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1. What is the difference between Simple Versioning and Full Versioning?

A. Simple Versioning requires mix:simpleVersionable node type and Full Versioning requires
mix:versionable node type.
B. Simple Versioning only versions some system-specific properties. With Full Versioning all properties
are versioned.
C. Both are the same and there is no difference other than the name of the mixin type.
D. Under Simple Versioning versions are added as direct successors of the previous version.
Under Full Versioning a new version can be added as a direct successor of a version that already
has another direct successor.
Correct Answer: D

2. You want to run a script as a workflow step. Which workflow step should you select?
A. Participant step.
B. Process step.
C. Container step.
D. Split step.
Correct Answer: B

3. You want to switch to preview mode by modifying the URL. What should you do?
A. Add the parameter wcmmode=preview to the URL.
B. Add the parameter request=preview to the URL.
C. Add the selector preview as the fist selector in the URL.
D. Add the suffix preview to the URL.
Correct Answer: A

4. Given the following selector: print.a4 and the URL extension is html, which script will Sling render?
A. print.html.jsp
B. a4.html.jsp
C. print.a4.jsp
D. a4.jsp
Correct Answer: A

5. Which should you use to get the root node of a JCR workspace?
A. jcrSession.getRootNode();
B. node.getRootNode();
C. slingRequest.getPath(“/”);
D. (“/”);
Correct Answer: A

6. Which tab in the Apache Felix Web OSGi Console is used to install OSGi bundles?
A. OSGi Installer tab.
B. Bundles tab.
C. Services tab.
D. Components tab.
Correct Answer: B

7. How can you use the Apache Felix Web OSGi console to check if an OSGi bundle is running?
A. Select the Bundles tab > check that your bundle is listed > check that the status is Active.
B. Select the Configuration Status tab > then Bundles tab > check that your OSGi component is listed.
C. Select the Components tab > check that your bundle is listed > check that the status is Active.
D. Select the Services tab > check that your OSGi component is listed > check that the status is Active.
Correct Answer: A

8. Which is the correct way to get the ValueMap of a resource?

Answer: B

9.Which option do you need to add to the Java-based crx-quickstart command to specify that you will be
using an LDAP authentication?
Answer: B

10.How do you create a configuration for an OSGi bundle within CRX that is specific to only the author
A.Add a property called "run_mode" to the node sling:OsgiConfig and assign it the value "author".
B.Use the CRX browser to create a folder in /apps/myproject called "author" and then create a new
and select "nt:unstructured" as the node type.
C.Use the CRX browser to create a folder in /apps/myproject called "author" and then create a new
and select "sling:OsgiConfig" as the node type.
D.Use the CRX browser to create a folder in /apps/myproject called "" and then create
a new node and select "sling:OsgiConfig" as the node type
Answer: D

11.During a workflow step a comment is added requiring an update of a paragraph on a Web page.Where
does the workflow author make the change?
A.In the content page within the workflow step.
B.In the Workflow Model.
C.In the Workflow Instance.
D.In the design page.
Answer: A
12.Which method of the ResourceResolver Interface uses resources mapping to retrieve property values?
Answer: A

13.How does the OSGi installer manage a bundle if a bundle with the same symbolic name is already
A.It uses the new bundle only if it has a higher version.
B.Stops the current bundle and allows the user to select which one to start.
C.Keep the old one and write an error to the log file.
D.The previous bundle is replaced by the last provided bundle.
Answer: A

14.How do you create a design dialog for a CQ component?

A.Create a dialog in the component folder and set the dialog's xtype property to designDialog.
B.Create a dialog in the component folder and name it design_dialog.
C.Create the same component path structure under the design page and create the dialog there.
D.Create a node under the component's dialog node and set the xtype property to designDialog.
Answer: B

15.You want to use a different page properties dialog instead of the one out of the box.How do you
configure it?
A.Create a dialog in the page-component folder referenced by the template definition via
sling:resourceType and name it "dialog".
B.Create a dialog in the template definition node and name it pageProperties.
C.Create the dialog in the template definition node, name it "dialog" and add a property xtype with the
value pageProperties.
D.Create the dialog in the foundation's page-component node and name it the same as your template
Answer: A

16.What is the purpose of a Closed User Group?

A.To define a selected group of authors with special authoring permissions
B.To define one or more Web pages on the publish instance accessible only by members of the
User Group
C.To define a group of users and assign them admin rights to manage workflows
D.To define a group of users that have special privileges to do system support
Answer: B

17.What is the purpose of sending values as selectors in the URL instead of sending them as query
A.To avoid caching the response in the Web server.
B.To enable the response to be cached in the Web server.
C.To avoid creating a session object in the application server.
D.To improve security.
Answer: B

You want to view request information sent to the server. Which browser-based tool should you use?

A. Website administration
B. Apache Felix Web console
C. CQ Servlet Engine console
D. JCR Content Explorer

Answer: B

You are configuring a Replication Agent. What does the check box Use for reverse replication in the Agent
Settings dialog mean?

A. If checked, this agent will notify the user about a successful replication from the author to a
publish instance.
B. If checked, this agent will perform a rollback of a failed replication from an author to a publish
C. If checked, this agent will be used to replicate user generated content from the publish to the
author instance.
D. If checked, this agent will be used to restore a previous version from another instance.

Answer: C

You want to define a Java based CQ workflow process step. Which interface must your class implement?

A. The interface.

B. The org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler interface.
C. The interface.
D. The interace.

Answer: A
You are configuring the dispatcher configuration file dispatcher.any. What does the glob /invalidate {/0001
{/glob “*.html” /type “allow” }} enforce the dispatcher to do when the Web page /content/mypage.html gets

A. The complete cache is invalidated

B. All cached .html files are physically deleted
C. Only the cached .html files are invalidated
D. Delete the cached file /mypage.html and create a new cached /mypage.html file

Answer: C

How can you configure a CQ component to allow an Author to edit content without opening a dialog?

A. Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing node under the component

B. Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing node under the component’s design
dialog node.
C. Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:dropTargets node under the component node.
D. Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing node under the component’s default
script node.

Answer: A

You want to extend the foundation Text/Image component by creating a new component. Which is the
correct value to add to the property resourceSuperType in the new component?

A. foundation/components/textimage.
B. libs/foundation/components/textimage.
C. components/textimage.
D. /foundation/components/textimage.

Answer: A

You have changed the CRX admin password. Which console or tool do you also need to update?
B. CQSE Admin Console
C. Apache Felix Web Console
D. CQ User Administration Console

Answer: C

You created a site /project/en and want to add language sites /de and /fr. What is the best practice to
create the additional language sites?

