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Responses of adipose-derived
stem cells during hypoxia:
enhanced skin-regenerative
1. Introduction potential
2. ASCs and skin regeneration
3. Cellular and molecular Hyung-Min Chung, Chong-Hyun Won & Jong-Hyuk Sung†

responses of ASCs during CHA University, Department of Biomedical Science, #606-16, Yeoksam-dong, Kangnam-gu,
hypoxia Seoul, 135-081, Republic of Korea

4. Functional enhancement by
Mesenchymal stem cells within the stromal–vascular fraction of subcutaneous
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. Downloaded from by Cornell University on 05/23/12

adipose tissue (i.e., adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs)), have been used for
5. Expert opinion tissue engineering. In addition to serving a building-block function, ASCs are
reported to secrete growth factors that are essential for their function.
Increasing evidence indicates that ASCs play a significant role in skin regen-
eration, a function that is enhanced by hypoxia through upregulating secre-
tion of growth factors. Although the anatomical sites of ASCs in the body are
relatively oxygen-deficient, ASCs are usually cultured under normoxic condi-
tions (i.e., atmospheric oxygen levels). Culturing ASCs under physiologically
relevant low-oxygen-tension conditions may uniquely benefit the expansion,
differentiation, adhesion, growth factor secretion and regenerative potential
For personal use only.

of ASCs. Therefore, understanding the response and adaptation of ASCs to

hypoxia may be invaluable for developing novel cell- and cyto-therapy strat-
egies. This review highlights our current understanding of cellular and molec-
ular responses of ASCs to hypoxia, focusing on the enhancement of ASC
function and secretory activity by hypoxic culture conditions.

Keywords: adipose-derived stem cell, growth factor, hypoxia, skin regeneration

Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2009) 9(12):1499-1508

1. Introduction

Regenerative medicine uses the body’s own stem cells and growth factors as an
alternative therapeutic strategy for repairing damaged soft tissue such as skin.
Although such cell-based therapies are becoming more prominent, the limited
availability of human cells capable of self-renewal and differentiation into skin-type
cells are barriers to their expanded application. Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs)
and their soluble factors, however, can be used to regenerate skin and thus offer a
potential workable solution to this dilemma [1-6]. ASCs can be easily obtained by
liposuction from human adipose tissue, they can be cultured on a large scale and
they can display multilineage developmental plasticity [7-9]. In addition to serving
a building-block function, ASCs secrete various growth factors that control and
regenerate damaged skin-type cells, a function that has been identified as essential
to the regenerative mechanisms of ASCs [1-4,10]. For example, ASCs and their solu-
ble factors accelerate wound healing, reduce wrinkling, improve pigmentation and
promote hair growth by activating neighboring cells in skin [1,3-5,10]. Recently, we
have demonstrated that hypoxia enhanced the regenerative function of ASCs by
increasing the secretion of growth factors [11]; however, the underlying mechanism
has not been fully characterized.
Oxygen deficiency may impair cell function. However, cellular responses to
hypoxic stress are highly dependent on cell type, maturity and environment. In

10.1517/14712590903307362 © 2009 Informa UK Ltd ISSN 1471-2598 1499

All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or in part not permitted
Responses of adipose-derived stem cells during hypoxia

humans, oxygen concentrations vary significantly among tis- in promoting epithelial proliferation and differentiation, in
sues. Oxygen concentrations range from 4 to 14% in highly contrast to their well-known ability to regulate endothelial
perfused organs (such as lung, liver, kidneys and heart) [12-15] cell function [36]. Consistent with the reported ability of
but are very low in bone marrow (0 – 4%) [16]. Importantly, pericytes to act as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in a variety
oxygen concentrations are typically less than 3% in adipose of tissues, the capacity of pericytes to differentiate into the
tissue [17-20]; thus, ASCs reside in anatomical sites that are bone fat and cartilage lineage has been demonstrated [33,36].
relatively oxygen-deficient. Low oxygen tension is an impor- Pericytes associated with blood vessels may account for the
tant component of the stem cell microenvironment (i.e., presence of MSCs in tissues throughout the body [35]. In cul-
stem cell niche) and provides signals conducive to the main- ture, ASCs display fibroblastic characteristics, with an abun-
tenance of definitive stem cell properties [21-23]. Despite the dant endoplasmic reticulum and a large nuclear-to-cytoplasmic
low oxygen concentration in the stem cell microenvironment, volume ratio [5,7]. A comparative analysis of MSCs obtained
stem cells are usually cultured under normoxic conditions cor- from bone marrow and adipose tissue clearly demonstrated
responding to atmospheric oxygen (20 – 21%). Culturing ASCs that ASCs are equivalent to BMSCs with regard to morphol-
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. Downloaded from by Cornell University on 05/23/12

