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Modeling of GE Wind

Turbine Generators for

Grid Studies

Version 6.01

Prepared for: GE Renewable Energy

Prepared by: GE Energy Consulting
Date: October 27, 2017
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine Generators for Grid Studies

This report was prepared by General Electric International, Inc. (GEII), acting through GE Energy Consulting
and sponsored by GE Renewable Energy, both based in Schenectady, New York. Questions and any
correspondence concerning this document should be referred to:
Randy Voges
Senior Engineer, Control Engineering
GE Renewable Energy
General Electric International, Inc.
One River Road, Bldg. 53, 2nd Floor
Schenectady, NY 12345 USA

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The information contained in this document is GE proprietary information and is disclosed in confidence. It is the property of GE
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Copyright 2017 General Electric Company, U.S.A
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine Generators for Grid Studies

Legal Notices
This report was prepared by GE Energy Consulting as an account of work sponsored by GE Renewable
Energy, Neither GE Energy Consulting nor GE Renewable Energy nor any person acting on their behalf:
1) Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the use of any
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GE Energy Consulting
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine Generators for Grid Studies

GE Energy Consulting
Sebastian Achilles
Sudipta Dutta
Durga Gautam
Louis Hannett
Bruno Leonardi
Jason MacDowell
Nicholas Miller
Zahra Pakdel
Slobodan Pajic
Wei Ren
Juan Sanchez-Gasca
Miaolei Shao
Richard Wooding
Eduardo Matias
GE Renewable Energy
Rajni Burra
Minesh Shah
Nath Venkit
Randy Voges

GE Energy Consulting
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine Generators for Grid Studies

Summary of Changes in Version 6.01

• Template update and minor text revisions

• Tables with equipment data and appendix A revised

Summary of Changes in Version 6.0

• Released new wind turbine model GEWTA0600

Summary of Changes in Version 5.01

• Increased notes related to multiple aggregated generators to represent a single wind plant

• Added modeling considerations for WindCONTROL representation with WindFREE

Summary of Changes in Version 5.0

• Network interface has been updated with current controls and PLL

• Generator and excitation module updates according to product updates

• Appendices for PSLF, PSSE, PowerFactory and ANATEM included

• Addendum for model parameters representing all GE wind turbine products in PSLF, PSSE,
PowerFactory and ANATEM included
Summary of Changes in Version 4.5

• Updated current limits in LVPL and both electrical control models

• Updated DFG and full converter reactive power control figures, added new data to table

• Updated DFG and full converter electrical control figures, added text describing input test signal

• Updated WindFREE description in DFG and full converter sections

• Updated APC frequency response figure and high frequency tripping discussion

• Updated all benchmark simulations

Summary of Changes in Version 4.4

• Addition of text and data recommendations for modeling 1.6 MW DFG machine

• Addition of Q droop function to full converter control model

• Addition of Xc (compensating impedance) to full converter control model

Summary of Changes in Version 4.3

• Clarification on reactive capability; voltage regulation recommended settings

• Clarification of turbine control modeling recommendations

• Clarification of fault ride-through modeling recommendations

GE Energy Consulting
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine Generators for Grid Studies

• Clarification on 2.5 MW full converter mechanical model

• Addition of Q droop function to electrical control model for DFG

• Addition of WindINERTIATM function to turbine control model

Summary of Changes in Version 4.2

• Revised generator/converter model source current calculation, interface with network solution

• Moved low voltage power logic from electrical control to generator/converter model

• Updated text, figures, and data as appropriate to reflect the above changes

• Reran all DFG and full converter test simulations for Sections 6, 7 and 8

Summary of Changes in Version 4.1

• Simplified PLL in generator model, added low voltage active current regulation and reactive current
limits to prevent excessive voltage to generator model

• Modified converter current limiter in control model, and XIQmax/XIQmin limits

• Removed LVRT voltage support function from control model

• Updated official names – i.e., WindVAR became WindCONTROL

• Updated example simulations in Sections 6 and 7. Added comparison to WindTRAP

Summary of Changes in Version 4.0

• Added full converter model block diagrams, discussion, simulation results, etc.

• Moved generator voltage protection discussion to generator model section

• Folded “Other Technical Issues” section into other parts of the report

• Modified PLL in generator model

• Modified turbine control to include Active Power Control

• Added figure showing details of improved pitch compensation in turbine model

Revision History
Version 1.0 – December 4, 2002 Version 4.2 – June 24, 2008
Version 2.0 – March 14, 2003 Version 4.3 – April 8, 2009
Version 3.0 – October 27, 2003 Version 4.4 – September 9, 2009
Version 3.1 – December 22, 2003 Version 4.5 – April 16, 2010
Version 3.2 – May 4, 2004 Version 4.6 – January 14, 2014
Version 3.3 – June 7, 2004 Version 5.0 – December 24, 2014
Version 3.4 – December 21, 2004 Version 5.01 – May 18, 2015
Version 4.0 – September 22, 2006 Version 6.0 – August 3, 2017
Version 4.1 – March 2008

GE Energy Consulting
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine Generators for Grid Studies


1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
2 MODEL OVERVIEW AND PHILOSOPHY .................................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Doubly-Fed Generator (DFG) Fundamentals ................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Overall Model Structure............................................................................................................................................ 14
3 ANALYTICAL APPROACH .............................................................................................................................................. 16
4 LOAD FLOW MODEL ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Aggregated WTG models.......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Reactive Power Capability Curve .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Terminal voltage limits .............................................................................................................................................. 19
4.4 Three-Winding Unit Transformer ......................................................................................................................... 19
4.4.1 WindCONTROL Representation ................................................................................................................................20
5 DYNAMIC MODEL............................................................................................................................................................. 21
5.1 Generator/Converter Model.................................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.1 Current controls..............................................................................................................................................................22
5.1.2 GDPL and tracking..........................................................................................................................................................22
5.1.3 Fault Ride Through .........................................................................................................................................................23
5.2 Electrical Control Model............................................................................................................................................ 24
5.2.1 WTG Electrical Control .................................................................................................................................................26
5.2.2 Higher level voltage and reactive power regulation...........................................................................................27
5.2.3 WTG power factor control...........................................................................................................................................30
5.3 Wind Turbine and Turbine Control Model......................................................................................................... 30
5.3.1 Turbine Control Model ..................................................................................................................................................31
5.3.2 Rotor Mechanical Model ..............................................................................................................................................32
5.3.3 Wind Control System Function .................................................................................................................................33
5.3.4 WindINERTIA Model ......................................................................................................................................................34
6 INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR DYNAMIC SIMULATIONS ......................................................................................... 36
7 SPECIAL MODELING CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................ 37
7.1 WindRESERVE/WindBOOST .................................................................................................................................... 37
7.2 WindFREE........................................................................................................................................................................ 37
7.2.1 WindFREE Representation ..........................................................................................................................................38
7.3 Several aggregated WTG models controlled by a single WindCONTROL ........................................... 39
7.3.1 Partial Operation of a Wind Plant .............................................................................................................................39
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
APPENDIX B............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2

