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DEAD MEAT Frequently Asked Questions

((Commonly asked questions about the channel Dead Meat, written by the moderators))
Updated February 9

**​Scroll down to page 7 for chat rules**

What the heck is the FAQ?

It’s this thing! Welcome! Please read through the whole thing if you can, or search for some key
words (using control + f). But also please read through it, we’re pretty funny.

Ummm the Kill Count is late, what gives?

If it’s late it’s stuck in YouTube’s manual review process. It’s never consistent, so James tries to
have Kill Counts ready a few days in advance to give the review enough time, but sometimes it
takes even longer to get the approval. It’s out of James’s control, so please be patient!

Hey did you know that this video isn’t on the channel anymore?
Yep, he knows. James gets an email from YouTube every time a video gets blocked, claimed,
age-restricted, etc. He cannot control the copyright claims, and is very unhappy, so please don’t
be mean to him or blame him. That’s just the way YouTube/film companies be sometimes :/

What’s the next Kill Count gonna be?

Here's the current schedule for the next few months as provided by James' video uploaded on
January 3rd and his twitter:

Kill counts on the last Friday of each month until April or May (Feb 28, Mar 27, Apr 24)
Valentine’s Day Bonus Kill Count: Valentine
February 28: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Other releases like supercuts, Q&As, and even a “How the Kill Count is made” video all of the
other Fridays
The podcast will continue to have weekly releases on Tuesdays

Once the break is getting close to finishing, a new schedule video will be released, plus keep an
eye on Twitter or the Community Page for other updates!

Who do I contact about my order of that ‘80s horror documentary “In Search of
James and Chelsea have no part in the shipment and order fulfillment process of the
documentary. Please direct any inquiries to ​


Why can’t I request movies for the Kill Count?

You can, but only by sending an email to ​​. Requests left in the
comment section, livestream chat, social media, etc. are strongly discouraged and will not be

One of James’s favorite parts of Dead Meat is looking through comments and seeing all the
fun/nice/interesting things people have to say, not just to him but amongst themselves. It’s no fun
to scroll through and just see a flood of requests instead of actual comments, which is why he’s
started to do it less often. Let’s keep comments fun!

But why an email? Won’t my comment-request be seen anyway?

Sure, but it’ll be instantly forgotten. By sending an email, the team (a few of the mods) can sort
the requests into a spreadsheet and actually keep track of all the requests. Don’t let your
suggestions get lost in the interwebs - send them to the email!

I don’t know how to send an email! Can I leave a comment now?

Nope! Sorry, but emails are still the only way we count requests. No fear though! Sending an
email is not that difficult, and we even made a little step-by-step guide for you to follow!

How To Send an Email:

1. Sign into your email account (You have to have an email account in order to have a
YouTube account, so we know you have one!)
2. Click on the “Compose” button- or whatever variation of that button you have on your
email. A blank box will pop up!
3. In the ​to​ section, you will type the email address you are sending the email to. In this
case, it will be to ​
4. In the ​subject​ line, add a short and concise reason for sending your email. This can be
“Kill Count Request” or the title of the film you are requesting (ex: ​The Shining)​. Please
don’t use this space to write your entire email! It should be a few words at most.
5. In the main body, the bigger blank space, write out your email. For requests, this includes
the FULL TITLE of the film you are requesting. If you’d like to request multiple films,
you can do so! You can add a bullet point list and add each title. We will accept up to 10
titles per email. The name of the director and the year are optional, but very appreciated,
especially when multiple movies share the same title.
6. After you are finished writing your email, simply click send.
7. Congratulations! You have successfully sent your email.

Bonus: If you have correctly sent your request to the right email, you should get an


automated reply saying that your request has been received and is being added to the list
for consideration. There is no need to reply to this- it’s just an extra confirmation for
YOU that we got your email.

See? Sending an email is super easy. If you’re still confused, there are plenty of resources on the
internet that show you how to send an email. Check them out!

I don’t have an email address though, how can I make a request?

