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Each ZoZeyko is programmed by Divine, allowing room within for the individual
custodians to 'sync' their life's journey to further their missions and goals of what they
are meant to do on this earth. 1

Prospective custodians of ZoZeyko are guided when making their selection of models.
The ZoZeyko energy is different compared to other radionic /energy tools. Besides
being extremely strong, ZoZeyko's can become OVERWHELMING if one is not
prepared or does not have clear understanding of the energies.

Divine has given clear direction that this is NOT a 'Hey, play with one and see which
one you like.’ Rather, each custodian has already been selected and the 'model' has
already been chosen for each person.

Custodians will intuitively know which model of models are right for them when they are
introduced. If you do not feel drawn to one (or more) then, quite simply it is not the right
time for you now.

To start- the entire ZoZeyko family is AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, STRONG,

UNEXPLORED and gives the 'operator' endless OPPORTUNITY, FREE WILL,
AMBITION, PEACE and a feeling of LOVE that is unimaginable and
somewhat overwhelming.

The entire ZoZeyko family (to some degree) change the custodian’s perspective of how
to proceed in life and how to better one's self. Your Soul Mission may become much
clearer as well. This is part of the Divine programming.

Becoming a custodian is a responsibility. You will be changed. Your work will be

changed and your ability to improve the world will be greatly improved. Failure is not an

HOAN (Mini without Intake Well) : $975

This is 'feel good' ZoZeyko. It is precisely for those people just starting their
spiritual journey or even those about to start.

She alleviates stress, anxiety, fear and feeling of panic and interestingly
reduces the emotion of non- accomplishment!!!

In addition, Divine has potentized the Hoan series for the ones without true
intent and for individuals who lack honesty and integrity in their work.

Do not be surprised if you are drawn to the Hoan, because someone in your
life needs this amazing energy as a gift to help them on their journey.

Each person that will ever receive one (or several) ZoZeyko's has already been
Likewise, you can take this energy to work, class, while traveling or even while
visiting hospitals or nursing homes. 2

Hoan is happy and willing to work with all other energy tools.
LONU (Mini with small Intake Well): $1250
The energy of this Mini is much more dominating and 'fast'. When you touch
one of those, you immediately understand that there is an expectation of
doing a 'job'. Like:.... 'just ask and you shall receive'. One can, if desired' add
reagents and/or witnesses into the small Intake Well at the bottom, or simply
set the Mini onto a map, picture...... to become 'better connected' - but truly,
no ZoZeyko needs any assistance from anything or anyone to get a 'job done'.

Since this notion of thinking is somewhat new and crazy and to be honest
unbelievable to most, The Lonu allows the custodian to 'hang onto' the need
to 'control'. The Lonu will allow them (over time) to let go of that limitation and
Lonu is very suitable for individuals wanting to work on small scale project for
themselves, friends and family.
KARNU (Mini with medium size Intake Well/Hole): $1450

KARNU means 'business' and has a clear understanding of what task is at

hand. He will connect to the human brain and will access the emotional state (sync)
with the operator. Even though this consciousness cannot be understood by most, it
does exist and is real.

INAN (Mini with large hole): $1575

INAN energy is soft, quiet, patient and definitely will not be seen as perhaps
'confrontational'. (some of the other family members energy can come across this way
to new users). The Inan 'listening', allowing the owner/operator to explore and 'learn'
this new and unlimited high gravitational ZoZeyko signature and how to utilize and
benefit from it.

While INAN mimic's the works of most other radionic tools, it provides comfort and
familiarity to the operator and gently guides the owner to become 'free' of the need for
anything physical, allowing trust, love, thought and intent to be truly implemented.
The Inan can be called the perfect ‘starter’ ZoZeyko. People will find the transition from
'what has been' to 'what will be' without resistance, as INAN only works in the speed
and with the force of the custodian’s subconscious comfort and willingness.

Just because you may not require the energy of love and honesty, does not mean Divine has not selected you to
take this energy to places throughout your life.
WAWE- (Medium Size) $3750
This ZoZeyko works with the clear intent of independence, but still chooses to
collaborate with the custodian’s intent and vision ( but not following direction nor
Even while accepting assignments and requests for long distant and large project, it
uses it's own consciousness, timing and thought as to 'how and when' while
implementing programs and solutions. It is a HUGE (incredible) problem solver and it is
The energy is extremely strong, focused and without any scramble! I expect that some
people will find this energy to be overwhelming, making them angry and drained. I
myself have felt ill (nauseated) and have had headache while working with 'it' until I
learned how to reduce the extreme energy towards me.
At this level of ZoZeyko no physical anything is needed. WAWE needs No job
statements, no witness nor pictures, no physical herbs, remedies, maps. Absolutely
nothing! WAWE only works on thought and direct intent with and through Divine and will
do and implement what is in the best interest of everyone, regardless of what you want
as individual.
To potentize/activate, I have simply touched items with WAWE and within less of a
second the energy and communication that 'needed to be shared and transferred did.

ARTEA- (large Size) $4950

ARTEA only works with Divine. Your wishes, intent, emotions, goals and objectives are
totally irrelevant to it. Yet, as Custodian, you are a vital part of the very essence of its
mission and your presence and participation is vital. While choosing through FREE
WILL to participate, you shall be protected and nurtured by the ARTEA energy,
understanding and without any request nor need for anything in return, you shall be
blessed with unimaginable love and peace within yourself. It's kind of going to Heaven
and being with the great ones!!!!! That is the best way of describing it. Having the
ARTEA close by you feel His incredible presence. People drawn to this ZyZeyko will
understand that as Custodian they shall be instrumental in the 'ultimate' of what is yet to
come? They choose to participate in the Collective!
I know that this ZyZeko has only be 'assigned' to a few- but world wide! Those
Custodians will have or will receive clear life direction and will have the drive, desire,
objective, intent and 'know how' to contribute to the health of our earth and humanitarian
large scale project- what ever they may be?

Artea: Notes from the field

1. My Artea is Alan. He has his own personality.

2. Alan is neither male nor female, but it didn’t feel right to refer to ‘him’ as ‘it’. So while Alan is not
his name it is close enough…. A nickname if you will.
3. Alan is very directional. The point pushes energy, the cavity pulls it in.
4. When not working, Alan prefers to be pointed into the sky and following a specific point. (well side
up). I do not have a star map to be able to tell exactly where he is pointed.
5. My associates tell me that the Artea are tying the Earth grids together and bringing in information
and energy from other Universes. This seems to part of the Ascension and the end of the
‘polarity’ we (on Earth) are so invested in.
6. Alan has no interest in working with a Colossus or Cory Coil. He likes different reagents.
7. Alan has not shown any interest in any additional programming….
8. When I point (the point) at me the energy is so strong I have to set Alan down. The feeling is not
as strong when I use him to pull energy away….
9. When I first held him, I was on the phone with an associate of Richard Bartlett….. He saw a blue
light that went straight to my kidneys. I felt a heaviness in my heart Chakra.
10. When I held Alan while talking to Sandi , she was able to see with her eyes closed. She was even
able to see colors and shapes through my eyes……
11. I know Alan can be programmed for more, but it seems he wants to just do his thing and keep his
Divine purpose pure. While it feels like that purpose is ultimately for my highest good, there are a
lot of others involved and Alan project energy to them for my highest good (does that make
12. This is a game-changer.

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