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Personal years:

DOB month and day plus year
8+2+2+1+9= 4
\/ \/ +9
10 + 3+ 9 10 become 1 i.e. 1+0=1
1+3= 4
If you have already had you bday then use the upcoming year #.

Meaning for personal years:

1 year brings new projects. It stands for new beginnings and fresh starts. A good time to
implement something or to start a new job or career.

2 year brings hard work. I call it the nose to the grindstone year. Working on getting your year 1
idea off the ground and making a name for yourself. Make sure to fit some fun time into this

3 year is a more laid back fun year. A time for putting oneself out there and enjoying like a little
bit more. A more carefree time.

4 year is all about working on relationships and communication not just with those you love but
also work mates. You might be challenged in those areas this year.

5 year is all about adventure! A good time to try new things...take that class you've been wanting
to take and to just meet some new people. Market yourself!

6 yr is all about others. They will pull at's a please do this or that for me year. Try to say
no often (unless you really don't want to) and to be a little selfish.
7 year is the going within year. Very spiritual time of figuring things out. You may want to
isolate but don't do too much of that. And try to communicate your feelings during this time as

8 year is the harvest year. Time to reap the rewards of the hard work you've put in on that project
you started in your 1 year. Good time to close deals and to bask in the glory of a job well done.

9 year can be disruptive and challenging in that a lot of change takes place. All of it is needed to
so that you can go into the next year (a one year) ready to start anew. Let the Universe handle
things...go with the flow...don't fight the changes and all will be well.

Birth Number
Same as before use actual DOB

1's are creative people. Not necessarily artistic but good at having wonderful ideas (but
sometimes don't follow through with them). They are great leaders and wonderful at being a boss
but don't take direction well so best to be the boss than the employee. They don't take criticism
well and can be super sensitive. They get bored easily so hopefully they love their job.

2's are the responsible ones. If you need something to get done..ask a 2. Great team players and
very patriotic and loyal. Seems like a boring number but they aren't.

3's are the players. They are the actors and actresses of the numbers. They tend to skate through
life and have a ton of friends and don't take much seriously. Sometimes it's hard to pin them
down as they flit from fun thing to fun thing.

4's are here to learn communication and to find that "right" person. They are interested in
relationships and how to get along with others. 4's are also patriotic and loyal and are great team
players. They are courageous (a lot of military are 4's).

5's are the adventurers of the numbers. They love to learn new things and try new things as well.
Courageous and headstrong. They tend to flounder financially if they don't choose a career that
they love and can stick with. They will try anything once but also get bored easily (hence why
they change jobs often) Sometimes can be unmotivated to work at all.

6's are the caretakers of the numbers. The Mom's, Doctors, Nurses, EMT's etc. They just want
everyone to be cared for and happy. They tend to put themselves on a back burner though and
must learn to be a little more selfish and to say no.

7's are the introspective ones. They stay in their heads quite a bit and are hard to get to
communicate with when it comes to feelings. Be patient with a 7...they sometimes think they've
said how they feel because they've though about it for so long. They can be quite impulsive at
times and make huge blunders based on that impulsiveness. Goes totally against their nature.
Indecisive at times

8's are the great manifesters of the numbers. If they want something they will go out and get it!
Determined and focused they usually get what it was they were reaching for. They can tend to be
a bit self-centered and sometimes have an addictive personality. Being a workaholic is included
in that.

9's are the peacemakers. They just want to love and be adored. They have a tendency to marry a
few times in their lifetimes and find the right person later in life. They are great humanitarians
but sometimes have too high of lofty ideals to ever reach them.

Master numbers

The 11 is the most intuitive of the Master Numbers. It represents illumination, sensitivity and the ability
to be a visionary dreamer. They are charged with charisma, leadership and inspiration. 11's walk the
edge between greatness and destruction. It's personal power lies in the acceptance of intuitive
understanding and spiritual truths. 11 is the psychics number.

The most successful of all the numbers in numerology. Often called the Master Builder. Great
manifesters. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. 22 has the inspiration of 11 and
the practicality of 4. Big ideas, expansive plans, idealism, leadership and self-confidence. 22's must work
towards the realization of goals that are larger than personal ambition. 22 serves the world in practical

Thirty- three
The last of the Master Numbers. The most spiritually evolved of them all. Those who carry this number
are here to lift humanity spiritually. In full force the 33 is extremely rare. If in full force the day and
month must add to 22 and the year must add to 11. The 33 contains high levels of spiritual devotion.
Essence Numbers

ok so here is the breakdown of the Essence of You numbers...

1's are writers, lawyers, creators, pioneers, inventors, leaders, managers. Owner of any business.
Work best alone or owning their own business. They are usually of strong physique, dominant
and forceful.

2's are the best diplomats and statesmen or politicians. Psychologist and teacher, office worker,
homemaker, artist, psychic mediums. They tend to be soft spoken, sweet, shy and are usually
3's are the artists, actors, singers, writers, entertainers. Clergyman and decorators. They tend to
be attractive, bristling with personality, animated and talkative

4's are the economists, techies, statisticians, professors and scientists. Accountants, physicians,
surgeons and electricians. Great builders and musicians. They tend to be solid, precise, and tailor
made. Tall sometimes boney. Wear plain colors.