The thing is, in order to have a YouTube/social media account, you ​have​ to have an email.
However, we do understand that some accounts are shared, or otherwise not completely your
own! If you are unable to use the email account connected with your YouTube account to send
emails for whatever reason (it's not your personal email, it's a joint account, etc), then we are
sorry, but you won't be able to send in a request.

Email requests are the only ones that are counted and added for consideration, any other form is
ignored. We'd advise you not to stress too much though- the requests are simply that- requests!
Though they do help James see what movies are popular wants among his viewers, they are not
the only thing he takes into consideration, and there are some films that he decides to cover
regardless of whether there are a lot of requests for it or not.

Requests in the comments will be ignored, no matter the circumstances​. We’re very sorry if you
can’t send an email to us for whatever reason, but the rules are the rules. We’re positive you can
enjoy ​Dead Meat​ regardless of your ability to send an email to us- please don’t take it too hard if
you can’t!

Uhh I was just making a joke request, get a sense of humor please.
“Joke” requests are also discouraged. A request is a request and they’re not fun to see all over the
place. “When will you cover ____” and “I can’t wait for the Kill Count on ____” fall in the same

What if I have a suggestion for the podcast?

You can send all things podcast-related to ​​!

When will the next episode of the Kill Count be out?

Kill Count episodes are posted on Fridays around 6:00 a.m. PST.

Where are the Kill Counts for the big series?

Please remember that larger series take A LOT of time and effort so James can’t just crank them
out. He picks a couple per year though so don’t worry, he’ll get to them!


Is there any movie you ​won’t ​do?

He has only said no to a few movies so far: Superhero movies (please stop asking for
Avengers/Infinity War/Endgame - ​it’s never happening), ​Death Note,​ ​Ghost Ship,
Collector/Collection, a​ nd the ​Jeepers Creepers​ series (which were directed by a pedophile,
yikes). All other horror movies with at least 2 kills can be considered. ​Star Wars, Hunger Games,
and ​Harry Potter ​are also franchises that will not get covered, as they are not horror.

Horror movies that have fewer than 2 kills will not be a Kill Count, but do stand the chance of
being some other type of Dead Meat video in the future. You can still send those requests to the

But wait, Predator’s not horror! What about Jurassic Park?? Does that mean you’ll do
non-horror Kill Counts?
After covering the Alien series, James wanted to do AVP as well, but had to cover Predator first,
which is a horror-adjacent series. And movies about people-eating animals can totally be horror,
falling into the monster movie sub-genre.

Action is not horror, and not a genre James is passionate about. Only horror and horror-adjacent
movies will be covered in the Kill Count. Sorry! (And no, he will not make a separate channel to
count kills in action movies. The passion and time and desire are not there.)

Why did you do ​this​ movie series before ​this ​one? Are you planning on doing ___?
The videos are planned long in advance, based on schedules and other things. James plans on
doing all/most of the popular horror franchises eventually, provided they have enough kills in
them to make a good and satisfying Kill Count. But if he ever decides that he doesn’t want to
cover something (see the list above) then that’s his decision, please don’t be rude about it.

Can I make a one time donation?

During livestreams you can send James bits!
Information about bits can be found at ​
However, if you want to stretch your dollar, please consider signing up for his Patreon.

What’s Patreon?
Patreon is a platform for creators to receive monthly financial contributions from individual
patrons. Since YouTube is not a reliable source of income, James has set up a Patreon page to
help cover his cost of living. Patrons receive rewards based on how much they pledge, including
movie commentary tracks, early access to Kill Counts, patron-only livestreams, and more. To
sign up, go to ​


If you’re a fan of ​DnDnD​ (which like honestly, if you’re not you should be) you can subscribe to
their Patreon to get a 2-for-1 deal on DnDnD and Dead Meat rewards! For example, if you
subscribe to the DnDnD Patreon at the $5 level, you get all the available rewards for $5 DnDnD
patrons AND the rewards for $5 Dead Meat patrons, with just one subscription. Wow, what a
deal!!! If that sounds enticing to you, go to ​

Why does James always respond to people who cheer/sub/donate? Is that the only way to
get noticed?
Not at all! James is always so appreciative and honored to receive financial contribution, and
tries to make a point to personally thank those who do it. But he’ll talk to folks who don’t give
him money just the same, so please don’t feel obligated to sub/cheer/donate.