GE Energy Consulting
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine Generators for Grid Studies

Figure 2-1: GE Doubly-Fed WTG Major Components. ............................................................................. 12

Figure 2-2: GE WTG Dynamic Model Connectivity. ................................................................................. 15

Figure 4-1: Simplified Wind Plant Power Flow Model. ............................................................................ 17

Figure 4-2: Example reactive power capability curves. ........................................................................... 18

Figure 4-3: Three-Winding Transformer Circuit. ..................................................................................... 19

Figure 5-1: Generator/Converter Model ................................................................................................ 21

Figure 5-2: Generator/Converter Model - Current controls .................................................................... 22

Figure 5-3: GDPL look up table example................................................................................................. 23

Figure 5-4: GE ZVRT Model Settings and Equipment Specification. ......................................................... 24

Figure 5-5: Electrical Control Model. ...................................................................................................... 25

Figure 5-6: WTG Electrical Control Model. ............................................................................................. 27

Figure 5-7: Reactive Power Control Model. ............................................................................................ 28

Figure 5-8: Wind Turbine Model Block Diagram ..................................................................................... 31

Figure 5-9 Turbine Model Structure ...................................................................................................... 32

Figure 5-10: Rotor Models ..................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 5-11: Wind Control System Model .............................................................................................. 34

Figure 5-12: Simplified WindINERTIA Control Model ............................................................................. 35

GE Energy Consulting
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine Generators for Grid Studies


Table 1-1: GE WTG Product Families ..................................................................................................... 10

Table 5-1: Qcmd determination Flag Settings .......................................................................................... 27

Table 5-2: Reactive Power Control Parameters (on Generator MW Base). ............................................. 29

Table 5-3: DFG WTG Rotor Mechanical Single-Mass Model Parameters ................................................ 32

GE Energy Consulting
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Generators for Grid Studies

GE Energy Consulting has an ongoing effort dedicated to the development of models of GE wind turbine
generators (WTGs) suitable for use in system impact studies. This report documents the present
recommendations for dynamic modeling of wind plants with GE doubly-fed wind turbine generators
(WTGs). This report includes recommended model structure and data, as well as the assumptions,
capabilities and limitations of the modeling approach.

The model provided is as detailed as is appropriate for bulk power system studies. This model is for phasor
time-domain simulations, i.e. for use with programs like PSLF, PSSE, PowerFactory and ANATEM.
Additionally, an assumption is made that the analysis is mainly focused on how the WTGs react to grid
disturbances; that is, faults on the transmission system. Details of the device dynamics have been
substantially simplified. Specifically, the very fast dynamics associated with the control of the generator
converter have been simplified to be compatible with the bandwidth of these programs. Representation
of the turbine mechanical controls has been simplified as well. The model is not intended for use in short
circuit studies, electromagnetic transient studies or economic evaluations that investigate the efficiency
of conversion of wind speed into electrical power output.

These models have been validated against more detailed design models. They have been specifically
developed for the GE WTGs installed after July 2013 from GE product families, which are shown in Table
1-1 below.

Table 1-1: GE WTG Product Families


1MW 1.5-1.85 MW
2MW 2.0-2.5 MW
3.2 MW variant (2.5-3.2 MW)
3.8 MW variant (3.4-3.8 MW)

The model is applicable to other vintage GE WTGs with appropriate parameter value modifications. This
model is not designed for, nor intended to be used as, a general purpose or generic WTG model. There
are substantial variations between models and manufacturers.

Please contact GE for advice on modeling any GE WTG for a particular application and/or for WTG
products not currently included in this document. In addition, updated versions of this document may be
available from the GE Renewable Energy engineering team.

The models described in this document can be used within the WTG specification detailed in GE
Renewable Energy’s grid interconnection document (referred to in this document as ‘GE WTG grid
document(s)’) applicable to the specific product line. This includes the specification of minimum grid
strength, and the GE WTG grid documents define the index Composite Short Circuit Ratio (CSCR) for each
of the specific product lines. The models associated with this document are valid for CSCR of 1.7 and
above for 1MW and 2MW platform machines and for CSCR of 2.5 for 3MW platform machines.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Generators for Grid Studies
The model structure described in the body of this report was implemented in the software packages PSLF,
PSSE, PowerFactory and ANATEM. User guides for each of these model implementations are presented in
the appendices of this document.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Model Overview and Philosophy
Generators for Grid Studies


2.1 Doubly-Fed Generator (DFG) Fundamentals
A simple schematic of an individual GE doubly-fed wind turbine generator is shown in Figure 2-1. The GE
WTGs are unconventional from a system simulation perspective. Physically, the machine is a relatively
conventional wound rotor induction (WRI) machine. However, the key distinction is that this machine is
equipped with a solid-state voltage source converter AC excitation system. The AC excitation is supplied
through an ac-dc-ac converter. For the GE 3MW platform, the converter is connected to a third winding
on the main unit step-up transformer, whereas for the GE 1MW and 2MW platforms , it is connected
directly at the stator winding voltage. Machines of this structure are termed ‘doubly-fed generators’
(DFG), and have significantly different dynamic behavior than either conventional synchronous or
induction machines.

Modeling of any of the GE machines with conventional dynamic models for either synchronous or
induction machines will not give correct results.

P net
Q net

3 φ AC Windings

fnet Collector
Pstator (e.g.

P rotor P conv
F rotor F network

Wind Turbine
Wound-Rotor Converter
Induction Generator

Figure 2-1: GE Doubly-Fed WTG Major Components.

The fundamental frequency electrical dynamic performance of the DFG is completely dominated by the
converter controls. Conventional aspects of generator performance related to internal angle, excitation
voltage, and synchronism are largely irrelevant. In practice, the electrical behavior of the generator and
converter is that of a current-regulated voltage source inverter. Like other voltage source inverters (e.g.,
a BESS or a STATCOM), the WTG converter synthesizes an internal voltage behind a transformer reactance,
which results in the desired active and reactive current being delivered to the device terminals.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Model Overview and Philosophy
Generators for Grid Studies
In the case of the doubly-fed machines, the machine rotor and stator windings are primary and secondary
windings of a transformer. The rotation of the machine means that the ac frequency on the rotor winding
corresponds to the difference between the stator frequency (50 or 60 Hz) and the rotor speed. This is the
slip frequency of the machine. In the vicinity of rated power, the DFG machines will normally operate at
120% speed, corresponding to -14% to -28% slip depending on the machine. Control of the excitation
frequency allows the rotor speed to be controlled over a wide speed range of ±30%. The rotation also
means that the active power is divided between the stator and rotor circuits, roughly in proportion to the
slip frequency. For rotor speeds above synchronous, the rotor active power is injected into the network
through the converter. The active power on the rotor is converted to terminal frequency (50 or 60 Hz),
as shown in Figure 2-1.