under more physiologically relevant conditions of low-oxygen ogy, cell surface receptor profile, and differentiation capac-
tension may uniquely benefit the expansion, differentiation, ity [37,38]. Both ASCs and BMSCs expressed embryonic stem
adhesion, growth factor secretion, and regenerative potential cell markers (Oct-4, Rex-1 and Sox-2) for at least 10 pas-
of ASCs (Figure 1). Therefore, understanding the response sages [39]. However, analyses of in vitro growth kinetics
and adaptation of ASCs to hypoxia may be invaluable for revealed a shorter doubling time for ASCs. In addition,
developing novel cell- and cyto-therapy strategies. ASCs underwent significantly more population doubling
Despite a history of intensive research into the response than BMSCs [39]. Because ASCs are readily accessible, plen-
of stem cells to hypoxia, most previous literature has focused tiful and expandable, they offer diverse advantages for regen-
on embryonic and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem eration and replacement of damaged tissues. ASCs express
cells (BMSCs) [24-27]. Regarding ASCs, many studies have diverse surface markers, including adhesion molecules, recep-
examined the chondrogenic potentiality of ASCs during tor molecules, surface enzymes, extracellular matrix proteins
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hypoxia, because cartilage is among the most hypoxic tissues and glycoproteins [7,9,40]. ASCs are not restricted to dif-
in the body [28,29]. In recent years, studies from our laboratory ferentiation along the adipocyte lineage; they can also differ-
and those of others have provided novel insights into the entiate into chondrocytes, osteocytes, cardiomyocytes and
cellular and molecular responses of ASCs to hypoxia in skin, neurons in vitro [1,41,42].
a subject that is briefly described in this review. The spe-
cific focus of this review is on the functional enhancement 2.2 Mechanism of action for skin regeneration
of ASCs by hypoxia and the involvement of this enhanced Although stem cell therapy has been safely and effectively used
function in skin repair and regeneration. to repair several types of tissue damage [30,31], the mechanism
underlying tissue regeneration is not well characterized.
2. ASCs and skin regeneration Most research to date has focused primarily on stem cell
differentiation. It is generally believed that immature stem
Stem cell therapy as clinically applied is a safe and effective cells migrate to the injured area, differentiate into the phe-
method for repairing several types of tissue damage [6,30,31]. notype of the injured tissue, repopulate the diseased organ
Recently, ASCs have been investigated as a substitute for with healthy cells and thereby repair the tissue. However, this
BMSCs, offering a potential alternative for skin repair and view cannot fully explain the mechanism of regeneration
regeneration [5,32]. ASCs differentiate into diverse skin cells because the survival of engrafted cells is too low (< 5%) to
and secrete growth factors that exert their beneficial effects on be therapeutically relevant [43], and acute functional improve-
damaged skin via a paracrine mechanism. ment often occurs too rapidly – within days or even hours
after transplantation especially in skin [5,6,44,45]. In addition,
2.1 Characteristics of ASCs much of the functional improvement and attenuation of tis-
ASCs are obtained by liposuction from human adipose tissue sue injury afforded by stem cell transplantation can be repro-
under physiological and pathological conditions [1,5]. Lipo- duced by treatment with cell-free conditioned medium from
aspirated tissues are digested with collagenase and, after stem cells [46]. This indicates that stem cells may exert their
centrifugation, yield a high-density stromal–vascular fraction beneficial effects via complex paracrine mechanisms in addition
that is subcultured to obtain pure ASCs. Freshly isolated ASCs to their proposed building-block function.
display surface markers that differ from those of cultured Altman et al. recently demonstrated that ASCs seeded on
ASCs, but both cell preparations are capable of multipoten- a silk fibroin–chitosan scaffold (SFCS) differentiated into
tial differentiation. Recent studies have inferred that ASCs fibrovascular, endothelial, and epithelial components of
may reside in a perivascular location where they appear to restored tissue and enhanced wound healing [47]. Microvessel
co-express CD34 and smooth muscle actin (a-SMA) [33-35]. density was significantly higher at wound sites, and engrafted
Paquet-Fifield et al. reported on the role of dermal pericytes ASCs were positive for the fibroblastic markers, heat shock

