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Center for International Language Development

2015or Lunch?

It was Sunday. I never (1)_______ up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in
bed until (2)_______ time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of
the window. It was (3)_______ outside. ‗What a day!‘ I thought. ‗It‘s
(4)________ again.‘ Just then, the telephone rang. It was
my aunt Lucy. ‗I‘ve just arrived by train,‘ she said. ‗I‘m
coming to see you.‘
‗But I‘m still having breakfast,‘ I said.
‗What are you doing?‘ she asked.
‗I‘m having breakfast,‘ I repeated.
‗Dear me,‘ she said. (5)______ ______ always get
up so late? It‘s one o‘clock!‘

Exercise 1
Listen to the audio, and then fill in the blank on the passage above based on what you hear. After
the passage is complete, read the passage and answer the following questions!
1. What does the above passage mainly discuss?
2. Who telephoned then?
3. Why was the writer‘s aunt surprised?
4. Had she arrived by train, or had she come on foot?
5. Was she coming to see him or not?

Exercise 2
Find Adjectivesand Nouns on the text above!
Nouns Adjectives Nouns Adjectives
.......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... ..........

Exercise 3
Answer the following questions before you learn about the tenses!
1. Does simple present simply function differently from present continuous?
2. What makes them different? Explain!
3. Do the following sentences have similar meaning? Explain!
a. He tries to show me that he‘s smarter than I
b. He is trying to show me that he‘s smarter than I
4. Do the following sentences have correct grammatical form?
a. Gary always leave for school at 06:30.

b. Today, Jack is study in the library.
c. Ted and Tom washes their clothes every other day or so.
d. I love beef burger very much.
e. She trying to concentrate.
5. If the sentences above are incorrect, please make correction.


In general, the simple present expresses events or situation that exist always, usually, habitually;
they exist now, have existed in the past, and probably will exist in the future. It is used for
general statements of fact.

a. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. It is true in the past, true in the present and
b. Most animals kill only for food. will be true in the future. It is used for
c. The world is round general statements of fact.

d. I study for two hours every night It is used to express habitual or everyday
e. My class begins at nine activity
f. He always eats a sandwich for lunch

g. I have only a dollar right now. Certain verbs are not used in the progressive
h. I don’t recognize that man. tenses. With these verbs, this kind of tense
i. He needs a pen right now. may indicate a situation that exists right now,
at the moment of speaking.

Common non-progressive verbs

Mental state Know Believe Imagine Want
Realize Feel Doubt Need
Understand Suppose Remember Prefer
Recognize Think* Forget Mean
Emotional state Love Hate Fear Mind
Like Dislike Envy Care
Possession Possess Have* Own Belong
Sense of perception Taste* Hear See*
Smell* Feel*
Other existing states Seem Cost Be* Consist of
Look* Owe Exist Contain
Appear* Weigh* Include

For instance:
We should say “I don’t know you “instead of “I am not knowing you”, because “know” is
not a progressive verb.

Present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It began
in the recent past, is continuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the future.
Often the activity is of a general nature: something generally in progress this week, this month,
this year.

a. John is sleeping right now In progress at the moment of speaking. This

b. I need an umbrella because it is raining. starts in the recent past, is continuing at present,
c. John and Mary are talking on the phone and will probably end at some point in the
d. I am taking five courses this semester. Often the activity is of a general nature:
e. John is trying to improve his work habits. something generally in progress this week, this
f. She is writing another book this year. month, this year.

Note: the sentence means that writing a book is

a general activity she is engaged in at present,
but it does not mean that at the moment of
speaking she is sitting at her desk with a pen in

Exercise 4
Use words in the box you have taken from the passage! See the following example and do it
accordingly! Use either simple present or present progressive to create sentence. Use your
dictionary to check the meaning and how to pronounce.

Classroom /ˈklɑːsruːm, -rʊm/ = A room in which a class of pupils or students is taught.
Right now I am looking around the classroom.

1 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


2 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


3 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


4 ………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………..


Watch /wɒtʃ/ = Look at or observe attentively over a period of time
I watch television every day.

1 ………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………….


2 ………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………….


3 ………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………….


4 ………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………….


Sorry /ˈsɒri/ = Feeling sad or distressed through sympathy with someone else‘s misfortune
We are sorry to hear the bad news.

1 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


2 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


3 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


4 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


Today /təˈdeI/ = On or in the course of this present day
He will appear in court today.

1 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


2 ………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………….


3 ………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………….


4 ………………………………………. : …………………………………………………………


Exercise 5

Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs!

Look! Jenny (go) to school. On her back, Jenny (carry) her school bag.
The school bag (be) very heavy. Normally, Jenny (wear) black shoes, but
today she (wear) Red Wellies. And look, she (wear) a raincoat because it
(rain) outside. Jenny (not /want) to get wet.

Exercise 6

Some of the constructions of these sentences are incorrect. Please make correction, and then
practice the dialogue with your friends!
It’s Nice to Meet You
This is the first day for new students to go to the university. Ahmad is one of the new students. In
the classroom, he meet his new friend. One of them are Najib.
Ahmad : Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Najib : Waalaikumussalam wr.wb.
Ahmad : (Ahmad are shaking his hand to Najib) How do you do?
Najib : How do you do?
Ahmad : What are your name?
Najib : Hi, I am Najib, Najib Razaq. And you?
Ahmad : My name is Ahmad, Ahmad Riza. Nice to meet you, Najib.
Najib : It‘s nice to meet you too, Ahmad
Ahmad : where does you live?
Najib : I live at Ahmad Yani Street 30 Semarang, where do you stay in?
Ahmad : I am from Magelang. But now I am stay in Kalongan, Ungaran. By the way, how
do you gets here?
Najib : my sister takes me up. She are now at her office working.
Ahmad : I see. I go to campus using public transportation. My rental house is quite far
from here.

Najib : (the lecturer are getting into the class) Ahmad, our lecturer is come. Let‘s turn to
the lecture.
Ahmad : Ok, sure! Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
Najib : walaikumusslam wr.wb.
Exercise 7

Rewrite the dialogue above with the correct and appropriate construction you have done! Then,
modify the content based on you and your friend, and then practice with your friend you have

It’s Nice to Meet You

This is the first



You are always a student, never

a master. You have to keep
moving forward.


