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1.Digestion is the Process by which chunks of food are broken into molecules small enough to pass
through a___________.

a. digestive tract
b. cell membrane
c. organs
2. The Digestive system in order _________
a. Mouth, Gullet, Stomach, large intestine, Low intestine.
B. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine.
c. Mouth, stomach, small intestine, large intestine.
3. The _____, _______, _____ and _______ are important of the digestive tract, but are not part of the
digestive system.
a. Pancreas, Rectum, Gall bladder, Liver.
b. Anus, Rectum, gallbladder, pancreas.
C. Liver, Pancreas, Gallbladder, appendix
4. Digestion is:
a. the breakdown of food particles into simpler substances
b. the absorption of small nutrient particles into the bloodstream
c. all of the above
5. An example of chemical breakdown of food is:
a. chewing
b. enzymes
c. stomach churning
6. The tube between the mouth and the stomach is the:
a. esophagus
b. trachea
c. peristalsis
7. Food passes through our digestive tracts even when lying down due to:
a. epiglottis
b. peristalsis
c. absorption in intestine

8. One function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is to:

a. kill bacteria
b. absorb water into the bloodstream
c. breaks down oils
9. The first part of the small intestine is the:
a. colon
b. duodenum
c. sphincter
10. Villi are projections that increase the surface area for greater absorption of nutrients in the:
a. stomach
b. large intestine
c. small intestine
11. Unwanted solid waste that is expelled from the body through the anus is called:
a. feces
b. appendices
c. defecation
12. What is one major function of the large intestine?
a. breakdown of fats
b. water absorption
c. defecation
13. Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder. What is its function?
a. water absorption
b. breakdown of fats and oils
c. prevention of constipation
14. Excess glucose is temporarily stored in the liver as:
a. fat
b. bile
c. glycogen
15. Examples of carbohydrates are:
a. starch, fruit and oil
b. meat, fish and oil
c. sugar, potatoes and pasta
16.. An example of a food rich in proteins is:
a. fruit
b. French fries
c. fish
17. Proteins are made of:
a. amino acids
b. simple sugars
C fatty acids
18. Iodine solution is the chemical used to test for the presence of:
a. protein
b. sugar
c. starch
18. The fluid in your mouth is called ______.
a. enzymes
b. saliva
c. bile
19. This is a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus.
a. Digestive system
b. Esophagus
c. Stomach
20. After food is chewed it passes on to the ______.
a. small intestine
b. esophagus
c. stomach
21. This is produced in the liver and then it is stored in the gall bladder.
a. Enzymes
b. Acid
c. Bile
22. From the esophagus the food enters into the ______.
a. small intestine
b. cecum
c. stomach
23. The first part of the small intestine is called the______.
a. duodenum
b. cecum
c. ileum
24. In humans the entire digestive process takes ______.
a. 24 to 72 hours
b. 12 to 20 hours
c. 1 to 2 hours
d. 10 to 18 hours
25. Where is bile from the liver stored?
a. Small Intestine
b. Gall Bladder

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