In addition to controlling the rotor speed, the reactive power output of the generator can be controlled
by varying the magnitude of the rotor currents. This gives the doubly-fed machine the voltage regulation
capability of a synchronous generator but with greater speed of response.

For all GE machines, the control of active and reactive current is handled by fast, high bandwidth
regulators within the converter controls. The response time of the converter current regulators is sub-
cycle and as such can be greatly simplified for simulation of bulk power system dynamic performance.

Broadly stated, the objectives of the turbine control are to maximize power production while maintaining
the desired rotor speed and avoiding equipment overloads. There are two controls (actuators) available
to achieve these objectives: blade pitch control and torque order to the electrical controls (the converter).
The turbine model includes all the relevant mechanical states and the speed controls. The
implementation of the turbine model, while relatively complex, is still considerably simpler than the actual
equipment. Losses are not considered throughout the model, since “fuel” efficiency is not presently a
consideration. These simplifications are examined in the detailed model discussion in Section 5.

The model presented in Section 5 describes the relevant dynamics of a single doubly-fed GE WTG.
However, the primary objective of this model is to allow for analysis of the performance of groups of
WTGs and how they interact with the bulk power system. Wind plants with GE WTGs normally include a
wind plant level controller (WindCONTROL). Two components of this system are currently incorporated -
the voltage/reactive power control system and the Active Power Control (APC). The voltage/reactive
power control interacts with the individual WTGs through the electrical controls model and the APC is
incorporated in the turbine model. Representation of each individual machine in a large wind plant is
inappropriate for most grid stability studies. Hence, there is provision within the model structure to allow
a single equivalent WTG machine model to represent multiple WTGs. The model implementation allows
the user access to parameters that might reasonably be customized to meet the particular requirements
of a system application. These parameters are discussed in more detail in Section 5.

The electrical system presented in Figure 2-1 is representative of all GE 1MW and 2MW platform
machines. For GE 3MW platform machines, the rated voltage of the stator and the line/network side
converter are different. Hence, for those WTGs a three-winding transformer is used to connect stator and
line/network side converter to the collector system.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Model Overview and Philosophy
Generators for Grid Studies
2.2 Overall Model Structure
From a load flow perspective, standard generator and transformer models are required for initialization
of the dynamic simulation. These two devices are represented by conventional load flow models. Details
are presented in Section 3.

The dynamic models presented here are specific to GE WTGs. The implementation is described in a
fashion that is similar to conventional generators. To construct a complete WTG model, three device
models are used, as shown in Figure 2-2.

• Generator/Converter Model

• Electrical Control Model

• Turbine and Turbine Control Model

The generator/converter model injects active and reactive current into the network in response to control
commands, and represents low and high voltage protective functions (e.g., low voltage ride through

The electrical control model includes WTG voltage and reactive power control and a plant level voltage
control with either a simplified representation of GE’s WindCONTROL system or a separate user model.
This model sends active and reactive commands to the generator/converter model.

The turbine and turbine control model represents the mechanical controls, including blade pitch control
and power order (torque order in the actual equipment) to the converter; under speed trip; rotor inertia
equation; wind power as a function of wind speed, blade pitch, rotor speed; and active power control.

Depending on the simulation tool where the model is implemented, some of these three models are
grouped or divided to accommodate tool specific requirements to achieve the desired functionality. The
general structure of the model is valid for all simulation tools. If applicable, details are provided in the
appendices associated to the tools.

In addition, user-written models can be developed to represent wind gusts or other profiles, or to
represent additional protective functions (e.g., over/under frequency).

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Model Overview and Philosophy
Generators for Grid Studies
Vregulated bus
Vterm (Terminal Voltage)

Trip Signal

IPcmd (Active Current

Electrical Control Command)
Model Converter Model
IQcmd (Reactive Current

Power Order

Pelec (Electrical Power)

Turbine & Turbine

Control Model
Fterm (Bus Frequency)

Wind Speed

Wind Profile Model

(User written)

Figure 2-2: GE WTG Dynamic Model Connectivity.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Analytical Approach
Generators for Grid Studies

In practice, a wind plant has a local electrical network collecting the output from the individual machines
into a single point of interconnection to the grid. Since the wind plant is made up of many identical
machines, it is a reasonable approximation to parallel all the machines into a large single equivalent
machine behind a single equivalent reactance. This approach is consistent with the models presented in
this report and this aggregation approach has been adopted as standard industry practice. However,
there are limitations. Disturbances within the local collector grid cannot be analyzed, and there is some
potentially significant variation in the equivalent impedance for the connection to each machine. A single
machine equivalent requires the approximation that the power output of all the machines will be the
same at a given instant of time. For grid system impact studies, simulations are typically performed with
the initial wind of sufficient speed to produce rated output on all machines. Under this condition, the
assumption that all machines are initially at the same (rated) output is not an approximation. Otherwise,
this assumption presumes that the geographic dispersion is small enough that the wind over the plant is
uniform. Simulations of bulk system dynamics using a single machine equivalent are adequate for most
planning studies.

Detailed modeling of the WTG collector system is possible for application analysis of plant design and code
compliance. The inclusion of the WindCONTROL plant controller in each WTG’s electrical control model
provides adequate representation of a single centralized control. An intermediate level of modeling detail
can also be used in which groups of WTGs, e.g. those on a single collector feeder, are represented by a
single equivalent model.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Load Flow Model
Generators for Grid Studies


4.1 Aggregated WTG models
The modeling of a GE WTG or wind plant for load flow analysis is generally simple. As noted above, wind
plants normally consist of a large number of individual WTGs. While the wind plant model may consist of
a detailed representation of each WTG and the collector system, a simpler model is appropriate for most
bulk system studies.

Such a model is shown in Figure 4-1. This model consists of a single WTG and unit transformer with ratings
equal to N times the individual device ratings, where N is the number of WTGs in the wind plant (or those
considered in-service for study purposes). An equivalent impedance to reflect the aggregate impact of
the collector system can be included together with the substation step-up transformer(s). The total
charging capacitance of the collector system should also be included. The charging capacitance can be
significant since underground cables are often used for the collector system.