5's are civic leaders, lawyers, detectives, writers, actors, salesmen. 5's know a little bit about
everything. They are strikingly attractive, They like attention and wear daring bold colors.

6's are physicians, nurses, teachers, food service workers, cosmic mother or father..great with
kids. They tend to be quiet and harmonious and have good taste. They are Fatherly or Motherly
and create an atmosphere of harmony and well being

7's are the judges, lawyers, bankers, brokers, deans and clergymen. They have great religious
authority. They are the thinkers and are perfectionists.They tend to be quiet and aloof, refined
and unruffled. Slim hands and feet. Always well dress and usually in pastels.

8's are the bankers, brokers, executives and CEO's. They manage on a large scale. Consultant,
Promoter and Patron of the Arts. "Big Business" is the slogan of an 8. They tend toward
prosperity, attractiveness and radiate efficiency. Sociable and inclined to pomp and display. Can
be loud voiced

9's are artists, humanitarians, teachers, healers, Preachers, composers, advisors, doctors, surgeons
and philanthropists. Work best using inspiration. They tend to be romantic, artistic, beautiful,
youthful, courteous and kind

11's are the ministers, psychologists, teachers, charity workers, actors, explorers. Happiest when
they can turn on the light in others. They tend to be refined, spiritual, with a far away look in
their eyes. Vibrant in personality.

22's are builders, teachers, writers, leaders, governors, Director of World Affairs.. Creates beauty
and they build. Establishes connections between others. They ooze power and harmony at the
same time. Nervous and energetic, but poised and capable. Tactful and kind.
Soul’s Urge Meanings (Soul’s purpose)
Soul’s urge is determined by using only the vowels in the Birth Name. Use the chart listed

1's..want to lead and direct. Wants to create and originate. Is not very emotional and love is not
necessary to their happiness. Prefers to work alone or be the boss. They need to cultivate
friendliness and human interest.

2's want love, society and companionship. Want to work with others..not lead them. Wants
harmony and peace. Is contented with small things and is emotional. Need to cultivate strength
of purpose and definiteness.

3's want to give out joy and happiness. Want to scatter love. Wants beauty in all their
surroundings. Needs to cultivate concentration and patience.

4's Want respect and solidity. Wants to serve and be the rock of dependability. Loves home,
family and country. They need to culitvate flexibility and embrace change.

5's want personal freedom in every direction. Wants change, variety and constantly new
opportunities. Wants to learn about life in all of it's phases. 5's need to cultivate loyalty, patience
and steadfastness of purpose.

6's want responsibility, steadfast love, home, domesticity and roots. Wants to right and adjust all
wrongs and everybody's life. Loves to work with others...never alone. They need to cultivate
assertiveness and personal balance.

7's want silence and peace to their inner life. Wants to meditate upon their dreams of perfection.
Loves old things. Loves to be alone but fears loneliness and poverty. 7's need to cultivate
understanding and sympathy. And to learn to be alone but not lonely.

8's want big deals and the power to handle them. Wants success in all material matters. Loves to
manage and direct. Loves a good opposition to overcome or direct. 8's need to cultivate justice
and tolerance for the weaker and less efficient.

9's want to serve the whole world. Wants to give all that they have to those who need it. Has
boundless faith in supply. 9's are ready to give their lives to all humanity. The great martyr. 9's
need to cultivate balance, definiteness emtoional control.

11's want to reveal the beauties they have seen and known. Wants all men to know their idea of
GOD. Is a dreamer and visionary with a passion for salvation. Loves their ideas rather than those
of their fellow man. 11's need to cultivate human understanding.

22's want to be the perfect builder for the security and good of all. Is power to the 9th degree and
master of any situation. True master of building for eternity. Loves form for the use of the world.
Needs to cultivate holding onto their ideals in a material world.
What you really dream

The Consonant total meanings: what you really dream about when no one else is around...

1's: Courageous and daring. You see yourself as the leader, instigator and promoter or new plans
and enterprises never before achieved.

2's: You see yourself loved, protected and comforted. You see a home of peace with children

3's: Your imagination sees you as popular, attractive and sought after. You see yourself
expressing in art forms

4's: You see yourself as the pillar of society upon whom many depend. Your work tirelessly for
the rewards of accomplishment, duty, love and appreciation.

5's: You see yourself as a world traveler and a free spirit. Living the life of adventure and

6's: You see yourself as the center of an adoring family. You see music and flowers all around
you. You see yourself as the cosmic comforter.

7's: You see yourself in a place of great learning with books all around you. You relish your
alone time.

8's: You see yourself as a director or president of a large company. You conduct business on an
enormous scale. You are well respected and admired.

9's: You see yourself as one of the worlds great artists. You are filled with great love for all of
humanity and are eager to be of service. Filled with emotion.

11's: A grand messenger. Here to preach the gospel of peace and love. You would die for your

22's: You see yourself as someone who can bring people together. Your dreams of unity can
unite the world.

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