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Class: IX D
Textbook: English My Love
Unit of learning: 6- Fashion
Lesson: Passion for Fashion
Timing: 2h
Date: -
Teacher: -

Aim of lesson: By the end of the lesson the students will know new words
regarding clothes and they will be able to use them in sentences of their own.

O1: to enrich their vocabulary
O2: to solve exercises using the new vocabulary
O3: to use the new vocabulary in productions of their own
O4: to evaluate their classmates works

Aids: - handouts
- blackboard
- sheets of paper

Methods: conversation, explanation, group work, individual work, “tour of the

gallery” method

- see who’s present (2’)
- writing five expressions (8’)

ACTIVITY 1: Reading and writing (O1, O2)

Procedure: the teacher gives the students sheets of paper containing words
related to clothes (e.g. cuff, buttons, hat, collar etc). The students will take turns
in reading the information (56) and trying to remember the new vocabulary. The
teacher will give necessary explanations and then the students will solve in
pairs exercises 56.2 and 56.3. The answers will be checked orally on the spot.
The students will read the following page (47) which contains some more
information on the same topic. The students will then solve individually
exercises 47.1 and 47.4 which will then be checked orally.
ACTIVITY 2: Writing (O3)
Procedure: The students will be divided into seven groups of four students
each. Using the new vocabulary, each group will have to draw the way someone
dresses on different occasions. They will have to choose a note which was
previously written by the teacher to see which is the occasion they have to think
about. They will then draw a person and the clothes he would wear on the
occasion chosen. Near the person they will write the description of what they

ACTIVITY 3: Speaking (O4)

Procedure: The drawings will be displayed in front of the classroom and
each group will take a tour and grade each drawing. When grading the students
will pay greater attention to the vocabulary used. The best drawing and the most
accurate description will bring each member of the team a good grade.

Describe the way you would get dressed if you went to a party/to the
market/to a theatre play.

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