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The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance

of Grade 7 Students in English

The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance of

Grade 7 Students in English

MAEd English

Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University

November 2018


The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 2

Table of Contents

Title Page


Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures



The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance 1
of Grade 7 Students in English

Chapter 1
The Problem and Its Background

This chapter includes an overview of the background of the study, review of

related literatures and study, statement of the problem, hypotheses, conceptual, and

theoretical framework. The chapter also discusses the significance, scope, and

delimitation of the study. Finally, definition of terms and acronyms are also presented.

Instructional materials are significant tools needed for teaching and learning

process in every school subjects to promote teachers’ efficiency and improve students’

performance. They make learning more interesting, practical, realistic and appealing.

They also enable both the teachers and students to participate actively and effectively in

lesson sessions. They give room for acquisition of skills and knowledge and development

of self- confidence and self- actualization. Learning involves the acquisition of new

knowledge, ideas, skills, values and experiences which enable the individual to modify

and or alter his actions (NTI Manual, 2006).

Instructional materials also have been observed as a powerful strategy to bring

about effective teaching and learning. The importance of quality and adequate

instructional materials in teaching and learning can occur through their effective

utilization during classroom teaching. Instructional materials here include all the tools

that the teachers can use to make the learning more interesting and memorable.
Learning is a gradual process and presenting any learning concept to learners

must be done to appeal to students of varied interests and abilities -moving from sthe

known to the unknown and encouraging active class participation. The teacher cannot be

said to have achieved his instructional objectives until there is the desired change in the

pupils’ behaviour. The teacher is therefore expected to use instructional materials to make

the learner learn profitably. Instructional materials therefore are those things that a


The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 2

teacher or the learner uses in the course of teaching/learning to make learning simple,

easy to understand, aid retention and recall whenever it is necessary.

Instructional materials can be divided into three major categories based on their

sensory appeal, namely; audio, visual and audio-visual. Audio instructional materials are

those that appeal to the auditory sense such as radio, audio tapes. Visual instructional

materials appeal to the sense of sight and they come in the form of pictures, prints, real

objects (models), CDs to mention but a few. Audio-visuals appeal to both the auditory

and visual senses of the learner and stimulate interest to learn. Such materials take the

form of films, television, audio-visual tapes, CDs, VCDs, DVDs and other high definition

electronic devices. ICT has delivered several packages that can aid teaching and learning

to achieve desirable learning objectives. These packages are found in mobile devices like

smart phones, personal computers, internet facilities and the likes. ICTs provide a lot of

learning experiences to learners with varied interest and capabilities. Pictorial

illustrations are valuable assets. Projected visuals are able to convey information and

specific experiences that are needed for the development of workable concepts. Films can

modify motivations, interest, attitude and opinions. Relia (real objects) or three-

dimensional models can be effective in teaching/learning as the learner learns a great deal

by examining and manipulating a model.

One of the innovations in the educational system is the introduction of several

new teaching strategies at different levels of education. English language is a study

connected with all other subjects and all aspects of human life to enable people live a

fulfilled, free interaction and achievement in life. It involves a study of people in relation

to the social, academic, economic, cultural, physical and psychological lives. It has to do

with all round development of human beings to enable them become useful citizens in the


The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 3

society. Kochhar (2012) saw Economics as a portion of the Social Sciences selected for

instructional purposes applied to include anything pertinent to the immediate purpose of

learning and adapted to the level of comprehension of the students. Therefore, the

importance of instructional materials cannot be underestimated in developing students‟

skills in English as a second language. Since instructional materials are the devices

developed to assist teachers in transmitting, organized knowledge and attitudes toward

learners within an instructional situation (Nwachukwu, 2006). Instructional materials are

essential and significant tools needed for teaching and learning in order to promote

teachers‟ efficiency and improve students‟ performance.

The Usefulness of Instructional Material in Language Teaching

Although teachers use different instructional materials to motivate learning by

using textbooks, charts, models, graphics, real objects as well as improvised materials

(Awotua-Efebo, 2001). The success of achieving what they are met to achieve in an

instructional situation depend on the suitability of the instructional materials, adequacy

and effective utilization of the materials (Olaitan & Agusiobo, 1994). The effectiveness of

instructional materials in promoting students‟ academic performance in teaching and

learning is indisputable. It provides the much needed sensory experiences needed by the

learners for an effective and meaningful behavioural change. Instructional materials are

meant to improve the quality of education for effective academic performance of students

in schools. The performance of the students on the intended learning outcomes provide

the validation – loop on the success of the interaction and instruction. Omabe (2006)

asserts that instructional materials are central in the teaching and learning of English

language because they are used to compliment efficiency of a teacher, and effectiveness

in lesson delivery. Esu, Enukoha and Umoren (2004) affirmed that instructional materials


The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 4

facilitate learning of abstract concepts by helping to concretize ideas and stimulate

learners‟ imagination. Moreover, instructional materials help to increase active

participation in the learning process while saving teacher‟s energy, reducing the teacher

centeredness in teaching. In the same vein, Mathew (2012) states that the use of

instructional materials make teaching effective as it enables learners to participate

actively in classroom instruction. All these views suggest that the use of instructional

materials can improved students‟ performance. Olumorin, Yusuf, Ajidagba and Jekayinfa

(2010) also observe that instructional materials help teachers to teach conveniently and

the learners to learn easily without stress. Kochhar (2012) supports this view by saying

that, instructional materials are very significant learning and teaching tools. He adds that

there is need for teachers to find necessary and relevant instructional materials to

complement classroom interaction and textbooks in order to broaden and arouse

students‟ interests in the subject.

