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THE STUDY OF LOGIC But Juanito is a man, (premise)

Logic comes from the Greek word logike, meaning” Therefore, Juanito is rational. (conclusion)
thought”. Aristotle [384-322] who started the study of logic believes
that it is “organon” or instrument for discovering and presenting A syllogism is an oral or written discourse expressive of an
truths. argument. It is the logical form of an argument.
Logic is the instrument of all scientific investigation. It is 3. The correctness of an argument is the formal object of
through logical methods that the sciences discover the truths logic now; correctness implies conformity with a set of rules. A
peculiar to their subject matter. It is also through logical sentence for example, is said to be “correct “when it is in agreement
demonstration or arguments that they prove their findings to be with the rules of grammar. Likewise, an argument is correct if it
true and therefore, acceptable. Logic then is a prerequisite of all the conforms with the rules of logic and these us how to presents an
sciences. argument correctly.


The Supreme Creator has seen it fit to endow each The study of logic is divided into material logic and formal
creature with talent or power commensurate to its nature. The logic.
wonders of his gift may be glimpsed in the fierceness of the lion, in Material logic teaches us how truths are arrived at with
the speed of the horde, in the strength of the elephant, in the flight certitude. It provides for the principles by which we may acquire
of the sparrow, in the sight of the eagle, in the agility of the shark true and certain knowledge. Formal logic teaches how we may be
and in the docility of the carabao. But the rarest of the gifts belongs correct in the presentation of an arguments. It gives us the
to the man. This is the ability to reason. principles and rules of logical thinking.
Every argument has matter and form. The matter refers to
LOGIC: THE ESSENTIALS OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING the thought – content to the propositions. It belongs to the function
The ability to reason correctly is innate to man. He has the of material logic on how the matter logic on how the matter or
gift of common sense which St. Thomas Aguinas defines as” the thought. Content of an argument is true.
habit of the first principles”. This is the natural logic. The form refers to the structure of an arguments it is the
It was natural logic which guided man to the use of fire function of formal logic to determine when the pattern or structure
and of the wheel. These discoveries, long before man ever thought is correct.
of building a schoolhouse, laid the cornerstone of progress and A valid, that is, acceptable arguments is one which is true
civilization. And yet, common sense needs to be trained and in its matter and correct in its form. The syllogism given earlier is an
sharpened to bring out the fullness of its potentials. Without proper example of a valid argument.
instruction, common sense is prone o mistakes, leaving the process
of reasoning to “trial-and error”. INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE INFERENCE
The singer the dancers, the athlete, the painter, and Inference can either be by inductive or deductive method.
speaker –all need systematized instruction on how to develop their Inductive inference draws a universal or general
natural talents and hoe to use them effectively. In like manner, each conclusion from a series of individual related facts. For example, I
person needs the science and art of logic to develop the habit may conclude that “All students in this class are Filipinos” by first
confident reasoning. determining the citizenship of each student in class If x1, x2, x3, x4,
Logic does not away with common sense. It presupposes it x5, etcetera- is b, then we may conclude correctly that “all x is b”, or
and codifies its laws, shaping it into reliable instruments for the that at least “some x is B”. Inductive inference proceeds from a
acquisition of knowledge. particular to a general truth.
Inductive reasoning is often used in surveys, such as that
LOGIC AS A SCIENCE which determines the popularity rating of our public officials or TV
Logic defined as the science of correct of correct thinking. programs.
It is the systematized study of the reasoning process for the purpose Deductive inference draws a particular conclusion on the
of helping us think clearly, easily and correctly. basis of assumed general or universal principles. In the earlier
1. Logic is defined as the science because it is a body of example, we conclude that “Juanito is rational”. Deductive
knowledge systematically arranged and demonstration to be true. reasoning, therefore, is a process of going down to a particular
Logic however, differs from the empirical science such as, biology specific truth on the basis of a universal truth.
physics, sociology and others, because these give us information In this study, we are primarily interested with deductive
about the world around us while logic does not. Logic deals with the inference, with its principles and rules governing its correctness.
reasoning process leading to the discovery of truths. As a science on
its own right, logic has its formal and material object. The material LOGIC: ESSENTIALS OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING
object is the subject matter being studied. The formal object is that
aspect which is being considered of the subject matter. The material LOGIC AS AN ART
object of logic is thinking. The formal objects is correctness of Art, in general, is the habit of doing something with certain
thinking. degree of order harmony. In this sense logic is an art. It practical
2. Thinking, in ordinary speech, refers to any or all the science which leads to the formation of the habit of thinking easily,
movements of the mind, such as imaging, recalling memorizing, orderly and correctly.
comprehending, analyzing, or even day-dreaming. In logic, thinking
means inference. Logic, however, belongs to liberal arts not to fine arts.
Inference comes the verb “to infer” which means to draw Liberal arts constitute the foundation of higher education, such as
out or to get a truth or conclusion from something previously known sociology, history and mathematics. Such as that of music, poetry,
to the thinker. As a mental activity, it is called reasoning and is painting.
studied in psychology. Inference is the mental result of the act
reasoning and this is what we study in logic. Irving M. Copi defines THE IMPORTANCE OF LOGIC
inference as “a process by which one proposition is arrived at and 1. The intellect separates man from the beasts. But if
affirmed on the basis of one or more others proposition accepted as reason is superior power logic is its dynamo. Without logic science
the starting point.” would not possible. And, without science, human civilization would
Inference, being a mental reality, is studied in its linguistic not have gone this far. It is the force of logical reasoning
expression, called argument. An argument is “any group of Which uncovers for men those truths necessary for the cultivation
proposition of which one is claimed to follow from the others which and enrichment of the human condition. Logic, therefore, is
are regarded as providing support or ground for the truth of that important since it contributes to the quality of human life.
one.” Below are examples of arguments: 2. Logic, besides, contributes to the growth of the
A) Juanito is rational because he is a man. individual. Every person has thought at all times and under even the
b) Juanito, being a man, is rational. most ordinary circumstances. He who has an alert mind is better
c) Since all men are rational, Juanito is rational. equipped to handle day-to-day responsibilities. A side from helping
The above declarations express a single a single argument, make prudent decisions, the habit of good thinking saves one from
proving that “Juanito is rational”. This is the conclusions gathered on unnecessary heartaches and regrets due to misapprehension of
the basis of the assumption “He is a man”,or, “ All men are rational.” facts. Indeed, since life is not always simple, the ability to sort out
Noticed how such conclusion comes. things mentally leads to a better organized life-style. Logic,
therefore, builds self-confidence, provides a feeling of direction, and
LOGIC: THE ESSENTIALS OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING gives the assurance of being in control of one’s situation.
Smoothly and necessarily from the assumed propositions or 3. The practice of a profession of a profession presupposes
premises. Expressed in syllogistic form, the argument is. the art of creative thinking. In the complex world of ideas, the
All men are rational, (premise) professional who thinks surely and clearly has a good chance of
advancing in the field. The scatterbrain usually gets lost along the the raw material, so to speak, from which the intellect evolves a
way. This is not to say that good thinking is all that is needed to concept.
succeed professionally. There are indeed other factors. But the The intellect has the dual function of abstraction and
ability to “see” things in their proper perspective spells competence. understanding. The power of abstraction is called agent intellect and
It is the mark of intelligence. Mainly because of the ability to think the power of understanding, the possible intellect.
clearly, Aristotle would like the philosopher to be king. In The agent intellect works on the phantasm, abstracts or
contemporary society, we expect our leaders to think, not only separates from it only those forms or species which reveal the
correctly, but honestly too. essence of the thing, leaving aside those material qualities which
make up the physical appearance of the thing. The result of
THE SCOPE OF OUR STUDY abstraction is an impressed species of abstracted nature. This
Inferential thinking, our subject matter proper, is a abstracted nature is what the possible intellect expresses as a
complex process involving three distinct mental operations: simple concept or idea simple apprehension is the act of the intellect.
apprehension, judgment and reasoning. The first two mental Robert Edward Brennan presents this chart to show the
operations, simple apprehension and judgment, though complex in moments of ideogenesis. Note how the concept is involved from the
themselves, are intermediate to reasoning. It is the act of reasoning data of the senses by the process of intellectual abstraction.
that makes inference possible. (Thomistic Psychology, p. 185)
1. Simple apprehension is the act of the mind by which
we grasp the essence of a thing. Simple apprehension TYPES OF ABSTRACTION
produces the concept or idea. We distinguish between formal and total abstraction.
