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श्री गणेशाय नमः

Karma & Asterisms Explained

Discourse between Lord Shiva & his

consort Parvati

Original Translation By
Ajay. D.N born in 1984 was brought up in Pundit Shyam Sunderlal Tripathi from
Bengaluru and has completed Master of
Technology in Computer Science & Engineering.
He started learning Astrology at the age of 18 Translated In English
under the guidance of his brother Sri
D.N.Venkatesh who was his first guru. Then under
the guidance of Veda||Brahma||Sri Tarkam Ajay D.N
Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara’s hora sastra and Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes
other texts on Astrology. Being a student of
KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research
Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative

Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and
also practicing it till date. Currently he is
practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of
Veda||Brahma||Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a
renowned Astrologer and Author. नक्षत्रचरणजातफलदवशमका

मरु ादाबादस्थ पं० श्यामसन्दरलालवत्रपाविकृ

ु त
अथ द्वादशोऽध्यायः॥१२॥

कृ विकानक्षत्रफलम।्
Chapter 12
Krittika Nakshatra Phalam

ईश्वर उिाच॥
Lord Shiva Says,

ु भम
कृ विकायां िरारोिे प्रथमे चरणे तथा। योजायते नरो देवि तस्य िक्ष्ये शभाश ्
ु ॥१॥
Hei Devi, I will now tell you the Purva Karma and its good and bad results for Krittika
Nakshatra 1st Charana Nativity.||1||

ईशानेऽवप मिादेवि कोशलापरतोऽनधे ु
। राजपत्रोऽिसत्कविन्नगरे गूढसंज्ञके ॥२॥
Hei Mahadevi, towards North-East of Kosalaa (Ayodhya) Puri there was a prince in a town
called Ghuda. ||2||

नामतश्र्वाविशमेवत तस्य पत्नी कला शभु ा। धनधान्यसमायक्त ्

ु ो रूपिान मन्मथो यथा॥३॥
His name was Ahi Sharma and was very rich, good looking, attractive and his charm was
resembling that of Manmatha. His wife was Kala (Shuba). ||3||

यावत चाखेटकं वनत्यं मृगीं ित्वा च गवभमणीम।् प्रत्यिं मृगमांसने पोषयेत्स्वतन ं ु तथा॥४॥
He was always interested in hunting and used to hunt every day. One day he killed a female deer
which was pregnant and ate it day after day. ||4||

शरीरे िृद्धता जाता दया तस्य न चाभित।् ततो िै मरणाद्देवि सती भायाम ततोऽभित॥५॥

As the days passed by, he attained old age and still didn’t have any compassion in him. In the
course of time Ahi Sharma died because of old age and wife too followed him.||5||

सत्यलोकं गतस्तेन भायामयाः सकृु तेन त।ु भक्त

ु ं कल्पवमतं पण्यं
ु सत्यलोके िरानने॥६॥
By virtue of Ahi Sharma’s wife both enjoyed Satya Loka for 1 Kalpa .||6||

ु पण्यक्षये
पनः ु ु
जाते मानषत्वम पु ागतः। पत्न्या सि ततो देवि कुले मिवत पूवजते॥७॥
As Punya depleted, took birth as Human beings. Hei Devi, both took their birth in virtuous
family. ||7||

ु ।् मृगीं सगभो ितिान पू् ि म जन्मवन सव्रते

म न्मविपाके न मृतित्सत्वमाप्नयात
पूिज ु ॥८॥
Because of the bad karma done in the previous birth the lady used to deliver dead children. ||8||

तेन कममविपाके न मत्यमलोके ह्यपत्रकः॥ ु प्रजायते॥९॥
तस्य शावतं प्रिक्ष्यावम यतः पत्रः
The bad Karma of killing a conceived animal will make the couple issueless in this birth. So as
remedy I will now tell you the atonements to be done.||9||

गायत्रीजातिेदोभ्ां लक्षमेकं जपं तथा। दशांशिोमः किमव्यो विप्राणां भोजनं ततः॥१०॥

”Gayathri” mula mantra and “Jaatavedase” mantra has to be chanted for 1 Lakh times each and
then perform 1/10th (10,000) part havan then offer lunch to Brahmans. ||10||

ु न मृगीं कॄ त्वा मृगबालं तथ ैि च। पूजवयत्वा विधानेन कवपलां च ततः वप्रये॥११॥

Worship the statue of a golden deer an animal with its little one made out of Gold accordingly. Hei
Priye, then do puja to “Kapilaa Go” (A Brown Cow). ||11||

