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What is Academic Performance

Academic performance is measured by the final grade earned in the course. Learn more in: The
Relationship between Individual Student Attributes and Online Course Completion
The academic performance is defined by students’ reporting of past semester CGPA/GPA and their
expected GPA for the current semester. The grade point average or GPA is now used by most of the
tertiary institutions as a convenient summary measure of the academic performance of their students.
The GPA is a better measurement because it provides a greater insight into the relative level
of performance of individuals and different group of students. Learn more in: Use of Online Social
Networking and Academic Performance of Students
In this study, it refers to level of performance in written works and exams. How students deal with their
studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers, within this
work measured from the standpoint of academic grades. Learn more in: Use of Social Media in Libraries
and Impact on Undergraduates
Learner’s, educator’s, or educational institution’s achievement of short or long-term educational
goals. Learn more in: Game Development-Based Learning: A New Paradigm for Teaching Computer and
Object-Oriented Programming
A term used to describe things that relate to the work performed in universities. Learn more in: Integration
of Moodle and Electronic University Systems at BMSTU
The total score or grade point which is attained by distance learners. It is measured using a trimester’s
grade point average (GPA) and an academic year’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA). Learn more
in: Distance Learning in Kenyan Universities: The Relationship between Learners' Characteristics and
Academic Performance
Academic achievement of students who meet or exceed performance standards prescribed by course
work. Learn more in: Technology-Integrated Curriculum and Students' Academic Performance
The academic performance is defined by students’ reporting of past semester CGPA/GPA and their
expected GPA for the current semester. The grade point average or GPA is now used by most of the
tertiary institutions as a convenient summary measure of the academic performance of their students.
The GPA is a better measurement because it provides a greater insight into the relative level
of performance of individuals and different group of students. Learn more in: Online Social Networking
Behavior and Its Influence Towards Students' Academic Performance
Used to describe the academic achievement of students in K-12 institutions; however, the author
acknowledges that these scores are not indicative of the abilities or potentials of students of color, as the
traditional standardized assessment methods preferred in K-12 public schools are culturally biased.
Depending on the context, the author prefers to use the opportunity gaps between students of color and
White students. Learn more in: Preparing Teacher Candidates for Diverse School Environments
As used in the contest of this chapter, the expression academic performance refers to the percentage of
marks obtained by the pupils on each of the five compulsory subjects after two terms of study in standard
eight class. The overall percentage on five subjects was calculated from this information. Information
forms containing columns to enter total marks obtained by the students and the maximum marks on each
of the five compulsory subjects were used for the purpose. This information was provided by the school
authorities. Learn more in: Relationship Among Intelligence, Achievement Motivation, Type of School,
and Academic Performance of Kenyan Urban Primary School Pupils
Academic performance means the knowledge and skills that students have mastered in a
subject or a course. It’s basically a measure of how well students have performed in the
various assessment items set for them based on some educational criteria determined by
professionsl educators. Through students' performance in the assessment items such as
essays, tests, viva, and examinations, students’ performance are determined in ranking as to
the educational standards that they have reached — pass, credit, distinction, high distinction
and so on. These educational standards may be recognised as satisfying the standards for
admission for further studies in institutions domedtically and internationally.

Academic is used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and
universities, especially work which involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or
technical skills.

Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a person has
accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional environments, specifically in school,
college, and university. School systems mostly define cognitive goals that either apply across multiple subject areas
(e.g., critical thinking) or include the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in a specific intellectual domain
(e.g., numeracy, literacy, science, history). Therefore, academic achievement should be considered to be a
multifaceted construct that comprises different domains of learning. Because the field of academic achievement is
very wide-ranging and covers a broad variety of educational outcomes, the definition of academic achievement
depends on the indicators used to measure it

Academic performance is undoubtedly a research drive at the heart of educators, teachers, psychologists,
policy makers, parents and guardians, social workers etc. in their attempts to investigate what determines
academic outcomes of learners, they have come up with more questions than answers. In recent, prior
literature has shown that learning outcomes (academic achievement and academic performance) have
been determined by such variables as family, schools, society and motivational factors.(Aremu and Jokan
2003).National governments have tried to invest heavily in education in order to improve accessibility
and quality of education both the secondary and primary schools. They have however not taken university
education as a priority. The upper secondary education however has received little attention by
governments and donor agencies a factor that could have contributed to the poor academic performance in
secondary schools. The quality of education at primary section depends on the quality of teachers and
their competence, their capacity the teaching and learning process and is widely recognized that the
quality of teachers and teaching lies at the heart of all schooling systems intending to offer quality

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