1500 Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2009) 9(12)

Chung, Won & Sung


Survival and proliferation ↑

Differentiation into adipocyte ↓


Adhesion and migration ↑

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HIF-1α stabilization

Upregulation of specific growth factors

Secretion ↑
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Angiogenesis ↑ Wound-healing ↑ Anti-apoptosis ↑

Figure 1. Responses of ASCs during hypoxia.

protein 47, smooth muscle actin, and von Willebrand factor. 2.3 Proteomic analysis of ASC-CM
Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-positive stem cells were also Using a two-dimensional electrophoretic (2-DE) analysis,
found to differentiate into epidermal epithelial cells. However, Roche et al. confirmed that the intracellular proteins of
transdifferentiation of ASCs into multiple skin cell types has BMSCs and ASCs were very similar, arguing that these two
not been reported in vitro. Trottier et al. have reconstituted cell types are interchangeable with respect to use in cell-based
a skin substitute that produced a more complete tri-layered therapy [49]. Zvonic et al. detected approximately 300 features
skin structure consisting of the epidermis, the dermis and in ASC-CM by 2-DE, and showed that secreted proteins are
the adipocyte-containing hypodermis using ASCs in place upregulated and downregulated by induction of adipogen-
of dermal fibroblasts [48], indicating the potential of ASCs esis [50]. Although both intracellular and secretory proteins
in skin reconstruction. of ASCs have been analyzed by several groups, the techniques
A number of reports have described a paracrine mechanism used have failed to identify those proteins secreted by ASCs
for ASCs in skin. ASCs secrete various growth factors that that are responsible for skin regeneration. This may reflect the
control and manage skin-type cells, a process that is essential fact that these techniques are limited to the analysis of highly
to the regenerative function of ASCs [1,2,10]. Our group abundant proteins.
examined the paracrine effect of ASCs in various systems We have also analyzed ASC-CM using the liquid
using ASC-conditioned medium (ASC-CM), showing, for chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
example, that ASC-CM stimulated both collagen synthesis technique, and detected approximately 100 proteins by map-
and migration of primary cultured dermal fibroblasts. In ping peptides from tryptic digests. However, only five iden-
addition, ASC-CM protected dermal fibroblasts from oxida- tified proteins (IGF-binding protein 4 (IGFBP4), IGFBP7,
tive stress induced by chemicals or UVB irradiation [1,2], and metalloproteinase inhibitor 1 precursor, IL-6 and IL-8) are
treatment of B16 melanoma cells with ASC-CM inhibited cytokines or growth factors [1]. Recently, we analyzed the
tyrosinase activity and melanin synthesis [10]. In animal stud- growth factors in ASC-CM using a membrane-based anti-
ies, ASC-CM treatment reduced wrinkling and accelerated body array against 41 growth factors, and epithelial growth
wound healing [2,5]. Collectively, these results indicate that factor (EGF), EGF fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF 4),
skin regeneration is mediated by factors secreted by ASCs. IGFBP1, IGFBP2, IGFBP3, IGFBP4, IGFBP5, G-CSF,

Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2009) 9(12) 1501

Responses of adipose-derived stem cells during hypoxia

GM-CSF, IGF-III, macrophage colony-stimulating factor differentiation. For example, Carriere et al. (2004), reported
(MCSF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), TGF-b that hypoxia (1% oxygen) strongly increased the generation
and VEGF [4]. Although this method is limited to growth of reactive oxygen species, up-regulated hypoxia-inducible
factors for which antibodies are commercially available, it has factor-1a (HIF-1a), and inhibited adipocyte differentiation
advantages over the 2-DE-based method in terms of assay in 3T3 F442A pre-adipocytes [56]. Inhibition of adipogene-
sensitivity. New proteomic analysis techniques in conjunction sis at low oxygen tension is associated with activation of
with other state-of-the-art analytical tools and follow-up HIF-1a, a transcription factor essential for cellular responses
functional studies are needed to clarify which proteins in to decreased oxygen levels [57]. Lin et al. also demonstrated
ASC-CM are active in skin repair and regeneration. that hypoxia reversibly arrests ASCs in an undifferentiated
state and maintains the expression of pre-adipocyte factor 1
3. Cellular and molecular responses of ASCs (Pref-1), which negatively regulates adipogenic differen-
during hypoxia tiation [58]. However, there are controversial reports that
HIF-1a expression of ASCs is stabilized transiently during
ASCs are typically harvested from the stromal–vascular frac-
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. Downloaded from by Cornell University on 05/23/12

the adipogenic process, and hypoxia exerted a potent lipo-

tion of lipo-aspirated tissues. However, the architectural rela- genic effect on MSCs [59-61]. Hypoxia may not simply
tionship of ASCs to other cell types and structures in vivo is reflect an ‘on/off’ process of adipogenesis of ASCs but a
still unknown. Despite the fact that adipose tissue is highly physiological continuum that operates flexibly in response
vascularized, in vivo measurements of oxygen concentrations to microenvironmental conditions.
have shown that the oxygen concentration in adipose tissues is
approximately 3% [18]. Therefore, hypoxic cultures may more 3.3 Adhesion and migration
accurately reflect the actual in vivo environment and may It is well known that ASCs have the inherent ability to
prove beneficial to ASCs during in vitro expansion. preferentially localize to inflamed and injured tissues, where
they aid tissue regeneration [55,62-64]. ASCs adhere to extra-
3.1 Proliferation cellular matrix (ECM) proteins, an interaction that can be
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Sotiropoulou et al. attempted to establish an optimal proto- manipulated in vitro to augment this migration. Amos et al.
col for the large-scale production of MSCs and identified evaluated the ability of ASCs to bind ECM proteins under
several culture conditions that influenced the proliferation of physiological flow conditions [64], and showed that culturing
MSCs [51]. In addition to the quality of the fetal calf serum under hypoxic conditions significantly increased the ability
used, other culture parameters shown to affect proliferation of ASCs to adhere to vascular cell adhesion molecule-1
included basal medium type, glucose concentration, stable (VCAM-1) and endothelial intercellular adhesion molecule-1
glutamine, cell-plating density and plastic surface quality [51]. (ICAM-1). ASCs also adhere to inflammatory-mediating
It is also well established that BMSC proliferation is signif- adhesion molecules. Importantly, the functional adhesion
icantly increased by hypoxia [52]. Similarly, our study dem- capabilities of ASCs are affected by oxygenation levels in the
onstrated that the survival and proliferation of ASCs was culture environment. For example, ASCs migrate towards stro-
influenced by culture medium, plastic surface quality and mal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1), a chemokine expressed by
oxygen content [11]. Clearly, ASC proliferation was greater ischemic tissue; in culture, hypoxia augments ASC expression
under hypoxic versus normoxic conditions in vitro [21,29,53,54]. of SDF-1 receptor and potentiates ASC migration [55]. These
An oxygen tension of 1 – 5% during culture is sufficient to observations highlight the importance of expanding ASCs
increase the proliferation and function of ASCs, while main- under hypoxic conditions, which increases the attachment
taining their morphology and multi-lineage capacity. In addi- and migration/homing potential of transplanted ASCs.
tion, ASCs demonstrated the capacity to proliferate in vivo in
response to a hypoxic insult remote from their resident niche, 3.4 Intracellular response
and showed increasing proliferation in vitro with greater The most prominent response of ASCs to hypoxia is a change
degrees of hypoxia [55]. Collectively, these results support the in protein expression profile (Table 1). The levels of HIF-1a
idea that hypoxic culture conditions are favorable for ASCs. are regulated mainly by the available oxygen; under normoxic
conditions, HIF-1a degradation is rapid. As shown in
3.2 Differentiation Figure 2, HIF-1a expression in ASCs was clearly detected
As described above, studies of the differentiation of ASCs into under hypoxic culture conditions, but was scarcely present
multiple skin-cell types are at an early stage, and the effects under normoxic conditions. Under low oxygen tension (2%),
of hypoxia on differentiation have not been investigated. HIF-1a stabilization has been shown to enhance the expres-
However, there are interesting reports regarding adipogenic sion of target genes, including those related to angiogenesis,
differentiation of ASCs and the effects of hypoxia [56-58]. cell proliferation, and energy metabolism [65-69]. Consistent
Adipocytes in human adipose tissue originate by differentia- with this, our group showed, using quantitative reverse tran-
tion from resident progenitor cells in the stromal–vascular scriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), that cellular
fraction of adipose tissue, and oxygen tension may affect ASC levels of VEGF, bFGF and IGF were significantly increased