2. Judgment is the act of mined which we compare two 1. Formal abstraction withdraws a form or formal quality
concepts and declare them to be either in agreement from a thing which Is either material or immaterial. For example,
or disagreement with each other. Judgment produces “whiteness” is an abstraction from a white thing, such as dress or
the proposition, which is a statement expressing house; “quantity” from something which can be measures
truth. quantitatively; “justice” from a just action or a just person. In the
3. Reasoning is the act of the mind by which we derive physical world, such abstracted forms or qualities do not exist apart
new truths from what is previously assumed to be from a subject manifesting them.
true. The result of reasoning is inference. 2. Total abstraction withdraws a universal nature or
These three mental operations constitute the basis of essence from particulars or individuals. For example, the nature
rational knowledge as opposed to sense knowledge. Rational “animality” is abstracted from animals; “humanity” from humans;
knowledge begins with perception of the senses of the material and divinity from god.
qualities of physical objects. Perception constitutes sense knowledge
and its study belongs properly to psychology. PHANTASM AND CONCEPT
Most concepts are accompanied by phantasm. A
LOGIC: THE ESSENTIALS OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING phantasm is a material, concrete and changeable image expressed
Our present study will take us progressively into the image expressed by the imagination. It is material because it is
discussion of these three mental operations. The focus will also be impressed on the senses which can react only to material stimulus. It
discussed. Finally, we shall discuss the “fallacies” or errors of is concrete because it is a mental replica of an individual thing
reasoning, since the ability to recognize errors in reasoning. mirrored exactly as it appears to the external senses. It is
changeable because the thing it mirrors is prone to change, or our
THE NATURE OF CONCEPTS memory of it is bound to fade.
Concepts are mental realities. They are presents only in The concept, on the other hand, is immaterial, abstract
the mind. They represent the things we know. The material world and unchangeable. It is immaterial because it is an intelligible
and everything on it are object of our mind. They are what we know, species or form of the intellect whose object is something
the things we can possibly understand. immaterial. It is abstract because it is not limited to the physical
When we are confronted with something yet unknown, attributes of the thing as a particular object. It is unchangeable
such as a rare subject, it becomes instinctive to ask “what is it?” This because it is expressive of an essence which does not change. Our
is curiosity urging the mind to penetrate the object, to take hold of concept, for example, of mother as “a women with a child of her
its, nature and to understand it. Knowledge begins when the mind own” is not limited to this or that particular women, but applies to
fully grasps the essence of a thing. all women falling under the given description. It will not change even
if women were to refuse becoming mothers. This concept of
SIMPLE APPREHENSION “mother” will not change even if all women were to refuse
The essence of a thing is what constitutes it to be what it is becoming mothers.
in itself. The mental expression of an essence or quiddity is what we
call the concept. The concept then is the meaning of the thing, THE CONCEPT AS A SIGN
mentally evolved and expressed. A sign, in general, is anything which leads us to be aware
The mental act which evolves a concept is simple of something else. The smoke is a sign of fire, dark clouds is the sign
apprehension. It is defined as “the mental process by which we of a coming rain, and a logo is a sign of a business corporation. Signs
grasp the general meaning of a thing without affirming or denying are ether natural, conventional, or formal.
anything about it”10 Natural signs are those that by their nature signify
Our bodily senses, both external and internal, are our something else. The smoke is a natural sign of fire the fever is a
primary contact with the outside world. The total impressions of natural sign of infection, the footprint is a natural sign of animal, and
stimuli on the senses constitute common sense. laughter is a natural sign of joy and gladness.
Knowledge is common to man and beasts. But man goes Conventional sign are those that by convention or
further beyond the limitations of the senses. By his intellectual tradition are assigned to signify something. These are also called
power of abstraction, he attains a level of intellectual knowledge. arbitrary sign. Example are flag, traffic sign, billboards military
While sense knowledge is material, concrete and particular, patches, school uniforms, and others.
intellectual knowledge is spiritual abstract, and universal. Simple Formal sign are those that do not only signify things but
apprehension is the first act of the intellect. explain them to be what they are. A picture is a formal sign because
it offers the resemblance or likeness of a person. A concept is a
IDEOGENESIS: THE INTELLECTUAL EVOLUTION OF CONCEPT formal sign because it brings out those essential features which
This topic properly belongs to psychology. We discuss it constitute a thing to be what it is in itself. It is in this sense that we
here to provide it here to provide the student a broader background say that a concept is a mental representation of a thing. Thus, to
on the nature of concepts. have a concept is a mental representation of thing. Thus, to have a
We have distinguished between sense knowledge and concept of a thing is tantamount to understanding that thing. A
intellectual knowledge, or, knowledge of the sensible order and concept, then is that “by which we know” something.
knowledge of the intelligible order or level. Sense knowledge derives
from the perception of the senses acting on their proper stimuli. The COMPREHENSION AND EXTENSION
data supplied by the senses, such as the external senses of sight,
smell hearing, taste and touch, are the percepts which common COMPREHENSION AND THE TWO PROPERTIES OF CONCEPT
sense analyzes and synthesizes as imagination and memory express 1. Comprehension is the sum total of notes by which a
the percepts in the mind as sensible images or phantasms. thing is known. “Notes”, refer to those essential attributes which
The phantasm is a sort of mental picture of the thing constitute the nature of a thing.
bearing all the physical qualities, such as color and size, of that thing The nature of physical things is often complex. It cannot be
in that exact condition as impressed on the senses. The phantasm is expressed mentally by a single note. The nature of man, for
example, is expressed by several conceptual notes, namely:
Substance, corporeal, vegetative, sentient and rational. The concept
“man” is a “rational animal” implies the notes of substance, CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT CONCEPTS
corporeal, vegetative and sentient. This distinction is based on the manner we conceptualize
Likewise, the concept “mother” implies all of the above the nature or quality of thing. We can either conceptualize nature or
mentioned notes plus these: woman/with a child/ of her own. It is quality as “form” inherent or residing in a” subject” or individual
sufficient to say that mother is woman with a child of her own” adult being exhibiting such nature or quality.
female”. Notice, however, that it would not suffice to say that
mother is “a women”, nor a women with a child.” We have to
include all the notes in order to grasps the precise meaning of 1. Concrete concept signifies a nature or quality as found
“mother”. residing in an individual or subject. The concept man stands for an
Comprehension then is the totality of all those qualities by individual endowed with rational nature. Other concrete concepts
which a thing is known to us. A partial or incomplete presentation of are animal, dog, chair, house, flower, friend, father, etcetera.
these qualities or notes renders a concept vague. 2. Abstract concept signifies a nature or quality as though
2. Extension is the sum total of real things or individuals to it exist on its. We can think, for we can think, for instance, in terms
which the applies. The individuals, falling within the comprehension of “manhood” or “manliness”. These are abstract concepts. So are
of a concept, are said to be the inferiors of that concept. The our concepts of animality, friendship, freedom, studentry, royalty,
inferiors of “man” would be all men, taken individually as rick, etcetera.
Anthony, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, American, etcetera. It Abstract concepts refer to the abstracted nature or quality
would, it would, in fact, include all actual and possible men. of things. They stand, therefore, for something real and objective.
The inferiors of “mother” would include “my mother”, “your They are not simply pigments of the imagination. Accordingly we
mother”, “his mother”, “their mother” or, Aling Marsha, Aling Otek, believe in “friendship” and are willing to die for “freedom”.
Anita, etcetera.
INVERSE RATIO OF COMPREHENSION AND EXTENSION We distinguish between simple and compound, absolute and
Comprehension and Extension are reciprocal. They are connotative concepts:
also inversely proportional to each other. This means that increasing 1. A simple concept expresses a single aspect or feature of
the number of notes in comprehension necessarily decreases the thing such as being, essence, action potentiality. There are but a few
number of inferiors in the extension. Thus, the greater the simple concepts since the nature or attributes of things are not
comprehension, the lesser the extension, and vice-versa. simple.
The clarity and preciseness of a concept depends upon the A compound concept expresses several aspects or features
sum total of notes included in its comprehension. The more notes a of a thing such as, man, Filipino, philosopher, society, stone wall, a
concept has, the clearer and definitive does it become and, beautiful song, ercetera.
therefore, to fever inferiors will it apply. 2. Absolute concept expresses a thing existing as a
The diagram below show how the single conceptual note substance or as though it were a substance or as though it were a
“substance” applies to several categories of inferiors which include substance. The word “substance” refers to the nature of a thing
spirits, minerals, plants, animals and men. Progressively, as more capable of existing on its own and of “substance” refers to the
and more notes are added, the inferiors decrease in number. Finally, nature of a thing capable of existing on its own and of supporting
the total of notes listed applies only to inferior “man” and to nothing the attributes belonging to such nature. The study of substance and
else. accidents or attributes belongs to metaphysics.
Our concrete concepts representing substances existing
COMPREHENSION independently from others are absolute concepts such as, man
EXTENSION animal, sun, angel, god, etcetera. Likewise, all abstract concepts are
absolute concepts since they present nature or quality as though it
Substance spirits, minerals, were a substance such as, animality, humanity, kindness, beauty,
plants, beasts, men fatherhood, etcetera.