Center for International Language Development


A Private Conversation

Last week I (1)_______ to the theatre. I had a very good (2)________.

The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A
young man and a young woman were siting behind
me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could
not (3)_______ the actors. I (4)________ round. I
(5)_________ at them angrily. They did not pay any
attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round
again."I can't hear a word!"I said angrily."It's none of
your business, "the young man said rudely."This private conversation is
(6)_______, not (7)________!"

Exercise 1
Read aloud the passage and answer the following questions!
1. What is the topic of the above passage?
2. Where did the writer go last week?
3. Why did the writer complain to the people?
4. Who was sitting behind him?
5. Were they talking loudly, or were they talking quitely?

Exercise 2
Study this table and then combine to a sentence!

Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

I Me My..... Mine
You You Your.... Yours
They Them Their.... Theirs
We Us Our.... Ours
She Her Her..... Hers
He His His...... His
It It Its...... Its

1. I  I bring my book for me because the book is mine.

2. You ....................................................................................................................................
3. They ....................................................................................................................................
4. We ....................................................................................................................................
5. She ....................................................................................................................................
6. It .....................................................................................................................................

Exercise 3
Re-read the above passage and then find the pronoun on it!

No Pronoun Pronoun Classification Line of passage


Exercise 4
Answer the following questions before you learn about the tenses!
1. Do you have any bad, amusing or happy experience? What‘s that?
2. What did you do yesterday? Did you study, go to campus, or hang out?
3. What kind of verb do you use to express something happened in the past?
4. Can u sense the difference and similiarity between these two sentences? What are those?
5. What did you do yesterday?
6. What were you doing yesterday at 2 pm?
7. What is the function of V2 (past form of verb)?
8. Would you please pronounce these words and complete this table below! If you get
difficulties, look at the explanation below and consult your instructor!

Words Spelling
a. Watched /wɒtʃt/
b. Spelled /speld/
c. Visited /ˈvɪz.ɪtɪd/
d. Went /went/
e. Bought /bɔːt/ /bɑːt/
f. Made /meɪd/

Education is the key to unlock the

golden door of freedom.

10 | C I L A D


Happened in the past Happened in the past

Eg: Last week, I went to the theatre Eg: I was going to the theatre at 9 pm last

The activity or situation began and ended at The activity or situation began and still in
a pariticular time in the past. progress at exact time in the past.

Eg: I had a very good seat yesterday. Eg: I was having a very good seat yesterday


When combined to simple past using When combined to simple past using ―when‖,
―when‖, the action in when clause happens both action occured at the same time, but one
first. action began earlier and was in progress when
the other action occured.

Eg: when I turned around, they were talking

Eg: when I turned round, I looked at them loudly.
 Usually followed by ―when‖
 Usually followed by ―when‖
Sometime has the same meaning as past Sometime has the same meaning as simple past.

Eg. it rained this morning Eg: it was raining this morning.

(+) S + V2 + O/Complemet (+) S + Was/were + Ving + O/complement


(-) S + Aux*+ not + V1 + O/Complement (-) S + Was/were + not + Ving +


(?) Aux* + S + V1 + O? (?) Was/were + S + Ving + O/ complement?

*Aux= verbal sentence: did, nominal sentence: was/were


(see the list in the appendix)

Regular: add –ed in the end. Eg: want + ed  wanted

Irregular: must follow the rule. Eg: sleep  slept

11 | C I L A D
Exercise 5
Choose two verbs of verbs A and B and then make simple past and past progressive sentences
using the time signal provided in the box below!

Verbs A Verbs B Time signal

 Stop  Teach  Yesterday afternoon
 Watch  Write  Last week
 Talk  Catch  This morning
 Want  Read  Long time ago
 Last week when I was here

No Simple Past Past Progressive

1. ………………………………………… …………………………………………………
... …
………………………………………… …………………………………………………
... …
2. ………………………………………… …………………………………………………
... …
………………………………………… …………………………………………………
... …

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of pronoun!

1. Did _____ (her, she) know that _____ (me, I) was absent?
2. Please tell _____ ( he, him) _____ (I, me) obtained a degree in Chemistry.
3. I remember that _____ (they, them) bought the fruits from _____ (we, us).
4. Please don't tell ______ (she, her) about _____ (I, me).
5. _____ could not swim because _____ had webbed feet.
6. I met Alice yesterday. _____ invited _____ to her house.
7. Jane has a cat; _____ likes to play with _____.
8. When the dog chased John, _____ ran as fast as _____ could.
9. My uncle works in a factory. _____ says _____ is a noisy place.
10. The teacher said to the class, "When _____ finished your work, please pass _____ up to me."
Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the past simple or continuous!

1. ―I ______ (phone) you on Friday morning, but you_______ (not/be) in.‖

―Yes, I _________ (spend) the whole morning at the library
2. The article ________ (seem) quite interesting tome,
but I________ (can/ not/ finish) reading it, I ______ (be) so tired last night!

12 | C I L A D
3. Last summer Mary _______ (travel) to London with her parents.
She_______ (fly) to Heathrow Airport. They_______ (stay) at a nice hotel every day.
4. I _______ (not/ do) anything important when Peter________ (turn) up yesterday.
I _______ (just/ listen) to music.
5. While we __________ (wait) for the bus, it _________ (start) to rain.
We _________ (get) completely wet, so today I‘ve got a terrible cold.
Exercise 8

Some of the constructions of these sentences are incorrect. Please make correction, and then
practice the dialogue with your friends!

The holiday has been over. Some of them were have their holidays during the break, but some
were just stayed at home. Now, the day is the first day for the students to go to the university after
the break. Aini is wondering how Azizah spent her holiday.