A. Use the WCM console to copy and paste from /en.

B. Use the Language Copy tool.
C. Create a workflow with a custom process step that creates the according language pages
whenever you create a new /en page.
D. Create and download a CQ package containing the /en site. Open the zip file and rename the
/en folder to /fr or /de, then reinstall the package.

Answer: B

You have an active bundle which is configured via CRX repository. What do you have to do after you have
saved changes to the configuration to apply them?

A. Go to the Felix Web OSGi Console, stop and then start the bundle.
B. Restart the CQ instance.
C. Go to the Felix Web OSGi Console and re-activate the bundle.
D. Nothing. Changes are automatically applied.

Answer: D

You have a page and want to create a child page. Which property has the highest priority to determine
which templates can be used?

A. cq:allowedParents
B. cq:allowedChildren
C. cq:allowedPaths
D. cq:allowedTemplates

Answer: D

Question: 28
What is the main purpose of the Components tab in the Apache Felix Web OSGi Console?

A. Display the list of all CQ components of node type cq:Component in the repository.
B. A tool to create/edit/delete CQ components.
C. It will create a report of all the pages that are using CQ Components in the repository.
D. Allow you to Enable and/or Disable the various OSGi components.

Answer: D

Question: 29
You are installing a content package with the Package Manager. What does the setting Save Threshold in the
Install Package dialog mean?

A. The time limit in milliseconds to save a batch of nodes to persistent storage in one transaction.
B. The approximate number of nodes in a batch that is saved to persistent storage in one
C. The size in kilobytes to save a batch of nodes to persist storage in one transaction.
D. The maximum size in kilobytes of a temporary snapshot.

Answer: B

Question: 30
A change in a JSP is NOT being reflected. How do you enforce a fresh parsing/compilation of the JSP file?

A. Search and delete the Java Class file from within /var/classes.
B. Restart the CQ Servlet Engine.
C. Add a query parameter in the page, which is using the JSP file.
D. Restart the bundle Apache Sling Scripting JSP Support.

Answer: A

Question: 31
Which type of Replication Agent do you create to flush the Web server cache for a newly activated page?
A. Create a Reverse Replication Agent on the author instance.
B. Set the Serialization Type property of the Default Agent to Dispatcher Flush.
C. Create a new replication agent and set Transport URI to point to the Web server.
D. Create a Dispatcher Flush Agent.

Answer: D

Question: 32
You create a Replication Agent on your Author instance. Which transportation user settings should you configure?

A. User credentials of the same user sending and receiving the replication.
B. User credentials of a user sending the replication.
C. User credentials of a user receiving the replication.
D. User credentials of a user with access rights to the pages being replicated.

Answer: C

Question: 33
Which statement correctly describes the OSGi installer service?

A. It is a provider that searches for nodes of type sling:osgiConfig.

B. It is a service that scans the CRX repository for artifacts and provides them to the JCR installer.
C. It is a central service for handling installs, updates and uninstall of artifacts.
D. It is a service searching the CRX repository for folders named install.

Answer: C

Question: 34
Given the CQ Dispatcher configuration in the /filter section:
/0001 { /glob “*” /type “deny” }
/0002 { /glob “* /content/geometrixx[./]*” /type “allow” }
/0003 { /glob “* /content/geometrixx/company[./]*” /type “deny” }
/0004 { /glob “*” /type “allow” }
Which rule will be applied to the request: /content/geometrixx/company/news.html?

A. Request denied, because of rule 0001. The first rule that matches the request will be applied.
B. Request served, because of rule 0002. The configuration can only be applied to the second level path.
C. Request denied, because of rule 0003. The configuration with the closest match will be applied.
D. Request accepted, because of rule 0004. The last configuration that matches the request will be

Answer: D

Question: 35
Given the configuration in the Apache Web server httpd.conf:
<Directory / >
<IfModule disp_apache2.c>
SetHandler dispatcher-handler
Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None
What is the purpose of the SetHandler option?

A. Enable the CQ Dispatcher only for requests to the / page.

B. URL rewrite configuration directory for the CQ Dispatcher.
C. Enable the CQ Dispatcher for all requests to the server.
D. Define the name of the CQ Dispatcher configuration file.

Answer: C

Question: 36
You want to create a custom widget library. In which type of folder should you create the custom widget?

A. Create a folder within the component’s folder, then assign nodeType = nt:folder and name it “widgets”
B. Create a folder of nodeType = nt:unstructured within your project folder and CQ will recognize it
C. Create a folder under your /etc/design, nodeType = nt:folder and name it “widgets”
D. Create a folder under your project folder in /apps with the nodeType = cq:ClientLibraryFolder and set
property sling:resourceType = widgets/clientlib

Answer: D

Question: 37
Which flag should you set when you configure the mod_rewrite rules of the Apache Web server when you are
including the CQ Dispatcher module?
A. ‘G’ flag to force the server to return a 410 Gone status with the response.
B. ‘PT’ flag to send the original request through to processing pipeline for the Dispatcher to respond.
C. ‘R’ flag to force all the requests to be redirected to the location specified in the rewrite rule.
D. ‘T’ flag to set the MIME type for all the HTTP responses.

Answer: B

Question: 38
In your CQ Component script you want to read a property value which has been created with a design dialog. How
can you get the value?

A. String data = properties.get(propertyName,””);

B. String data = currentNode.getStyleProperty(propertyName,””);
C. String data = currentPage.getStyleProperty(propertyName,””);
D. String data = currentStyle.get(propertyName,””);

Answer: D

Question: 39
You have created two templates, tempA and tempB. In the property allowedChildren of tempA you include tempB.
You create a pageA based on tempA and add a property cq:allowedTemplates with a list of templates, but excluding
tempB. Can you select tempB to create a page as child of pageA?

A. Yes, because the allowedChildren property has precedence over cq:allowedTemplates.

B. No, tempB needs to be added to the property cq:allowedTemplates of pageA to accomplish that.
C. No, tempA needs to be added to the property allowedParents of tempB to accomplish that.
D. Yes, because property allowedChildren is checked only if property allowedParents is present.

Answer: B

Question: 40
You want to create a page with the CQ PageManager. The parent path does NOT yet exist. Which template is
assigned to the parent pages?

A. None. An exception is thrown because the path doesn’t exist.

B. The parent pages will be created but no template will be assigned.
C. The parent pages will be created with the same template as defined for the new page.
D. None. Nodes of node type cq:Page are created for the parent path.

Answer: A
Question: 41
What is the most significant difference between the Edit and the Design mode?