Material substance minerals, plants, Opposed to absolute is the connotative concept. It is a
beasts, men concept which signifies, not a substance, but a quality or feature
Living material substance plants, beasts, inhering in and, therefore, implying a substance. Strong, long rider,
men beautiful, interesting-are connotative concepts. The adjective
Sentient living material substance beasts, men “strong”, for instance connotes something or someday possessing
Rational sentient living material substance strength, without expressing it explicitly. Adjectives are connotative
concepts. Nouns derived from verbs are also connotative concepts
3 KINDS OF CONCEPT such as, rider, runner, teacher, worker, negotiator, fighter.
Concepts are mental representations of realities. As such, The thing to remember is that absolute concepts signify
they are present only in the mind and are referred to as “logical” substances, while connotative concepts signify qualities or
realities or being of reason as opposed to physical being existing attributes.
outside the mind. Some authors classify concrete and abstract concepts
This chapter discusses the different types of concepts. The under the category of comprehension .
purpose is to provide the thinker with a guide with which he may
organize his thoughts. One may not expect to reason well, if his CONCEPTS ACCORDING TO EXTENSION
thoughts are vague and muddled. 1. Singular concept signifies one specific individual such as,
my father, his teacher in logic, pres. Cory Aquino, the boy seated at
Intention refers to the act mind as representing reality. 2. Universal concept signifies all the individuals within the
The mind can either present a concept as formal sign of nature or extension of such concept. Universal concepts are expressed
quiddity, or as a logical reality present in the mind. verbally with the quantifiers “all, “each”, and “every” everybody,
1. First intention is a concept presenting the nature or each one, all students, nobody, none, nothing-are particular
quality of a thing in itself. It presents to us what something is in the concepts.
realm of physical realities. Notice in the examples below how the 3. Particular concept signifies but a part or portion of the
concept man stands for what he is in reality: total extension of such concept. The quantifiers “some”, “several”,
a) Man is a corporeal substance. “few” and their equivalents denote particularity, somebody, few
b) Man is capable of abstract reasoning. books, several teachers, majority of them, six hundred pesos – are
c) Man is endowed with body and soul. particular concepts.
4. Collective concept signifies a group or collection but not
2. Second intention is a concept which presents the mode members’ of such groups such as, family, class, army, corporation,
or manner how the mind understands such nature or quality as a society, etcetera.
logical reality. Notice in the examples below how the concept man A collective concept may be considered a singular concept
does not stand for a physical being but for a concept aspect: when it refers to a specific group, such as when we speak of this
a) Man is the subject of the sentence. family” or the san Miguel PBA team”. It can also be treated as a
b) Man is a species universal or particular as in all “teams” ore some teams”.
c) Man is a universal. 5. Univocal concept signifies a feature which is shared by
Man, as we find him in the physical world, is an individual. As such different individuals or subject in exactly the same way. The concept
he can never be said to be “the subject of the sentence”, “a Filipino is univocal when applied to each one of the natives of the
species”, nor “a universal”. It is only our concept man which can be Philippines.
any of these logical realities
6. Analogous concept signifies a feature which applies to drop a coin in piggy bank. We won’t know what somebody has in
several individuals or subject in a partly the same and partly mind unless we understand his gestures or signs.
different manner. The concept Filipino is analogous when applied to Speech is the primary means by which we communicate
a person and to a sport. The similarity comes from the fact that both with one another. The language we use is a body of symbols with
the person and the sport trace their origin in the Philippines. The which we articulate our feelings and ideas. The basic unit of
difference is precisely the distinction between a person and a person language is the word we call it- term, from the Latin terminus.
a sport.
CONCEPTS ACCORDING TO ORIGIN A term is the sensible conventional sign of a concept. For
1. Real or Arbitrary concept.- A real concept is that which Bachhuber, it is primarily an oral sign and he defines it as “an
is derived from factual reality such as, women laborer, lawyer, articulate sound that servers as a conventional or arbitrary sign of a
etcetera. An arbitrary concept is that which is derived from the concept”. Written language, according to him, directly signifies oral
imagination as mental fabrication or fiction such as, mermaid, language and, this, in turn, signifies thought. In this study, we take
Superman, Darna, dog, etcetera. the term to mean both the oral and the written word.
2. Immediate or mediate concept.- an immediate concept a) Term is sensible, because, being material, it is
is that which is derived from direct perception of things such as, perceptible to the senses, such as, our sense of hearing or sight. As
myself, you , this table, doctor, garden, earth, etcetera. A mediate verbal symbol, a term is made up of the letters of the alphabet,
concept is that which is derived from other concepts such as god, arranged in a manner that we can reproduce in guttural sound.
supreme creator, devil, lawful action, etcetera. b) A term is sign because it is a sort of “name” or “label”
coined by men and its usage convention or tradition. For this reason,
CONCEPTS ACCORDING TO RELATION terms are not constant or unchanging like the concept, they present.
Concepts may be related to one another in different ways. Some terms are rendered obsolete and are dropped as they are no
Accordingly, concepts may be: longer “fashionable.”
1. Identical concepts are those4 having the same c) A terms is a sign because it represent a concept and,
comprehension and extension, such as man and rational animal, god though the concept and, it represents reality what constitutes a
and Supreme being, lawyer and attorney. term as such is its meaning. The meaning of a given term is the
2. Similar concepts are those having the same extension concept to back it up is literally “meaningless”. But such term has a
but different comprehension such as, writer and journalist, man and function in a language and is not entirely useless.
moral animal, teacher and professor.
3. Compatible concepts are those expressing features TERMS AS VERBAL CONCEPTS
which may be present simultaneously in one individual or subject When we ask for the meaning of a word or term, we are
such as, rich and humble, intelligent and beautiful, tall and dark, asking, in fact, for the concept, it represents. The meaning of
happy and lazy. a word is the same as the comprehension of the concepts.
4. Incomplete concepts are those expressing features We realize this whenever we consult the dictionary. What the
which cannot be present together and simultaneously in one dictionary gives us is the sum total of the term. Therefore, the term
individual or subject such as, sick and healthy, wise and stupid, rich and the concept are convertible are they differ, however, in this: a
and poor, beautiful and ugly. term is material and sensible, whereas a concept is immaterial and
5. Relative concepts are those that express a feature of a intelligible.
thing which cannot be thought of without implying another such as, In communication we communicate the meaning of our
slave and masters, husband and wife, parents and children, subject words, not their spelling or pronunciation. Correct spelling and
and rule. Relative concepts are also called correlatives. pronunciation leads to miscommunication. And, of course,
6. Privative concepts are those which express a the miscommunication causes misunderstanding. Speaking, is a term.
absence or lack of perfection in an individual or subject such as, This is because not every word in a language stands for something.
blindness death, ignorance, immoral. Some words do not express a meaning or concept. These words are
7. Contradictory concepts are those so related that one is called co-significant or syncategorematic terms.
the simple negation of the other, such as a man and non-man mortal Co-significant or syncategorematic words do not express a
and immortal, something and nothing, child and non- child. concept, but they are used in conjunction with (syn) another word
8. Contrary concepts are those that express the extreme or words to express a definite meaning. The prepositions, for
opposites in a given category or series of the same class such as, example do not have meaning. But they add a new conceptual
expensive and cheap, first and left and right, empty and full. aspect to another word such as “house” observe how the concept
Contrary and Contradictory Concepts play a significant role house acquires a new meaning with different prepositions, such as:
in immediate inference. We need to remember these laws: in the house, on the house, under the house.
Our main interest is on the significant or categorematic
A. LAWS OF CONTRADICTORY CONCEPTS terms. These are the terms which express a meaning because they
If one is true, the other is necessarily false. Both cannot be stand for something, either a nature or attribute of nature. In
true of the same thing time. Time if one is false, the other is English grammar, we learn how nouns, adjective and verbs stand for
necessarily true. Both cannot be false of the same thing at the same individual nature or qualities of individual natures.
time. Significant or categorematic terms are not necessarily
A girl is either beautiful, or not beautiful. If she is beautiful, single words. Sometimes they are expressed as compound words. At
then she is not non-beautiful. On the other hand, if she is non- other times they are expressed as compound words. At other times,
beautiful, then she is not a man. they, are expressed as group of words or phrases. The following are
Many English words expressing positive quality have categorematic terms expressed in various grammatical forms.
negative equivalents such as, honor and dishonor, holy and unholy, a) philosopher
definite and indefinite, logical and illogical. When no negative b) my philosopher friend
equivalent is available, the prefix “non” is used such as, non-flower, c) my philosopher friend studying history
non-student. Each of the above example signifies one person. But each word
group signifies a different aspect of that same person.
Both cannot be true; but both can be false. Accordingly , if TERMS AS DEFINITIONS
one is true, then the other is false. But if one is false, then the other A definition is a statement that gives the meaning of a
is either true or false. Contrary concepts imply the presence of term. The word definition is derived from the Latin word, “definire”
middle alternates between the extremes of a given series. In a which means “to enclose within limits”. In defining we set the
spatial series, the opposite extremes of left and right imply the “limits” how a term is to be taken as meaning something and not
center, left- center and right center. something else besides. Definition then marks off the thing defined
and differentiates it from another. Through definition a, term is
If a car is at the right lane, then it is not at the left lane. But if the car made definite as to its precise meaning.
is not at the right lane, it is possible that it is situated at the left or at A definition is not a sentence, like “man is a rational
the center lane. Thus, if one of the contraries is false, then the other animal”. A definition is usually a group of words, a complex term.
is doubtful. The definition of man consists in this word phrase- “rational animal”.