Aini : Assalamualaikum
Azizah : Waalaikumussalam
Aini : How are you today? You looked so fresh today.
Azizah : Just couldn‘t be any better! Alhamdulillah. I had wonderful holidays with my family.
Aini : oh really? Could you just tell me more about your holiday?
Azizah : It was not just a holiday. I go to Mecca to do Umrah.
Aini : Oh great! Alhamdulillah.
Azizah : We leave for Jakarta first, before we are flying to Jeddah. The flight to Jeddah was so
comfortable and relaxing! Within minutes we found ourselves through immigration and on
our way to Makkah.
Aini : So, it was the first day of the Ramadhan?
Azizah : Yes. SubhanAllah. It was the first of Ramadhan. After settling in, we proceeded to
perform umrah just before maghrib!
Aini : Alhamdulillah. What did you do then?
Azizah : Truly, no other than the guests of Ar Rahman can receive such honour and welcome.
After so very many years, alhamdulillah I was in mataf when azan maghreb started. We
were constantly being showered with a variety of dates, cool and refreshing glasses of zam
zam and not to forget the hot tea and the coffee! Everyone was racing to please His Rabb,
all smiles, and insistent we honour them by accepting their hospitality! SubhanAllah!
Aini : SubhanAllah. I do hope I will be there someday. Amen.
Azizah : Amen.
Aini : Thanks for your praying. I think the lecturer is getting closer to got in our class.
Azizah : Ok, let‘s get in. Assalamualaikum
Aini : Waalaikumussalam.
13 | C I L A D
Exercise 9

Choose a partner! Rewrite the dialogue above with the correct and appropriate constructions you
have corrected! Then, modify the content based on what you and your friend have, and then
practice with your friend you have chosen!

The holiday has been over.












Education is not preparation for

life; education is life itself.

14 | C I L A D

Center for International Language Development

No Wrong Numbers
15 | C I L A D
Mr James Scott has a (1)________ in Silbury and now he has just
bought another (2)________ in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five
miles from Silbury, but Mr Scott cannot get a telephone for his
new garage, so he has just bought twelve (3)_________.
Yesterday, a (4)________ carried the first message from Pinhurst
to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes.
Up to now, Mr Scott has (5)________ a great many requests for
spare parts and other (6)__________ messages from one garage
to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private
‗telephone‘ service.

Exercise 1
Read aloud the passage and answer the following questions!
1. What is the topic of the above passage?
2. What does ‗no wrong numbers‘ mean?
3. Why has Mr. Scott bought twelve pigeon?
4. How long did the bird fly from Pihurst to Silbury?
5. How can it be said that that he has begun his own private ‗telephone‘ service?

Exercise 2
Re-read the above passage and then find verbs and adverbs on it!

No Verb Adverb Line


Exercise 3
Answer the following questions before you learn about the tenses
1. What have you done today? Have you done with the homework?
2. What kind of verb do you use to express something has happened recently?
3. Can u sense the difference and similiarity between these two sentences? What are those?
4. Did you eat some rice today?
5. Have you eaten some rice today?
6. What is the function of V3 (past participle form of verb)?

16 | C I L A D
7. Can you tell us the auxilliary used to form a perfect meaning?
8. When should we use perfect form?


Formula: have + past participle

Meaning: the perfect tenses all give the idea that one thing happens before another time or
I have already eaten I finished eating sometime before now. The
exact time is not important
I had already eaten when they arrived First, I finished eating. Later they arrived. My
eating was completely finished before another
time in the past
I will already have eaten when they arrive First I will finish eating. Later they will arrive.
My eating will be completely finished before
another time in the future.
(a) perfect expresses the idea that Past perfect expresses an activity that was
something happened at an unspecified time completed before another activity or time in the
in the past. The exact time is not important. past.
Eg. They have moved into a new apartment Eg. Until yesterday, I had never heard about

Present perfect also expresses the repetition

of an activity before now. The exact time of
each repetition is not important.

Present perfect when used with for and Future perfect expresses an activity that will
since, expresses a situation that began in be completed before another time or event in
the past and continues to the present. the future.
Eg. Eg. I will graduate in June. I will see you in
- I have lived here for three years ago. July. By the next time I see you, I will have
- I have lived here since I was a child. graduated.

Since + a particular time By the time introduces a time clause

For + a duration of time

 The exact time is not important  17 | C I L A D

The exact time is important.
Eg. I have gone to school. Eg. Last week, I went to school
 Began in the past and continues to  Began and ended in the past. No
the present correlation with the present
Eg. He has gone since three years Eg. She was lazy, but now she is
ago very diligent.
Study this table below! VS


Adverbs of manner are It is an adverb which It is an adverb which relates

usually formed of Adjective+ relates to time to place.
E.g. Yesterday, a pigeon E.g. Mr James Scott has a
E.g. The bird covered the carried the first message garage in Silbury and now
distance slowly from Pinhurst to Silbury. he has just bought another
garage in Pinhurst.

Slow (adjective) + ly  Or
slowly (adverb) The words Pinhurst and
a pigeon carried the first Silibury respectively answer
Slowly gives an answer of message from Pinhurst to these questions:
how the bird covered the Silbury yesterday.
distance ―where does Mr. James Scott
The word yesterday gives have a garage?‖
Some irregular forms: an answer of a question:
goodwell ―where has he just bought
Hard  hard ―When did a pigeon carry another garage?‖
Fast  fast the first message?‖

Transitive Intransitive

A transitive verb is a an intransitive verb does not

verb that takes one or
more objects. allow an object.

E.g. a pigeon carried the E.g. Pinhurst is only five miles


first message from Silbury

Carried is a transitive Is is an intransitive verb which
verb which needs an
object of the first message does not need an object but complement.

e.g. Andi has gone to school.

18 | C I L A D
School is a complement not an object of go (has gone).

Exercise 4
Change this sentence into negative, interogative or positive forms!
1. (+) he has just bought twelve pigeons

2. (+)........................................................................................................................................
(-) She has never been abroad before
3. (+).......................................................................................................................................
(?) has Mr. James Scott gone to campus.
4. (+) a pigeon had carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.

Exercise 5
Match and link from the left to the right side!


Exercise 6
Choose two of the verbs make the sentences using appropriate time signal!