A. Sidekick is expanded and minimized respectively

B. In Design mode authors can enter content to modify the design of the page
C. Content edited in Edit mode is saved to the current page, content edited in Design mode is saved to the
design settings assigned to the current page
D. The Edit mode is mainly used by regular authors while the Design mode is mainly used by super authors

Answer: C

Question: 42
You create a custom workflow process using the CQ API. Which method or methods needs to be implemented when
your class implements the WorkflowProcess Interface?

A. start(), execute(), end().

B. start(), process(), end().
C. execute().
D. process().

Answer: C

Question: 43
You want to configure two hostnames pointing to two different site structures in the same CQ instance. Which
configuration must be set in the Apache Web server?

A. You have to create two dispatcher.any configuration files one for each hostname and include the two file
paths to the httpd.conf file.
B. You have to create a port forwarding configuration in the httpd.conf file to handle the two hostnames.
C. You have to create two VirtualHost entries and in each entry specify the rewrite rule to each site
structure for each host.
D. You have to load the Dispatcher module twice in the httpd.conf and name it with the two hostnames
that you want to use.

Answer: C

Question: 44
How do you disable WebDAV access on the publish instance?
A. Remove the WebDAV bundle from the Apache Felix Web OSGI console
B. In the CRX User Management Console disable the WebDAV user group
C. Comment according servlet mappings in web.xml and stop the WebDAV bundle in the Apache Felix
Web OSGi console
D. Start CQ with java -jar cq-publish-4503.jar -nobrowser -nowebdav
Answer: C

Question: 45
What does the Configuration Admin Service in OSGi provide?
A. It provides a set of tools and APIs to create, package and delete OSGi bundles.
B. It provides a GUI tool to edit all the OSGi bundles.
C. It provides tools to manage the access permissions of OSGi bundles.
D. It allows for the management of configuration information.
Answer: D

Question: 46
You are creating a component to render a modified image. What is the proper way to build the URL of the image in
order to enable caching of the response?

A. /<pathToStoredComponent>.html?run=imageScript&value=parameter1 .
B. /<pathToStoredComponent>.parameter1.imageScript.jpg .
C. /<pathToStoredComponent>.imageScript.html?render=jpg&value=parameter1.
D. /<pathToStoredComponent>.imageScript.jpg?value=parameter1.
Answer: B

Question: 47
How do you get the current rendering mode within a CQ component script?
A. slingRequest.getWCMMode();
B. WCMMode.fromRequest(request);
C. JCRUtil.fromRequest(request);
D. componentContext.getWCMMode();
Answer: B

Question: 48
You want to install bundles through CRX only in the author instance. Which folder name can you use for that

A. All folders under the install folder.

B. All folders under the install folder that are named author.
C. All folders named
D. The folder

Answer: C
Question: 49
You are logged in as userA and you are impersonating userB. How are your activities logged in the access.log?
A. The logged userId is “userA”
B. The logged userId is “userB”
C. The logged userId is “userA on behalf of userB”
D. The logged userId is “userB impersonated by userA”
Answer: B

Question: 50
You have configured the cached properly in the dispatcher module. What is the difference between:
request 1 = /content/mypage/mypic.small.png?? and request 2 =

A. NO difference. Request 1 and request 2 both get cached

B. request 1 gets cached, request 2 does not get cached
C. request 2 gets cached, request 1 does not get cached
D. NO difference. Neither request 1 nor request 2 get cached

Answer: B

Question: 51
You are checking the permissions of a user in CQ. In the Permissions tab you notice that next to some check boxes
there is an exclamation point. What does this exclamation point mean?

A. It means that there is an error in the permission setting.

B. It means that this permission is inherited from the parent node.
C. It means that there is at least one entry that currently has no effect.
D. It means that you do not have permissions to modify this checkbox.
Answer: C

Question: 52
You have created a bundle with CRXDE. What does the .bnd file contain?

A. The Activator class to notify start and stop events

B. Extra metadata about the bundle used by the CRXDE build process.
C. The list of all classes inside the bundle
D. The compilation and deployment steps of the bundle
Answer: B
Question: 53
When you are saving or updating a configuration in the Configurations tab in the Apache Felix Web OSGi Console,
where are these configuration settings saved?

A. To the CRX /var/config/ path.

B. Under <cq-installation-dir>/crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/.
C. The new configuration is only kept at runtime.
D. In an internal SQLite DB used by the Apache Felix Web OSGi Console.
Answer: B

Question: 54
Which service property does an Event Subscriber need to subscribe to an Event Handler in the OSGi Event Admin
A. event.type
C. event.title
D. event.topic
Answer: D

Question: 55
Which xtype should you use if you want to reuse a part of a dialog in another dialog?
A. browsedialog.
B. tabpanel.
C. cqinclude.
D. referencesdialog.
Answer: C

Question: 56
How can you replicate to a specific agent using the CQ Replicator interface?

A. With the Replicator method replicateToAgent().

B. The object ReplicationOptions contains a method replicateToAgent and you need to pass the
ReplicationOptions object as a parameter to the replicate() method of the Replicator class.
C. You need to create a Filter in the ReplicatorOptions object and set the agent that will replicate. Then
you pass the ReplicatorOptions object to the replicate() method of the Replicator class.
D. You cannot replicate to a specific Agent.

Answer: C
Question: 57
You want to change the configuration of a bundle during runtime in the repository. Which location has the highest

A. <cq-installation-dir>/crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/* on the local file system

B. /apps/*/config/*
C. /libs/*/config/*
D. /etc/design/config/*

Answer: B

Question: 58
How can you configure a CQ component to allow an Author to edit content without opening a dialog?

A. Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing node under the component node.
B. Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing node under the component’s design dialog
C. Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:dropTargets node under the component node.
D. Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing node under the component’s default script

Answer: A

Question: 59
You want to extend the foundation Text/Image component by creating a new component. Which is the correct value
to add to the property resourceSuperType in the new component?

A. foundation/components/textimage.
B. libs/foundation/components/textimage.
C. components/textimage.
D. /foundation/components/textimage.

Answer: A

Question: 60
You have changed the CRX admin password. Which console or tool do you also need to update?

B. CQSE Admin Console
C. Apache Felix Web Console
D. CQ User Administration Console

Answer: C

Question: 61
You created a site /project/en and want to add language sites /de and /fr. What is the best practice to create the
additional language sites?

A. Use the WCM console to copy and paste from /en.

B. Use the Language Copy tool.
C. Create a workflow with a custom process step that creates the according language pages
whenever you create a new /en page.
D. Create and download a CQ package containing the /en site. Open the zip file and rename the /en folder to
/fr or /de, then reinstall the package.

