated by electron transfer from the NADH by flasks were then incubated at 28  C for 4 days on a rotary shaker
NADH-dependent reductase as electron carrier. (150 rpm). Fungal mycelium were separated from the culture
Recent studies demonstrated that the nitrate reductase enzyme medium by centrifugation (8000 rpm, 10 min, and 4  C) and
system can be responsible for the bioreduction which leads to washed thrice with sterile water. Typically, 10 g of biomass (fresh
formation of silver nanoparticles.18 Similarly, studies with weight) was resuspended in 100 ml of sterile deionized Milli-Q
Fusarium oxysporum has shown that the reduction of silver ions water and further incubated for 72 h in an Erlenmeyer flask and
occurs by a nitrate-dependent reductase and a shuttle quinone agitated in similar conditions as described earlier. After incuba-
extracellular process.19 However, the exact mechanism of the tion, biomass was separated by filtration using Whatman filter
formation of silver nanoparticles is yet to be elucidated. paper no. 1 and the cell-free filtrate was obtained. For synthesis
In the present study, learning from nature’s own sustainable of silver nanoparticles, aqueous silver nitrate solution at a final
way of bioremediation of the metal ions, we have utilized a soil concentration of 1.0 mM was added to the reaction vessels
fungal isolate Aspergillus flavus NJP08 to develop an eco-friendly containing cell-free filtrate and incubated at 28  C on a rotary
Published on 18 November 2010 on | doi:10.1039/C0NR00656D

and low cost protocol for the extracellular synthesis of silver shaker (150 rpm) without light. Controls containing cell-free
nanoparticles. The plausible mechanism behind the synthesis of filtrate (without silver nitrate) as positive and pure silver nitrate
silver nanoparticles and their subsequent stabilization via solution (without cell-free filtrate) as negative controls were also
capping proteins is discussed. run simultaneously along with the experimental flask in three
Characterization of silver nanoparticles
UV-Visible spectroscopy analysis. Change in color was visually
All chemicals were of analytical grade and procured from Sigma
observed in the silver nitrate solution incubated with Aspergillus
Aldrich (India) or Merck (India) unless otherwise stated. All
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flavus NJP08. The bioreduction of precursor silver ions was

culture media were purchased from HiMedia (India). Standard
monitored by sampling of aliquots (1 ml) at different time
protein molecular weight marker (SM-0431) was obtained from
intervals. Absorption measurements were carried out on Jasco
MBI Fermentas, USA.
V-630 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer at a resolution of 1 nm.
UV-Vis. analysis of several weeks old samples was also carried
Isolation and identification of fungal isolate out to check the stability of silver nanoparticles.
The fungal isolate was isolated from metal-rich regions of
Udaipur, Rajasthan, India (24 210 3500 N and 73 440 1500 E). Soil FTIR spectroscopy analysis. For Fourier transform infrared
samples were used as inoculums for serial dilution technique and (FTIR) spectroscopy measurements, the bio-transformed pro-
plated on Martin Rose Bengal Agar media. The plates were ducts present in cell-free filtrate were freeze-dried and diluted
incubated at 28  C for 4 days. Individual fungal colonies were with potassium bromide in the ratio of 1 : 100. FTIR spectrum of
picked and further purified by sub-culturing on Potato Dextrose samples was recorded on Shimazdu IR Prestige-21 FTIR
Agar (PDA) media. instrument with a diffuse reflectance mode (DRS-8000) attach-
The identification of the fungal isolate was carried out by ment. All measurements were carried out in the range of 400–
morphological and microscopic observations (such as color, 4000 cm1 at a resolution of 4 cm1.
texture of the mycelia, spore formation pattern, etc.) followed by
nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) TEM, HR-TEM and SAED analysis. For transmission elec-
sequencing. The genomic DNA was isolated by CTAB extraction tron microscope (TEM) measurements, a drop of solution con-
method using standard protocols.20 Internal transcribed spacer taining as-synthesized silver nanoparticles was placed on the
(ITS) regions were amplified using primers ITS1 and ITS4 with carbon coated copper grids and kept under vacuum desiccation
50 -TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG and 50 -TCCTCCGC- for overnight before loading them onto a specimen holder. TEM
TTATTGATATGC sequences respectively.21 PCR amplified micrographs were taken by analyzing the prepared grids on
products were sequenced using ABI prism DNA sequencer by Hitachi H-7650 TEM instrument using low voltage (100 kV).
BigDye terminator method. The resulting sequence was entered High-resolution transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM)
into the BLAST algorithm of National Centre of Biological micrographs of the sample were taken using the JEOL-2100
Information (NCBI) database to obtain closely related phylo- TEM instrument having selected area electron diffraction
genetic sequences. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using (SAED) attachment. The instrument was operated at an accel-
Neighbor Joining method in Mega 4.0 software.22 The substitu- erating voltage of 200 kV.
tion model was based on Jukes and Cantor.23
EDS analysis. For energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
samples were prepared on a copper substrate by drop coating of
Extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles
silver nanoparticles. Elemental analysis on single particles was
The fungal isolate was maintained on PDA slants (pH 5.6) at carried out using Thermo Noran EDS attachment equipped with
28  C with regular sub-culturing on fresh media. The stock TEM.
culture (4 days old) was inoculated in 100ml of MGYP medium
(0.3% malt extract, 1.0% glucose, 0.3% yeast extract, 0.5% Particle size (DLS) analysis. The particle size distribution of
peptone; pH 7.0) in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. The inoculated silver nanoparticles was evaluated using dynamic light scattering