Verbs A Verbs B Time signal

 Go  Sleep  Since 2 years ago
 Come  Sit  Yesterday when you came
 Arrive  Brush  For a long time

No Present Perfect Past Perfect

19 | C I L A D
1. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………
… ……
……………………………………… ………………………………………………
… ……
2. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………
… ……
……………………………………… ………………………………………………
… ……

Exercise 7
Put in the verbs in brckets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect. Watch the punctuation and form
sentences or questions.
1. Emma__________ this film on TV. (not/to see)
2. How often___________ she____________ the office? (to phone)
3. _________the Millers_____________yet? (to arrive)
4. John__________on a trip through Alaska. (not/to go)
5. ____________they ever_____________to New York? (to be)

Exercise 8
Some of the constructions of these sentences are incorrect. Please make correction, and then
practice the dialogue with your friends!
The class is over when the adzan (Calling for prayer) have been pronounced. Students and
lecturers together go to Abu Bakr Assegaf mosque. After they have arriving at the mosque, they
take the ablution water (wudhu). After taken the wudhu, they directly go inside the mosque to take
a pray together with thousands of Jamaah. Ahmad, one of the jamaah, has done his duʿāʾ. He
reaches the mosque yard then put his shoes on. He meets a student from different faculty, named
Rama : Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Ahmad : Waalaikumusslam. Wr. Wb. New student?
Rama : Ya, Alhamdulillah. I have been admit in the faculty of Medicine
Ahmad : Alhamdulillah. I am also a freshman of Faculty of Islamic Studies.
Rama : Alhamdulillah, we have be in such a good university implementing Islamic
Ahmad : Ya, May Allah blesses us. This Jamaah (congregation) in the mosque is one of
the Islamic values which have ……………. implemented here. Jamaah is really
recommended for us.
Rama : Exactly! Islam encourages Muslims to offer together their five daily prayer in
congregation behind an imam, on condition that he is just, which means that he
must be someone sincere in his religion.

20 | C I L A D
Ahmad : Sure! Throughout the Islamic World from the time of the Prophet, who was the
one to establish congregational prayers, until today Muslims has gathered early in
the morning to pray together the dawn prayer, at noon for the noon and afternoon
prayer and at sunset for the sunset and early evening prayers.
Rama : Couldn‘t agree more! Anyway, have you have your lunch?
Ahmad : Alhamdulillah, I haven‘t had it yet. Shall we go to Puma?
Rama : My pleasure. Let‘s go!

Exercise 9
Choose a friend to be your partner. Then, interview and write down about what you and your
friend have done today. Report it in a dialogue. Then practice with your partner!









The Best way to predict your Future

is to create it.

21 | C I L A D

Center for International Language Development


22 | C I L A D
The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games (1)____ ___ ___ in our country in four
years‘ time. As a great many people will be visiting the country,
the government will be building new hotels, an immense
stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool. They will
also be building (2)______ _____ and a special railway line.
The Games (3)_____ _____ ______ just outside the capital and
the whole area will be called ‗Olympic City‘. Workers will have
completed the new roads by the end of this year. By the end of
next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium. The fantastic
modern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. Everybody will be
watching (4)__________ as the new buildings go up. We are all very
excited and are (5)________ _______ to the Olympic Games because
they have never been held before in this country.
Exercise 1
Read aloud the passage and answer the following questions!
1. What is the topic of the above passage?
2. When was the last time this country hosted the olympic games?
3. Why will the government be building new hotels, stadium and swimming pool?
4. When will the new stadium have been finished?
5. Why poeple will be watching anxiously and excited to the olimpic games?
Exercise 2
Combine the sentence in A and B into a sentence!

No A B
1 I have money I will go to Japan
2 The preparation is done The Games will be held just outside the capital city
3 We were elected in the The Olympic Games would be held in our country
4 The game had been started Everybody would have watched anxiously

1. If I have money, I will go to Japan. / I will go to Japan if I have money.

2. ............................................................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................................................................................
4. ............................................................................................................................................

Exercise 3
Answer the following questions before you learn about the tenses
1. Do you have any future plan? What‘s that?
2. What will you do next weekend? Will you study, go to campus, or hang out?
3. Do you experience something you would do in the past but it did not happen?
4. hat kind of verb do you use to express something you will do in the future and in the past?

23 | C I L A D
5. Can u sense the difference between these sentences? What are those?
6. If I have money, I will go to Japan
7. If I have money, I am going to go to Japan
8. If I had money, I would go to Japan
9. If I had had money, I would have gone to Japan


Formula: Will+V1/ be going to +V1


He will finish his work. He is going to finish his work.

Will and be going to is used to express future time. We use shall in British style instead of
Making prediction that surely will Making prediction that surely To express a plan or
be true will be true willingness occurred
e.g. according to weather report, it e.g. according to weather in the past
will be cloudy tomorrow report, it is going to be e.g. I would buy a
cloudy tomorrow book yesterday.
It means that I
wanted to buy a
book but I did not.

Expressing willingness, only will is Expressing prior plan, only be going to is used.
used. e.g.
e.g. A: why did you buy this paint?
A: I don‘t understand this problem. B: I am going to paint my bedroom tomorrow.
B: Ask your teacher about it. She’ll Speaker B has made a prior plan. He decided to
help you. paint her bedroom last week. She intends to paint
Speaker B feels sure about the her bedroom tomorrow.
teacher‘s willingness to help. Will is not appropriate in this sentence
Be going to is not appropriate in
this sentence.
A time clause begins with such words as when, before, after, as soon as, until and include
a subject and a verb. The time clause can come either at the beginning of the sentence or
in the second part of the sentence.
e.g. when he comes, we‘ll see him. Or we‘ll see him when he comes

Will or be going to is NOT used in a time clause. The meaning of the clause is future, but
the simple present tense is used
e.g. Bob will come. We will see him.  When bob comes, we will see him.
Time clause: when Bob comes

Occasionally, the present perfect is used in a time clause.

E.g. I will go to bed after I finish my work. Or I will go to bed after I have finished my

24 | C I L A D
Exercise 4
Choose two verbs of verbs A and B and then make simple past and past progressive sentences
based on the time signal provided in the box below!

Subject Verbs Object Time signal

 Jony  Stop  Bus  Yesterday afternoon
 My teacher  Watch  English  Last week
 His uncle  Talk  Movie  This morning
 They  Teach  Cat  Next Sunday
 Write  Buffalo  Last week when I was here
 Catch  In English  Today


1 Jony will stop the bus next Jony would stop the bus Jony is going to stop the
sunday last week bus today

…………………………… ………………………… …………………………

2 …… ………………………… …………………………
…………………………… ……………… …………………………
…………………………… ………………………… …………………………
…………………………… ………………………… ……………………
……………… ………………
3 …………………………… ………………………… …………………………
…… ………………………… …………………………
…………………………… ……………… …………………………
…………………………… ………………………… …………………………
…………………………… ………………………… ……………………
……………… ………………

Exercise 5
Change these sentences into positive, negative and interrogative forms!
1. (+) The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years‘ time

2. (+)……………………………………………………………………………..
(-) The government would not be building new hotels.