Answer: B

Question: 62
You have an active bundle which is configured via CRX repository. What do you have to do after you have saved
changes to the configuration to apply them?

A. Go to the Felix Web OSGi Console, stop and then start the bundle.
B. Restart the CQ instance.
C. Go to the Felix Web OSGi Console and re-activate the bundle.
D. Nothing. Changes are automatically applied.

Answer: D

Question: 63
You have a page and want to create a child page. Which property has the highest priority to determine which
templates can be used?

A. cq:allowedParents
B. cq:allowedChildren
C. cq:allowedPaths
D. cq:allowedTemplates

Answer: D
Question: 64
You have successfully installed CRX and crx-launchpad on Websphere Application Server. How do you install CQ5?

A. Upload the cq-quickstart.jar file to the Felix Console and start the Jar file.
B. Start cq-quickstart .jar file within the Application Server.
C. Upload and install cq.war file to the Application Server.
D. Install CQ using content packages.

Answer: D

Question: 65
How does the Configuration Admin service use Persistence IDs (PID)?

A. It stores the date for the last configuration.

B. It stores all the versions of the entire configuration for a service.
C. It generates a new PID every time the configuration of the services changes.
D. It associates the service configuration data with PIDs.

Answer: D

Question: 66
You want to add additional features to a Node. What should you do?

A. Add a new jcr:primaryType value to the Node.

B. Invoke the Node’s addMixin() method passing the name of a mixin.
C. Replace current jcr:primaryType with jcr:mixinType.
D. Add a new nt:base Node type to the Node.

Answer: B

Question: 67
Which is a difference between an OSGI bundle and a Java package?

A. None. You can install and activate any java package in an OSGI container
B. A jar file cannot be inside an OSGI Bundle
C. The bundle contains extra metadata defined in a MANIFEST.MF file
D. The bundle package structure is completely different than the one of a .jar file

Answer: C
Question: 68
You want the process script to automatically advance the workflow to the next step after execution. Which dialog
form field of a Process Step must be set to true?

A. Process Arguments.
B. Timeout Handler.
C. Timeout.
D. Handler Advance.

Answer: D

Question: 69
You want to debug a CQ HTML client library in the author instance. You want to avoid compressing the JavaScript
file. What must you do?

A. Add a property called debugClientLibs to the js.txt and set the value to true.
B. Add a property called debug the client library root node and set the value to true.
C. Add a query parameter to the URL called debugClientLibs with the value true.
D. Specify an attribute called debug in the <cq:includeClientLib> tag and set the value to true.

Answer: C

Question: 70
You want to request a JSON representation of the content. What do you have to do with the request?

A. Add the query parameter ?json=true.

B. Change the extension to .json.
C. Add a selector json.
D. Write custom code.

Answer: B

Question: 71
What is the purpose of the Export Package Manifest header?

A. Stores the defined packages in the CQ installation folder.

B. Define packages that are copied into a .war file.
C. Stores the defined packages as ZIP file for uploading to CRX.
D. Define packages that can be imported by other bundles.
Answer: D

Question: 72
You are creating a component on the page /hotNews.html that needs to list all the titles of the news pages under
/news. How does this component get the list of child pages?

A. Use PageManager.getPage(“/content/news”) of the static PageManager class to instantiate a Page object

and then iterate through the child pages
B. Use the QueryBuilder to look for all children of /news and then iterate through the result set
C. Instantiate a Node object with session.getNode(/content/news) and then iterate through the child nodes
D. Use Sling’s resourceResolver to adapt the request resource to a PageManager object, then use the
getPage(/content/news) to instantiate a Page object and then iterate through the child pages

Answer: D

Question: 73
You want to create a new javax.jcr.Node nodeC as a copy of node

A. nodeC should also be a child of nodeB. What should you do?

A. Node nodeC = nodeB.copy(nodeA.getPath(), nodeA.getName());

B. Node nodeC = nodeA.duplicate(nodeB.getPath());
C. Node nodeC =, nodeB, nodeA.getName());
D. Node nodeC = javax.jcr.session.copy(nodeA, nodeB, nodeA.getName());

Answer: C

Question: 74
You want to view request information sent to the server. Which browser-based tool should you use?

A. Website administration
B. Apache Felix Web console
C. CQ Servlet Engine console
D. JCR Content Explorer

Answer: B
Question: 75
You are configuring a Replication Agent. What does the check box Use for reverse replication in the Agent Settings
dialog mean?

A. If checked, this agent will notify the user about a successful replication from the author to a publish
B. If checked, this agent will perform a rollback of a failed replication from an author to a publish instance.
C. If checked, this agent will be used to replicate user generated content from the publish to the author
D. If checked, this agent will be used to restore a previous version from another instance.

Answer: C

Question: 76
You want to define a Java based CQ workflow process step. Which interface must your class implement?

A. The interface.

B. The org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler interface.
C. The interface.
D. The interace.

Answer: A

Question: 77
You are configuring the dispatcher configuration file dispatcher.any. What does the glob /invalidate
{/0001 {/glob “*.html” /type “allow” }} enforce the dispatcher to do when the Web page
/content/mypage.html gets activated?

A. The complete cache is invalidated

B. All cached .html files are physically deleted
C. Only the cached .html files are invalidated
D. Delete the cached file /mypage.html and create a new cached /mypage.html file

Answer: C

Question: 78
What is the main purpose of the Components tab in the Apache Felix Web OSGi Console?

A. Display the list of all CQ components of node type cq:Component in the repository.
B. A tool to create/edit/delete CQ components.
C. It will create a report of all the pages that are using CQ Components in the repository.
D. Allow you to Enable and/or Disable the various OSGi components.

Answer: D

Question: 79
You are installing a content package with the Package Manager. What does the setting Save Threshold in the
Install Package dialog mean?

A. The time limit in milliseconds to save a batch of nodes to persistent storage in one transaction.
B. The approximate number of nodes in a batch that is saved to persistent storage in one transaction.
C. The size in kilobytes to save a batch of nodes to persist storage in one transaction.
D. The maximum size in kilobytes of a temporary snapshot.

Answer: B

Question: 80
A change in a JSP is NOT being reflected. How do you enforce a fresh parsing/compilation of the JSP file?

A. Search and delete the Java Class file from within /var/classes.
B. Restart the CQ Servlet Engine.
C. Add a query parameter in the page, which is using the JSP file.
D. Restart the bundle Apache Sling Scripting JSP Support.