TERMS AS VERBAL CONCEPTS It may occur that a definition is the predicate of a sentence, but it
This chapter discusses the term or word as the verbal sign cannot be the entire sentence.
expressing a concept. What the comprehension is to the concept, the definition
Thought is invisible and imperceptible to the senses. We is to the term. And since the term is but an expression of a concept,
cannot take it and put it in someone’s mind in the manner we may the definition of a term is but an expression of a concept, the
definition of a term is a term is but the comprehension of the 3. A definition must be positive. A definition should tell us
concept represented by that term. what a thing is and not what it is not. To say for example,
that logic is “not psychology” does not give us any
TYPES OF DEFINITION information about logic.
We distinguish between a nominal and a real definition. However, negative concepts may be defined negatively. Thus, we
1. A nominal definition-merely points out what the term say ignorance is “the absence of knowledge”, or blindness is “the
stands for, without explaining what it is in itself as symbol. lack of sight”. Because our knowledge of immaterial objects is not
A nominal definition is either by etymology, by synonym, direct, we may also define them negatively. Thus, we may define a
by description, or by example. spirit as “a being without physical body”.
a) Etymological definition states the origin or root word of 4. A definition must be adequate. This means that the
a symbol. We may say, for example, that philosophy comes from the definition states exactly the nature of the thing defined so
Greek that, in effect, they are convertible or co-extensive. For
“Philo” (love) “Sophia” (wisdom), so that, Philosophy is example, it is not adequate to say that man is “an animal”,
“love of wisdom”. because the animal aspect is merely a part of man’s nature
b) Definition by synonym present another word, more and does not constitute its entirely. The same result is
popular or easily recognizable, to clarify term. For achieved if we say that man is “rational” for the same
example, instead of saying “proprietor, we say “owner”; obvious reason. The adequate definition of man is
instead of “magistrate”, we say “judge”; instead of “lad”, “rational animal”. Thus, the same idea is conveyed
we say “boy”. Translating a word to its vernacular whether we say “man is a rational animal”, or, “A rational
equivalent is a form of definition by synonym. animal is man”.
c) Definition by description provides a description of the 5. A definition must not contain the term or feature defined.
thing as to its physical appearance. We may, for example, This is obvious, because we cannot define a term a term
describe a tree as “living being having roots, a single trunk, by itself. This results in a tautologous definition which is an
several branches and leaves”. error. We cannot for example, say that logic is “a
d) Definition by example offers a sample, facsimile, or knowledge pertaining to logic”, or, that a man is “a man
picture of the thing referred. To prove the “taste” of a new that reasons well”.
biscuit, a manufacturer may opt to offer sample of such At times, however, we are simply interested in pointing out a
biscuits to customers in a supermarket. Illustrations, characteristic of a thing and, in this case, we may include the term
diagrams, graphs- are methods of presenting a definition defined in the definition. Thus, we may say that a concrete is a
by example. “concept” which signifies the nature or quality inherent in an
2. A real definition not only declares what thing is signified individual or subject.
but explains what is its nature.
A real definition explains what a thing is and how it is different from TYPES OF TERMS
another. A real definition is a complex term, expressing the note Since terms are simply the verbal symbols of concepts, the
that a thing has in common with similar types and also the note that classification of concepts also apply to them. However, term insofar
differentiates that thing from another. as they are sign on their own right, have certain peculiarities which
A real definition gives the proximate genus, the nearest class to merit a closer look.
which a thing is classified, and the specific difference, or that aspect
which differentiates a thing from another belonging to the same A. TERMS ACCORDING TO COMPREHENSION
class. The proximate genus of man is “animal”; the specific It is possible to use one verbal symbol for several
difference is “rational”. Thus, the real definition of man is “rational concepts. It is also possible to have several terms representing only
animal”. one concept. Accordingly, we may classify terms on the basis their
comprehension as:
TYPES OF QUASI REAL DEFINITIONS 1. Univocal term is a term having one fixed meaning or
When a real definition is difficult or impossible to formulate, any comprehension, such as: photosynthesis, anthropology,
one of the following may be used to an advantage: protozoa, atom etcetera. Univocal terms are limited in
1. Definition by property gives the attributes of a thing number and these include the so called “technical terms”.
instead of its true specific difference. A property is a quality which is 2. Equivocal term is a term having two or several unrelated
rooted on the nature of a thing. Thus, if something has this definite meanings. For example, the word pitcher may mean either
nature, it has also this definite property or attribute as “an animal a baseball player, a jar, or container for holding a liquid.
capable of speech “, or, “ an animal with religious sentiments”. There are many equivocal terms in the English language. When using
2. Definition by logical accident gives an attribute of a an equivocal term in a sentence or paragraph, we should assign to it
thing which may or may not be present in that thing, but which we one and the same meaning. Changing the meaning attached to a
may expect nonetheless owing to the nature of that thing we define given word constitutes an error called equivocation. Therefore, we
man by logical property when we say he is “capable of education”, should use words univocally, not equivocally.
or capable of wise decision”. 3. Analogous term is a term whose meaning is applied to
3. Definition by cause gives the factors that contributes to several objects in a partly similar and partly different
the constitute of a thing as such. There are four causes final, sense. The word head refers primarily to that part of our
efficient, material, and formal cause. human anatomy which encloses the brain. We also call
a) Definition by cause final cause states the purpose of a “head”- the chief of a department, the leader of group, or
thing. For example, a thermometer as “an instrument for measuring the mastermind of plan or project.
body temperature; a watch as “a mechanical device for telling time’.
b) Definition by efficient cause states the origin or factor TYPES OF ANALOGY
that produced the thing. For example, man “creature made by god”; In order to understand better the function of analogous
a chair as “an artifact made by a carpenter’. terms in our language, we shall examine the various types of analogy
c) Definition by material cause states the stuff or material and their foundation.
form which the thing is made. For example, a nipa hut as “a An analogous term applies to several individuals, called
structure made of nipa and bamboo”; a pencil as “writing inferior, in a partly the same and partly different sense.
instrument made of lead or charcoal enclosed in a slender piece of The inferior to which an analogous term applies primarily
wood”. and principally called primary analogue. The inferior to which is
d) Definition by formal cause states that form or constitute called secondary analogue. The term” healthy”, for example, applies
element which makes thing to be what it is. For example, a man “an primarily to a living organism as its primary analogue. Only a living
animal with a rational soul”; a car as “a motorized vehicle for organism can be described properly as “healthy”. But the word may
transport also be applied to food, sport, environment, thought, complexion, or
complexion, or conversations-as to its secondary analogues.
RULES OF GOOD DEFINITION Analogy is divided into (1) intrinsic and extrinsic analogy,
1. A definition must be brief. It should include only those and (2) analogy by proportionality and analogy by attribution.
features which explain a thing as it is. Brevity aids clarity. 1. Intrinsic and extrinsic Analogy. An analogy is intrinsic when
Verbosity leads to confusion. Thus, a definition must be the attribute signified by the concept or term is account of
short, unless it is extremely necessary to provide details to their similarity. The adjective “intelligent” is analogous by
sufficiently explain a thing. intrinsic analogy when applied to Dan, Doc, Noemi, and
2. A definition must be clear. The purpose of a definition is to Pilar who are each intelligent in their own special way. In
explain a thing or a concept. A definition, therefore , other words, the perfection signified by the term
should unravel the nature of a thing and should not “intelligent” is realized in all the analogues intrinsically.
obscure it.
An analogy is extrinsic when an attribute applies principally to a Since a term may be used in a sentence with any of the
primary analogue and only secondary to another on account of its supposition mentioned above, it becomes necessary to formulate a
similarity to the primary analogue. The adjective “golden” applies method for determining the supposition of a term in a proposition.
primarily and principally to gold. It is applied to a statue, a talent, an Given that a sentence is “S is P;” we may determine the supposition
event, a person extrinsically and as to its secondary analogues. of the subject-term, by asking the following questions:
Likewise, the base of a mountain is not a “foot” intrinsically. It is a 1. Is the “S” something which exist in the real world? If this is
“foot” by extrinsic analogy and by reason to its similarity to the feet so, the supposition is real.
of man which support his weight. The metaphors, such as smiling 2. IS the “S” aspect of the concept which is present only in
sun, murmuring brook, or sighing branches-are example of extrinsic the mind? If this is so, the supposition is imaginary.
analogy. 3. Is the “S” something which exists only in the imagination?
2. Analogy of proportionality is based on the similarity of If this is so, the supposition is imaginary.
functions between two things. It is analogy of 4. Is the “S” something by analogy to another? If so, the
proportionality that we apply the word “father” to a man supposition is analogous, or metaphorical.
who begets a child and to a priest. Just as the father 5. Is the “S” the term itself as material symbol? If so, the
provides for the physical life of people. There is similarity supposition is material.
of functions between the two. Likewise, we refer to Christ 6. Is the “P” applicable to all the individuals represented by
a “shepherd” because he cares for the soul of men in the “S”? If this is so the supposition is universal.
same way that a shepherd cares for the flock of animals. 7. Is the “P” applicable to only to a portion of individuals
Analogy of attribution is based on the similarity of a secondary to a represented by the “S” if this is so, the supposition is
primary analogue. For example, Jose Rizal alluded to the similarity of particular.
death to inactivity or rest when he wrote-“to die is to rest”. Consider 8. IS the “P” applicable to only one definite individual
this example from Shakespeare: referred to by “S” if so, the supposition is singular or
Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, so do our individual.
minutes hasten to their end; each changing place with that which 9. Is the “P” applicable to an unspecified individual
goes before in sequent toil all forwards to contend. represented by the “S”? If so, the supposition is indefinite.