3. (+) when he comes, we‘ll see him


Move these sentences to past future tense and be going to form!

The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years‘ time

25 | C I L A D
a. ……………………………………………………………………...
b. ……………………………………………………………………...
Move these sentences to future and past future tense
The government is not going to build new hotels
a. ……………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………….




True in the Simple present Simple present (a) If I have enough time, I
present/future Simple future write to my parents every

(b) If I have enough time

tomorrow, I will write to
my parents

Untrue in the Simple past Would + simple form (c) If I had enough time now,
present/future I would write to my
parents. (in the truth, I do
not have enough time, so
I will not write to them)

Untrue in the past Past perfect Would have + past (d) If I had had enough time,
participle I would have written to
my parents yesterday. (in
the truth, I did not have
enough time, so I did not
write to them)

26 | C I L A D
Exercise 6
Match the numbers with the letters to form conditional sentences:

1. If I were a millionaire, a. if I finish early.

2. She wouldn't have had an accident b. I would buy a beautiful car.
3. I‘ll watch the film c. if she had driven carefully.

Decide which of the sentences below is conditional type 1, 2 & 3 :

1. If I were rich, I would travel around the world. (T / F)

2. She wouldn't have missed the train if she had woken up earlier. (T / F)
3. I‘ll call you if I come back early. (T / F)
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (conditional 1):
1. If I (finish)__________early, I will call you.
2. I (catch)__________the 9:00 train if I hurry up .
3. She will know the answer, if she (try)___________ to understand.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (conditional 2):

1. If I (be)_________ a star, I would help the needy.

2. He (buy)__________ a house if he had a job.
3. She (be) ___________happy, if she married him.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (conditional 3):

1. If he (be) _____________careful, he would not have had that terrible accident.

2. I (pass) _____________the exam if I had worked hard.
3. Her father would not have died, if he (go) ____________to the doctor.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Mixed):

1. If I (wake up)_________ early, I‘ll go jogging.

2. He (visit)_________ his uncle, if he finishes early.
3. If she had taken care of her son, he (not/become)___________ a criminal.
4. If I were a star, I (help) ___________the poor.
5. She would have been top of her class if she (work)___________ hard.

27 | C I L A D
Exercise 7
Some of the constructions of these sentences are incorrect. Please make correction, and then
practice the dialogue with your friends!
Going to Overseas University

It is at the airport of Ahmad Yani Semarang. Ms. Muna, the delegation of Office of International
Affairs UNISSULA is releasing some students who will to fly to overseas universities. Antika and
Nisa is going to Malaysia for Dual Degree Program at International Islamic University Malaysia,
while Ihsan and Selamet are going to Holland for short course program at Rotterdam University.

Ms Muna : Your departure is getting closer.

The Students : Ya, mam
Antika : Alhamdulillah, finally we are going to reach our dream, friends. Aren‘t we?
Ihsan : Due to our hard work!
Selamet : and our work hard, also!
Nisa : Exactly friends! I think, if we don‘t work hard and have a hard work, we would
not be here to fly.
Ihsan : Hmm.. I still remember when Selamet and I was going to the embassy while it
was traffic jam everywhere, and I was in a rush to reach the time there.
Selamet : ya, so we decided to take a walk!
Antika : what a day! if you do not take a walk along the street, you would not to get your
visa, right?
Ihsan : that is what I must pay for!
Nisa : All praise‘s to Allah. You can get the document and we can depart together now.
Selamet : Alhamdulillah. Anyway, what is your ambition after get in the university, Nisa
and Antika?
Antika : Insyaallah, we will deepens our Islamic worldview, and observe the Islamic
civilization built there.
Nisa : and hopefully, what we get there will be useful to our environment. How about
you Ihsan, and Selamet?
Ihsan : We are keen to solving flood problem in Kaligawe.
Selamet : therefore, in our short course there, we will concern with solving that problem.
Ms Muna : That‘s great! Antika, Nisa hopefully you are will successful in Malaysia, Ihsan
and Selamet, I wish your best in Holland. It‘s the time to go now. Please let me
know if you have been there. Have a save flight! See you
The Students : Insyaallah mam. Assalamualaikum
Ms. Muna : Waalaikumussalam Wr. Wb.

28 | C I L A D
Exercise 9
Choose a friend to be your partner. Then, interview and write down about future dreams of
you and your friend. Report it in a dialogue. Then practice with your partner!

All the world is a laboratory to the

inquiring mind.

29 | C I L A D

Center for International Language Development


30 | C I L A D
Not For Jazz
We have an old musical instrument. It (1)___ _______ a
clavichord. It (2)____ ______ in Germany 1681. Our
clavichord (3)_____ _______in the living-room. It has
belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument
(4)______ ________ by my grandfather many years ago.
Recently it (5)_____ ________ by a visitor. She tried to
play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were
broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is
being repaired by a friend of my father.

Exercise 1
Read aloud the passage and answer the following questions!
1. What is the topic of the above passage?
2. When was the old musical instrument made?
3. Who bought the instrument many years ago?
4. What happens to the clavichord?
5. Who is repairing it now?

Exercise 2
Re-arrange these sentences into a good sentence!
a. Clavichord- it-called-is.
 It is called a clavichord............................................................................................
b. 1975-established-It-in-was.
 .............................................................................................................................................
4. Made-Germany-someone-in-1681-it
 .............................................................................................................................................
5. Bought-my grandfather-was-by-the intrument-years ago-many.
 .............................................................................................................................................
6. My father-is-repairing-by-a friend of-it.
 .............................................................................................................................................

Exercise 3
Re-read the above passage and then find active and passive forms! Consult your instructor!