Answer: A

Question: 81
Which type of Replication Agent do you create to flush the Web server cache for a newly activated page?

A. Create a Reverse Replication Agent on the author instance.

B. Set the Serialization Type property of the Default Agent to Dispatcher Flush.
C. Create a new replication agent and set Transport URI to point to the Web server.
D. Create a Dispatcher Flush Agent.

Answer: D

Question: 82
You create a Replication Agent on your Author instance. Which transportation user settings should you configure?

A. User credentials of the same user sending and receiving the replication.
B. User credentials of a user sending the replication.
C. User credentials of a user receiving the replication.
D. User credentials of a user with access rights to the pages being replicated.

Answer: C

Question: 83
Which statement correctly describes the OSGi installer service?

A. It is a provider that searches for nodes of type sling:osgiConfig.

B. It is a service that scans the CRX repository for artifacts and provides them to the JCR installer.
C. It is a central service for handling installs, updates and uninstall of artifacts.
D. It is a service searching the CRX repository for folders named install.

Answer: C

Question: 84
Given the CQ Dispatcher configuration in the /filter section:
/0001 { /glob “*” /type “deny” }
/0002 { /glob “* /content/geometrixx[./]*” /type “allow” }
/0003 { /glob “* /content/geometrixx/company[./]*” /type “deny” }
/0004 { /glob “*” /type “allow” }
Which rule will be applied to the request: /content/geometrixx/company/news.html?

A. Request denied, because of rule 0001. The first rule that matches the request will be applied.
B. Request served, because of rule 0002. The configuration can only be applied to the second level path.
C. Request denied, because of rule 0003. The configuration with the closest match will be applied.
D. Request accepted, because of rule 0004. The last configuration that matches the request will be applied.

Answer: D

Question: 85
Given the configuration in the Apache Web server httpd.conf:
<Directory / >
<IfModule disp_apache2.c>
SetHandler dispatcher-handler
Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None
What is the purpose of the SetHandler option?

A. Enable the CQ Dispatcher only for requests to the / page.

B. URL rewrite configuration directory for the CQ Dispatcher.
C. Enable the CQ Dispatcher for all requests to the server.
D. Define the name of the CQ Dispatcher configuration file.

Answer: C

Question: 86
You want to create a custom widget. In which type of folder should you create the custom widget?

A. Create a folder within the component’s folder, then assign nodeType = nt:folder and name it “widgets”
B. Create a folder of nodeType = nt:unstructured within your project folder and CQ will recognize it
C. Create a folder under your /etc/design, nodeType = nt:folder and name it “widgets”
D. Create a folder under your project folder in /apps with the nodeType = cq:ClientLibraryFolder and set
property sling:resourceType = widgets/clientlib

Answer: D

Question: 87
Which flag should you set when you configure the mod_rewrite rules of the Apache Web server when you are
including the CQ Dispatcher module?

A. ‘G’ flag to force the server to return a 410 Gone status with the response.
B. ‘PT’ flag to send the original request through to processing pipeline for the Dispatcher to respond.
C. ‘R’ flag to force all the requests to be redirected to the location specified in the rewrite rule.
D. ‘T’ flag to set the MIME type for all the HTTP responses.

Answer: B
Question: 88
You are creating a repository-based OSGi configuration. Which name should the factory configuration
node have?

A. Append “-factory” to the configuration node name.

B. Start the node name with “config-” and end it with “-<numeric_value>”.
C. Append “-<identifier>” to the name, where identifier can be any unique name.
D. Start the node name with “factory-“.
Answer: C

Question: 89
How are the resources called that are passed through a workflow?

A. WorkItem.
B. Transaction.
C. Lifecycle.
D. Payload.

Answer: D

Question: 90
You want to prompt a workflow user for information during the processing of a workflow step. Where is the content
that the workflow user entered stored?

A. As part of the page.

B. As part of the workflow model.
C. As part of the workflow instance.
D. As part of the design.

Answer: A

Question: 91
What is the main purpose of the CQ HTML client library property that is called categories?

A. To easily find client libraries when the user searches categories in the author environment.
B. To uniquely name a group of client libraries to be included in templates or components and to reference
dependencies to other client libraries.
C. To link the categories name with the component name, so that the client library can be included
automatically into the component.
D. To define the type of files that the client library contains, e.g. JavaScript and/or CSS.

Answer: B

Question: 92
What is the purpose of the Impersonators tab within the User settings?
A. Add one or more users that are allowed to take over all permissions from the current user.
B. Add one or more users that are inheriting the permissions from the current user.
C. Add one or more users that can act on the behalf of the current user.
D. Add one or more users that the current user can act on their behalf.

Answer: C

Question: 93
Which OSGi configuration settings take over precedence on start-up?

A. Any .config files from <cq-installation-dir>/crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/* on the local file system.

B. Repository nodes with type sling:OsgiConfig under /libs/*/install.
C. Repository nodes with type sling:OsgiConfig under /apps/*/config.
D. Repository nodes with type sling:OsgiConfig under /libs/*/config.

Answer: C

Question: 94
Which tab in the Apache Felix Web Console displays the list of all the users that are logged in to the repository?

A. Authenticator tab.
B. CRX Login Tokens tab.
C. Recent Request tab.
D. System Information tab.

Answer: B

Question: 95
How do you define the error message that should be displayed when the regex widget validation results in an error?

A. After the regular expression property in the cq:Widget element, add a new property, name it regex and
enter the error message in quotes.
B. Add a property to the cq:Widget element, name it regexText and enter the error message.
C. Create a node under the cq:Widget element, name it options, then create a property called errorMessage
and enter the error message.
D. Create a node under the cqWidget element and name it errorMessage. Create a property called text and
enter the error message.

Answer: B
Question: 96
You have renamed the CQ quickstart file to cq5-author-4502.jar. What is the correct way to install CQ 5.4 as a
Windows Service?

A. In Windows open Services > Administrative Tools and then upload cq5-author-4502.jar to the control
B. Use the command line and start CQ with java -Xmx512M -jar cq5-author-4502.jar -service.
C. Unpack cq5-author-4502.jar, navigate to crx-quickstart/opt/helpers and start instsrv.bat.
D. Open the Apache Felix Web OSGi console, navigate to Services and upload cq5-author-4502.jar.

Answer: C

Question: 97
You have a CQ instance configured to use LDAP authentication. In the LDAP configuration file you see the parameter
“ sufficient;”. What is the purpose of this parameter?