The aggregate WTG is modeled as a conventional generator connected to a (PV) bus in the load flow
calculation. The generator active power output, maximum reactive power output, and minimum reactive
power output are represented as N times the unit capabilities shown in Appendix A. The nominal voltage
at the generator terminals depends on the WTG size and system frequency. Typical unit transformer
ratings and impedances are also shown. Typical collector system voltages are at distribution levels,
12.5 kV or 34.5 kV are common in 60 Hz applications, and 33 kV is usual in 50 Hz applications. The
substation transformer would be suitably rated for the number of WTGs, with an impedance typically
around 8 to 12%.

Project Substation

Point of High Side Bus

Interconnection (collector, e.g. 34.5kV) Terminal Bus
(POI) Bus
P gen

Impedance Q gen
Substation and Charging Unit
Vreg bus Transformer Capacitance Transformer Vterm

Figure 4-1: Simplified Wind Plant Power Flow Model.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Load Flow Model
Generators for Grid Studies
4.2 Reactive Power Capability Curve
The reactive capability of GE’s wind turbine products may be found in the associated GE Technical
Documentation for Wind Turbine Generator Systems. Please refer to GE’s grid interconnection document
for the particular variant of turbine. Standard power factor range for all wind turbines is ±0.95. Enhanced
reactive power capability (range of ±0.90) is available as an option and in many cases, can be used to meet
a ±0.95 requirement at the point of interconnection. It is possible that high altitude and/or high
temperature conditions and low terminal voltage may lead to active power de-rating especially if there is
a concurrent high demand for reactive power. An example set of reactive power capability curves may
be found in Figure 4-2 from the GE WTG 1MW grid document.

The reactive capability of the wind plant should be modeled as the unit base capability times N number
of units in the plant. The maximum and minimum reactive limits are entered into the load flow data based
on this calculation. In some cases, the reactive capability is dependent on the terminal voltage level. The
GE WTG grid documents elaborate on the details for specific WTGs.

GE WTGs are configured to prioritize reactive power. If a WTG is required to operate with high active and
reactive power and if equipment ratings are exceeded due to high ambient temperature, high altitude or
low terminal voltage, active power will be automatically reduced to avoid WTG disconnection.

Figure 4-2: Example reactive power capability curves.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Load Flow Model
Generators for Grid Studies
4.3 Terminal voltage limits
WTGs will provide the required reactive power within the capability curves provided that the resulting
terminal voltages do not exceed acceptable limits. The terminal voltage limits are typically ±10%, the GE
WTG grid documents should be consulted for the specific WTG to be modeled.

The implication of this behavior is that in some conditions, WTGs may provide or absorb less reactive
power than indicated in the capability curves to keep the terminal voltages within acceptable levels.

WTG terminal voltages in load flow calculations used for dynamic simulations should be within acceptable
levels for a flat initialization.

4.4 Three-Winding Unit Transformer

GE 1MW and 2MW platform machines have a two-winding transformer connected to the 690 V terminal
of the WTG. Larger rating WTGs have a three-winding transformer with the MV 6 kV terminal connected
to WTG stator, the LV 690 V terminal connected to WTG converter and the HV terminal connected to the
wind plant collector system. The WTG model has an aggregated representation of the machine terminal.
The WTG generator in the load flow data base shall be connected to the wind plant collector system via a
two-winding transformer.

For GE 3MW platform machines, parameters of the equivalent two-winding transformer to connect the
WTG can be estimated from the three-winding transformer as follows, starting with the equations of a
three-winding transformer as shown below:

1 (1)
1 (2)
1 (3)

Zs s

p Zp


Figure 4-3: Three-Winding Transformer Circuit.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Load Flow Model
Generators for Grid Studies
Zp, Zs and Zt are the impedances of the primary, secondary and tertiary windings, respectively, referred
to the primary circuit if Zps, Zpt and Zst are the measured impedances referred to the primary circuit.

The equivalent impedance Zps for a two-winding transformer can be found by the equation:


In this way, a three-winding transformer can be represented as a two-winding equivalent transformer

simulation. This simplified representation is sufficient for the purposes of stability or RMS simulations. For
estimation of system losses an explicit representation of the three-winding transformer should be

4.4.1 WindCONTROL Representation

The WindCONTROL plant controller is structured to measure the voltage at a particular bus, often the
point of interconnection (POI) with the transmission system, and regulate this voltage by sending a
reactive power command to all of the WTGs. Line drop compensation may be used to regulate the voltage
at a point some distance from the voltage measurement bus.

For load flow modeling of the WindCONTROL, the aggregate WTG (or each WTG) should be set to regulate
the remote bus at the desired voltage regulation point. Depending upon the applicable grid requirements
for voltage and reactive power range, the substation transformer may have an automatic load-tap-
changer (LTC) on the substation transformer. Operation of the LTC controls is autonomous but typically
coordinated with the WindCONTROL regulator to avoid unwanted interactions. In case of reactive power
droop or line drop compensation, the representation in the load flow calculation varies between
calculation tools. The LTC can be adjusted during load flow calculation if desired.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Dynamic Model
Generators for Grid Studies

This section presents the engineering assumptions, detailed structure, and data for each of the
component models necessary to represent a GE WTGs.

5.1 Generator/Converter Model

This model includes the effective response of the generator and converters, and provides the interface
between the WTG controls and the network. Unlike a conventional generator model, this model does not
contain mechanical state variables for the machine rotor – these are included in the turbine model.
Further, unlike conventional generator models, flux dynamics considerations have been eliminated to
reflect the rapid response of the converter to the higher-level commands from the electrical controls. The
net result is a fast responding current-controlled voltage source behind an internal reactance. This model
computes the required source voltage to meet reactive and active current commands from the electrical
control model. The model is shown in Figure 5-1. The active and reactive command signals (IPcmd and
IQcmd) are calculated in the electrical control model described in Section 5.2. The active current command
IPCMD is limited based on the Grid Dependent Power Limiter (GDPL). The resulting command signals pass
through first order time constants with parameters Tp and Tq. These time constants are neglected in
typical applications. The current commands are then used as inputs in current control regulators that
estimate the magnitude and angle of the controlled voltage source V∠ θ. The current regulators have
magnitudes referenced to the angle δ’. The angle δ’ is the output of a tracking system that follows the
terminal voltage angle δ.

The GDPL block reduces system stress during and immediately following system faults by limiting the
active current command.

These controls are described in more detail in the following sections. Appendix B includes recommended
settings for the generator/converter model. All settings are given in per unit of rated MW.

IQcmd Vθ
(from electrical IQcmd2
control model) 1
1 + sTq -1
IPcmd2 Controls
Iterm δ +ϕ

1 Vte rm δ
1 + sTp δ’
(from electrical
control model)

GDPL and


Figure 5-1: Generator/Converter Model

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Dynamic Model
Generators for Grid Studies

5.1.1 Current controls

The current controls use closed loop control of active and reactive currents. The current feedback signals
are obtained from the network solution terminal current expressed with respect to the angle δ’. Voltage
components Vd and Vq required to control the currents are estimated with respect to the angle δ’. These
voltage components are then referred back to the network solution reference.

