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(For the candidates admitted from 2017-2018 onwards)
Fourth Semester
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 Marks
SECTION –A (20 x 1 = 20 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
1. Which of the following is/are the key features of organization?
(a) Social invention (b) Group efforts
(c) Accomplishing goals (d) All of these
2. A study of human behaviour in organizational settings is ___________.
(a) Individual behaviour (b) Organizational behaviour
(c) Group behaviour (d) None of these
3. Today’s organization are _______.
(a) Open system (b) Closed system
(c) Open as well as closed (d) None of these
4. Organization Behaviour is not a /an ____________.
(a) A separate field of study (b) Applied science
(c) Normative science (d) Pessimistic approach
5. Which of the following is an environmental force that shapes personality?
(a) Gender (b) Height
(c) Experience (d) Brain size
6. ----------is the attractiveness of the members towards the group or resistance to leave it
(a) Group norms (b) Group behaviour
(c) Group cohesiveness (d) Group structure
7. Believes, attitudes, traditions and expectations which are shared by group members is
called ____________.
(a) Group norms (b) Group communication
(c) Group cohesiveness (d) Group structure
8. A group brought into existence as part of the organization’s structure is defined as:
(a) A formal (or command) group (b) An informal group.
(c) A friendship group. (d) An aggregate of people.

9. In Maslow’s hierarchy needs which of the following pair of needs is ranked as” lower
order needs”?
(a) Physiological and safety needs (b) Physiological and social need
(c) Self actualization and safety needs (d) Social and esteem needs
10. Under Herzberg’s theory, factors causing dissatisfaction is called _______.
(a) Demotivators (b) Negative stimuli (c) Hygiene factors (d) Defectors
11. Which one is not a Need Based Theory of motivation?
(a) Maslow’s Theory (b) F. Herzberg’s theory
(c) Alderfer’s theory (d) Vroom’s theory
12. If attitudes and behaviour are inconsistent, individuals will most likely _____.
(a) Change their behaviour (b) Change their attitudes
(c) Change either their attitudes or behavio0ur (d) Do nothing
13. Hawthorne experiment” which was a real beginning of applied research in OB was
conducted by
(a) Elton Mayo (b) F.W. Taylor (c) Henry Fayol (d) Max Weber

14. ---------------- is “the reactions of individuals to new or threatening factors in their

work environments”
(a) Attitude (b) Dissonance (c) Stress (d) Disappointment

15. What is OD?

(a) Organisational disputes (b) Organisational development
(c) Organisational demands (d) Organisational drift
16. What is a PDP?
(a) Personal Development Plan (b) People Development Plan
(c) Personnel Development Plan (d) Personal Development Payment
17. A technique to bring changes in the entire organization, rather man focusing
attention on individuals to bring changes easily.
(a) Organizational development (b) Organizational change
(c) Organizational culture (d) Organizational conflicts
18. Which of the following is not a symptom of employee resistance to change?
(a) Increase in employee absenteeism (b) Non-participative and indifferent behaviour
(c) Increase in performance and productivity (d) Unprofessional conduct
19. Which type of employee resistance aims at ensuring the complete failure of change
initiatives of the organization?
(a) Positive resistance (b) Negative resistance
(c) Passive resistance (d) Active resistance

20. Which of the following is normally the cause of organizational change?
(a) Technological development (b) Change in labour characteristics
(c) Mergers, acquisitions, etc. (d) All of the above

SECTION – B (5 x 5 = 25 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
21. (a) Explain the nature of organisational behaviour.
(b) Discuss about classical organisational theory.
22. (a) Explain the nature of group behaviour
(b) Discuss the determinants of personality.
23. (a) What are the factors determining the job satisfaction?
(b) Elucidate Herzberg’s two factor theory.
24. (a) Explain about work environment.
(b) What is good housekeeping practice and its benefits?
25. (a) Explain the nature of organisational change.
(b) What are the factors in resistance to change?
SECTION – C ( 3 x 10 = 30 Marks)
Answer Any THREE Questions

26. Explain the neoclassical and modern organisation theory.

27. Explain the types of groups.
28. Explain Maslow’s theory of needs?
29. Discuss the major findings of Hawthorne Experiments
30. Explain the types of counselling.


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