7 Strategies for Enhancing Teachers’ Competence in the Use of Instructional


Instructional materials are derived from various sources; they can be purchased,

locally made, imported or even improvised when necessary for effective instructional

delivery (Iwu, Ijioma, Onoja & Nzewuihe, 2011). The professional electronics teacher

needs to note that every instructional material has its definite unique strength in teaching-

learning situation. Furthermore, better teaching and faster learning of electronics

principles can be facilitated by careful selection, development and skilful utilization of

appropriate instructional materials by the competent teachers. Based on the foregoing, the


The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 5

following strategies are suggested to enhance the teachers’ competence in the selection,

development and utilization of instructional materials for effective instruction delivery:

 Develop positive attitude towards the development and use of instructional

materials in instructional delivery in schools.

 The instructional objectives, content learning activities and evaluation instruments

should be taken into consideration by the teacher in the selection, development

and utilization of instructional materials. In other words, maintain appropriateness

of the materials to instructional objectives.

 The content for which the instructional materials are being selected, where in

doubt, the teacher should consult. The aphorism that two good heads are better

than one good head becomes more relevant in the field of education particularly

in teaching.
 Reflect individual differences of learners’ characteristics in the use of

instructional materials. This is because the age, level, interest, socio-economic

background, learning style, physical skills of the learner often varies and hence

materials to be selected, developed and used should relate to the individual

differences of the learner. This is necessary because learners as human beings

learn through various senses and hence the resources/materials that appeal to

more than one sense should essentially be utilized.

 Economic factor should be considered in selecting instructional materials for use

in lesson delivery. Finance is one of the major problems facing schools.

Therefore, the teacher must consider the cost of financial implications of the

resource to be selected for classroom utilization. There are a lot of resources in the

local neighbourhood which innovative teacher can exploit for the benefit of their



The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 6

 Before selecting or developing any resource, consideration should be given on the

number of teaching/learning situations to which the resource can be applied. This

is because it is more economical to buy or develop a material which has dual

usage than one that can be applied in a single learning situation. Therefore,

acquisition of instructional materials having a wide range of practicability is

 The teachers should realize the need for improvisation if the cost of purchasing is

high. Such improvisation is a way of increasing inquiry, curiosity, creativity and

productive application of intellect.

 Development or improvisation of instructional materials could also be done

concurrently with the students such as projects or group assignments in designing

and manufacturing some gadgets of learning. This also promotes creativity among

 Some dynamic variables such as the size of the target audience, the classroom

social climate, sitting, viewing and listening arrangement, available time space,

the desired level of learners' response and participation are to be seriously

considered in the decision, selection and development of instructional materials

for use in lesson delivery.

 Once an instructional material has been selected and developed, the teacher

should preview the material before they are brought to the class to determine the

operational state of the intended material, especially the manipulative aids, before

the actual presentation.

 Multidimensional presentations should be encouraged as the use of variety of the

materials will increase curiosity and may appeal to more than one sense of the



The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 7

 At the end presentation with the instructional materials, outcomes should be

measured in order to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional delivery.

This study therefore, sought to examine the effect of instructional materials in

improving the academic performance of the students.

Conceptual Framework

The present study aims to show the effect of instructional materials in improving

the academic performance of Grade 7 students in English.

Instructional Academic performance of

Materials Grade 7 in English

Traditional Teaching

Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study

Statement of the Problem


The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 8

The general aim of the study is to determine whether there is an effect of

instructional materials in improving the academic performance of grade 7 students in

English. Specifically, it will seek answers to the following;

1. What is the level of pre-test academic performance in experimental group?

2. What is the level of pre-test academic performance in controlled group?

3. Is there any significant difference between teaching with instructional materials

and traditional way of teaching?

Research Hypotheses

o There is a significant effect of instructional materials to the academic


o There is no significant effect of instructional materials to the academic


Significance of the Study

Studies pertaining to the effects of instructional materials in improving the

academic performance of students were conducted numerously and concluded that there

is a significant relation between these two variables. The present study aims to identify

the effects of instructional materials in improving the academic performance of students

in Grade 7 English.


The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 9

The study will give students, teachers, and future researchers adequate

information about the effects of instructional materials in improving the academic

performance of students in Grade 7 English.

Students. Theywill know and understand the effectsof instructional materials in

improving the academic performance of students in Grade 7 English. It may serve as a

reference for them to attain a successful learning process. The result of the study may

guide them in improving their grammatical awareness to have a positive result in their

academic achievement.

Teachers. They will have an idea on the importance of knowing the effects of

instructional materials in improving the academic performance and its implications in

facilitating students’ learning.

Future Researchers. This research study can also be used as a basis of future

studies that is related to the use of instructional materials for the academic achievement

of the students.

Scope and Delimitation

The key informants of the study are the students from BetisNational High School,

specifically the Grade 7 students.

Definition of Terms

The relevant terms below were operationally defined relative to their usage in this


The Effect of Instructional Materials in Improving the Academic Performance
of Grade 7 Students in English 10

Effect: This is the change (outcome) that is brought about in a person (s) or something by
another person (s) or thing; that is the way in which an event, action or person changes
someone or something.

Academic performance: This is regarded as the display of knowledge attained or skills,

shown in the school subjects such achievements are indicated by test scores or by marks
assigned by teachers. It is the school evaluation of students classroom work as quantified
on the basis of marks or grades.

Instructional Material: What the teacher uses to make the lesson more interesting and


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