IPcmd2 sT1 +1 K1 vq
dq → Network V ϕ
+ sT2 +1 s

Emin vd

IQcmd2 sT1 +1 K1 δ′
+ sT2 +1 s


Iterm δ +ϕ
Network → dq

Figure 5-2: Generator/Converter Model - Current controls

5.1.2 GDPL and tracking

The GDPL operates in response to the terminal voltage magnitude. The GDPL block reduces system stress
during and immediately following system faults by limiting the active current command.

Figure 5-3 presents an example GDPL table. Under normal operating conditions, the terminal voltage is
above the breakpoint and this function does not limit the active power. When the voltage falls below the
breakpoint during a fault, the GDPL limit is reduced based on the look-up table and may reduce the active
current command. Once the GDPL limits the power output, the active power is not allowed to recover
faster than a predetermined rate of recovery.

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P limit

Vte rm

Figure 5-3: GDPL look up table example

The tracking represents relevant aspects of the WTG controls used to follow grid voltage. The tracking
uses the terminal voltage phasor Vterm∠ δ. The estimation of δ calculated in this logic is used to refer the
network solution magnitudes in the system reference frame to the dq reference frame used inside the
WTG model.

5.1.3 Fault Ride Through

The generator model also includes over/under voltage protective functions. These requirements are
explicitly defined such that wind plants must not trip for events that are less severe than the defined
thresholds and time durations. Wind plants may tolerate more severe events without tripping. Operation
of this logic in the model does not ensure that the plant will trip, only that it is allowed to do so. The
thresholds and time durations for this protection may vary from one project to another as equipment
designs are modified to meet specific grid codes or interconnection agreements.

The model includes seven trip levels and durations that can be used for over and undervoltage trips.
Figure 5-4 shows the ZVRT option in red and the step-wise curve used in the model in blue as example.
The step-wise curve is conservative in that it is always inside the specification. As noted above, low voltage
ride through requirements vary from application to application. The tripping thresholds and durations
will be defined by GE Renewable Energy for the application of study.

Any other desired protective functions (e.g., over/under frequency) would need to be implemented with
additional protective device models.

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Voltage at Point of Interconnection 120.00






0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Figure 5-4: GE ZVRT Model Settings and Equipment Specification.

5.2 Electrical Control Model

This model considers voltage and reactive power controls at wind plant and WTG level to estimate the
reactive current command to the generator/converter model. Additionally, the active current command
to the generator/converter model is estimated using the power order from the turbine model (Pord).

The overall block diagram of the Electrical Control is shown in Figure 5-5. The WTG electrical controls
issued the aforementioned current commands based on terminal voltage and reactive power and
commands for active and reactive power. The model allows for the reactive power command Qcmd to be
generated from:

• WindCONTROL representation included in the model

• WindCONTROL representation outside of the model

• WTG Power Factor Regulation

These controls are described in more detail in the following sections. Appendix B includes recommended
settings for the electrical control model. All settings are given in per unit of rated MW.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Dynamic Model
Generators for Grid Studies
Plant Electrical
Vreg Control

From separate
IQcm d
Electrical To
Control Generator
WTG Power
Pelec Factor IPcmd
From Wind

Figure 5-5: Electrical Control Model.

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5.2.1 WTG Electrical Control
The WTG Electrical Control is shown in Figure 5-5. This model is a simplified representation of the
converter control system.

The voltage regulator is a proportional and integral control that generates the reactive current command
IQcmd. The error to this regulator Verr is calculated based on the following signals:

• Voltage reference Vref. This signal is the output of a reactive power regulator

• Terminal voltage Vterm from the network solution

• Boosting signal BstDV used for improved transient performance

• Test Signal. This signal is normally zero. It can be used to inject steps in the voltage

The Reactive Power Regulator is a pure integral control in most applications. The voltage reference Vref
is limited between Vmax and Vmin. The reactive power command to this regulator Qcmd may be produced
by a WindCONTROL or a power factor control at the WTG.

The Booster function safely increases the voltage command with the supplementary signal BstDV during
power pickups to enhance stability.

The dynamic braking resistor model uses the unbalance between the electrical power Pelec and the power
order from the turbine control Pord to dissipate energy within its thermal capabilities. This model is not
active in all applications.

The overvoltage suppression function operates when Vterm increases rapidly (within the limitations of
transient stability tools) or reaches a high value. The output of this block is used to limit the reactive
current command and voltage regulator state.

The active current command signal, IPcmd, is developed from the wind turbine model power order and the
terminal voltage.

Appendix B includes recommended settings for the electrical control model. All settings are given in per
unit of rated MW.

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Vterm Overvoltage

Test Signal

Qcmd Reactive IQcmd
Vref + Verr Voltage
Qgen Regulator To
regulator +
- Generator

Generator IPLV BstDV

Vterm Booster

Pord IPc md

Dynamic Pdbr
Pelec Braking

Figure 5-6: WTG Electrical Control Model.

5.2.2 Higher level voltage and reactive power regulation

A more detailed representation of the functions in the model that produce the reactive power command
Qcmd is shown in Figure 5-7. This command can be determined by:

• The WindCONTROL plant voltage regulator

• The WTG power factor regulator

• WTG reactive power in the load flow solution and remain constant.

The table below indicates the parameter combinations required for the different operation modes.

Table 5-1: Qcmd determination Flag Settings



WTG power factor regulator 0 1

Fixed based on load flow 0 0

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Dynamic Model
Generators for Grid Studies Wind Plant Voltage Regulation (WindCONTROL)
The WindCONTROL function represents the supervisory voltage regulator in the wind plant controller.
The function monitors a specified bus voltage and compares it against the reference voltage. Three
regulated bus options are available: the WTG terminal bus, a remote bus (e.g. point of measurement of
the WindCONTROL), or a synthesized point in the power system. The latter bus voltage is synthesized
from local voltage and current measurements, and the compensating reactance, Xc. The voltage regulator
is a PI controller. The propagation delay time constant, Tc, reflects the delays associated with cycle time
and communication to the individual WTGs. The voltage measurement lag is represented by the time
constant Tr.

Table 5-2 gives suggested settings for the WindCONTROL model. The values of Qmax and Qmin for each
GE DFG WTG can be found in a separate Appendix A.