ु जसे। िवरिंशस्य श्रिणं चण्डीपािं वशिाचमनम॥१२॥
प्रदद्याद्वेदविदुषे ब्राह्मणाय सते
Donate it to a Brahmin who is learned and of a radiant personality. Make a devoted study of
Harivamsha Purana, Chandi Paat (Durga Sapthashathi Paaraayanam) by a Pandit (or by the
native himself) and offer puja to lord Shiva accordingly.||12||

1 Kalpa = 1 Day (Dina Maana - From Sun rise to Sun set) for Lord Brahma. Reckoning of time is as follows.
1 Year (Human) = 1 Devataa Din (Celestial Day Time)
360 Years (Human) = 1 Devataa Varsha (Celestial Year) or Divya Varsha.
12,000 Divya Varsha = 1 Chatur Yuga or Maha Yuga (Krita Yuga, Trethaa Yuga, Dwaapar Yuga, Kali Yuga)
1 Chatur Yuga = 1 Devataa Yuga (Celestial Epoch = 43,20,000 Years for Human Beings)
71 Chatur Yuga = 1 Manvantar (A new epoch or an age of new transition)
14 Manvantar = 1 Kalpa or Brahmaji’s day.
1 Kalpa = 432 Crore Years for Human Beings.
2 Kalpa = 1 Day (Sunrise to the next Sunrise)
ु प्रजायते। कन्यका न भिेिस्य गभमपातो न जायते॥१३॥
एिं कृ त्वा विधानेन शीघ्रं पत्रः
By doing this according to the Shastras the couple will definitely beget children especially sons and
in future she will not abort. ||13||

ु ते रोगी सिमकामः प्रजायते॥१४॥

Will get relived from diseases and all their desires will be fulfilled.||14||

इवत श्रीकममविपाकसंवितायां कृ विकाप्रथमचरणप्रायवििकथनं नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः॥१२॥

Thus ends the 12th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for Krittika
Nakshatra 1st Charan.

अथ त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः॥१३॥
Chapter 13
वशि उिाच॥
Lord Shiva Says,

नराणांपण्यशीलानावमि जन्मसमद्धु िम।् सखं
ु िक्ष्याम्यिं देवि पूिक
म ममफलं यतः॥१॥
Hei Parvati, A Virtuous human being because of the influence of his/her actions in the previous
birth will enjoy comforts and happiness in the present birth. ||1||

येन दिं परादानं ु गजावदकम।् तत्फलेन मिादेवि इि तस्मात स
गोसिणम ् खं ्
ु भिेत॥२॥
One who has done Go (Cattle) daan (donation), Suvarna (Gold) daan, donating elephant and so
on, Hei Maha Devi, will enjoy happiness and joy accordingly.||2||

् णिानवप।
शरीर जन्मतः कावतलमक्ष्मीिान ग ु ु ते वनत्यं पत्रतो
सौख्यं प्रभज्य ु धनतस्तथा॥३॥
From birth the native will have a radiant personality, blessed with richness and will be of good
conduct. He/She will enjoy all kinds of comforts and pleasures with his/her family.||3||
ु भक्त्व
न रोगो जायते देवि दुःखं न ैि कदािन। इि लोके सखं ् खमे
ु ा कीवतममान स ु धते॥४॥
Hei Devi, will not fall ill and never experience sorrow. The native will be happy in the present
birth and gains name and fame, his/her happiness will always prosper.||4||

ु ते॥५॥
अथ िक्ष्याम्यिं देवि नक्षत्रे कृ विकाह्वये। वद्वतीयचरणे देवि पूिे यतू फलमच्य
Hei Parvati, now I will continue with the karmas of the previous births and its fruits for native of
Krittika Nakshatra 2nd Charana. ||5||

कान्याकुब्जो वद्वजः कविवदन्द्रशमेवत नामतः। पत्नी रुद्रमवत देवि कुशीला कलिवप्रया॥६॥

Their lived a person in Kanyakubja desha2 called Indra Sharma. His wife was a wicked
quarrelsome woman called Rudramathi.||6||

िेदपािरतो वनत्यं षडङ्गस्य च पािकः। एकदा तत्र िै देश े कवितू क्षत्री नरावधपः॥७॥
The Brahman used to teach Vedas and Shadangas3. There was a Kshatriya King in that region.

