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1. Structures
A. Internal Structures
1. Chromatin Body – genetic material
2. Plasmids
3. Ribosomes
4. Mesosomes
B. Cell Membrane – made of lipids; for encasement of internal structures, transport of nutrients
and biochemicals, site of energy production and respiration
C. Cell Envelope- layer of peptidoglycan (murein) for cell shape and rigidity which acts as an
osmotic barrier
D. External Structures
1. Glycocalyx
2. Appendages – pili,flagella, fimbriae

II. Morphology
A. Cocci – spherical
B. Bacilli – rod shaped; elongated

III. Bacterial Groups – in 1883, Hans Christaian Gram discovered a staining method that divided
bacteria into 2 major groups
A. Gram Positive – stains blue
- Major characteristic of gram positive cell wall is the depth of the peptidoglycan layer; this
layer is insoluble but porous
- The thick peptidoglycan layer contains teichoic acid
1. Cocci
a. Staphylococcus – clumps; catalase positive
- Coagulase Test is positive
- Coagulase Negative staphylococci, specifically S. epidermidis which adheres to
foreign medical devices
- S. aureus produces TSST-1, exfoliative toxin, leukocidin and enterotoxin
b. Streptococcus – in pairs or in chains
 Beta Hemolytic – can completely lyse red cells in agar
1. Group A Streptococci – S. pyogenes; Strep Throat
2. Group B Streptococci – S. agalactiae; normal flora of female genital tract
 Alpha Hemolytic – Not able to lyse red cells
1. Viridans Streptococci – normal flora of URT and oral cavity
2. S. Pneumoniae – normal flora of URT;most commin cause of Pneumonia;
 Gamma Hemolytic
1. Enterococci – Group D. bile resistant
2. Peptostreptococci – anaerobe
2.Bacilli – “ My New And Lusciuos Coca-Cola Body”
* Mycobacterium – acid fast
*Nocardia – acid-fast and fungi like
*actinomyces – fungi like
* Listeria
*Corynebacterium – produces diphtheria
* Clostridium – spore forming; anaerobe
*Bacillus – spore forming

B, Gram Negative – stains red

 Have a third outer layer, the Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Layer
1. Cocci – Neisseria sp
2. Bacilli
a. Aerobes
 Pseudomonas – ubiquitous and found wherever there is water
 Legionella – water loving and can be found in heating towers, air
conditioners, water and plumbing
 Bordetella – cause “whooping cough”
b. Facultative Anaerobes
 Enterobacteriaceae = Escherichia, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter,
Serratia, Providencia, Morganella, Salmonella, Shigella
 Vibrionaceae – V. cholera

c. Anaaerobes – Bacteriodes
1Mycobacterium – the cell wall is composed of high molecular weight mycolic
acids and waxes; the high lipid content imparts the acid fast
characteristics; cause Tuberculosis and Leprosy
2Chlamydia – obligate intracellular gram negative bacteria; do not contain
peptidoglycan layer
3. Treponema – thin, small, coiled spirochetes; can be seen by the used of dark
field microscopy
4. Mycoplasma – the smallest self-replicating organism; lacks cell wall; cause
atypical pneumonia ( walking pneumonia)
 Encapsulated Bacteria – S. pneumonia, H. influenza, N. Meningitides, K.
 Obligate Intracellular Bacteria – Chlamydia, Rickettsia
 Lactose Fermenters – Klebsiella, Escherichia, Enterobacter, also Citrobacter,

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