Why did you start the YouTube channel?

James has always been into horror movies, and even made reviews like The Kill Count when he
was younger. After years of being an editor and running his other channel, ​Practical Folks,​ he
decided to make a separate channel for horror and that’s how this channel was born!

What editing software do you use?

Adobe Premiere Pro

What camera do you use?

Videos: He used to use the Canon 5D Mark 3, but as of the Descent Kill Count has upgraded to
the Panasonic Lumix GH5s

Streams: Logitech HD Pro C920 Webcam

What microphone do you use?

Videos: Sony ECM77B Electret Condenser Lavalier Microphone

Streams: Rode Procaster Broadcast Dynamic Vocal Microphone

Do you ever get annoyed of your own voice?

No, he films/edits a lot so he's used to it.

How long does it take you to make a video?

It hasn’t been specifically measured, but it’s estimated about 20-30 hours.

What is the process of making a Kill Count?


James posted this explanation on twitter:

Can you make this Kill Count and release it tomorrow?

Hahahahahahahahaha (see above for why this is literally impossible)

Ooh! Ooh! A new movie is about to be/was just released in theaters, can it be the next Kill
Definitely not. How would that be possible? James can’t make a Kill Count without movie
footage and there’s no way to get that footage until after it’s out on home media. If you just can’t
wait to see it, buy a ticket and see it in theaters! Please support filmmakers so more of these
movies can be made!

This movie was just released on Blu-ray and you said you’d make a Kill Count when it’s on
Blu-ray sooo where’s the video?
“After it comes out on Blu-ray” does not mean “the second it comes out” -- Kill Counts take a
long time and James has a schedule to keep, please don’t pester him about it. And, as always,
please only send requests to ​

I love the Kill Count because I get to watch a whole movie in like 20 minutes, sweet.
No! ​Kill Counts aren't movies and aren't an actual substitute for watching a movie. Please
support filmmakers and the art of filmmaking by watching the movie in its entirety on home
media or streaming services where available.

How do your videos not get flagged for copyright?

His content falls under fair use, because he is commenting on the movies and not just showing a
bunch of clips. However, if a company decides to claim copyright anyway, there's not much
James can do about it.

Who does the work for the videos?

James researches, films, writes, and makes final touches for each Kill Count. As the channel has
grown, he has received additional help finalizing videos (thank goodness, boi deserves a social

The team includes editor/moderator Bry (#ThanksBry), assistant editor Zoran (from YouTube
channel LowCarbComedy), and graphics help from Clara.

Chelsea does ​all​ the work for the podcast herself (a literal queen).


Why don’t you wear your glasses in videos?

Lmao remember when he shaved and nobody would shut up about it? Yeah...we don’t want that
again. Also light glare- go check out the Re-Animator Kill Count to see what we mean.

What hair product do you use?

Floyd’s Grooming grip cream

Why do you sound different on livestreams versus in Kill Counts?

James uses a hosting voice, which is loud and very lively while he records the Kill Count
episodes. On livestreams, he’s more chill and laid back because he’s mostly just editing and so
his voice sounds a lil different! It’s nothing wrong!

You look tired/depressed.

He’s working. Do you smile when you’re working? That’s weird, dude. (Also that’s not a very
nice thing to say to someone so like maybe don’t please k thanks)

Why do you sound so sad in the voice recording?

That’s just the scratch track to be replaced later, so putting energy into his delivery isn’t
necessary. A scratch track is used to figure out the timing of where to insert movie clips. Once
that’s done, he’ll re-record the audio during filming, and that’s the final audio you’ll hear in a
Kill Count.

Can you stop swearing so much?