मरणे तस्य िै जाते तवद्वप्रस्य वनमन्त्रणम।् भक्त

ं ् े तेन तदा देवि क्षवत्रयस्य वियास ु च॥८॥
and he died. Indra Sharma was invited to the final rituals (after funeral rites) of the King and had
his lunch there.||8||

गृिीतं तस्य िै दानं शय्ां च ैि गजावदकम।् सिे गृह्या गृिं गत्वा भक्त
ु ं बहुवदनं वप्रये॥९॥
And accepted donations in the form of bed, an elephant and so on. Hei Priye, he possessed all
donations and enjoyed it for many days. ||9||

ततो बहुगते काले तस्य विप्रस्य पञ्चता। स यातो यमलोके िै नरके च सदारुणे
Many years passed by and the Brahman died. He attained Yama Loka, then got into a dreadful
hell over there ||10||

ं ु े पृथक ् पृथक॥
ु ं स्वकममज ं दुःखं यगु मेकं िरानने। गजव्याघ्रकृ मेयोवनं ततो भक्त
भक्त ् ११॥
and was punished for his previous karmas for 1 Yuga. After getting out of Yama Loka he took
birth as an elephant, then as a wild animal after that as an insect.||11||
2 Of a country or of an ancient city in the north of India, situated in the banks of the river Ganges.
3 Siksha, Chhanda, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Jyotisha and Kalpa

मनष्यत्वं ु न जायते देवि कन्यका विविधास्तथा॥१२॥
म ममविपाकतः। पत्रो
ततः प्राप्तः पूिक
Finally because of the influence of his Purva Karma (previous actions) attained Manushya Janma
(took birth as a Human Being). Hei Devi, He will only have daughters and no sons.||12||

मृतित्सा भिेन्नावर रोगाि विविधाः वप्रये। शावतं तस्य प्रिक्ष्यावम यतः पत्रमिाप्स्यते
Or his wife will deliver male issues which are dead, and she will suffer from different kinds of
illness. Hei Priye, to be freed from these and to beget Sons I will now tell the atonements to be
done. ||13||

गायत्रीलक्षजाप्येन त्र्यंबके न तथा वप्रये। िोमं च कारयामास षडंश ं दानमेि च॥१४॥

Hei Parvati, Gayathri mantra and Triyambaka mantra should be chanted for 1 lakh (100,000)
times each and perform 1/10th part havan of it and donate 1/6th part of his earnings. ||14||

दशिणामि गा दद्यावद्ववधिद्ब्राह्मणाय ि। भोयेच्छतसंख्य ं च ब्राह्मणं िेदपारगम॥१५॥
Then donate cattle with 10 different colors to the Brahmans who are well versed in vedas and offer
lunch to 100 Brahmans. ||15||

दशिणामि गा दद्यावद्ववधिद्ब्राह्मणाय ि। भोयेच्छतसंख्य ं च ब्राह्मणं िेदपारगम॥१५॥
Hei Devi, by doing this the couple will beget sons and get relived from all diseases and the sins of
the previous births will be cleansed. ||16||

इवत श्रीकममविपाकसंवितायां कृ विकानक्षत्रवद्वतीयचरणप्रायवििकथनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः॥१३॥

Thus ends the 13th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for Krittika
Nakshatra 2st Charan.
अथ चतदु श
म ोऽध्यायः॥१४॥
Chapter 14

वशि उिाच॥
Lord Shiva Says,

तृतीयं तस्य िै देवि चरणं िदतः शृण।ु कान्यकुब्जकुले कविन्नगरे सूयस

म ज्ञ
ं के ॥१॥
Hei Devi, Now listen the details of Krittika Nakshatra 3rd Charan. There lived a family in
Kanyakubja in a town called Surya Pura, ||1||

उद्योतशमाम विख्यातस्तस्य स्त्री वगवरजाऽभित।् िेदपािरतो वनत्यं दावरद्येणिै पीवडतः॥२॥

where Udyota Sharma was its member and Girija was his wife. Udyota Sharma always used to
teach Vedas and was tormented with penury. || 2||

ककम शा भावमनीतस्य वनष्ठुरं िदवत स्मृता।एकदा सूयग्रम िणे तल

ै कारस्तदागतः॥३॥
His wife used to abuse him always, once at the time of Solar Eclipse an oil trader passed thereby.

