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Savio Rodrigues 40073997 Assignment 1 Unit 10- Materials

Task 3- P3

 Mechanical Properties:
 Strength: the ability of any material to hold up the forces. Example is the radiator
where each side of it are held up by the pipes, these pipes can be made of various
types of metals such as copper and iron, etc. Since there is something common in the
materials which is the high strength, as they able to withstand the radiator up.
Therefore, the phenomena of strength is how strong is the material. It can be tested
to see whether it is breakable.
 Toughness: the ability of the material to take in energy so the material is able to
withstand for a while before cracking or splitting into half. This means how unaffected
the material really is. The materials of the aero-planes and helicopters needs to be
tough, since this object move around the globe in the air carrying tons of people.
Therefore, toughness is vital for particular objects. If the objects were not tough
enough than there would be a failure and these object would crash down ending lives
of people.
 Stiffness: the material which are stiff will not change its position or perhaps move,
this materials are known to be high in stiffness because they do not bend either or
stretch. The materials which are flexible are referred as less stiff. Example, cement
and concrete can be used to make pavements in order to hold weight of the cars,
heavy object and people moving on it, making the surface more stable to support
anything which passes on top of it.
 Malleability: the ability of any material to be beaten into thin sheet when stress or
forces are applied to it without being broken into pieces. Example are aluminum, gold,
silver etc. as they are hit with hammer to a certain range in order to make the material
thin without breaking it.
 Ductility and Brittleness: the materials which are able to bend a long way or being
stretch a long way without any breakage are known to have high ductility, example
copper-wire. Whereas materials which tend to break easily and brittle to bend is
known to be low in ductility. Overall, ductility simply means how much a material can
take of bending without breaking.

 Physical Properties

 Density: is the amount of mass to volume, in a given space the more mass an object
contains the denser it is. The symbol for density rho.
 Hardness: how tough a material is all round and whether on some objects is it suitable
or not is referred to hardness of a material. Some materials are tested for its suitability
of use, because some material have defects in some areas where materials get
damages. Example: a smart material called Kevlar is used for making bullet proof vest
because this material is very hard and thick not allowing for the bullet to pass through
it therefore it is resistant to bullets.
 Melting point: at a certain temperature a particular solid shape changes into a liquid
form, this is known as melting point. Example: ice cubes melts when they are taken
out form the freezer and this is due because will not be below freezing point (0oC) the
temperature of its surrounding.
Savio Rodrigues 40073997 Assignment 1 Unit 10- Materials

 Electrical Properties and Magnetic properties:

 Electrical conductivity: is when a material allows free flow of electricity to pass one
place to another, so the material is friendly with electricity, the ones who allows more
electricity to pass through and more easily have a higher conductivity. The
measurement of Siemens is used to measure the conductivity of electricity and the
symbol for it is sigma.
 Electrical resistivity: when a material does not allow electricity to pass through it is
known as Electrical resistivity, as the material rejects the flow. It is also means when
electricity flows through the material it changes it in to alternative type of energy such
as light and heat. The materials which have a low resistivity have high conductivity
while the materials which have a high resistivity have a low conductivity. People do
not get electrocuted because there are these insulators used. Ohm meter is SI unit.
 Permittivity: is the ability of a material to keep electrical energy in an electric field for
some time and is when voltage is been placed on to a material. The electric
displacement and electric field intensity tends to be the ratio of it.
Generators are magnetic properties while copper wires are electrical.

 Thermal Properties
 Linear expansivtiy: the material length is expand in size due to the change in the
temperature or when atoms are being filled with vibration. Overall, this is when there
is alteration in a materials length.

 Thermal conductivity: The ability of material to exchange or transfer the energy

between atoms which are low in energy and atoms which are high in energy. When
the temperature goes down the conductive heat flow takes place, otherwise there
will be more movement within the atoms if its stays high.
Within a tennis rackets the thermal properties are mostly used.

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