The parameter, fN, is the fraction of wind turbines in the wind plant that are on-line. For example, if a
case represents a condition with half of the wind turbines on-line, fN should be set to 0.5. In this case the
base of the aggregated generator and the turbine model should be set to one-half of its full value. If a
wind plant is represented by more than one WTG model, the fN values of each should be set to the same

The Q Droop function, shown in Figure 5-7, is a function that reduces the effective voltage reference (Vref-
Vqd in the Figure) as reactive power increases. This function improves the reactive power sharing between
multiple voltage controllers regulating the same point in the system. By default, the Q Droop function is
disabled. It may be enabled by setting the gain parameter, Kqd, to a non-zero value. Typical data is shown
in Table 5-2. There are three options for the reactive power input to this function: reactive power
generated by the WTG, reactive power flow in a user-specified branch, or a synthesized reactive power.
The latter is the reactive power flow in the user-specified branch plus a secondary term, Xqd∙Im2, where Im
is the magnitude of the current flowing in that branch.


V ref
Vreg 1
Σ 1/F N PID Qord
1+ sT R - Ver
- V ermn

Q elec Vqd VARFLG 1

1 Kqd
1+ sT lp qd Qcmd
Qbranch Q Droop VARFLG 0

WTG Power (vref) tan
P elec 1 PFAFLG 1
1+ sT pwr


Figure 5-7: Reactive Power Control Model.

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Table 5-2: Reactive Power Control Parameters (on Generator MW Base).

Tr (s) 0.02 WindCONTROL voltage measurement lag

Tv (s) 0.05 Time constant in proportional path of WindCONTROL

fN 1.0 fraction of WTGs in wind farm that are on-line

Average communication delay between WindCONTROL and
Tc (s) 0.4
Kpv** -. WindCONTROL regulator proportional gain

Kiv** -. WindCONTROL regulator integral gain

Tpwr (s) 0.05 Time constant in power measurement for PF control

Xc (pu) 0 Compensating reactance for voltage control

Minimum limit on WindCONTROL regulated bus voltage
Vermn (pu) -0.1
Maximum limit on WindCONTROL regulated bus voltage
Vermx (pu) 0.1
Tlpqd (s) 0.5 Q droop function time constant

Kqd 0.04 Reactive power droop in the plant MW base

Xqd (pu) 0.0 Compensating reactance for Q Droop function

**Subject to field tuning to meet system performance objectives, as discussed below.

The PI gains of the WindCONTROL voltage regulator, Kpv and Kiv, are adjusted for the application. The
response time of this regulator is affected by the grid strength and the Q droop function settings. The
following setting guideline is in line with typical field setting approach.

The wind plant power PWP can be calculated as;

%&% '&() ∙ %&() (1)

Where NWTG is the number of turbines and PWTG is the active power rating of individual turbines. The
system reactance (in pu of PWP base) seen by the voltage regulator is calculated as a function of the short
circuit level (in MVA) at the point of measurement of the WindCONTROL as follows:

GE Energy Consulting Copyright © 2017 General Electric International, Inc. (GEII) 29 of 41

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%&% (2)

Here, Sk is the short circuit MVA. If we define the response time for a voltage setpoint step change as TRESP
(response time to 95% of the final voltage modification), then the integral (Kiv) and proportional (Kpv)
voltage regulator gains for the simulation model can be estimated with the equation below. The response
time TRESP for typical applications is 30-40 seconds.:

3/(891% (3)
3:; +,-,./0

3<5 2345 (4)

For example, for an application with Sk is ten times PWP and Kqd set to zero, the resulting WindCONTROL
parameters are Kiv = 1 and Kpv = 2.

In the case of two or more electrically close wind plants operating plant level voltage control or any other
equipment performing voltage control, the setting estimation for a desired response time has to be
calculated considering the performance of the neighbour controllers.

5.2.3 WTG power factor control

The WTG power factor control is shown in a yellow box in Figure 5-7. This represents a system without a
WindCONTROL with a power factor control at the WTG. The data associated with this mode are also
shown in Table 5-2. See note in Table 5-2 indicating reduced value of Kqi in this operating mode.

It is also possible to keep the reactive power command constant during the simulations as indicated in
section 5.2.2.

5.3 Wind Turbine and Turbine Control Model

The wind turbine model provides a simplified representation of a very complex electro-mechanical
system. The block diagram for the model is shown in Figure 5-8. In simple terms, the function of the wind
turbine is to extract as much power from the available wind as possible without exceeding the rating of
the equipment. The wind turbine model represents the relevant controls and mechanical dynamics of the
wind turbine.

A high-level representation of the various functionalities included in the wind turbine model are shown in
Figure 5-8. The turbine controls block sends an electrical power order to the electrical control model,
requesting that the converter deliver electrical power to the grid.

The turbine controls box is at the center of the wind turbine model. The electrical power and rotor speed
are inputs into the turbine controls to output the mechanical torque and electrical torque. The mechanical
torque command from the turbine controls is then used in the drivetrain model to establish the balance
of power in the rotating equipment. The turbine control also issues the electrical torque command (which
is converted to a power command) and sent to the electrical control model. With the rotor speed output

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from the drivetrain and the electrical torque command, the electrical power order can be sent to the
electrical control models.

The wind control system (WCS) block contains logic responsible for the primary frequency response
capabilities of the plant. It also contains a plant level active power regulator, which acts to issue a power
command to the turbine controls block. The power command follows the power reference value,
normally set upon initialization based on power flow values.

The WindINERTIA block contains functionality to mimic the inertial response of synchronous generators
by providing a burst of active power over a short period. This additional power extracts energy from the
rotating turbine mass, which slows it down temporarily. Once this additional power burst ceases, the
turbine controls act to ensure that the rotating speed is regulated back to its reference value.

Figure 5-8: Wind Turbine Model Block Diagram

5.3.1 Turbine Control Model

The central part of Figure 5-8 is the model of the turbine controls. The structure of the turbine controls
can be divided into two modes, below-rated and above-rated, as can be seen in Figure 5-9. The power
operating region of the wind turbine generator defines which of these two control modes will be

In the below-rated mode controls, the wind turbine generator has not reached its full rated power. The
blades are fully pitched to capture the maximum amount of power at the given wind speeds. Because the
blades remain fully pitched and at its limits, increases in mechanical torque are not possible. Therefore,
the electrical torque is used to regulate wind turbine generator speed in the below-rated mode. A
pictorial representation of the controls is provided in Figure 5-9.