A. It means that if CRX can authenticate a user with the CRXLoginModule, the user is authenticated
successfully; else CRX uses the next login module.
B. It means that if authentication fails with the CRXLoginModule, the complete authentication fails.
C. It means that after logging in successfully, user credentials will be copied automatically to CRX.
D. It means that the authentication will use a callback implementation.

Answer: A

Question: 98
How do you specify dependencies for your CQ HTML client library?

A. Add a multivalue property called dependencies to the client library root node, containing the value of the
dependent client libraries’ categories.
B. In the js.txt file specify the path to the client library folder where the dependent files are located.
C. Add a multivalue property called dependencies to the template definition containing the value of the
dependent client libraries root path.
D. Specify the dependencies as path attributes in the <cq:includeClientLib> tag.

Answer: A

Question: 99
Given the service reference properties set in a servlet:
@Property(name=”sling.servlet.resourceType”,? value=”myApp/myResource”),
@Property(name=”sling.servlet.selectors”, value={“img”,”pdf”}),
@Property(name=”sling.servlet.paths”, ? value={“/apps/myApp/mypdf”,”/libs/sling/myimg”})
Which properties will the servlet take into consideration when it is being registered?

A. All the properties, resourceType, selectors and paths.

B. Only the sling.servlet.resourceType
C. Only the sling.servlet.selectors
D. Only the sling.servlet.paths

Answer: D

Question: 100
When you are adding or updating the configuration of an OSGi component using the Apache Felix Web Console, how
long does it take for the configuration to be updated?

A. The system needs to be restarted to apply the new configuration.

B. The OSGi component needs to manually be stopped and started again using the Apache Felix Web OSGi
C. Any changes made are immediately applied to the running system.
D. The OSGi component needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled again to use the new configuration.

Answer: C

Question: 101
You have a component “A” that has a dialog and four JSP scripts: main.jsp, script1.jsp, script2.jsp and script3.jsp. The
script main.jsp includes the other three scripts. Now you implement component “B”, which is very similar to
component “A”, but with a different script2.jsp script. Component “B” declares “A” as its resourceSuperType. What
is the best way to implement script2.jsp for Component “B”?

A. Copy all the dialog nodes from “A” to the component folder “B” and write script2.jsp
B. Write script2.jsp and copy main.jsp, which includes script2.jsp, from component “A” to “B”.
C. Since the dialog will be inherited, copy only all the jsp files from component “A” to “B” and write a new
D. Only write a new script2.jsp.

Answer: D

Question: 102
What are the two attributes of an Event in an OSGi Event Admin Service?
A. Title and options.
B. Topic and Properties.
C. Publisher and Subscriber.
D. Listener and Filters.

Answer: D

Question: 103
When does a RESTful request with a suffix get cached?

A. They never get cached.

B. Only if contains additional query parameters.
C. Only if it doesn’t contain query parameters.
D. They always get cached.

Answer: C

Question: 104
You are working with two components: Component A and Component B. Component B has a slightly different
behavior than component A. What is the best way to reuse the default script of component A in component B?

A. Set a property in component B called sling:resourceSuperType with the path to component A and omit
the default script in component B
B. Set a property in component B called sling:resourceSuperType with the path to component A and create
an empty default script in component B
C. Set a property in component B called sling:resourceSuperType with the path to component A and include
the default script of component A in the default script in component B
D. Copy the default script from component A into component B

Answer: A

Question: 105
What does an Item represent in a JCR repository hierarchical content model diagram?

A. The value to be stored

B. A Node or a Property
C. The UUID of Node
D. The path to a Node
Answer: B

Question: 106
Which access control policies does the JCR Session define to manage nodes?

A. Privileges to access the JCR workspace.

B. Permissions to access the JCR repository.
C. Capabilities to traverse the JCR repository.
D. A list of node locks in the JCR workspace.

Answer: A

Question: 107
How do you delete a property inside a Node object?

A. node.removeProperty(“propertyName”);
B. String propertyA = “”; node.setProperty(“propertyName”, propertyA);
C. String propertyA = null; node.setProperty(“propertyName”, propertyA);
D. node.delete(“propertyName”);

Answer: C
Question: 108
Which is the correct way to get the ValueMap of a resource?

A. resourceResolver.adaptTo(ValueMap.class)
B. resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class)
C. currentNode.getValueMap()
D. currentPage.getValueMap()

Answer: B

Question: 109
Which option do you need to add to the Java-based crx-quickstart command to specify that you will be using an
LDAP authentication?

D. quickstart/server/etc/ldap_login.conf
Answer: B

Question: 110
How do you create a configuration for an OSGi bundle within CRX that is specific to only the author instance?

A. Add a property called “run_mode” to the node sling:OsgiConfig and assign it the value “author”.
B. Use the CRX browser to create a folder in /apps/myproject called “author” and then create a new node
and select “nt:unstructured” as the node type.
C. Use the CRX browser to create a folder in /apps/myproject called “author” and then create a new node
and select “sling:OsgiConfig” as the node type.
D. Use the CRX browser to create a folder in /apps/myproject called “” and then create a new
node and select “sling:OsgiConfig” as the node type

Answer: D

Question: 111
During a workflow step a comment is added requiring an update of a paragraph on a Web page. Where does the
workflow author make the change?

A. In the content page within the workflow step.

B. In the Workflow Model.
C. In the Workflow Instance.
D. In the design page.

Answer: A

Question: 112
Which method of the ResourceResolver Interface uses resources mapping to retrieve property values?

A. resolve().
B. getResource().
C. map().
D. getSearchPath().

Answer: A

Question: 113
How does the OSGi installer manage a bundle if a bundle with the same symbolic name is already installed?
A. It uses the new bundle only if it has a higher version.
B. Stops the current bundle and allows the user to select which one to start.
C. Keep the old one and write an error to the log file.
D. The previous bundle is replaced by the last provided bundle.

Answer: A

Question: 114
How do you create a design dialog for a CQ component?

A. Create a dialog in the component folder and set the dialog’s xtype property to designDialog.
B. Create a dialog in the component folder and name it design_dialog.
C. Create the same component path structure under the design page and create the dialog there.
D. Create a node under the component’s dialog node and set the xtype property to designDialog.

Answer: B

Question: 115
You want to use a different page properties dialog instead of the one out of the box. How do you configure it?

A. Create a dialog in the page-component folder referenced by the template definition via
sling:resourceType and name it “dialog”.
B. Create a dialog in the template definition node and name it pageProperties.
C. Create the dialog in the template definition node, name it “dialog” and add a property xtype with the
value pageProperties.
D. Create the dialog in the foundation’s page-component node and name it the same as your template

Answer: A

Question: 116
What is the purpose of a Closed User Group?

