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us lmbassy received,n" ro,,.. on Mondav, Duterte said LJS president
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TTERMINATES FROM A1 involved in conflicts that are not and maritime defense. vides a fiamework that allows the
ours, " he added. "What's at risk without a VFA? US to conduct various activities
Well, without a \TA, it puts at dsk
PH terminates VFA No exercises things like these engagements,
with their Philippine counterparts.
Without the VFA, Coopersaid ,,we
like these exercises," Cooper told do put at risk those ac vities that
Trump and "others" tried to "save" resources "for our defenses." A US official warned that rhe ioinr reporters. the different defenses, the different
the \4A, The Bayan.Muna partyJist wel- exercises and operations between "So again, from an interagency services in the Philippines very,,
Panelo, however, said the two comed the government's move. Marila and Washington might end standpoint at home in the United much value."
presidents have not talked. 'This is good news for all the with the abrogation of the \TA. States, and from the inter-ministe- "Because ofoutstanding shared
"Perhaps there have been some I ,
victims of US military atrociriefin R. Clarke Coopet US State rial standpoint in Manila, there's
emissaries sent to the president
interests when iI comes to [ree-
the country And since President Department's assistant secreiary a recognized, broad value of not
about the desire of the president dom of navigalion. lreedom of
Duterte. is apparently serious in for political-military affairs, said only maintaining our Enhanced movement, joint securiry interests,
ofthe US," rhe spokesman added. removing American troops from in a telephone news briefing that Defense Cooperation Agreement future procurements this is pan
Panelo said the decision to end our land, then we advise hirn to a bila,teral suategic dialogue would that will beget further procure- -
ofthe broader dialogue as to why
the agreement "is a consequence take it funher and abrogate the US- be hdld between the nryo counrries ments and interoperability be- there remains value in the Visit-
ofa series oflegislative and execu- PH Mutual Defense Treaty: Bayan in March where they are expected tween the US-Philippines alliance, ing Forces Agreement," Cooper
tive actions by the US govemment Muna Rep. Ferdinand Gaite said. to discussvadous issues including but the very practical application pointed out.
that bordered on assaulting our "lt is good rhat the Duterte the VFA. of a Visiting Forces Agreement The US has been vocal in op-
sovereignty and disrespecting our government has made true this The US has mor€ than 3OO that enables these attivities like posing intrusions into disputed
iudicial s1stem." bluff but we caution him against engagements and different exer- poft calls/ like engagements, like
He added that the President territories, including the South
signing another lopsided military cises conducted bilaterallv with exercises, " he explained.
believed that the Philippines "can China Sea (West Philippine Sea),
agreement with a different global the Philippines such as theyearly Cooper said a "significant
not forever rely on other coun- which China is clairning.
military superpowet one that "B a I i ka t a n' (shorider-to-shoul- amount" of resources would also WITH DEMPSEY REYES
tries" for the state's defense and would violate our sovereignty, der) exercises, which trains philip- be put to risk. AND DIVINA NOVA JOY
should instead strengthen its own and put us in danger of being pine soldiers on counterterorism He explained that the \TA pro- DELA CRUZ

llga,putlt: Ner'&eo/

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