गङ्गामध्ये ततो दानं तस्म ै विप्राय िै वशिे। प्रददौ लक्षसंख्यां िै स्वणममद्रु ां त ु दवक्षणाम॥४॥
Hei Shive, the oil miller donated 1 Lakh gold coins to Udyota Sharma standing in river Ganga
during the course of eclipse. ||4||

प्रवतगृह्या ततो दानं गृिंगत्वा वद्वजस्तदा। व्ययं करोवत स्म तदा भायामपत्रेु ण च ैि वि॥५॥
After accepting the Gold he took it home and enjoyed it with his family by spending it day after
day. ||5||

ु ं वप्रये। मरणं िृद्धसमये गृिे शय्ोपवर वस्थते॥६॥

िेदपािं ततस्त्यक्त्वा प्रत्यिं समख
Hei Parvati, he left teaching Vedas and enjoyed pleasures for the rest of his life with that money.
He got too old and died at his home bed ridden. ||6||

स्वणममध्ये च दनं िै नदिं वगवरनवन्दवन। सगतो नरके घोरे यमराजेन प्रेवरतः॥७॥

Hei Girije, he didn’t donate even a single penny of Gold that he had accepted from that oil miller.
Because of this action he got into a hell which Dharma Raja ordered him to be. ||7||

ं ु े नरकजं दुःखं स्त्रीपत्रेु ण च संयतु ः। यगु मेकं िरारोिे प्रेतत्वं काकतां गतः॥८॥
Hei Varaanane, together with his wife and son he was punished there for 1 Yuga and after
undergoing all the torture he took his birth as a Crow. ||8||

ु ततो गतः। पूिज

ततः शृगालयोवनं च मानषत्वं ु ॥९॥
म न्मकृ तं कमम इि लोके प्रभज्यते
Then as a Fox and then took birth as a Human Being on this Earth since he had to be requited with
what he had done in the past. ||9||

पाियामास िै िेदान ब्राह्मणे ्
ु ॥१०॥
भ्ो िरानने। तत्संवचतफलाद्देवि मिदैियममाप्नयात
Hei Devi, Since he taught Vedas in his earlier birth, the virtue of this made him rich. ||10||

ु वद्वतीया च वििाविता। शरीरे बििो रोगाः सखं

भायाम मृता ततः पत्रो ु तस्य न जायते॥११॥
His wife and son too will die and he will get married to another woman, she will suffer from
different kinds of diseases and will be unhappy. ||11||

ु शत्रभु िम वे दवत। मृतित्सा भिेन्नारी पूिज

िृद्ध े सवत िरारोिे पत्रः म न्मविपाकतः॥१२॥
Hei Parvati, during his old age his son itself will act as his enemy or because of his bad deeds of
the earlier birth they will be issueless. ||12||

तस्य पण्यमिं ु पत्रो
िक्ष्ये यतो रोगो वनितमत।े पनः ु भिेद्दवे ि कन्यका न ैि जायते॥१३॥
I will now tell you by virtue of which the diseases will be cured and Hei Devi, his wife will only
give birth to male issues. ||13||

जातिेदावदमन्त्रेण जपं िै कारयेद्धध

ु ः। लक्षत्रयं प्रयत्नेन ततो िोमं वतलावदवभः॥१४॥
Jaatavedase mantra need to be chanted for 3 Lakh times by learned Brahmans and has to perform
havan using “Til (Sesamum)” as offerings. ||14||

चतरु स्त्रे शभु े कुण्डे िवरिंशश्रवु तस्ततः। भूदानं विवधित्कुयामच्छय्ां पात्राय दापये त॥१५॥
The Homa kunda should be Square in shape, then make a devoted study of “Harivamsha Purana”
by a Pandit (or by the native itself) and make “Bhoo Dan (to donate land to his Guru or a
Brahman)” and also donate a bed as per the shastras.||15||

ु जयते देवि नात्रकायाम विचारणा॥१६॥

एिं कृ ते न संदिे ो रोगनाशो भविष्यवत। पत्रि
By doing all these, the diseases will be definitely cured, the couple will beget Sons without any
doubt. ||16||

इवत श्रीकममविपाकसंवितायां कृ विकानक्षत्रतृतीयचरणप्रायवििकथनं नाम चतदु श

म ोऽध्यायः॥१४॥
Thus ends the 14th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for
Krittika Nakshatra 3st Charan.