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(DLS) measurements conducted with a Malvern Zetasizer

Nanoseries compact scattering spectrometer (Malvern Instru-
ments Ltd, Malvern, UK). Data obtained were analyzed using
Zetasizer software.

Protein purification and one dimensional gel electrophoresis

For the purification of proteins from aqueous cell-free filtrate,
solid ammonium sulfate was added slowly to control solutions
containing extracellular proteins at a final concentration of 80%
(w/v). The mixture was gently stirred for overnight at 4  C. The
resulting precipitate was subsequently collected by centrifugation
at 12 000 rpm for 10 min at 4  C. The protein obtained thereafter
Published on 18 November 2010 on | doi:10.1039/C0NR00656D

were resuspended in copious amount of water and dialyzed using

a 12-kDa cut off dialysis bag made up of cellulose acetate
membrane. The dialysis bag was pre-treated as per the manu-
facturer’s instructions. The bag was then suspended in dialysis
buffer (50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2) and stirred slowly. The Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree showing genetic relationship between the isolate
Aspergillus flavus NJP08 and other closely related reference micro-
dialysis buffer was changed 3–4 times over a 24 h period. The
organisms. Scale bar represents 10 nucleotide substitutions.
dialyzed protein fraction was further analyzed by one dimen-
sional SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel
mixture from colorless to brown with intensity increasing during
electrophoresis) as per standard procedure with adequate
the incubation period. The negative control (pure silver nitrate
modifications.24 All samples were denatured in sample buffer
Downloaded on 19 November 2010

solution without cell-free filtrate) did not show the characteristic

containing 60 mM Tris (pH 6.8), 25% glycerol, 2% SDS,
change in color indicating that the synthesis is not a thermal and
14.4 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.1% bromophenol blue and boiled
temporal process.
for 5 min, followed by centrifugation at 8000 rpm for 1 min at
UV-visible spectroscopy is one of the most widely used tech-
4  C. Stained molecular weight marker was run along with
niques for structural characterization of silver nanoparticles. The
samples. Electrophoresis was performed using Bio-Rad Mini
bio-transformed products were simultaneously characterized by
Protean gel system at a constant voltage of 100 kV for 120 min.
UV-Vis. spectroscopy measurements performed at different time
After electrophoresis, the gel was stained with Coomassie
intervals to study the change in light absorption profile of the
Brilliant Blue dye and was observed in a gel imaging system (Bio-
solution and increase in intensity. The absorption spectra of
Rad, USA).
nanoparticles showed highly symmetric single-band absorption
In order to investigate the proteins which are bound to the
with peak maximum at ca. 421 nm with steadily increased in
surface of silver nanoparticles, samples were boiled with 1% SDS
intensity as a function of time of reaction without any shift in the
solution for 10 min followed by centrifugation at 8000 rpm for
peak (Fig. 3). This indicates the presence of silver nanoparticles
10 min for collection of supernatant. The SDS- treated and
which is due to the excitation of surface plasmons; typical of
untreated samples were further analyzed by the 12% SDS-PAGE
silver nanoparticles.25 Inset to Fig. 3 represents the plot of
as described earlier.
absorbance at 420 nm at different time intervals of reaction.
After 72 h of incubation, no further increase in intensity was
Results and discussion recorded indicating complete reduction of precursor silver ions.
Identification of fungal isolate
It is pre-requisite to identify the fungal isolate up to the species
level in order to fully understand its nanoparticle synthesis
mechanism. Amplification and sequencing of fungal rRNA gene
resulted in 564 bp long nucleotide sequence, which has been
deposited in NCBI GenBank (Accession Number: HM222933).
The sequence was compared using BLAST algorithm and the
closely related sequences were selected followed by their analysis
using molecular evolutionary computing software MEGA 4.0.
The phylogenetic tree was constructed which confirms that strain
NJP08 exhibited 100% similarity with Aspergillus flavus (Fig. 1).