1. A singular term applies only to one specific individual such Language is symbol. Take two or three letters of the
as, the chief justice, the eldest son of Juan de la Cruz, the alphabet and you have a word. Take two or three words and you
scientist who invented the telephone, etcetera. have a sentence. Such is the power of a sentence that it expresses
2. A particular term applies to a part or portion of a totality, the loftiest concept of life, such as truth, righteousness, and love.
such as, some ladies, a few meters, several doves, a In this chapter, we shall discuss a special type of sentence
number of boys, ten books, etcetera. A particular term is the proposition. For the ancient thinkers, proposition. For the
signified by the quantifiers-some, few, several a number ancient thinkers, proposition is the enunciation of truth or falsity.
of, majority and their equivalents We may say that the “launching pad” of an argument is a
3. A universal term applies to all the individuals comprising a proposition expressing a simple truth.
whole, such as all dancers, every window, each speaker,
etcetera. The quantifiers for universal terms are all, every, THE MENTAL ACT OF JUDGMENT
each and others. Judgment, which is the second mental operation, is
defined as the mental act of affirming or denying the relationship
THE SUPPOSITION OF TERMS between two concepts or enunciations.
The supposition of a term refers to the exact meaning it While the act of simple apprehension confines itself to
has in relation to the other words in a given sentence. While a grasping the essence of a thing, the act of judgment takes two
dictionary may give us several meanings for a word, in a sentence, a concepts or two enunciations and “decides” mentally on their
word can only have one meaning. agreement or disagreement, on their identity or non-identity, with
The meaning of a word in a sentence may be gathered each other. Judgment, then involves either one of these acts (a) that
from different points of view. Accordingly supposition may be based of affirming, or (b) that of judgment as “the act by which the
on the following: intellect unites by affirmation, or separates by negation.
The verbal expression of mental judgment is the
A. ON THE BASIS OF THE THING SIGNIFIED proposition. A simple proposition is made up of the two concepts
1. Real supposition is present when the term stand for a being affirmed or denied and of the copula which stands for the act
thing which exist a physical object in the realm of realities. of affirmation or negation. The two concepts constitute the matter
Example: My classmate is a scholar. of judgment. the copula, or the linking verb, constitutes the form of
2. Logical supposition is present when the term expresses an judgment.
aspect of a concepts itself as it exist only in the mind. It is the combination of matter and form which gives us a
Example: Man is the subject matter of Ethics. proposition, such as:
3. Imaginary supposition is present when the term signifies a) Logic is essay.
something which can be true only by analogy to another. b) The movie is interesting.
Darna saved the people from monsters. c) His father is not a lawyer.
4. Metaphorical supposition is present when term signifies
something which can be true only by analogy to another. THE MATERIAL STRUCTURE OF PROPOSITION
Example: money is the root of all evils. The position is the verbal expression of the mental
5. Symbolic supposition is present when a term signifies judgment, affirming or denying the identity or non-identity of two
something which is true only from agreement of a group concepts. It also known as enunciation, or statement, or sentence.
of men. Example: The Jaguars defeated the Eagles in the From the structural point law, a proposition is composed
championship. of the subject, the copula, and the predicate. It follows this pattern:
6. Material supposition is present when the term stands for S-C-P
itself insofar as it is a verbal symbol. Example: Man is a The subject stands for the thing under consideration; the
three lettered word. predicate for what is affirmed or denied of the subject; and the
copula for the act of affirmed or denied of the subject; and the
B. ON THE BASIS OF THE EXTENSION. copula for the act of affirmation or negation. This is expressed by
1. Individual supposition is present when the term stands for the present tense of the linking verb: “is” or “is not “.
an individual person or thing. Example: The present
chairman of the board of Trustees. THE THOUGHT- CONTENT OF PROPOSITION
2. Universal supposition is prevent when the term stands for Materially, a proposition is the combination of subject,
all the individuals of a given whole. Example: All the predicate, and cupola. But what formally constitutes a proposition
students of PSBA. as judgment is its thought-content. The act of affirmation or
3. Particular supposition is present when a term stands for a negation constitute a declaration of a fact, or a declaration of falsity.
portion of a given whole or totality. Example: some Thus, a proposition is “a sentence or statement which expresses
women are Number are corporate managers. truth or falsity.”
4. Indefinite supposition is present when a term stands for A logical proposition is a declarative sentence. Obviously,
unspecific number of individuals. Example: Filipinos are not every sentence is a logical proposition, expressive of a judgment.
Fundamental in logic is the distinction between a 2. Compound: This is a categorical proposition which
categorical and a hypothetical proposition. expresses as a single enunciation of two or more
1. Categorical: A categorical proposition unites or separates propositions. Examples:
two concepts by means of the linking verb “to be”. a) He is an intelligent, dashing fellow.
Example: b) Mr. Umali is a loyal friend and a good teacher.
a) Some sharks are man-eaters. c) Some students are diligent, but others are not.
b) No crime is justifiable.
c) Every good action is meritorious. Manuel Piňon classifies compound proposition into copulated,
2. Hypothetical: A hypothetical proposition unites or relative, adversative, and casual propositions. It is not necessary to dwell on
separates, not two concepts, but two enunciations by them for purposes of our present study. Suffice to say that all compound
means of a non-verb copula often, a conjunction is used propositions are reductible to simple proposition by breaking them into their
instead, such as: “if” “either-or”. Examples: components.
The kind of cupola being employed is not the only distinction
between the categorical and the hypothetical propositions. A D. According to its Thought- Content.
categorical proposition expresses a positive, or a negative judgment, 1. True: A categorical proposition whose thought-content
in an absolute manner, without any conditionality. On the other agrees with objective realy is said to be factual or true.
hand, a hypothetical proposition expresses a judgment which is Examples:
qualified by a certain conditionality. a) Man is a rational animal.
b) A triangle has three sides.
Again, the truth expressed by a categorical propositions is c) Marriage is a state of life.
verifiable by its conformity or not with reality, while that of the
hypothetical depends upon the correct formulation of the 2. False: A categorical proposition whose thought-content
hypothetical proposition itself and only by indirect reference to does not agree with objective reality is false. Examples:
reality. Notice the difference between these examples: a) A building is a living thing.
a) Categorical: A Filipino is a native of the Philippines. (The b) Amorsolo is an American painter.
statement is a direct declaration of a fact which can be The truth expressed by a proposition can either be
verified as true or false by reference to objective reality.) necessary or contingent. Truth is necessary when it expresses
b) Hypothetical: if he is a native of the Philippines, he is a something which is and cannot be otherwise. Truth is contingent
Filipino. (Notice how the truth of “he is a Filipino” depends when it expresses something which is but can be otherwise.
upon the truth of the conditionality “if he is a native of the Accordingly, we have two kinds of truthful propositions:
Philippines”.) a) Necessary Proposition- states not merely a fact
The hypothetical proposition shall be discussed in detail in another but a truth which can be other than what it is.
chapter. For this chapter, we shall focus our attention on the Examples:
categorical proposition. a. Man is rational animal.
b. A tree is not a carabao.
TYPES OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS c. A society is a community of persons.
b) Contingent Proposition- states a mere fact, that
A. ACCORDING TO THE EXTENSION OF THE SUBJECT is, it declares something which is, but which
1. Singular Proposition. This is a proposition whose subject is could be, or could have been, other than what it
a singular concept, that is, it refers to one specific is. Examples:
individual. Examples a. Manny is a doctor.
a) Rey Christopher is the valedictorian of the class b. The streets of Manila are flooded.
b) This book is very interesting. c. The President of the country is a lady.
c) The head of the science department is my teachers.
The grammatical singular subject stands for numerical one. In logic, Every proposition whose predicate is a logical accident or
a singular concept or term stands for one specific individual. From quality of the subject is a contingent proposition. On the other hand,
the grammatical point of view, the subject in this sentence “A boy is all propositions whose predicate is a genus, specific difference, or
crying”-is singular. It could be any “boy” who is crying. essential attribute of the subject is a necessary.
2. Particular Proposition- is a proposition whose subject
stands for a particular concept, that is to portion or part of E. The Subject and the Quality of the Copula, Taken Together.
a given totality. Examples: 1. Singular Affirmative:
a) Some guests arrived early. Example; That man is my cousin.
b) Several items are missing from the room. 2. Singular Negative:
c) A number of students volunteered for a job. Example: Mr. Antonio is not an accountant.
3. Universal Proposition- is a proposition whose subject 3. Universal Affirmative:
stands for a universal concept, that is, to all the inferiors or Example: All men are equal.
individuals of the extension of such concept. Examples: 4. Universal Negative:
a) All men are mortal. Example: No stone is a living thing.
b) Every father is proud of his child. 5. Particular Affirmative:
c) Each scholar was given a citation. Example: Some workers are women.