अथ पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः॥१५॥
Chapter 15
वशि उिाच॥
Lord Shiva Says,

कान्यकुब्जो वद्वजः वचिन्नममदादवक्षणे तटे । माविष्मत्यां िसत्येको वद्वजः परमिैष्णिः॥१॥

Towards Southern bank of the Narmada River in Kanyaakubja there lived a Brahmin. The town
name was Mahishmathi and he was a supreme devotee of lord Vishnu. ||1||

नामतो योघशमेवत तस्य भायाम त ु दानिी। प्रत्यिं िैश्यिृविस्त ु विियं चाकरोत्सदा॥२॥

The name of that Brahman was Yodha Sharma and his wife was Dhaanavi. Yodha Sharma was a
trader and used to buy and sell articles accordingly. ||2||

तत्र िैश्य उिास ैको धनधान्यसमवितः। िैशयतस्तेन विप्रेण स्वणं नीतमृण ं बहु॥३॥
Their lived another trader who was very rich and Yodha Sharma borrowed some money from him.

ततो बहुवतथे काले स विप्रो मृत्यमागतः। ऋणं तस्म ै न दिं िै िैश्याय त ु स्वकममण॥४॥
Days passed by, Yodha Sharma passed away but the money that he had borrowed was not
returned. ||4||

मरणे सवत विप्रस्त ु रौरिं नरकं गतः। िैश्यकमम कृ तं तेन स्वकमम पवरमच्य
ु ते॥५॥
Yodha Sharma being a Brahmin did not do what he had to (i.e. teaching Vedas, earning through it
etc.) and did what a Vyshya (One who earns by trading) did i.e. trading, because of this he got
into a hell called Rowrava. ||5||

विंशद्वष मसिस्त्रावण नागलोके िसत्यसौ॥ नरकावन्नः सृतो देवि यातो िृषभसूकरौ॥६॥

Hei Devi, he was punished there in the hell in Naaga Loka for 20,000 Years and took his birth as
an Ox and then as a pig. ||6||

ु मनष्यत्वमिाप्तिान
योवनद्वयं फलं भक्त्वा ु ।् धनधान्य समायक्त
ु स्तत्पण्ु यस्य प्रभाितः॥७॥
He was requited for all the paapa karmas (Bad Actions) that he had done in his previous birth by
being born as an Ox and Swine. After this he attained Manushya Janma (took birth as a Human
Being) and was blessed with richness. ||7||

ऋणसम्बन्धतो देवि िैश्यपत्रत्वमाितः। प्रतिु ं तस्य िै द्रव्यं कुयामवद्दनेवदने॥८॥
Hei Devi, in relation with the money that he had borrowed and not requited in his preceding birth,
the Vyshaya who has given the money as credit took birth as his son in the present birth and
started spending his money at will. ||8||

मद्यािेश्याप्रदानेन धनं सिे व्ययं कृ तम।् यदा पत्रः ु न्नो यिु रूपोऽभिवत्प्रये।॥९॥
ु समत्प
on liquor and harlots. Hei Parvati, when he attained his youth ||9||

तदा मृत्यमिाप्नोवत ु पत्रो
शोकं दत्वा तयोस्तदा। पनः ु न जातो िै पूिज
म न्मविपाकतः॥१०॥
his father was deeply distressed because of his death. After that his father because of his Purva
Karma became issueless and further he didn’t beget any progeny. ||10||

प्रायवििं प्रिक्ष्यावम पूिपम ापविशद्धु ये। गायत्रीलक्षजाप्येन तदथे िावटकां पवथ॥११॥

Now I will tell you the atonements to cleanse his past karmas. He has to chant Gayathri mantra
for 1 Lakh times and install garden beside the main road ||11||
म म।् िोमं िै कारयेच्च ैि विवधपूिे िरानने॥१२॥
कू पं प्रयत्नतः कुयामिडागं विवधपूिक
also construct wells, reservoirs and other kinds of water sources. Do havan as per the shastras.

ु ा सिाम्बरा॥१३॥
ु स्य दानं दद्यावद्वशेषतः। दशिणाम प्रदातव्या सिणमयक्त
Donate 5 Pala of Gold specially and cattle’s with 10 different colors decorated with Gold and posh
cloths to a Brahman. ||13||

भोजयेच्छतविप्राम्स्स्त ु यथाशवक्त सदवक्षणान।् एिं कृ ते न संदिे ो रोगनाशो भिेदन॥१४॥

Then offer lunch for 100 Brahmans and donate Gold to his possible extent. By doing these he will
definitely be cured from diseases. ||14||

पत्रपौत्रा वििद्धमत े मम िाक्यं न चान्यथा॥१५॥
Bank on my word, he will beget Sons without any doubt and his lineage will continue.||15||

इवत श्रीकममविपाकसंवितायां कृ विकानक्षत्रचतथु च

म रणप्रायवििकथनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः॥१५॥
Thus ends the 15th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for
Krittika Nakshatra 4st Charan.

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