Characterization of silver nanoparticles

Fig. 2 shows Erlenmeyer flasks containing the cell-free filtrate of
Aspergillus flavus NJP08 without (A) and with silver nitrate (B) Fig. 2 Erlenmeyer flask containing cell-free filtrate of Aspergillus flavus
after completion of reaction at 72 h. The flask containing silver NJP08 without (a) and with (b) silver nitrate solution (1 mM) after 72 h of
nitrate solution showed gradual change in color of reaction reaction.

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are highly desirable characteristics of the nanoparticles.28 This is

an important aspect of synthesis of nanoparticles, since the lack
of sufficient stability of many nanoparticles preparation has to
some extent impeded the development of the real world appli-
cations of nanomaterials.29
FTIR measurements of the freeze-dried samples were carried
out to identify the possible interactions between silver and
bioactive molecules, which may be responsible for synthesis and
stabilization (capping material) of silver nanoparticles. The
amide linkages between amino acid residues in proteins give rise
to well known signatures in the infrared region of the electro-
magnetic spectrum. FTIR spectrum reveals two bands at 1647
Published on 18 November 2010 on | doi:10.1039/C0NR00656D

and 1543 cm1 that corresponds to the bending vibrations of the

amide I and amide II bands of the proteins respectively; while
their corresponding stretching vibrations were seen at 3302 and
Fig. 3 UV-Vis. spectra of cell free filtrate as a function of time. Arrow 2926 cm1 respectively (Fig. 5). The presence of the signature
represents time of reaction (0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h) with respective
peaks of amino acids supports the presence of proteins in cell-free
curves. Inset graph shows reaction saturation curve.
filtrate as observed in UV-Vis. spectra.
It is well known that protein–nanoparticle interactions can
It is observed that the graph follows the sigmoid kinetics which is occur either through free amine groups or cysteine residues in
characteristic of enzyme catalysis reactions. The kinetics of silver proteins and via the electrostatic attraction of negatively charged
nanoparticles formation showed that more than 85% of the carboxylate groups in enzymes.30 The two bands observed at
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particles were formed within the 48 h of the reaction which 1381 and 1032 cm1 can be assigned to the C–N stretching
suggests that the formation of silver nanoparticles is exponential vibrations of the aromatic and aliphatic amines, respectively.31
in nature. These observations indicate the presence and binding of proteins
Fig. 4 shows the UV-Vis. spectrum recorded from the reaction with silver nanoparticles which can lead to their possible stabi-
vessel after 72 h of reaction. An absorption peak at ca. 280 nm lization. FTIR results revealed that secondary structure of
was observed which corresponds to aromatic amino acids of proteins have not been affected as a consequence of reaction with
proteins (Fig. 4). It is well known that the absorbance peak at silver ions or binding with silver nanoparticles. It is important to
280 nm arises due to electronic excitations in tyrosine and try- understand though, that it is not just the size and shape of
ptophan residues of the protein.26,27 This observation indicates proteins, but the conformation of protein molecules that plays an
the presence of proteins secreted by fungus in the cell-free filtrate. important role.
The particles in the solution are thus stabilized by the capping TEM measurements were used to determine the morphology
agent that is likely to be proteins present in the cell-free filtrate. and shape of nanoparticles. Low magnification TEM micro-
Stability of as-synthesized silver nanoparticles was monitored graphs (Fig. 6a) revealed that the particles are spherical in shape
regularly for more than four months of completion of reaction. It and uniformly distributed (monodispersed) without significant
was observed that the nanoparticle solution was extremely stable agglomeration. The particle size histogram (Fig. 7a) of silver
at room temperature, with no evidence of flocculation of parti- nanoparticles shows that the particle size ranges from 10 to
cles as determined by UV-Vis. spectroscopy measurements. This 35 nm and possess an average size of 17  5.9 nm, although very
indicates that the nanoparticles were well dispersed in the solu- tiny particles (ca. 5–10 nm) have also been observed that may be
tion without aggregation. Monodispersity and chemical stability due to vigorous shaking. The frequency distribution observed
from the histogram shows that almost 80% of the particles are in
the 10- to 25-nm range. These results are in agreement with the
values obtained by DLS measurements as shown in Fig. 7b.

Fig. 4 UV-Vis. spectra of cell-free filtrate showing presence of proteins.

The absorption maxima at 280 nm arise due to electronic excitations in
tyrosine and tryptophan residues of proteins. Fig. 5 FTIR spectra of freeze-dried powder of silver nanoparticles.

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Fig. 7 Particle size distribution histogram of silver nanoparticles from

(a) transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis and (b) particle size
(DLS) analysis.