A. To define a selected group of authors with special authoring permissions

B. To define one or more Web pages on the publish instance accessible only by members of the Closed User
C. To define a group of users and assign them admin rights to manage workflows
D. To define a group of users that have special privileges to do system support

Answer: B
Question: 117
What is the purpose of sending values as selectors in the URL instead of sending them as query parameters?

A. To avoid caching the response in the Web server.

B. To enable the response to be cached in the Web server.
C. To avoid creating a session object in the application server.
D. To improve security.

Answer: B

Question: 118
AEM is accessible through dispatcher running on default port. Replication agent is configured with port 80 why?

A. Default port of dispatcher instance is 80

B. Default port of author instance is 80
C. Default port of publish instance is 80.

Answer: A

Question: 119
When page load time is high which logs will be checked to identify the reason?

A. Error.log
B. Request.log
C. Info.log

Answer: B

Question: 120
How to create JCR repository to filesystem mapping?
A. Filevault (vlt)
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 121
Node:… Which statement about <identifier> parameter is true
A. The <identifier> must be GUID
B. The identifier is mandatory free text.
Answer: B
Question: 122
@Component, what is used to define a service factory?
A. configurationFactory=true
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 123
How to disable the Target menu item on components?
A. In editconfig add disabletarget
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 124
How the comments in the site replicated back to authors? Choose three.
A. Configure the dispatcher flush for the author pointing to a webserver uri on which the dispatcher is
deployed and configured
B. Configure replication agents for the author pointing to pub1,pub2 and pub3.
C. Configure reverse replication agents for the author pointing to pub2, pub2 and pub3.
D. Configure a static agent for the author.
Answer: A,B,C

Question: 125
What is the maven plugin to compile the bundles?
A. Maven-scr
B. Maven-sling
C. Maven-bundle
Answer: B

Question: 126
When you are adding or upudating configurations of an OSGi component when felix changes will be reflected?
A. Immediately changes will be reflected.
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 127
When you have updated OSGi component in apps/config, when changes will be reflected?
A. After restarting the service.
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 128
If you are keeping asset outside and it is accessed by author and publish instance both then what type of replication
you should use?
A. Binary-less replication.
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 129
How to include clientlibs in sightly framework?
A. Data-sly-call
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 130
How to include html in sightly framework ?
A. Data-sly-include
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 131
What is the default loggin level of root logger during AEM
A. Debug
B. Info
C. Warn
D. Error
Answer: B

Question: 131
Which service to be configured if you want to send email?
A. Day CQ Mail Service
B. Day CQ Mailing Service
C. Day CQ WF email
D. Task email notification
Answer: A

Question: 132
How should generated clientlibs changed if using ? debugClintLibs=true
A. Client lib will have comments
B. Client libs will not be generated
C. Client libs will be included in page with @include tag
D. Client libs will not be added but css and js files get embed
Answer: C

Question: 133
If you have to create dialog for the touch UI. What should be the node name and type to be used for adding a field
to the component
A. Dialog cq:widget
B. Dialog nt:unstructured
C. Cq:dialog cq:widget
D. Cq:dialog, nt:unstructured
Answer: D

Question: 134
What is the use of transport user in replication agent?
A. Read content in author instance
B. Push content to publish instance
C. Configure proxy username
Answer: B

Question: 135
How to retrieve values for fields of design dialog
A. currentProperties(0.get(0
B. currentDesign.get()
C. currentStyle.get()
D. currentPage.get()
Answer: C

Question: 136
Which of these are set using default global.jsp?
A. currentDesign
B. currentNode
C. currentResource
D. currentPage
Answer: A,B,D

Question: 137
What is it called which is passed to a workflow as a reource
A. instance
B. workflow item
C. payload
Answer: C

Question: 138
How to authenticate to read content from repository?
A. Login()
B. loginAdministrative()
C. subservice()
D. ..
Answer: C
Question: 139
What should be the value of name attribute in dialog?
A. ./name
B. Name
C. /name
D. .name
Answer: A

Question: 140
In Maven POM dependencies what is meant by version [1.2,3)
A. 1.2 included till 2 included
B. 1.2 included till 2 excluded
C. 1.2 excluded till 2 included
D. 1.2 excluded till 2 excluded
Answer: B

Question: 141
Annotation @Component(immediate=true,metatype=true,name=samename. Which of these is true?
A. Metatype=true exposes service properties as configuration properties
B. Immediate=true enables service and allows access to configurations
C. Name defines class to use for service configurations
Answer: A,C

Question: 142
Which OSGi service to configure in order to connect to external MySQL database?
A. Day Commons JDBC Connection Pool
B. Apache Sling JNDI Datasource
C. Apache Sling Connection Datasource
D. ..
Answer: A

Question: 143
Product pages need to be created under category page only. Which of these is true?
A. User allowedChildren on Category page.
B. Use allowedTemplates on product page template
C. User allowedParents on product page template
D. ..
Answer: A

Question: 144
Which property to specify list of templates that can be allowed as child pages?
A. allowedChildren
B. allowedTemplates
C. allowedParents
D. allowedPaths
Answer: A

Question: 145
Caching need to be enabled for CUG pages. What changes should be done in dispatcher.any? Select 3 options
A. Set Value of /allowAuthorized to 0
B. User /directive attribute to set /sessionManagement directive
C. Set cache rules to allow caching of CUG pages
D. Configure CUG login pages using virtualHosts
E. Create a 2nd farm

Answer: A and B are corrent create 2nd farm should be the third option

Question: 146
New External library dependency added to POM. But the bundle still doesn’t load after deployment. Where
should you add external library package to?
A. Import-package
B. Private-package
C. Export-package
D. Include-package
Answer: A

Question: 147
What does the filter mode = merge do?
A. Deploy package conent if doesn’t exist in AEM
B. ..
Answer: A. Existing content is not modified. i.e. only new content is added and none is deleted or modified

Question: 148
Logger writer or logger to be used for getting logs for search?
A. Logger writer in debug mode
B. Logger logger in debug mode
C. Run AEM in debug
Answer: B

Question: 149
You want to extend textimage component what all you can do?
A. Create mytextimage/icon.png
B. Create mytextimage/textimage.jsp
C. Create mytextimage/cq:dialog and my textimage/dialogue
Answer: B
Question: 150
Which of these is false if you are creating runmodes as part of content package
A. Creating runmodes as part of content is riskier
B. ..
Answer: B