4. Indefinite Proposition- is a proposition whose subject 6. Particular Negative:
stands for an indefinite number of individuals. It is so Example: Some fruits are not sweet.
designated precisely because it does not any quantifying 7. Indefinite Affirmative:
particle to signify its extension. Examples: Example: A law is a directive of action.
a) Filipinos are deeply religious. 8. Indefinite Negative:
b) The children are playing in the yard. Example: Filipinos are not industrious.
c) Politicians are corrupt.
The Logical Form of A Categorical Proposition
B. According to the Quality of the Copula. The logical form is the structural pattern which shows the
1. Affirmative: This is a categorical proposition which affirms material relationship of subject, predicate, and copula. The logical
the existing relationship between the subject and the form of categorical proposition follows this pattern:
predicate. Examples:
a) My son is a student of Marist School. S-C-P (Subject-Copula-Predicate)
b) Some drivers are reckless. Our manner of speech does not always follow this pattern.
2. Negative: This is a categorical proposition that denies the It is not usual to speak in sentences such as “man thinks”, “the dog
relationship between subject and predicate. Examples: runs fast”, or “the guests arrived early”. In logic, all sentences of this
a) Some flowers are not red. sort are reductible to logical form by changing the main verb to the
b) The teacher is not strict. linking verb. This becomes necessary in order to render explicit the
subject and the predicate which are affirmed or denied. We may
C. According to the Matter Affirmed or Denied. change a sentence into its logical form by choosing any of these
1. Simple: This is a categorical proposition which unites or methods:
separates only two concepts or terms. Examples:
a) Drug addiction is a menace to society. 1. Change the verb to present tense progressive. Thus,
b) AIDS is incurable. “Man thinks” becomes “Man is thinking”.
c) Eva is a good mother.
2. Incorporate the verb in a phrase. Thus, “Man thinks” The letters “A” and “I” are derived from the vowels of the
becomes “Man is a thinking animal”. Latin word “afirmo” which means “I affirm”. Both letters stands for
3. Change the verb into a noun. Thus, “Man thinks” affirmative propositions. “A” stands for universal affirmative. “I”
becomes “Man is a thinker”. stands for particular affirmative propositions.
4. Change the verb into a relative clause. Thus, “Man The letters “E” and “O” are derived from the vowels of the
thinks” becomes “Man is an animal that thinks”. Latin word “nego” which means “I deny”. Both letters stand negative
propositions. “E” stands for universal affirmative. “O” stands for
Whichever method you choose must retain the exact particular negative propositions.
meaning of the original. Otherwise, the resulting logical
form may as will be a different proposition. Logic is not so
much concerned elegant speech as with the clarity of 1. The “A” Proposition:
expression. Knowledge with the logical form will be handy The “A” proposition is an affirmative proposition
when we study immediate inference. with a universal or potentially universal subject. Its logical
form is; “All S is P”. Examples:
The Quantifiers of Terms: a. All children are duty bound to respect their
Certain syncategorematic words, such as “every”, “no”, parents.
“some”, “this”, and “all” are called quantifiers or quantifying b. Every right is limited.
particles. They indicate the extension of a term used in a c. (All) voters are citizens without legal
proposition. impediment.
Certain quantifiers are permanent signs of a given quantity
or extension. Others may be for a different quantity under different 2. The “E” Proposition
circumstances. For example, the quantifier “every” signifies a The “E” proposition is a negative proposition
universal extension in “every man”, but a particular extension in with a universal or potentially universal subject. Its logical
“Not every man.” McCall gives us this graph: form is: “No S is P”. Examples:
a. No man is perfect.
Quantity Permanent Signs b. No dog is rational.
Changing Signs c. No cheating is allowed.
Universal No
Every, All, Each, The The above logical form is the only correct
Particular Some, Certain, Few, Several pattern for “E” proposition. The article “No”, while is
Every, Each, All, A, One placed before the subject, qualifies the copula. Placing it
Singular This, That, Proper Noun before the subject indicates that the subject is universal:
The, A, One “No man”, “none”, or “nobody”.

3. The “I” Proposition

THE FOUR CATEGORICALS The “I” proposition is an affirmative proposition
with a particular or indefinite subject. Its logical form is:
The categorical proposition is the basic unit of an “Some S is P”. Examples:
argument. In its simplest form, it consists of subject term, copula, a. Some graduates are teenagers.
and predicate term. It is a verbal expression of something which is b. Few students are in the Dean’s List.
perceived as true. c. A man is brave. (indefinite particular)
In the previous chapter, we saw how the combination of
the quantity of the subject and the quality of the copula resulted in 4. The “O” Proposition
the formulation of 8 propositions. In this chapter, we see the
reduction of this proposition into four fundamental types. The “O” proposition is a negative proposition
with a particular or indefinite subject. Its logical form is:
Reduction of Singular and Indefinite Propositions Some S is not P.” Examples:
Basically, the subject-term is either universal or particular. a. Some doctors are not rich.
A universal subject includes the singular subject of the singular b. The boys are not happy (indefinite particular).
proposition. It also includes the indefinite subject of an indefinite c. Cars are not essential to life. (indefinite
proposition. particular)
The subject-term of an indefinite proposition is taken as a
universal, when the predicate of such proposition signifies the In its particular usage, the quantifier “some” is
genus, the specific difference, or an essential attribute applicable to taken to mean “only some”. Thus, a declaration such as
all the inferiors of the subject. Otherwise, such subject is treated as “Some men are rational” is interpreted as falsity, or an
a particular and the proposition itself is considered a particular. error in speech. In logic, “some” means “at least some” so
To illustrate: The predicate “human” in the indefinite that any affirmation or negation with respect to this
proposition “Filipinos are human”, is an essential attribute “some” or portion does not necessarily reflect on the
applicable to “each and every Filipino”; thus, the subject-term totality.
“Filipinos” is considered a universal term. Accordingly, the whole Note also that the quantifiers “all” and “every”
proposition is classified as a universal proposition. when preceded by the particle “Not” do not signify
On the other hand, the predicate “industrious” in the universality, but particularity. Thus, the following are “O”
indefinite proposition “Filipinos are industrious” does not apply to propositions:
“each and every Filipino”, thus, the subject “Filipinos” is taken as a a. Not every student is dull.
particular term and the proposition itself is classified as a particular. b. Not all prisoners are guilty.
Therefore, a universal proposition is one which has either c. Not all women are mothers.
a) a universal subject-term, or b) a singular subject-term, or c) an
indefinite subject-term which is potentially a universal proposition. As a rule, when the copula is negative, “every”,
A particular proposition is one which has either a) a “each”, and “all” denotes particularity as in the following:
particular subject-term, or b) an indefinite subject-term which is a. Every cat is not black.
potentially a particular term. b. All good works are not rewarded.
On the basis of the quantity of the subject, a proposition c. Each student is not a scholar.
can only be either a universal or particular proposition. Each of them
has two opposing formulations on the basis of the copula which can The Quantity of a Predicate-Term
either be affirmative or negative. Thus, we have only four
categoricals, namely: The quantity or extension of the predicate-term is
1. Universal Affirmative important in understanding the relationship between subject and
2. Universal Negative predicate. Bachhuber gives us the following rules governing the
3. Particular Affirmative quantity of the predicate.
4. Particular Negative 1. The predicate is singular when it stands for one definite
individual or group, as in this examples:
The Symbols of Categoricals a. Sampaguita is our national flower.
b. Mrs. Mona Macalipay is the chief librarian.
The four categoricals are identified by their respective c. Mario is the eldest son of Don Jose.
symbols. These are the symbols: “A”, “E”, “I”, “O.”
2. The predicate of an affirmative proposition is particular, extension of the predicate. Again, take note of
unless it is singular, as in these examples: the meaning of “some” in logic.
a. Florante is a Filipino.
b. All cows are herbivorous. Note: Diagram
c. Some books are expensive.
In affirmative proposition, the subject stands for 5. Diagram of “A” Proposition with Singular
an indeterminate portion of the extension of the Subject
predicate. This means that the subject is just one of the Example: Jose Rizal is our national
inferiors denoted by the predicate. Thus, the subject hero.
“Florante” in “Florante is a Filipino” is simply “one of the
Filipinos”. It would never be correct to think of the The subject-term “Jose Rizal” is
predicate “Filipino” as a universal, since this would mean illustrated in broken lines, coinciding perfectly
that “every Filipino is Florante”. with the circle indicating the predicate. This
means that the subject and the predicate are
3. The predicate of a negative proposition is universal, convertible with each other.
unless it is singular, as in these examples:
a. No man is an angel. Note: Diagram
b. Some stones are not edible.
c. Her boyfriend is not an engineer. 7. OPPOSITION
In a negative proposition, the subject is totally In this chapter, and in the next, we shall discuss
excluded from the extension of the predicate. To make immediate inference. Inference, strictly speaking, is
this exclusion complete and total, the predicate should drawing a conclusion from one or more propositions
always be taken as a universal. This means that none of assumed as premise or premises. These assumed premises
the inferiors signified by the predicate is the subject. Thus, serve as the “medium” or bridge by which a conclusion is
“No man is an angel” precisely means that the concept derived. Thus, inference is mediate.