No Active Passive Line of passage


31 | C I L A D
Exercise 4
Answer the following questions before you learn about the tenses
1. Look at your own clothes! What are your clothes made of?
2. Do you know why should we use passive patterns or active patterns?
3. What kind of pattern do we use to form passive meaning?
4. Can u sense the difference and similiarity between these sentences? What are those?
 I am done.
 It was made in Germany.
 The door is closed by my father.
5. Can you tell us the ―tobe‖ used to form passive meaning of all tenses?


Active : Form of the passive: be + past participle

Mary helped the In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the
passive verbs:
Passive: The boy
- The boy becomes the subject of the passive verb.
was helped by
- Active and passive have the same meaning
- Only transitive verbs (verbs that are followed by an object) are
used in the passive. It is not possible to use verbs such as
happen, sleep, come, and seem (intransitive verbs) in the
An accident
happened yesterday
Passive: (None)
- Present: is, am, 1. Simple present Mary helps John John is helped by Mary
are 2. Present Mary is helping John John is being helped by
- Past: was, were progressive Mary
- Future: be 3. Present perfect Mary has helped John John has been helped
- Perfect: been by Mary
- Progressive: being 4. Simple past Mary helped John John was helped by
5. Past progressive Mary was helping John was being helped
John by Mary
6. Past perfect Mary had helped John had been helped
John by Mary
7. Simple future Mary will help John John will be helped by
8. Be going to Mary is going to help John is going to be
John helped by Mary
9. Future perfect Mary will have John will have been
helped John helped by Mary

The progressive forms of the present perfect, past perfect, future, and
future perfect are very rarely used in the passive

32 | C I L A D
Rice is grown in India.
It is not important to tell the subject.
When the subject is known, it can be omitted. (everyone knows that the
subject is the farmer)
The car was stolen  someone stole the car
When the subject is unknown, it can use ―someone‖ in the active
Life on the Mississippi was written by Mark Twain
The subject is shown because it is important to know it.

Exercise 5
Change these into passive!
1. Shakespeare wrote that play.
 that play was written by Shakespeare
2. Bill will invite Ann to the party. 6. Shirley has suggested a new idea.
………………………………………………..………… …………………………………………………..………
3. Alex is preparing that report. 7. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
………………………………………………..………… …………………………………………………..………
4. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
 .…………………………………………………………
5. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
 ………………………………………………….........

A conjunction is a word that links words, phrases, or clauses.

Conjunctions come in three broad types:

Coordinating Conjunctions

join single words or groups of words, but they must always join similar elements: subject + subject,

verb phrase + verb phrase, sentence + sentence, etc.


Fo S
and nor but Or yet
r o

33 | C I L A D
Conj Sentence Sample Joining

Linda was finally going to buy a new car, for she had
For sentence + sentence
won the lottery.

and Christopher sings and dances superbly. verb + verb

nor I didn't run, nor did I walk to the fire. I drove. sentence + sentence

Jon intended to go to the ball game, but his wife made

but sentence + sentence
him go to the opera instead.

or Do you prefer blondes or brunettes? direct object + direct object

Matthew wanted to stay home, yet he couldn't resist

yet sentence + sentence
going out.

so Laura stubbed her toe, so she was limping for two days. sentence + sentence

Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions also connect sentence elements of the same kind but with one

difference: correlative conjunctions are always used in pairs.

Conjunction Sentence Sample Joining

both. . .and Both red and white wines are good for
subject + subject

either. . .or You can have either chicken or fish. noun + noun

neither. . .nor Neither Lionel nor Herbert can tap dance. subject + subject

not only. . .but Not only did Martin lose his wallet, but he
sentence + sentence
also also lost his keys.

Whether to stay or to go is a decision only

whether. . .or verb + verb
you can make.

Not a day goes by that I don't remember the

not. . .but fresh air, but I don't wish I were still in the sentence + sentence

Just as. . .so

Just as you sow, so too shall you reap. sentence + sentence

34 | C I L A D
Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions connect subordinate clauses to a main clause. These

conjunctions are adverbs used as conjunctions.

Indicates Indicates Indicates Indicates Indicates Indicates

Time Place Manner Reason Condition Concession

After Where As if Because If Although

Before Wherever As though Since Unless Though

Since How So that Until Even though

When Why In case (that) While

In order
Whenever Provided that Whereas

While Now that Assuming that Rather than

Until As Even if

As So Only if; If only

Once Whether or not

As long as That

EXAMPLE Conjunctive Shows

Make hay while the sun shines. Time

Because Barbie is from the South, she has a drawl. Reason

If Taylor moves to New Zealand, he will have a better job. Condition

Santa keeps a list, so you better be good! Reason

Wherever he goes, she will follow. Place

Vanessa never liked chocolate, although it smelled


Unless the taxes are lowered, there will be trouble. Condition

Gertie wants to be an acrobat, as if her mother would let


35 | C I L A D
He walked into the room as though he owned the place. Manner

Exercise 6
Find an English article! Write down the coordinating, correlating, and subordinating
conjunctions on it and then fill the table below based on your article!
No Sentence Conjunction Function


Exercise 7
Some of the constructions of these sentences are incorrect. Please make correction, and then
practice the dialogue with your friends!

It is 11.30 am. The class is over. Students are getting outside of the class. Some of them
are going to the canteen called PUMANISA. Abu and Ahmad are going to the canteen

Abu : Ahmad, let‘s go to PUMANISA

Ahmad : Ok. Our class is finishing. Isn‘t it?
Abu : My stomach is growling. I haven‘t had my breakfast yet this morning.
Ahmad : Let‘s go! By the way, what do you want to eat for your brunch?
Abu : I would prefer Rames.
Ahmad : I guess Kebab is tastier.
36 | C I L A D
Abu : what does it made from?
Ahmad : Just like a pizza! But it is originated from Turkey.
Abu : I see. But Rames is cheaper. You are also can have more vegetables. They
are served together with the rice.
Ahmad : Ok, you just order the food. We do it in turn. I am sit here to make sure
the chairs are already booked for us.
Abu : Good idea! Don‘t worry! I will book the Kebab for you.
(5 minutes later, the food is ready to serve.)
Ahmad : Hi, we should finish it soon but Then go to the mosque.
Abu : Yap, or we will be lock in this canteen.
Ahmad : No other choice. PUMANISA is closed during the pray.
Abu : Finish? Let‘s go to the mosque!
Ahmad : Wait! Has my food already be paid?
Abu : Done! No worry!
Ahmad : Thanks a lot! Let go!

