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Mild <5% Moderate 5-10% Severe >10%

 Thirsty, alert, restless  Thirsty, restless, lethargic,  Drowsy, cold, sweaty, cyanotic
irritable extremities
 No sunken eye  Sunken eye  Sunken eye
 Drinks normally  Drink eagerly, thirsty  Not able to drink
 Skin goes back normally  Skin goes back slowly  Skin goes back slowly (>2sec)
Management [Plan A] Management [Plan B] Management [Plan C]
 Extra fluid  ORS in 1st 4 hrs  IV rehydration fluid
- Breastfeeding/ food based - Weight x 75ml/kg - Rapid restoration of
fluids: juice, rice water, ORS - +10ml/kg for each stool circulating intravascular
[20ml/kg – 4 hourly]  After 4 hrs, reassess hydration volume w isotonic (normal
- <2 y/o: 50-100ml after each status saline)
stool  When retake food: - 20ml/kg of 0.9% normal
- >2 y/o: 100-200ml - 100ml/kg – 24 hourly until saline as rapid IV bolus– 20
 Zinc supplement diarrhea stop min, additional 20ml/kg
- Decrease stool output & bolus over 2 hrs
duration of diarrhea - Deficit = % dehydration x
 Continue feeding weight (kg) + maintenance
 Return to hospital, when: fluid + loss
- Unable to drink - ORS 5ml/kg/hr when child
- b/c sicker can drink
- develop fever
- diarrhea x resolve >3 days
- bloody stool
- shock/ severe dehydration
- failed ORS treatment & need
IV therapy


 BUN, creatinine

Management Complication
 Prevent dehydration  Hypokalemia
 Replace lost fluid  Impaired renal function – acidosis – hyperkalemia
 Maintain nutrition  Seizure – electrolyte imbalance (hyper/
 Antibiotic: only for bloody stool, probable shigellosis hyponatremia), hypoglycaemia
suspected cholera w severe dehydration  Lactose intolerance (w persistent loose stool,
abdominal distension, increase flatus, perianal
 Cow’ milk protein allergy

IV therapy
 Unconscious child
 Failed ORS treatment d/t rapid stool loss (>15-
20mg/kg/hr), severe vomiting, drink poorly
 Abdominal distension w paralytic ileus – hypokalemia
(decrease peristalsis )
 Glucose malabsorption – increase stool output, large
amount of glucose in stool

Diarrhea + vomiting +low grade fever + no mucus in stool – viral

Diarrhea + vomiting + abdominal cramps + blood &mucus in stool – bacterial infection

Diarrhea + blood & mucus in stool, no fever – amoebic

Profuse diarrhea + vomiting – cholera

Diarrhea + excessive vomiting – food poisoning

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