1502 Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2009) 9(12)

Chung, Won & Sung

Table 1. Hypoxia-induced changes in protein expression proliferation, angiogenesis and apoptosis [70]. This highlights
in ASCs. the importance of further studies on the use of oxygen-
tension regulation as a tool for preparing ASCs in a way that
Oxygen Protein level Ref. allows the full potential of these cells to be exploited.

5% Collagen type II protein, total [79] 3.5 Alteration of secretion by hypoxia

collagen synthesis In a preliminary study, we measured total protein con-
5% Collagen type II, IX, XI, SOX6, [29] centration in ASC-CM using the Bradford method, and
SOX5, SOX9, HIF2a found that there was no difference in the level of total
5% Collagen type II, SOX9, collagen X [80] secreted proteins between normoxic (1.02 ± 0.04 µg/ml)
1% Leptin [70] and hypoxic (1.01 ± 0.01 µg/ml) conditions. Because
1% VEGF [77] intracellular levels of some growth factors are increased
5%, 1% VEGF, SDF-1, SDF-1 receptor [55]
in ASCs by hypoxia ( Table 1), we measured secreted
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. Downloaded from by Cornell University on 05/23/12

(CXCR4) proteins in ASC-CM using ELISA. Hypoxia significantly

Not described IGF-1, nuclear b-catenin [81] upregulated some proteins in the conditioned medium,
Not described VEGF, IGF-1 [82]
including VEGF (2.8-fold) and bFGF (1.8-fold). IGF was
upregulated intracellularly but was not detected among the
Not described c-kit [83]
secreted proteins [11] . Using a commercially available
Not described HIF-1a [84]
membrane-based antibody array for 41 growth factors,
5% VEGF, HIF-1a, leptin, matrix [85]
we recently determined which growth factors were upre-
metalloproteinases 2 and 9
gulated in conditioned medium by hypoxia. Most growth
factors were upregulated in conditioned medium harvested
from hypoxic cultures (hypoCM) with some exceptions.
Normoxia Hypoxia The signal intensities of IGFBP1, IGFBP2, macrophage
For personal use only.