Hell no, he is a fucking grown-up and can swear as much as he damn well pleases. Shit!

Wow, that was so cringe.

Sorry you don’t know how to have fun.

Do you have another job?

Nope, James works on Dead Meat full time! He used to work as a video editor for Fox (no, not
Fox News) through Fullscreen.

What are the chat rules?

**These rules are in place to keep the chat a fun and friendly place. We want everyone to have
an enjoyable time, and don't want anyone to feel unwelcome or unwanted in these streams.**
Chat Rules:
● Racist, sexist, or homophobic slurs will NOT be tolerated. If you use this kind of
language, you will be banned immediately. This is not something we take lightly.
Consider this your warning.


○ Your usernames must also follow the rules

■ If a mod asks you to change it, please do not fight. If you are unable to
change it because of Twitch’s settings, please explain that to us at we may ask for proof of this.
○ This also applies to intentional misspellings of slurs.
● Listen to the mods! We will warn you if you need to stop a certain behavior. If you
ignore us and continue to break the rules we will time you out.
● If you say any spoilers, even if it’s a joke, you will be banned. It’s not cool and it will not
be tolerated.
○ This goes for any new movie that comes out, even if the movie does not connect
to the channel Dead Meat.
● No excessive or mean spirited swearing (swear words are okay. Just don't overdo it)
● No spamming (this includes emojis, numbers, random letters, or various other things sent
multiple times)
James will ignore you and the mods will purge your comment or time you out if you do it
a lot.
● Be careful with emojis- while we won’t set a specific limit, we don’t want tons of
emojis/emotes in one message. It’s up to a mods discretion whether you overdid it or not
and your message will be purged- be cool guys!
● Kill Count requests will be purged. If you have any questions about upcoming Kill
Counts, please check the FAQ above.
○ Until the number of people in the stream goes down to about 1000, requests will
be instantly timed out.
○ Joke requests will be treated the same as genuine requests, so don’t do it.
● No disrespectful comments toward chat members, mods, or James will be tolerated.
● Please do not repeat questions multiple times. If your question is not answered by the
FAQ or a mod, we will try to get James to answer eventually. Please be patient and do
not ask multiple times.
● Please do not directly ask for shoutouts, if multiple people are doing this it clutters up the
chat. If you want James to notice you, politely say hello and he will likely say hi back.
○ That said, if he DOESN’T notice your message/doesn’t reply, please don’t
continue to send the same message to get him to reply/answer. It’s considered
spam and is just irritating for everyone.
● Don't promote other channels or ask for subscribers. This is not an appropriate venue for
● Cool it with the memes. They’re not funny if everyone is just saying the same phrase
over and over again. Doing so will result in a time out.
● In summary: don’t be a dick, don’t be annoying, listen to the mods. Thanks! Happy



Dang, those are a lot of rules. Why are the mods so strict?
Nah, son. We’re just doing what James has asked of us. Besides, they’re not that hard to follow.
Just hang out, be nice, and enjoy the streams!

Have complaints, suggestions, questions, etc. for the mods?

You can contact us by emailing ​​. This is the only acceptable place to
contact James’s mods and we will not respond if you try to contact us outside of this email.

Can I be a mod?
It’s a no from me, dawg.

How do I become a mod?

There is no path to becoming a mod. Mods are people James knows and trusts.

Why are all the mods girls?

1) The mods are ​not a​ ll girls (in fact, about half of the mods are not girls)
2) Those who are more active/present happen to be female
3) Why is this a concern? Are you intimidated by women in a position of power? Would you be
commenting on it if the mods were all male? #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmmm

How many mods are there?

There are roughly 25 mods at this time (but only half of those are on streams on a regular basis).

Why did I get timed out/banned?

If you were timed out or banned by one of the mods, you either broke the rules multiple times —
offensive language, racist/sexist/homophobic comments, etc — or were spamming.
Additionally, if the chat is very crowded you may have been timed out for making a Kill Count

It’s also possible that it was a misclick, in which case we apologize. Just don’t throw a fit about
it, as this will put you at risk for being kicked out on purpose.

