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Supreme Student Government




I. Introduction
The Department of Education of the Philippines Order No. 47 s. 2014
contains the constitution and by-laws of the Supreme Pupil’s Government (SPG)
and the Supreme Student Government (SSG) in elementary and secondary
schools. Among its many objectives is to help students develop passionate love
of country, values and competencies that will enable them to realize their full
potential and to contribute meaningfully in building the nation. Our very own
SSG leads on this principle.

Leadership among the students in the campus should be advanced

because empowering the students makes them feel that they are being heard
and that they are important to the society. This sense of entitlement will also
build them up to be confident as they gear towards their respective carers.

Maxwell describes leadership as something that is not about titles,

positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another. The Supreme
Student Government is composed of student-leaders who are academically
excellent individuals, socially responsible young citizens and servant-leading
Christians. And with the help of the constitution and by-laws of the SSG, these
are the characteristics they shall influence other students with.

This school year, the SSG shall rise up to the challenge and shall continue
the momentum to serve God and serve other students with integrity of heart
and with skilful hands as it is stated in Psalm 78:72.

II. Biblical Foundation of the Supreme Student Government

The Supreme Student Government of JCA upholds the principles of the
Bible when it comes to servant leadership. It is in this thrust that the SSG functions
as a body of student-leaders.
Quoting the Bible from Matthew 20:25-28, NIV, “”Jesus called them
together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,
and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead,
whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and
whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not
come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

III. Mission of Supreme Student Government

The mission statement of SSG is guided by the mission statement of the
Department of Education of the Philippines as directed by Article 3 section 2 of
the SSG Constitution. It is in this orientation that we present the SSG Mission:

To promote the right of every student of JCA for a fair and motivating
environment to learn and grow as Christian individuals.

IV. Diagram of Project Categories

The SSG’s projects are categorized into three: (1.) Student-focused
projects; (2.) School Calendar-coordinated Projects, and; (3.) Advocacy-related
Projects. Categorizing the projects and activities of the SSG ensures goal
orientation and relatedness to the school’s agenda.

Student focused projects, which are subdivided into three (3) other
categories, concentrate on individual objectives for growth. Projects under this
category aim to nurture a student as a Christian and as a learner. At the same
time, this section provides operational plans (oplan) that will promote discipline
among the students which is relevant for their success.

The second category, which is school-calendar coordinated activities,

include SSG-launched actions that are related to a specific school-wide
celebration or activity.

The last category, the advocacy-related projects, encloses all plans under
the different advocacies JCA supports. The SSG backs up the school
administration on its goal to promote health, effective stewardship of the
environment, leadership, and excellent communication skills and financial
literacy among the students.
Student- School Calendar Advocacy-Related

Focused Projects -Coordinated Projects Projects

1. Academic 1. School 1. Healthy

2. Spiritual Opening Monday
3. Discipline 2. Nutrition 2. Creation
Month Care
3. Buwan ng 3. Communicati
Wika on
4. English 4. Financial
Month Literacy
5. Teachers’
6. Thanksgiving
7. Bible Week
8. PTF
9. PTC
10. Quarterly
V. Examination
Plan Of Action For School Year 2018-2019
The following points are recommendations for the improvement of the
school discipline committee and for the revision of the current handbook but
are subject for approval by the assistant principals.

A. Student-focused Projects
a. Discipline
i. Oplan Hello
ii. Oplan Getup
iii. Yes to Fitness no to Tardiness
b. Academics
i. Adopt-a-Freshman Project
ii. Locker Distribution
c. Spiritual
i. Care Group Involvement
B. School Calendar-coordinated Projects
a. June
i. Parents’ Orientation
ii. School Opening
b. July
i. Nutrition Month
1. Cook fest
c. August
i. First Quarterly Exam
1. Clash
2. M & M ( Mentoring & Monitoring)
d. October
i. Second Quarterly Exam
1. Clash
ii. Teachers’ Day Celebration
e. December
i. Third Quarterly Exam
1. Clash
ii. Thanksgiving
1. Christmas Carol Competition
f. January
i. PTF
1. Ushering
g. February
i. SSG Election
ii. True Love Waits
h. March
i. Fourth Quarterly Exam
1. Clash
C. Advocacy-related Projects
a. Healthy Monday
i. Weight Control Patrol (New)
ii. Nutrition Guide Seminar (New)
b. Creation Care
i. Tumbs up
c. Communication
i. FB/ Twitter
ii. Newsletters
iii. Bulletin Board Maintenance
iv. Classroom Announcements
d. Financial Literacy
VI. Supreme Student Government Officers for School Year 2017-2018
The following list of students contains the names of incoming SSG officers their
respective positions. They were the ones nominated and chosen during the election conducted
February of the previous school year.

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