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To Whom May Concern,

My name is Elif ÖNSÖZ, and I am graduated student of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Izmir Institute
of Technology in Izmir, Turkey. I am writing to inquire for opportunity to be able to work as an
researcher and student in your master student. Our department requires mandatory internship for
third-year students and I worked in the hemoglobinopathies research laboratory in 6 weeks and I also
worked in neuroscience lab for Alzheimer. I want to expend my experience on neurobiology, physiology
and immunology systems and do my master on one of these subject because this is the key of
improvement of human life.

I am currently interested in cancer genetics, physiology, neurobiology, drug studies, and interaction of
drugs on brain. I want to study further on neuroscience and neurodegeneration. It would be a real
pleasure to be a part of your university and observe new techniques and applications in the field of
academy and healthcare in order to shape my skills for my carrier further and be opened for future
carrier options.

I worked in Advanced Technology Education Research and Application Center for Prof. Dr. Yasemin
KAÇAR Lab for 2 months for mandatory internship and also in Doğanlar lab of my university for research
student. We investigate the Sickle cell anemia and CRISPR/Cas9 gene transfer. Also, I was intern of Karel
JEZEK in Alzheimer disease using mapping and brain waves under sleep condition based on RAM phases.
I run an experiment about role of the dorsal hippocampus in object memory load in mouse using 6
different object test and 6 identical object test. The test gives an opportunity understanding of how
hippocampus effect high number of sample memorizing process.

I use English at the level of professional working proficiency fluently and accurately. In our university, I
took selection classes; signal transduction, developmental biology, neurobiology, human genetics,
physiology, genetics, molecular biology, molecular evolution.

For my future, I looked into a job that helps develop myself and make a difference for world future. I
know research programs in industry gives hope for next generation’s future, world destiny and our lives.
The knowledge and experience that I earned these years affect my perspective so I want to involve the
person who make world better. Your company offers so much opportunity and these actually get me
excited for new experiment and new product possibilities.

Thank you very much for your concern and time.



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