Please see the chat rules listed above for further information.

Can you give me a shoutout? Say my name! Notice me senpaiiiiii!

No. Stop. If you ask for shoutouts or to be noticed your messages will be purged. If you ask over


and over, it’s considered spam and you will be timed out. These messages are annoying and
dumb, please do not clutter the chat with them. If you wanna be noticed, say something funny or
nice and maybe James will say hi (maybe - remember, his main focus of the streams is to
edit/play a game so he can’t see every comment).

Hey say this: __________

No. He is not a Speak & Spell. For the same reasons stated above, don’t do this.

Do you remember me?

There are hundreds of people who tune in for livestreams, and since James is mostly focused on
editing/gaming he can’t remember every single name. He still appreciates you, though!

(If you keep showing up for livestreams and are consistently a Good Person™ then your chances
of being noticed just might go up!)

Can I ask you a question?

If it’s not answered in the FAQ, sure! But also don’t ​ask​ to ask a question - just ask it, ya silly!

You didn’t answer my question?!

James will try to answer as many questions as he can during livestreams, but there is a chance he
won’t get to yours right away. Please be patient and don’t spam questions, he will answer it, if
and when he can. There is also a time lag between the time you send your question and the time
he receives it, he just might not have gotten it yet!

The mods will often have the answer for you, so please keep an eye out for messages from them
(mods are the people with the little green sword icon next to their usernames).

What video are you working on right now?

Check the text scrolling at the top of the screen, he usually writes what video he’s currently

What’s your name?

James A. Janisse​. Check out the Kill Count videos, he says it twice in every one ;)
(We’ll let you in on a little secret: the A stands for Anthony)

Are you going to any conventions this year?

Yes! He’ll be at Monsterpalooza, Son of Monsterpalooza, San Diego Comic Con, L.A. Comic
Con, WonderCon, VidCon, Texas Frightmare Weekend, and Midsummer Scream.


What is the story behind your name, Dead Meat?

In Jason Lives, one of the characters says “We’re Dead Meat!” When coming up with channel
names, James comes up with a long list of possible names, and that’s the one he chose!

What are all the movies featured in the extended intro?

Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives​ ​(campers, “What do you think? I think we’re dead meat.
Real dead meat.”)
The Shining ​(little boy)
Get Out​ ​(man crying)
Carrie​ ​(bloody prom queen)
The Thing​ ​(man with flamethrower)
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre​ ​(man spinning with chainsaw, bloody woman in truck)
The Lost Boys ​(vampire, “You’re dead meat!”)
Chopping Mall ​(no footage, “Go ahead and laugh, you guys. If I ever find the little bastards
that did this, they’re dead meat.”)
The Witch ​(black goat)
American Psycho ​(man peeling off face mask)
A Nightmare On Elm Street ​(glove, woman in bathtub)
Night of the Living Dead ​(woman in cemetery)

That intro is dope! Nice work, James!

We agree, it is dope! But you should be thanking Chelsea, as she originally made it for the

You’re always saying when dudes look good, are you gay?
Anyone of any sexual orientation can recognize when a person is attractive. Also I guess you
don’t know who Chelsea is.

Who’s Chelsea?
Chelsea is James’s fianc​é​e! She does all the work for the Dead Meat Podcast and is in charge of
all things merch (including designing the pins!)
She is a lovely human being and if you would like to follow her on Twitter/Instagram you can do
so @carebecc.

(She is not Lucy, Lucy is their cat. Lucy is not his fianc​é​e. Chelsea is his fianc​é​e.)

Though Lucy does have a twitter as well. @deadmeatlucy (Note: Though many of the pictures
on this account are provided by James and Chelsea, they are not the ones that run this. [Because
Lucy runs it, obviously.] Please don’t spam this account with messages for either of them- they


won’t answer, nor will we pass them on)

James and Chelsea are so cute together! Just get married already!!!
While we’re sure you mean well, this is actually something they really don’t like to hear. Chelsea
and James are now engaged, but please remember that a long term relationship isn’t any less
valid or whole than a marriage. Plus, it’s never really nice to be told what to do with your
personal life, so please just let them be to make their own decisions, thanks!