“angel” totally exclude the concept “man”. An inference that does not employ a medium is
called immediate inference. It renders explicit that which
The Logical Diagram of Propositions is implicit in a given proposition. There are several
Leonard Euler, a Swiss Mathematician methods of immediate inference. We shall deal, for the
introduced the use of logical diagram to illustrate the same being, with the opposition of categoricals, and in the
relationship of the Subject and the Predicate on the basis next chapter, with equipollence.
of their respective extension. In this presentation a full
circle suggests a universal extension, a partial circle Opposition
suggests a particular extension, and a circle with broken The categorical proposition has two absolute
lines indicate a singular extension. properties: the quantity and the quality. The former refers
to the extension of the subject-term, whether it is
1. Diagram of the “A” Proposition universal or particular, while the latter refers to the
Example: All men are rational. copula, whether it is affirmative or negative. On the basis
of the quantity and quality, the categorical proposition is
The subject-term “man”, being a distinguished as an A, E, I, and O propositions.
universal term, is drawn as full circle inside the This four categoricals relate to each other as
circle indicating the predicate “rational”. The opposites. Propositions are opposites either because the
drawing shows how “each and every” man is truth of one excludes the truth of the other, or the falsity
“rational”. That the circle representing the of one excludes the falsity of the other. “The impossibility”
predicate is not completely filled up by the according to Bachhuber, “of being simultaneously true, or
subject-term indicates that “rational is taken as a false, or either true or false, is the essential note of logical
particular. Theoretically, it means that there are opposition.
other beings which are rational but are not men. To oppose propositions is to affirm or deny the
same predicate on the same subject. The process of
Note: Diagram oppositional inference begins by assuming a proposition to
be either true or false and, on this basis, goes on to
2. Diagram of the “E” Proposition conclude on the truth or falsity of any of its opposites.
Example: No man is an angel.
Types of Oppositions
The circle are drawn fully and
separately to indicate that the Subject and the There are four types of opposites:
Predicate have nothing in common with each contradictories, contraries, subcontraries, and subalterns.
other. The subject-term, all the individuals it The relative position of each one is illustrated in the
signifies, can never be within the extension the square of opposition.
Note: Diagram
Note: Diagram
1. Contradictory
3. Diagram of the “I” Proposition
Example: Some men are rational. Contradictories are two propositions differing in
quantity of subject-term and in quality of the copula. Such
The shaded portion shows which propositions are A and the O, and the E and the I. Both
“some” of the subject-term is identified with the propositions cannot be true or false at the same time.
“some” of the predicate. It shows “the men who
are rational”. Take note how this drawing may The Rules of Contradictories are stated as
mislead us into thinking that there are men who follows:
are not rational. This is precisely why Bachhuber 1. If one is true the other is false.
cautions us about the limitation of a quantitative 2. If one is false the other is true.
presentation. Nonetheless, this limitation may
be overcome by keeping in mind that, in logic, to Example of Rule 1.
speak of “some is” does not necessarily imply a. A-O: If “Every Filipino is Asian” is true, then
that “some is not”. “Some Filipino are not Asians” is false.
b. E-I: If “No man is an angel” is true, then “Some
Note: Diagram men are angels” is false.

4. Diagram of the “O” Proposition Examples of Rule 2.

` Example: Some men are not angels. c. I-E: If “Some cows are writers” is false, then
“No cow is a writer” is true.
The shaded portion shows which d. O-A: If “Some cats are not animals” is false,
“some” of the subject is excluded from the then “All cats are animals” is true.
2. Contrary Example of Rule 2.
c. I-O: If “Some prisoners are guilty” is true, then
Contraries are two propositions with the same “Some prisoners are not guilty” is doubtful (in
quantity but different quality. Such propositions are the A form).
and the E, and vice versa. Both cannot be true d. O-I: If “Some DY is not CNY” is true, then
simultaneously but can be false simultaneously. This “Some DY is CNY” is doubtful.
means that the truth of one excludes the truth of the
other, but the falsity of one does not exclude the falsity of 4. Subalterns
the other. The subalterns are two affirmative and
two negative propositions which differ in
The Rules of Contraries are stated as follows: quantity such as the A and the I, and the E and
1. If one is true the other one is false. the O.
2. If one is false the other one is doubtful. Subalterns are not real opposites.
3. Both can be false at the same time, but never true at Their relationships is that of a superior to an
the same time. inferior, vice versa. The superior proposition is
the universal (E or A) and is called superaltern.
Examples of Rule 1. The inferior proposition is the particular (I or O)
a. A-E: If “Every fish is aquatic” is true, then “No and is called subaltern. Both can be either true
fish is aquatic” is false. or false at the same time.
b. E-A: If “No stone is edible” is true, the “All
stones are edible” is false. The Rules of Subalterns are stated as follows:
1. If the universal is true, the particular is true;
Examples of Rule 2. but if the universal is false, the particular is
c. E-A: If “No cat is black” is false, then “All cats doubtful.
are black” is doubtful, that is, either true or false. 2. If the particular is true, the universal is
d. A-E: If “All XY is WX” is false, then “No XY is doubtful; but if the particular is false, the
WX” is doubtful. universal is false.

Note that in example c), “All cats are black” is, of Examples of Rule 1.
course, not doubtful but false. It is false, not because it is a. A-I: Since “All voters are citizens” is true, then
contrary of the false, “No cat is black”, but because our “Some voters are citizens” is true.
experience tells. b. E-O: Since “No accountant is lawyer” is false,
Tells that it is so. Bachhuber cautions that such then “Some accountants are not lawyers” is
result is doubtful “only in the form or structure”, but not in doubtful (in form only).
thought-content. This means that, on the basis of contrary
relation, it is presumptuous to assume that since one is Examples of Rule 2.
false, the other is, either true or false. c. I-A: Since “Some fruits are chico” is true, then
“All fruits are chico” is doubtful (in form only).
We recall contrary concepts are such that they d. O-E: Since “Doves are not bird” is false, then
denote the extremes of a given series or category without “No dove is a bird” is false.
excluding the middle alternates or gradations between
those extremes. Thus, in between the color extremes of In example b) “Some accountants are
black and white-are the other colors of the spectrum. not lawyers” is said to be doubtful in form only,
Thus, if it is false that “No cat is black”, we cannot Materially as to its thought-content, it is true. It
presume that the opposites “All cats are black” is true or is doubtful in the sense that no certainty of
false; precisely, because some cats are neither black or either truth or falsity is possible on the basis of a
white but some other color. Thus, the opposite of a false false proposit. A false proposit on this category
contrary proposition is doubtful in form. Look at the implies nothing, except that it is false in itself.
example d) and note how the rule fits well as abstract or The least that could be done is to infer a
value-less propositions, precisely because our experience doubtful opposite from it.
of things do not intrude. In example c) “All fruits are chico” is
On the basis of the above explanation, we see how both also doubtful in form, because it is
contraries can be false at the same time as in this example. presumptuous to conclude the truth or falsity of
If “All flowers are sweet” is false, then “No a universal proposition on the basis of a “few” or
flower is sweet” is also false. limited instances as that expressed in a
On the other hand, in the example below a false proposit particular proposition.
gets a true opposite:
If “All men are angels” is false, then “No man is 5. Oppositional Inference
an angel” is true. Irving M. Copi gives us a list of
These two examples further show how a false possibilities of an immediate inference based on
contrary proposit or starting point does not necessarily the square of opposition. There is no need for
imply that the other is true or false. Thus, the rule: if one is the student to memorize and understand the
false, the other one is doubtful in form. Materially, it could laws of the opposition. He may use the list below
be either true or false. for checking the accuracy of his inference:
Given A as true: E is false, I is true, O is
3. Subcontrary false.
Subcontraries are two propositions Given E as true: A is false, I is false, O is
with the same quantity but different quality. Such true.
propositions are the I and the O, and vice versa. Both Given I as true: E is false, A and O are
cannot be false simultaneously but can be true doubtful.
simultaneously. Both can be true “in form”. Given O as true: A is false, E and I are
The Rules of Subcontraries are stated as follows: Given A as false: O is true, E and I are
1. If one is false, the other is true. doubtful.
2. If one is true, the other is doubtful. Given E as false: I is true, A and O are
Given I as false: A is false, E is true, O is
Example of Rule 1. Given O as false: A is true, E is false, I is
a. I-O: If “Some Catholics are protestants” is true.
false, then “Some Catholics are not protestants” 8. EDUCTION
is true. No two persons speak exactly the
b. O-I: If “Some men are not human” is false, same way. A declaration may be worded
then “Some men are human” is true. differently but may mean exactly the same.