Exercise 8
Please rewrite the above dialogue with the correct constructions. Then practice the dialogue
with your partner!

learning is not attained by chance; it

must be sought for with ardour and

37 | C I L A D
Center for International Language Development
2015 38 | C I L A D
A Slip of The Tongue
People (1)______ _____ anything to see a free show — even if it is a bad one.
When the news got round that a comedy show would be presented at our local
by the P. and U. Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it. We had to
(2)_______ for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people
present just before the show began. Unfortunately, the show was one of the
dullest we have ever seen. Those who failed to get in need not have felt
disappointed, as many of the artistes who (3)_______ _______ appeared did not
come. The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at
the beginning of the program. He was obviously very nervous and for some
minutes stood (4)____________ before the microphone. As soon as he opened
his mouth, everyone (5)_____ ________laughing. We all know what the poor
man should have said, but what he actually said was: ‗This is the Poo and Ee
Seed Bird Company. Good ladies, evening and gentlemen!‖

Exercise 1
Read aloud the passage and answer the following questions!
1. What is the topic of the above passage?
2. Why did they who failed to get in not need to have felt disappointed?
3. What was the funny things?
4. Why did the audiences laugh?
5. Who made the only funny joke that evening and why?

Exercise 2
Re-arrange these sentences into a good sentence!
1. a comedy-be presented-local-cinema-would-at-our show
 a comedy show would be presented at our local cinema.........................................
2. there must have been several hundred people
 ...........................................................................................................................................
3. It-to-hours-had-for-queue-we-to get
 ............................................................................................................................................
4. a free game- will-they-do-nothing-to play.
 ............................................................................................................................................
5. the- some-is-of-good-the-in-book-library
 ............................................................................................................................................

39 | C I L A D
Exercise 3
Re-read the above passage and then find the modals on it!

No Modals Functions Line of passage


Exercise 4
Answer the following questions before you learn about the tenses
1. how do you ask someone for a help?
2. Or, how do you offer someone for a help?
3. When you pass through older people, how do you take permission?
4. Can u sense the difference and similiarity between these two sentences? What are those?
People will do anything to see a free show
People would do anything to see a free show
Shut the door!
Would you please shut the door?
5. What is modal and how does it functions in a sentence?


Modal is one of the auxiliary verbs used to show and add the different meanings connected
with particular expressions
 Modals + Be
 Modals + Verb 1
 She may be sick.  S+ Modal + be + Complement
 She may go home.  S+ Modal + V1

Can Will/Shall May

o Present/future ability o Willingness o Possibility
To show present To show about willingness in To show possibility in the
and future ability the present or future. present or future.
e.g. I can do my e.g. I’ll call you when I get e.g. He may go to the library
homework back. now.
o Request o Request o Polite request

40 | C I L A D
To show request To show a request To show a polite request
e.g. Can I borrow e.g. Will you go with me? e.g. May I borrow your pen?
your car? o Offering
o Offering Would To show offering
To express an o Past willingness e.g. May I help you?
offering To show past willingness o Hopes and wishes
e.g. Can I do e.g. I would come to the party To show hopes and wishes
something for you? last night. about future
Could o Offering e.g. May God be with you.
o Past ability To show offering May you rest in peace.
To show ability in e.g. Would you like some tea?
the past o Request
e.g. I could play To show a request
basket ball e.g. Would you mind closing
when I was a the door?
o Polite request
To show a polite
e.g. Could I borrow
your pen,

Must – Have/Has/Had Should/Ought to

to o Advisability
o Obligation To show advisability
To show obligation e.g. He should take a rest
e.g. You must study now.
hard. o Essence/recommendation
o Prohibition To shows essence or
To show prohibition recommendation
e.g. You must not e.g. It is essential that you
step on the should go home early.

o Certainty
To show certainty
e.g. John is absent,
he must be sick

 Unimplemented Past possibility Past certainty Past advisability
past ability To show possibility in To show certainty To show advisability in the
To show the past in the past past
ability in the past Pattern: Pattern: Pattern:
Might + Have Must+Have Should+Have+Been/Verb3
Pattern: +Been/Verb3 +Been/Verb3
Could + Have e.g. She did not pass her
+Been/Verb3 e.g. She was not here e.g. There was so exams last term, she should
yesterday, she might much noise last have studied hard.
41 | C I L A D
e.g. I could have have been sick. night;
gone home on time Our neighbor must
but the bus was have come back
late last night. from their holiday.
Present Past

Pattern: Pattern:
Modals + be +Verb- ing Modal Perfect + Have + Been Verb - ing

e.g. I should be sleeping now. e.g. He should have been sleeping at this time
 yesterday

 Special occasion  Mind cases
e.g. Everybody was died on the fire but e.g. Would you mind if I closed the door?
she was able to escape. (offering/permission)
 Preference Would you mind closing the door? (request)
e.g. I would rather tell you about the  Dare and Need case
news. Dare and Ned can used as modals.
 Strong advice e.g. I need to drink some water. (Modal)
e.g. You had better go home now.  I need water (Verb)
 Strong expectation I dare not see the body. (Modal)
e.g. She is to be here, the class will start  I dare you play this game. (Verb)
 Typical suggestion
e.g. The play is boring; I may go home as


We use them when we want to give someone information about the number of something: how
much or how many.

The following quantifiers The following quantifiers The following quantifiers will
will work with count nouns will work with non-count work with both count and
nouns non-count nouns

many trees not much dancing all of the trees/dancing

a few trees a little dancing some trees/dancing
few trees little dancing most of the trees/dancing
several trees a bit of dancing enough trees/dancing
a couple of trees a good deal of dancing a lot of trees/dancing
none of the trees a great deal of dancing lots of trees/dancing
plenty of trees/dancing
42 | C I L A D
no dancing a lack of trees/dancing

Exercise 5
Complete the following sentences using can/may/must/should and proper quantifiers.
1. My father is very smart. He ________ speak_________(much/many) languages.
2. Look! The girl is drinking_________(too many/too much) water. We ________ rescue her
3. If you don‘t bring________(some / a) dictionary, you ________ borrow mine now.