Question: 151
What to add to .gitignore?
A. Generated files should be ignored.
B. IDE – specific files should be ignored
C. All content.xml files should be ignored
D. Clientlibs css.txt and js.txt should be excluded
Answer: A

Question: 152
Clientlib created under /apps/myapp. The dispatcher blocks access to /apps. How to enable access to this clientlib
A. Add clientlib category to clientlib in /etc/designs using dependencies property
B. Add client lib category to clientlib in /etc/designs using embed property
C. Add configuration in dispatcher to allow access to the clientlib
Answer: B

Question: 153
How to reuse items in a dialog
A. Cq:include
B. Cq:import
C. ..
Answer: A

Question: 154
Why to use clientlibs? Choose 3
A. Code for js and css kept at once place
B. Further structure can be added to JS and css using text file
C. Clientlibs can be added categorywise
D. All of the above
Answer: D

Question: 155
Which runmode to be used to install production ready
A. Sample
B. Production
C. Nosamplecontent
D. .
Answer: C
Question: 156
How to start AEM in debug mode on a debug port 8875?
A. Java -jar aem-6.0.0.jar
B. Java -jar aem-6.jar port=8875
C. Java -Xmx1024M -XX-MaxPermSize=256M -debug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -
Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket, server=y, suspend=n
D. ..
Answer: C

Question: 157
You want to change default token expiration to 14 days. Which configuration to edit?
A. Day crx token auth handler
B. Adobe granite access token provider
C. Apache Jackrabbit Oak token config
D. Adobe CRX token auth handler
Answer: C

Question: 158
How to change instance from author to publish after installation
A. Edit runmode in start.bat
B. It cannot be changed
C. Edit runmodes in
D. Change the name of aem jar from aem-author to aem-publish
Answer: B

Question: 159
Your AEM has gone slow and throws you are getting out of memory error. Logs show a lot of cache manger :
A. A known bug
B. Unclosed jcr connections
C. ..
Answer: B

Question: 160
Annotation @SlingServlet with some json url
A. Extensions take precedence over selectors
B. Paths take precedence over resourcetypes
C. Post is default if method is missing
D. Servlet ignored if neither path nor resourceType exist
Answer: B,D

Question: 161
Component Added to template is not visible in existing page. Why?
A. Change would reflect only in newly created pages.
B. JSP needs to be recompiled
C. Cache needs to be cleared
Answer: A

Question: 162
When would you create a template instead of using a ..
A. Prepopulate the page
B. Restrict usage by paths
C. ..
Answer: B

Question: 162
Dispatcher is NOT configured optimally what may be the demerit?
A. Dispatcher fetches pages speedily
B. Dispatcher runs un-optimally cache wont work property and load on dispatcher
C. Some types of files corrupt
Answer: B

Question: 163
A developer has created node named What is the developer trying to do?
A. Create a runmode to target stage publish instance
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 164
Created node inside it created a node with type sling:config what is the developer trying to do?
A. Create a configuration for runmode foo
B. Create a package with name
C. ..
Answer: A

Question: 165
Link not rendering properly. What would you do?
A. Disable link checking
B. Disable link rewriting
C. ..
Answer: A

Question: 166
Why do we use maven? Choose 3 options
A. Very populat
B. Identifies aem instances automatically
C. Easy dependency management
D. Archytype can create basic project structure for AEM projects
Answer: A,C,D

Question: 167
What should be the name of configuration?
A. Com.test.config
B. ..
Answer: A
Question: 168
You are getting 403 error after configuring SSO and login attempt. What would you fix?
A. SSO is included in Sling Referrer Filter.
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 169
What would you do to enable QueryParameter caching in dispatcher?
A. Edit /ignoreUrl parameters section
B. ..
Answer: A

Question: 170
Why is dependency management is done in parent pom file? Choose 2
A. Consolidate management of dependency versions
B. Control versions used in application
C. ..
Answer: A,B

Question: 171
You want to overlay a node you write a code with sling:hideChildren = blueprint, cloudconfigs . What does it do?
A. Hide nodes but properties can be accessed.
B. The mentioned tabs are hidden from the dialog
C. ..
Answer: A,B
You are working with two components: Component A and Component B. Component B has a slightly different
behavior than component A. What is the best way to reuse the default script of component A in component B?

A. Set a property in component B called sling:resourceSuperType with the path to component A and
omit the default script in component B
B. Set a property in component B called sling:resourceSuperType with the path to component A and
create an empty default script in component B
C. Set a property in component B called sling:resourceSuperType with the path to component A and
include the default script of component A in the default script in component B
D. Copy the default script from component A into component B

Answer: A

What does an Item represent in a JCR repository hierarchical content model diagram?

A. The value to be stored

B. A Node or a Property
C. The UUID of Node
D. The path to a Node

Answer: B

Which access control policies does the JCR Session define to manage nodes?

A. Privileges to access the JCR workspace.

B. Permissions to access the JCR repository.
C. Capabilities to traverse the JCR repository.
D. A list of node locks in the JCR workspace.

Answer: A

How do you delete a property inside a Node object?

A. node.removeProperty("propertyName");
B. String propertyA = ""; node.setProperty("propertyName", propertyA);
C. String propertyA = null; node.setProperty("propertyName", propertyA);
D. node.delete("propertyName");

Answer: C

You are creating a repository-based OSGi configuration. Which name should the factory configuration node

A. Append "-factory" to the configuration node name.

B. Start the node name with "config-" and end it with "-<numeric_value>".
C. Append "-<identifier>" to the name, where identifier can be any unique name.
D. Start the node name with "factory-".

Answer: C

How are the resources called that are passed through a workflow?

A. WorkItem.
B. Transaction.
C. Lifecycle.
D. Payload.

Answer: D

You want to prompt a workflow user for information during the processing of a workflow step. Where is the
content that the workflow user entered stored?

A. As part of the page.

B. As part of the workflow model.
C. As part of the workflow instance.
D. As part of the design.

Answer: A

What is the main purpose of the CQ HTML client library property that is called categories?

A. To easily find client libraries when the user searches categories in the author environment.
B. To uniquely name a group of client libraries to be included in templates or components and to
reference dependencies to other client libraries.
C. To link the categories name with the component name, so that the client library can be included
automatically into the component.
D. To define the type of files that the client library contains, e.g. JavaScript and/or CSS.

Answer: B

What is the purpose of the Impersonators tab within the User settings?

A. Add one or more users that are allowed to take over all permissions from the current user.
B. Add one or more users that are inheriting the permissions from the current user.
C. Add one or more users that can act on the behalf of the current user.
D. Add one or more users that the current user can act on their behalf.

Answer: C


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