Equipollence or equivalence is a method of
rendering in another way like the truth or falsity Take note how the converse
expressed in a given proposition. This method of necessarily has to change quantity, since in the
immediate inference is commonly known as convertend the term “brute” is particular as the
eduction. predicate of an affirmative proposition. This
As described by Bachhuber, eduction particularity must be preserved in order not to
“is the formulation of the new proposition by the over-extend such term.
interchange of the subject and the predicate of The O proposition is never converted.
an original proposition and/or by the use or This is because the particular subject of an O
removal of negatives. proposition will become universal when it takes
There are four methods of eduction: the proposition of the predicate of the converse.
conversion, obversion, contraposition, and Note this error in the example below:
“Some cats are not red”, becomes
A. Conversion (P)
“Some red (things) are not cat”.
Conversion is the rephrasing of the (U)
truth of a given proposition by interchanging the
subject and the predicate, without over- B. Obversion
extending the quantity of either terms. A term is
said to be over-extended when its quantity is Obversion is the method of rephrasing
raised from particular to universal. However, a the truth of a given proposition by
term which is reduced from universal to changing the q2uality of the copula. The original
particular is not considered “over-extended”. proposition is called obvertend and the new
The original proposition is called formulation is called obverse.
convertend. The new formulation derived from
the convertend is called converse. Procedure:
1. Change the quality of the obvertend.
Procedure: 2. Change the quality of the predicate from
1. Interchange S and P without over-extending positive to negative and vice versa.
the quantity. 3. Retain the quantity of the overtend.
2. Retain the quality of the copula of the
convertend, that is, the affirmative remains All the four categorical propositions
affirmative and the negative remains negative. may be obverted. Thus, the A is obverted to E,
the E to A, the I to O, and the O to I. Note in the
Examples: examples below how the quality of the
a. Convertend: “Every man is an animal”, predicate-term is changed to negative by the
becomes particle “non”.
(U) (P)
Converse: “Some animals are man”. Examples:
(P) a. A-E: “Every man is rational”, becomes
(P) “No man is non-rational”.
b. Convertend: “No bird is a machine”, becomes b. E-A: “No goat is carnivorous”, becomes
Converse: “No machine is a bird”. “All goats are non-carnivorous”.
c. I-O: “Some men are monks”, becomes
Observe how in example a) “Every “Some men are non-monks”.
man” which is a universal subject becomes a d. O-I: “Some insects are not pests”, becomes
particular predicate in the converse, since the “Some insects are non-pests”.
predicate of an affirmative proposition, as
defined by the rule on the quantity of predicate, C. Contraposition
is supposed to be particular.
Since the predicate “animal” in the Contraposition is the method of
convertend is particular, in the converse it rephrasing the truth of a given proposition by
remains particular; otherwise, it will be an over- combining the processes of obversion and
extended term if it were change to a universal conversion. The original proposition is called
term. contraponend and the new formulation is called
Types of Conversion Contraposition is either partial or
1. Single conversion takes place when the 1. Partial Contraposition is possible
quantity of the converse is the same as that of when the contraponend is either the A, the E, or
the convertend. This happens only with E and I the O propositions. The I proposition has no
propositions, since in these propositions both S contraposit, because the obverse is an O, and O
and P have the same quantity. has no conversion.
Examples: 1. Obvert the original proposition.
a) E Proposition: “No dog is a cat”, 2. Convert the obverse.
“No cat is a
dog”. Example:
b. I Proposition: “Some men are a. Contraposition of A to E:
teachers”, becomes Contraponend: “All men are
“Some teachers rational”.
are men”. Step 1: (Obversion)
“No man is non-
2. Partial or accidental conversion takes place rational”
when the quantity of the converse is different Step2: (Conversion)
from that of the convertend. This is possible with “No non-rational
the A proposition. (being) is man”.
b. Contraposition of E to I:
Example: Contraponend: “No stone is bread”.
A Proposition: “Every cow is a brute”, Step 1: (Obversion)
becomes “All stones are
“Some brute is a non-bread”.
cow”. Step 2: (Conversion)
“Some non-bread Step 2: Change the quantity of the
are stones”. proposition.
c. Contraposition of O to I: Step 3: Retain the quality of the
Contraponend: “Some toys are not copula.
mechanical”. Step 4: Change the predicate to its
Step 1: (Obversion) contradiction.
“Some toys are
non-mechanical”. Examples:
Step 2: (Conversion) a. Inversion of A to I:
“Some non- Invertend: “Every man is rational,”
mechanical (thing) are toys.” becomes
2. Complete contraposition makes Inverse: “Some non-man
possible the changing of the A to A, of the E to O, are non-rational.”
and of the O to O. b. Inversion of E to O:
Procedure: Invertend: “No man is a cow,”
1. Obvert. becomes
2. Convert the obverse. Inverse: “Some non-man
3. Obvert the converse. are non-cow.”

Examples: 9. THE SYLLOGISM

a. Contraposition of A to A. We now venture into the main topic of our
Contraponend: “Every man is study---- the deductive reasoning. By this method, man
mortal.” expands his knowledge, enabling him to discover new
Step 1: (Obversion) truths from what is known. The verbal expression of a
“No man is non- deductive reasoning or inference is the syllogism. By
mortal.” studying the structure of the syllogism, we shall
Step 2: (Conversion) understand better the meaning of “correct thinking” as
“No non-mortal is defined in the first chapter of this book.
Step 3: (Obversion) The Act of Reasoning
“Every non-mortal Reasoning is inferential thinking. It is the mental
is non-man.” process of drawing out a conclusion from a given data. The
b. Contraposition of E to O: act is similar to that of a judge who, accepting certain
Contraponend: “No dog is a cat.” evidences as true and credible, pronounces a decision or
Step 1: (Obversion) conclusion on either the innocence or guilt of the accused.
“Every dog is n0n- In reasoning, the mind makes a conclusion which is
cat.” consistent with certain assumed data.
Step 2: (Conversion) Strictly speaking, reasoning is the mental process
“Some non-cats are of comparing two concepts with a common third concept
dogs.” for the purpose of establishing their agreement or
Step 3: (Obversion) disagreement with each other. The use of a common third
“Some non-cats are term for the purpose of establishing the agreement or
non-dogs.” disagreement between two concepts makes reasoning a
mediate inference as opposed to immediate inference.
D. Inversion
Inversion is another method of Given that “A” is B, and given too that “X” is “A”
formulating a new proposition called inverse, then we conclude – “X” is B. This is inference. Expressed
from a given proposition called invertend. The formally it would follow this pattern of thought:
value of this method consist in helping us to be Every A is B,
alert to the quantity and quality of the subject, But every X is A,
and to the quality of the copula. There are two Therefore, every X is B.
types of inversion: the simple and the complete. Expressed on verbal symbols, we may have:
1. Simple Inversion applies only to A Every man is mortal,
and E propositions. But every Filipino is a man,
Therefore, every Filipino is mortal.
Step 1: Change the subject of the Irving M. Copi defines inference as “a process by which
invertend to its contradiction. one proposition is arrived at and affirmed (or denied) on the basis of
Example: rational=non-rational. one or more proposition accepted as the starting point of the
Step 2: Change the quantity of the process. Inference is the result of the act of reasoning in the same
invertend. way that the concept is the product of simple apprehension and the
Step 3: Change the quality of the proposition that of judgment.
copula. Not every group or collection of propositions constitutes
Step 4: Retain the original predicate. as inference. Propositions must have sequential relation with each
other in order to formally constitute an inference. Sequential
Examples: relation refers to the interdependence of the propositions upon
a. Inversion of A to O: each other. In the example below no such sequence exists.
Invertend: “Every man is rational,” Every goat is herbivorous,
becomes But every dog is carnivorous,
“Some non-man is Therefore, every dog is not a goat.
not rational.” Taken singly, the propositions above are true. They do not,
b. Inversion of E to I: however, relate to one another. There is no sequential relation
Invertend: “No man is a cow,” among them. Thus, the conclusion “Every dog is not a goat” is not
becomes proven by the two previous propositions, assumed as the premises.
“Some non-man is On the other hand, in the previous example, the conclusion “Every
a cow.” Filipino is mortal” comes naturally and necessarily from the
2. Complete Inversion likewise applies Therefore, the sequence is the form of an inference. It is
to A and E propositions. what it constitutes it to be an inference. Without it, an inference is
faulty and, strictly speaking, is not an inference.
Step 1: Change the subject to its The Syllogism: Its Form and Matter
Just as a concept is expressed outwardly by means of the
word, inference finds expression in the syllogism. Thus, a syllogism is
“an oral or written discourse showing the agreement or
disagreement between two terms on the basis of their respective
relation to a common third term.
The syllogism is the verbal symbol of an inference. As such,
it is usually made up of three propositions, two of which are called
the premises and the other is called the conclusion. The premises
stand for the assumed truths (antecedent) and are said to support
the conclusion. The conclusion (consequent) is the new truth
derived from the premises.
The propositions are made up of terms. These are
identified as: the minor term, the major term, and the middle term.
1. The Minor Term is the subject of the Conclusion.
2. The Major Term is the predicate of the Conclusion.
3. The Middle Term is the term which appears in both
premises but not in the conclusion. It serves as the
“common third term” which determines the agreement or
disagreement of the Minor and the Major terms.

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