Exercise 6
Give your responses or opinions to the following situations with the suitable modal
auxiliaries. Use your own words to express your ideas.

1. You want to go or study abroad. What must you do?

2. Your father gives you a lot of money. What can you do?
3. Your mother is sick today. What should you do?
4. You come late and don‘t see any friends in the class. Tell the possibilities about it.
5. You‘ll have the exams next week. What you must you do?

Exercise 7
Complete the following sentences with Modal Perfect.
1. The ground was wet this morning. It __________ (rain) last night.
2. John was absent yesterday. He __________ (be) sick.
3. Tom woke up late this morning. He ________ (sleep) earlier last night.
4. Susan __________ (win) the contest but she got an accident on the way to the stage last
5. John got lost to my house last week. He __________ (take) the wrong bus.

Exercise 8
Choose the best choice to the following questions.
1. We ____ when the traffic light shows red.
a. must stop c. can stop
b. may stop d. ought to stop
2. He asked me whether he ____ my car to go to the party
a. must borrow c. may borrow

43 | C I L A D
b. might borrow d. would borrow
3. I could not find the museum you told me about. I ____ the wrong bus
a. must have taken c. might have taken
b. should have taken d. could have taken
4. She did not tell me where she ____ after classes.
a. would go c. might go
b. should go d. must go
5. ―Does Anton know that Myrna had an accident yesterday?‖
―I don‘t think so, we ____ him as soon as we were informed.‖
a. may have told c. should have told
b. must have told d. would have told
6. ―I can‘t find my phone book in my bag‖
―Well, you ____ in the car, let‘s take a look.‖
a. must leave c. can leave
b. will leave d. may leave
7. ―Don‘t you think the driver is speeding?‖
―Yes, I am afraid he ____ the lives of the passengers.‖
a. may endanger c. must endanger
b. should endanger d. can endanger
8. ―The players spent the night before the big match at a party.‖
―That was foolish of them, they ____ to bed early.‖
a. must have gone c. could have gone
b. should have gone d. would have gone
9. ―The oil was frozen, mother could not use it to fry the fish.
―I am sure, it ____ very cold last night.
a. must have been c. should have been
b. might have been d. could have been
10. She looks so hungry and weak. She ____ some food.
a. may buy c. will buy
b. must buy d. can buy
11. She missed the train yesterday. She ____ earlier.
a. would have left c. must have left
b. should have left d. might have left
12. ―She did not answer the phone when I called her.‖
―She ____ yesterday.‖
a. must have slept c. would have slept
b. could have slept d. should have slept
13. I did not know there was a test yesterday, you ____ me about it.
a. should have told c. could have told
b. might have told d. must have told
14. ―I wonder how old he is. He was Asti‘s classmate in 1985, so he ____ at least twenty five now.
a. will be c. can be
b. shall be d. may be
15. ―I am sorry I was not able to finish typing your paper.‖
―Well, it was my fault, I ____ you with too much work.‖
a. might not have burdened c. could not have burdened
b. should not have burdened d. must not have burdened
16. There are ......... monkeys in the zoo.
a. some c. an
b. much d. the
17. ................ boys are there in the team?
a. how much c. how little
b. How many d. How bit

44 | C I L A D
18. .............. money do you have?
a. how few c. how much
b. How many d. How a few
19. There is ......... sand in the bucket. So, we can‘t work on it.
a. Many c. no
b. b. Much d. few
20. There are ......... crumbs under the table.
a. A little c. much
b. b. A few d. few

Exercises 8
Some of the constructions of these sentences are incorrect. Please make correction, and then
practice the dialogue with your friends!

Little days ago Rahmah and Laila, the fresh graduate students of senior high school, dropped in
UNISSULA. They wondered the term of BudAi promoted by the university located in the
Kaligawe Street, KM.4. When they entered the gate, they were amazed by the motto, ―Bismillah,
Raising Khaira Ummah Generation.‖ As soon as they got into the rectory building, they met the

The Security : Assalamualaikum. How I can help you?

The students : (Surprised by the warm welcome) Waalaikumussalam.
Rahmah : We are here to gather some info related to BudAi. Is it ―assalamualaikum‖ to
greet someone one of the BudAi rules?
The security : Yap. We must to show our identity that we are Muslim by greeting
Laila : I see. I think it is not only to showing our identity, but it also encourages our
ukhuwah also.
The security : If you want to ask further, please meet Mr. Sarjuni. He is at the second floor.
The students : Much thanks to you, sir.
The students went to the second floor meeting Mr. Sarjuni.
The students : Assalamualaikum. Are you Mr. Sarjuni?
Mr. Sarjuni : Waalaikumussalam. How can I help you?
The students : We want to ask about BudAi, sir. You could gives us some info related to it?
Mr. Sarjuni : Sure! BudAi stands for ―Budaya Akademik Islami‖ or you can say Islamic
Academic Culture. This culture encourages you to be successful in your academic, behavior, and
Laila : Subhanallah. How we can do this?
Mr. Sarjuni : We have the dress codes. Man and women should wear Islamic clothes. Women
must use veil or hijab. Beside, their clothes must are neat. Everybody here mustn‘t
smokes in this campus area. We also implement Islamic worldview in every single
academic activity we have. Reciting basmalah before the class starts and hamdalah
after it is finished is implemented in our teaching and learning process. Also, we
integrate Islamic values in our curriculum.
Rahmah : Thanks for the valuable info, sir. We learn so much today. We do hope we can be
admitted in this wonderful campus. And I think that‘s all, sir.
Mr. Sarjuni : Most welcome! I wish you luck. Insyaallah.
The students : Assalamualaikum.
Mr. Sarjuni : Waalaikumusslam.

45 | C I L A D
Exercise 9
Could you please tell about BudAi in UNISSULA? Mention what rules should be implemented? Give
your opinion!

Education is what survives when

what has been learned has been

46 | C I L A D

Azar, Betty Schrampfer.1992. Fundamental of English Grammar. Englewood Cliffs, New


Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1995. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey

Cilad Team. 2014. English Module for English Tutorial Program, Sultan Agung Islamic
University, Semarang

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