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What is Communication Breakdown?

A communication breakdown occurs when communication is incomprehensible to one party or

entirely absent between two people.

Communication breakdown is otherwise known as “the silent treatment”. Refusing to

communicate is one of the most common forms of communication breakdown. It usually occurs
when two parties disagree or when someone says something offensive or hurtful.

What are the various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown?

The key to effective communication isn’t simply articulating what you mean when you mean it.
True communication is an exchange, not just of information, but of emotion and intent.

Listening to understand makes the speaker feel valued and it helps to avoid misunderstanding
or communication breakdown.

Active Listening is a communication technique used in counseling, training, and conflict

resolution. It requires that the listener fully concentrate, understand, respond and then
remember what is being said.

How to be an Active Listener?

Pay Attention – give the speaker your undivided attention. Focus on the conversation and put
aside distracting thoughts. Also, avoid being distracted by environmental factors like side
conversations. Moreover, listen to the speaker’s body language because non-verbal
communication also speaks loudly.

Show that you are listening. Use the SOFTEN approach:

Smile – smiling allows you to be perceived as a happy person. It is important to wear a smile in
approaching other people because it radiates positive energy.

Open – At some point, your perspective might differ from the perspective of others that is why
it is important to open your heart and mind to the ideas and perspectives of other people.

Forward Lean – Leaning forward toward someone who is speaking indicates interest and

Touch - it can be used to express a number of message – professional (handshake),

congratulatory (high-five), or threatening (a push). On the other hand, extra caution must be
taken when communicating through touch in different cultures, and there are definite
boundaries depending upon the cultural norm.

Eye Contact – Eye contact is very much important because it suggests that you’re truthful,
engaging, and approachable. Moreover, eye contact signifies that you are listening to the person
that you’re talking with.

Nodding – is one of the most universally understood human gestures. It is a gesture of

acknowledgement or affirmation to the other party’s point.
Provide feedback – our personal filters, assumptions, judgments, and beliefs can distort what
we hear. As a listener, your role is to listen to understand and not just only to respond. This
requires you to reflect what is being said and ask questions.

Understand the Speaker’s point– interrupting is a waste of time. It frustrates the speaker and
limits full understanding of the message. It could be better if you allow the speaker to finish
each point before asking questions or giving out responses.

Respond Appropriately – active listening is a model for respect and understanding. You are
gaining information and perspective. You add nothing by attacking the speaker or otherwise
putting him or her down.

Be candid, open, and honest in your response.

Assert your opinions respectfully.

Treat the other person in a way that you think he or she would want to be treated.

Pay Attention to Body Language

Your body language also conveys meaning. For example, crossing your arms while you are
talking with somebody suggests that you are defensive, self-protective and closed off. The
following are important things to consider when communicating:

Appropriate eye contact. Eye contact is very much important because it suggests that you’re
truthful, engaging, and approachable. Moreover, eye contact signifies that you are listening to
the person that you’re talking with.

Avoid defensive poses like arm-crossing. This can effectively create a barrier between yourself
and the person you’re speaking with.

Avoid fidgeting. Fidgeting is making small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through
nervousness. These movements can be distracting and a sign that you are lack of confidence.
Just relax and slowdown.

Word Choice

We should take note that we have various cultures around the globe. Every day, we are
interacting with different people who came from different cultures and background. It is very
important to consider our choice of words in communicating. We should make sure that it
cannot offense the person that we are talking with. At some point, there are things that might
be acceptable to your culture but not acceptable to other culture.

Moreover, word choice is very much powerful in communication process. For example,
when you are discussing a certain topic in front and then your classmates are so noisy and not
paying attention, instead of saying “Attention! I want you to listen my discussion. Thank you”,
you can also say “I would like to encourage everyone to listen so that you can fully comprehend
my discussion.”
See the difference? The first statement sounds so demanding because of the words “I
WANT”. On the other hand, the second statement is more good to hear because of it friendly
approach using the words “I ENCOURAGE..”..

Consider your tone

How you deliver your message is more important than your message itself. Even though you
have good news but your way or tone in delivering such is so aggressive or sounds offensive,
then there could be a possibility that you might be misinterpreted by your listener.


Observation gives you the opportunity to connect with other people effectively. Through this,
you can see how people act, talk and feel. By that, you can have an idea on how to connect and
run the conversation effectively. For example, if the person you are talking with is frowning,
then he it might be a sign of disapproval.

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