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For the above-rated mode, the wind turbine generator has reached its full rated power, where excessive
wind power must be shed by controlling the blade pitch. To represent the practical implication of
controlling blade pitch, the mechanical torque control is used instead. The action of pitching the blades
into and out of the wind effectively alters the rotor speed and thus the mechanical torque. With the
mechanical torque regulating speed, the electrical torque command is used to regulate the electrical
power generated. In the above-rated mode, both the electrical power and blade pitch are controlled. The
controls around above-rated are described in Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9 Turbine Model Structure

5.3.2 Rotor Mechanical Model

The Rotor Dynamics block in Figure 5-8 includes the rotor inertia equation (swing equation) for the WTG
rotor. This equation uses the mechanical power from the wind power model and the electrical power
from the generator/converter model to compute the rotor speed. GE recommends using the simple
single-mass equivalent, with approximations for relevant parameters as shown in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3: DFG WTG Rotor Mechanical Single-Mass Model Parameters

50 Hz 60 Hz
H (pu) 7.9/MW** 7.4/MW**
ωbase*(in rad/s) 157.08 125.66

* nominal generator speed

** use MW rating of single turbine (e.g., 1.5 MW, 1.6 MW, etc.)

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A two-mass rotor model is also available and consists of separate masses for the turbine and generator,
plus a torsional spring constant Ktg and a torsional damping coefficient Dtg. Both the single- mass and
two-mass models are shown in Error! Reference source not found.. Consult GE if parameters for the two-
mass model are required.



+ ∆wturb
1 1 1
Two mass TRQMECH +
+ 2HT s


- -
+ +
- ∆wgen
- 1 1 1
- 2HG s s


Single mass ∆wturb
1 1 1 angturb
model TRQMEC H +
- 2HT s



Figure 5-10: Rotor Models

5.3.3 Wind Control System Function

The Wind Control System block is primarily responsible for the implementation of the primary frequency
response capabilities of the plant (droop response) and active power regulation. Primary frequency
response is a desirable functionality as it helps control system frequency by allowing the WTG to change
its active power in response to system frequency variations. The functionality becomes more important
as the amount of wind penetration in a system increases and WTGs are expected to contribute to system
frequency regulation. While droop control is not enough to regulate system frequency at its rated value,
it is of paramount importance to avoid that system frequency deviates far from its rated value. Additional
controls at the system level, such as automatic generation control (AGC), can then be used for finer
frequency regulation.

The block diagram of the WCS can be divided into two main parts: the droop curve and the power
regulator. The droop control issues a power command (pdroop) that is proportional to the amount of

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frequency deviation seen by the WTG. A power droop curve with eight set points can be configured to
deliver the intended droop response. The power droop is added to the reference power to create the
regulated power signal (preg) and sent directly to the output of the block which allows the WTG to provide
fast droop response. The PI regulator acts as a corrector to ensure that the value of active power matches
the value of the regulated power.

Figure 5-11: Wind Control System Model

A slew rate limiter is available at the output of this block to represent the ability of the turbine controls to
regulate the speed at which the active power command will vary. If not needed, both prrup and prrdw
can be set to large values to avoid any slew rate limitations. An APCFLAG is used to enable or disabled
the WCS capability depending on the configuration of the equipment.

5.3.4 WindINERTIA Model

System disturbances that include the loss of generation normally result in transient depressions of system
frequency. The rate of frequency decline, the depth of the frequency excursion, and time required for
system frequency to return to normal are affected by the dynamic characteristics of generation connected
to the grid. In the first few seconds following the loss of a large generating plant, the frequency dynamics
of the system are dominated by the inertial response of the generation. Conventional synchronous
generation inherently contributes some stored inertial energy to the grid, reducing the initial rate of
frequency decline and allowing slower governor actions to stabilize grid frequency.

Most modern MW-class wind generation does not exhibit this inertial response. However, GE’s
WindINERTIA™ feature provides an inertial response capability for wind turbines. WindINERTIA preset

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Generators for Grid Studies
active power injection level is targeted for a specific timeframe in the event of underfrequency excursions,
irrespective of the rate of change of frequency. This feature has been developed in response to particular
grid code requirements, which specify active power injection ranges from 6-10% (of nominal or pre-event
power) and timeframes from 5 to 10 seconds.

The power delivery of the wind turbine generator is limited not only by the available wind, but by the
physical limitations of the components of the WTG. Most critical are aero-mechanical ratings and speed
limits. A key point is that slowing the turbine tends to reduce the aerodynamic lift, thereby reducing the
delivered mechanical shaft torque and exacerbating the speed decline caused by increased generator
electrical torque. This positive feedback tends to push the blade towards aerodynamic stall, which must
be avoided. The inertial control must provide margin above stall, and is consequently limited when the
initial rotor speed is low. The power and energy of the inertial response declines below about 50% rated
power, dropping to zero at below about 20%. Inertial energy extracted by slowing the rotation of the
turbine must ultimately be recovered. After the initial increase in electrical power, it must temporarily
drop below the mechanical power to allow the energy to recover, reaccelerating the rotor.

The control philosophy is to sense significant grid frequency depressions, as observed at the terminals of
the individual wind turbine generators, and to temporarily increase power output. The simplified model
of this function is shown in Figure 5-12. Frequency error is simply the deviation from nominal, with an
auxiliary frequency signal, normally zero, available to implement specific test functions. A positive
frequency error means the frequency is low and extra power is needed. The deadband suppresses
response of the controller until the error exceeds a threshold. This limits the WindINERTIA response to
large events - those for which inertial response is important to maintain grid stability, and for which
seriously disruptive consequences, like under frequency load shedding (UFLS), may result. The continuous
small perturbations in frequency that characterize normal grid operation are not passed through to the
controller. The deadband output signal is further filtered, coordinated with the other turbine controls,
and limited. The coordination, as implemented in the turbine control model, consists of modifications to
several gains and time constants.

By default, the WindINERTIA model is disabled.

Figure 5-12: Simplified WindINERTIA Control Model

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Initial Conditions for Dynamic Simulations
Generators for Grid Studies


The load flow provides initial conditions for dynamic simulations. The valid ranges of voltage, reactive
and active power must be respected in order to achieve a valid and successful initialization.

The following items should be considered:

• In most simulation tools, there is no mechanism to limit voltages during a load flow
calculation within the acceptable range. The user should verify that terminal voltages are
within the allowed steady state range described in Section 5.

• The reactive power capability curves may be dependent on terminal voltage, depending on
the specific WTG represented. Some simulation tools allow for the representation of these

• In order to initialize the system considering the effect of WindCONTROL voltage regulator,
the aggregated generator should control voltage in the appropriate remote bus in the load
flow data base to the intended voltage. Some simulation tools allow for load flow
estimations considering a reactive power droop.