To see pictures and get the story on their engagement, go check out their social media accounts!

Where do you live? What time is it for you?

They live in Los Angeles, which means they’re on PST time (Google it if you can’t figure out
the time difference).

What’s your favorite Kill Count?

The Kill Counts for silly movies are always more fun in general, but as far as specifics go: the
Leprechaun franchise, the Silent Night Deadly Night franchise, Ice Cream Man, & Blood Rage
are James’s current favorites.

What’s your favorite horror movie?

John Carpenter’s ​The Thing.

What’s your second favorite?

Oh I’m sorry is one answer not good enough for you? Jeez! (Right now, it’s the original
Third place, since we know you’ll ask: The Descent.

What’s your favorite horror franchise?

He doesn’t have one.

What’s your least favorite horror movie/franchise?

He doesn’t really have any “least favorites” like that’s kind of a hard title to give. Although he
does hate ​Sharknado.

Who’s your favorite horror villain?

Dr. Herbert West​ from ​Re-Animator

What's your favorite non-horror movie?

The Royal Tenenbaums.


You look like Gordon Hayward!

I mean...kinda, I guess. Who cares?

What sports do you like?

Jams does not sports. He is a fan of WWE though! Favorites include Mick Foley, IICONICS,
Daniel Bryan, Asuka, Sami Zayn, New Day, Usos, Charlotte Flair, Nikki Cross, Nakamura and

Why are people calling you Jams?

It’s a nickname.

Do you play Fortnite?

No, and he has no interest to. Also no Minecraft, he doesn’t like how it looks.

How old are you?

30 - his birthday is May 6, 1989.

How tall are you?

James is 5’10, Chelsea is 5’6.5

Do you have any siblings?

Yeah! James has a sister named Janelle Janisse (it rolls so well) and a brother-in-law named

Where did you go to college?

University of Michigan (he also grew up in Michigan just outside Detroit)

What are you drinking?

Either coffee, beer, or Red Bull. Never enough water. Don’t be like James. Please hydrate

If I want to buy you a shirt, what size are you?

Between a small and a medium, depending on the shirt. (If you’re hesitant, a medium to be safe
should always work!)

Do you have any merch?

Yes! Shop here: ​


Do your shirts come in Youth sizes?

Not yet! But they are trying to work on it, so stay tuned- there are adult smalls available
however! And they have plus sizes! (Yes it’s the opposite of youth sizes, but still important)

Do you sell Dead Meat hoodies?

Heck yeah, dawg. AND HATS! Go check it outttt!

What is Your Patreon?
(orrrrr ​​ for sweet, sweet BOGO rewards!)

Does James have another channel?

Yes! Check out ​Practical Folks​! He and Chelsea show up a lot on there (though there’s not a lot
of new stuff coming out anymore, but still great content that’s easy to binge and rewatch!)

Subscribe to ​Dead Meat Podcast​ anywhere you listen to podcasts. They also upload video
versions of each episode to the Dead Meat YouTube channel (highly recommended for quality
Lucy content, and/or if you like looking at their faces).
Also subscribe to ​DnDnD​ a​ nywhere you listen to podcasts. It’s a hilarious podcast with James,
Chelsea, and their friends as they get together for dinner and play D&D. It’s great fun for
everyone, whether you’re into D&D or not. Go check it out! #DoWhatsFun

Discord Link​ for Dead Meat fans!

Discord:​ ​

Gaming Livestream Playlist link!

Contact James/Chelsea!
Twitter: ​@deadmeatjames | @carebecc
Instagram: ​@deadmeatjames | @carebecc
Kill Count Request Email ​(the only way Kill Count requests will be taken into consideration)​:
Podcast Email: ​
P.O. Box: ​Dead Meat, 13535 Ventura Blvd, Suite C PMB 423
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423


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