3 eV reveals the presence of pure metallic silver nanoparticles.32

The spectrum shows mainly Ag (59 atom%) and only minor
amounts of other elements with Nb (8.99 atom%) being the
largest. Apart from this, the signals for C, N and O indicate the
presence of proteins as a capping material on the surface of silver

Fig. 6 TEM micrographs showing uniformly distributed silver nano-

particles. (a) Low magnification image and (b) high magnification image.

The structural features of the individual silver nanoparticles

can be observed more clearly in the HR-TEM images (Fig. 8).
The particles are predominantly spherical with round edges and
no sign of crystal defects. The inset to Fig. 8 shows the selected
area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern from one of the silver
nanoparticles which confirms the plane (111) of silver nano-
particles. The lattice fringes observed in micrograph also
supports the crystalline nature of silver nanoparticles. Fig. 8 HR-TEM micrograph showing spherical shape of silver nano-
An EDS spectrum of drop coated film of silver nanoparticles is particle. Inset showing SAED pattern recorded from silver nanoparticle;
shown in Fig. 9. The presence of an optical absorption band at the spot array is from [111] beam direction for a fcc crystal.

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can be responsible for the synthesis as well as stability of silver

nanoparticles. Similarly, studies with Fusarium oxysporum
showed presence of two extracellular proteins having molecular
weight of 24 and 28 kDa responsible for the synthesis of zirconia
In order to identify the proteins bound to the surface of silver
nanoparticles, the as-synthesized silver nanoparticles were
treated with 1% SDS solution in boiling water bath for 10 min.
SDS act as a denaturing agent and its treatment results in
detachment of the surface bounded proteins from nanoparticles.
The treated and un-treated samples were analyzed by 12% SDS-
PAGE as described earlier. An intense band was observed at the
Published on 18 November 2010 on | doi:10.1039/C0NR00656D

transition of the stacking and resolving gel containing un-treated

samples showing silver deposition (Fig. 10, lane 3). It can be
predicted that the strong interactions between protein and
nanoparticles prevent the migration of proteins into the resolving
Fig. 9 EDS spectrum showing the presence of elemental silver. gel. Interestingly, the SDS treated samples showed the presence
of a single intense band of ca. 35 kDa which is similar to the
protein band present in lane 1 (Fig. 10, lane 4). Thus, it can be
Role of fungal proteins
proposed that this 35 kDa protein acts as a capping material and
Fungi are very well known to secrete large amount of proteins confers stability to the silver nanoparticles. Further studies are in
which play a major role in their life cycle. The majority of these progress to understand the actual mechanism behind the
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proteins include hydrolytic enzymes such as amylases, cellulases synthesis and stability of silver nanoparticles. Efforts are
and proteases.33 Most of the proteomic studies have focused on underway in our laboratory to purify and characterize these two
the proteins involved in the metabolic pathways, however, other proteins.
proteins and their role still remains unknown. Based on these experimental findings, a schematic presentation
To identify the fungal proteins responsible for synthesis of of the possible mechanism for synthesis of silver nanoparticles is
silver nanoparticles, the cell-free filtrate was salted out overnight speculated (Fig. 11). The synthesis process occurs in two steps:
at 4  C using ammonium sulfate precipitation method followed firstly, reduction of bulk silver ions into silver nanoparticles and,
by centrifugation. The pellet fraction was subsequently dialyzed secondly, capping of the as-synthesized nanoparticles. The first
using a 12-kDa cut-off membrane. The protein profiles were step involves a 32 kDa protein which may be a reductase secreted
compared by one dimensional SDS-PAGE followed by Coo- by the fungal isolate, which may be specific for reduction of silver
massie Brilliant Blue staining (Fig. 10). The protein fraction ions into silver nanoparticles. The second step involves 35 kDa
clearly showed presence of two intense bands of 35 and 32 kDa proteins which bind with nanoparticles and confer stability. The
(bands highlighted by arrows in Fig. 10, lane 2). These proteins protein–nanoparticle interactions can play a very significant role
in providing stability to nanoparticles. Previous studies had also
shown that the proteins bound to nanoparticle surface

Fig. 10 SDS-PAGE analysis of purified extracellular proteins secreted

from Aspergillus flavus NJP08. Lane 1, molecular size marker (116.0 kDa
b-galactosidase; 66.2 kDa, bovine serum albumin; 45 kDa, ovalbumin; 35
kDa, lactate dehydrogenase; 25 kDa, REase Bsp 98I; 18.4 kDa, b-
lactoglobulin; 14.4 kDa, lysozyme). Lane 2, purified extracellular
proteins. The arrows highlighted in Lane 2 indicate two intense bands of
35 and 32 kDa proteins. Protein profile bound to silver nanoparticles Fig. 11 Mechanism showing the role of extracellular proteins in the
before (Lane 3) and after (Lane 4) boiling in 1% SDS solution. synthesis of silver nanoparticles.

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This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 Nanoscale

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