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Lord of the Flies: Juxtaposition and Mood

Chapter 7

Juxtaposition (n) [juhk-st uh -p uh -zish- uh n]

 the state of being close together or side by side
To Juxtapose (v)
 an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast

Sometimes an author will place incidents with contrasting moods next to each other in the story so that the mood of each is
enhanced by the contrast. For example, reread page 112 beginning with “Once, following his father…” and ending with “…
humored and friendly.” In this scene, Ralph reminisces about his life in England before the boys crashed on the island. Identify
the dominant mood of the passage and note two descriptive images Golding uses to convey this mood. For each image,
explain what techniques the author employs to create the image.

Dominant Mood: tranquil, content, safe (civilized world)


Consider the following: visual, auditory, gustatory, tactile, or olfactory imagery,
shared diction, figurative language, vivid verbs, colorful adjectives, etc.
Visual Imagery with Positive Connotation:
 Nostalgic- Focus on the books: “Vividly they [came] before him… good humored and friendly” (112).

 Reminiscent- Focus on snowflakes: “You could see the damp spot… whole ground turned white” (112).

 Safe (there’s refuge/shelter): “You can go indoors… the little blue men.” (112).

 Comforting: “Went you went to bed there was a bowl of cornflakes with sugar and cream” (112).

 Books symbolize escape, a safe place/retreat; personifies the books; joyful, positive diction.

 White of the snowflakes symbolizes purity and innocence

Note: This scene is a memory moment = possibly significant (Note and Notice technique)

Golding juxtaposes this scene with one in which Ralph is on the island engaged in a hunt. Reread page 113 beginning with
“The bushes crashed…” and ending with “…in the undergrowth.” Again, identify the dominant mood of the passage and note
two descriptive images Golding uses to convey this mood. For each image, explain what techniques the author employs to
create the image.

Dominant Mood: chaotic, violent (uncivilized world)


Consider the following: visual, auditory, gustatory, tactile, or olfactory imagery,
shared diction, figurative language, vivid verbs, colorful adjectives, etc.
Visual and Auditory Imagery/Shared Diction with a violent and chaotic connotation:
 Flung
 Wildly
 Scrabbled
 Screaming
 Bounding
 Coldly
 Flung
 A squeal
 Swerved
 Shouting
 running

Write an evidence based claim in which you identify the purpose of the juxtaposition of these two scenes.

Contrasts the warmth and security of the civilized world with the chaos and violence of the uncivilized world.
Note that Ralph is a part of the hunt and he likes it. He feels “pride” and need for a “witness” when he strikes the boar with the

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