• In order to initialize the system for WindFREE operation, the active power should be set to
zero in the load flow. Additionally, the dynamic models of the turbine control should be

GE Energy Consulting Copyright © 2017 General Electric International, Inc. (GEII) 36 of 41

Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Special Modeling Considerations
Generators for Grid Studies


With grids occasionally reaching high levels of wind penetration, wind plants are expected to provide the
same benefits as traditional plants to the grid. GE recognizes this fact and has developed many solutions
to that offer the same grid friendly advantages of conventional plants. These solutions include:

• WindBOOST technology helps increase the annual energy production (AEP) by allowing
increased power output of individual turbines under certain conditions

• WindRESERVE technology provides plant level control that includes regulation of total plant
power delivery at the POI of interconnection, and is the means by which Net Maximum
Capacity (NMC – per NERC definitions) is enforced.

With WindBOOST, the steady state reactive power capacity remains the same as the original machine
when the MWs do not exceed the original rating. When the MWs exceed the original rating, the steady
state reactive power capability increases proportionally with increasing MW till it reaches the final
boosted value. Dynamic capability is defined by the new rating at all times. Under certain conditions the
WindBOOST control technology allows the wind turbine to boost output, for example from 1.5 MW to
1.6 MW, and thus allows extraction of an additional 100 kW per unit. This feature provides the additional
AEP while still maintaining the original -0.9 to 0.9 power factor capability of the 1.5 MW unit.

Alternatively, the GE 1.6 MW wind turbine provides a turbine with a continuously available increase in
output. This machine captures the same advantages of the 1.5 MW plant, but allows for a larger AEP and
reactive capability with a 100 kW larger generator.

[As noted above, this discussion is centered on GE 1MW platform machines. Extrapolation of key points
can be made to other GE platforms and control offerings.]

It is critically important to understand that the models presented in this document are fundamentally
plant-level models. Therefore, the boosted rating of each WTG to increase power curve performance (as
determined by WindBOOST) is irrelevant. The plant-level power capability (as set by WindRESERVE) is,
however, relevant and should be modeled to reflect the maximum plant power.

For details regarding analysis and interpretation of Interconnection Rules when WindBOOST and
WindRESERVE are selected, please see GE’s document, “Impact of Modified Wind Turbine Controls and
Ratings on System Impact Studies.”

7.2 WindFREE
As an optional feature, GE’s wind turbines can provide reactive power even when there is no active power
generation (i.e. wind speed below cut-in or above cut-out). This is achieved by utilizing capabilities of the
line side converter. Refer to the GE WTG grid documents for capabilities of this feature on all product

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Special Modeling Considerations
Generators for Grid Studies
Section 7.3 elaborates on model initialization aspects for WindFREE operation.

7.2.1 WindFREE Representation

As discussed in Section 7.2, in order to initialize the system for WindFREE operation, the active power
should be set to zero in the load flow. The reactive capability of the wind plant on WindFREE is less than
the capability during normal operation above cut-in wind speed. Hence, the dynamic model should be
updated to reflect the reactive power capability (qmax and qmin) of represented WTGs operating on
WindFREE. Furthermore, the maximum short term reactive current command (Iqmax) should also be

The converter reactive power regulator integral gain for WindFREE operation is modified according to the
relation shown below:

)950>? 0.6956C)950 (1)

• GE50WF, is the converter reactive power regulator integral gain for WindFREE operation

• GE50, is the converter reactive power regulator integral gain for normal operation

Equation below can be used to estimate the parameter fN when one or more of the aggregated generators
are represented operating on WindFREE.

GH,JK L ,>? GM,JK L G ,JK L (2)
∑ OP G ,JK L G ,JK L ,>?

• fNi, is the fraction of total reactive power support provided by wind plant i

• n1, is the number of aggregated generators assumed to operate on WindFREE

• n2, is the number of aggregated generators assumed to operate above cut-in wind speed

• n, is the total number of aggregated generators to represent all WTGs controlled by a single

• Qrated,WF, is the rated reactive power output of the aggregated generator assumed to
operate on WindFREE

• Qrated, is the rated reactive power output of the aggregated generator when operating
above cut-in wind speed

When all WTGs controlled by a single WindCONTROL are online, n = n1+ n2.

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7.3 Several aggregated WTG models controlled by a single WindCONTROL
In some applications, it may be required to represent WTGs controlled by a single WindCONTROL with
more than one aggregated generator in simulation setups. The aggregated generator representation
follows the same technique as discussed in Section 4.1. WTGs are modeled as multiple aggregated units
based on their proximity. Each aggregated generator is connected to an equivalent unit transformer, an
equivalent collector system and a substation transformer as discussed in Section 4.1.

For load flow WindCONTROL representation, each aggregate WTG should be set to regulate the remote
bus at the desired voltage regulation point. Reactive power sharing criteria among aggregated generators
is typically required.

The dynamic modeling of the WindCONTROL for each aggregated generator is consistent with Section 5.
In general, all parameters in Table 5-2 will be the same for the dynamic models associated to each
aggregated generator with the following exceptions:

• The parameter fN may be different between aggregated models for operation with less than
installed WTGs (Partial Operation)

• The parameter fN may be different between aggregated models for operation with

• Reactive power droop

7.3.1 Partial Operation of a Wind Plant

The partial operation of a wind plant refers to operating conditions with.

• WTGs associated to one/more of the aggregated generators representing a wind plant

controlled with a single WindCONTROL offline

• Some of the WTGs associated to an aggregated generator in the simulation database offline

Under either scenario listed above, the parameter fN will have to be estimated based on the rating of
available WTGs. When all WTGs operate in normal condition (not WindFREE operation), the parameter fN
is calculated as follows for each aggregated generator:

% ,JK L (2)


• fNi, is the fraction of total reactive power support provided by the aggregated generator i

• n, is the total number of aggregated generators representing the WTGs controlled by a

single WindCONTROL

• Pi,rated, is the rated active power output of the WTGs on line associated to the aggregated
generator i.

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Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Appendix A
Generators for Grid Studies




Pmax (MW) 1.5-1.85 MW 2.0-2.5 MW 2.5-3.8 MW

Pmin (MW) 0.05 x Pmax 5% of Pmax 5% of Pmax

Qmax (Mvar) +0.484 x Pmax* +0.484 x Pmax * +0.484 x Pmax *

Qmin (Mvar) -0.484 x Pmax * -0.484 x Pmax * -0.484 x Pmax *

Terminal Voltage (V) 690 V 690 V 6000 V**

Consult the appropriate GE WTG grid document for

Unit Transformer
specifications on unit transformers
(MVA, X)

Unit Transformer X/R 7.5 7.5 7.5

* These values are based on ±0.90 power factor machines. GE also offers ±0.95 power factor
machines. GE WTG grid documents should be consulted regarding the dependence of reactive
power on voltage.

GE Energy Consulting Copyright © 2017 General Electric International, Inc. (GEII) App. A-1
Modeling of GE Wind Turbine
Appendix B
Generators for Grid Studies


GE Energy Consulting Copyright © 2017 General Electric International, Inc. (GEII) App. A-2

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