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Installing the Scribd app – Scribd Help Center

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Installing the Scribd app – Scribd Help Center

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Installing the Scribd app
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Thursday at 20:11

You can enjoy our content anytime, anywhere when you read with us. Scribd makes it
easy to enjoy a good book at home or on the go! You can open a book from a web Related articles
browser or on one of our mobile apps.
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What devices work with the Scribd app? Using Scribd offline

How to cancel your premium membership

The Scribd app works on a variety of internet-connected mobile devices and ebook
When did I get unlimited reading?
readers. We're working on expanding the platforms that Scribd is available on all the
time, but currently you'll be able to enjoy the Scribd app with the following devices: General Terms of Use

If you use an iPhone or iPad with iOS 10 or newer, check out the Scribd app in the
Apple App Store to enjoy an optimized reading experience on any size screen.
Once again, We apologize for any inconvenience
to the iOS 9 users out there. You can still enjoy Scribd on the mobile website but
will not be able to use the Scribd app.

If your iOS device is paired with an Apple Watch, all you have to do is start playing
an audiobook from the Scribd app on the device and you'll be able to control
playback using "Now Playing" on your Apple Watch. We don't currently have a
standalone Apple Watch app, so if you've got Scribd installed on your iPhone or
iPad, you're all set!

If you have an Android device, be it a smartphone or tablet, our app only requires
Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or newer. Set it up and start reading today by downloading
the app from Google Play!

Please note: We actively support Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and newer. Devices with
Android 4.4 (KitKat) installed will not be able to update the Scribd app beyond
version 9.6.0. Meanwhile, devices running Android 4.3.1 (Jelly Bean) and earlier
are no longer supported and the Scribd app is unavailable on these devices. When
you’re connected to the internet, you can visit the Scribd website using the web
browser on these devices.

For Fire tablets, access to Scribd can vary depending on your device model.
Generally 4th generation tablets and later should be able to support the latest
version of the Scribd app. If you're running Fire OS 5 or later, you can enjoy Scribd
right on your e-reader. Just download the app! Our Kindle Fire installation page has
a full step-by-step guide on how to get reading with Scribd on your Fire tablet.

If you have a Nook Tablet or Samsung Galaxy Tab Nook running Android 5.0
(Lollipop) or newer, you can install our Android app directly from Google Play!

Unfortunately, some ebook readers can't connect to Scribd on the web or run the
Scribd app, such as the Nook GlowLight, Kobo, and most versions of the Kindle.
Generally speaking, you won't be able to use Scribd to its full potential with these

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Installing the Scribd app – Scribd Help Center

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