colony stimulating factor (M-CSF), M-CSF receptor

HIF-1α (120 kDa)
(MCSF R), PDGF receptor-b, and VEGF were signifi-
α-tubulin (55 kDa) cantly greater in hypoCM than in conditioned medium
harvested under normoxic conditions (norCM)
(p < 0.05, Figure 3 ). By contrast, EGF was reduced
Figure 2. Protein expression of hypoxia inducible factor by almost 70% in hypoCM relative to norCM.
(HIF)-1a in ASCs. HIF-1a was clearly detected after culture under
hypoxic conditions (2% oxygen) for 48 h, while that was not
4. Functional enhancement by hypoxia
detected under normoxic condition (our unpublished data).
As described above, culturing ASCs under the more physio-
(over 1.5-fold) by 2% hypoxia, but mRNAs for other logically relevant conditions of low oxygen tension during
growth factors, including TGF-b, hepatocyte growth factor expansion may manifest as beneficial effects on proliferation,
(HGF), keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) and PDGF-A, adhesion, migration and specific gene expression and secre-
were not induced by low oxygen tension. Rubina et al. also tion. Altered characteristics acquired during hypoxia may
evaluated the expression of angiogenesis-related growth fac- increase the regenerative potential of ASCs, as evidenced by
tor genes in ASCs by quantitative PCR, showing that expres- the enhanced angiogenic, anti-apoptotic and wound healing
sion of VEGF, bFGF, HGF, c-Met and PDGF-B mRNA potential in ASCs cultured in hypoxia.
were significantly increased by hypoxia (1% oxygen) [67].
Martin-Rendon et al. reported that ASCs respond to hyp- 4.1 Angiogenesis
oxic stimuli by upregulating the genes for angiogenic and Recent reports describing the ability of ASCs to differentiate
anti-apoptotic factors, primarily through stabilization of into vascular endothelial cells have inspired a number of
HIF-1a [65]. Activation of HIF-1a-mediated signaling is researchers to investigate the use of ASCs to enhance neo-
complex and is regulated by a cascade of molecular events. vascularization in the treatment of ischemic disorders [71-73].
HIF-1a accumulates, dimerizes with HIF-1b, recruits the These studies have demonstrated that human and murine
co-activators CBP/p300, and activates the transcription of adipose-derived stromal cells can incorporate into blood
genes, including VEGF and angiopoietins [66]. vessels by differentiating into endothelial cells, and shown
Recently, Pilgaard et al. used microarray analyses to that the indirect effects of angiogenic growth factor released
measure genetic changes in ASCs during hypoxia. Exposure from ASCs may enhance the recovery from perfusion in a
to 1% oxygen produced a specific expression profile: 2581 murine model of hind-limb ischemia. Lu et al. also reported
genes were differentially expressed, and there was a substan- that ASCs have the potential to enhance the blood supply in
tial enrichment in genes involved in cell growth and random-pattern skin flaps [74].

Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2009) 9(12) 1503

Responses of adipose-derived stem cells during hypoxia

norCM hypoCM

Pos Neg Pos Neg




Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. Downloaded from by Cornell University on 05/23/12

Figure 3. Growth factor antibody array. Secretory factors in conditioned medium harvested from normoxic cultures (norCM) and
hypoxic cultures (hypoCM) were concentrated and incubated with a membrane containing antibodies against 41 growth factors. With the
exception of EGF (highlighted in blue), most growth factors were highly represented in hypoCM. Growth factors significantly increased by
hypoxia (p < 0.05) are marked in red (our unpublished data).

Matrigel implant model, and demonstrated that hypoxia-

1.2 cultured ASCs showed enhanced formation of capillary-like
Fold fibroblast viability
For personal use only.

1 structures [67]. The pro-neovascular activity of ASCs may be

* upregulated via a paracrine mechanism in response to hypoxia,
and function cooperatively with the existing vasculature to
0.6 promote angiogenesis.
0.2 4.2 Anti-apoptotic effect
Emerging evidence indicates that ASCs can be used for the
No treatment Control norCM hypoCM treatment of skin diseases related to oxidative stress [1-3]. Both
chronologic and extrinsic aging are associated with excessive
tbOOH treatment
production of free radicals, molecules containing one or more
unpaired electrons. When allowed to remain in their highly
Figure 4. Anti-apoptotic effect of conditioned medium reactive state, these compounds can damage cell membranes,
harvested under normoxia (norCM) or hypoxia (hypoCM). proteins and DNA. However, the components of the antiox-
Tert-butyl hydroperoxide (tbOOH) treatment reduced the survival idant defense system in human skin are regulated and pro-
of dermal fibroblasts, an effect that was reversed by ASC-CM. tected in a complex manner. One such mechanism by which
HypoCM had a more potent anti-apoptotic effect than did norCM
ASCs protect dermal fibroblasts from oxidative damage is by
(our unpublished data).
reducing apoptosis [1-3]. The anti-apoptotic effect of ASCs was
demonstrated by incubating primary cultured fibroblasts in
Hypoxia reportedly enhances the neoangiogenesis of ASCs ASC-CM. Morphological changes and cell survival assays
via a paracrine mechanism that involves increased secretion revealed that incubation with ASC-CM protected dermal
of certain growth factors [71,75,76]. For example, hypoCM fibroblasts from free radicals induced by tert-butyl hydro-
significantly increased endothelial cell growth and reduced peroxide (tbOOH) and UVB [1,2]. In a cell-cycle analysis,
endothelial cell apoptosis. One growth factor that played an ASC-CM decreased the fraction of sub-G1 cells relative to
essential role in the cellular response to hypoxia was VEGF, controls and reversed chemical- and UVB-induced apoptotic
which was secreted at fivefold higher levels in hypoCM and cell death.
induced angiogenesis and anti-apoptosis [71]. The a-subunit Modulation of the anti-apoptotic effect of ASCs by
of HIF-1 is stabilized under low oxygen tension and regu- hypoxia was further studied in the same experimental sys-
lates the expression of VEGF, which promotes the adoption tem using hypoCM and norCM. tbOOH treatment reduced
of functional characteristics necessary for new blood vessel the survival of dermal fibroblasts; however, this effect was
growth and maturation [77]. Rubina et al. showed that ASCs reversed by ASC-CM. The anti-apoptotic effect was greater
stimulate vessel-like structure formation and stabilization in a in hypoCM than in norCM (Figure 4). Secretion of VEGF

1504 Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2009) 9(12)

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and IGFBPs was significantly increased by hypoxia (Figure 3), niches occupied by ASCs is much lower. Thus, hypoxic
indicating a possible mechanism for the protection against culture conditions can function as a ‘prophylactic’ signal,
free radicals. increasing proliferation, adhesion and migration of ASCs.
In addition, HIF-1a expression is significantly increased
4.3 Wound healing by hypoxia, and angiogenic and anti-apoptotic growth fac-
Under physiological conditions, ASCs may be frequently tors are upregulated. Collectively, the cellular and molecular
found within the stromal–vascular fraction of subcutaneous changes induced by hypoxia enhance the skin-regenerative
adipose tissue where they have ready access to oxygen. potential of ASCs through effects on functions such as
However, capillary injury during wound healing generates angiogenesis, anti-apoptosis and wound healing. Thus,
a hypoxic environment. In general, ASCs are involved in when used as a therapeutic tool to repair skin injuries,
wound-healing processes and ASC-mediated wound regener- ASCs must be cultured under low-oxygen conditions. How-
ation is accelerated by hypoxia [11]. In this study, wound- ever, given the potential cancer-inducing risks, the clinical
healing potential was determined by comparing collagen application of cultured ASCs in human skin can be hazard-
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. Downloaded from by Cornell University on 05/23/12

synthesis and migration of dermal fibroblasts following ous [78]. In addition, industrial-scale handling and commer-
exposure to hypoCM and norCM. HypoCM had a greater cialization of ASCs are problematic. Instead, ASC secretory
stimulatory effect on type I collagen secretion and migration factors can be used and provide a number of advantages over
of dermal fibroblast than did norCM. In animal studies, cell-based therapies. Because secretory factors can be stored
hypoCM treatment significantly reduced wound area size long-term in a stable form and are relatively devoid of safety
and depth compared with norCM. issues, they are suitable for commercialization. Harvesting
Because hypoxia significantly increased the secretion of conditioned medium for skin regeneration (i.e., to produce
VEGF and bFGF, we suggested that these factors are respon- growth factors for cosmetic raw materials) would simply
sible for the hypoxia-induced enhancement of wound-healing require predetermination of optimal oxygen tension to max-
function. To test this, we used neutralizing anti-VEGF and imize the content of regenerative proteins in the conditioned
anti-bFGF antibodies. The migration of dermal fibroblasts medium. In short, hypoxia induces cellular and molecular
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was significantly decreased by the addition of neutralizing changes in ASCs and improves their skin-regenerative
antibodies against VEGF and bFGF [11]. Consistent with these potential.
in vitro experiments, the wound-healing effect of ASC-CM was
significantly reduced in an animal model by the addition of Acknowledgments
antibodies to both VEGF and bFGF [11]. Thus, the hypoxia-
induced enhancement of ASC-mediated wound healing may Figure 1 and Table 1 were kindly edited by JA Yang.
be due, at least in part, to secreted VEGF and bFGF.
Declaration of interest
5. Expert opinion
This study was supported by a grant from the Korea
Typically, ASCs are cultured under ambient, or normoxic, Healthcare Technology R&D project, Ministry for Health,
conditions. However, the oxygen tension in the physiological Welfare & Family Affairs (A0851360).

Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2009) 9(12) 1505

Responses of adipose-derived stem cells during hypoxia

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